MARCH 2025
AT THE HOME // Vol 3 Issue 3
Hello, FORM KIDS Fam!
It’s hard to believe it is already March! Spring is surely around the corner and we can begin to put away our boots and sweaters and trade them for short sleeves and shorts. As we look forward to spring, we have a lot of activities to look forward to. Easter is around the corner, as well as children’s church! Be sure to join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus not only during children’s church but during our church service April 19. We will also celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus during Messy Church on March 26th. We have so much to be thankful for, but we can be most thankful for the gift of eternal life through Jesus. The one who conquered death will return to take us to dwell with Him forever! What great news! Be sure to stay connected to the events happening with Children’s ministry by registering to receive texts updates.
Please see below for upcoming events!
+ What’s happening
As we move into a new year, it’s time to re-register for FORM Kids to receive updates and newsletters. Stay connected to calendar events through Instagram, Facebook, the church website, or receive text updates.
text @formkids to 81010
Messy Church is a fun way to worship in a relaxed setting with your family. This month we will look at the death of Jesus and what that means for us. End the evening with a simple, already prepared meal for your family. Registration is not required but allows us to plan food and supplies.
This children’s church we will look at the death and resurrection of Jesus. We will walk through the events that took place and discover why this is important for us today. The world may celebrate the Easter Bunny, but we celebrate our risen Savior who has promised to return! If your child would like to participate in our program, please contact Tonya Herman.
Children’s church is during Mosaic service, immediately following Sabbath school. Parents do not need to pick up children between the services. Pick up is immediately following the end of Mosaic Service, approximately 12:45.
April 12 @6:30PM-7:30PM
Kids Praise is a time for kids to participate in worship through song, scripture, a poem or a game. Register on the link below to sign up for a time to participate in the Kids Praise program. If you are not participating, please plan to join us as we worship together!
Join us for a family sports-night! Come ready to exercise and move with your family as we have friendly competitive games! Light snacks will be provided.
WHAT we’re teaching +
Every great movie tells a great story. When we see those stories played out on the big screen, we can learn a little more about ourselves and the world around us. Jesus knew how powerful stories could be, and he made them a big part of how he taught his followers. In this 5-week series, kids will hear some of the stories Jesus shared that can help them see the big picture of a life spent following God. Kids will see that God helps us know what's true, the ways we can give back to God, how God sends us helpers, and how God gives us second chances.
**Parents, click here for our Grow At Home weekly discipleship to carry the conversation home with your kids.
(Birth - 2 year olds)
(2 year olds)
(3 year olds)
+ Parent devotional
Weekly devotionals are a great way to keep your children talking about what they are learning in Sabbath School class but to also engage the family in worship. Each week, read the Bible verse together, then complete the hands-on activities together. You can use these activities Friday evening before Sabbath School class or Saturday afternoon to review their lesson. Enjoy playing, laughing, and hopefully listening to lots of giggles as you lead your family in meaningful worship.
Looking for ways to further the mission of children and family discipleship? We invite you to support @formkids financially. As you bless our ministry, our volunteer and leadership team overflow that blessing into our large children and family ministry community and world. Your tax-deductible donation helps FORM KIDS grow. Click the above icon or here for ways to give. Thank you for your generosity!
As our ministry keeps growing, we’d love to have you join our team and be a part of our FORM KIDS fam where we have over 95+ members in our community helping in various ways. Please click here to see openings.
Our immediate needs are:
- 4 year old Sabbath School teacher to teach every 5th Sabbath
- 3rd grade Sabbath School teacher
-3 year old Cradle Roll teacher to teach once a month
- 5th Sabbath teachers- teach 4 times a year!
Contact Tonya @ for more information. We’d love to have you join our team and be part of our FORM KIDS fam!