A New Women’s Ministries Program Introduction

Sign Up Deadline // September 28

Program Duration // October 2024 — May 2025

We would like to introduce an exciting new Women’s Ministry Program set to promote intergenerational connections among the ladies of our church.

How do we do this? Through specific activities with an assigned “sister”, you are encouraged to spend time together, pray for each other, learn from one another… basically learn to “do life” together. It’s like our Secret Sister program but not. But by building deeper connections with each other, we’ll support each other and learn we are Better Together.

This program will take a little more commitment than our usual Secret Sister program. It will be an 8-month program with a set activity to complete together once a month. Your “sister” will not be a secret, but the monthly activity or assignment is. It will be a surprise to you and your assigned sister, designed to bring you both closer together with the goal of forging true connections and friendship.

First, fill out a survey answering a few questions about yourself set to pair you with a fellow sister-in-Christ. 

We will have an initial meeting/ party to start the program and for you to meet who you are paired with.

After that, you both will be given a new assignment each month. It will be an activity inviting you to collaborate together. These activities are designed to get to know each other better. They are not meant to be a financial burden or to take up all your time. They are doable activities even in a busy schedule.

We would love to see the journey of you and your assigned sister as you meet and get more acquainted. We will have a website where you can upload a picture of doing your monthly assignment together. If you complete all activities by the end of the program, there will be a special gift for you and your sister. There may even be prizes along the way. Again, the main goal of this program is to build community and meaningful relationships with each other.

Be sure to sign up by September 28, 2024, to participate!