God's Awe Factor (SESSION 1 - Ephesians 3)
How can we live in true freedom if we don't recognize the Author of freedom? The truth of how incredibly involved God is in our lives and the universe is something that we can’t miss. God’s character is portrayed in every star, planet, thought, breath, and emotion! When we see that, we can’t help but be amazed by such an amazing and loving God.
We Have Chains (SESSION 2 - Hebrews 12)
Life is full of chains. Our chains are often caused by our fears -- fear of not succeeding in life, fear of being physically unsafe, fear of being hurt emotionally, fear of being alone, or even fear of what others may think of us. Whether the chains we carry are the consequence of our own shameful choices or whether they are the result of the actions of others, these fears prevent us from being truly free in Christ. God calls us to be chain breakers - to experience a joyful freedom in Christ. He calls us to walk with Him in the truth that we are His children and he did not give us a spirit of fear.
Freedom is Here (SESSION 3 - Hebrews 12)
Why live in chains of fear, insecurity, or anxiety if freedom is available? God created you to be a person fully confident in your identity as a child of the father. No longer carrying the weight of shame, we can live a full life grounded in the truth of His words. When we don't identify ourselves soley by the external “requirements” of being a Christian, we can live a FREE life completely changed by Christ, the author of freedom. God is our freedom, our identity.
Contagious Lives (SESSION 4 - Galatians 5)
When the Spirit is working in our lives, it is impossible to stop. As we live in Christ, living love becomes a natural thing. There is no more "trying to live for Christ", because Christ lives in you. The world can’t help but want the joy they see in your life. It is contagious. Our lives become a true light in the darkness because of our hope, Jesus Christ. Although living for Christ will not be an easy path and may be contrary to where the world pulls us, we can stand strong knowing that God is with us.