

When you find a secret passage in your game, or discover a new trick, do you ever reveal your secret? Although you may not reveal your secret so that you can continue to win, Jesus revealed something very important to us. It’s great news that Jesus didn’t keep secrets from us, but helped reveal God the Father to us. This week we will see that we can know God better through Jesus.

John 1:1-18



In small bags that are not see through, place several different types of toy animals in each bag. Line up the bags in front of the child so they can see the bag but not what is inside.

I have some items in each of these bags. I want you to tell me what is in each bag but you can not look inside the bag, nor can you touch it. From where you are, describe to me what is in the bag. Give them time to try and guess what is in each bag. It’s hard to guess what is inside each bag when you can not see or touch it. Although you can not see it, I have seen them so I will help reveal what is in each bag. Give clues that describe each animal such as what it looks like or likes to eat. Give clues that will reveal the item. Was that easier to guess the items? I was able to reveal to you these items because I have seen them and could describe them to you. This week we will read about why Jesus came to earth. One of the reasons Jesus came was to help us know God. Jesus’ character and actions reveal how much God loves us.

Materials: paper bag, variety of small toy animals

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week John 1:1-18

How did verse 1 describe the Word? (He was in the beginning, He was with God, and He was God)

What was his life for all mankind? (Light that shines in the darkness)

Who did God send to testify about the Light? (John)

What did the Light come into the world to do? (He gave those who believed the right to become children of God)

The law was given through Moses, what came through Jesus Christ? (Grace and truth)

Although no one has ever seen God, what was done for us through Jesus Christ? (Jesus himself is God and is in close relationship with the father, has made God known to us)


Jesus was with God because He is God, and He was able to reveal to us who God is. Jesus became flesh and demonstrated God’s love to us. Through Jesus we can know God because they are one.


When we want to know more about something we gather information from lots of different sources. When I give a topic, I want you to go around the house and find something you would use in order to learn more about that topic. For example, if I said I want to know where sharks live, you can bring a book about sharks, a magazine or a computer. If the item is too hard to bring, you can point to it or tell me what you would use.

Find something that…

-tells me the temperature outside. -helps me see better. -tells me about animals in the wild. -tells me more about good house pets. -tells of Jesus’ birth. -shows what time it is. -tells me how to care for a plant. -tells me how old a tree is.

We can know more about God by reading about Jesus in the Bible. Jesus reveals who God is and how much he loves us.

Materials: items around your house


We can know God by reading His words in the Bible. God speaks to us through the written words of Jesus in the Bible. Sort the following speaking bubbles into 2 categories: words of Jesus, words of man. Determine which quotes were said by God and which were spoken by people. When we listen to Jesus’ words, we can know God.

Materials: Printed sorting activity, scissors

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: Printed activity sheet




Create a bible poster art. Use the attached images to color and cut, then glue them onto a large sheet of construction paper. Draw additional images and use stickers to add to your bible poster. 

Materials: Printed sheet, scissors, glue, crayons, large sheet of construction paper.


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did John the Baptist do before Jesus’ ministry began?

Why did John the Baptist say, “He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before him”?

How can know that Jesus reveals who God is?

What are some words you would use to describe Jesus?

What are some words you would use to describe God the Father?

What are some things you can do to get to know Jesus better?

What are some things you can do to get to know God better?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes we tend to follow the people around us by dressing like them, talking the same way they do or doing the things we see them do. Unfortunately when we follow other people, we can often be led the wrong way. There is One we can follow and He will never lead us the wrong way because He wants what is best for us. When we follow Jesus, we can talk the way he talked and do the things he did. 

Create a secret message for a family member or friend to solve. Mix the following solution, then paint your message with a paintbrush. Let the message completely dry before giving your message to be solved. Have your family member or friend use diluted grape juice or other acidic juice, to paint the entire page to then reveal your message. Write the following secret message on your paper: “Find God’s love here, John 3:16”

Secret message solution: 1 Tablespoon water, 1 Tablespoon baking soda. Mix together, then use a Q-tip to write the message with your baking soda solution.

The more we know Jesus the more we will know God. Jesus reveals God to us, and shows us how much He loves us. We can then demonstrate that same love to those around us so they will want to know God and follow the example Jesus gave through his life on earth.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Made New



We have all made mistakes, whether on purpose or on accident. We usually say we are sorry and then wait to be forgiven. Did you know God has forgiven you? We can be forgiven and we can also forgive those who have wronged us. We can’t do this on our own, but we have the Holy Spirit to help. This week we will see how baptism is more than just getting wet.

Mark 1:4-11



Play a game of ‘In the River, On the Bank’. Pick a line on the floor or create a line using string or masking tape. Have your child stand with both feet facing the line. When you call out “In the river” the child jumps across the line into the river. When you call out “On the bank” the child jumps backwards to the bank. Repeat saying it over and over switching up the order of jumping to the river or bank to make it challenging.

How well did you do? Were you able to make keep going without making any mistakes? We often make mistakes in life too. We don’t always obey our parents, we don’t always tell the truth and we don’t always take responsibility. This week we will see how we can have forgiveness through Jesus. John the Baptist preached about the forgiveness of sins through repentance and baptism. We can know forgives because of Jesus!

Materials: line of masking tape or string

Read or listen to the Bible scripture Mark 1:4-11

How did the Bible describe John the Baptist? (Clothes made of camel hair, a leather belt and ate locust and honey)

Where did John the Baptist baptize those confessing their sins? (In the Jordan River)

What did John say the one who came after him will baptize people with? (With the Holy Spirit)

When Jesus was baptized what happened? (The heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove)

What did the voice from heaven say? (You are my son, whom I love; with you I am very pleased)


It is hard to confess when we have done something wrong. We want to keep it a secret or pretend it never happened. Although it is hard to admit our wrongs, we can ask Jesus for forgiveness for the wrongs we did. We can be sure that God will forgive us of our sins. 


Print the following emoji faces or have your child use their own face to show emotions. Sometimes we do wrong things on accident and sometimes we do the wrong thing on purpose. We might say things to hurt others or disobey our parents. God does not like the bad things that we do, but He always loves us and will forgive us. Sometimes we show others God’s love by the kind things we do for them. These things don’t make God love us more but they are pleasing to Him. Listen to the following scenarios and hold up a smile face if you think the actions described were pleasing to God. Hold up the frown face if the things described were not pleasing to God.

Materials: printed scenarios, printed emoji faces (optional)


Use Playdough to make images or write single words that describe our sins. Jesus forgives our sins when we confess and ask for forgiveness. When we realize we are doing something wrong and ask God to forgive us, He will forgive us of our wrongs. Take the play dough and reshape it so the words or picture of sin disappears. God will not remember our sins any more.

Materials: play dough

independent activity:

Listen to this story about forgiveness. Have you ever had to forgive someone for something they did to you? Its hard to forgive others but just as we want to be forgiven, we should forgive others as well.

Materials: device for listening to story




Create a paper plate scene of Jesus’ baptism. Color the paper plate with water, sky, and background. Then color and cut out a Jesus and John the Baptist. Attach Jesus to a craft stick, then cut a small slit into the paper plate for the stick. Glue John the Baptist next to the slit. Add the small dove in the sky.

Materials: paper plate, printed characters, crayons, scissors, glue, craft stick


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did John say he baptized with?

What did John say Jesus would baptize with?

What do you think it means to be baptized by the Holy Spirit?

What can the Holy Spirit do in our lives?

Haas there ever been a time when you desperately wanted to be forgiven for a wrongdoing?

Have you ever had to forgive someone, even when it was really hard?

How does having the Holy Spirit help you show forgiveness to others?

Practical Application at Home

When we understand how much we have been forgiven, we are better able to forgive others. When we are believers in Jesus, God will forgiven our sins whether we think they are big or small. Listen to the following scenario and determine if there was any forgiveness shown. Although you may not have an experience exactly like this one, think about a time you have been forgiven a lot, and if you then returned that forgiveness to the next person who wronged you. 

You stole $25 from your moms dresser, thinking she wouldn’t notice. She finds out and you are punished, but she forgives you and doesn’t stay mad at you the rest of the day. You wonder if your mom has really forgiven you, but she does not remind you of your error nor does she start to hide all of her money from you from fear you may steal again. You are relieved as you realize your mom has given you a clean slate. A few days later your younger brother takes apart your Lego design to use a piece of your legos for his new Lego build. You are very upset. You worked for hours on your build and were proud of it. He says he is sorry and returns the Lego piece. You say you forgive him but for the next few days you decide to let him suffer. Every time he asks to play, you refuse to play with him. When he speaks to you and tells you stories about his day, you don’t talk with him but just give yes or no responses. You plan to forgive him at some point, but for now, you want him to suffer for what he did to you. 

Who truly forgave in this story?

Did you truly forgive your brother?

Which act would have been harder to forgive?

How can the feeling of being forgiven for something big, help you forgive someone else when they wrong you?

How can we show true forgiveness, especially when someone has asked for forgiveness for the wrongs they’ve done against you?

When we realize the wrongs we have done against God and how much he continues to love us and forgive us, even when we make the same mistakes again, we can share that forgiveness with others. Unlike in the scenario above, we should forgive others in the same way God has forgiven us. That means, when we say we forgive, we also need to let it go and not remind the person of how much they wronged us or try to make them suffer. Although this is not an easy thing to do, we can ask Jesus to help us remember how much we have been forgiven and to share that forgiveness with others.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Welcome to week 3! Have you ever had someone finish your sentence for you? It was as if they knew exactly what you were going to say. Perhaps they can finish your sentences because they know you so well. Not many people can do that, but a close friend or family member knows you very well because they’ve spent time with you. Jesus knows us very well, because He is our creator! We can trust Him with our deepest thoughts because He loves us just the way we are.

John 1:43-51



On a sheet of paper draw 5 things that you really enjoy doing or that show what you like. Let’s look at what we drew. Discuss the things on their paper and how those things tell more about them.

We each have things that we love to do or that we are good at doing, which makes us special. We have things that interest us and we enjoy learning about it or practicing it. When we meet new friends it takes time for them to learn what things we like and dislike or the things that make us special. We do have a friend that already knows us and we don’t have to explain who we are to him. His name is Jesus. Jesus already knows us and knew us before we were born. He knows the things we like, dislike and our talents. This week we will read our story of when Jesus met Nathanael. Jesus already knew Nathanael but Nathanael was surprised to realize Jesus already knew who he was. He became a believer that Jesus was the Son of God. We can also trust that Jesus is the son of God and He already knows us!

Materials: paper and pencil

Read or listen to the scripture John 1:43-51

Where did Jesus meet Phillip? (In Galilee)

What did Jesus tell Phillip to do? (Follow me)

Did Nathanael  believe Phillip had found the Savior from the prophesy? (No, he asked if anything good could come from Nazareth)

What was Nathanael surprised about when He met Jesus? (Jesus already knew him and told things about Nathanael)

What greater things did Jesus say Nathanael would see if he followed Him? (He would see heaven open and angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man)


God knows each one of us by name and He knows what makes us unique. Sometimes we might wonder why we don’t look, act, or excel at things like people around us. But God knows exactly who we are and how we were made. He knew us before we were born. We can trust that God, our Creator, loves you exactly the way you are.


Phillip was so excited to meet Jesus and he want his friend Nathanael to meet Jesus as well. Phillip was a good friend to Nathanael because he didn’t want him to miss out on the opportunity to meet and know Jesus, their Messiah. Being a good friend is more than just being friends online or looking at pictures of someone from a distance. Listen to the following examples and determine if you think this shows real friendship or if this is just an acquaintance.

Materials: Attached scenario cards printed or viewed on device


You are special and God made you just the way you are. Jesus knows you because He is your creator. Let’s do the following finger play together. You may also view these finger plays and songs online.

Materials: Printed finger play or device for viewing, device to view fingerplay

Create activity:

Draw a self portrait of yourself. Create a picture of what you look like including your eye color, hair and other special features. Around the border of your portrait, write words that describe you as well as pictures of things you enjoy doing.

Materials: construction paper, mirror, pencil, drawing utensils




Create a picture frame, decorate the outside with the words: Jesus knows me!

Materials: white drawing paper, pencil, drawing utensils, crayons or coloring pencils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who does God say you are?

What does it mean to be redeemed?

Do you believe God chose you?

How does it make you feel to know you are forgiven?

How does God show you that He loves you?

Have you ever gone somewhere new and felt accepted by the people there?

What does it mean to be accepted by God?

What does it mean to be adopted into God’s family?

In Ephesians 1 it says that we are chosen, accepted, loved, redeemed, forgiven, and adopted. When we know who we are in Jesus we can share that good news with others. We can also be sure of who Jesus says we are rather than who others try to tell us we are. Jesus is the one who truly knows you, and He thinks you are worthy of His love.

Practical Application at Home

God has created us to be exactly who we are and He knows us better than we know ourselves. When Jesus saw Nathanael and already knew who he was, Jesus showed Nathanael that He was not an ordinary man, but God. Nathanael believed that Jesus was the son of God, the long awaited Savior. He believed because Jesus showed him that He already knew who he was. 

Phillip brought Nathanael to meet Jesus. Who are some people you can bring to Jesus. We can show Jesus to others in the way we treat them and in how we serve the people around us. Look at the following activities. Choose one or two of them to try this week on people you would like to share Jesus with.

-tell someone Jesus loves them

-Send a note to someone who is discouraged

-invite someone to attend church with you

-invite a friend to attend your church’s online service

-bring a meal to a person in need

-call a church member who is shut-in and tell them you are thinking of them. 

-take coats or blankets to a local shelter

Sharing Jesus’ love with others is one way to be a good friend. It is also a way for them to build a relationship with Jesus as well. Jesus knows you and he knows your friend and he wants them to know how much he loves them. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Follow The Leader



Welcome to week 4! Jesus called Andrew and Peter to follow him. He had a special plan for their lives. They had a choice to make just like we have a choice to make every day. We can choose to follow Jesus or we can put it off and continue doing the task we started. Jesus wants each of us to follow him.

Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:1-11 



Let’s play a game of Simon Says! When you hear me say “Simon Says” and then an action, then you can do the action. When I just say an action, without saying Simon Says, then you just keep doing the previous action or stand still.

Did I trick you a few times? Following a leader can sometimes be tricky if we are not listening well or if we are not following the right leader. Sometimes our friend want us to follow them, but they are leading us the wrong way and making poor choices. Sometimes we want to follow the people on TV and do what they say, but they are not always right. When we follow Jesus, we don’t have to worry if we will be led the wrong way. We can be sure that Jesus will always lead us in the right direction that is good for us. He knows what is best for us and only wants what is good for us. When Jesus called the disciples to follow him, they did right away. They could tell that Jesus was the right person to follow and that He had a plan for them that was far better than what they were doing right then. This week we will see how Jesus called His disciples to follow him and how He is calling us to follow him too!

Materials: paper and pencil

Read or listen to the scripture story in Mark 1:14-20

Where did Jesus go to preach? (Galilee)

What was the message that Jesus was preaching? (The good news, the Kingdom of God was near)

What were Peter and Andrew doing at the Sea of Galilee? (Casting a fishing net into the lake)

What did Jesus say He would make Peter and Andrew? (Fishers of men)

When did Peter and Andrew decide to follow Jesus? (At once they left their nets to follow Jesus)


Andrew and Peter chose to follow Jesus right away. They dropped everything they were doing to follow Him. Jesus calls each of us in different ways, but He calls all of us to follow Him. We can choose to obey by meeting the needs of others, praying for those in need, or being a good friend to someone who is hurting. We should listen to God’s voice calling us to action and then obey right away.


Peter thought the boat would sink after all of the fish he caught with Jesus. He knew Jesus did a miracle when he caught so many fish after not catching anything. There were so many fish he needed another boat to help them. Build a simple boat make of Legos and place it into a small tub of water for it to float on. Try to see how much weight your boat can hold before it sinks. Make a prediction of how many pennies they think their Lego boat can hold. Place pennies one at a time on the boat and determine how many pennies it can hold.

Materials: Legos or other linking brinks, small tub of water, pennies


Jesus called the disciples to become fishers of man instead of fishermen. Jesus knew that they could share the good news of the gospel to the people around them. Jesus also calls us to share the gospel with people around us. Use the following fish outlines to write names of family or friends you would like to pray for and share the gospel with. Place the fish on a large construction sheet and place in an area your child can see and remember to pray for those people they listed each day.

Materials: printed fish outlines, pencil or writing utensil

independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. (Color the place you can show Jesus love-Red; the people you can show Jesus love-blue; the things you use to share Jesus- green (bible, music, words,)

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayon, pencil or pen




make these accordion paper fish. Cut a rectangle from construction paper and alternate fold it like an accordion or a fan. Leave the top quarter unfolded for the face of the fish. Cut off the corners of the face to make them rounded edges. Cut a small slit in the side of the face for the fish’s mouth. On a separate colored construction paper, cut out its fin and tail. Use a white sheet of paper to cut out its eye and color a black dot on the inside. Glue the fish parts on and then decorate the fish body using a black crayon or marker and adding geometric designs such as lines, circles or dots. Outline the fish if desired, with a black marker or crayon. See the following website for an example and step by step picture instructions.

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who did Jesus call to follow him?

How long did Peter and Andrew wait before they followed Jesus?

Did they stop fishing because they were bad fishermen?

Have you ever followed after someone else and gotten into trouble?

Who can you trust to always follow who will never lead you the wrong way?

How can we live each day to show we follow Jesus?

What is something you have or do that is the most important to you?

Would you give up what you say is most important, to follow Jesus?

Practical Application at Home

Having a meaningful life is more than getting all the things you think you want or need to be happy. Think of the times you have been most content and had a sense of fullness that lasted longer than a few moments or hours. Were they times you received a long awaited gift? A time when you worked hard to give a gift to someone else? Bringing others joy can have a big impact on our own mood. When we have shared something wonderful with someone else, we often feel as if we received a gift as well. We share the joy they have received. 

This week look for ways you can share joy with the people around you. Print the following grid and see how many boxes you can complete this week. Some are simple task that do not take any preparation to complete and some task you may need to plan ahead. At the end of the week, take notice of how you feel as well as how you made others feel. Decide if the saying is true, ‘it is better to give than to receive’. 

Materials: Printed Week of Giving sheet, pencil, other materials needed to complete suggested activities.

Jesus wants us to be fishers of man and we can do that in the way we treat others around us. Jesus wants them to know His love for them and He wants you to have a meaningful life. A life filled with the love of Jesus, not filled with things that are slowing passing away.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Help and Heal



Have you ever been in pain? Perhaps your pain was from a cut or an injury. Perhaps your pain was from sadness or hurt. Jesus has a message for us that is powerful. His power is more than strength but His power can also change us, heal us, and defeat our sins. This week we will see how Jesus’ message is powerful.

Mark 1:21-28



There are people who are in charge in everywhere we go. These are people we listen to and follow instructions from because they have the authority in that place. They are in charge and people follow their directions. Tell me who is in charge at these places.

-at school (the principal)

-in your classroom (the teacher)

-at home (your parents)

-in your community (police)

-over our nation (the president)

-at church (the pastor)

-Over your pet (you!)

-in a store (the manager)

-in a restaurant kitchen (The chef)

Jesus has authority from heaven as the creator of the world. When he was on earth he preached with authority and people listened to him. Even the people who did not want to follow him recognized that he is God and had authority over everything. This week we will see a story in which Jesus showed his authority not only with his words but through his actions as well. 

Read or listen to the scripture story in Mark 1:21-28

What was Jesus doing in the synagogue? (He was teaching)

What did the people think of his teachings? (They were amazed because he taught with authority)

What was the man in the synagogue possessed with? (An impure spirit) 

Who did the possessed man claim Jesus to be? (The Holy One of God)

What did the possess man ask if Jesus was going to do? (If he had come to destroy them)

When Jesus commanded the impure spirit to come out, what happened? (It shook the man violently and came out with a shriek)

What did the people think when they say this? (They were amazed that he taught with authority and could give orders to spirits who obeyed. 

What did the people do after they witnessed Jesus send out the impure spirit? (They spread the word through the whole region of Galilee)


Jesus has all authority on heaven and earth. His power is not just how strong his is but his ability to change hearts and attitudes. We can trust that Jesus has the power over our sins and mistakes. He can forgive us and He can help us change our actions.


Play this game of charades. Use the following cards to act out the source of power on each card. Each of these items are a source of power. We use power in all sorts of ways in our daily life such as the power for the sun which can be used for energy, to grow plants, and to warm the earth. God is the ultimate source of power. His power is not from anyone but of Himself. Jesus used his power to heal the man of the impure spirit. He has the power to change us as well.

Materials: printed game cards


Jesus’ message is powerful and had the power to change the man’s life who was possessed with an impure spirit. Try this simple experiment to see the power of this dish soap. On a white paper plate pour some milk onto the plate to cover the bottom surface. Then add a few drops of food coloring, keeping the drops small and colors separate. Then dip a cotton swab into dish soap, then dip it in the center of one of the circle of colors. What happens? The colors start to move away from the cotton swab and they also begin to mix together creating a very colorful design. The soap is powerful to change move the colors all around the plate. God is powerful to change us even when we have done bad things. He is more powerful than any wrong thing we could ever do. His love is stronger and can win over our sins! Watch this video as an example if needed.

Materials: white paper plate, milk, food coloring, cotton swab, liquid dish soap

independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet to decide which animal is more powerful. When we know the power of God we do not need to fear anything. We can know that the power of God is stronger than anything else. The mistakes we make are sins but just like the impure spirit in the man, Jesus is more powerful than it.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil or crayon




Create a “Jesus Wins” trophy cup. Take 2 Styrofoam cups and wrap in gold foil or paint with gold paint. Place the bottoms of each cup together and glue them together. Use gold pipe cleaners to attach to each side as the handles. You can attach the handles by inserting them through a small puncture in the side of the trophy and then taping it from the inside. Using a small label or white piece of paper, write on the bottom, “Jesus Wins” and attach it using glue or tape.

Materials: 2 styrofoam cups, gold aluminum foil, gold pipe cleaners, tape, glue, small label or small white paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What was Jesus doing in the synagogue?

What are some ways Jesus showed his power to the people who were there?

If you witnessed Jesus healing a possessed person, would you keep it a secret?

What has Jesus done for you to show you his power?

Have you ever prayed for something you though was small but received an answer from God?

How can we share those stories with other people?

Practical Application at Home

God’s powerful message is meant to be shared with everyone. God wants to use each one of us to spread the news that His message is powerful and can save. We are never too young or too old to share our own stories with others. Take time today to think of a time you have seen God’s power in your life. Even in times when we think we have prayed for something small and insignificant, God hears and answers those prayers as well. There is no story too small that isn’t worth sharing so others can know how good God is to you.

Take a moment as a family or group to share a story, big or small, of when you have seen God’s power in your life. Whether it was an answered prayer or a miracle, share your good news with each other. Then think of one other person you could share that story with sometime this week, being sure to give God the credit for the outcome. Ask God to give you wisdom to know who you should share your story with, and then trust Him when it is time to share. If desired, as a family or group, you can meet again to share with each other the outcome of your witness.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





When you find a secret passage in your game, or discover a new trick, do you ever reveal your secret? Although you may not reveal your secret so that you can continue to win, Jesus revealed something very important to us. It’s great news that Jesus didn’t keep secrets from us, but helped reveal God the Father to us. This week we will see that we can know God better through Jesus.

John 1:1-18. Ephesians 1:3-14



Our words can reveal a lot about what we think and see. People often use social media to share things they see or the things they think. These birds have tweeted one word. Use your words to reveal the tweeted word to a partner, without actually using the tweeted word. You can use gestures or other words to get your audience to guess the word that the bird has tweeted. Take turns until you have revealed all of the tweeted words. Be sure no one else can see the word tweeted by the bird until someone has guessed the word. 

Materials: printed and cut bird tweets, scissors

The only person who knew the tweeted word was the person holding the bird. In order to reveal the word to everyone else, we needed to explain it using other words or actions. This week we will see that Jesus comes to our world. Jesus came to earth for a purpose, to save us. When he became flesh, he spoke love to the people around him and he also used his actions to show them God’s love. He revealed to us who God is because Jesus is God and his actions were a demonstration of His love. We can know God better because of the life Jesus lived on earth. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: John 3:1-21

How did verse 1 describe the Word? (He was in the beginning, He was with God, and He was God)

What was his life for all mankind? (Light that shines in the darkness)

Who did God send to testify about the Light? (John)

What did the Light come into the world to do? (He gave those who believed the right to become children of God)

The law was given through Moses, what came through Jesus Christ? (Grace and truth)

Although no one has ever seen God, what was done for us through Jesus Christ? (Jesus himself is God and is in close relationship with the father, has made God known to us)


Jesus was with God because He is God, and He was able to reveal to us who God is. Jesus became flesh and demonstrated God’s love to us. Through Jesus we can know God because they are one. 


When we have a special guest coming to visit we do lots of things to prepare. If grandma is coming for a visit we might prepare her room and have fresh flowers waiting. When a cousin comes for a visit we might welcome them with a new toy for them to play with. John the Baptist was excited for Jesus to come and He had begun to prepare people’s hearts to accept the coming of their Messiah. Complete the following activity by deciding who you would be most excited to meet if they were coming into town. Read the following cards to determine, Who would you rather meet and how would you prepare for their arrival?

Materials: Who would you rather meet cards (printed or viewed on device)


Activity sheet: fill in the blank for the scripture verse this week.

Materials: graph paper or plain paper, pencil, ruler

Create activity:

Hashtags are often used as a quick description or a link. Look at the following hashtags and create a picture to match the description in the hashtag. Choose one or more hashtags to illustrate, then add the hashtag at the bottom of the picture.

#MyFriendJohnTheBaptist. #GodsWordIsTruth. #TheLightOfTheWorld. #JesusRevealsGod. #InTheBeginning

Materials: Construction paper, drawing supplies such as crayons, pencils, colored pencils or markers




Create a bible poster art. Use the attached images to color and cut, then glue them onto a large sheet of construction paper. Draw additional images and use stickers to add to your bible poster. 

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did John the Baptist do before Jesus’ ministry began?

Why did John the Baptist say, “He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before him”?

How can know that Jesus reveals who God is?

What are some words you would use to describe Jesus?

What are some words you would use to describe God the Father?

What are some things you can do to get to know Jesus better?

What are some things you can do to get to know God better?

Practical Application at Home

On social media people often want you to subscribe to their channel so that you can receive more videos or information on what they are sharing. There is no button that we need to push to connect with God and get more information from him. We can search the Bible and pray if we want to get to know him better. Looking at the life Jesus lived while on earth can help us get to know God better and understand how much he really loves us. We don’t have to wait for a reply to know how much Jesus loves us, we can read it for ourselves in his Word, and then share it with others.

Create a secret message for a family member or friend to solve. Mix the following solution, then paint your message with a paintbrush. Let the message completely dry before giving your message to be solved. Have your family member or friend use diluted grape juice or other acidic juice, to paint the entire page to then reveal your message. Write the following secret message on your paper: “Find God’s love here, John 3:16”

Secret message solution: 1 Tablespoon water, 1 Tablespoon baking soda. Mix together, then use a Q-tip to write the message with your baking soda solution.

The more we know Jesus the more we will know God. Jesus reveals God to us, and shows us how much He loves us. We can then demonstrate that same love to those around us so they will want to know God and follow the example Jesus gave through his life on earth.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Made New



We have all made mistakes, whether on purpose or on accident. We usually say we are sorry and then wait to be forgiven. Did you know God has forgiven you? We can be forgiven and we can also forgive those who have wronged us. We can’t do this on our own, but we have the Holy Spirit to help. This week we will see how baptism is more than just getting wet.

Mark 1:4-11. Acts 19:1-7



We all make mistakes sometimes, even when we are trying really hard not to. Our mistakes can be sinful because we have chosen to disobey or do the wrong things. Our sins can also be a mistake because we were careless or unaware. We don’t have to fear making mistakes and we don’t need to worry if God will love us less because of them. Let’s try this challenge activity. Using a white sheet of paper and a white crayon, choose your favorite animal to draw. You won’t be able to see your picture as you draw but do the best that you can. Once your drawing is complete, use watercolors to paint over your drawing to reveal what you drew. 

How was your drawing? Did it turn out exactly as you planned? Did you make any mistakes? Although we make mistakes in life, we don’t have to be discouraged or give up, because we can know forgiveness through Jesus. John the Baptist prepared the people’s hearts for the coming of Jesus. He wanted them to realize they needed a savior to rescue them from their sins. We can know forgiveness through Jesus and the Holy Spirit will help us make better choices.

Materials: white drawing paper, white crayon or white oil pastel, water colors

Read or listen to the scripture story in Mark 1:4-11

How did the Bible describe John the Baptist? (He wore clothes made of camel hair, a leather belt and ate locust and honey)

Where did John the Baptist baptize those confessing their sins? (In the Jordan River)

What did John say the one who came after him will baptize people with? (With the Holy Spirit)

When Jesus was baptized what happened? (The heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove)

What did the voice from heaven say? (You are my son, whom I love; with you I am very pleased)


It is hard to confess when we have done something wrong. We want to keep it a secret or pretend it never happened. Although it is hard to admit our wrongs, we can ask Jesus for forgiveness for the wrongs we did. We can be sure that God will forgive us of our sins. 



Print the following emoji faces or have your child use their own face to show emotions. Sometimes we do wrong things on accident and sometimes we do the wrong thing on purpose. We might say things to hurt others or disobey our parents. God does not like the bad things that we do but He always loves us and will forgive us. Sometimes we show others God’s love by the kind things we do to others. These things don’t make God love us more but they are pleasing to Him. Listen to the following scenarios and hold up a smile face if you think the actions described were pleasing to God. Hold up the frown face if the things described were not pleasing to God.

Materials: printed scenario cards (or viewed on device), printed emoji faces (Optional)


Watch this object lesson on forgiveness of our sins through Jesus.

Materials: device for viewing video

Create activity:

Create a tie-dye picture using a white coffee filter, washable markers, and a spray bottle. This activity can become messy and damage the surface underneath the coffee filter therefore, use a washable mat, plastic tablecloth, or newspaper to cover your work area. On your coffee filter write as many sins you can think of, using a different colored washable marker for each sin. Fill your coffee filter with the sins. Once you are finished, use the spray bottle to make your coffee filter wet and wash away your sins. This will create instead, a colorful design on your coffee filter. God forgives our sins and then remembers them no more. Only God can truly forgive and forget the wrongs we have done, and even make something beautiful from our mess.

Materials: White coffee filter, washable markers, spray bottle with water




create a paper plate scene of Jesus’ baptism. Color the paper plate with water, sky, and background. Then color and cut out a Jesus and John the Baptist. Attach Jesus to a craft stick, then cut a small slit into the paper plate for the stick. Glue John the Baptist next to the slit. Add the small dove in the sky.

Materials: paper plate, printed characters, crayons, scissors, glue, craft stick


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Acts 19:1-7

Being baptized by the Holy Spirit is what brings true change to our hearts. We can not change ourselves, and we can not be forgiven simply with water. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts, which in turn changes our actions. We can be forgiven because we believe in Jesus, the son of God, who died to save us from our sins. 

What did John say he baptized with?

What did John say Jesus would baptize with?

What do you think it means to be baptized by the Holy Spirit?

What can the Holy Spirit do in our lives?

Has there ever been a time when you desperately wanted to be forgiven for a wrongdoing?

Have you ever had to forgive someone, even when it was really hard?

How does having the Holy Spirit help you show forgiveness to others?

Practical Application at Home

When we understand how much we have been forgiven, we are better able to forgive others. When we are believers in Jesus, God will forgiven our sins whether we think they are big or small. Listen to the following scenario and determine if there was any forgiveness shown. Although you may not have an experience exactly like this one, think about a time you have been forgiven a lot, and if you then returned that forgiveness to the next person who wronged you. 

You stole $25 from your moms dresser, thinking she wouldn’t notice. She finds out and you are punished, but she forgives you and doesn’t stay mad at you the rest of the day. You wonder if your mom has really forgiven you, but she does not remind you of your error nor does she start to hide all of her money from you from fear you may steal again. You are relieved as you realize your mom has given you a clean slate. A few days later your younger brother takes apart your Lego design to use a piece of your legos for his new Lego build. You are very upset. You worked for hours on your build and were proud of it. He says he is sorry and returns the Lego piece. You say you forgive him but for the next few days you decide to let him suffer. Every time he asks to play, you refuse to play with him. When he speaks to you and tells you stories about his day, you don’t talk with him but just give yes or no responses. You plan to forgive him at some point, but for now, you want him to suffer for what he did to you. 

Who truly forgave in this story?

Did you truly forgive your brother?

Which act would have been harder to forgive?

How can the feeling of being forgiven for something big, help you forgive someone else when they wrong you?

How can we show true forgiveness, especially when someone has asked for forgiveness for the wrongs they’ve done against you?

When we realize the wrongs we have done against God and how much he continues to love us and forgive us, even when we make the same mistakes again, we can share that forgiveness with others. Unlike in the scenario above, we should forgive others in the same way God has forgiven us. That means, when we say we forgive, we also need to let it go and not remind the person of how much they wronged us or try to make them suffer. Although this is not an easy thing to do, we can ask Jesus to help us remember how much we have been forgiven and to share that forgiveness with others.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Welcome to week 3! Have you ever had someone finish your sentences for you? It was as if they knew exactly what you were going to say. Perhaps they could finish your sentences because they know you so well. Not many people can do that, but a close friend or family member knows you very well because they’ve spent time with you. Jesus knows us very well, because He is our creator! We can trust Him with our deepest thoughts because He loves us just the way we are.

John 1:43-51. Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 



Let’s play a game called “Who do you think it is?” I will give several clues about a person and you guess who you think it is.

-Picked cherries off trees, rumored that he never told a lie, first president of the US (George Washington)

-Built her own rollercoaster, First woman to travel across the Atlantic by plane (Ameilia Earhart)

- Lost her sight and hearing at the age of 18 months, first blind deaf person to graduate from college, helped soldiers who became blind in war (Helen Keller)

-Brothers who were inventors, owned a bike shop, invented the first controlled airplane flight (The Wright brothers)

-Was an upholsterer, owned an upholstery business, believed to have made the American flag (Betsy Ross)

-Played for the Brooklyn Dodgers, First black athlete to play major league baseball, inducted into the baseball hall of fame (Jackie Robinson)

-An American inventor, founder of General Electric Corporation, developed the phonograph- a device for recording sound (Thomas Edison)

-Died for the sins of everyone, God in the flesh of man, Creator of the Universe (Jesus)

All of these people are known for the great works they accomplished throughout history. Based on the information about them, you could probably guess who the person was. You don’t have to be a famous inventor or a well known athlete for God to know exactly who you are. He knew you before you were born and He loves you for who you are and not for the wonderful things you can do. This week we will read about Nathanael meeting Jesus. He wasn’t sure if Jesus was the Messiah, until Jesus did something amazing. He showed Nathanael that he already knew him, before they even met. Jesus knows you too!

Read or listen to the scripture story in John 1:43-51

Where did Jesus meet Phillip? (In Galilee)

What did Jesus tell Phillip to do? (Follow me)

Did Nathanael  believe Phillip had found the Savior from the prophesy? (No, he asked if anything good could come from Nazareth)

What was Nathanael surprised about when He met Jesus? (Jesus already knew him and told things about Nathanael)

What greater things did Jesus say Nathanael would see if he followed Him? (He would see heaven open and angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man)


God knows each one of us by name and He knows what makes us unique. Sometimes we might wonder why we don’t look, act, or excel at things like people around us. But God knows exactly who we are and how we were made. He knew us before we were born. We can trust that God, our Creator, loves you exactly the way you are.


Phillip was so excited to meet Jesus and he want his friend Nathanael to meet Jesus as well. Phillip was a good friend to Nathanael because he didn’t want him to miss out on the opportunity to meet and know Jesus, their Messiah. Being a good friend is more than just being friends online or looking at pictures of someone from a distance. Listen to the following examples and determine if you think this shows real friendship or if this is just an acquaintance.

Materials: Attached scenario cards printed or viewed on device


We are all unique and enjoy different things. Although we are each unique, Jesus still knows us. He not only knows our names but He also knows the things we like to do and the things we are good at. Complete the following activity sheet “This is who I am…” picture frame. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence about yourself, then draw a picture of yourself inside the picture frame. Jesus knows you and loves you just the way you are!

Materials: Activity sheet “This is who I am”, pencil

Create activity:

Jesus knows you and He knows what makes you, you! Complete the following poem describing yourself. You can create your own poem or use the attached sheet as an example. Your I Am poem does not need to rhyme or have a specific rhythm Just use words to describe yourself and your thoughts that make you unique! Add a self portrait at the bottom of your poem.

Materials: Printed copy of poem or sheet of construction paper to create your own, pencil, crayons




Create a picture frame, decorate the outside with the words: Jesus knows me!

Materials: white construction paper, crayons, markers, pencil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to the scripture Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18. This scripture tells us how much God knows us and wants to be with us. It tell us that no matter where we go, God is with us. He knew us before we were born and he formed us to be exactly the way we are. It is not by accident the things we like and the special abilities we’ve been given. God knows all of it and we can use it to glorify Him. 

What are some things you can know about God from reading these verses? 

What are some things it says God knows about you from reading this scripture. 

What friend do you have that you know really well?

What makes them a good friend?

What are some things your friend knows about you that everyone doesn’t know?

Are there secrets you can keep from God?

If you feel sad or lonely, does God know how you feel?

How does knowing God knows you very well make you feel?

How knowing God will always be with you help you know that you can trust God?

Practical Application at Home

God has created us to be exactly who we are and He knows us better than we know ourselves. When Jesus say Nathanael and already knew who he was, Jesus showed Nathanael that He was not an ordinary man but God. Nathanael believed that Jesus was the son of God, the long awaited Savior. He believed because Jesus showed him that He already knew who he was. 

Phillip brought Nathanael to meet Jesus. Who are some people you can bring to Jesus. We can show Jesus to others in the way we treat them and how we serve the people around us. Look at the following activities. Choose one or two of them to try this week on people you would like to share Jesus with.

-tell someone Jesus loves them

-Send a note to someone who is discouraged

-invite someone to attend church with you

-invite a friend to attend your church’s online service

-bring a meal to a person in need

-call a church member who is shut-in and tell them you are thinking of them. 

-take coats or blankets to a local shelter

Sharing Jesus’ love with others is one way to be a good friend. It is also a way for them to build a relationship with Jesus as well. Jesus knows you and he knows your friend. Jesus wants them to know how much he loves them. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Follow The Leader



Welcome to week 4! Jesus called Andrew and Peter to follow him. He had a special plan for their lives. They had a choice to make just like we have a choice to make every day. We can choose to follow Jesus or we can put it off and continue doing the task we started. Jesus wants each of us to follow him.

Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:1-11; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31



Blow up about 10 balloons, or more if desired, and have your child catch the balloons using a large towel or small blanket. See how many balloons they can catch and hold in their net using a 20 second timer. Repeat and play as many times as desired.

This week we are reading a story about Andrew and Peter in the boat fishing, when Jesus called them to follow him. They had been fishing and found no fish, when Jesus told them to cast their nets off the side of the boat. They were experienced fishermen so they knew casting their nets in the morning after fishing all night would make no difference. But they listened to Jesus and when they lifted their nets it was bursting with fish. They couldn’t even pull the fish to shore without getting help from nearby fishermen. They knew they had just witnessed a miracle. When Jesus called them to follow Him and become fishers of man, they immediately followed Jesus. Peter and Andrew were ordinary men living ordinary lives when Jesus called them to something extraordinary. They did not know what it would mean to become fishers of men, but they knew Jesus was worth following. We can also decide that Jesus is worth following. We may not know what the future brings, but we can face it when we know Jesus is with us the entire time. 

Materials: balloons, small blanket or towel

Read or listen to the scripture story in Mark 1:14-20 Luke 5:1-11

Where did Jesus go to preach? (Galilee)

What was the message that Jesus was preaching? (The good news, the Kingdom of God was near)

What were Peter and Andrew doing at the Sea of Galilee? (Casting a fishing net into the lake)

What did Jesus say He would make Peter and Andrew? (Fishers of men)

When did Peter and Andrew decide to follow Jesus? (At once they left their nets to follow Jesus)


Andrew and Peter chose to follow Jesus right away. They dropped everything they were doing to follow Him. Jesus calls each of us in different ways, but He calls all of us to follow Him. We can choose to obey by meeting the needs of others, praying for those in need, or being a good friend to someone who is hurting. We should listen to God’s voice calling us to action and then obey right away.


Footprint Scavenger hunt. Jesus asked the disciples to follow him and they did. The disciples left their boat and their lifestyle to follow in Jesus footsteps. They wanted to live as Jesus lived and follow the things He would have them do. We can follow in Jesus steps by following His example in how we treat the people around us. Place the following footprints around the room for your child to find. Once they find a footprint, read aloud what is on each footprint and then think of a way they can demonstrate it this week. For example, if the word written on the footprint is share, they will tell you a way they can share this week.

Materials: Printed footprints


Jesus called the disciples to become fishers of man instead of fishermen. Jesus knew that they could share the good news of the gospel to the people around them. Jesus also calls us to share the gospel with people around us. Use the following fish outlines to write names of family or friends you would like to pray for and share the gospel with. Place the fish on a large construction sheet and place in an area your child can see and remember to pray for those people they listed each day.

Materials: printed fish outline, writing utensil

Create activity:

Peter thought the boat would sink after all of the fish he caught with Jesus. He knew Jesus did a miracle when he caught so many fish after not catching anything. There were so many fish he needed another boat to help them. Create a boat that can float on water. Using styrofoam cups, straws, tape, and foam sheets, build a boat that you can float on water. Use your imagination and creativity to shape your boat in a way that can hold objects and stay on top of the water. Once your boat is finished, place the boat in a small tub of water and see if it will float. For an extra challenge, add a penny one at a time to your boat to see how much weight it can hold and still float. Other optional materials you can use: plastic wrap, aluminum foil, small craft sticks, disposable plastic cups

Materials: Styrofoam cup, straws, foam sheet, and tape. Alternative options: plastic wrap, aluminum foil, small craft sticks, disposable plastic cups




Make these accordion paper fish. Cut a rectangle from construction paper and alternate fold it like an accordion or a fan. Leave the top quarter unfolded for the face of the fish. Cut off the corners of the face to make them rounded edges. Cut a small slit in the side of the face for the fish’s mouth. On a separate colored construction paper, cut out its fin and tail. Use a white sheet of paper to cut out its eye and color a black dot on the inside. Glue the fish parts on and then decorate the fish body using a black crayon or marker and adding geometric designs such as lines, circles or dots. Outline the fish if desired, with a black marker or crayon. See the following website for an example and step by step picture instructions.

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are the things that you think are important in your life? When you watch TV, what are the things they say are important in life. When we watch television or look at some magazines, we are often told the things you need to be happy, or have your best life, are the latest new toy or gadget. We often think if we have the newest cell phone, or all of the toys from our favorite characters we have achieved something great.

Read 1 Corinthians 7:29-31

There is a lot being said in this scripture, but Paul is saying all the things we have on earth will eventually be gone, we should focus on what is important. We should not focus so much into the successful things of this world but be sure we are focused on what is truly important. The disciples were making a living as fishermen but Jesus wanted something more for them. He wanted their lives to have meaning and purpose and for them to be truly fulfilled. Jesus knew that if they followed him, their lives would be filled with a great purpose. It didn’t mean their lives would be easy, but they would have something greater, Jesus! 

As a believer what are some things you can do that would be meaningful in your life and in the lives of others?

Practical Application at Home

Having a meaningful life is more than getting all the things you think you want of need to be happy. Think of the times you have been most content and had a sense of fullness that lasted longer than a few moments or hours. Were they times you received a long awaited gift? A time when you worked hard to give a gift to someone else. Bringing others joy can have a big impact on our own mood. When we have shared something wonderful with someone else, we often feel as if we received a gift as well. We share the joy they have received. 

This week look for ways you can share joy with the people around you. Print the following grid and see how many boxes you can complete this week. Some are simple task that do not take any preparation to complete and some task you may need to plan ahead. At the end of the week, take notice of how you feel as well as how you made others feel. Decide if the saying is true, ‘it is better to give than to receive’.

Jesus wants us to be fishers of man and we can do that in the way we treat others around us. Jesus wants them to know His love for them and He wants you to have a meaningful life. A life filled with the love of Jesus, not filled with things that are slowing passing away.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Help and Heal



Have you ever been in pain? Perhaps your pain was from a cut or an injury. Perhaps your pain was from sadness or hurt. Jesus has a message for us that is powerful. His power is more than strength but His power can also change us, heal us, and defeat our sins. This week we will see how Jesus’ message is powerful.

Mark 1:21-28; Psalm 111



What are some things you are afraid of?Listen to the list of things and tell me if you would be afraid or not.

-listening to a scary story

-listening to a scary story in the dark

-walking through your neighborhood at night

-walking through your neighborhood

-sitting beside the fireplace

-putting more logs onto a burning fire

-eating very spicy food

-eating a spider

There are things that seem scary to us that make us feel powerless. Jesus has authority over all things, even the scary things in our lives. Our sins can even become scary. When we tell a lie even when we really want to tell the truth. When we are mean to a friend even though we really don’t want to hurt them. When we eat a lot of junk food that it makes us sick, even though we know it is not good for us. When we feel like we are not in control it can be scary. Jesus’ message is powerful and it can change our hearts, minds and then our actions. Our story this week is about a man who was possessed by an impure spirit. He may have felt out of control, but Jesus had power over the impure spirit. His words brought healing to this man. We can trust Jesus’ words, the Bible, has power over our lives today.

Read or listen to the scripture Mark 1:21-28

What was Jesus doing in the synagogue? (He was teaching)

What did the people think of his teachings? (They were amazed because he taught with authority)

What was the man in the synagogue possessed with? (An impure spirit) 

Who did the possessed man claim Jesus to be? (The Holy One of God)

What did the possess man ask if Jesus was going to do? (If he had come to destroy them)

When Jesus commanded the impure spirit to come out, what happened? (It shook the man violently and came out with a shriek)

What did the people think when they say this? (They were amazed that he taught with authority and could give orders to spirits who obeyed. 

What did the people do after they witnessed Jesus send out the impure spirit? (They spread the word through the whole region of Galilee)


Jesus has all authority on heaven and earth. His power is not just how strong his is but his ability to change hearts and attitudes. We can trust that Jesus has the power over our sins and mistakes. He can forgive us and He can help us change our actions.


play this game of charades. Use the following cards to act out the source of power on each card. Each of these items are a source of power. We use power in all sorts of ways in our daily life such as the power for the sun which can be used for energy, to grow plants, and to warm the earth. God is the ultimate source of power. His power is not from anyone but of Himself. Jesus used his power to heal the man of the impure spirit. He has the power to change us as well.

Materials: printed activity charade cards


The impure spirit that was in this man declared that Jesus was the son of God. It knew the power of Jesus and recognized him for who he was. Who do you say Jesus is? Complete the following activity sheet circling the names and adjectives that describe Jesus. When we know who Jesus is, we can recognize His power and love in the lives of others and ourselves.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil

Create activity:

Create this science activity to see if graphite is an electrical conductor. Follow the instructions listed on the following website. Then practice creating different pictures and lines to determine the following questions. Does the length of the drawing make a difference in the LED light? Does the thickness of the line make a difference? Is there a difference in the LED light if you use straight lines compared to curved lines?

Materials: graphite pencil/lead, white paper, small LED light, electrical tape




Create a “Jesus Wins” trophy cup. Take 2 Styrofoam cups and wrap in gold foil or paint with gold paint. Place the bottoms of each cup together and glue them together. Use gold pipe cleaners to attach to each side as the handles. You can attach the handles by inserting them through a small puncture in the side of the trophy and then taping it from the inside. Using a small label or white piece of paper, write on the bottom, “Jesus Wins” and attach it using glue or tape.

Materials: 2 styrofoam cups, gold aluminum foil, gold pipe cleaners, tape, glue, small label or small white paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Psalm 111

How is God’s power described?

What words describe God’s love?

What words describe God’s character?

What statement in this chapter stands out to you as a powerful message?

God’s power is not always describing His strength or force, but it can also demonstrate His ability to change us. He has the power to change our attitude and our heart. When we understand how much we are loved by him, our hearts can be changed to have more compassion on other people. We we understand how much God sacrificed for us, show love to others who need it. When we understand how much we have been blessed by God, we can be more willing to share what we have with others. 

Practical Application at Home

The message of Jesus is good news. In our text for today the story of Jesus healing the possessed man traveled fast. It didn’t travel by text, phone calls or emails, but from word of mouth. People were so excited by what they saw they shared this good news with lots of other people. God wants us to spread the good news of Jesus to lots of other people as well. Think of a powerful message you’ve read or heard from the Bible. Pick your favorite message or choose one from the messages below. Then think of a way you can spread that message to people you know or do not know. 

Powerful message examples:

-Jesus saves

-Jesus loves you

-Jesus is coming back

-I am the way, the truth and the life-Jesus

-You are forgiven

-the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus

-God keeps his promises

-God remembers his covenant forever

-our sins are cast into the depths of the sea

Ways to spread your message:

-write your message on several rocks and leave them in random places throughout your neighborhood

-Make a greeting card to send to friends and family with your message

-Record yourself saying the message and send it to family and friends

-write you message on your sidewalk or driveway using sidewalk chalk

-Send out postcards with your message to people you know.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





It’s never fun to be sick. Who takes care of you when you are feeling ill? Who cares for you when you are sad? This week we will see how Jesus cared for the people around him by healing them from their sicknesses. Jesus wants to take care of us too!

Mark 1:29-39



We all get sick sometimes and need to see a doctor or have a parent make us feel better. Let’s pretend we are the doctor and patient and see what type of healing we need. Prepare a few things to use as fun such as bandaids, gauze and a thermometer. Use a pretend doctor kit if you have one or use items from your house to substitute such as a small towels, tissue paper, masking tape, etc. 

-I don’t feel well, my stomach hurts

-I have an ant bite

-My head is hurting

-I think I twisted my knee

This week we will see that many people during Jesus’ day were hurting and sick. They went to Jesus because they heard he could heal the sick and the demon possessed. Jesus took care of the people in the town and Jesus still takes care of us today. Jesus can still heal the sick and demon possessed. We may not always see our loved ones healed here on earth but instead have to wait until heaven to see Jesus’ healing. We can know that Jesus cares about us and wants to heal us.

MaterialsPretend Dr. kit, (or household items such as small towels, tissue paper, masking tape)

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 1:29-39

Whose mother was sick lying in bed? (Peter’s mother-in law)

What did Jesus do for Peter’s mother-in-law? (He took her by the hand and raised her up and her fever left)

Who came to the house for healing from Jesus? (Those who were sick and demon possessed)

Why didn’t Jesus allow the demons to speak? (Because they knew him)

Where did Jesus decide to go next? (The neighboring town of Galilee)

What did Jesus say was the reason why he had come? (To preach)


When others heard of Jesus’ healing they came to the house where Jesus was to also receive healing. Jesus did not turn them away but spent time caring for them. The house was full of people who were looking for Jesus to heal them.  


Jesus healed many people in the after he healed Peter’s sick mother in law. Think about the rooms in your house and how you use them for many different things. Let’s play a game of 4 corners to remind us how many people came to the house to be healed by Jesus. In each corner of a room, place labels describing rooms in a house such as bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom. Then read the following statements and have your child move to the corner of the room that is being described.

Materials: Printed signs, tape, statements to read.


Get a beachball, inflate it, and write the following words around the ball: Simon, Jesus, woman. Pass the ball to each other. When you catch the ball read the name closest to you and then tell something you heard in the story about that person. Continue the game until everyone has caught the ball several times. Alternately you can toss the ball and ask the catcher a question and allow them to turn the ball to show who is the answer of the question. For example: Who was sick in bed? (Woman)

Materials: Beach ball or other cheap inflatable ball, marker

Independent activity:

Use the following activity sheet to see how many items it takes to fill each container. Cut out each container and their corresponding items. Place the items onto each container and then record how many items it took to completely fill the space of the container. When the people in the town heard that Jesus could heal the sick, the whole town came to see Jesus so they could also be healed. Let’s see how we can fill up space.

Materials: Printed activity sheet, scissors, glue (optional)




Bandaid art. Use bandaids to create a picture or picture scene. Using the bandaids to create flower, butterfly or any other image. Then use crayons or markers to add details to the image and then create a background scenery to go with your image. See this website for example bandaid art.

Materials: construction paper, coloring utensils, bandaids


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who did the people crowd in the house to see?

How did Jesus take care of the people who were sick?

How does Jesus care for each of us? 

In what ways do you care for other people. 

Practical Application at Home

Jesus took care of the people who came to the house to be healed. He knew the things they needed, the sicknesses they had, and he healed them. They no longer needed to worry about the things that had ailed them for so long. Jesus still tells us today not to worry because He will take care of us. We may not know what will happen in the future, but we can know that God will be there with us through it.

Read Matthew 6:25-33

Jesus said that He clothes the lilies of the field and knows when even one sparrow falls from the sky, therefore he knows us and cares for us even more. We were made in the image of God, we are special to Him and He will continue to care for us. 

Draw the following picture to remind yourself that God has promised to care for the flowers, he will care for us even more. Using a white sheet of paper, dip your finger in paint, ink pad, or color the tip of your pointer finger and then stamp in a circle in the center of the paper. These will be the pedals of the flower. Color the center of the flower yellow (or desired color) using paints or crayons. Then decorate the rest of the flower using crayons or markers with the stem, leaves and buds. At the top or bottom of the page write “Do not worry, but seek first His kingdom”.

Materials: white drawing paper, paint, (Alt: ink pad) markers or crayons

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





The sky is green. There are three planets in the solar system. We have wings to fly. You probably already know that all of those statements are not true. Do you know the truth for all those lies? Sometimes people give us the wrong information or sometimes we are just not sure what is the truth. We can always trust that Jesus knows and can show us the truth. This week we will see how Jesus is able to show the disciples the truth. When the disciples saw the truth they were forever changed. Jesus wants to change us and reveal truth to us as well!

Mark 9:2-9



Find a variety of small stuffed animals and hide them in a bag or area that can not be seen by your child. I am going to make some animal noises and I want you to guess what animal I am being. Before you pull an animal out of the bag, begin making animals noises that do not always match the animal you are pulling out of the bag. Allow your child time to guess the animal before revealing the animal to them

The animal sound I gave did not always match the animal I pulled out of the bag, did it? We can often be deceived by things that are disguised as the truth but are not accurate. We are often surrounded by things in life that disguise themselves as truth but are not. In order to find the truth we often have to search for it and then know it is truth when we see it.

This week we will see the disciples will know the truth about who Jesus is. The will see that what they thought was true is proven true right in front of them. We can trust that Jesus will show us the truth in the things in our lives too. We can ask Jesus to reveal truth to us and trust that He will do it.

Materials: stuffed animals representing real animals, bag to hide them in

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 9:2-9

Where did Jesus take Peter, James and John? (Up the mountain to be alone)

What happened to Jesus when he was transformed? (He clothes became dazzling white?)

Who appeared to them and started talking to Jesus? (Elijah and Moses)

What did Peter suggest they do? (Build three altars for Jesus, Elijah and Moses.)

What did the voice from the cloud say? (This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.)

Who did Jesus tell Peter, James and John to tell about what they saw? (No one)


Once you know the truth about something, is it easy to go back to believing the lie? Of course not! Once we know the truth it changes how we think or see something. Once the disciples saw with their own eyes that Jesus was the Son of God, they could not go on with their lives as before. They were changed! They knew the truth and wanted to follow Jesus! The truth can change us too!


Use this mirror frame to draw a realistic picture of yourself. Then using the Picasso attachment, create a Picasso picture of yourself. Cut out the Picasso self portrait and place it onto of the mirrored frame by glueing the top part on so that the bottom can be lifted. Sometimes things don’t look the way they are supposed to. They are deceiving or try to imitate the truth. When we are not sure what is truth we can always ask Jesus to show the truth to us. We can trust that Jesus always has the answers and can reveal to us the truth we need to know.

Materials: printed picture frame, coloring utensils, printed Picasso face


Transfigure means to transform or change into something new or different from what it was before. Jesus changed right there before the disciples eyes and they saw how he was different. Let’s practicing changing these colors into something different. Using a small baggie and paints, mix colors together to create new colors. In a small baggie place a quarter size amount of red paint on the left side of the bag and a small amount of blue paint on the right side of the bag. Tightly close the bag and secure the seal with tape so that the bag does not reopen. Then have your child push the paint together and mix the colors until they see the new color, purple. Continue mixing other colors in baggies to create new colors.

Materials: Small baggies (snack size), paint in various colors or primary colors, heavy duty tape

Independent activity:

When Jesus changed his clothes, the disciples knew something was different. They could see a physical change of Jesus that also confirmed that He is the son of God. When we look at the clothes people wear, it helps us know more about them as well. Match the sports uniform with the sports equipment used for that game

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil




Coloring page 

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who was the voice from heaven that said Jesus was his Beloved Son?

Why did Peter suggest making altars for Jesus, Elijah and Moses?

Have you ever been unsure of what to do in a new situation?

What did the transfiguration show the disciples about Jesus?

Do you think they ever doubted who Jesus was after the transfiguration?

How does Jesus show us today that He is the son of God?

How does Jesus show us today the truth about Him and His words?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes we can be deceived by the lies we are told from other people. Sometimes others want to trick us into believing them so they tell lies or leave out information. Sometimes others do not know the truth themselves so they accidentally give us false information. We can know the Bible is a trusted source because it is God’s written words. We can trust that we can find the truth in the Bible and we can ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom. Think about people in the Bible who were deceived. God had revealed the truth to them but they were deceived by someone else. Think about the following stories and how they were deceived and tell what God’s truth was for them.

Eve eats the forbidden fruit- She is told she will not die if she eats the fruit. TRUTH: God said that if they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge they would surely die.

Abraham has a son with his slave. He was told he needed to hurry and have children because he was getting too old. TRUTH:God promised Abraham would be father to a great nation, with his wife Sarah

Isaac blesses the wrong son- He was tricked into believing he was blessing his eldest son. TRUTH: Jacob would inherit the blessing of the oldest according to GOd’s plan.

The man of God from Judah- eats at the old prophets house and dies. The older prophet insisted he come to his house to eat and that God had told him to feed the man of God. TRUTH: God told the man of God not to eat or drink there and to go home a different directions. He believed the older prophet instead of believing what God said.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





It’s not always easy to do the right thing. Choosing to obey or doing what we want. Taking care of our health or ignoring what’s good for our bodies. We are tempted by lots of things. Telling the truth or telling the lie to keep out of trouble. Some temptations are not hard to overcome while others are really hard for us. Each of us have different temptations, but the good news is, Jesus has overcome temptations so He can help us overcome too!

Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-11



Play a game of “Don’t make me laugh”. One person has to keep a straight face while one or more people do funny things to make them laugh. They can make silly faces, noises, tell jokes or anything else that will make them crack a smile or laugh. The person who has to keep a straight face has to keep their eyes open and look at the other players. If they laugh, switch roles.

Was it easy or hard to keep a straight face? Sometimes it may have felt like you could not control yourself to keep from laughing. We are all tempted to do things we do not want to do or know that we should not do. This week we will see how Jesus was tempted and learn that he will help us when we are tempted too.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 1:12-13; and Matthew 4:1-11

How long was Jesus in the wilderness? (40 days)

What was Jesus doing in the wilderness during the 40 days? (Fasting and praying)

Who was he there with? (Wild animals and the angels and Satan)

What was the first temptation Satan gave Jesus? (To turn stones into bread)

How did Jesus respond? (Men does not eat on bread along but on the word of God)

What was Satan’s second temptation? (For Jesus to demonstrate he was the Song of God by throwing himself down for the angels to save him)

How did Jesus respond? (Do not test the Lord your God)

What was Satan’s third temptation? (Offering to give Jesus the world if he bowed down and worshiped him)

How did Jesus respond? (Go away Satan, worship the Lord your God and serve only Him)

After the third temptation what did Satan do? (He left and the angels attended Jesus)


Jesus was tested in the wilderness by Satan 3 times and used the Bible to answer Satan. Jesus was able to defeat the temptations Satan gave because He knew the word of God better than Satan. Because Jesus was able to defeat Satan, we can trust that Jesus will help us when we are tempted as well.


Use a sandbox, planter filled with soil or a large container filled with sand or soil, and bury 3 stones in the sand/soil. Have your child dig through the sand and find the 3 stones. After the stones are found, wipe them clean and then write or draw the 3 responses Jesus gave Satan when he was tempted. 1:live by God’s words 2:Do not test God 3:Worship and serve God only. Then decorate the stones with markers. We can use these stones as a reminder of how we should live and serve God. We can resist Satan’s temptations by using God’s word, the Bible, and calling on Jesus to help. Place these stones in a place where you can see them as a reminder.

Materials: Sandbox filled with sand, alternative: planter or large container filled with soil or sand, 3 stones, permanent markers in various colors


Get two bowls and two small index cards (or paper of similar size). Place a label in front of each bowl, one labeled GO and one STOP. We are all tempted to do things we should not do, but being tempted does not mean we do the wrong thing. We can be tempted to do something but we can choose to stop and make a better choice. Listen to the following scenarios and then throw your bean into the bowl labeled STOP or the bowl labeled GO. If you think you should stop doing the activity you hear, then throw your bean into the STOP bowl. If you think the activity you hear is ok to do, then throw your bean into the GO bowl.

Materials: Temptation scenario cards, 2 bowls, 2 index cards or similar sized paper

independent activity:

Use old magazines to cut out pictures and glue them to a sheet of construction paper titled with one of the following statements. “Man does not live on bread alone”; cut out pictures that show different foods you might like to eat. “Do not test God”; cut out pictures of things you might test such as test driving a car or testing how soft a couch is. “Worship and serve only God”; cut out pictures of things you might be tempted to serve other than God and then draw an X on each picture.

Materials: Old magazines, sheet of construction paper, scissors, glue, marker or pencil




Create a bible poster art. Use the attached images to color and cut, then glue them onto a large sheet of construction paper. Draw additional images and use stickers to add to your bible poster. 

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What have you been tempted to do?

Have you ever resisted a temptation?

Can friends tempt you to do the wrong thing?

Is it easy or hard to resist temptations?

What are some things you can remember to do when you are in the middle of a temptation?

Can you resist Satan’s temptations on your own?

Who can you call on for help when you feel tempted to do the wrong thing?

Why is it important to only worship and serve God?

How can we be like Jesus when we are resisting temptation?

Practical Application at Home

Jesus used God’s word, the holy bible to resist Satan’s temptations. Jesus knew what the word of God says and He was not tricked or deceived by Satan’s words. Satan also used the scriptures as a way to deceive Jesus, which means he also knows what the Bible says. But Satan does not understand God’s words the way Jesus does. Satan tries to deceive people by changing God’s words a little so that we will be confused. We should not rely on our own strength and knowledge to defeat Satan’s temptations, but we should rely on Jesus and God’s holy Word. Ask Jesus to help you when you are feeling tempted and trust that He can help you because He has already defeated Satan. We have already been delivered by Jesus.

Think about the following temptations you may face and then think of a scripture you could use to help you make the right choice.

- It’s okay to take a dollar from mom’s purse for lunch without asking. (Thou shalt not steal Exodus 20:   )

- It’s okay to go into your friends house for just a few minutes even though your parents tell you not to go into neighbors’ homes without their permission. You can go really quick. (Obey your mother and father that your days may be long upon the land you live Exodus 20:   )

- It’s okay to leave your trash in your neighbors yard, they can pick it up. You don’t need to keep their yard clean and then you don’t have to go back home to throw your trash away. (Love your neighbor as yourself)

- It’s okay not to pray regularly. Surely God knows what you are thinking so you don’t need to tell him about it. (Pray without ceasing      )

- Completing this homework assignment neatly doesn’t even matter. It is not an important subject and no one really cares. It’s okay to turn in this work sloppily. (Every work your hand finds to do, do it to the glory of God)

-It’s okay to tell this lie to your parents because it will keep you out of trouble. They will never find out what really happened. It is more important for them to think you did the right thing. (Lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





We can not predict our future. We do not know what lies ahead of us in the weeks, months or years, but Jesus does. We might face challenges in the near future but Jesus will be with us through the challenges. We can trust that Jesus understands our difficult times because Jesus also faced challenges when he was here on earth. This week we will see what challenges Jesus faced and how he handled them.

Mark 8:31-38 



When you are in trouble, who do you call for help? We ask for help from different people, depending on where we are. Listen to these situations and choose who you would ask for help.

-You are lost at the park. Who do you ask for help: a kid or someone’s mom?

-You are don’t know how to do your class assignment. Who do you ask for help: a classmate or the teacher?

-You don’t know what to wear today. Who do you ask for help: Siri or your mom?

-You need help with your homework. Who do you ask for help: Your dad or your mom?

-You lost your cat high in the tree. Who do you ask for help: a neighbor or the firefighter?

-You want to know more about Jesus. Who do you ask for help: your parents or your pastor?

-You can’t find the book you want at the library. Who do you ask for help: the librarian or the computer?

We know that when we need help we can usually call on these people to help us. We can also be sure that when we face challenges, whether they are big or small, we can call on Jesus to help us. Jesus also faced challenges while he was on earth but God was there to help Him. This week we will see what some of the challenges Jesus faced while he was on earth.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 8:31-38 

What was Jesus beginning to tell the disciples about the future? (That he would suffer, be rejected by the elders die and be raised from the dead after 3 days)

What did Peter say when he heard Jesus talking this way? (He took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him)

What was Jesus’ response to Peter’s rebuke? (He rebuked Peter and said Get behind me Satan)

What did Jesus say his followers must do? (Deny himself, take up their cross and follow him)

How can your life be saved? (By losing your life for Jesus and the gospel)


Jesus knew a difficult time in his life was going to happen and he would feel sad and miss the people on earth that he loved. We all have difficult times in our lives that we might ask Jesus to help us with. Our difficult situations may not change and we may not be able to avoid the hurt and pain in life, but we can have comfort that Jesus understands our pain and He wants to be with us during those times as well. 


Print and cut out the strips of paper. Then take turns completing the challenge on the strip. Encourage your child to do even the activities that may be challenging or too difficult for them. Encourage them to try the activity and help them after they have tried to do it independently. Some of those challenges were really difficult and we may have even needed help completing them but we were able to try it. Jesus understands that we will have challenges in our lives, but he will be with us through those difficult times.

Materials: printed activity strips, household items for some challenges


Life can be challenging but we have Jesus who understands and wants to help! Complete this Challenging scavenger bingo card by completing the challenges each box before the timer is complete. If you are able to complete the challenges before the timer is off, you win! You can offer a small prize if you desire. To make it easier for younger players, you can have them complete one row instead of the entire board and give them ample time to complete the challenges.

Materials: Printed Challenge Bingo game, stamp or pencil

independent activity:

Draw a picture of a difficult time or situation you have been through. Maybe you lost a pet. Maybe someone you love has died. Maybe your best friend moved away or you have moved to a new school. Maybe your mom or dad live in a different place than you or your grandparents have moved far away. We all go through difficult times, but we can know that Jesus will be there with us through those difficult times and he understands our pain. Draw your picture of something difficult you have faced and then draw a picture of Jesus being with you during that difficult time.

Materials: Construction paper, drawing supplies such as crayons, pencils, colored pencils or markers




Make a cross bookmark. Draw a picture of a cross on a sheet of construction paper. Write your challenge or challenges on the cross, then color your cross. Hole punch the top of the bookmark and add a small string. 

Materials: construction paper, scissors, glue, hole punch, string


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What challenges have you faced today?

What challenges have you faced this week?

What has been your most difficult challenge?

Did you feel that Jesus was with you during those difficult times?

What can you do when you need Jesus’ help?

Can you think of someone from the Bible who faced difficult challenges but relied on God to get through it?

Practical Application at Home

We each face challenges in life and the challenges we face can be different. As a family, discuss at least one challenge you have had this week, month, or year. Notice that you don’t all have the same challenges even within the same family. God is with us through our challenges and will help us through these difficult times. He has given us strength but He also wants us to help others who may be going through a similar challenge that we have gone through. This week pray for ways to see other’s challenges, and opportunities to help them through their challenge. God has given us comfort so we can pass that comfort to someone else. When we do this, we are showing others God’s love.

As a family, work together to support and encourage someone else this week. Look for a family project you can do together to encourage and uplift another family. We are all facing difficult times right now, and we can encourage each other by showing them we care.

Possible family projects:

-make a meal together that you can share with another family

-Make a “Thinking of You” card that you can send to a family friend

-make a personalized DIY game to give as a gift. Look here for more ideas

-make a personalized pillow decorated with their family name by using fabric paint. Or make a no-sew pillow. Look here for instructions. 

-make a bird feeder to share with a neighbor or friend

-Decorate clay pots and then plant herbs in the pots to give away as gifts

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





It’s never fun to be sick. Who takes care of you when you are feeling ill? Who cares for you when you are sad? This week we will see how Jesus cared for the people around him by healing them from their sicknesses. Jesus wants to take care of us too!.

Mark 1:29-39. Psalm 147:1-11, 20c) 



We all get hurt sometimes and need to see a doctor or a parent to help us feel better. Sometimes our cuts and bruises are small and only need a small bandaid or brace. Then there are other times when our entire body may feel broken. We are going to play a game. We will race to see who can bandage up a person the fastest using this roll of toilet paper. Wrap your patient completely up in this toilet paper in order to win. Alternately if you don’t have enough people, you can use similar objects or large stuffed animals.

This week we will see that Jesus began to heal those who were sick and word spread through the whole town what Jesus was able to do. Jesus is still working with us today healing the sick and demon possessed. Sometimes he works through doctors and sometimes we can see a miracle of healing that doctors can not explain. We may not always see Jesus’ healing right away, but His healing may have to wait until Heaven. We can still be sure that Jesus is able to heal and wants to bring healing to the sick.

Materials: roll of toilet paper

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 1:29-39

Whose mother was sick lying in bed? (Peter’s mother-in law)

What did Jesus do for Peter’s mother-in-law? (He took her by the hand and raised her up and her fever left)

Who came to the house for healing from Jesus? (Those who were sick and demon possessed)

Why didn’t Jesus allow the demons to speak? (Because they knew him)

Where did Jesus decide to go next? (The neighboring town of Galilee)

What did Jesus say was the reason why he had come? (To preach)


Jesus was with God because He is God, and He was able to reveal to us who God is. Jesus became flesh and demonstrated God’s love to us. Through Jesus we can know God because they are one. 


Jesus takes care of each of us and provides for our needs, but He can use us to provide for others’ needs as well. Use the following activity page to make the blank person look like you. Then, write ways you can use your body parts (hands and feet) to serve others and care for them.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil


Jesus takes care of us not just with our physical needs but with our emotional needs as well. Jesus provides from us in many different ways and takes care of us in many ways. Use this activity sheet to write down the ways the Bible says God takes care of us. Read the following scriptures and write how this verse describes how Jesus takes care of you.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, device or bible to read scriptures

Create activity:

Create a Jesus Cares for Me collage. Using pictures from magazines, paste pictures that describe how Jesus cares for you. Jesus can use people in your life, community helpers and even objects to take care of you. Think of all of the ways He cares for you and illustrate them with pictures. Alternatively, if you don’t have magazines to cut, draw pictures on your collage.

Materials: old magazines, glue, scissors, construction paper




Bandaid art. Use bandaids to create a picture or picture scene. Using the bandaids to create flower, butterfly or any other image. Then use crayons or markers to add details to the image and then create a background scenery to go with your image. See this website for example bandaid art.

Materials: construction paper, coloring utensils, bandaids


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who did the people crowd in the house to see?

How did Jesus take care of the people who were sick?

How does Jesus care for each of us? 

In what ways do you care for other people. 

Practical Application at Home

Jesus took care of the people who came to the house to be healed. He knew the things they needed and the sicknesses they had and he healed them. They no longer needed to worry about the things that had ailed them for so long. Jesus still tells us today to no worry because He will take care of us. We may not know what will happen in the future, but we can know that God will be there with us through it.

Read Matthew 6:25-33

Jesus said that He clothes the lilies of the field and knows when even one sparrow falls from the sky, therefore he knows us and cares for us even more. We were made in the image of God, we are special to Him and He will continue to care for us. 

Draw the following picture to remind yourself that God has promised to care for the flowers, he will care for us even more. Using a white sheet of paper, dip your finger in paint, ink pad, or color the tip of your pointer finger and then stamp in a circle in the center of the paper. These will be the pedals of the flower. Color the center of the flower yellow (or desired color) using paints or crayons. Then decorate the rest of the flower using crayons or markers with the stem, leaves and buds. At the top or bottom of the page write “Do not worry, but seek first His kingdom”.

Materials: white drawing paper, paint, (Alt: ink pad) markers or crayons

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





The sky is green. There are three planets in the solar system. We have wings to fly. You probably already know that all of those statements are not true. Do you know the truth for all those lies? Sometimes people give us the wrong information or sometimes we are just not sure what is the truth. We can always trust that Jesus knows and can show us the truth. This week we will see how Jesus is able to show the disciples the truth. When the disciples saw the truth they were forever changed. Jesus wants to change us and reveal truth to us as well!

Mark 9:2-9. Psalm 50:1-6  2 Corinthians 4:3-6



Listen to these statements about animals and decide if the statement is true or made up! Listen carefully to the facts about these animals, some may be a little tricky.

-Cheetahs can change direction midair when chasing prey. (True)

-Jackrabbits are actually faster than cheetahs when going short distances (False)

-A Giraffe’s hoof is bigger than a frisbee. (True)

-Snakes don’t have eyelids. (True)

-You can tell a rattlesnakes age by counting its rattles. (False)

-The largest dinosaurs were vegetarians. (True)

-Hummingbirds can smell a flower up to a mile away. (False)

-Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backward (True)

-Rats can howl like wolves. (False)

-Piranhas bark. (True)

-Sharks can’t blink. (True)

-Sharks can only survive in salt water. (False)

-Parrots don’t have vocal cords. (True)

-Dragonflies can see in all directions at once. (True)

-All bats are blind.(False)

Some of the statements were true and some of them were false. Did you have an easy or hard time knowing which statements were true? Sometimes it can be hard to decide what is truth and what may be leading us the wrong way. Jesus can reveal the truth to us and help us make the right choices. 

This week we will see the disciples will know the truth about who Jesus is. The will see that what they thought was true is proven true right in front of them. We can trust that Jesus will show us the truth in the things in our lives too. We can ask Jesus to reveal truth to us and trust that He will do it.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 9:2-9

Where did Jesus take Peter, James and John? (Up the mountain to be alone)

What happened to Jesus when he was transformed? (He clothes became dazzling white?)

Who appeared to them and started talking to Jesus? (Elijah and Moses)

What did Peter suggest they do? (Build three altars for Jesus, Elijah and Moses.)

What did the voice from the cloud say? (This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.)

Who did Jesus tell Peter, James and John to tell about what they saw? (No one)


Once you know the truth about something, is it easy to go back to believing the lie? Of course not! Once we know the truth it changes how we think or see something. Once the disciples saw with their own eyes that Jesus was the Son of God, they could not go on with their lives as before. They were changed! They knew the truth and wanted to follow Jesus! The truth can change us too!


Use this picture frame to draw a realistic picture of yourself. Then using the Picasso attachment, create a Picasso picture of yourself. Cut out the Picasso self portrait and place it onto of the picture frame by glueing the top part on so that the bottom can be lifted. Sometimes things don’t look the way they are supposed to. They are deceiving or try to imitate the truth. When we are not sure what is truth we can always ask Jesus to show the truth to us. We can trust that Jesus always has the answers and can reveal to us the truth we need to know.

Materials: printed picture frame, coloring utensils, printed Picasso picture, scissors, glue


Listen to the following scenarios and decide if the person told the hard truth or was just being mean. Then decide if that truth can help you make a better decision.

Materials: graph paper or plain paper, pencil, ruler

Create activity:

Create your own optical illusion art. Sometimes it is easy to confuse what we see with what is true, but God wants as to always be sure we know and follow the truth. He doesn’t want us to be tricked by our eyes or by false things others say. We can know the truth by listening and following Jesus. We can be sure to do that in the future by practicing following God’s truth now. Use the following website as an example of how to make your own optical illusion art. One way is to trace your hand on a sheet of white paper. Then draw straight vertical or horizontal lines on the white sheet behind the hand. Then, continue drawing the line inside the hand but make it curve or bend and then end at the same point of the line on the other side of the hand. So the lines drawn on the outside of the hand are straight, but the lines drawn on the inside of the hand are curved. The key is to make sure the lines inside and outside of the hand are touching. Then color the lines in a pattern.

Materials: Construction paper, drawing supplies such as crayons, pencils, colored pencils or markers




Create a bible poster art. Use the attached images to color and cut, then glue them onto a large sheet of construction paper. Draw additional images and use stickers to add to your bible poster. 

Materials: coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

This verse describes the gospel as being veiled for those who are not believers. Something that is veiled really means that it is covered or hidden. The truth of God’s word can be hidden from those who do not believe. When something is hidden in the dark, what do we usually do so that we can find it? We use light!

Blindfold one person so they can not see the room around them. Lead the blindfolded person carefully around the room to an object for them to feel. Ask them to tell you what the item is that they can only feel but not touch. Lead them around the room several times to feel objects without seeing them and guess what is the object. After they have guessed an object, allow them to take down their blindfold to see if they guessed right.

When you were blindfolded and feeling objects, it was sometimes hard to guess what the object really was in the dark. Sometimes we are blind to the truth because we are in darkness, but when we have light, we can see the object for what is really is. 

Jesus is that light. He can reveal to us the truth and take down the veil that may be hiding the truth. When we have Jesus’ light, He can help us see what is true and what is false. 

Practical Application at Home

Print the following cards and post them on the wall or on the floor. Turn off the lights and use a flashlight to unveil the truth statements. Shine your light on a card and then read the statement.

Jesus is our light. He is able to show us the truth and help us discern what is right and what is wrong. We can trust that Jesus will help us discover the truth. Once we know truth, we can then live in the truth. That means, we know right from wrong and we can choose to do the right thing Jesus has called us to. When Jesus revealed the truth about himself to his disciples, they knew He was the son of God. They could then choose to live in the truth by following him, or they could choose to walk away. When truth is revealed to us, we can also choose to follow Jesus.

Materials: printed truth statements, tape or adhesive

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





It’s not always easy to do the right thing. Choosing to obey or doing what we want. Taking care of our health or ignoring what’s good for our bodies. We are tempted by lots of things. Telling the truth or telling the lie to keep out of trouble. Some temptations are not hard to overcome while others are really hard for us. Each of us have different temptations, but the good news is, Jesus has overcome temptations so He can help us overcome too!

Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-11 Psalm 25:1-10



Use small colorful food such as M&M’s, skittles, fruit loops or valentines heart candy for your child to throw onto a coordinating color sheet of construction paper. Alternatively you can use a white sheet of paper that has been colored with a crayon or write the color word on the top of the sheet of paper. Set a start line a good distance from the construction papers that are lined up in a row side by side. The goal of this activity is for your child to roll the candy onto the coordinating colored paper and have the candy land on top of the paper. They should try to get as many candies onto the paper as possible within the 1 minute timer. 

Today we will play a game with our candies and these sheets of paper. Roll a piece of candy one at a time across the floor and try to get it to land on the coordinating colored paper. You will have 1 minute to roll as many candies on top of the paper as you can. You may not eat the candy as you play and you may not pick up any candies that do not roll far enough to reach the paper. 

Was is easy or hard to roll your candies onto the correct colored paper? Were you ever tempted to eat the candy? Were you ever tempted to pick up a candy that didn’t roll very far and was still in reach? We are sometimes tempted to do things that we know we shouldn’t do. Sometimes we feel pressured from our friends to do something they are all doing but we know is wrong. Jesus was also tempted and had to resist the temptations of Satan. This week we will see how Jesus was able to resist those temptations and helps us when we are tempted too. 

Materials: colorful candy (M&M’s, skittles, fruit loops, etc) coordinating colored construction paper, start line

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 1:12-13; and Matthew 4:1-11

How long was Jesus in the wilderness? (40 days)

What was Jesus doing in the wilderness during the 40 days? (Fasting and praying)

Who was he there with? (Wild animals and the angels and Satan)

What was the first temptation Satan gave Jesus? (To turn stones into bread)

How did Jesus respond? (Men does not eat on bread along but on the word of God)

What was Satan’s second temptation? (For Jesus to demonstrate he was the Song of God by throwing himself down for the angels to save him)

How did Jesus respond? (Do not test the Lord your God)

What was Satan’s third temptation? (Offering to give Jesus the world if he bowed down and worshiped him)

How did Jesus respond? (Go away Satan, worship the Lord your God and serve only Him)

After the third temptation what did Satan do? (He left and the angels attended Jesus)


Jesus was tested in the wilderness by Satan 3 times and used the Bible to answer Satan. Jesus was able to defeat the temptations Satan gave because He knew the word of God better than Satan. Because Jesus was able to defeat Satan, we can trust that Jesus will help us when we are tempted as well.


In life we all have to navigate through temptations that are thrown at us. Just because we have been faced with a temptation, we do not have to give in to the temptation. We can say no or walk away from the temptation. Create a small obstacle course around an open area using simple obstacles such as chairs, blankets, pillows and pool noodles. Print the attached cards and scatter them throughout the obstacle course. Collect the cards that have positive choices we should make to draw closer to God, but avoid stepping on the cards that have temptations we should avoid. Demonstrate the path of your obstacle course so your child knows how to get to the end. Repeat the obstacle course in reverse, if desired, and move the cards to new areas.

Materials: printed and cut temptation cards


Listen to the following scenarios and decide what would you do? We are all faced with choices everyday and we have to decide what we would do in that situation. Would we stay or do we flee? Do we stand up for what is right or pretend we don’t see? We are all tempted but we can ask Jesus to help us overcome temptation and make the right choice.

Materials: graph paper or plain paper, pencil, ruler

Create activity:

Use old magazines to cut out pictures and glue them to a sheet of construction paper titled with one of the following statements. “Man does not live on bread alone”; cut out pictures that show different foods you might like to eat. “Do not test God”; cut out pictures of things you might test such as test driving a car or testing how soft a couch is. “Worship and serve only God”; cut out pictures of things you might be tempted to serve other than God and then draw an X on each picture.

Materials: Old magazines, sheet of construction paper, scissors, glue, marker or pencil




Create a bible poster art. Use the attached images to color and cut, then glue them onto a large sheet of construction paper. Draw additional images and use stickers to add to your bible poster. 

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



We can trust that Jesus will help us when we are tempted because he was tempted and overcame those temptations. David also had temptations and sinned but he knew that God could forgive him and help him with his temptations. 

Read or listen to Psalm 25:1-10

What are 3 request David made of God?

What are 3 promises of God that you see in this passage?

Can you resist Satan’s temptations on your own?

Who can you call on for help when you feel tempted to do the wrong thing?

Why is it important to only worship and serve God?

How can we be like Jesus when we are resisting temptation?

Practical Application at Home

What are some temptations that you face? Your temptation may be a place, a person or an action. Not everyones temptations are the same, but we all face temptations. When we are being tempted, we can use scriptures of God’s promises to help us do the right things. Read or listen to the following promises God gives to us. We can use these promises when we face temptations in our lives. Find your favorite scripture listed below and illustrate a picture that goes along with it. Think of a temptation and how your verse may help someone who is being tempted. 

Matthew 28:20 I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Jeremiah 31:3  Yea, I have love thee with an everlasting love therefore with with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

John 16:33  I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Matthew 6:13 Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted; he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 

2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





We can not predict our future. We do not know what lies ahead of us in the weeks, months or years, but Jesus does. We might face challenges in the near future but Jesus will be with us through the challenges. We can trust that Jesus understands our difficult times because Jesus also faced challenges when he was here on earth. This week we will see what challenges Jesus faced and how he handled them.

Mark 8:31-38 Psalm 22:23-31



I have some challenges I want to see if you can complete! It is a test of your strength, but don’t hurt yourself trying to complete the challenge. Let’s see how many of these challenges you can do.

-Pick up 5 pillows and hold them over your head

-pick up 5 large books and hold them over your head

-lift the couch off the floor

-Give your sibling a piggy back ride

-give your parent or grown-up a piggy back ride

-lift 5 pound weights over your head

-lift 10 pound weights over your head

-carry an empty backpack across the room

-carry a backpack filled with books across the room

Some of these activities were easy to do and some were hard and some may have been impossible to do! We all have challenges in our lives that we face and although it might seem as though we have to face the challenges alone, we are not alone. Jesus understands the challenges we are going through because He faced challenges in his life too. He knew that He came to earth to die for our sins, but it was not easy knowing He would leave his family and friends. 

Being a follower of Jesus does not mean we will never face challenges, in fact we will face challenges because there will be people who do not agree with how we believe. But when we stand up for Jesus and the gospel, and are not ashamed of what we believe, Jesus will be with us through the difficulties. He will reward us! This week we will see how Jesus faced challenges and told the disciples they would have challenges too.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 8:31-38 

What was Jesus beginning to tell the disciples about the future? (That he would suffer, be rejected by the elders die and be raised from the dead after 3 days)

What did Peter say when he heard Jesus talking this way? (He took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him)

What was Jesus’ response to Peter’s rebuke? (He rebuked Peter and said Get behind me Satan)

What did Jesus say his followers must do? (Deny himself, take up their cross and follow him)

How can your life be saved? (By losing your life for Jesus and the gospel)


Jesus knew a difficult time in his life was going to happen and he would feel sad and miss the people on earth that he loved. We all have difficult times in our lives that we might ask Jesus to help us with. Our difficult situations may not change and we may not be able to avoid the hurt and pain in life, but we can have comfort that Jesus understands our pain and He wants to be with us during those times as well. 


We don’t know our futures. We can give a guess as to what we think might happen or what we would like to have happen, but we don’t really know what the future holds for us. Jesus knew what the future held for him even though it was not happy news. He knew he would die, because that’s what he came to this earth to do for you and me. Fold a piece of construction paper vertically into thirds, unfold and then fold it horizontally in half. You should have 6 squares, 3 on top and 3 on bottom.

Write the following phrase in each box and then draw a picture or write the answer to each phrase inside that square.

In the future my house will look like…

In the future I will have this car…

In the future I will do this for a job…

In the future I will visit…

In the future I will eat…

In the future I will spend time…

Materials: Construction paper, writing utensil


Cut out the strips of paper and take turns completing the challenge on the strip. Encourage your child to do even the activities that may be challenging or too difficult for them. Encourage them to try the activity and help them after they have tried to do it independently. Some of those challenges were really difficult and we may have even needed help completing them but we were able to try it. Jesus understands that we will have challenges in our lives, but he will be with us through those difficult times.

Materials: Printed activities cut into strips, scissors

Create activity:

Create a Yarn maze for you and your family to complete. Use yarn and masking tape (or other easy to remove adhesive), to create a zigzag maze for someone to try to get across. Use a narrow hallway or create a space using chairs. Create your challenging maze to look like laser beams that the person has to avoid. See who can make it across, under, or through the maze without touching any of the strings.

Materials: Yarn, masking tap or other easy to remove adhesive, hallway or a 2 rows of chairs lined across from each other




Make a cross bookmark. Draw a picture of a cross on a sheet of construction paper. Write your challenge or challenges on the cross, then color your cross. Hole punch the top of the bookmark and add a small string. 

Materials: construction paper, scissors, crayons/markers, hole punch, yarn


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Psalm 22:23-31

This Psalms offers encouragement to those who are going through difficult times or challenges. Jesus understands our challenges and understands that we all have difficult times. In this Scripture passage, find a phrase or verse that is most encouraging to you. Try to memorize this verse this week to use when you are feeling discouraged or facing difficult times.

How can we take up our cross?

How are the difficulties here on earth temporary?

How can some of our challenges help us grow in our relationship with Jesus?

How does knowing some of our challenges will have a greater benefit later on, help us cope with the challenges right now?

Practical Application at Home

We each face challenges in life and the challenges we face can be different. As a family, discuss at least one challenge you have had this week, month, or year. Notice that you don’t all have the same challenges even within the same family. God is with us through our challenges and will help us through these difficult times. He has given us strength but He also wants us to help others who may be going through a similar challenge that we have gone through. This week pray for ways to see other’s challenges, and opportunities to help them through their challenge. God has given us comfort so we can pass that comfort to someone else. When we do this, we are showing others God’s love.

As a family, work together to support and encourage someone else this week. Look for a family project you can do together to encourage and uplift another family. We are all facing difficult times right now, and we can encourage each other by showing them we care.

Possible family projects:

-make a meal together that you can share with another family

-Make a “Thinking of You” card that you can send to a family friend

-make a personalized DIY game to give as a gift. Look here for more ideas

-make a personalized pillow decorated with their family name by using fabric paint. Or make a no-sew pillow. Look here for instructions. 

-make a bird feeder to share with a neighbor or friend

-Decorate clay pots and then plant herbs in the pots to give away as gifts

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


The Blueprint



Have you ever had a plan for how you thought your day should go and then nothing turned out right? That happens to everyone. We all make plans and sometimes they work out but sometimes they do not. God has a plan too. But unlike our plans, God’s plans are perfect and always happen according to His plan.

John 2:13-22



Give every person participating a sheet of construction paper. Use at least 2 participants for this activity. I have a challenge activity for you to complete. Everyone has a piece of construction paper, you must make it across this room by not touching the floor but only using the construction paper. Work together as a team or family to get across the room. As parents, try not to come up with the solution for getting across right away, allow your children an opportunity to brainstorm ways to make it across. Offer help when they seem truly stuck. This is an opportunity for brainstorming.

Was that easy or hard to make it across the room? We came up with lots of plans or options until we were able to find one that worked. Having a plan is important so that we know what to do or how to fix something. Sometimes our plans are successful and sometimes our plans fail. God has a plan for our lives that will never fail. God knows exactly what will happen in the future and exactly how you and I play a roll in His big plan. This week we will see how God has a plan for us just as He had a plan for Jesus.

Materials: large construction paper for each participant,

Read or listen to John 2:13-22

What holiday was about to occur in Jerusalem? (Passover)

What did Jesus find when he went into the temple courts? ( people selling cattle, sheep and doves and people sitting at tables exchanging money)

What did Jesus do with the cord he made?( he drove everyone from the temple courts and scattered the money tables and coins)

What did he say to those who sold the doves? (Get these out of here! Stop turning my fathers house into a market)

What did the Jews insist that Jesus prove? (A sign to show His authority to do these things)

Jesus said if they destroyed this temple, he would rise it in how many days? (3 days)

Did the Jews believe him? (No, they knew the original temple was built in 46 years)

What temple was Jesus talking about? (His body as the temple that would die and rise again)


When Jesus described the temple being destroyed and rebuilt in 3 days, he was not talking about the physical temple but of His own body. He had a plan that the Jews did not understand at that time. Even the disciples remembered His words after his resurrection and then believed the scripture and words Jesus had spoken. God has a plan that we may not always understand, but it is always perfect.


Jesus had a plan to remove the people who were selling the sheep, cattle and doves from the temple. Remove these balloons from the room as Jesus cleaned the temple. Blow up several balloons and scatter them around a designated area. Then make a whip out of strips of construction paper that are taped at the end to create a handle. Have your child see how they can remove all the “sheep” balloons from the designated area as quickly as possible. Alternative: use small light balls or large wads of paper.

Materials: • Balloons or light balls or large wads of paper, strips of construction paper, tape


When builders make a new home they have a plan for how they want the house to look. Create your own home or dollhouse using shoeboxes, construction paper or cardboard scraps. Be creative as you decorate your home on the inside and the outside of the home by including furniture, decorating the walls and adding a roof. Use a variety of materials such as, scissors, construction paper, poster boards, markers, Popsicle sticks, etc.

Materials: shoe boxes, scissors, construction paper, poster boards, markers, Popsicle sticks

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: Printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Builders have blueprints they follow when they are building a home or building. They create these blueprints which are the plans they follow when they are constructing the building or home. God has blueprints for our lives, a plan he has already set into motion for the world. He did not leave the world in sin without a plan to save us. He also has a plan for each one of us that we can choose to follow. The creator of the universe knows what is best for you and has a plan for your life. 

Have you ever had your plans fail?

What do you do when something you have planned doesn’t work out?

How can you find God’s plan?

What would it look like to trust God’s plans?

What instructions has God left for us to follow?

Practical Application at Home

We can choose to follow God’s plan for our lives or we can choose to go our own way. God’s plan for our lives is perfect and will always be better than our own plans. We may not always see how His plan is perfect because things don’t always go the way we want them to go, but God knows what is best for us not just today but in the future. Sometimes we have to be patient to see how God’s plan will work out. When we follow God’s plan, we don’t have to worry about the future, instead we can just do the things God has set in front of us to do today. Think about what God may want you to do this week at home, school, in your community, or at church. What are some things He wants you to do in those places that are a part of His plan for you?

Listen to the following scenarios and decide when and where you could do these things that are a part of God’s plan for your life each day. 

-sweep the floor after dinner

-send a card to a loved one

-obey your teachers

-share a pencil with a classmate

-give food to someone in need

-help a neighbor in need

-write a love note to your parents

-reading a bible story 

-singing a song to your baby brother or sister

-offering to pray for those less fortunate

-donating your money to a charity or fundraiser

-helping up someone who has fallen

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


The Cornerstone



Have you ever seen a leaning tower? Have you ever seen a bridge where one end is sinking into the ground? Have you seen a house floating in the air? How we build the base, or foundation of buildings can determine how long it will last and how straight it will stand. We could build on any material, but it might not stay standing very long. God wants us to build our foundation on Him and He is love. This week we will see how much God loves us and has a plan for each of us with love as the cornerstone.

John 3:14-21



Build a tower using foam or wooden bricks. Practice making different sized towers, some with narrow foundations and some with wide foundations. When we built our towers, some of them were able to stay up because the base was wide and strong. Other towers didn’t stay up very long because the base was too narrow and the tower leaned and fell. The foundation, or the bottom of our tower, made a difference as to how high we could build without it falling over. Foundations are important to towers, homes, and in our lives. What we build our lives upon will determine how strong and sturdy we will be. What is the foundation of God’s plans for us? God’s plans are based on his love for us. Everything God does is out of His love for us. This week we will see how much God loves us.

Materials: wooden bricks or other building blocks

Read or listen to John 3:14-21

Who did Jesus compare himself to being treated as? (As the snake was lifted up in the wilderness)

Who did God love? (The world)

What did God do for the world? (Gave his one and only son to die)

Who can be saved? (Anyone who believes)

What was Jesus sent to the word to do? (Not condemn it, but save it)

Where do people who like evil want to be? (In the dark)

Where do people who like the truth go? (Into the light)

Why do people stay in the dark? (So their evil deeds will not be exposed)

Why do people come into the light? (So it can be seen that what they’ve done was in the sight of God)


God loved us so much he gave his son to die for our sins so we could live in relationship with Him forever. God does not measure how much he loves us on how good we are or how many great things we do. God has already delivered us through Jesus, we just need to accept the gift! If God is willing to give up his beloved Son, we can trust that He wants what is best for us in all areas of our lives. God’s plan for us is based on how much He loves us.


Cut out a large heart using large red construction paper, then write “God’s Love is…” in the middle of the heart. Print the attached hearts on plain paper or red paper (if desired), cut the hearts, and place them around the room for your child to find. After all the hearts are collected, place them around the large red heart and read what is written on each heart. Discuss the ways God’s love was described.

Materials: large red construction paper, marker, printed hearts, scissors, tape (optional)


Listen to this read-aloud story of the parable of the two builders.

Materials: device for watching story

Independent activity:

Decorate a stone to use as a remembrance of Jesus being our foundation. On one side draw and decorate a heart or the words love. On the other side write, ”Jesus is my rock”.

Materials: smooth stone, paints, permanent marker




Use a paper plate or a circle of white construction paper to create a globe. Paint the circle blue and then paste small torn pieces of green construction paper to create sections of land. Cut out a heart shape from red construction paper. On the heart write “For God so loved the world”. Glue the heart to the center of the globe.

Materials: paper plate or white construction paper circle, blue paint, green construction paper, red construction paper, scissors, glue, marker


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some things that you love?

How do you treat the things you love?

What are some things God has called us to love and care for?

How do you treat those things God has called you to love?

How can we make love the foundation of everything we do?

How would you define love?

Are there kids at school or church who do not treat you with love?

Who is someone you think does’t deserve to be treated with love?

How could you still show them love, even when you don’t think they deserve it?

Practical Application at Home

Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God’s plans for us are not last minute, He has not forgotten you but has a plan for you. Not just any plan, but one that uses the good works you have been given. Some versions of this verse say that you are God’s Masterpiece. What a wonderful thought. We are not thrown together carelessly, but we were created with a purpose in mind. We were created exactly the way God wanted us to be and He considers us some of his best work!

Think about how God has designed you. We each have things we are naturally good at doing or things we are really drawn to do. We are each unique and bring something different that God has given us to do. His plan for us is based on love, therefore the things we do with our gifts and talents should also be based on love. Make a list of the things you feel God has blessed you with, then describe how you can use that now or in the future with love as the foundation of these plans.

Materials: printed sheet, or plain sheet of paper, writing utensil

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


The Agreement



Have you ever had a challenge you didn’t think you could complete but tried anyway? We’ve all had challenges in our lives, some are small and some are so big they seem impossible to get through. Jesus understands our challenges and faced his own challenges while he was on earth. Although he knew dying on the cross would be hard, he said yes to God’s plan of salvation for us. 

John 12:20-33



Sometimes it is hard to choose between two things like choosing chocolate ice cream or vanilla. Then we have to make hard choices that may feel like neither choice is what we really want, but we have to choose. Play this game of Would You Rather.

Would you rather…

-eat pizza with mushrooms or pizza with anchovy’s

-run for 10 miles without stopping or pickup trash by a creek

-watch movies all day or eat pizza all day

-have 2 scoops of ice cream with mustard or 2 scoops of your favorite ice cream with ketchup

-eat eggs for breakfast everyday for a month or not eat eggs at all for a month

-sleep on the couch or sleep on the floor

-wash the dishes for a week or clean the floors for a month

-sit in the front of the classroom or sit in the back of the classroom

-get caught in a rainstorm or trapped inside your house during a snowstorm

-catch 10 worms by hand or pet a snake

Was it always easy to choose between the two choices? Sometimes it is hard to make a decision when both choices seem hard. God’s plan was for Jesus to be our sacrifice and Jesus had to choose to complete the plan. He knew it would be hard and yet He chose to do it anyway, because He loves us. This week we will see that Jesus knew it would be difficult to lose his life on earth, but He said yes to God’s plan anyway.

Read or listen to John 12:20-33

What hour did Jesus say had come? (For the son of Man to be glorified)

What analogy did Jesus use to compare what would happen to his life? (The kernel of wheat must die and then it will produce many seeds)

What happens to those who love their life here? (They will lose it later)

What happens to those who hate their life here on earth? (They will keep it for eternal life)

Why did Jesus say his soul is troubled? (He knew he was going to give up his life for the sins of the world)
What did Jesus glorify instead? (Father, glorify your name)

What was the response? (A voice from heaven said,  I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again)

What kind of death did Jesus describe would happen to him? (He would be lifted up from the earth and draw all people to him)


Jesus made a choice to go through with the plan of salvation He and God put into place before the sin of Adam and Eve. As the time to die on the cross drew nearer, Jesus knew how difficult it would be to complete it. But Jesus loved us more than his dread of the cross. He wanted to save us more than avoid the difficulty of the cross. What great love he has for us!


Jesus said yes to the plans God had for him so he could save us from our sins. Jesus knew what was ahead of him would be difficult but He said yes because He trusted God’s plan. We can say yes to things that may be hard for us to do as well. Pick a strip of paper out of the bowl and say yes to trying to complete the activity, even if you think it might be hard.

Materials: printed sheet cut into strips, scissors, small bowl or container


Take out several items and use them for a different purpose than they are intended for. For example, take out a toothbrush and use it to stir a cup of tea. Get a paper towel and use it to prop open a book. Take a pillow and use it to comb your hair. Make up several silly examples of using an item not for its intended purpose. That seemed very silly to use the items the way we did. Did we get the most out of those items? No, of course not. When we use something for a plan, other than its intended use, it can be wasteful. We all have been given a purpose and a plan from God. God does not force us to follow His plan, but when we do we are being used to our full potential. When we use a toothbrush to clean our teeth, we are using the toothbrush for its most important purpose and getting the most from its potential. Jesus said yes to God’s plans because He knew God’s plan would save us.

Materials: various items from your house

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: Printed activity sheet




Create painted flowers in a flowerpot. Print the following vase outline, draw on the stems, then finger-paint the petals. Finally, write the names of family members Jesus loves and died for on each leaf.

Alternate options: use a cotton ball dipped into the paint to stamp on the petals. Cut out the vase and paste to a larger sheet of construction paper, then paint on stem and petals.

Materials: Printed vase, paint in various colors, crayons, optional: cotton balls large sheet of construction paper.


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever said yes to something that was hard to do?

What are some things God asks us to do that are hard?

What are some things God asks us to do that are easy?

Why did Jesus tell his disciples in advance what was going to happen?

How does Jesus prepare us for the hard things that may come in our life?

Can you think of a scripture that encourages you during difficult choices?

Practical Application at Home

There are many things in our life that are difficult to do, but we should not give up on them. Think of the following things that might be hard, say what you think might make it challenging, and then tell if you would persevere or give up.

-Learn to play the piano

-Learning how to read

-Becoming an astronaut

-Sewing a dress or outfit

-Finishing a science project for the science fair

-Cleaning your room when its a disaster

-Going to college

-Learning to fly a kite

-Offering help to the new kid at school

-Asking someone who is hurt if they are ok

-Not being picked first in class

This week try to do something that might be a little difficult. Use a lima bean or small seed and plant it in a cup with dirt or a small ziplock bag. Water your seed and place it near a window to care for it. See if you can get your plant to grow. Jesus knew that God had a plan for him, even though it was difficult to complete. He went through with it because he knew it was what was best for us. He said yes to God’s plan because He knew God’s will was best. You have a plan for your seed to help it grow and become a new plant. The seed by itself can not do anything on its own, but your plan to nourish and take care of it will make it grow. 

Materials: plastic bag or cup, small seed such as a lima bean, soil, water

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


My Part



This month we have seen how God has a plan for everything. God had a plan for salvation and his plan is built on love. This week we will see that we are a part of God’s plan. We can do more than watch God’s plan but be a part of it by obeying what God has called us to do. It doesn’t matter if we think the job is big or small, God will use everything to work together for His plan.

Mark 11:1-11



We are going to work together to make shapes using just ourselves! We will work together as a team to build several shapes. We can use anything that is a part of our body to create the shape that is called out. Let’s see how many shapes we can make.

Make the following shapes using your arms, legs, fingers, feet, or other parts of your body. The smaller the group the more creative you will need to become. Be sure to use every member or divide into smaller groups of 3 or 4.







We had to work together as a team to complete that challenge! We couldn’t leave anyone out because we were all important and needed in order to accomplish the task. This week we will see that we are all a part of God’s plan. God has included us in his plan and he can use each one of us. sometimes the jobs we are given to do seem small and insignificant, but God uses everyone and all tasks. God doesn’t see our efforts as small but as willing to be a part of God’s plan. In the story this week, everyone is called to complete a task. As you read, try to determine how many people were used in God’s plan.

Read or listen to Mark 11:1-11

Where did Jesus and the disciples arrive? (Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives)

What did Jesus tell the disciples to do? (Go to the village and find a colt as they enter)

What were the disciples supposed to say if someone questioned them about taking the colt? (The Lord needs it and will ill bring it back shortly)

What did the disciples do with the donkey after they brought it to Jesus? (Threw their cloaks over it)

What did people spread on the ground before the colt for Jesus walk on? (Their cloaks were spread on the ground as well as branches from the field)

What did the people shout as Jesus walked by? (Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name the Lord. Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David. Hosanna in the highest heaven)


We are all a part of God’s plan. It is sometimes easy to look at what someone else may be doing or the talents they are using and want to do the same, but God has tasked each of us with something to do. When we work together we have all contributed to God’s plan. We can pray and listen for what God would have us to do. Even the family that allowed the disciples to borrow their donkey was a part of God’s plan! There is no task too small when we are working together.


Go on a donkey hunt. We are a part of God’s plan which means he has a plan for each of us. We can listen to what God would have us do and then obey. We can chose to live for God by listening to his plan and then doing it. Place the donkey cutouts around the room and have your child find a few and read them if they are able. Have them collect 2 or 3 donkeys that have tasks that they can complete this week. Read through the tasks together and discuss ways to complete the task so they are successful this week. Follow up later in the week to add further support or for them to share their story. Only collect the donkeys you can complete this week as a part of God’s plan.

Materials: printed cut-outs, scissors, tape (optional)


Retell the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the donkey while participants act out the story. Create a pretend donkey using a pole or a rocking horse. Allow them to pick parts to act out and dress up. Use real leaves or large sheets of green construction paper cut into large leaves. Have them narrate the story or you can do it for them while they act it out.

Materials: Various items for dress up, branches or leaves (optional), large green construction paper

Independent activity:

We can also praise God for the things He has done for us. We are thankful for the gift of Jesus as our savior and for many other things He has given us. Create this poster to show God has included you in His plan and add your praise of thanksgiving by writing the things you are thankful for. Write on the poster “I am a part of God’s plan”. Have your child decorate the poster including large leaves or branches. Print and use the following pictures to add to the poster if desired.

Materials: Large sheet of construction paper, printed add-ons (optional), stickers, markers, crayons, pencil




Print out the following donkey template found at the bottom of this website. Color the donkey and then cut it out. Glue the two parts of the donkey together. Use 2 clothespins and color them gray with the bottoms colored black for hooves. Use black yarn cut into little pieces and glue them to the head of the donkey for a mane, and then some at the back for a tale. Attach the hooves to the donkey so it can stand up on its own.

Materials: printed donkey template, crayons, glue, 2 clothespins, black yarn


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Where did Jesus riding the donkey?

Do you think they disciples were nervous to take someones donkey?

Do you think the family who allowed the disciples to take their donkey believed in the Savior?

What small task has God asked you to do?

Was it easy or hard to complete that task?

Did you think the task was too unimportant to care about?

How can you be part of God’s plan this week?

Practical Application at Home

Jesus came to earth to die for our sins so that we can live forgiven and in relationship with God. God had a plan from the beginning of man, for our salvation. Jesus carried out that plan even though it was hard. Just as a plant appears to be dead when its’ leaves are withered from not getting enough water, food, or sun, so we are dead from our sins. Sometimes a plant can come back to life with proper care and water, we can come back to life by the blood of Jesus. We have something to be very thankful for, salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord. 

What do you have to praise God for? Draw or write a list of things you are thankful for. On the top of the paper, write Hosanna. Jesus came to save each one of us, and that is something to be thankful for. Add other things to the list that you are specifically thankful for in your life. Hang your list some where you can see it daily to remind yourself that Jesus saves and has blessed you in many other ways as well.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


The Blueprint



Have you ever had a plan for how you thought your day should go and then nothing turned out right? That happens to everyone. We all make plans and sometimes they work out but sometimes they do not. God has a plan too. But unlike our plans, God’s plans are perfect and always happen according to His plan.

John 2:13-22Psalm 19:7-11



Draw a picture of a house and background scenery. You can draw your picture in advance or draw along with your child but be sure they can not see your picture. Give detailed instructions of what they should draw, step by step, on their paper as you are drawing your picture. Do not show your child your picture until the end of the exercise. If you color your picture be sure they are coloring theirs as well.

Let’s look at our pictures together! Do they look exactly alike? It’s kind of hard for you to have a picture that looks exactly like mine without seeing my picture while you drew yours. When we can see the example in front of us, it is easier to follow the instructions that are given. We use instructions as a way to guide us in lots of areas in our lives. When we build furniture we use a picture diagram. When we bake a cake we might use a recipe as our guide. When we learn how to play an instrument we might use an instructional video. When we builders build homes, they use blueprints to build a home the way it was designed. God also has a plan for this world and for each one of us. This week we will read about the plan God had for Jesus. Although God’s plan was not clear to everyone around Jesus, His plan was perfect and would not fail. 

Materials: drawing paper, pencil

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week John 2:13-22

What holiday was about to occur in Jerusalem? (Passover)

What did Jesus find when he went into the temple courts? ( people selling cattle, sheep and doves and people sitting at tables exchanging money)

What did Jesus do with the cord he made?( he drove everyone from the temple courts and scattered the money tables and coins)

What did he say to those who sold the doves? (Get these out of here! Stop turning my fathers house into a market)

What did the Jews insist that Jesus prove? (A sign to show His authority to do these things)

Jesus said if they destroyed this temple, he would rise it in how many days? (3 days)

Did the Jews believe him? (No, they knew the original temple was built in 46 years)

What temple was Jesus talking about? (His body as the temple that would die and rise again)


When Jesus described the temple being destroyed and rebuilt in 3 days, he was not talking about the physical temple but of His own body. He had a plan that the Jews did not understand at that time. Even the disciples remembered His words after his resurrection and then believed the scripture and words Jesus had spoken. God has a plan that we may not always understand, but it is always perfect.


Jesus cleaned the temple from the unclean things the people were doing in God’s house. The things they were doing were not a part of God’s plan. Jesus needed to clean God’s house of the cheating, stealing and unholy things that were happening there. Think about other things in our lives that are unclean that we need to have God help us clean. Listen to the following scenarios and decide what is dirty and how God can help you clean it up!

Materials: Scenarios printed or viewed on device


Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: Printed activity sheet

Independent activity:

Create your own plans to build something such as a house, car, or airplane, using grid or regular construction paper. Decide what your framed object will look like and draw it on the grid paper as your plan. Then create a 3-D version of your object using toothpicks and mini marshmallows or building bricks.

Materials: Grid paper or construction paper, pencil




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 19:7-11

This verse describes the Bible and how it can help us. The bible is God’s plan laid out for us. It is perfect. We don’t have to wonder what God wants for our lives or how we should behave, we can look in God’s word, the Bible, and know what God’s plans are for our lives. 

Fill in the blank from the memory verse. (NIV version used)

The law of the Lord is _____; _______ the soul.

The statues of the Lord are ________; making ______ the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are _________: giving ________ to the heart.

The commands of the Lord are ________; giving ________ to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is ________; enduring ________.

The decrees of the Lord are _________; and all of them are ___________.

Practical Application at Home

We can choose to follow God’s plan for our lives or we can choose to go our own way. God’s plan for our lives is perfect and will always be better than our own plans. We may not always see how His plan is perfect because things don’t always go the way we want them to go, but God knows what is best for us not just today but in the future. Sometimes we have to be patient to see how God’s plan will work out. When we follow God’s plan, we don’t have to worry about the future instead, we can just do the things God has set in front of us to do today. We can find God’s plan in His Holy word, the Bible. His word is perfect and there for us as a guide. Psalm 19:9-11, the Psalmist uses his own words to describe God’s Word. Think about descriptive words you would use to compare the precious and sweetness of God’s words.

Complete the following verse and add your own descriptive words to describe how good God is. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


The Cornerstone



Have you ever seen a leaning tower? Have you ever seen a bridge where one end is sinking into the ground? Have you seen a house floating in the air? How we build the base, or foundation of buildings can determine how long it will last and how straight it will stand. We could build on any material, but it might not stay standing very long. God wants us to build our foundation on Him and He is love. This week we will see how much God loves us and has a plan for each of us with love as the cornerstone.

John 3:14-21; Ephesians 2:4-10



Draw and cut out a heart from red construction paper for each participant. Listen to the following descriptions of love and determine if it describes love or something else. If it describes love, hold up your heart. If it does not describe love, keep your heart down.

-giving up your sear for someone else

-eating the last piece of pizza

-helping someone pick up the books they dropped

-sharing the last popsicle with a neighborhood friend

-hiding your toys before your friends come over

-teasing the kid at school who looks different from you

-listening to a friend’s problem rather than going to play

-helping your parents with housework

-saving a piece of candy to share with your sibling when you get home

Some of these were examples of love and some were not. Sometimes we may feel selfish about the things we have or feel selfish with our time. Love can be a sacrifice but it is also giving someone else something that they may need the most even though its inconvenient for us. That’s really tough to do sometimes. We do not love others perfectly but Jesus does. He demonstrates what love is and what love really looks like. God’s plans for us are centered around his love for us. That means everything He does is based upon His great love for us.

Materials: a heart cut out of construction paper

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week John 3:14-21

Who did Jesus compare himself to being treated as? (As the snake was lifted up in the wilderness)

Who did God love? (The world)

What did God do for the world? (Gave his one and only son to die)

Who can be saved? (Anyone who believes)

What was Jesus sent to the word to do? (Not condemn it, but save it)

Where do people who like evil want to be? (In the dark)

Where do people who like the truth go? (Into the light)

Why do people stay in the dark? (So their evil deeds will not be exposed)

Why do people come into the light? (So it can be seen that what they’ve done was in the sight of God)


God loved us so much he gave his son to die for our sins so we could live in relationship with Him forever. God does not measure how much he loves us on how good we are or how many great things we do. God has already delivered us through Jesus, we just need to accept the gift! If God is willing to give up his beloved Son, we can trust that He wants what is best for us in all areas of our lives. God’s plan for us is based on how much He loves us.


Practice drawing the following animals or objects by giving step by step instruction to your child on how to draw the object. Tell them what they will be drawing first, then skip the first step of the instructions. Discuss the outcome of their drawing. Repeat with a different animal if desired. Why didn’t our pictures turn out the way we thought they would? What was missing? We forgot to do one of the steps and it was the very first step. When we skipped the first step it really ruined the outcome of our picture. The foundation of our picture was very important, it causes all the other strokes to make sense. Jesus’ love is the foundation for everything He does for us, it causes everything to make sense.

Materials: pencil, drawing paper, device to view or print step by step drawing of animals


Listen to this read-aloud story of the parable of the two builders.

Materials: device for listening to read-aloud story

Independent activity:

Create a floating raft out of craft sticks that is able to carry things in the water. Using craft sticks, design a raft and then test what objects of various weights are able to float on top. Determine if you can change the foundation of your raft to help it hold heavier objects. Decorate the top of your raft with words that describe God’s love.

Materials: craft sticks, glue, markers




Use a paper plate or a circle of white construction paper to create a globe. Paint the circle blue and then paste small torn pieces of green construction paper to create sections of land. Cut out a heart shape from red construction paper. On the heart write “For God so loved the world”. Glue the heart to the center of the globe.

Materials: Printed sheet, scissors, glue, crayons, large sheet of construction paper.


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some things that you love?

How do you treat the things you love?

What are some things God has called us to love and care for?

How do you treat those things God has called you to love?

How can we make love the foundation of everything we do?

How would you define love?

Are there kids at school or church who do not treat you with love?

Who is someone you think doesn’t deserve to be treated with love?

How could you still show them love, even when you don’t think they deserve it?

Practical Application at Home

Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God’s plans for us are not last minute, He has not forgotten you but has a plan for you. Not just any plan, but one that uses the good works you have been given. Some versions of this verse say that you are God’s Masterpiece. What a wonderful thought. We are not thrown together carelessly, but we were created with a purpose in mind. We were created exactly the way God wanted us to be and He considers us some of his best work!

Think about how God has designed you. We each have things we are naturally good at doing or things we are really drawn to do. We are each unique and bring something different that God has given us to do. His plan for us is based on love, therefore the things we do with our gifts and talents should also be based on love. Make a list of the things you feel God has blessed you with, then describe how you can use that now or in the future with love as the foundation of these plans.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


The Agreement



Have you ever had a challenge you didn’t think you could complete but tried anyway? We’ve all had challenges in our lives, some are small and some are so big they seem impossible to get through. Jesus understands our challenges and faced his own challenges while he was on earth. Although he knew dying on the cross would be hard, he said yes to God’s plan of salvation for us. 

John 12:20-33Hebrews 5:7-9



Sometimes it is hard to choose between two things like if you should have chocolate ice cream or vanilla. Then we have to make hard choices that may feel like neither choice is what we really want, but we have to choose. Play this game of Would You Rather.

Would you rather…

-eat pizza with mushrooms or pizza with anchovies

-run for 10 miles without stopping or pickup trash by a creek

-watch movies all day or eat pizza all day

-have 2 scoops of ice cream with mustard or 2 scoops of your favorite ice cream with ketchup

-eat eggs for breakfast everyday for a month or not eat eggs at all for a month

-sleep on the couch or sleep on the floor

-wash the dishes for a week or clean the floors for a month

-sit in the front of the classroom or sit in the back of the classroom

-get caught in a rainstorm or trapped inside your house during a snowstorm

-catch 10 worms by hand or pet a snake

Was it always easy to choose between the two choices? Sometimes it is hard to make a decision when both choices seem hard. God’s plan was for Jesus to be our sacrifice and Jesus had to choose to complete that plan. He knew it would be hard and yet He chose to do it anyway, because He loves us. This week we will see that Jesus knew it would be difficult to  lose his life on earth but He said yes to God’s plan anyway.

Read or listen to John 12:20-33

What hour did Jesus say had come? (For the son of Man to be glorified)

What analogy did Jesus use to compare what would happen to his life? (The kernel of wheat must die and then it will produce many seeds)

What happens to those who love their life here? (They will lose it later)

What happens to those who hate their life here on earth? (They will keep it for eternal life)

Why did Jesus say his soul is troubled? (He knew he was going to give up his life for the sins of the world)
What did Jesus glorify instead? (Father, glorify your name)

What was the response? (A voice from heaven said,  I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again)

What kind of death did Jesus describe would happen to him? (He would be lifted up from the earth and draw all people to him)


Jesus made a choice to go through with the plan of salvation He and God put into place before the sin of Adam and Eve. As the time to die on the cross drew nearer Jesus knew how difficult it would be to complete it. But Jesus loved us more than his dread of the cross. He wanted to save us more than avoid the difficulty of the cross. What great love he has for us!


What Jesus needed to do was not easy and he knew it would be very hard, but He still agreed to complete God’s plan. There are things that God asks of us that are easy and some things may be hard. What we think is easy someone else may think is hard, but God is calling us to answer yes regardless. Listen to these scenarios and tell if they are easy things or hard things to complete.

Materials: Easy or hard scenarios


Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: Printed Activity sheet

Independent activity:

Jesus said that the kernel of wheat must die and then it will produce many seeds. Create a simple experiment with lettuce to grow more lettuce. Cut off the tops of the lettuce and place the lettuce hearts in a shallow bowl of water. Be sure the water is not covering the lettuce but just on the bottom. Change the water each day and place in the sun to see results within the week.

Materials: Head of romaine lettuce, bowl, water




Create painted flowers in a flowerpot. Print the following vase outline, draw on the stems, then finger-paint the petals. Finally, write the names of family members Jesus loves and died for on each leaf.

Alternate options: use a cotton ball dipped into the paint to stamp on the petals. Cut out the vase and paste to a larger sheet of construction paper, then paint on stem and petals.  

Materials: Printed vase, paint in various colors, crayons, optional: cotton balls large sheet of construction paper.


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Hebrews 5:7-9

How did Jesus feel about the death that was to come?

What was he pleading to God about?

How did the verse describe the way he prayed?

If Jesus was praying with reverent submission, was he demanding his own way?

We can know that Jesus trusted God’s plan even though he may have been dreading the death that was to come. He obeyed even through the suffering. Jesus said yes even though it would be very difficult. We can know that Jesus understands us when we face difficult situations because he faced them as well. We can also trust God’s plan and say yes to God’s plan even when it’s difficult.

Practical Application at Home

There are many things in our life that are difficult to do, but we should not give up on them. Think of the following things that might be hard, say what you think might make it challenging and then tell if you would persevere or give up.

-Learn to play the piano

-Learning how to read

-Becoming an astronaut

-Sewing a dress or outfit

-Finishing a science project for the science fair

-Cleaning your room when its a disaster

-Going to college

-Learning to fly a kite

-Offering help to the new kid at school

-Asking someone who is hurt if they are ok

-Not being picked first in class

This week try to do something that might be a little difficult. Use a lima bean or small seed and plant it in a cup with dirt or a small ziplock bag. Water your seed and place it near water to care for it. See if you can get your plant to grow. Jesus knew that God had a plan for him, even though it was difficult to complete. He went through with it because he knew it was what was best for us. He said yes to God’s plan because He knew God’s will was best. You have a plan for your seed to help it grow and become a new plant. The seed by itself can not do anything on its own, but your plan to nourish and take care of it will make it grow. 

Materials: plastic cup or plastic bag, soil, small bean like a lima bean.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


My Part



This month we have seen how God has a plan for everything. God had a plan for salvation and his plan is built on love. This week we will see that we are a part of God’s plan. We can do more than watch God’s plan but be a part of it by obeying what God has called us to do. It doesn’t matter if we think the job is big or small, God will use everything to work together for His plan.

Mark 11:1-11; Psalm 118:19-29



Let’s try to complete this challenge together. We are all standing on this blanket but have left a corner of the blanket free. The challenge is to try and turn this blanket to the other side without anyone stepping off the blanket onto the floor around it. We must keep 2 feet on this blanket at all times. Let’s see if we can do it! Choose a blanket, tarp, or bedsheet depending on the number of people participating. Only one quarter of the blanket or tarp should be left with no one standing on it. Be sure to have everyone present participate. 

Was that easy or a bit challenging to get the blanket flipped to the other side? We all had to participate, right? We needed everyones help not only to figure out how to turn the blanket around, but also in order to be successful. Every person participated in the plan. This week we will see that we are a part of God’s plan. God has something for each of us to do, not to just stand on the sidelines and watch but to be an active part of the plan. 

Materials: blanket or large sheet

Read or listen to Mark 11:1-11

Where did Jesus and the disciples arrive? (Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives)

What did Jesus tell the disciples to do? (Go to the village and find a colt as they enter)

What were the disciples supposed to say if someone questioned them about taking the colt? (The Lord needs it and will ill bring it back shortly)

What did the disciples do with the donkey after they brought it to Jesus? (Threw their cloaks over it)

What did people spread on the ground before the colt for Jesus walk on? (Their cloaks were spread on the ground as well as branches from the field)

What did the people shout as Jesus walked by? (Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name the Lord. Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David. Hosanna in the highest heaven)


We are all a part of God’s plan. It is sometimes easy to look at what someone else may be doing or the talents they are using and want to do the same, but God has tasked each of us with something to do. When we work together we have all contributed to God’s plan. We can pray and listen for what God would have us to do. Even the family that allowed the disciples to borrow their donkey was a part of God’s plan! There is no task too small when we are working together.


Play this game of memory. Match the cards of ways you show God you are a part of his plan.

Materials: printed memory game


God uses each one of us in His plan. There is no job too small when used for the glory of God. Every person in the Bible story today did something different to glorify Jesus and be a part of God’s plan. Complete the following activity sheet. Complete each statement by answering how you show your faith in God.

Materials: Printed activity sheet

Independent activity:

We can also praise God for the things He has done for us. We are thankful for the gift of Jesus as our savior and for many other things He has given us. Create this poster to show God has included you in His plan and add your praise of thanksgiving by writing the things you are thankful for. Write on the poster “I am a part of God’s plan”. Have your child decorate the poster including large leaves or branches. Print and use the following pictures to add to the poster if desired.

Materials: large construction paper, crayons or markers, writing utensil, printed stickers (optional)




Print out the following donkey template found at the bottom of this website. Color the donkey and then cut it out. Glue the two parts of the donkey together. Use 2 clothespins and color them gray with the bottoms colored black for hooves. Use black yarn cut into little pieces and glue them to the head of the donkey for a mane, and then some at the back for a tale.Attach the hooves to the donkey so it can stand up on its own.

Materials: Printed sheet, scissors, glue, crayons, large sheet of construction paper.


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 118:19-29

David is writing this Psalm thanking God for delivering him and being his salvation. David blesses God’s name for his goodness and provision. Although Jesus has not come yet in David’s time, He knows that his help and salvation comes from God. David was a part of God’s plan and He is even a part of the Jesus lineage. We can trust that even though we do not know the future and we don’t know what will happen to us, we can trust we are a part of God’s plan. We know that God has a plan that He will fulfill in His perfect timing. 

What do you have to praise God for today?

Why was David praising God?

How do you show God your praise?

How does David describe God in these verses?

In your own words, how would you describe God?

What has God saved you from?

Practical Application at Home

Jesus came to earth to die for our sins so that we can live forgiven and in relationship with God. God had a plan from the beginning of man, for our salvation. Jesus carried out that plan even though it was hard. Just as a plant appears to be dead when its’ leaves are withered from not getting enough water, food, or sun, so we are dead from our sins. Sometimes a plant can come back to life with proper care and water, we can come back to life by the blood of Jesus. We have something to be very thankful for, salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord. 

What do you have to praise God for? Make a list of things you are thankful for. On the top of the paper, write Hosanna. Jesus came to save each one of us, and that is something to be thankful for. Add other things to the list that you are specifically thankful for in your life. Hang your list some where you can see it daily to remind yourself that Jesus saves and has blessed you in many other ways as well.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil, tape (optional)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To Overcome



When Jesus died, his disciples and followers were very sad and did not understand what happened. How excited they must have been to see Jesus again and realize he was raised from the dead. Can you imagine how they must have felt? How would you feel if you saw Jesus again? Jesus overcame death, He is alive and wants to live with us forever some day soon!

Mark 16:1-8



There are times we are very excited about what we see and then there are times we are afraid because we are unsure of what is going on. Use your emoji faces to show how you would feel in the following situations.

Seeing a snake while raking leaves.

Biting into an apple and eating a worm.

Watching fireworks at the park.

Hearing a loud POP while driving in the car.

Walking in the sand along the beach.

Putting your hand into your lunch bag and pulling out a bug.

Being stung by a jellyfish while swimming at the beach.

Walking through a spider web in the dark.

Seeing a large flock of birds fly toward your house.

Watching a kitten play with yarn.

Today we will hear a story that seems unbelievable but it is true! The women at the grave probably had many emotions. They were sad, afraid and excited. What they witnessed seemed to be unbelievable but was proven to be true. Let’s read the Bible verse today and see what happened at Jesus’ grave that shocked a few people.

MaterialsEmoji faces- happy, sad, excites, crying

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week Mark 16:1-8

Who bought spices for the tomb after Sabbath was over? (Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome)

Why did they buy the spices? (They brought spices to anoint Jesus’ body)

Once they reached the tomb what did they realize they would need help with? (Removing the stone from the tomb)

When they reached the tomb what happened to the stone? ( It had been rolled away)

Who did the women see inside the tomb? (A young man dressed in a white robe)

How did the women feel when they saw the man? (They were afraid)

What did the man say to them? (Do not be alarmed, Jesus the Nazarene is risen; go tell His disciples and Peter; He is going ahead of you; you will see him there)


The women at the grave were afraid because they were not expecting to find Jesus’ body missing. They were surprised that He was gone and went to tell the disciples what they saw. What a wonderful feeling to realized your Savior is alive and has conquered death. 


Sometimes we are a part of something amazing or see something amazing and can not wait to share the good news with someone else. The women at Jesus’ grave were a part of something amazing and could not keep the news to themselves. We can also share this good news of Jesus! He is risen and is alive! Think about a time you have been a part of something amazing and you wanted to share the news with others. Share your amazing stories together and describe what you saw and how you felt.

Materials: family discussion time


Spring is a wonderful time to watch things grow and rise out from the ground. Create these composting pots. Add seeds and dirt to the pots once they have dried and leave them on your counter in sunlight to grow small sprouts. Once the sprouts have begun, you can plant the entire pot into the ground and it will decompose into the soil.

Materials: Construction paper shredded, water, cup for molding or muffin tin, flower/plant seeds

Independent activity:

Read aloud story “Berenstein Bears and the Easter story”

Materials: Listening device for read-aloud story




Create a 3 cross sunset picture by cutting different colored construction paper into strips. Then glue the colored strips onto a black sheet of paper to make the background. Next using black paper,  cut out 3 crosses and a half circle. Glue the half circle onto the bottom of the page to become a hill and then glue the 3 crosses onto the hill. 

Materials: Colored construction paper (including black and white), glue, scissors, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who went to the tomb?

Why did they go to put spices on Jesus’ body?

How would you feel if you were at the tomb and Jesus’ body was gone?

How would you feel if an angel told you Jesus had risen?

How do you think the women felt when the angel told them Jesus had risen?

Would it be easy or hard to tell people Jesus had risen from the dead?

What good news do you have that you can easily share with other people?

Who would you share your good news with?

Practical Application at Home

We have good news to share with others! Just as the women at the tomb had good news to share, we have the same good news. Jesus rose from the dead and he will return to take us to be where He is. We can live for eternity with Jesus. That’s great news! Jesus conquered death and can give us life eternal. We can share that news with others so they can also live forever with Jesus. 

Print these stepping stones, cut them out and then place them in a path along the floor. Space them so your child can hop or reach each stone within their step. As they step on the stone, read each sentence starter and have them complete the statement or thought to help facilitate a prayer for witnessing to others. Example: Pray for… (“people to witness to”); ask Jesus to… (“know what to say”); Jesus show me… (t”he right time to share”); Jesus help me… (“have courage”); I can pray for… (a list of people to pray for)

Materials: Printed stepping stones, scissors

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To Connect



We are connected to our family because we live with them and we have lots of things in common. We are also connected to other believers because we have something in common, our belief in Jesus. Jesus connects us with other people and we can help each other build our faith stronger or encourage each other when we feel down. This week we will see how Jesus connected the disciples to each other.

John 20:19-31



Who do you depend on to help take care of you? Who do you depend on to keep you safe? Who do you depend on for food and shelter. God created us to be in connection with one another. He gives us parents, teachers, and other leaders to provide for us who we are connected to. 

I’m going to say a list of things and I want you to tell me how they are all connected. Give me a title that describes all of these things. 

-Shoelaces, rope, string, yarn (Things you can use to tie)

-Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (Colors of the Rainbow)

-Piglet, foal, chick, kid, lamb, calf (baby farm animals)

-Car, boat, limo, bus, airplane (forms of transportation)

-Rose, daisy, lily, tulip, mum (Types of flowers)

-Butter, jelly, peanut butter, honey, cream cheese (Things you spread on toast)

-Cake, cookie, candy, cupcakes, ice cream (Types of dessert)

-“My dog ate it”, “I lost it”, “you didn’t give it to me”, “I forgot” (reasons you don’t have your homework)

-Because you are you, you are a masterpiece, you are His, You are created in His image (Reasons God loves you)

-Your family, your friends, other believers in God, your classmates (People you are connected with)

The disciples were afraid after Jesus died but they still met together to encourage each other. They were not sure what they should do next, now that Jesus was dead. The disciples were connected to each other because they believed and loved Jesus so when they saw him after He was raised from the dead, their connection was even stronger. They had an even greater purpose to complete together. Jesus was alive and they needed to tell everyone!

Read or listen to the Bible story John 20:19-31

Where were the disciples on the evening of first day of the week? (Together with the doors locked)

How did Jesus come in the room? (He came and stood among them)

How did Jesus show them who he was? (He showed them his hands and side)

Why did Jesus breath of them? (To give them the Holy Spirit)

Who was not in the room when Jesus was there? (Thomas)

What did he say when the other disciple told him Jesus had been there? (Unless he saw the nail marks in his hands, and put his fingernails where the marks were and put his hand in His side; he would not believe)

What happened the following week when Thomas was with the disciples? (While the door was locked, Jesus came and stood among them)

What did Jesus say to Thomas? (Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach your hand and put it in my side. Stop doubting and believe)

Did Thomas believe it was Jesus? (Yes, he said “My Lord and my God”

What did Jesus say about those who couldn’t see him and then believe? (Blessed are those who would not see but would still believe)


Jesus presented himself to the disciples and they believed what the women had said about Jesus being alive. They all experienced the death and resurrection of Jesus together and this connected them to each other. We are connected with other believers because we share a common love and purpose to share the gospel of Jesus with anyone who does not already know. We are connected by Jesus and the purpose he has given each one of us that we can accomplish by working together.


The disciples were afraid and Thomas didn’t believe Jesus was alive, until they saw Jesus in the room with them. Jesus appeared from out of nowhere to the disciples and they were shocked to see him. We have all been afraid of something or doubted if something was real. But Jesus gives us faith and connects us with others who can also strengthen our faith. Listen to the following statements about animals and decide if this is believable or if you have doubts.

Materials: Scenarios printed or viewed on device


Jesus connects us and brings us together. When the disciples saw Jesus after his death, it helped bring them together for a greater purpose. They were connected to each other through their love and faith in Jesus. We are connected to each other in a special way because of our faith. Other things are connected as well, such as a momma bear with its cub. Play this game of memory. Match the adult animals who are connected with their baby animals.

Materials: Printed memory game, scissors

Independent activity:

Draw a picture of people that Jesus has given you who you are connected with. Write their names on your picture to label the people you are connected with. These are people who help you in your faith with God and work together for a common purpose. On the top of your paper write the title “We are connected in God’s family”

Materials: Construction paper, crayons, pencil




Fold a sheet of white construction paper in half. Place their thumb along the fold of the paper, and then trace your child’s hands. Then cut around the hand, leaving the thumb and the bottom of the page attached. Cut a small half heart under the thumb but above the straight edged bottom of the paper to create a heart shape once the paper is opened. Open the paper and have your child place two holes in the middle of the hands then write “Jesus died” on one hand and “For Me” on the other hand.

Materials: White construction paper, scissors, crayons or markers


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Did Thomas first believe that Jesus was alive when the disciples told him?

What did Thomas need to do in order to believe Jesus was alive?

What did Jesus do to help Thomas believe?

What helps you have faith in Jesus?

How do you know that Jesus is real and near to you?

How does knowing Jesus is alive help you be courageous and brave?

Who are you connected with that helps you have stronger faith?

Are you a part of a group that serves others?

Practical Application at Home

Jesus connects us to each other through our relationship with him. We can share with others what God has done for us which continues to connect us with other believers. We can share our stories, or testimonies with others and therefore be in fellowship with each other. Think about what it is like to share stories with other people. It can leave us feeling encouraged to know someone has been through something similar to us. It can also leave us feeling comforted to know we are not alone. We can feel connected with others because we share an experience. Listen to the following story starters and choose one you can continue with your own true story. Share with your family or group your experience.

I once helped someone….

I was lost when….

I share this with a friend…..

I once share this with my enemy and…

I wish I had shared the gospel with…

I told this someone Jesus loved them and…

I encouraged someone by….

Every day I try to pray for….

I showed someone Jesus loved them by….

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To Encourage



Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever done something really wrong and regretted what you did? We have all made mistakes and felt bad for our actions. Jesus can encourage us and help us feel loved, even when we do wrong things. This week we will see how Jesus gave encouragement and hope to his disciples.

John 21:1-17



Play a game of “Who stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar”. Sit in a circle and begin by sitting criss-cross and clap your hands in the air, and then clap your hands on your lap. Altogether say this rhyme: 

“Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar…. (Everyone)

“Oh _____ stole a cookie from the cookie jar”(fill in the blank with one persons name said by the leader of the group)

“Who me” (The person who was picked)

“Yes you!” (Everyone)

“Couldn’t be” (person picked)

“Then who” (Everyone)

_______ (the name of someone else playing, said by the last person who was picked)

Repeat from the beginning filling in the blank with the persons name who was last called out. Continue the game until everyone has had a turn being the cookie thief.  

Did you admit to stealing the cookie from the cookie jar or did you deny it? Of course we all denied stealing a cooking, we didn’t want to say it was us! This week we are reading a story of how Peter denied Jesus. The difference with us denying our cookie and Peter denying Jesus, was that Peter really did know Jesus but he didn’t want anyone to know the truth. Peter felt bad about denying Jesus but He was not sure how Jesus felt about him. Jesus encourages Peter and lets him know he is forgiven. Let’s read about what happens in the Bible reading today.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week John 21:1-17

Who did Jesus appear to at the Sea of Galilee? (Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, the sons of Zebedee and 2 other disciples)

What did Peter say he was going to do that the other disciples joined with him? (Go fishing)

What was the problem they were having? (They weren’t catching any fish all night)

When Jesus was still on shore, what did He tell the disciples to do? (Throw their nets to the other side)

Who realized that it was Jesus talking to them? (John)

What did Jesus have waiting for them when they came to shore? (A fire with fish and bread on it)

When they finished eating, what did Jesus ask Peter? (Do you love me)

What was Peter’s response? (“You know that I love you”)

What did Jesus say in return? (Feed my lambs)

How many times did Jesus ask Peter if he loved him? (3 times)

Each time Peter answered the same, but how did Jesus respond each time? (“Feed my lambs”, “take care of my sheep”, “feed my sheep”)


We’ve all made mistakes just as Peter did, and we feel sorry for them. When Jesus forgives us, we can feel encouraged. When we forgive others for the wrong things they’ve done to us, we are encouraging them through our forgiveness. Jesus wants us to encourage others not just with our words and with our actions, but also through our forgiveness.


Play this fishing game. Create a magnetic fishing set by attaching a small magnet to the ends of each fish with glue or with self adhesive magnets. Using a stick attach fishing string or yarn to the end, and then wrap and tie a paperclip to the other end of the string. Have your child go fishing with their stick fishing hook and try to catch the fish. Say the words of encouragement written on each fish as they catch them. Catch and release the fish to play several rounds. Alternately: scatter the fish cut-outs on the floor. Use marker such as a beanbag, penny or small rock, toss the marker toward the fish. If the marker lands on the fish, then read the encouraging words written on the fish.

Materials: Fish cut-outs with words of encouragement, small magnets, paperclip, stick, fishing string or yarn


Jesus built a fire for the disciples and made breakfast for them to share and talk over. What a wonderful meal of conversation they must have enjoyed. Jesus encouraged the disciples and lifted their spirits through his gesture of food and conversation. Let’s create our own meal and blanket are that we can sit around and fellowship by. Display a small tray of fruit, nuts, cheese or other small finger snack foods to enjoy. Sit on the floor gathered around the tray of food and a blanket to share a meal and talk. Discuss what it must have been like for the disciples to sit and eat with Jesus. How did Peter feel while he sat and ate the meal? Share stories of times you have needed forgiveness and received it, or did not feel forgiven, and how either made you feel. Allow time for everyone to share.

Materials: Snacks prepared on a small tray or plate, blanket

Independent activity:

Make a poster that can be used to encourage someone or as your own reminder of how much Jesus loves and forgives you. Color and decorate the poster. You may write your favorite encouraging verse or write the following scripture . Joshua 1:9: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Materials: Printed poster, poster stickers, crayons, markers, pencils




Cut and color fish and glue them to a large sheet of construction paper. Using brown yarn or string, create a net over the fish by placing string on top of each other in perpendicular directions. If there is space on the paper, add a boat and continue to decorate the rest of the scenery including the sea, shore and disciples.

Materials: Printed fish cut-outs, scissors, brown string/yarn, glue. crayons/markers


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How do you think Peter felt sitting next to Jesus during the meal?

Have you ever been in trouble and not known if you were forgiven?

How does it feel to not be forgiven?

How does it feel when you are forgiven?

Do you remember your mistake and remind others of it after you are forgiven?

Do you remind others of their mistakes after you’ve forgiven them?

How can our forgiveness be encouragement to others?

Practical Application at Home

We can encourage the people around us just as Jesus encourage the disciples. Jesus encouraged the disciples by spending time with them, feeding them, showing them forgiveness, and giving them a purpose. Jesus wants us to encourage others as well. This week, look for ways to give encouragement to others. They can be people in your family, extended family, teachers, teammates or classmates. Look at the list below for ideas of things you can do. You may want to pick one idea and share the encouragement with several people or do a different encoring act each day. Look for ways to encourage others with the tools and skills God has blessed you with.

-write an encouraging note

-call a friend just to say hi

-give someone a compliment

-smile at others in the hallway at school

-give a small gift

-draw or paint a nice picture to give away

-offer your house guest or a parent something to drink or a snack

-Give someone you love a hug

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To Strengthen



We may have hard tasks in front of us that we know we have to complete, but we may feel as though we are not strong enough to handle it on our own. Maybe you have a difficult test coming up or you’ve had to say goodbye to a loved one. We may not feel strong enough to get through those things alone, but Jesus said he has not left us alone. This week we will see how Jesus encouraged the disciples before he returned to heaven and assured them they were not alone.

Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:3-11; Acts 4:5-12



We all need help sometimes because something is too heavy or too hard for us to do alone. Sometimes we have difficult days that seem too hard to get through. Sometimes we might have a difficult test at school that we are not sure we have the strength to do well on. We need strength for lots of things and for really hard days. Listen to these scenarios and decide which one you would need help with.

-Swimming across the pool OR swimming 5 miles

-Reading a chapter book OR writing your own story

-moving furniture around a room OR picking up a step stool

-painting your room OR painting a picture

-taking a spelling test over 100 words OR spelling your name

-eating a plate of food OR eating an entire buffalo

-making yourself a sandwich OR making a large wedding cake

-sleeping in your own bed OR sleeping outside in the backyard

-Building a treehouse OR climbing into a tree

-singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star OR learning to play a new instrument

Jesus gave the disciples instructions of what to do after he left. He told them what their purpose would be and that he would not just leave them without sending help in his place. This help would give the disciples strength to face the things to come. Let’s read our verse this week to see what instructions Jesus left His disciples with.

Read or listen to the scripture Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:3-11

In Matthew 28: 18-20 what task did Jesus give the disciples to do? (Preach to all nations, teaching and baptizing them in his name)

What did Jesus tell the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for? (For the gift of the Holy Spirit)

Jesus said John baptized with water but now what would they be baptized with? (The holy Spirit)
Where did Jesus said they would be his witnesses? (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.)

Where did the disciples watch Jesus go? (He was taken up before their eyes)

Where were the disciples still looking for Jesus to return? (Into the sky)

What did the two men in white tell the disciples? (The same Jesus who was taken into heaven, will come back in the same way you saw him go into heaven)


Jesus returned to heaven in a cloud and left the disciples behind but he gave them a purpose and a helper. Jesus did not want the disciples to feel alone or discouraged by the big task in front of them. Although they no longer had Jesus with them, they had power through the Holy Spirit. They would accomplish more with the strength of the Holy Spirit than what they could do alone. We also have been given the power of the Holy Spirit. We can spread the gospel of Jesus with the strength of the Holy Spirit.


Jesus was hid behind the clouds as he went back to heaven. Place the following clouds around the room and have your child hunt for the clouds that show things that are strong and things we can use to be strong.

Materials: Scenarios printed or viewed on device


Complete the following activity sheet. Choose which object is stronger than the other.

Materials: Printed activity sheet

Independent activity:

When Jesus returned to heaven, the Bible says that the disciples were standing watching and Jesus was covered by a cloud on his way to heaven. Then two men dressed in white spoke to the disciples telling them Jesus would return in the same way he left. Draw a picture of the scene of Jesus being taken to heaven. Add as many details as you are able to your picture.

Materials: Construction paper, pencil, crayons




Create the scene of Jesus ascending to heaven using construction paper. Use a sheet of white construction paper, add a strip of green paper to the bottom to create the grass and blue above it to cover the rest of the page as the sky. Draw a picture of Jesus in the sky and the disciples on the ground. Then use white cotton balls to create clouds that partly cover Jesus in the air. Decorate the rest of the page as desired.

Materials: Colored construction paper (white, green and blue) pencil, crayons/markers, scissors, pencil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who is the strongest person you know?

Who gives you strength?

What makes you strong?

How does Jesus give you strength?

What are some things you need Jesus to give you strength for?

Practical Application at Home

Peter and John were able to heal the man at the temple because they had the strength of the Holy Spirit. It was not their own power and strength that allowed them to do these things but the Spirit of God. Think of the following scenarios and decide how the Holy Spirit can help you in these situations be stronger than you can be on your own.

-Sharing the gospel with a friend

-Praying over your food in public

-Showing kindness to someone who is being mistreated by others.

-Returning extra money to the cashier who gave you more than the correct change

-Introducing yourself to someone new to welcome them to the group

-Being kind to the opposing team when you are losing and they are rubbing it in your face

-Telling the truth to your parents even if you know you could get into trouble.

-Working in a food bank or food kitchen

-Helping clean up a disaster area after a natural disaster.

-Obeying your parents even when its the opposite of what you want to do.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To Overcome



When Jesus died, his disciples and followers were very sad and did not understand what happened. How excited they must have been to see Jesus again and realize he was raised from the dead. Can you imagine how they must have felt? How would you feel if you saw Jesus again? Jesus overcame death, He is alive and wants to live with us forever some day soon!

Mark 16:1-6; Acts 10:39-43



After Jesus’ death, the disciples and Jesus’ followers were very sad and upset at Jesus’ death. They did not understand all that God had planned because they thought Jesus would rule in their time. When Jesus died they thought it was over. They did not realize that Jesus would overcome death by his resurrection from the cross. Even though Jesus had told them many times and in many different ways that he would rise from the dead, they did not understand it until it happened. 

Complete this scavenger hunt. There are lots of clues on the card, but you have to figure out what the clue means and then bring the item or a picture of something that represents the item. You can use a camera to take pictures or a basket to collect all of your items. When you return with your completed sheet and items, tell how the items you chose describe the clues of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Materials: Scavenger hunt card-find all the items. Bring back the items or take a picture of something that represents the item. Give clues on the cards instead of items. EX: Jesus rode this through Jerusalem (Donkey). Placed in front of the tomb (stone)

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week John 2:13-22

What holiday was about to occur in Jerusalem? (Passover)

What did Jesus find when he went into the temple courts? ( people selling cattle, sheep and doves and people sitting at tables exchanging money)

What did Jesus do with the cord he made?( he drove everyone from the temple courts and scattered the money tables and coins)

What did he say to those who sold the doves? (Get these out of here! Stop turning my fathers house into a market)

What did the Jews insist that Jesus prove? (A sign to show His authority to do these things)

Jesus said if they destroyed this temple, he would rise it in how many days? (3 days)

Did the Jews believe him? (No, they knew the original temple was built in 46 years)

What temple was Jesus talking about? (His body as the temple that would die and rise again)


The women at the grave were afraid because they were not expecting to find Jesus’ body missing. They were surprised that He was gone and went to tell the disciples what they saw. What a wonderful feeling to realized your Savior is alive and has conquered death. 


Play this game of resurrection Charades.

Materials: Printed categories for charades


Think about the story of Jesus death and resurrection. Although the disciples and Jesus’ followers did not know all that was going to happened during that time, we know the order of events and can see the ending. We know that Jesus overcame death and rose from the dead. We don’t know everything that will happen to us in the future, but we know that God has already told us the ending! God has delivered us and will return to be with us for eternity. That is great news! Print the following activity sheet, and cut the sentences into strips. Then glue the strips in order on a separate sheet of construction paper. Place these events around Jesus’ death in the order that they happened.

Materials: Printed activity sheet

create activity:

Spring is a wonderful time to watch things grow and rise out from the ground. Create these composting pots. Add seeds and dirt to the pots once they have dried and leave them on your counter in sunlight to grow small sprouts. Once the sprouts have begun, you can plant the entire pot into the ground and it will decompose into the soil.

Materials: Construction paper shredded, water, cup for molding or muffin tin, flower/plant seeds




Create a 3 cross sunset picture by cutting different colored construction paper into strips. Then glue the colored strips onto a black sheet of paper to make the background. Next using black paper,  cut out 3 crosses and a half circle. Glue the half circle onto the bottom of the page to become a hill and then glue the 3 crosses onto the hill. 

Materials: construction paper, glue, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Acts 10:39-43

Jesus commanded the disciples to go and preach to the people that Jesus is the one God appointed as judge over the living and the dead. The disciples were to tell others who Jesus is and that in his name people are saved from their sins. We are also called to share the good news of Jesus with others. He has chosen us as his witnesses as well. We can share that Jesus conquered death and will return to take us to live with him forever! That is good news worth sharing!

Whom had God chosen to see Jesus after he was raised from the dead?

How do you think the women felt when the angel told them Jesus had risen?

Would it be easy or hard for you to tell people Jesus had risen from the dead?

What good news do you have that you can easily share with other people?

Who would you share your good news with?

Practical Application at Home

We have good news to share with others! Just as the women at the tomb had good news to share, the disciples shared what they witnessed, and we have the same good news. Jesus rose from the dead and he will return to take us to be where He is. We can live for eternity with Jesus. That’s great news! Jesus conquered death and can give us life eternal. We can share that news with others so they can also live forever with Jesus. 

Think of people you know who need to hear the good news of Jesus’ love. Make a prayer box by using a small cardboard box or shoebox. Cover the box with construction paper or white paper and then decorate the prayer box with crayons and markers by adding pictures and words. Decorate the lid and create a slit in the top if desired. Then, make a list of people you want to pray for with whom you can share this good news. Put each persons name on a separate sheet of paper and place them into the box. Each day take out a sheet of paper and pray for the person whose name is on the sheet. You can place the person back into the box or place it to the side to add back in after all the names have been prayed for. When you pray, ask for God to show you ways to share this good news with them. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To Connect



We are connected to our family because we live with them and we have lots of things in common. We are also connected to other believers because we have something in common, our belief in Jesus. Jesus connects us with other people and we can help each other build our faith stronger or encourage each other when we feel down. This week we will see how Jesus connected the disciples to each other.

John 20:19-31; 1John 1:1-4



We depend on other people and sometimes people depend on us. Jesus helps connect us to other people and other believers. There are also animals that depend on one another. There are animals who have a symbiotic relationship, this means although they may look like an unlikely pair, they depend on each other for their survival. God created them to be in connection with each other and depend on each other.  Listen to these animals and guess which animals are being described.  

After Jesus’ death the disciples and His followers did not know what was going to happen next. They were sad and disappointed that what they thought would happen, did not happen. They were not sure what they would do next but they met together to encourage and comfort each other. God wants us to be with other believers to help build each others’ faith and work together for His purpose. While the disciples were together, locked in a room, Jesus appeared to them. He did not knock on the door or climb through a window, but He appeared in the room. Read or listen to the Bible verse to see how Jesus’ appearance to the disciples changed them.

Materials: printed animal guessing game or device for viewing

Let’s read the Bible story for the week John 20:19-31

Where were the disciples on the evening of first day of the week? (Together with the doors locked)

How did Jesus come in the room? (He came and stood among them)

How did Jesus show them who he was? (He showed them his hands and side)

Why did Jesus breath of them? (To give them the Holy Spirit)

Who was not in the room when Jesus was there? (Thomas)

What did he say when the other disciple told him Jesus had been there? (Unless he saw the nail marks in his hands, and put his fingernails where the marks were and put his hand in His side; he would not believe)

What happened the following week when Thomas was with the disciples? (While the door was locked, Jesus came and stood among them)

What did Jesus say to Thomas? (Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach your hand and put it in my side. Stop doubting and believe)

Did Thomas believe it was Jesus? (Yes, he said “My Lord and my God”

What did Jesus say about those who couldn’t see him and then believe? (Blessed are those who would not see but would still believe)


Jesus presented himself to the disciples and they believed what the women had said about Jesus being alive. They all experienced the death and resurrection of Jesus together and this connected them to each other. We are connected with other believers because we share a common love and purpose to share the gospel of Jesus with anyone who does not already know. We are connected by Jesus and the purpose he has given each one of us that we can accomplish by working together.


Thomas was not in the room when Jesus appeared the first time so when the disciples told Thomas Jesus was alive, he doubted. Sometimes it is hard for us to believe things we do not see. Jesus gave Thomas what He needed in order to believe and Jesus meets us where we are too. He wants us to believe and trust in Him. Play this game of Feely-Bag. Get several non see-through bags and place a different item in each of the bags. Without letting your partner see, allow them to feel in the bag while you give an accurate description of what is in the bag or try to trick them by giving an inaccurate description. They must say if they believe you or doubt what you are saying is true. Then reveal the truth by showing them what was actually in the bag. Example items to place in bags: a small bunch of grapes, a paper towel, a lemon peel, blades of grass.

Materials: paper bags, items to be guessed


When the disciples saw Jesus and knew he was alive, Jesus gave them a common goal, to spread the good news of Jesus. This mission brought them together and they all had the same purpose. Jesus brings us together and connects us to each other for the same common goal. He wants us to spread the Good News that He died to save us. When we work together as a family we are also sharing a common goal and connecting with each other as well. Cut the following activities into strips and place them in a small bowl or jar and pull out a strip each night or several times this week. Work together as a family to complete the task

Materials: Printed activity sheet, scissors, bowl

create activity:

Draw a picture of people that Jesus has given you who you are connected with. Write their names on your picture to label the people you are connected with. These are people who help you in your faith with God and work together for a common purpose. On the top of your paper write the title “We are connected in God’s family”

Materials: Construction paper, crayons, pencil




Fold a sheet of white construction paper in half. Place their thumb along the fold of the paper, and then trace your child’s hands. Then cut around the hand, leaving the thumb and the bottom of the page attached. Cut a small half heart under the thumb but above the straight edged bottom of the paper to create a heart shape once the paper is opened. Open the paper and have your child place two holes in the middle of the hands then write “Jesus died” on one hand and “For Me” on the other hand.

Materials: construction paper, child’s hand, pencil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to 1John 1:1-4

When John wrote this verse he wanted others to know that Jesus had been with them and fellowshipped with them. He wanted others to know that just as they had fellowshipped with Jesus, others could also have fellowship and eternal life through Jesus Christ. He wanted others to know they too could be connected with Jesus.

If Jesus appeared to you after his death, would you want to share that with others?

Would you want to keep that information a secret?

What would you say to someone who did not believe?

How could you help them be encouraged and have faith?

How does knowing you have eternal life change your attitude toward life here on earth?

Would you want to share that feeling with others?

Practical Application at Home

Make a Fellowship-Tree, similar to making a family tree. Place Jesus name at the top, then write the names of people in your family or church that have helped you have a connection with Jesus. Draw lines connecting Jesus to these people that you have listed below Jesus name in a single row. On the the next row add your name and any other names of people you may know have been influenced by those people. Draw a line connecting those names to yourself and others in your row of names. Under your name only, write the names of people you have share the gospel with or encourage in their relationship with Jesus.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To Encourage



Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever done something really wrong and regretted what you did? We have all made mistakes and felt bad for our actions. Jesus can encourage us and help us feel loved, even when we do wrong things. This week we will see how Jesus gave encouragement and hope to his disciples.

John 21:1-17; Psalm 4:1-3



If you had to serve a meal to your friends, what would you serve? Would you want it to be fancy at the table with special dishes, or relaxed like on a blanket outside? Let’s see what type of food choices you would come up with. I’m going to give you 2 things to serve and you have to add one more item you would serve with it. You can’t repeat the same add-on for each meal, you have to think of something different and you have to think of it quickly. It’s the first thing that comes to mind that you say out loud. Ready?

Cheese, crackers and ________?

Juice, sardines, and__________? 

Sandwiches, tea and __________?

Cupcakes, cookies and_________?

Fish, bread and _________?

Pineapple, cottage cheese and _______?

Nuts, figs and ____________?

Cereal, toast and ________?

Bacon, eggs, and ________?

Salad, beets, and ________?

Were you able to come up with good combinations? Did the food sound appetizing to you? We can show people we care by providing for their needs such as food, water, and shelter. Jesus encouraged the disciples when they were still feeling unsure of what was going to happen. Jesus provided a large catch of fish and gave them a glimpse of what their future would be. Jesus encouraged Peter after he denied Jesus by forgiving him and showing Peter that he had a special purpose ahead. Let’s read and see what happened to give the disciples such encouragement to continue on.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week John 21:1-17

What holiday was about to occur in Jerusalem? (Passover)

Who did Jesus appear to at the Sea of Galilee? (Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, the sons of Zebedee and 2 other disciples)

What did Peter say he was going to do that the other disciples joined with him? (Go fishing)

What was the problem they were having? (They weren’t catching any fish all night)

When Jesus was still on shore, what did He tell the disciples to do? (Throw their nets to the other side)

Who realized that it was Jesus talking to them? (John)

What did Jesus have waiting for them when they came to shore? (A fire with fish and bread on it)

When they finished eating, what did Jesus ask Peter? (Do you love me)

What was Peter’s response? (“You know that I love you”)

What did Jesus say in return? (Feed my lambs)

How many times did Jesus ask Peter if he loved him? (3 times)

Each time Peter answered the same, but how did Jesus respond each time? (“Feed my lambs”, “take care of my sheep”, “feed my sheep”)


We’ve all made mistakes just as Peter did, and we feel sorry for them. When Jesus forgives us, we can feel encouraged. When we forgive others for the wrong things they’ve done to us, we are encouraging them through our forgiveness. Jesus wants us to encourage others not just with our words and with our actions, but also through our forgiveness.


Peter was disappointed in what he did when he betrayed Jesus. He may have felt discouraged and unsure if Jesus had forgiven him or given up on him. Jesus encouraged Peter by letting him know He was forgiven and that Jesus had a plan for Peter’s life. We can also be encouraged that even through our mistakes, God can use us to do mighty things in His name. There are also many other people in the Bible who have made mistakes and God was still able to use them. Play this game of Who Am I? To guess which imperfect bible character the card is describing.

Materials: printed guess who cards or device for viewing


Complete the following activity sheet matching the verses that brings encouragement for each situation.

Materials: Printed activity sheet

Independent activity:

Jesus encourages us and we can encourage others as well. We can share Jesus’ love by showing others encouragement just as Jesus would do. Make a card or write a letter to someone you know who may need some encouragement. Perhaps they recently lost a loved one, they’ve had to move far away from family and friends, or they have been very sick. Write them a note of encouragement either on a homemade card or a card from the store. You can write your favorite encouraging scripture or write a note to let them know you are praying and thinking of them.

Materials: construction paper, glue, stickers, pencil, crayons




Cut and color fish and glue them to a large sheet of construction paper. Using brown yarn or string, create a net over the fish by placing string on top of each other in perpendicular directions. If there is space on the paper, add a boat and continue to decorate the rest of the scenery including the sea, shore and disciples.

Materials: printed fish, large sheet of construction paper, brown yarn/string


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 4:1-3

In this verse the Psalmist calls on God to answer his call and to give him relief in his distress. He also asks for God’s mercy and for his prayer to be heard. It also describes the people of God as following false gods and being deceived. The Psalmist and the people of God had sinned against Him and allowed their hearts to stray. They needed God’s mercy and forgiveness for the things they had done.

What things have you done that were not right?

Have you ever needed God’s forgiveness?

Is it hard or easy to ask God to forgive you?

What do you feel after you have asked God for forgiveness?

How is knowing you are forgiven given you encouragement?

Can forgiving others be a way of giving them encouragement?

Practical Application at Home

We can encourage the people around us just as Jesus encourage the disciples. Jesus encouraged the disciples by spending time with them, feeding them, showing them forgiveness, and giving them a purpose. Jesus wants us to encourage others as well. This week, look for ways to give encouragement to others. They can be people in your family, extended family, teachers, teammates or classmates. Look at the list below for ideas of things you can do. You may want to pick one idea and share the encouragement with several people or do a different encouraging act each day. Look for ways to encourage others with the tools and skills God has blessed you with.

-write an encouraging note

-call a friend just to say hi

-give someone a compliment

-smile at others in the hallway at school

-give a small gift

-draw or paint a nice picture to give away

-offer your house guest or a parent something to drink or a snack

-Give someone you love a hug

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


To StrengtHen



We may have hard tasks in front of us that we know we have to complete, but we may feel as though we are not strong enough to handle it on our own. Maybe you have a difficult test coming up or you’ve had to say goodbye to a loved one. We may not feel strong enough to get through those things alone, but Jesus said he has not left us alone. This week we will see how Jesus encouraged the disciples before he returned to heaven and assured them they were not alone.

JMatthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:3-11; Acts 4:5-12



We all need help sometimes to do the things we have a hard time completing on our own. We can get help from a person or we may need a tool that will help us get the job done faster. Listen to the following scenarios and decide what tool or person can help.

-Going on a hike and you get lost. What can help you? (A map)

-You can’t figure out how to do your math homework. What can help you? (A teacher, book)

-You dog is not behaving himself even though you are trying to train him. What can help you? (A dog trainer)

-You don’t know how to make your favorite dessert for your guest. What can help you? (A recipe)

-You are climbing a mountain and get tired along the way. What can help you? (A snack, water, and rest)

-Your garden is not growing and you don’t know what you are doing wrong. What can help you? (A gardener or gardening book)

-You are sad over the death of a loved one. What can help you? (God)

Read or listen to the scripture Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:3-11;

In Matthew 28: 18-20 what task did Jesus give the disciples to do? (Preach to all nations, teaching and baptizing them in his name)

What did Jesus tell the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for? (For the gift of the Holy Spirit)

Jesus said John baptized with water but now what would they be baptized with? (The holy Spirit)
Where did Jesus said they would be his witnesses? (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.)

Where did the disciples watch Jesus go? (He was taken up before their eyes)

Where were the disciples still looking for Jesus to return? (Into the sky)

What did the two men in white tell the disciples? (The same Jesus who was taken into heaven, will come back in the same way you saw him go into heaven)


Jesus returned to heaven in a cloud and left the disciples behind but he gave them a purpose and a helper. Jesus did not want the disciples to feel alone or discouraged by the big task in front of them. Although they no longer had Jesus with them, they had power through the Holy Spirit. They would accomplish more with the strength of the Holy Spirit than what they could do alone. We also have been given the power of the Holy Spirit. We can spread the gospel of Jesus with the strength of the Holy Spirit.


Complete the following activity sheet. Choose which object is stronger than the other.

Materials: printed animal comparison sheet or device for viewing


Jesus commanded the disciples to teach others his ways. He told them to teach others to obey all that Jesus had commanded. We can be disciples when we teach others Jesus’ commands as well. Think about something you know how to do, or a truth you’ve learned from the Bible. Practice teaching each other things by giving a demonstration of how to do something, or read a verse and tell what you learned from it. Have each person participate and demonstrate or teach something they know.

Independent activity:

When Jesus returned to heaven, the Bible says that the disciples were standing watching and Jesus was covered by a cloud on his way to heaven. Then two men dressed in white spoke to the disciples telling them Jesus would return in the same way he left. Draw a picture of the scene of Jesus being taken to heaven. Add as many details as you are able to your picture.

Materials: drawing paper, crayons, pencil




Create the scene of Jesus ascending to heaven using construction paper. Use a sheet of white construction paper, add a strip of green paper to the bottom to create the grass and blue above it to cover the rest of the page as the sky. Draw a picture of Jesus in the sky and the disciples on the ground. Then use white cotton balls to create clouds that partly cover Jesus in the air. Decorate the rest of the page as desired.

Materials: construction paper colors: white, green, blue; cotton balls


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Who is the strongest person you know?

Who gives you strength?

What makes you strong?

How does Jesus give you strength?

What are some things you need Jesus to give you strength for?

Practical Application at Home

Peter and John were able to heal the man at the temple because they had the strength of the Holy Spirit. It was not their own power and strength that allowed them to do these things but the Spirit of God. Think of the following scenarios and decide how the Holy Spirit can help you in these situations be stronger than you can be on your own.

-sharing the gospel with a friend

-Praying over your food in public

-Showing kindness to someone who is being mistreated by others.

-Returning extra money to the cashier who gave you more than the correct change

-Introducing yourself to someone new to welcome them to the group

-being kind to the opposing team when you are losing and they are rubbing it in your face

-Telling the truth to your parents even if you know you could get into trouble.

-Working in a food bank or food kitchen

-Helping clean up a disaster area after a natural disaster.

-Obeying your parents even when its the opposite of what you want to do.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Experience the Spirit



We all learn new things every day. Sometimes we really enjoy what we are learning and want to continue learning more. When we read our bibles, sometimes it can be hard to understand everything we are reading, but the Holy Spirit can help us understand what we are reading and help us want to continue learning more. This week we will read about a man who was eager to learn more about God and was sent help from God.

Acts 8:26-40



If you were going on a trip, what are some things you would take with you? Go for a hunt around your house to find 10 things you would take on a trip. When you are going on a trip you look for the things you need during the trip. You might even have someone help you gather the things you need for the trip. We can also search the scriptures, or the Bible, to find the things that we need. We may sometimes think the things in the Bible are hard for us to read and understand, but God sent his Holy Spirit to help us understand the things we read from scripture. 

In our story today we see a man who is searching for something, the truth! He is reading the scriptures but he doesn’t understand them and wants to know the truth about what they say. God sent Philip to help him understand the things that he was reading and see that it was talking about Jesus. Even if the scriptures are hard for use to understand, God will send His Holy Spirit to help us understand what he has written there for us. 

Materialsitems from around your house

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Acts 8:26-40

Where was Philip traveling? (From Jerusalem to Gaza)

Who did he meet along the way? (An Ethiopian eunuch, an important official)

What was the Ethiopian eunuch reading? (A passage out of the book of Isaiah)

Why did the Eunuch ask Philip for help with the reading? (He did not understand what the passage was saying.)

Who was the passage talking about? (Jesus the lamb)

What did Phillip share with the eunuch? (The gospel of Jesus Christ)

What else did the eunuch ask Philip to do? (Stop the chariot and Baptize him in the water they were passing by)

After the baptism where did Philip go? (The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip and he appeared in Azotus and preached there)

What happened to the eunuch after he was baptized? (He went on his way rejoicing) 



We know a lot about the people in our family or our close friends, but do we know everything about them? Take this questionnaire with a partner and see how much you know about each other. Answer the questions for yourself and then answer the question for your partner, then compare answers with each other. How much did you know about the other person. We can get to know more about God by studying his word and by help from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can help us know God better and help us want to know him.

Materials: printed survey, pen/pencil


Think about the people in the room with you. How well do you know them? Find one object around your house that would best describe the other person or people in the room. Perhaps it may be their favorite stuffed animal they love to sleep with, a mixing spoon to show they like to bake or a golfball to show their favorite hobby. Send everyone off on their hunt for one or more people in the room, then gather together again and describe why they chose each object to describe that person. We know the people in our family or our close friends really well. We know the things they like and probably the things they do not like. We can also get to know God by studying his word and asking the Holy Spirit for help and guidance. God sent the Holy Spirit as a helper, to help us know God and live our lives for Him. Alternately: draw a picture of something that describes another person.

Materials: objects around your home

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Make a bible scroll with the verse Philip shared with the Ethiopian. On a small white sheet of construction paper turned horizontally, write the scripture from Isaiah 53:7&8. Gently tear a strip of paper in small zigzag tears along the top and bottom of the page to make it look worn. Use large straight straws and glue them to the ends of the paper. Then roll up the verse from both directions around the straws into a scroll.

Materials: white construction paper, large straws, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How can you share the good news of Jesus with others?

How can we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading us to help others?

Have you ever helped someone answer questions from the Bible?

How can we be filled with the Holy Spirit?

What are some things the Holy Spirit can help you with?

What has the Holy Spirit helped you learn about God this week?

How can we invite the Holy Spirit to help us in our walk with God?

Practical Application at Home

The Ethiopian Eunuch had questions about the scripture he was reading and the Holy Spirit sent Philip to help him. The eunuch wanted to know more about what the Bible was saying, not just to read the passage but to really understand it. Philip was able to help him understand what he was reading and He was moved to be baptized. God does not leave us to figure out all the answers alone but sends His Holy Spirit to help us. 

Complete the following sentence starters.

The bible helps me….

The Holy Spirit helps me…

When I am in trouble I can call on…

When I want to know more about Jesus I can…

When I have questions about God I can ask….

Jesus helps me…

I share my faith with….

I show others I love Jesus by….

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Give Love



Do you have a friend that looks just like you? Does your friend like all the same things you like? Do you only have friends who are exactly like you? Sometimes we are drawn to people who are similar to us in how they look, act, or think. God showed Peter that He loves everyone, not just people that looked like Peter. This week we will see that God loves everyone with the same type of love. God does not show favoritism. 

Acts 10:34-48



Find and gather a basket of objects in your house that you can find more than one of. Place one those items in the bucket to pull out one at a time and your child will find the similar object. I have a lots of things in my basket that I want to show you. As I show you these items, I want you to listen to the directions I give you to complete. I want you to either find something that is the same as the item I will show you, or find something that is the opposite, or different. Hold up one item at a time, then give the instruction to either find something that is the same or different from what you have shown them. When they return, briefly describe how their object is either the same or different from yours. Allow them to return the item, and then show the next item in your basket with the instructions of what they are to find and return. 

It was easy to see how some of your items were the same as mine and how some of them were different. God made people different as well. We may not all look the same, talk the same or dress the same, but God loves us all the same. God does not love us based on how we look or talk but He loves all of us because we are His. Jesus wanted his disciples to understand this as well, that we should love everyone just as Jesus does. 

Materialsobjects found around the house

Read or listen to the Bible reading Acts 34-48  (read full chapter for full context)

What lesson did God have to Peter in his dream? (That God does not show favoritism between different people)

The good news of Jesus Christ is meant to be shared with who? (Everyone no matter where they are from)

Who was Peter speaking to in these verses? (Cornelius the Centurion)

What message did Peter share with Cornelius and all those gathered at his home? (That he was a witness to all Jesus did and he saw Jesus raised from the dead)

What happened as Cornelius and his household heard the message from Peter? (The Holy Spirit came upon them, even on the Gentiles)
Why was it surprising to them that the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit as well? (The Jews saw that salvation was not just meant for them but for the Gentiles as well.)
What did Peter say should be done since they received the Holy Spirit? (They should be baptized with water in the name of Jesus Christ)



Sort and classify a large amount of stuffed animals. Work with your child to find ways the stuffed animals are the same and then sort them into groups. Once the groups are sorted, classify each group with a title. Then mix them all together again and sort them in a different way. (Examples of ways to sort: by color, shape, height, width, animals/people, hair/fur) Just as all of these stuffed animals are different, God has made each one of us different and unique. You love all of your stuffed animals, but imagine how much more God loves each one of us, that He sent Jesus to save us from our sins. The Holy Spirit helps us love everyone too, just like Jesus does.

Materials: stuffed animals (or other toys that are numerous and come in a variety)


There are many different cultures around our world that may be different from your culture. Find someone at church, school, or a friend who has a different cultural background than you. Interview them and find out more about where they are from or some of the traditions their family or culture celebrates. Use the following activity sheet to record answers or draw pictures in each category. You can print and interview as many different people as you would like.

Materials: Cultural interview printed, pen/pencil, person to interview

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Color the picture of the world and the children from all over the world. Cut and glue the picture of the globe on a large sheet of construction paper then paste the pictures of the children on the construction paper around the globe.  

Materials: Colored construction paper (including black and white), glue, scissors, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How can you show love to the people in your family?

How can you show love to others at school?

When do you feel most loved?

Does everyone feel loved in the same way?

How is it easier to show love to someone you know well?

How can you get to know someone who might be different from you?

Practical Application at Home

It is difficult to love everyone but we do not have to do it alone. The Holy Spirit helps us love everyone. When we listen to the Holy Spirit, we can hear the things we can do to show love to others. When we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, we can obey it and help others. Love is more than just saying you love someone, we can show others love and therefore show them Jesus.

This week look for ways you can show love to the following people. Think of some examples now and then choose a few to do each day.

-your parents

-your siblings

-your teachers

-a classmate

-a friend

-a newcomer 

-someone who’s being picked on

Someone who has been mean to you

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





God has called each of us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. This might seem like an overwhelming task! How do we know what to say or who to say it to? God does not expect us to do it alone. God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us do His work. He will guide us and tell us what He wants from us. We simply need to trust and obey. This week we will see how the disciples asked God to help them make a difficult decision as they continued their ministry.

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26



Have you ever had to choose between two things you really liked? Is it easy or hard to make a choice? Sometimes our choices are easy and sometimes we have a hard time choosing because we like both of the options! Which of these would you choose?

Ice cream OR Cookies

Going to the beach OR going to the park

Taking a horseback ride OR Riding on a ferris Wheel

Visiting your friend OR Going to an amusement park

Eating pizza OR eating a hamburger

Buying a new toy OR having a free day to play

Getting an A on your paper OR winning the spelling bee

Picking what to eat for dinner OR helping mom make cookies

Going to the museum OR going to the zoo

Finishing all your chores early OR helping your parents paint your bedroom

Sometimes it is hard to make a choice but we still have to choose one thing. The disciples had to make a choice of who would replace Judas as a disciple. It was a difficult choice but they knew God would help them make this important decision. We can also seek God to help us make good choices. God has given us the Holy Spirit that helps us make good choices and also helps us continue to do God’s work. Just like the disciples had a special job God gave them to do, God has given us special jobs to do as well. We are a part of God’s work!

Read or listen to the Bible reading Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

What were the disciples trying to decide? (Who would take the place of Judas as a disciple)

What were they seeking wisdom for? (To know the right person to choose)

What did they want the new disciple to have done? (He needed to be with them the entire time as a witness of what Jesus had done?

What did they do to help them determine which names to consider? (The nominated 2 names of men who had been a witness of Jesus resurrection)

After they chose 2 names, how did they pick the final person? (They prayed and then cast lots to see who God had chosen)

Who was the new disciple to take Judas’ place? (Matthias)



Before this activity, print and cut out the person outlines. Have your child decorate the twelve cutouts each as a different person. After they have created 12 people, hide them around the room for them to find and bring to you. The disciples were twelve when they were with Jesus, but after Judas betrayed Jesus they needed to replace him with a new disciple. The Holy Spirit helped the disciples find someone new that would continue to spread the gospel.

Materials: Printed person outlines, crayons or colored pencils, scissors


We all have a part to play in doing God’s work. Although there were 12 disciples, there were many other disciples that helped spread the gospel as well. We are also a part of God’s work, we each have a specials job God wants us to do. We can also work together as a team to create a picture. We will draw a picture of the beach. Each of us will take turns drawing our part of the picture and then we will see how our drawing is a small part of a larger picture. Each person takes turns drawing something different that belongs on a beach such as the sun, sand, water, a sandcastle, beach towels, etc. Continue passing the paper around until every person has a turn and your picture is complete.

Materials: Sheet of construction or drawing paper, crayons, markers or colored pencils

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some things that might be God’s work?

How can we know we are doing God’s work?

What is special talent or skill has God given you?

How can you use that talent or skill for God?

What are some ways you can bless others around you?

What blessings has God given you that you can share with others?

Practical Application at Home

There are people in our community that serve others every day. Pastors and people who know the Bible really well are not the only people who can serve and work for God. People who work in the community caring for people who are sick, rescuing people in trouble, or helping others learn, are also doing God’s work. We can thank those who serve our community and show them God’s love as well.

Make a card or picture to send or deliver to a service worker or workers in your area.

Materials: construction paper, scissors, markers or crayons

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever felt left out. Maybe two other kids have an inside joke you can’t laugh about with them. Maybe you moved to a new area and you’re not sure how to get in with the kids at school. Perhaps there is a group game you’ve not been invited to play because you are too young. We’ve all been left out before and it doesn’t feel great. There is good news. When Jesus said he would send the Holy Spirit in his place, he meant for the Holy Spirit to be fore everyone. No one needs to be left out. This week we will see that God pours out His Holy Spirit and it is for whoever wants to accept it.

Acts 2:1-21



Do you know how to say hello in another language? There are lots of different countries with lots of language around the world. Let’s practice sayin phrases from around the world. Use this website to enter the following phrases. Listen and try to repeat as many phrases as possible with your child.


-good morning

-good night

-enjoy your meal



-come here

-let’s play

-I’m hungry

-I like it

-whats for dinner

Learning, speaking or understanding a different language can be difficult. It takes a lot of practice listening and speaking to learn and communicate in a different language other than the language or languages you learned in your home. At Pentecost, the disciples did something amazing, but not of their own ability but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The gospel was heard in various languages by those listening to the disciples. The Holy Spirit gave them the ability to speak other languages for the purpose of spreading the gospel. God’s message is not just for one group of people, but it is for everyone!

Read or listen to the Bible reading in Acts 2:1-21

What suddenly happened one evening at Pentecost while a group was gathered in one place? (Suddenly there was a loud sound like a violent wind)

What did they see happen around them? (They saw what looked like tongues of fire resting on each of them)

When they were filled with the Spirit, what did each of them do? (Speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled)

What did the crowd that gathered hear? (Each one heard their own language being spoken)

What did Peter tell them all of this meant? (He described to them what the prophet Joel prophesied would happen in the last days)

What would happen to every one who calls on the name of the Lord? (They will be saved)




Blow bubbles using a bubble machine or a bubble wand then blow a few bubbles in your Childs direction. What makes these bubbles move? It’s the air! Can you see the air? No, we can’t see the air but we know it’s there because of the bubbles it moves. Blow on the back of your hand? Can you feel the air? Yes, we can not see air but we see the effects of air and we can feel the air. The Holy Spirit is like that. We may not be able to see the Holy Spirit but we can see the effects of it, it can change people and we can feel it change us on the inside. The disciples were able to speak other languages so they could share the good news of Jesus with people without worrying about how they would understand one another. The Holy Spirit gave them that ability. The Holy Spirit is for everyone. Allow your child to play and have fun in the bubbles for a little while.

Materials: Bubbles to blow with Bubble machine or wand


The Holy Spirit was sent as a helper to the disciples and to everyone who believes. The Holy Spirit was not just for the 12 disciples, but the Holy Spirit was sent to help everyone understand God and to continue to share the gospel of Jesus to others. Go on this hunt to search out sentences or phrases that describe the Holy Spirit. Print and cut out the phrases, then place them around the room to be found. Once all the cards are found, read all of the descriptions for the Holy Spirit. Then using a large sheet of construction paper, write “The Holy Spirit is…” in the center of the page and glue the phrases onto the poster. Decorate the poster with stickers and drawings if desired.

Materials: Printed descriptions of the Holy Spirit, large sheet of construction paper, scissors, glue, crayons or markers, stickers (Optional)

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create a Holy Spirit pinwheel

Materials: Colored construction paper, glue, scissors, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why did God send the Holy Spirit?

What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit would be able to do?

How can we invite the Holy Spirit in?

We can not see the Holy Spirit but we can feel it, what else can you feel but not see?

When you are kind to others, how does that show the Holy Spirit in your life?

Give an example of how you allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life.

Practical Application at Home

When the Holy Spirit is in our lives it should reflect how we behave and how we treat the people around us. When once we may have been sour or mean to our siblings, once the Holy Spirit is in us, we learn to treat others in a way that is pleasing to God. We may not change over night, but we can hear and feel the Holy Spirit tell us when we are doing wrong or speaking unkind. Listen to the following situation and tell which is the right choice to make. It is not hard to see which choice is the right one to make. This week try to make good choices and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. 

-Tell the truth about the breaking your moms container OR try to cover up the broken container by hiding it.

-Hold the door open for the person behind you OR hurry through the door before they reach it.

-Forgive your brother for breaking your toy OR yell at your brother for bothering your things.

-Obeying your teachers directions right away OR refuse to do what your teacher says because you don’t want to.

-Be kind and friendly to the new kid in school OR ignore the new kid in school because you don’t know them.

-Use the words please and thank you when ordering food from the waiter OR give the waiter your quick order so they will leave you alone.

-Help your classmate get up when they fall down off the playground OR laugh at your classmate you fell down and may have hurt themselves.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Who is a part of your family? How many family members do you have? Did you know you are a part of another family as well? You are a part of God’s family. God has adopted us into his family, which means He chose you to be a part of His family. This week we will see how we a part of God’s family.

Romans 8:12-17



Every house, school, and city has their own set of rules for the people who are in them. At your house you may the rule of no feet on the table or no coloring on the walls. At school you may have the rule of no running in the hallways or no talking back to the teacher. In your city a rule may be stop at red traffic lights or don’t open your neighbors mail. These rules may be set to keep you safe, help you get along with others, and take care of the things you own. 

If you had your own city, what rules would you make up? Make a list of rules you would set up to keep people safe and create a community others want to be a part of. 

Your family has a special way of doing things because you are a family. When we are a part of a family, we join in on those activities because you are a member. We are also a member of a larger family, God’s family. God’s family has a certain way of behaving and acting as well. We are members of this family so we receive the rewards and responsibilities of the family. Paul talks about what it means to be a part of God’s family. God sees us as His children and we get the benefits and responsibility of being his children.

Read or listen to the scripture reading Romans 8:12-17

What is the obligation we are to live to? (Not to live according to the flesh)

What happens when we live according to the flesh? (We die)

Who is lead by the Spirit of God? (The children of God)

What does it mean to be adopted?

The Spirit doesn’t make you slaves but adopts you into what? (Sonship of God)

Who does this make you co-heirs with? (Jesus Christ)

When we share in Christ’s sufferings, what else do we share? (In his glory)



We each have a special role or part to play in our family. We are also a part of God’s family and God wants each of us to do a special part. One person’s job is not more important than another because they all work towards the same goal of sharing the gospel of Jesus. Think about how each of our body parts has a different job and function. The hand and the eyes do different jobs but they work together to help you move and think. Put together this jointed figure and think about what it would be like if one of the body parts was missing. Then decorate the person to become a part of God’s family.

Materials: printed jointed figure, brads (or glue), scissors,


Use Lego bricks, large blocks or Jenga blocks to build a tower or structure. Try to remove one piece at a time and see what happens to the structure. Each part of our tower is important, it helps the tower stay standing and strong. When we remove a piece the tower eventually will fall. We are important to God’s family as well. The Holy Spirit helps us do God’s work and makes us a part of God’s family.

Materials: building blocks or Jenga blocks

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create an adoption certificate.

Materials: printed adoption certificate


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What does the Holy Spirit help us do?

How does the Holy Spirit make us a part of God’s family?

When you are part of a family, do you have to earn your title of son or daughter?

What is the reward of being part of God’s family?

What is the responsibility of being part of God’s family?

What is your job in your family?

What is your job in God’s family?

Practical Application at Home

In the Bible Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee, asked Jesus how one can be a part of His kingdom and Jesus replied by saying one must be born again of the Spirit. When we become a part of God’s family, we are born again, a new creation. We can put off the old things we used to do and put on the things God would have us do. We can not do this alone though, we can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit. When we are born of the Spirit, we have allowed the Holy Spirit to live in us, change us, speak to us, and most important we choose to listen and obey. We will sometimes make mistakes but the Holy Spirit will help us see those mistakes so we can ask and receive forgiveness. Complete the following statements out loud.

I used to….but now the Holy Spirit will help me …. 

I used to treat….. but now the Holy Spirit will help me…

I used to put a lot of focus into…. But now the Holy Spirit will help me…

This week pray for the Holy Spirit to help you live as a part of God’s family and treat others in the way God would have you. When you make mistakes this week allow the Holy Spirit to show you the wrongs you’ve done and help you be humble to ask for forgiveness.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Experience the Spirit



We all learn new things every day. Sometimes we really enjoy what we are learning and want to continue learning more. When we read our bibles, sometimes it can be hard to understand everything we are reading, but the Holy Spirit can help us understand what we are reading and help us want to continue learning more. This week we will read about a man who was eager to learn more about God and was sent help from God.

Acts 8:26-40; Romans 15:13



What are some ways you travel to a new place. When you need to travel far from home, do you use the same transportation as when you travel a few blocks from home? People travel different types of ways dependent on where they are going. Listen to the people who traveled in the Bible and tell what they used in order to get to their destination.

Mary and Joseph travling to Bethlehem (a donkey)

The wise men traveling to Bethlehem (by foot)

Jesus and disciples crossed crossed the lake (a boat)

Elijah was taken to heaven (fiery chariot)

Noah waited out the flood (an ark)

Jonah waited out a big storm (the belly of a large fish)

When Philip was traveling he came to a man who was reading a passage in the bible that he did not understand. When Philip stopped to ask if he needed help the man asked how he could understand what was written in the book. He was reading a passage from Isaiah that spoke of Jesus, and Philip was able to share with him the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was not by accident that Philip found the man reading the passage, God sent him to be a helper. God wants us to understand what is written in His word and He wants us to know Him better. The Holy Spirit is our helper, he can help us understand what we read and then live according to God’s word. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Acts 8:26-40

Where was Philip traveling? (From Jerusalem to Gaza)

Who did he meet along the way? (An Ethiopian eunuch, an important official)

What was the Ethiopian eunuch reading? (A passage out of the book of Isaiah)

Why did the Eunuch ask Philip for help with the reading? (He did not understand what the passage was saying.)

Who was the passage talking about? (Jesus the lamb)

What did Phillip share with the eunuch? (The gospel of Jesus Christ)

What else did the eunuch ask Philip to do? (Stop the chariot and Baptize him in the water they were passing by)

After the baptism where did Philip go? (The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip and he appeared in Azotus and preached there)

What happened to the eunuch after he was baptized? (He went on his way rejoicing) 



Think of 3 questions you may have about something you have read from the Bible. Write those 3 questions down, then pray over those questions and ask God to show you the answers to your questions. You can begin reading the Bible for understanding and also ask an adult or pastor for help. Once you have discovered the answer, write the answer next to the question you have asked. Continue with the other questions, one at a time, seeking the Holy Spirit, the scriptures, and other spiritual leaders for help.

Materials: Bible, paper, pen/pencil, spiritual leader


Think about the creation story and recall as many details of the story as you are able. Then pray to ask the Holy Spirit to be with you as you read Genesis chapters 1-2. As you read, look for things you have never realized before that stand out to you in these chapters. Write down all of the new details and realizations you’ve discovered from this reading. Use a notebook to record your findings. Write the scripture at the top of the page, then draw a line down the middle of the paper. On one side write your new discoveries, on the other side, write new realizations or lessons God may be teaching you through this passage. Continue to use this notebook with other familiar bible stories, recording your new discoveries and lessons for each passage.

Materials: notebook, pencil/pen, bible

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Make a bible scroll with the verse Philip shared with the Ethiopian. On a small white sheet of construction paper turned horizontally, write the scripture from Isaiah 53:7&8. Gently tear a strip of paper in small zigzag tears along the top and bottom of the page to make it look worn. Use large straight straws and glue them to the ends of the paper. Then roll up the verse from both directions around the straws into a scroll.

Materials: Colored construction paper, large straws, glue, scissors, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the Holy Spirit.” When we know God we can be filled with joy and peace. Our hope can overflow from us by the power of the Holy Spirit. God has given us the Holy Spirit as a comforter and a helper. We may have problems in our lives, or even feel down, but we receive our hope, joy and peace from the Holy Spirit.

What do you need to have peace over?

What are some things you use to give you peace?

How is the peace from God different from the peace other things offer?

How can we be filled with the Holy Spirit?

What are some things the Holy Spirit can help you with?

What has the Holy Spirit helped you learn about God this week?

How can we invite the Holy Spirit to help us in our walk with God?

Practical Application at Home

We are not meant to keep the good news of Jesus Christ to ourselves. We should want to share the good news of Jesus and the peace of the Holy Spirit with others. Philip listened to the Holy Spirit and obeyed his directions. He was able to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a stranger because the Holy Spirit was leading him. We can share what we have been given with others by listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us want to know God and follow him.

This week pray specifically for the Holy Spirit to lead you at school, church and during your playtime. Look for ways to share Jesus with others and seek him for yourself.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Do you have a friend that looks just like you? Does your friend like all the same things you like? Do you only have friends who are exactly like you? Sometimes we are drawn to people who are similar to us in how they look, act or think. God showed Peter that He loves everyone, not just people that looked like Peter. This week we will see that God loves everyone with the same type of love. God does not show favoritism. 

Acts 10:34-38; 1 John 5:1-6



Listen to the following descriptions and find someone in the room, or name someone you know, who has the same answer as you. Then complete the same phrases but this time find or say someone who has a different answer than yours. 

Name or find someone who has the same/different…

Eye color

Hair color

Color shirt

Plays the same instrument

Favorite song

Favorite book

Best subject in school

Wants to be when they grow up



Shoe color


We can find people that are similar to us in some things but different from us in other ways. God did not make anyone exactly like you, but God does not prefer one person or group of people over another. God loves us exactly the same. Jesus wanted His disciples to understand t2he same thing. He did not come to save only one group of people but He came to save everyone. If Jesus loved everyone, we are also called to love those who may be different from us. 

Read or listen to the Bible reading Acts 34-48  (read full chapter for full context)

What lesson did God have to Peter in his dream? (That God does not show favoritism between different people)

The good news of Jesus Christ is meant to be shared with who? (Everyone no matter where they are from)

Who was Peter speaking to in these verses? (Cornelius the Centurion)

What message did Peter share with Cornelius and all those gathered at his home? (That he was a witness to all Jesus did and he saw Jesus raised from the dead)

What happened as Cornelius and his household heard the message from Peter? (The Holy Spirit came upon them, even on the Gentiles)
Why was it surprising to them that the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit as well? (The Jews saw that salvation was not just meant for them but for the Gentiles as well.)
What did Peter say should be done since they received the Holy Spirit? (They should be baptized with water in the name of Jesus Christ)



It can be difficult to love everyone, especially when we don’t understand the other person. When we get to know someone else, even though we may seem to be different, we can often find something that is similar between us. There are many different cultures around our world that may be different from your culture. Find someone at church, school, or a friend who has a different cultural background than you. Interview them and find out more about where they are from or some of the traditions their family or culture celebrates. Use the following activity sheet to record answers or draw pictures in each category. You can print and interview as many different people as you would like.

Materials: Cultural interview printed, pen/pencil, person to interview


Love is more than just saying that you love someone. When we love someone we show them with our actions, our words, and our through self sacrifice. Listen to these scenarios and tell if the person is showing love to someone else.

Materials: Scenarios printed or viewed on a device

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons




Color the picture of the world and the children from all over the world. Cut and glue the picture of the globe on a large sheet of construction paper then paste the pictures of the children on the construction paper around the globe.  

Materials: Colored construction paper, glue, scissors, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



1 John 5:1 says “everyone who believes that Jesus Christ is born of God and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.” When we believe in Jesus and follow his ways, we also love what he loves. Jesus says he loves each one of use. Jesus is not concerned with how we look, talk, or where we live, His love is for each one of us. We may see the differences between us and someone we do not know, but the more we get to know them the more we see that we are not that different. Peter saw that God loved everyone and he didn’t think one group of people were better than another, we are loved equally.

How does knowing Jesus loves everyone make us look at the people around us differently?

How can we show love to the people around us at home, school and play?

What does it mean when people say “Actions speak louder than words”?

How does that saying apply to loving others?

What can you do today to show love to those around you?

Practical Application at Home

It is difficult to love everyone but we do not have to do it alone. The Holy Spirit helps us love everyone. When we listen to the Holy Spirit, we can hear the things we can do to show love to others. When we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, we can obey it and help others. Love is more than just saying you love someone, we can show others love and therefore show them Jesus.

This week look for ways you can show love to the following people. Think of some examples now and then choose a few to do each day.

-your parents

-your siblings

-your teachers

-a classmate

-a friend

-a newcomer 

-someone who’s being picked on

Someone who has been mean to you

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





God has called each of us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. This might seem like an overwhelming task! How do we know what to say or who to say it to? God does not expect us to do it alone. God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us do God’s work. He will guide us and tell us what He wants from us. We simply need to trust and obey. This week we will see how the disciples asked God to help them make a difficult decision as they continued their ministry.

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; 1 John 5:9-13



We all have a job to do that God has given us. Listen to these jobs that need to be done, and decide who would do the job best. 

Drive a semi-truck (truck driver)

Do surgery on your broken arm (doctor)

Fly across the country (pilot)

Fix a leaky water pipe (plumber)

Teach a class to read and write (teacher)

Comforts those who are facing death or losing a loved one (chaplain)

Bandage wounds and give medicine (nurse)

Invent a new medicine or product (scientist)

Designs a machine to make jobs easier (engineer)

Helps others study and understand the Bible (pastor)

Every job we do can be done for God. God does not just use one type of person or job to accomplish his work, but he uses each one of us to serve others. The disciples needed to add a new disciple to their group after Judas betrayed Jesus. They wanted someone who could continue to spread the gospel of Jesus to everyone. They did not know who God would choose but they asked God to help them decide. The 12 disciples had a special task, but there were many others who God also used to do His work. 

Read or listen to the Bible reading Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

What were the disciples trying to decide? (Who would take the place of Judas as a disciple)

What were they seeking wisdom for? (To know the right person to choose)

What did they want the new disciple to have done? (He needed to be with them the entire time as a witness of what Jesus had done?

What did they do to help them determine which names to consider? (The nominated 2 names of men who had been a witness of Jesus resurrection)

After they chose 2 names, how did they pick the final person? (They prayed and then cast lots to see who God had chosen)

Who was the new disciple to take Judas’ place? (Matthias)



What are some jobs you do at home that you need help to do? What are some jobs at school that you need help to do? What are some jobs God may be asking you to do for him that you need the Holy Spirit to help you? As a family, work together to accomplish the following task. Create a skit or play to act out and record with your family about any story in the Bible. You can use a familiar story or the story from this week. Work together and be sure every member has a part or job to do. If desired, record your video to watch later.

Materials: Household items for costumes and props for a play


Think about the twelve disciples. They were each different and had different strengths but together they all did God’s work. Print the person outlines and decorate them as the 12 disciples. On the back of each disciple, write a brief description or something you know that disciple did.

Materials: Printed person outlines, crayons or colored pencils, scissors, bible for reference

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



1 John 5:9-13 says that God has a testimony and it is of his son Jesus Christ. Those who believe in the son of God accept this testimony. “And this is the testimony,; God has given eternal life, and this life is in his son. Whoever has the son has life; whoever does not have the son of God does not have life.” 

When we believe in the testimony of Jesus Christ we can have eternal life. Jesus calls us to share our testimony of what Jesus has done for us, too. When we share our testimony we are spreading the good news of what Jesus has done so that others will know how much God loves them as well. 

What is your testimony?

What is something God has done for you?

Have you ever seen something unbelievable happen and know it was from God?

Have you heard a testimony from your parents or church leaders?

How does hearing someone else’s testimony strengthen our walk with God?

Practical Application at Home

There is not just one job we can do for God. We can choose to be something when we grow up that is a part of God’s work. When we think of what we want to be when we grow up, we can also think about how that work can honor and serve God. We don’t have to wait until the future to serve God, we can do things for God right now. Think of some things you can do for God this week. Here is a list to get you started.

-Help your parents with chores around the house

-Help you siblings with things they can’t do by themselves

-Be kind and take care of your pets

-Help your teacher with a cheerful attitude

-Smile at classmates as you walk by

-Do your homework on times

-Complete your tasks on time and cheerfully

-Say kind words to family, friends and classmates

-Choose to play someone else’s game first

-Let someone cut in front of you in line

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever felt left out. Maybe two other kids have an inside joke you can’t laugh about with them. Maybe you moved to a new area and you’re not sure how to get in with the kids at school. Perhaps there is a group game you’ve not been invited to play because you are too young. We’ve all been left out before and it doesn’t feel great. There is good news. When Jesus said he would send the Holy Spirit in his place, he meant for the Holy Spirit to be fore everyone. No one needs to be left out. This week we will see that God pours out His Holy Spirit and it is for whoever wants to accept it.

Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 139:7-10



Listen to the following phrases or words in another language. Tell what you think is being said into English. Use this website to enter phrases and use the speaker button to allow the computer to say the phrase or words if desired. Say the following phrases or words in a variety of languages. Try to guess what is being said or see if you can figure out the phrase. 


-good morning

-good night

-enjoy your meal



-come here

-let’s play

-I’m hungry

-I like it

-whats for dinner


-my favorite

Learning, speaking or understanding a different language can be difficult. It takes a lot of practice listening and speaking to learn and communicate in a different language other than the language or languages you learned in your home. At Pentecost, the disciples did something amazing, but not of their own ability but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The gospel was heard in various languages by those listening to the disciples. The Holy Spirit gave them the ability to speak other languages for the purpose of spreading the gospel. God’s message is not just for one group of people, but it is for everyone! 

Read or listen to the Bible reading in Acts 2:1-21

What suddenly happened one evening at Pentecost while a group was gathered in one place? (Suddenly there was a loud sound like a violent wind)

What did they see happen around them? (They saw what looked like tongues of fire resting on each of them)

When they were filled with the Spirit, what did each of them do? (Speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled)

What did the crowd that gathered hear? (Each one heard their own language being spoken)

What did Peter tell them all of this meant? (He described to them what the prophet Joel prophesied would happen in the last days)

What would happen to every one who calls on the name of the Lord? (They will be saved)



Let’s play a game. We will have a race and see who can give the most answers to each question before the timer is off. Set a timer for 1 minute for each question, asking one question at a time. Complete as many questions as you would like, checking the answers after every question’s timer goes off.

-Name as many countries as you can.

- name as many language as possible.

-say hello in as many language as possible.

Materials: Pencil/pen, sheet of paper, listed questions above


The Holy Spirit was sent as a helper to the disciples and to everyone who believes. The Holy Spirit was not just for the 12 disciples, but the Holy Spirit was sent to help everyone understand God and to continue to share the gospel of Jesus to others. Go on this hunt to search out sentences or phrases that describe the Holy Spirit. Print and cut out the phrases, then place them around the room to be found. Once all the cards are found, read all of the descriptions for the Holy Spirit. Then using a large sheet of construction paper, write “The Holy Spirit is…” in the center of the page and glue the phrases onto the poster. Decorate the poster with stickers and drawings if desired.

Materials: Construction paper shredded, water, cup for molding or muffin tin, flower/plant seeds

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create a Holy Spirit pinwheel

Materials: Colored construction paper, glue, scissors, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



In Psalm 139:7-10 it says, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast”

When you read that scripture how does it make you feel? Are you comforted by these words? We could see this verse as saying we can not escape or hide from God, He is always watching us waiting for us to make a mistake. But this verse is really saying that we can’t find ourselves in any place or trouble in which God would not be there with us. The Holy Spirit is with us no matter where we go and doesn’t desert us. We can trust that in good times and in bad times, when we are far from home or close by, God’s Spirit will always be with us to guide, protect and comfort us. That is good news! There is no place we can go that God is not there to hold us. 

Have you ever felt alone?

How does knowing the Holy Spirit is not afraid to be with you in all places and at all times make you feel?

How can we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives?

How can we know the Holy Spirit is in our lives if we can not see him?

How should my behavior change if the Holy Spirit is in my life?

The Holy Spirit is often compared to air because it can not be seen, what is something you would compare the Holy Spirit to?

Practical Application at Home

When the Holy Spirit is in our lives it should reflect how we behave and how we treat the people around us. When once we may have been sour or mean to our siblings, once the Holy Spirit is in us, we learn to treat others in a way that is pleasing to God. We may not change over night, but we can hear and feel the Holy Spirit tell us when we are doing wrong or speaking unkind. Listen to the following scenarios and decide if the Holy Spirit is helping them make good choices.

-Sally’s mother told her to take out the trash after dinner. Sally decided to play a game on her device instead. Did Sally make the right choice?

-Hal saw his younger sister needed help getting a cup out of the cabinet so he helped her get the cup down and gave her something to drink. Did Hal make the right choice?

-Erin was watching her favorite show when a commercial came on that she knew was not appropriate for her to see. She decided to turn off the TV for a few minutes until the commercial was over. Did Erin make the right choice?

-Nathan started playing a video game at a friend’s house that he knew was not allowed in his house. He quickly made an excuse and left his friends house to go back home. Did Nathan make the right choice?

-Callie has the chore of cleaning the bathrooms every Friday to prepare for Sabbath. When her mom asked her if she was finished cleaning the bathrooms she lied and said they were clean although she had not cleaned them. Did Callie make the right choice?

-Heather noticed her elderly neighbor in her yard most of the morning trying to pull out weeds from her garden. Heather offered to help her neighbor pull out the rest of the weeds that day. Did Heather make the right choice?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Who is a part of your family? How many family members do you have? Did you know you are a part of another family as well? You are a part of God’s family. God has adopted us into his family, which means He chose you to be a part of His family. This week we will see how we a part of God’s family.

Romans 8:12-17; John 3:5-7



We are each a part of a family, and how our families live, play and work varies from house to house. Each family has different rules, games, and traditions. Think about what your family does that may be specific to your family. List a few traditions, customs and special rules your family observes.

Here are a few questions to get you started:

What is a special holiday your family likes to celebrate each year?

What special thing does your family do around Christmas time?

What is a special thing your family does each week?

What is a special mean your family enjoys?

What does your family do to celebrate birthdays?

What is a rule at your house that you may not think your friends have?

What is a reward given at your house that you may not think your friends receive?

What is something special you do with your parents?

Your family has a special way of doing things because you are a family. When we are a part of a family, we join in on those activities because you are a member. We are also a member of a larger family, God’s family. God’s family has a certain way of behaving and acting as well. We are members of this family so we receive the rewards and responsibilities of the family. Paul talks about what it means to be a part of God’s family. God sees us as His children and we get the benefits and responsibility of being his children.

Read or listen to the scripture reading Romans 8:12-17

What is the obligation we are to live to? (Not to live according to the flesh)

What happens when we live according to the flesh? (We die)

Who is lead by the Spirit of God? (The children of God)

What does it mean to be adopted?

The Spirit doesn’t make you slaves but adopts you into what? (Sonship of God)

Who does this make you co-heirs with? (Jesus Christ)

When we share in Christ’s sufferings, what else do we share? (In his glory)



Using cut-out person, create the family of God. Think about the people in your family, extended family and church family, and decorate a cut-out person of them. Write their name on the back of each cut-out person. Glue them together by their hands or glue them on a large sheet of construction paper. Label the top of the page “We are part of God’s family”

Materials: printed cut-out person, pencil/pen, crayons, construction paper


Divide a sheet of paper in half down the middle of the paper. On one side of the paper write the title “Home and school rules” and title the other half of the paper “God’s family rules”. Make a list of 5-10 rules you have at home or school. On the other half of the paper, across from each home and school rule, see if you can list a similar rule as a part of God’s family. For example, at school there is a rule that you can not share food. In God’s family, we are to feed those who are hungry.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil/pen

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create an adoption certificate 

Materials: printed adoption certificate


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What does the Holy Spirit help us do?

How does the Holy Spirit make us a part of God’s family?

When you are part of a family, do you have to earn your title of son or daughter?

What is the reward of being part of God’s family?

What is the responsibility of being part of God’s family?

What is your job in your family?

What is your job in God’s family?

Practical Application at Home

In the Bible Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee, asked Jesus how one can be a part of His kingdom and Jesus replied by saying one must be born again of the Spirit. When we become a part of God’s family, we are born again, a new creation. We can put off the old things we used to do and put on the things God would have us do. We can not do this alone though, we can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit. When we are born of the Spirit, we have allowed the Holy Spirit to live in us, change us, speak to us, and most important we choose to listen and obey. We will sometimes make mistakes but the Holy Spirit will help us see those mistakes so we can ask and receive forgiveness. Complete the following statements out loud.

I used to….but now the Holy Spirit will help me …. 

I used to treat….. but now the Holy Spirit will help me…

I used to put a lot of focus into…. But now the Holy Spirit will help me…

This week pray for the Holy Spirit to help you live as a part of God’s family and treat others in the way God would have you. When you make mistakes this week allow the Holy Spirit to show you the wrongs you’ve done and help you be humble to ask for forgiveness.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever been the leader at school, church or at home? Maybe you have been the leader of the band or the leader of a parade. It is fun to lead others, but we have to pay attention to where we are leading them. When we are following Jesus, we can lead others to follow Him as well. This week we will see examples in the Bible of how others were leaders for God.

Judges 4



Everywhere we look there are leaders all around us. We have leaders at home, school, on our teams and at church. It is fun to be the leader sometimes, but it also comes with great responsibility. We have to be sure we are leading others in the right direction. Right now I am going to be a leader and I want you to be the follower. Listen to the following actions I give and see if you can follow them.

-tiptoe across the room

-hide behind the couch

-army crawl to the front door

-quickly roll across the floor to a wall

-gallop across the room

-hide yourself under a pile of pillows or blankets

Were you able to follow all of my directions? Now its your turn to be the leader! Give several instructions you want us to follow.

We can all be leaders and guide other people in the right direction. This month we are learning about how to be a leader for God. God wants us to share his good news about Jesus with others and to help lead them to God. We can do this by listening to God and then sharing what we know. This week we will read a story about Deborah, who was a judge in Israel. She listened to God, shared His words with others and also helped people settle arguments. She was a good judge because she listened to what God told her and then shared that with others. In this story Deborah hears from God and then tells the leader of the Israel army what he should do.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 4

Who was oppressing the Israelites for 20 years? (Jabin, king of Canaan)

Who did the Israelites go to for judgment in Israel at that time? (Deborah the prophetess)

Who did Deborah ask to come see her? (Barak)

What message did Deborah give Barak from God? (Take 10,000 men to mount Tabor and defeat Sisera, commander of the army)
What did Barak ask Deborah to do? (Go with him or he would not go)

What did Deborah say would happen since she would go? (The Lord would deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman and she would get the honor)

When the Lord confused Sisera and his army, where did Sisera flee? (To the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber)

When Barak arrived to find Sisera, what happened? (Sisera had already died by the hand of Jael)


Being a good leader is more than just telling others what to do and being the boss. A leader for God, listens first to what God wants to tell them, and then they share that with others. We can lead others to God by listening to what God has to say first. 


Let’s have an animal parade. Bring several stuffed animals and line them up. Look at the first animal in line, and march around the room making that animal’s sound or walk. Then move that animal to the end of the parade line and march around the room as the next animal. Continue doing this until all the animals have been the leader.

Materials: stuffed animals, open area for marching parade


Watch the following video to practice following the leader. Come up with your own animals to dance like so that you are the leader as well!

Materials: device for watching video

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Create a palm tree. Using a toilet paper roll for the trunk and construction paper for leaves. Use green construction paper to cut leaf shapes, then glue them onto the truck of the tree. Decorate the tree and leaves with thin markers to create lines for the leaves and bark. Use this craft tree to retell the story of Deborah.

Materials: green construction paper, toilet paper roll, scissors, glue, markers


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What does a leader do?

Do you think it is easy or hard to be a leader?

How do you lead at home, school or church?

Can you lead others in a wrong direction?

How can you be sure you are leading others in God’s direction?

What has God called you to lead in?

Practical Application at Home

God has called each of us to be leaders. Deborah was a female judge which was uncommon in her day. God called her to be a judge and others came to her for judgement because they knew she God was leading her. She listened to God and followed His instructions and in doing this she helped others. 

Where has God called you to be a leader? Is there a way you can help lead your fellow classmates at school or at church? Can you be a leader at home with your siblings, being an example of how to obey your parents? Can you be a leader on your team, including everyone and encouraging others?

Complete the following activity sheet. In each blank, write or draw an example of how you can be a leader in that place. 

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





What are you afraid of? Being in the front of the roller coaster ride? Being first to try a new dish mom made? Or being the leader of your team? We need courage to do things we’ve never done before or lead others to God. This week we will see a story about Gideon, who needed to use God’s courage to face a battle that seemed impossible.

Judges 7



Listen to the following things and tell me if they are scary or not. If you think it is scary, make a scared face or show your scared face emoji picture. If you don’t think the item is scary make a smiley face or show your smiley faced emoji picture.

-a snake

-a shadow on the wall

-a teddy bear

-a large forest

-a tarantula 

-a clown


-a slice of cake


-a shark

Sometimes we are scare or afraid of things we see or even things we can not see. We may be afraid to be first in class when presenting a story or afraid to stand up for a kid who is being teased. We have fears during times when we may need to lead, but God can give us courage to lead with His help. This week we will read about Gideon who needed courage to trust God to help him lead his army to victory.

Materialsprinted emoji face (optional)

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 7

Why did the Lord tell Gideon he had too many people? (Israel might brag that they won the victory themselves)

Who did Gideon send home first? (Those who are fearful)

Where did God tell Gideon to take the men? (Down to the water)

How did he separate the men into those who would return home and those who would go to battle? (Those who lap the water with their tongue went home and those who kneel to drink would go to fight for God)

How many men were left with Gideon? (300)

When Gideon and Purah went to spy on the Midianite camp, what did he hear? (A man telling his dream and the other man saying God was handing the Midianite camp to Gideon)

What did Gideon do when he returned to his camp? (Told the 300 men God was giving the Midianite camp to them, and to follow him when he blew the trumpet and shouted for Yahweh and Gideon)


Gideon did not know what God’s plans were and he could not see how he would defeat a large army with just 300 men, but he trusted and obeyed God. Gideon had the courage to lead others because God was leading him. 


Use the attached shadow picture as a guide to make images on a wall near a lamp. Ask your child what animal or object they see in the shadow you are making. Sometimes shadows look like something that they are not in reality. I was able to make my hands look like a different object in the shadow. Some shadows can be scary, but when we realize that the shadow is not what is in reality, we realize we don’t have anything to be afraid of. Gideon was afraid of what he could not see. He could not see how they would win the battle with only 300 men, but God sees everything and can give us the courage to lead with Him guiding us.

Materials: example of shadow pictures


Print and cut out the strips of paper that contain challenge activities. Place the challenges into a bowl and take turns picking out a challenge to complete. Did it take courage to try the challenges that were written on the sheet. God is with us when we are afraid. There is no place we can go that God is not there to give us courage and strength.

Materials: printed challenge activities, scissors, bowl

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Make a trumpet horn. Have your child decorate the construction paper with pictures and stickers. Trim an arch at the top of the paper to give a curve when it is rolled into a megaphone shape. Staple or tape the sides to stay in a trumpet shape. Fold a pipe cleaner in a circle and then attach to the side of the horn as a handle.

Materials: Stapler, crayons or markers, construction paper, pipe cleaner or strip of cardboard


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



If you were Gideon, would you have been scared going into battle?

When you are scared, what do you do?

Who do you call on when you need help?

How can you call on God for courage?

What do you need courage to do?

How can God help you have courage to lead others?

Practical Application at Home

Being a leader at home can mean we do things without being asked to do them. When we see a job needs to be completed, we don’t wait for someone to tell us to do it, but we do it on our own. Being a leader means we take responsibility for the things around us. This week look for ways you can be a responsible leader at home. 

Try to complete one or more of these tasks this week without being asked to do them.

-take your plate from the table to the sink after your meals

-on trash day, pick up the trash around the house and take it to the trash bin (if its not too heavy)

-make your bed

-clean your closet and hang up all of your clothes

-wipe the table or counters after dinner

-pick up any stray toys or books from the living room

-help your younger brother or sister get ready for bed

-when mom or dad is folding clothes, sit next to them and help them fold the laundry

-sweep your front porch or step outside

-pull weeds out of the garden or flower bed

-ask to water the outside plants

-sweep the floor after dinner

There are many other ways to be helpful but also be a leader at home. When we choose to help when we have not been asked, we are showing leadership. We are not waiting to be told what to do but doing things we already know need to be completed.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever made a bad decision? A mistake you wish you could take back or change? This week we will see how Samson made a big mistake and wanted to fix his mistake. We often can’t undo the mistakes we’ve made, but God can help us learn from those mistakes.

Judges 16:4-30



God has given each one of us a measure of strength. Some people are stronger than others and sometimes we have to wait until we are older to get more strength. We can use our strength for good such as helping mom carry in the groceries or holding open the door for someone else. We can use our strength for bad such as hitting our sibling or breaking something of value. God wants us to use our strength for Him by helping others! Let’s see how strong we are by completing the following exercises.

-do 10 jumping jacks

-Jog in place for 2 minutes

-do 10 crunches

-do 10 arm curls with canned food

-get in a punching stance and do cross punches for 20 times

-do 5-10 push-ups

-lay on your back and do bicycle legs for 1 minute

Were you able to do all of those exercises correctly without getting tired? Did you make any mistakes while you were doing the exercises? We all make mistakes sometimes. We may make a bad choice by saying the wrong thing, treating someone poorly or telling a lie. God wants us to do our best in making good decisions, but He can also help us learn from the mistakes we make. When we make a mistake we can admit we did something wrong, ask for forgiveness and try to make it better or try not to make the same mistakes again. In our story this week we are looking at Samson. God gave Samson a lot of strength but He forgot that his strength was from God. Samson made mistakes and didn’t always make the right choices, but God was still able to use him and help him see his mistakes. God can help us learn from our mistakes as well.Materialsitems from around your house

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 16:4-30

Who did Samson fall in love with? (Delilah)

What did the Philistine leaders ask Delilah to do? (Persuade Samson to tell her where his strength comes from, so they can tie him up and overpower him)

What did the leaders offer to give her for this information? (1,100 pieces of silver)

What was the first way Samson said his strength could be lost? (Tied with seven fresh bowstrings that have never been dried)

After Delilah tied up Samson with the seven fresh bowstrings, what did she do? (Called to Samson that the Philistines were there, while the men in ambush were waiting in her room)

What did Samson do? (Snapped the bowstrings like a piece of yarn)

What did Samson tell Delilah was the secret to his strength the next time she asked? (If he was tied up with new rope that had never been used)

What happened after Delilah tied him with the new rope? (He snapped the ropes like a thread)

What did Samson tell Delilah was the secret to his strength the next time she asked? (If you weave the seven braids on his head with he web of a loom)

What happened when Delilah told him the Philistines were there? (He pulled out the pin with the loom and the web.) 

After Delilah cut Samson’s hair, what happened? (The Philistines captured him and Samson did not have the strength to stop them because God had left him.)

How did Samson destroy many of the philistine leaders? (When he was brought into their banquet to entertain them, he was places between two pillars. Because some of his hair had grown back, He had some strength and asked God to give him strength to defeat them. He defeated more in his death than he had during his life)


Samson made some mistakes in his life and often made bad choices. He used His strength for God but He sometimes used his strength for himself. Even though Samson made mistakes, God still used him to help the Israelites fight against the Philistines. We all make mistakes but those mistakes do not keep us from being used by God if we are still willing. God can help us see our mistakes so we can learn from them and make better choices in the future.


Create an obstacle course in an open area. Create areas to crawl under, jump over and areas to stop and do push-ups biceps curls using canned food. Time each child as they go through the obstacle course several times. God gives each of us strength and the ability to run jump and move heavy things. Samson had a lot of strength to push over strong pillars that held up a building. Just as Samson received his strength from God, we receive our strength from God too. If we forget our strength comes from God and we make mistakes, God can help us learn from those mistakes.

Materials: items around your house for an obstacle course


Read or listen to the story “Beautiful Oops” Then use a white sheet of paper and add a few random drops of paint so that it looks like it was spilled accidentally. Give your child a pen, pencil, marker and other paint colors. This looks like this paint was spilled here accidents but we can turn this spilled paint into something new. Use your imagination to create a new picture from the paint that is already here. You can add more paint to make the picture larger or use crayons and markers to trace around the paint and define the outline. God can take our mistakes and turn them into somethings beautiful. We don’t have to be afraid to admit when we have done something wrong, we can ask for forgiveness and ask for God to help us learn from our mistakes. He wants to help you!

Materials: white construction paper, crayons, markers and/or paint

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Create a banner that says “I can do all Things through Christ who gives me strength” Add stickers and words of encouragement on the banner.

Materials: white construction paper, large straws, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Where did Samson get his strength?

Why did Delilah want to know where Samson’s strength came from?

Did Delilah really love and care about Samson?

How can we be sure we are not led the wrong way by other people?

Did Samson make the right choice in telling Delilah about his hair?

How could Samson have made a better choice?

Do you have friends that try to convince you to make bad choices?

How can you resist following after friends who are not following God’s instructions?

Practical Application at Home

Following friends who are not making good choices can lead us to forget that our strength comes from God. Samson listened to Delilah instead of remembering God’s instructions. When we are faced with tough choices we can be prepared to stand up for what is right and make the right choices. If we make a mistake, we can trust that God can forgive us and help us learn to make a better choice next time. Think of the following temptations and say what you would do if you were faced with these choices.

What should you do if you think about…

-sneaking a cookie from the cookie jar before dinner

-taking your brothers Lego toy to play with when he is not home

-bringing home your friends toy without asking because you want to play with it more

-not taking out the trash when your mom or dad ask you to 

-pushing around the little kid in your neighborhood because he annoys you

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Do you have leaders at school, home and at church? Do you really have to follow their lead? Sometimes it is hard to be a follower because we often want to be the person leading others the way we want. We are called to be leaders at times, but God has also placed people in our lives to lead us! We can learn to follow the people God has given us and then lead others as well. This week we will see what makes a good leader and what it means to follow.

Ruth 1:1-18



Play a game of Red light, Green light. Allow each person in the room a chance to be the leader and direct the traffic. 

It’s fun to be the leader but we sometimes need to follow good leaders. When we listen to instructions from a trusted person, they will help guide us to where we need to go. God sends each of us people who can help lead us in the right direction. Listening to leaders can help us stay safe and protect our community. 

This week we are reading a story from the book of Ruth about Ruth and Naomi. Naomi was Ruth’s mother in law and they loved each other very much. Naomi wanted what was best for Ruth and tried to send her back home to her parents but Ruth wanted to follow Naomi. Ruth knew that Naomi was a good leader and would lead her in the right direction. God places the right people in our lives to help us when we need it. Let’s read the story of Ruth and Naomi to see how they both trusted God.

Materialsitems from around your house

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Ruth 1:1-18

Why had Naomi, her husband and sons left Bethlehem many years before? (There was a famine in Jerusalem)

What happened to Naomi while living in Moab? (He sons married, then her husband and 2 sons had died)

Why had she decided to return to the land of Judah? (She had heard how God was taking care of His people’s needs and providing them food.)

As they traveled along the road to Judah, what did Naomi tell her daughter-in-laws to do?(return to their fathers’ homes so they could remarry)

What did Orpah tell Naomi in response? (She kissed 

What did Ruth tell Naomi? (Not to convince her to leave any more. Where Naomi went, Ruth would go as well)

When Naomi realized how persistent Ruth was, what did she do? (Stop asking her to return home.)


Ruth did not know what to expect in this new country yet she followed Naomi because she trusted her. Naomi showed herself as trustworthy and a follower of the God of Heaven. She followed God and Ruth wanted to follow as well. We can lead others to God through our walk of faith and hope in Him.


Ruth traveled with Naomi even though she had not been there before. She trusted Naomi and followed her to a new city. Ruth was willing to trust Naomi, Naomi’s God and her people. Let’s play a game of “Where am I going?” Listen to the clues I give and then tell me where you think I am going.

Materials: printed clues or device for viewing


Ruth was gleaned in the field picking up grain that had fallen from the harvesters. She did this in order to have some food for herself and Naomi. Ruth worked very hard to gather as much grain as she could, but it was not a lot. When Boaz heard what Ruth was doing for her mother in law, he told the harvesters to leave more behind for her to pick up and take home. Let’s pretend we are gleaning in the fields picking up words of encouragement. Print and cut the sentence strips and distribute them around the room. Add blank strips of paper to extend the time if desired. As the child gleans the papers, read the words of encouragement aloud.

Materials: strips of encouragement

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Create a gleaning basket for Ruth to gather wheat. Use a paper plate, crayons, markers and construction paper, to create a basket full of wheat. 

Materials: paper plate, crayons or markers, construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why did Naomi return to Bethlehem?

Where did Naomi want her daughters in laws to go?

Why did Ruth stay with Naomi even though Naomi insisted she return home?

Have you ever insisted on staying with someone because you didn’t want to leave them?

Who is someone you trust?

How do you know when you are following the wrong person?

How can you stop following someone who is not leading you the right way?

Practical Application at Home

God give us leaders that we can follow and trust to lead us in the direction God wants us to go. Sometimes we may find ourselves following the wrong person and doing the wrong things. It is important to be able to recognize if the person leading us, is following Jesus. Listen to the following scenarios and determine if they are a good leader to follow or not.

-Cheerfully helps others

-Forgives others without staying mad

-Lies to get away with things

-Keeps the best for themselves

-Speaks to others with kindness

-Has a humble spirit (doesn’t have to be first)

-Tells the truth even when it is hard 

-Does whatever it takes to please others

-Stands by the truth even when its unpopular

-obeys and respects authority (those in charge)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever been the leader at school, church or at home? Maybe you have been the leader of the band or the leader of a parade. It is fun to lead others, but we have to pay attention to where we are leading them. When we are following Jesus, we can lead others to follow Him as well. This week we will see examples in the Bible of how others were leaders for God.

Judges 4; Psalm 130



Many animals live in groups or herds, but they usually have some type of leader. Not every animal can be the leader of a group, so one leader is usually chosen. Animals have their own way of determine who will be the alpha, the one in charge. Tell how you think each animal group determines who will be their leader. Then read the short description to determine if you were right.

-Gray wolves






Gray Wolves: live in packs of 5-15. Packs are lead by an alpha male and female. They raise young, initiate hunts and eat the best food. There is also a omega wolf, which is considered the last one in the hierarchy which every one else is ahead of. 

Bears: male bears usually roam alone and do not stay with a group. Female bears lead their young to food, safety, and water. They keep their cubs safe from being eaten by the male bear.

Elephants: male elephants leave the herd they were born into and herds with other young male elephants. They have shoving matches to establish a rank. Females stay with the herd they were born into and help each other raise their young. The leader of the female herd is older with more experience who can lead the herd to food, water and defend the frontline.

Lions: Like the elephants, young male lions leave the pride they were born into in a small group and search for another pride. When they find one, they fight the few male lions to defeat them and take over their pride.

Bison: male bulls live iwht their mothers in a female herd for a few years before they live alone or in a male herd. Bulls test each other with head-ramming fights to determine their dominance. 

Ants: Ants have a queen but she is not really in charge. Her job is to continuously lay eggs. Other worker ants all have a job they do which may be tending the eggs, feeding the larvae, finding food, or taking care of the queen. Everyone does their job without a designated leader. 

We can all be leaders and guide other people in the right direction. This month we are learning about how to be a leader for God. God wants us to share his good news about Jesus with others and to help lead them to God. We can do this by listening to God and then sharing what we know. This week we will read a story about Deborah, who was a judge in Israel. She listened to God and shared His words with others and she also helped people when they argued. She was a good judge because she listens to what God told her and then shared that with others. In this story Deborah hears from God and then tells the leader of the Israel army what he should do.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 4

Who was oppressing the Israelites for 20 years? (Jabin, king of Canaan)

Who did the Israelites go to for judgment in Israel at that time? (Deborah the prophetess)

Who did Deborah ask to come see her? (Barak)

What message did Deborah give Barak from God? (Take 10,000 men to mount Tabor and defeat Sisera, commander of the army)
What did Barak ask Deborah to do? (Go with him or he would not go)

What did Deborah say would happen since she would go? (The Lord would deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman and she would get the honor)

When the Lord confused Sisera and his army, where did Sisera flee? (To the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber)

When Barak arrived to find Sisera, what happened? (Sisera had already died by the hand of Jael)


Being a good leader is more than just telling others what to do and being the boss. A leader for God, listens first to what God wants to tell them, and then they share that with others. We can lead others to God by listening to what God has to say first. 


God created each one of us unique and we can all be leaders for God. God has given you special talents, skills, and abilities that can all be used to help you be the leader God wants you to be. Draw a picture of yourself on a blank sheet of paper. Around the self portrait, write, draw or use cut-out pictures to show things that make you, you! You can add things you are good at, enjoy doing, where you live or things you hope to be when you grow up. Your picture should reflect who you are and who you would like to be. God can use the abilities and likes we already have to lead others to Him.

Materials: construction paper, pencil, colored pencils or crayons, magazines for cutting (optional)


Listen to the following scenarios and be the judge of what you think should happen.

Materials: printed scenarios or device for viewing

Independent activity:

What we do effects others in big and small ways. When we lead others in the right direction it makes a positive impact on their lives. When we lead others in the wrong direction, we have a negative impact on their lives. God calls us to be leaders that point others in the right direction, towards Him! Create a domino train and see how one motion effects all the other dominoes. Place the dominoes, or rectangular bricks, vertically with a small space between each one. Create a path or train of dominoes, then gently push the first domino towards the others and watch the impact to the other dominoes. Be creative and design several tracks or paths. Watch this video for inspiration.

Materials: dominoes or other small bricks




Create a palm tree. Using a toilet paper roll for the trunk and construction paper for leaves. Use green construction paper to cut leaf shapes, then glue them onto the truck of the tree. Decorate the tree and leaves with thin markers to create lines for the leaves and bark. Use this craft tree to retell the story of Deborah.

Materials: toilet paper roll, green construction paper, glue, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Psalm 130

In this chapter, the Psalmist is writing about God’s redemption. Just as in the story of Deborah, God saved his people and helped them fight in a battle against their enemy, the Psalmist is asking God to forgive their sins and redeem them. God wants to use each of us, even though we are sinful and do bad things, to lead others to Him. 

Is it easy or hard to be a leader?

Where can you be a leader?

Who could you lead to God?

How can your actions lead others to God or push them further away?

What has God called you to lead in?

Practical Application at Home

God has called each of us to be leaders. Deborah was a female judge which was uncommon in her day. God called her to be a judge and others came to her for judgement because they knew she God was leading her. She listened to God and followed His instructions and in doing this she helped others. 

Where has God called you to be a leader? Is there a way you can help lead your fellow classmates at school or at church? Can you be a leader at home with your siblings, being an example of how to obey your parents? Can you be a leader on your team, including everyone and encouraging others?

Complete the following activity sheet. In each blank, write or draw an example of how you can be a leader in that place.

Materials: printed activity sheet 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





What are you afraid of? Being in the front of the roller coaster ride? Being first to try a new dish mom made? Or being the leader of your team? We need courage to do things we’ve never done before or lead others to God. This week we will see a story about Gideon, who needed to use God’s courage to face a battle that seemed impossible.

Judges 7; Psalm 20



We all have fears but sometimes our fears differ from each other. God wants us to have courage and trust that He has a plan for us and that He is in control. Listen to the following scenarios and tell if it would cause you fear or would you have courage.

-swimming with dolphins

-walking through a forest alone

-feeding lions

-working as a lifeguard 

-caring for a pet python snake

-taking the trash to the curb

-steering a tube down white water rapids

-climbing a tree

-apologizing to your teacher

-standing up for a friend who is being accused 

Sometimes we are scared or afraid of things we see or even things we can not see. We may be afraid to be first in class when presenting a story or afraid to stand up for a kid who is being teased. We have fears during times when we may need to lead, but God can give us courage to lead with His help. This week we will read about Gideon who needed courage to trust God to help him lead his army to victory.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 7

Why did the Lord tell Gideon he had too many people? (Israel might brag that they won the victory themselves)

Who did Gideon send home first? (Those who are fearful)

Where did God tell Gideon to take the men? (Down to the water)

How did he separate the men into those who would return home and those who would go to battle? (Those who lap the water with their tongue went home and those who kneel to drink would go to fight for God)

How many men were left with Gideon? (300)

When Gideon and Purah went to spy on the Midianite camp, what did he hear? (A man telling his dream and the other man saying God was handing the Midianite camp to Gideon)

What did Gideon do when he returned to his camp? (Told the 300 men God was giving the Midianite camp to them, and to follow him when he blew the trumpet and shouted for Yahweh and Gideon)


Gideon did not know what God’s plans were and he could not see how he would defeat a large army with just 300 men, but he trusted and obeyed God. Gideon had the courage to lead others because God was leading him. 


Print and cut out the strips of paper that contain challenge activities. Place the challenges into a bowl and take turns picking out a challenge to complete. Did it take courage to try the challenges that were written on the sheet. God is with us when we are afraid. There is no place we can go that God is not there to give us courage and strength.

Materials: printed challenge strips, bowl, scissors


There were many people in the Bible who gave others words of encouragement. They encouraged others to know that God was with them and had not forsaken them. Their words gave others faith to keep trusting God and to persevere. God’s word gives us courage even when we are facing difficult situations. Read the following verses and determine who was being given words of courage.

Materials: printed activity sheet

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Make a trumpet horn. Have your child decorate the construction paper with pictures and stickers. Trim an arch at the top of the paper to give a curve when it is rolled into a megaphone shape. Staple or tape the sides to stay in a trumpet shape. Fold a pipe cleaner in a circle and then attach to the side of the horn as a handle.

Materials: white construction paper, stickers, crayons or markers, scissors, glue, pipe cleaner or strip of cardboard


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 20

David is rejoicing that God is able to deliver us when we call on Him. We can have courage to face difficulties and hard times because God will always be with us. Even if things do not turn out the way we planned or hoped they would, God has a plan and He gives us courage to keep going. 

What did the Psalmist say other people are proud of?

What did the Psalmist say took pride in?

While the others fall and collapse, what did the Psalmist say they will do?

What do you take pride in?

Why do our earthly things have limitations on how they can help us?

Does God have any limitations on how much He can help us?

What is something God is asking you to lead?

How does knowing God is with you and has no limits to His strength make you feel?

Practical Application at Home

It may take courage to do the simple or sometimes hard things in life. Think about the following instances and decide if it takes a little, moderate or a lot of courage to face these situations.

-Going to school

-eating lunch in the cafeteria

-meeting someone new

-starting on a new team

-facing a school bully

-saying no to drugs

-eating healthy foods

-taking care of your body inside and out

-attending church

-telling a friend about Jesus

-telling a stranger about Jesus

-Sharing why you keep the Sabbath

-not following friends who are making bad choices

-obeying your parents instead of your friends

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever made a bad decision? A mistake you wish you could take back or change? This week we will see how Samson made a big mistake and wanted to fix his mistake. We often can’t undo the mistakes we’ve made, but God can help us learn from those mistakes.

Judges 16:4-30; Psalm 9:1-10



Gather several household items and place them in a row. With a sticky note or small index card, write the actual price each item is sold for in a store. Turn the sticky not or index card upside down so that your child can not see the price. Today we are going to play a little guessing game. I want you to guess the price of each item and see if your price matches the price listed. Go through each item one at a time, revealing the correct answer after each guess.

Were you able to guess the correct price for each item? It can be difficult to know exactly how much each item cost and what each item is actually worth. You may have made a mistake in guessing the cost of each item in this game, and in real life we may mistakingly pay more for an item at the store than what it is actually worth. We sometimes might buy something and regret the purchase later realizing we paid too much money or the item was poorly made and broke easily. God expects that we will make mistakes because we are imperfect humans, but God wants to help us learn from those mistakes so we won’t continue to make them. He wants us to see what we did that was wrong, and with His help, not repeat those mistakes again. In our story this week we are looking at Samson. God gave Samson a lot of strength but He forgot that his strength was from God. Samson made mistakes and didn’t always make the right choices, but God was still able to use him and help him see his mistakes. God can help us learn from our mistakes as well.

Materialsitems from around your house, small index cards, prices of items, pen or pencil

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 16:4-30

Who did Samson fall in love with? (Delilah)

What did the Philistine leaders ask Delilah to do? (Persuade Samson to tell her where his strength comes from, so they can tie him up and overpower him)

What did the leaders offer to give her for this information? (1,100 pieces of silver)

What was the first way Samson said his strength could be lost? (Tied with seven fresh bowstrings that have never been dried)

After Delilah tied up Samson with the seven fresh bowstrings, what did she do? (Called to Samson that the Philistines were there, while the men in ambush were waiting in her room)

What did Samson do? (Snapped the bowstrings like a piece of yarn)

What did Samson tell Delilah was the secret to his strength the next time she asked? (If he was tied up with new rope that had never been used)

What happened after Delilah tied him with the new rope? (He snapped the ropes like a thread)

What did Samson tell Delilah was the secret to his strength the next time she asked? (If you weave the seven braids on his head with he web of a loom)

What happened when Delilah told him the Philistines were there? (He pulled out the pin with the loom and the web.) 

After Delilah cut Samson’s hair, what happened? (The Philistines captured him and Samson did not have the strength to stop them because God had left him.)

How did Samson destroy many of the philistine leaders? (When he was brought into their banquet to entertain them, he was places between two pillars. Because some of his hair had grown back, He had some strength and asked God to give him strength to defeat them. He defeated more in his death than he had during his life)


Samson made some mistakes in his life and often made bad choices. He used His strength for God but He sometimes used his strength for himself. Even though Samson made mistakes, God still used him to help the Israelites fight against the Philistines. We all make mistakes but those mistakes do not keep us from being used by God if we are still willing. God can help us see our mistakes so we can learn from them and make better choices in the future.


Flipping a mistake into a learning experience is important for everyone in order for us to grow and change. What starts out as a mistake can often be changed into something positive or an important lesson we can learn. Cut and place the following cards face down on flat surface. Using a spatula, flip a card over and read the mistake that was made, then tell what you would do to correct the mistake.

Materials: printed mistake cards, kitchen spatula, scissors


Read or listen to the story “Beautiful Oops” Then use a white sheet of paper and add a few random drops of paint so that it looks like it was spilled accidentally. Give your child a pen, pencil, marker and other paint colors. This looks like this paint was spilled here accidents but we can turn this spilled paint into something new. Use your imagination to create a new picture from the paint that is already here. You can add more paint to make the picture larger or use crayons and markers to trace around the paint and define the outline. God can take our mistakes and turn them into somethings beautiful. We don’t have to be afraid to admit when we have done something wrong, we can ask for forgiveness and ask for God to help us learn from our mistakes. He wants to help you!

Materials: device for listening to story, white sheet of paper, paint, pencil or pen, marker, paint

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pen/pencil, crayons




Create a banner that says “I can do all Things through Christ who gives me strength” Add stickers and words of encouragement on the banner.

Materials: white construction paper, large straws, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 9:1-10

This verse says that God rules the world in righteousness and judges the people with equity. He is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know His name trust in Him and He never forsakes them. God knows that we all make mistakes and He wants to help us learn from our mistakes. God is a fair judge and judges our hearts and forgives our mistakes. Although Samson made many mistakes, God still gave Him strength to defeat many Philistines. 

Where did Samson get his strength?

Why did Delilah want to know where Samson’s strength came from?

Did Delilah really love and care about Samson?

How can we be sure we are not led the wrong way by other people?

Did Samson make the right choice in telling Delilah about his hair?

How could Samson have made a better choice?

Do you have friends that try to convince you to make bad choices?

How can you resist following after friends who are not following God’s instructions?

Practical Application at Home

Following friends who are not making good choice can lead us to forget that our strength comes from God. Samson listened to Delilah instead of remembering God’s instructions. When we are faced with tough choices we can be prepared to stand up for what is right and make the right choices. If we make a mistake, we can trust that God can forgive us and help us learn to make a better choice next time. Think of the following temptations and say what you would do if you were faced with these choices.

What should you do if you think about…

-sneaking a cookie from the cookie jar before dinner

-taking your brothers Lego toy to play with when he is not home

-bringing home your friends toy without asking because you want to play with it more

-not taking out the trash when your mom or dad ask you to 

-pushing around the little kid in your neighborhood because he annoys you

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Do you have leaders at school, home and at church? Do you really have to follow their lead? Sometimes it is hard to be a follower because we often want to be the person leading others the way we want. We are called to be leaders at times, but God has also placed people in our lives to lead us! We can learn to follow the people God has given us and then lead others as well. This week we will see what makes a good leader and what it means to follow.

Ruth 1:1-18; Lamentations 3:22-33



We have people all around us who are our leaders. They help protect and keep us safe. Listen to the “Who am I?” Statements and decide what leader is being described.

-I like to read to people, I keep my location nice a quiet, I help others discover new places without ever leaving their seats. (Librarian)

-I direct people where to go, I keep kids safe when coming or leaving school, I help prevent serious accidents (crossing guard)

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week:Ruth 1:1-18

Why had Naomi, her husband and sons left Bethlehem many years before? (There was a famine in Jerusalem)

What happened to Naomi while living in Moab? (He sons married, then her husband and 2 sons had died)

Why had she decided to return to the land of Judah? (She had heard how God was taking care of His people’s needs and providing them food.)

As they traveled along the road to Judah, what did Naomi tell her daughter-in-laws to do?(return to their fathers’ homes so they could remarry)

What did Orpah tell Naomi in response? (She kissed 

What did Ruth tell Naomi? (Not to convince her to leave any more. Where Naomi went, Ruth would go as well)

When Naomi realized how persistent Ruth was, what did she do? (Stop asking her to return home.)


Ruth did not know what to expect in this new country yet she followed Naomi because she trusted her. Naomi showed herself as trustworthy and a follower of the God of Heaven. She followed God and Ruth wanted to follow as well. We can lead others to God through our walk of faith and hope in Him.


Ruth traveled with Naomi to a place she had never been to before. She was leaving her home to live in a city far from home. She may not have known a lot about Bethlehem but she knew and trusted Naomi was leading her the right way. Ruth believed if she stayed with Naomi she would taken care of by Naomi’s God and people. Imagine if you traveled to a foreign place far from home, there would be lots of new things to discover. Listen as I read these facts about different places, then guess what city or country is being described.

Materials: printed or viewed activity sheet


When we follow instructions from a leader we have to listen careful so that we do not skip any steps but follow all of the instructions. Follow along with this video to follow the step by step instructions of how to draw a panda. Gather your materials such as white sheet of paper, crayons, markers, coloring pencils and a device to watch the video. Pause the video as needed.

Materials: Device for viewing video, white sheet of paper, crayons, markers, coloring pencils

Independent activity:

Create a travel brochure of a place you would like to move to if you could. Fold a sheet of white construction paper into thirds lengthwise. On the front panel write the name of the place you would go and draw a picture of it. On the subsequent pages, write and draw things to do, places to visit, foods to eat, and facts you know about the place.

Materials: White sheet of construction paper, crayons, markers, coloring pencils, pencil or pen




Create a gleaning basket for Ruth to gather wheat. Use a paper plate, crayons, markers and construction paper, to create a basket full of wheat. 

Materials: paper plate, crayons or markers, construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Lamentations 3:22-33

This scripture describes God’s faithfulness. Tell which statement or description of God’s faithfulness means the most to you.God was faithful to Ruth and Naomi just as He is still faithful to us. Ruth and Naomi still had troubles and difficulties but God was with them through it all. This scripture encourages us to keep our hope in God even when times are difficult because God will bring deliverance. Great leaders share their experiences and struggles with others as well as the victories God has given them as a testimony. God sends us leaders who have had similar experiences to help us grow and continue in our faith. When we share our struggles and victories with others we can then help lead others to continue to grow closer to God and see His faithfulness as well.

How did Ruth and Naomi keep their hope in God?

How did Ruth show she had faith and trusted God?

Name several difficulties Ruth and Naomi faced.

Do you think Naomi ever questioned or doubted why she was going through such a difficult time?

How did Naomi show she trusted God even in the midst of her suffering?

How can we live with hope and faith even when times are difficult?

Who are the leaders in your life that share their struggles and victories with you?

Who do you lead closer to God from your shared testimony? 

Practical Application at Home

We all face struggles and difficulties throughout life. Some struggles are small such as not being prepared enough for an upcoming test or keeping your room tidy. Some struggles are big such as moving to a new school or losing a loved one. God sees all of our struggles and wants to show us compassion and love. When we remember our struggles from the past and how God has led us through them, it helps us remember He is faithful in the middle of our struggles. It’s important to reflect on God’s past faithfulness so we can remember that He is always faithful. Although things may not turn out the way we want or perhaps we have strayed from what we should have done, God does not change and His mercies are new every day. That means every day He gives us grace regardless of past mistakes or failures. 

In a journal or sheet of notebook paper, divide the paper in half lengthways. Write about a recent struggle, or several past struggles in the left hand column, giving as much details as desired. In the right hand column directly across from the struggle, write the solution God provided. Write as much detail as desired including the time in which the answer or solution was received. Save this journal entry or sheet of paper for future reading. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever been the smallest or youngest in the group? Maybe you are the shortest kid in class, or the youngest child at home. Sometimes you may not be picked for something because of your size or age. This week we will see that David’s family assumed he was just an ordinary boy caring for the family’s sheep, but God had something else in mind. God used an ordinary boy to become the next king of Israel, God can still use ordinary people like us to do big things.

1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 5:1-5; 9-10; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10



There are things that happen around us that seem normal or usual because they happen all the time. And then there are things that are unusual because they rarely ever happen. What are some things that you would describe as normal, or usual? What are some things that you think are unusual? Listen to the following scenarios and determine which one is most unlikely to happen.

-A whale swimming up to shore OR a penguin living in a warm climate

-A ship getting lost in the Bermuda Triangle OR an island nation that is only 8 sq miles

-a lizard walking on water OR a car driving on a lake

-A bird that can not fly OR a person flying using a blanket

A large tree growing from a tiny seed OR a cat having 9 lives

a submarine that can fly OR an inchworm moving after being chopped in half

An animal that can breath in water and on land OR a mountain that can move

A hot air balloon that goes into outer space OR A flower that moves with the sun

David seemed to be a normal boy with nothing special about him. In fact, he was the shepherd for his fathers sheep, which is typically a servants job. David’s family did not consider him to be anything special but very normal. They looked at his outward appearance; his height, strength and age, but God saw something else. God saw that David had a heart for Him and wanted to obey and please God. God had something special for David. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 5:1-5; 9-10

God asked Samuel how long he would mourn for Saul, but to do what instead? (To fill his horn with oil and go to Jesse of Bethlehem to anoint one of his sons)

How would Samuel know who to anoint? (God would show him)

How many of Jesse’s sons passed before Samuel that were not chosen? (7)

What did Samuel think of the first son that passed before him? (surely the LORD’’s anointed stands here before the Lord)

What did God tell Samuel He looks at? (Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart)

Where was the youngest son, David, when Samuel asked for him? (Tending sheep in the field)

What happened to David after he was anointed? (The spirit of the Lord was upon him)

How old was David when he was anointed king by the elders of Israel? (30 years old)


God called David to be the next king of Israel because he saw David’s heart and knew He was special. David made mistakes but God saw that David had something special that He could use for His kingdom and people. We can seem ordinary to others, but God knows that He has something unique He created us to do. 


We can find unusual animals in nature all around us. God created these animals uniquely and they may not look like other animals we normally see. God created each one of us uniquely as well. He has a special plan and purpose for each one of us. To other people around us we may seem ordinary, but to God we are uniquely His. See if you can name the unusual animals you see in each picture.

Materials: Device for viewing game


Satan wants us to believe lies about ourselves and not believe who God has called us to be. Sometimes we believe these lies, such as believing we are not good enough or smart enough in school. Complete the following sheet and read the lies that Satan often wants us to believe. Then read the scriptures listed and replace the lie with the truth God says about us.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue

Independent activity:

Create a collage of pictures that are drawn or cut out from magazines that describe you. God made you unique and has something special for you to do. Others may only see what you look like from the outside but God sees who you are on the inside. In the center of your paper, draw a picture of yourself. Then, create a picture description of yourself by pasting pictures of things you like to do, places you enjoy going and pictures you feel best represent who you are on the inside. Describe to a parent or sibling not only what you look like on the outside, but things you like and what describes you on the inside.

Materials: Construction paper, old magazines to cut, scissors, glue, crayons or colored pencils




Make your own crown just like King David had a crown. Follow the directions here to create your crown.

Materials: Yellow construction paper, scissors, gold glitter, plastic jewels, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever been given a job you thought was too hard for you to do? Perhaps your parents asked you to do a new chore around the house but you didn’t think you were old enough to do it. Or your teacher challenged you with a more difficult problem and you didn’t think you would be able to come up with the right answer. There are lots of challenges we have in life, and even though we might think we are too weak to do them, God says he will give us strength we need to face those challenges and conquer them.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Paul said he delighted in hardships, challenges and difficulties because in those times, God’s power would rest on him. “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” We too can have the same attitude toward our difficulties. We can trust that in our weakness we will see God show his strength.

What are some challenges you face each day?

What are some challenges you face at school, home, or at church?

How does knowing God gives you strength help you face your challenges easier?

How can you be sure to give God credit for the strength He gives you and not take the credit for yourself?

In what ways did God give David strength?

Did God choose David because he was small and weak?

How was the previous king Saul, different from David?

Practical Application at Home

David seemed an unlikely choice to be the next king. He was not like the current king Israel had chosen, Saul. Saul was looked like a king to the people, but God knew his heart would eventually turn away from God. David did not look like a king from his outward appearance but God knew David’s heart would make a great king. Through our weakness we can be made strong, not from our own power, but from God’s. God wants to help us with the challenges we face, the difficult decisions, and the hard choices we have to make. God wants to give us the strength when we are weak so that we can live in God’s plan for us. What difficulties do you face that you feel too weak to handle? When you feel like an outsider, how can you turn to God for help?

Make a list of things that are challenging for you to do or hardships you have to face each day. Think about ways God can give you strength to overcome those challenges. Also, think of challenges you’ve had in the past and how God gave you strength to overcome them. 

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





What makes you excited? What makes you really happy? What makes you scared? What brings you joy? We have a lot of emotions we experience but sometimes joy can be tricky to explain. Emotions or feelings come and go, but is that true for our joy? This week we will see why David was overjoyed and how he outwardly expressed his joy. 

2 Samuel 6:1-6,12-19; 1 Peter 1:8-9



How do you show you are happy? We all have different ways of showing happiness or joy. Listen to the following scenarios and show me what you would do to show your happiness or joy.

Your favorite song comes on the radio

Your dad surprises you with an ice cream cone

You get your favorite toy for Christmas

Your friend says you can come over for the afternoon

Your mom asks you to bake cookies with her

You walk into your surprise birthday party

Your sibling shares their candy with you

Your dad tells a really funny joke

Your teacher takes your class on a field trip

Have you ever lost something that was really important and then found it again? How did you feel once it was returned? Did you shout for joy? Do a little dance? Tell your friends and family of your find? After David became king, he brought home something that was very important to his people. God had given the Israelites the Ark of the covenant which contained the law God gave Moses, and God’s presence. David was eager to have it returned to Jerusalem where it belonged, among God’s people. Let’s read to find out what David did when the ark was returned to God’s people. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 2 Samuel 6:1-5,12-19

How many young men were with David? (30 thousand men)

Where did David go to get the ark? (Obed-Edom)

How did they carry the ark to the city of David? (On a new cart)

What did they do while walking with the ark? (Celebrate with all their might)

What instruments did they use during their celebration? (castanets,[d] harps, lyres, timbrels, sistrums and cymbals)

How many steps did they take before David sacrificed a bull and fattened calf to the Lord? (6 steps)

What did David do while the men and Israel were bringing up the ark of the Lord? (Danced before the Lord with all his might)

Where did David place the Ark of the Lord? (In a tent he made for the ark)

After David continued to make sacrificed unto the Lord, what did he do for the people? Blessed them in the name of the Lord Almighty and fed each person a loaf of bread, cake of dates, and cake of raisins)


After David became king he wanted to the Ark returned to Jerusalem. David wanted the presence of God to be among his people, to guid and protect them. When the ark was returned, David was so happy he began to dance. He was celebrating the victorious return of something so important to their people.


Joy and happiness sound like they are the same thing, but it can be described differently. Sometimes we have a hard time explaining joy but we know it’s real when we have it. Joy is an internal peace or feeling of contentment, it is not based upon changing circumstances or events. Happiness is an external display emotion we have as a result of something happening to us. Play this version of Slap Jack with Joy and Happiness cards. Place the joy and happiness cards down side by side. As you read the statements, each player slaps the card they think it is (joy or happiness). If they slap the correct card first, they can pick up the card and keep it. The player with the most cards at the end, wins.

Materials: printed cards


Knowing what brings you joy can be difficult to express in words. What things do you treasure and hold dear to your heart? Your family? Spending time with God? Remembering all of your blessings? Sitting at the beach and listening to the waves? God gives us things all around that bring us joy and peace. The greatest joy we receive is His love toward us. Listen to this book about joy. Then tell some things you would add to a treasure box that bring you joy.

Materials: Device for viewing book

Independent activity:

David was so filled with joy that he danced before the ark. Have you ever been filled with so much joy and happiness on the inside that you didn’t feel like you could contain it. It felt as though everything inside of you was going to come bursting out? What that happens, what does it make you want to do? Dance? Sing? Shout? Run through the trees? We all express our joyful praise to God in different ways. Singing, making music, dancing, shouting Hallelujah, or reciting scriptures of praise are just a few examples. Create your own praise demonstration. Think about how good God is to you, and then find a special way to demonstrate an outward praise. Create your own poem, song, dance or scripture recital.

Materials: various materials for creative expression: art supplies, books, paper, instruments etc.




Draw a picture of what you think the scene of David dancing before the ark would look like. Draw David, the ark and the Israelite people as they came into the City of David. On the reverse side of the paper, draw a picture of yourself praising God.

Materials: drawing paper, crayons, color pencils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read 1 Peter 1:8-9 which says that even though we can not see Jesus, we love him. Even though we do not see Jesus now we believe in Him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy.We have this joy because of the salvation of our souls. We can have joy because we know that Jesus is with us. We do not need to the ark as the Israelites did, we have the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is with us wherever we go. 

Why did David want to bring the ark to Jerusalem?

What was inside of the ark?

Do you think the Israelites felt God’s presence with them once the ark was returned?

How do we know that God is with us today, without the ark in our presence?

How is knowing God is with us give you peace and joy?

How can you express your joy and gratitude towards God?

Practical Application at Home

We have a lot to be thankful for. God loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. He provides for us and comforts us when we are in need. Our joy should not be dependent on our current situation but knowing that God will not leave us in our time of need can bring us peace and joy. Being happy is a wonderful feeling and emotion but it can fade once the moment is over. Our joy does not come from the gifts we receive but from the blessings we know God has given us. We can share this joy with others and help them see that this unexplainable joy can only come from God. Think of some ways you can share this joy with others this week. 

Think of someone you know that could use some joy this week. It could be a friend or family member. Share joy with them this week in whatever creative way you can think of that you know they would enjoy. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Send them a note

Write your favorite scripture to share with them

Pray for them each day at the same time each day for 7 days

Ask them to go on a nature walk with you

Bake cookies or other treat then sit and share them together

Make an acrostic poem using their name and give it to them

Spend time with them doing their favorite things

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever gotten a surprise you didn’t like? Or had a change of plans that turned out to be better. Unexpected things happen to us all the time, and we have to know how to deal with the change in plans. This week we will see how God’s plans were not what David expected.

2 Samuel 7:1-14; Psalm 89:20-37



Sometimes there are unexpected things that happen to us. We could have an unexpected visitor who surprises us for an afternoon of play and games. We could have unexpected news that our game has been canceled due to bad weather. We are often given unexpected news. Let’s practice hearing unexpected information by playing a guessing game. Listen to the descriptions I’m going to give about these homes and tell me who you think lives there. Use the attached pictures if desired. Read clues first and allow time for your child to guess before showing the picture of the home. 

-this home has many rooms and space for several family members; it is about 18 feet wide and 9 feet high. It is made of sticks and hay. Up to 200 family members can live here at once. Who lives here? Weaver birds

-this house is built to last for over 100 years. It is a mud home made of soil and water. It can be over 20 feet tall with one person in charge of it all. Who lives here? Cathedral termites

-this house is naturally insulated to keep the inside warm. It is made of ice bricks that have air pockets. The family members inside provide warmth from their body heat. Who lives here? Hunters or those seeking shelter from the arctic air.

-this water home is made of grass and wood. It is a strong structure with a waterfront view. They are usually located near water and densely treed area. Perfect for fishing and staying away from hunters. Who lives here? Beavers

-These homes are built with wood, bricks and mortar. They have rooms for several family members and stay warm or cool on the inside. Who lives here? Humans 

Some of those homes were unexpected! Did you guess who lived at each of those homes? Some of the homes were not like any nest or home we were expecting to see. Sometimes unexpected things happen that are good and sometimes the unexpected is not good. We don’t always receive news that we want to hear and it is disappointing. Other times we may receive unexpected news that is a good surprise that we enjoy. David received unexpected news that may have been disappointing to hear at first, but then he recognized that God had a plan. God’s plans are sometimes unexpected to us, but we can trust that He always has a plan and he wants what is good for us. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 2 Samuel 7:1-14

Why was David concerned about where the ark of God was located? (Because David was living in a house of cedar while the ark of God was still in a tent)

What was Nathan’s response to David? (That whatever he was thinking to do he should go ahead and do it because the Lord was with him)

Later that night what did the Lord tell Nathan about His dwelling in a tent? (He had not dwelt in a house since he brought his people out of Egypt)

Did God ever ask the other kings to build him a house of cedar? (No)

What did God say He would do for David? (Make his name great, like the names of the greatest men who walked the earth)

What did God say he would do for the Israelite people? (He would provide a place for them to live, plant them in one place so they will not be disturbed, and have rest from their enemies)

What did God say he would do for David’s offspring? (David’s own flesh and blood would succeed him in the throne and God would establish his kingdom forever. He would build a house for the Lord)


David wanted to build a special home for God to dwell but God said that would not be David’s job. He would have to share this project with his son who would build this temple for God. Although David may have been disappointed he also knew that God was going to take care of his family even after David was gone. God was promising that David’s son would reign after David and that was good news. 


Play this game of charades. Guess the animal that is being acted out. Sometimes our clues were expected and we knew exactly what animal is being described. Sometimes the clues were unexpected and it did not match the animal we thought. Sometimes our teammates did unexpected things, but when God does unexpected things, we can trust He has a plan that is better than what we have planned.

Materials: Printed charade cards


Match these unexpected events to the plans each character had. Each one of these people from the Bible thought they knew God’s plans but then their life took an unexpected turn. God still used each one of them to do great things, but it was in an unexpected way. God has plans for each of our lives. God’s plan may be unexpected for us, but for God He is in control.

Materials: Printed activity sheet, pencil

Independent activity:

David was living in a house of cedar and he wanted to build a house for God that was better than a tent. If you were going to build a house what would it look like? Using popsicle sticks or craft sticks, build a stick home. See how big you can make your home, or how many rooms you can create. Alternately: use building block or draw a picture.

Materials: Popsicle or craft sticks, optional alternate: building blocks or paper, pencil




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 89:20-37

God promises David He will take care of his family and his family line will be established forever. Jesus is a part of the lineage of Jesus and He is our eternal king. God gave David a name that would last forever. Although God did not answer David’s request to build him a temple, God gave him something even better. He sent the Messiah through his family name. God works in unexpected ways.

What did David want to build for God?

How do you think David felt at first when God told him not to build him a place to dwell?

Have you ever been disappointed by the answer no?

What do you do when you’re been told you can not do something you want to do?

How should we respond when God tells us not to follow our own plan?

What things do you seek God’s wisdom for?

How can we be sure we are living according to God’s plan for us?

Practical Application at Home

Find a medium sized box and balloons or small plastic balls. Write the word God in big letters on the outside of the box. We are going to pretend that this box represents God. On each balloon we will write words or phrases that describe God and then place them in the box. If you are using the plastic balls, use dry erase markers or just say the word or phrase as you throw the ball in without writing. Our box is full of words that describe God. Do you think we missed anything? Are there other words or ways to describe God’s character? Of course there are. We have a limited vocabulary and we could never fully explain who God is. He is not human and can not be fully explained by humans, that’s what makes Him God!

Sometimes we put God into a box. We think we know all the things God can do and expect only those things from Him. When something happens we expect God to only be able to do those things that we put in the box. Who we believe God to be effects our view of Him and our relationship. When God does not work according to the limits of the box, we might believe He has failed or doesn’t care. But that is not true. The God we have created in this box has failed, but not the God of heaven. God does not live within the confines of a box but can do unexpected things. God can do things we have not ever imagined possible. We can look for ways to see how God is working, even when it is not how we expected things to be done.

We are sometimes tempted to believe God only works in big things in our lives but doesn’t care about the small things. This is not true. God cares about our little challenges, concerns and problems. This week, pray for God to help you in small problems and then watch to see how God will answer your prayer. God just might show up in an unexpected way. Use the following recording sheet to write your prayer request and how God answered your prayer. 

Materials: cardboard box, blown-up balloons, markers, printed prayer sheet, (balloon alternative: plastic balls , dry erase markers)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Does God love you more when you are good? Does he love you less when you do bad things? Can we change God’s love toward us by our good or bad deeds? This week we will see how David made some really big mistakes and even tried to cover them up, but then said sorry for all the things he did. We will see how God’s love did not change for David, and His love doesn’t change for us.

2 Samuel 11:1-15; Psalm 51



Play this version of red light. Add more colors to the game besides red, yellow and green. When you say blue-move to the left; purple- move to the right; orange-move backwards. Play Red Light as usual, adding the additional colors. You may have to remind your child of what the colors mean as you play. 

That was a change to the typical game of red light. Things were a little different but it was still a game of Red-light and the goal was still to make it to the finish line first. This week we are learning that God’s love does not change. Even when we make mistakes or do something bad, God still loves us! His love for us is not based on how good we are that day or how many mistakes we make. His love for us is unchanging. We will see that David makes a lot of mistakes and then tries to cover up his bad decisions with more bad decisions. When he finally realizes how wrong he has been and confesses, God still loves him. God’s love for him had not changed even though he did a terrible thing. David saw how much God loves him when he is good and even when he was bad.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 2 Samuel 11:1-15

When the Israelites went to battle, where did David go? (David stayed in Jerusalem)

What did David want that didn’t belong to him? (Bethsheba)

What was the name of Bethsheba’s husband? (Uriah)

What did David do to Bethsheba’s husband? (Sent him to the front lines of battle)


We can trust that God’s love is unchanging for us, even when we make big mistakes. David made several mistakes and even tried to cover it up, but God still loved him and forgave him for his mistakes.


Listen to these statements about the this week’s bible story. Use these true/false cards to say if the statements are true or false. David made bad choices and then tried to cover up his bad choices with more bad choices. We all make bad choices sometimes, just like David, but God’s love for us is unchanging. He not only forgives but also continues to love us.

Materials: printed true/false cards and statements


We have a lot of sayings, or idioms in our English language. Some of our idioms make sense and sometimes they don’t seem to make any sense at all. Let’s see how many idioms you can remember and say correctly. I’m going to start the idiom and you can finish it. Some of those idioms you said right and some you changed into a completely different saying! We can trust that God’s words and love does not change for us. We mixed and changed a lot of common sayings today, but God does not change and He does not make mistakes. His love continues even when we make mistakes or do bad things.

Materials: printed Idiom statements or device to read them from

Independent activity:

Create your own plastic toy model using milk. Change milk into plastic using a few household items. Follow the steps on the following blog to complete your experiment. Then, watch the chemical reaction that occurs and create something new! Our experiment changed milk into plastic! What a huge change! When we make a mistake or do something wrong, we expect others to look at us different. We think their idea of us will change and they may not accept us as much. Although that may be true for people, that is not true of God! He loves us and his love does not change because of our actions. He loves us when we are good and when we are bad. Our goodness does not determine how much he loves us, which in turn means our mistakes won’t change His love.

Materials: Stove or microwave, milk, white vinegar or lemon juice, bowl, spoon, strainer, paper towel, molds




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 51

This prayer is from David after his many sins. David not only sinned but then also tried to cover up his sins until Nathan the prophet showed him his wrongs. Then David confessed his sins to God and recognized that he first sinned against God and also his people. Psalm 51 is his prayer of confession and asking for forgiveness. 

What did David ask God to do with his sin/iniquity? 

What is one visual you get from reading Davids prayer?

What is something else that is as white as fresh snow?

What does it mean to have the joy of salvation?

How do you feel after you have committed a sin?

Do you still have the joy of salvation when you know you have done something wrong?

How can our joy be restored after sin?

What did David say God delights in more than a sacrifice?

Practical Application at Home

Some life changes are good and we are happy for something news and then some life changes can be hard. Maybe you’ve had to move to a new school or neighborhood. Maybe a family member has died and your family has now changed. Perhaps you have changed teachers or your best friend moved away. It is hard to deal with change and accept a new reality. We can take comfort in knowing that God does not change. Even when we don’t see the end of our suffering or how to change our situation, we can trust that God is there and He loves us through whatever we are going through. We can also try to empathize with others who are going through changes to show them God’s love. Listen to the following scenarios and say something you can do to show them love and support as they deal with these changes.

-a classmate whose pet just died

-a neighbor who just moved into your neighborhood from another state

-a friend from church who just moved to another school

- a classmate who just became class president

-a sibling whose best friend moved away

-a friend whose team just entered the playoffs

-a classmate whose house was recently burned in a fire

-a friend who just had a new baby brother or sister

-a friend who just moved into a new big house

A friend who has a parent in the hospital

A church friend whose parent just lost their job

A friend whose grandparent just died

A sibling who graduated and is going off to college

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever been the smallest or youngest in the group? Maybe you are the shortest kid in class, or the youngest child at home. Sometimes you may not be picked for something because of your size or age. This week we will see that David’s family assumed he was just an ordinary boy caring for the family’s sheep, but God had something else in mind. God used an ordinary boy to become the next king of Israel, God can still use ordinary people like us to do big things.

1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 5:1-5; 9-10



Being a shepherd is not a very exciting job. Shepherds spend their day in the field with their sheep giving them food, water, and lots of care. Listen to the following poem about sheep and their shepherd. Think of what it would be like to be a shepherd caring for sheep all day. 

Print and cut out the following props to use as you read this poem to your child. First demonstrate how to move the pictures to coincide with the poem as you read, then retell the poem and allow your child to use the picture prompts as you read. For an additional challenge, see if your child can tell the poem in their own words while moving the prompts as they recite it. 

This is the meadow where all the long day,

Ten little frolicsome lambs are at play.

These are the measures, the good farmer brings,

Salt in, or cornmeal, and other good things.

This is the lambkins own big water trough,

Drink, little lambkins, and then scamper off.

This is the rack where in winter they feed,

Hay makes a very good dinner, indeed.

These are the big shears to shear the old sheep,

Dear little lambkins their soft wool may keep.

Here, with its’ big double doors closed so tight, 

This is the fold where they all sleep at night.

David was a shepherd and spent his days in the fields with his sheep. He was the youngest brother but he was also considered the lowest in his family. He was given the job of a servant, caring for the sheep. His family may have considered him an ordinary boy, not assuming he would do anything unordinary in his life. God saw something else in David and considered him anything but ordinary. God had a special plan for David because God knew David’s heart wanted to please Him

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 5:1-5; 9-10

God asked Samuel how long he would mourn for Saul, but to do what instead? (To fill his horn with oil and go to Jesse of Bethlehem to anoint one of his sons)

How would Samuel know who to anoint? (God would show him)

How many of Jesse’s sons passed before Samuel that were not chosen? (7)

What did Samuel think of the first son that passed before him? (surely the LORD’’s anointed stands here before the Lord)

What did God tell Samuel He looks at? (Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart)

Where was the youngest son, David, when Samuel asked for him? (Tending sheep in the field)

What happened to David after he was anointed? (The spirit of the Lord was upon him)

How old was David when he was anointed king by the elders of Israel? (30 years old)


God knew that David would be a great king for Israel because he listened to God and wanted to follow Him. David was anointed to be king even though no one else would have thought he would be the next king, even his family. We can seem ordinary to others, but God knows that He has something unique He created us to do.


There are many interesting facts about animals that can sometimes sound to unusual to be true. Sometimes these unusual facts are in fact true. Listen to these facts about ordinary animals and decide if the unusual statement about the animal is true or false.

Materials: Printed activity sheet or device for viewing animal cards


View this website to see some unusual buildings that have been designed all around the world. After viewing the buildings decide which building you like the most. Then use Legos or bricks to design your own unique structure. Alternative option, draw a picture of your unique structure.

Materials: Device for viewing unusual buildings, Lego or other building blocks, optional: paper and coloring utensils

Independent activity:

Use Play dough to create a person that represents you. God made you unique and has something special for you to do. Others may only see what you look like from the outside but God sees who you are on the inside. Create a person that looks like you and then describe who you are to a parent or sibling. Describe not only what you look like on the outside but things you like and what makes you you, on the inside.

Materials: Play dough




Make your own crown just as King David had a crown. Follow the directions here

Materials: Yellow construction paper, scissors, gold glitter, plastic jewels, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some challenges you face each day?

What are some challenges you face at school, home, or at church?

How does knowing God gives you strength help you face your challenges easier?

How can you be sure to give God credit for the strength He gives you and not take the credit for yourself?

In what ways did God give David strength?

Did God choose David because he was small and weak?

How was the previous king Saul, different from David?

Practical Application at Home

David seemed an unlikely choice to be king. He was not like the current king Israel had chosen, Saul. Saul was looked like a king to the people, but God knew his heart would eventually turn away from God. David did not look like a king from his outward appearance but God knew David’s heart would make a great king. Through our weakness we can be made strong, not from our own power, but from God’s. God wants to help us with the challenges we face, the difficult decisions, and the hard choices we have to make. God wants to give us the strength when we are weak so that we can live in God’s plan for us. What difficulties do you face that you feel too weak to handle? When you feel like an outsider, how can you turn to God for help?

Make a list of things that are challenging for you to do or hardships you have to face each day. Think about ways God can give you strength to overcome those challenges. Also, think of challenges you’ve had in the past and how God gave you strength to overcome them. 

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





What makes you excited? What makes you really happy? What makes you scared? What brings you joy? We have a lot of emotions we experience but sometimes joy can be tricky to explain. Emotions or feelings come and go, but is that true for our joy? This week we will see why David was overjoyed and how he outwardly expressed his joy. 

2 Samuel 6:1-5,12-19



There are lots of ways to show your joy. Sometimes people dance when they are really excited about something. Dancing is one way to express the joy we have on the inside. Listen as I make the following statements and if you think this is something that would bring you joy, dance while we pretend we are doing it.

-Eating an ice cream cone (pretend to lick an ice cream cone while doing a little dance)

-Eating pizza

-Going swimming on a hot day

-Playing jump rope

-Singing your favorite song

-Going roller skating

-buying a new pair of shoes

-playing a guitar

-Jumping on the trampoline

-making homemade cookies

Have you ever lost something that was really important and then found it again? How did you feel once it was returned? Did you shout for joy? Do a little dance? Tell your friends and family of your find? After David became king, he brought home something that was very important to his people. God had given the Israelites the Ark of the covenant which contained the law God gave Moses, and God’s presence. David was eager to have it returned to Jerusalem where it belonged, among God’s people. Let’s read to find out what David did when the ark was returned to God’s people.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 2 Samuel 6:1-5,12-19

How many young men were with David? (30 thousand men)

Where did David go to get the ark? (Obed-Edom)

How did they carry the ark to the city of David? (On a new cart)

What did they do while walking with the ark? (Celebrate with all their might)

What instruments did they use during their celebration? (castanets,[d] harps, lyres, timbrels, sistrums and cymbals)

How many steps did they take before David sacrificed a bull and fattened calf to the Lord? (6 steps)

What did David do while the men and Israel were bringing up the ark of the Lord? (Danced before the Lord with all his might)

Where did David place the Ark of the Lord? (In a tent he made for the ark)

After David continued to make sacrificed unto the Lord, what did he do for the people? Blessed them in the name of the Lord Almighty and fed each person a loaf of bread, cake of dates, and cake of raisins)


After David became king he wanted to the Ark returned to Jerusalem. David wanted the presence of God to be among his people, to guid and protect them. When the ark was returned, David was so happy he began to dance. He was celebrating the victorious return of something so important to their people.


God can give us unexplainable joy even when things are not going the way we planned or wanted them to go. We can have joy because we know we serve a God who is good, loves us and has a plan for us. To others it may seem strange for us to have joy at times things are going wrong, but we know that joy is from God. Play this unusual version of Charades. Listen to the following scenarios, then roll a dice to see the type of reaction you must have to the news you’ve been given. Decide if the reaction is an appropriate response for the situation or unexplainable joy. Each number on the dice will represent a different reaction or emotion you will display.

Materials: printed scenario sheet, one die


Knowing what brings you joy can be difficult to express in words. What things do you treasure and hold dear to your heart? Your family? Spending time with God? Remembering all of your blessings? Sitting at the beach and listening to the waves? God gives us things all around that bring us joy and peace. The greatest joy we receive is His love toward us. Listen to this book about joy. Then tell some things you would add to a treasure box that bring you joy.

Materials: device for listening to story,

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Color or circle the things that bring you joy.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons or pencil




Draw a picture of what you think the scene of David dancing before the ark would look like. Draw David, the ark and the Israelite people as they came into the City of David. On the reverse side of the paper, draw a picture of yourself praising God. 

Materials: construction paper, pencil or coloring pencils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why did David want the ark returned to the city?

Where did David keep the ark once it was returned?

Why were they so careful when bringing the ark into the city?

What was the purpose for David’s dance?

When you see others praising God at church, what do you think?

What are some ways you show your praise to God?

Practical Application at Home

We can praise God for his love, goodness and faithfulness towards us. We might be learning to play an instrument, sing, or dance; those are all ways we can express our praise towards God. Expressing our praise and joy over God’s goodness is not something we do only when things are going well or when we’ve received the toy we begged for. We can praise and express joy even when things have gone wrong or we don’t see how things will get better. Unexplainable joy means we have joy when others would want to give up. We are still thankful to God when others would count all the things that are going wrong. God gives us peace through all situations to know that He is with us in the good and bad times, and that peace and joy is something to praise God for.

Think of ways you can show joy this week to others around you.

Send them a note

Write your favorite scripture to share with them

Pray for them each day at the same time each day for 7 days

Ask them to go on a nature walk with you

Bake cookies or other treat then sit and share them together

Make an acrostic poem using their name and give it to them

Spend time with them doing their favorite things

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever gotten a surprise you didn’t like? Or had a change of plans that turned out to be better. Unexpected things happen to us all the time, and we have to know how to deal with the change in plans. This week we will see how God’s plans were not what David expected.

2 Samuel 7:1-14



Have you ever had something you really liked and then had to give it away or share it with someone else? Sometimes sharing is hard to do. We like the things we have and we don’t always want to let it go. Let’s practice sharing with each other.

Find 2 favorite toys to give to your child. Do not give a toy to child number 2 (if there is not another child, the adult will need to play this role). Give Child 1 time to play with the toys while singing the following song. After a few minutes have Child 1 share one of their toys with child 2 so that they both have a toy to play with. 

I have two toys and I am glad

You have no toys and that’s too bad

I’ll share my toys ‘cus I love you

And that’s what Jesus wants me to do

You can also do this sharing activity along with this video and song.

Sharing can sometimes be difficult but God wants us to share with others. This week we are reading about something special David wanted to do for God, but God did not want him to do it. David wanted to build a special house for God and his people to worship in. God told David it was not him that would build this house but his son. Although I’m sure David was disappointed he would not get to do this special thing for God, but his son would get to share in this project instead. This may have been unexpected news for David, but He knew God was in control and would take care of his family. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week:2 Samuel 7:1-14

Why was David concerned about where the ark of God was located? (Because David was living in a house of cedar while the ark of God was still in a tent)

What was Nathan’s response to David? (That whatever he was thinking to do he should go ahead and do it because the Lord was with him)

Later that night what did the Lord tell Nathan about His dwelling in a tent? (He had not dwelt in a house since he brought his people out of Egypt)

Did God ever ask the other kings to build him a house of cedar? (No)

What did God say He would do for David? (Make his name great, like the names of the greatest men who walked the earth)

What did God say he would do for the Israelite people? (He would provide a place for them to live, plant them in one place so they will not be disturbed, and have rest from their enemies)

What did God say he would do for David’s offspring? (David’s own flesh and blood would succeed him in the throne and God would establish his kingdom forever. He would build a house for the Lord)


David wanted to build a special home for God to dwell but God said that would not be David’s job. He would have to share this project with his son who would build this temple for God. Although David may have been disappointed he also knew that God was going to take care of his family even after David was gone. God was promising that David’s son would reign after David and that was good news. 


I’m going to show you several pictures and I want you to tell me what type of house this person or thing lives in. Show the following items and have your child call out the type of house this person or thing would use. David lived in a house of cedar and he wanted God to dwell in a house better than a tent. But God had a different plan. God wanted Davids offspring to build his house and a name for himself. God planned for David’s offspring to continue to rule in Israel. Although God’s plan was unexpected for David, he knew God was going to take care of his family. We can trust that although God’s plans may sometimes be unexpected, they are the best for us.

Materials: Device to view pictures of items and animals


David was living in a house of cedar and he wanted to build a house for God that was better than a tent. If you were going to build a house what would it look like? Using popsicle sticks or craft sticks, build a stick home. See how big you can make your home, or how many rooms you can create. Alternately: use building block or draw a picture.

Materials: Craft sticks optional alternate: building blocks or paper, pencil

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Match the animal habitats with the animal that belongs there. Animals make homes based upon their needs and habitat.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did David want to build for God?

What was God’s answer to David building a temple?

Who did God say would build the temple instead?

In what ways was God’s plan better than David’s?

What plans have you made for this upcoming week?

What are some plans you have to think and do something for someone else this week?

How does God speak to you and ask you to care for others?

Practical Application at Home

Find a medium sized box and balloons or small plastic balls. Write the word God in big letters on the outside of the box. We are going to pretend that this box represents God. On each balloon we will write words or phrases that describe God and then place them in the box. If you are using the plastic balls, use dry erase markers or just say the word or phrase as you throw the ball in without writing. Our box is full of words that describe God. Do you think we missed anything? Are there other words or ways to describe God’s character? Of course there are. We have a limited vocabulary and we could never fully explain who God is. He is not human and can not be fully explained by humans, that’s what makes Him God!

Sometimes we put God into a box. We think we know all the things God can do and expect only those things from Him. When something happens we expect God to only be able to do those things that we put in the box. Who we believe God to be effects our view of Him and our relationship. When God does not work according to the limits of the box, we might believe He has failed or doesn’t care. But that is not true. The God we have created in this box has failed, but not the God of heaven. God does not live within the confines of a box but can do unexpected things. God can do things we have not ever imagined possible. We can look for ways to see how God is working, even when it is not how we expected things to be done.

We are sometimes tempted to believe God only works in big things in our lives but doesn’t care about the small things. This is not true. God cares about our little challenges, concerns and problems. This week, pray for God to help you in small problems and then watch to see how God will answer your prayer. God just might show up in an unexpected way. Use the following recording sheet to write your prayer request and how God answered your prayer. 

Materials: cardboard box, blown-up balloons, markers, printed prayer sheet, (balloon alternative: plastic balls , dry erase markers)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Does God love you more when you are good? Does he love you less when you do bad things? Can we change God’s love toward us by our good or bad deeds? This week we will see how David made some really big mistakes and even tried to cover them up, but then said sorry for all the things he did. We will see how God’s love did not change for David, and His love doesn’t change for us.

2 Samuel 11:1-15



Let’s play a game of Make your Partner Smile. I’m going to do some silly things and see if I can make you smile. You try to keep your face the same and don’t change your face into a smile or laugh. Try to do several things to make your partner change their facial expression to a smile or laugh. Then switch roles and see if they can make you smile or laugh. 

Was it easy or hard to keep a straight face? Sometimes it was hard not to change our face into a smile. This week we are learning that God’s love does not change. Even when we make mistakes or do something bad, God still loves us! His love for us is not based on how good we are that day or how many mistakes we make. His love for us is unchanging. We will see that David makes a lot of mistakes and then tries to cover up his bad decisions with more bad decisions. When he finally realizes how wrong he has been and confesses, God still loves him. God’s love for him had not changed even though he did a terrible thing. David saw how much God loves him when he is good and even when he was bad.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 2 Samuel 11:1-15

When the Israelites went to battle, where did David go? (David stayed in Jerusalem)

What did David want that didn’t belong to him? (Bethsheba)

What was the name of Bethsheba’s husband? (Uriah)

What did David do to Bethsheba’s husband? (Sent him to the front lines of battle)


We can trust that God’s love is unchanging for us, even when we make big mistakes. David made several mistakes and even tried to cover it up, but God still loved him and forgave him for his mistakes.


Listen to these statements about the this week’s bible story. Use these true/false cards to say if the statements are true or false. David made bad choices and then tried to cover up his bad choices with more bad choices. We all make bad choices sometimes, just like David, but God’s love for us is unchanging. He not only forgives but also continues to love us.

Materials: printed true false cards and statements


Draw a picture of any animal. As you draw your animal discuss the features this animal has. Then ask your child to change one feature of the animal into the feature from another animal. For example, if your child is drawing a dog, tell them to change the dog’s nose into the nose of an elephant. Continue changing the animals features until you have a new animal. We changed a lot of this animals features! It doesn’t even look like the ___ you were drawing! Just as it is impossible to change an animal to look like this, God’s love is unchanging too! We can make mistakes or do bad things and God’s love for us doesn’t change. God still loved David even though David made really big mistakes, God forgives and loves us too!

Materials: white sheet of drawing paper, pencil or colored pencils

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet, pencil

Materials: printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Did David confess to his wrong deeds right away?

What do you do when you make a mistake?

What should David have done when he first took something that wasn’t his?

When you confess your sins, how does it make you feel?

How can we know that we have been forgiven by God?

Practical Application at Home

We may sometimes think the things we have done are too big for God to forgive. Or we may think that God will never forget the bad things we’ve done and it will change his opinion of us. But God’s love for us is unchanging.

Complete the following scavenger hunt and use the pieces you find to fill in the blank on this scripture. Find all the words and place them in order to discover what the scripture says about how much God loves you. Print and cut the squares and place some in front of you and scatter the others around the room for your child to find. When they return with a word, read the verse and help them determine where in the verse their new word should go.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors,  

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever broken something that was important to you or someone else? What did you do? How did you fix the mistake? Sometimes we are able to fix what we have broken and other times we can not. Sometimes we may break something small and other times we break something big, like someones trust. We all make mistakes and God can fix the damage we may have caused. This week we will see how God has a plan to restore what Adam and Eve broke in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 1:26-30, 3:1-15 



Have you ever broken something of your mom or dad’s before? Were they really upset when  they discovered it was broken. How did they react when they found out it was you who broke it? Did you try to fix it before they told you? Listen to the following scenarios and decide what they character should do to fix their problem.

-Sara just failed her science test and will probable get a C this quarter. Her parents expected her to get an A. How can she fix this problem?

-Tori has been teasing a new kid at school, trying to make the other kids in class laugh. She is being sent to the principals office with a referral. How can she fix this problem?

-Tommy went fishing in the nearby pond when his mom told him not to go. He lost his new school shoes in the pond and couldn’t fish them out. How can he fix this problem?

-Cam didn’t take the time to lock up his bike after he got to his friend’s house, and now his bike is stolen. His parents keep reminding him to take care of his things and to always lock his bike. How can he fix this problem?

-Hillary offers to bring cupcakes to the class party but forgets to tell her parents before the party. She doesn’t have any cupcakes to bring to the party and no one else signed up to bring some. How can she fix this problem?

We all make mistakes sometimes because none of us is perfect. We each make mistakes that we then often try to solve on our own? Did any of responses include asking a trusted adult for helps? We can turn to others to help us in our time of need. We can always trust God to help us when we have made a mistake. Adam and Eve were given a perfect garden to live in, but they began to doubt if God was keeping something else good from them. They were deceived by the devil and then everything changed. Everything would not continue to be perfect the way God planned. But, God had a way to fix the problem Adam and Eve made. Let’s see this week how God can fix our mistakes.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 2 Samuel 11:1-15

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Genesis 1:26-30, 3:1-15 

What did God make man to be like? (God’s image, his likeness)

What purpose did God give man at creation? (To rule over the animals, be fruitful and multiply)

What question did the serpent ask the woman about the fruit on the trees? (If God told her not to eat the fruit from any tree)

What did the serpent tell the woman would happen if she did eat from the tree in the middle of the garden? (She would not die, she would be like God, her eyes would be open to good and evil)

After Eve and Adam ate the fruit, what did they first notice? (They were naked)

What happened when they heard God walking through the garden? (They were afraid and hid)

Who did Adam and Eve blame their mistake on? (Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent)

What did God tell the serpent would happen? (It would be cursed above all other livestock, crawl on its belly and eat dust, He would put enmity between it and the woman, its offspring and hers, “he will crush your head and you will strike his heel”)


Adam and Eve sinned because they disobeyed God and ate from the forbidden tree. This broke the relationship between man and God and they could no longer stay in the Garden in God’s presence because of sin. God wants to be in relationship with us so he sent Jesus to die for our sins so that we may be restored to a full relationship with God. Even though Adam and Eve made a mistake, God was able to fix what they had broken.


Play this game of Eden Pictionary. Use the clues given to draw a picture of something that happened in the story or something that was in the Garden of Eden. God made the world to be perfect, but he allowed Adam and Eve to choose love. God knew that they would make a mistake but he already had a plan for them. Love can not be forced but chosen. God lets us choose to love Him and He loves us even though we make big mistakes sometimes.

Materials: printed Pictionary cards, marker board or poster board, markers


Satan deceived Eve into eating the apple by lying and giving false information mixed in with some truth. This is what makes Satan’s lies so difficult to decipher, by mixing truth with lies. Listen as I read these common scriptures and decide if it is the truth from the Bible or if it is deceitfully inaccurate. Listen careful because there may be only one or two things that are incorrect. **Be sure to use the link or your bible to read the accurate verse from the Bible for any false statements so that your child hears the truth from the Bible.

Materials: white sheet of drawing paper, pencil or colored pencils

Independent activity:

Create a filtration system to fix a problem, like an oil spill. Use the following website as a guide to testing out your filtration system and determining which system works the best. We often make mistakes, but like the mistake of having an oil spill in the ocean, but God is able to fix our mistakes. After completing the experiment, determine which system would best solve your problem of an oil spill.

Materials: 2 liter bottle cut in half, mesh such as nylon or cheese cloth, rubber band, spoon, filtration options such as dirt, sand, cotton balls etc, additional cups and dirty water.




Create a cereal box puppet show for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Use a cereal box as your stage and background decorated with trees and foliage. Then cut out and decorate Adam and Eve and place on a craft stick. After puppet show stage is complete, have your child retell the story of Adam and Eve using the puppets. Use the following website as a reference. 

Materials: Medium Cereal Box, cut-out Adam and Eve characters, Craft Sticks, Chenille Stems, Tiny Wiggle Eyes, Scissors, Ruler, Construction Paper, Paint, Paper Glue (Rubber Cement), Colored Pencils and Markers


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 145:8-9

This verse describes God as being gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love. This description of God explains why He wanted to fix what Adam and Eve had broken. He didn’t get angry or try to get even, but He wanted to show them love and compassion. God loves His creation and that includes you and me. He wants to fix the broken and heal the hurting because He loves us.

What did Adam and Eve do to break their relationship with God?

What did God do to fix that broken relationship?

Why did God have to send Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden?

Does God have a plan to restore us to a place where we can live perfectly?

What do you do when someone breaks something important to you?

How is God’s reaction to wrongdoing different from our reactions?

Practical Application at Home

We live in a sinful world where bad things happen all around us every day. God sees and knows all that is going on in the world and has a plan to fix and restore all that has been broken. We can help God by showing His love and compassion to others. We can show forgiveness to those who have wronged us, give comfort to those who are hurting, and help those who are in need. This week think of ways you can show God’s love to others by being the hands and feet of Jesus. God does not want the brokenness to continue but He has a plan to fix our broken world.

Make a list of things you can do this week to help others in need or who are broken. Think about your classmates at school, church or teammates and write down several things you can do this week for them. Keep your tasks simple and something you can easily accomplish. 


Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever made a promise you could not keep? Did you have to ask them to forgive you for not keeping your promise? When God makes a promise He does not break it. God made a promise to Noah and showed how God has mercy for His people. This week we will see how God showed mercy during Noah’s time, and that He still shows mercy to us today.

Genesis 8:15-22, 9:8-17  Psalm 85:8-13



Let’s do an animal march. Think of an animal you would like to act out and we will guess what animal you are. Each person walks in front pretending to be a specific animal. Let your child decide what animal they will be and then everyone else will guess who they are. They can use various motions and sounds as they walk in front of the group until their animal is guessed. Give everyone a turn to act out their animal and repeat if desired. 

We can only imagine all the animals God sent on the ark to be saved from the flood. This week we are learning about the covenant, or promise, God made to Noah. Before the flood, the earth was wicked and people were doing really bad things and they did not love God. Only Noah and his family loved God and wanted to live for Him. God needed to cleanse the earth from the wickedness and start over. So He sent a flood to cleanse the earth but saved Noah’s family so they could continue the human race. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah that he would never again send a flood as he had to wipe the entire earth clean. Even though people were making really bad choices, God gave mercy and a second chance. 

Read or listen to this weeks story Genesis 8:15-22, 9:8-17 

What did Noah build after exiting the ark? (An altar to God)

What did God say in response to the offering that Noah gave? (Never again will I curse the ground because of humans)

What was the covenant God made with Noah? (Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth)

What sign did God use to show his covenant? (A rainbow)

When the clouds are in the sky and a rainbow appears, what did God say He would do? (I will remember the covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life)


God’s mercy towards us means he does not give us the punishment we deserve. The wicked people during Noah’s day did not keep God’s commands and they deserved consequences for their actions, but God showed mercy.  God preserved Noah’s family and promised never to send a flood like that again. We all make mistakes today too, and yet God shows us mercy by not giving us what we truly deserve. Instead, God has made a promise that all who believe on Him will not perish but have eternal life.


We have all been shown mercy from God, our parents, and teachers. We have also been called to show mercy to others. Let’s demonstrate how much mercy we have been shown or given. Using food coloring or water color paints, make a rainbow spectrum on a coffee filter. Share stories about times someone has shown you mercy or you have shown mercy to someone else. Each time you share a story of mercy, take your wet paintbrush and dip it into a single water color and then dab it onto your coffee filter. At the end of your story time you should have an array of rainbow colors on your coffee filter. If the colors did not spread, us a spray bottle to lightly spray with water. Allow your coffee filter to dry and then write in the middle “God gives mercy”.

Materials: food coloring or water color paints, coffee filters


God’s covenant is his promises to us. When we make promises to others we sometimes are unable to keep our promises, but God always keeps His promise. God promised never to send a flood again and sent his rainbow as a sign. There are other times in the Bible that God gave his people promises. Complete the activity sheet by determining who God is making the promise to.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil

Independent activity:

Make your own rainbow! Watch this video and then try to make your own rainbow using a glass half filled with water, a white sheet of paper, and sunlight. Watch the rest of the video to learn how you are able to see a rainbow after a rain. God gave Noah a rainbow as a sign to show that He would never again send a flood. We can learn about how much God loves us and is able to create something so beautiful for us to see by studying His creation. The rainbow was not made by accident but by God’s design.

Materials: White sheet of paper, glass cup, water, sunlight




Make a rainbow promise mobile. Cut a white paper plate in half and color it in rows of colors to make it look like a rainbow. Hole punch 4 holes across the bottom of the paper plate rainbow. On cut-out raindrops, have your child write some promises God has made to use that He will always keep. Help your child as necessary. Tie a string to each hole and then cut and tie the other end of the string to the raindrop. 

Materials: white paper plate, crayons, scissors, string, hole punch, pen/marker


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 85:8-13

Listen for the attributes used to describe God. It describes God as righteous, faithful, loving, peaceful, ruler, provider and many more. God has countless attributes that we will never fully understand but we can trust that He is love. Although during Noah’s day, people were living outside of how God wanted them to live, He still showed love and mercy. God did not destroy the earth but made provisions for Noah and his family to start over. He also promised He would never again destroy the entire earth with a flood. We have the choice to love and serve God, because God loves us. He does not force us to obey, but wants us to follow Him to enjoy all that He has planned for us.This verse says that God will indeed give what is good to His people. 

What does it mean for God to be righteous?

What does it mean for us to be faithful servants to God?

How does knowing how much God loves us help us want to serve Him?

What are some promises God has made to us today?

How can we trust that God will keep His covenants with us?

Practical Application at Home

When we are shown mercy God wants us to show that mercy to others as well. Showing mercy is more than just forgiving someone for the wrongs they did against us, but not giving them the punishment we believe they deserve for those wrong actions. Listen to the following scenarios and decide which action shows mercy and which action show punishment. 

  • Your friend stole you pencil at school and you caught them. They ask for forgiveness and you forgive them. Which shows mercy: 1-you tell them to keep the pencil 2-you ask for your pencil back

  • Your sister destroys the new Lego build that took hours to complete. Which shows mercy: 1-you tell her she has to rebuild it exactly how its supposed to look. 2- you rebuild it with her help

  • Your classmate invites the entire class to their birthday party, except you. After the party they tell you your invitation must have gotten lost. Which shows mercy: 1-forgive them and then go play together 2-forgive them but don’t speak to them for a week so they know what it feels like to be left out.

  • Your puppy poops in the middle of the floor on the carpet and your mom makes you clean it up. Which shows mercy: 1- you spank your dog for being a bad puppy. 2- You tell your dog no pooping on the carpet and then take them for a walk more often.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





How long do you wait for your pizza to cook? Does it sometimes feel like it is taking forever? When your mom promises you a treat for making good grades, do you always get the reward right away? Does it seem to take forever? God promises are not always immediate, but He never forgets them. God will always keep His promises even if it seems like we are waiting a long time. This week we will see how Abram had faith and waited patiently for God to keep all his promises.

Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6  Psalm 67



What are some things you need to have now, and what are some things you can wait to have later. Listen to the list of things and decide if it is an immediate need or something that can wait for awhile

Going to college

Eating a meal

Playing with a friend

Going swimming

Reading God’s word

Going to the next grade level at school

Learning to play an instrument

Cleaning your room

Going on a dream vacation

Some things we have to wait for and some things we get right away. It is sometimes hard to patiently wait for a blessing we know we will receive. Abram was told by God that he would be blessed. Some of the blessing he received right away and some of the blessing didn’t come until later. God sent Abraham on a trip to an unknown place, but he obeyed and trusted God would keep His promises.Let’s read and listen to the promises God made with Abram and intended to keep right then and in the future.

Read or listen Abrams story in Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6 

Where did God send Abram? (To the land God would show him)
What did Abram leave behind as he followed God? (His country, father and people)

What promise did God make to Abram? (He would make him into a great nation and bless him)

What did Abram say he needed for God’s blessing? (Children of his own)

Who did God say would be Abrams heir? (His own son, of his own flesh)

How many offspring did God promise to Abram? (As many stars that were in the sky)

What was Abrams response to God’s promise? (He believed God)


Abram had faith that God would keep His covenant with him and God did. Even though Abram didn’t receive all of his blessings right then, he had faith that God would keep his promise throughout the generations that followed him. God gives us promises now that might not be fulfilled until much later, but we can have faith that God will always keep his promises, even when it feels like we are waiting a long time.


Play this version of “Slap Jack”. Print and cut the following cards distribute as evenly as possible among the players, to remain face down. Participants sit in a circle, one player flips their top card over in the center of the circle to reveal the picture on their card. Each player takes their turn flipping over their top card onto the deck. The object of the game is to slap the “Star” card. The first player to slap the card with a star on it, picks it up as well as all the cards underneath it and adds them to their own pile face down. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins. It was hard to wait patiently for a star card to appear and then try and slap it first. Sometimes we have to wait for the things we want. Abram waited for the blessings God promised him, but God did not forget his promise. He not only blessed Abram but he also blessed his family in the future.

Materials: printed slap jack cards


Complete this fill in the blank activity sheet describing the plans God has for you. God promised to bless Abram now and in the future and Abram had faith to believe God’s promises. God promises to bless us as well. That doesn’t mean nothing will ever go wrong, but that God has a plan for our future. We can learn to wait on Him, trust His plan, and have faith that He will keep His promises to us.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil

Independent activity:

Use various household and craft items to build constellation diagrams. Use various crafting items such as wiki sticks, craft sticks, toothpicks, mini marshmallows, cotton balls, star stickers, or pipe cleaners. Print the following sheet as a guide of some constellations we see in the night sky. If desired, glue your constellations onto a white sheet of paper. God created the stars in the sky and told Abram to look at the night sky to see if he could count the number of stars there. Of course there are too many stars in the sky to count, but God told Abram that’s how many descendants he would have. God planned to bless Abram’s family greatly. Although Abram would not see that many descendants in his lifetime, he had faith that God would keep his promise. Abram received some of God’s blessings right then and some he would receive later, but God kept His covenant.

Materials: various craft items:wiki sticks, craft sticks, toothpicks, mini marshmallows, cotton balls, star stickers, or pipe cleaners. printed sheet or device to view it




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 67

What a wonderful song about God’s blessings. God promised Abram that he would make him into a great nation and bless his family. God also told Abram that he would bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him. God intended to take care of Abram. Abram believed in God’s promises and from it came a nation of people who were God’s people. God continued to bless Abrams family and descendants. Through Abrams descendants others would see what a great God they served and want to serve Him as well. God’s blessing was not just for Abram but all who believe in Him and want to be a part of God’s family. God’s promise of blessing may have started with Abram, but his faith allowed God’s blessings to extend far beyond one person but to all who believe in Him.

How did Abrams faith extend God’s blessing to many people who came after him?

What are 3 ways Abram showed faith in God’s words?

How do we show our faith in what God calls us to do?

Would it be hard to leave your family and parents to move to an unknown place God called you to?

Do you think Abram had an easy journey to this unknown land?

Do you think you would ever want to give up and go back when things got hard?

How can we keep our doubts from making us change our minds about the path God sends us on?

Practical Application at Home

God’s blessings to Abraham did not stop with him but was passed down through generations. The people of Israel were in Abrahams family and God’s chosen people. We see in the bible that God did not just choose to bless the people of Israel, but anyone who believed in the God of Abraham was accepted into God’s family. There are several stories in the Bible of people who became part of the people of Israel not by birth but by choice. We are a part of God’s people because our belief and acceptance of Jesus Christ. We are also heirs in God’s family, accepted and redeemed. 

Ruth, Rahab and Naaman are a few examples of people who came to faith in God because they witnessed the blessings of Israel. What can you do to share God’s blessings with other people? Make a list of your blessings from God. When you are tempted to complain or grumble this week, read and say your blessing instead of your grumble. 

See if you can change these complaints into statements of blessing:

I can’t play outside because of the rain….We are blessed to receive rain for our garden

My friend can’t come over to play today…I am blessed to have a great family to play with

We can’t go to the store and buy a new toy…

My favorite outfit is still in the dirty clothes hamper…

Summer is almost over…

I didn’t get to go on vacation this year…

My mom didn’t buy my favorite cereal this week…

My shoes are not the latest style…

I don’t have my own cell phone…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Does God love you more when you are good? Does he love you less when you do bad things? Can we change God’s love toward us by our good or bad deeds? This week we will see how David made some really big mistakes and even tried to cover them up, but then said sorry for all the things he did. We will see how God’s love did not change for David, and His love doesn’t change for us.

2 Samuel 11:1-15



What is your most memorable dream you’ve had while sleeping? Did it come true? We all have dreams every night but we often don’t remember them. Different people view dreams in different ways. Some people believe dreams tell the future. Others believe dreams help us deal with the issues or concerns we have in real life. Still other people believe dreams represent our deepest fears, concerns or problems. In the Bible there are several instances of people having dreams and asking for them to be interpreted. The men of God who did interpret those dreams never took credit for understanding the meaning of the dream but declared God the only one who could interpret dreams. Let’s think about other dreams from the Bible and see if you can remember how they were interpreted. 

  • King Nebuchadnezzar’s dreamed of the statue made of different earthy materials that was struck at its’ feet by a stone not cut by human hands, that caused the statue to crumble. (Daniel 2)

  • King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of tree chopped down and stripped of all its leaves left as a stump in iron and bronze. (Daniel 4)

  • The cupbearers dream of 3 large grape vines that he used to give the king wine and the baker who had 3 baskets of bread that the birds ate off his head. (Genesis 40)

The Midianite soldier who dreamt of the loaf of barley bread rolling into camp and flattening a tent (Judges 7:13-14)

Were you able to remember all of those dream interpretations? If we were trying to guess what our own dreams meant we would probably get it wrong most of the time. When God sent those dreams to people as a warning, He gave his prophets the meanings. Joseph thought he knew the meaning of his dreams but when he was sold into slavery it probably seemed as though his life was going in the opposite direction. God does not always work according to the way we think He should work, but He has His own timing which is perfect. Let’s read or listen to the first part of Joseph’s story this week.

Read or listen tGenesis 37:1-28

Why did Joseph not get along with his brothers? (They knew he was their fathers favorite son)

What did Jacob make for Joseph? (A colorful coat)

What did Jacob send Joseph to do with his brothers? (Check on them to see how it was going in the fields)

What did the brothers plan to do when they saw Joseph coming? (Kill him and throw him in a cistern)

What did Reuben tell his brothers to do? (to throw him in the cistern but not to kill him. Rueben planned to rescue him)

Why did they decide to sell him instead? (To make money from him instead of touch him)



Play a game of Hangman. Use the following words or phrases to have your child guess the phrase. (Words/phrases: Joseph, dreams, coat of colors, thrown in a cave, sold to slaver, Egypt) Sometimes we have to wait to find the answers, we didn’t figure out the puzzle right away but it took time. God didn’t answer the His promises to Joseph right away, but in the His perfect timing. We can trust that even when it seems the answers take a long time to happen, God keeps His promises.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil, listed words or phrases above


God created us to have dreams which help us sort and organize our thoughts and events from the day. Josephs dreams were more than just casual dreams, they were given to him by God. Those dreams helped Joseph know what God had in store for him one day. Watch this video to see why we dream.

Materials: device for listening to video

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet, pencil

Materials: printed activity sheet




Complete the Joseph coat of many colors mosaic craft. Look at the following website and print out the template and then follow the instructions for creating a mosaic looking Coat of Colors.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 138:4-8

When Joseph was in the pit, he may have doubted if what he dreamt was really true. When you read Psalm 138:4-8, its hard to imagine thinking those words while at the bottom of the pit. At the bottom of the pit, during a very difficult time, Joseph may have also remembered that God keeps his promises. He trusted that although things weren’t working out the way he though they would, God was able to still carry out His promises. 

Is it easy or hard to trust God during difficult times?

Is it easy or hard to trust God when everything is going well?

How did Joseph show that he trusted God even though things looked bad?

How can we show patience for things that aren’t happening in the time we think they should happen?

What are some things we can do now while we wait for God?

Practical Application at Home

When we have difficult times it is often hard to see the promises God has made to us and believe He will keep them. We can trust that God’s words are true and they do not change. What God says He will do, He will do. Listen to the following doubts and try to think of a promise from the Bible that would help with defeat doubts.

I am not strong enough… (I can do all things through Christ)

I am all alone…. (I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth)

Only my life is hard… (In this world you will have trouble)

Ive been too bad for God to be with me…. (If I make my bed in the depths you are there)

I don’t know where I belong… (I will be your God, and you will be my people)

I am not loved… (I have loved you with an everlasting love)

I am not good at anything… (You are created for good works)

I have made too many mistakes… (you are forgiven)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





This month we’ve learned that God makes and keeps his promises. Although we might fail to keep a promise, God does not fail and never forgets the promises He makes. What God says will happen, will happen. This week we will see that God fulfills the promise he gave to Joseph.

Genesis 40:1-41:40; 45:1-8 Psalm 26:1-3 



Joseph’s life was not an easy life from the beginning to end, but there was a mix of good and bad times. Listen to the following events in Joseph’s life. Hold up your happy emoji if you think the event was happy, or your sad emoji if you think what happened was happy or sad.

Joseph is given a coat of many colors

Joseph has a dream that he believes God is tell him he will rule over others’ one day

He is asked to check on his brothers and they throw him in a pit

Joseph is sold into slavery

Joseph works as a slave in Potiphar’s house.

Joseph becomes head over Potiphar’s household

He is then wrongly sent to prison by Potiphar’s wife

Joseph holds a high position within prison

Joseph interprets the baker and cupbearers dreams

Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream

Pharaoh asks Joseph to be in charge of storing away grain for the future

Joseph is placed as second in command to Pharaoh over the kingdom

Josephs brothers come to Egypt in look of food

Joseph is able to provide food for his family in a time of famine

Joseph Forgives his brothers for throwing him into a pit

Jacob is brought to Egypt and is able to see Joseph again

In the story of Joseph there are some happy and sad moments. Through the sad and difficult moments, Joseph still trusted God would fulfill what He said He would do. God had revealed to Joseph that he would run over others but it took some time for it to happen. When God makes a promise He keeps that promise, even when it doesn’t happen in the time we think it should. 

Finish reading the story of Joseph in Genesis 40:1-41:40; 45:1-8

What dream did the cupbearer have? (A vine with 3 branches budding with ripened grapes, that were squeezed into Pharaohs cup)

What did the cupbearers dream mean? (That in 3 days Pharaoh would restore the cupbearers position)

What dream did the baker have? (3 baskets of bread on his head that the birds came and ate from the top of his head)

What did the bakers dream mean? (In 3 days Pharaoh would put him to death)

How much time passed before the cupbearer remembered Joseph to Pharaoh? (2 years)

What was Pharaoh’s dream? (7 fat cows grazing in the field and then 7 skinny cows came and ate up the fat cows but remained skinny; 7 good and full head of grain growing in a single stalk and then 7 thin heads of grain swallowed up the 7 full heads)

What did Joseph say these dreams meant? (They would have 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of famine)

Who did Joseph credit as knowing how to interpret dreams? (Not himself but God)

Who did Pharaoh ask to be in charge of preparing for the 7 years of famine? (Joseph, because God had given him the interpretation and plan)


We can trust that God’s love is unchanging for us, even when we make big mistakes. David made several mistakes and even tried to cover it up, but God still loved him and forgave him for his mistakes.


I’m going to read some promises and I want to see if you can finish them.

Materials: printed true false cards and statements


Draw a picture of any animal. As you draw your animal discuss the features this animal has. Then ask your child to change one feature of the animal into the feature from another animal. For example, if your child is drawing a dog, tell them to change the dog’s nose into the nose of an elephant. Continue changing the animals features until you have a new animal. We changed a lot of this animals features! It doesn’t even look like the ___ you were drawing! Just as it is impossible to change an animal to look like this, God’s love is unchanging too! We can make mistakes or do bad things and God’s love for us doesn’t change. God still loved David even though David made really big mistakes, God forgives and loves us too!

Materials: white sheet of drawing paper, pencil or colored pencils

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet, pencil

Materials: printed activity sheet




Complete the following craft on a sheet of construction paper to illustrate the grain collected in Egypt to prepare for the years of famine. Follow the instructions on the following website to create the picture.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 26:1-3 

This Psalm is not written by Joseph but Joseph did go through many test or trails and remained faithful to God. It can be easier to remain faithful to God when everything in life is going well, but when we are facing trials or hard times, it can be more difficult to trust and wait on God. This verse can help us remember that even through our tough times, we can remember that God’s love is unfailing and he remains faithful.

What are 3 difficult things that happened in Joseph’s life?

Do you think those hard times in Joseph’s life helped change him in a positive way?

How would you describe Joseph at the beginning compared to at the end?

How can difficult times make us stronger?

How can our difficult times help us trust God more?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes it is hard to do an easy task. We sometimes think that an easy task is not worthy of our time. Throughout Joseph’s life as a slave, he was given many tasks to do that were simple. He could have easily believed he was supposed to do something far greater for God, so he couldn’t be bothered with such small unimportant tasks. But that is not how Joseph worked. Even when given task of a common slave, he did his best and quickly showed others He was a hard worker. When he worked hard at these slave tasks, he was given more responsibility and greater tasks. We can also do our best at even the tasks that seem boring or not important enough. Make a list of tasks you are often asked to do that you do not enjoy or simply do not want to do. Then make a commitment to work harder at those tasks this week and to do your best. Here is a short list to get you started.

-Sweeping the floors. Instead of doing a rushed job, be sure to clean the floors and leave no dust behind

-Dusting the furniture: dust even the places you do not think anyone else will see

-Making your bed: try to get the bed straight and neat with no lumps or wrinkles

-Taking out the trash: take out the trash without being reminded that it is trash day

-Doing your homework: complete the assignment fully and neatly, then double check your work

When you try your best at your assignments and chores you may find that others notice the extra care you give to your work. This may lead to them trusting you with other tasks or greater responsibilities they know you can handle. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever broken something that was important to you or someone else? What did you do? How did you fix the mistake? Sometimes we are able to fix what we have broken and other times we can not. Sometimes we may break something small and other times we break something big, like someones trust. We all make mistakes and God can fix the damage we may have caused. This week we will see how God has a plan to restore what Adam and Eve broke in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 1:26-30, 3:1-15 



What are some things you would describe as being perfect? Listen to the following scenarios and decide if it is something that would sound perfect to you by giving a thumbs up or thumbs down. 

-a walk on the beach

-finding $100

-swimming with dolphins

-eating a pineapple cake

-drinking a fruity smoothie

-swimming with sharks

-reading a book on the beach

-living on a deserted island for a year

-going fishing with your grandpa

-eating ice cream on a hot day

-going snorkeling with colorful fish

There are many things we may think would make for the perfect day. Then there are things we know could go wrong that would ruin our perfect day. Adam and Eve were given a perfect garden to live in, but they began to doubt if God was keeping something else good from them. They were deceived by the devil and then everything changed. Everything would not continue to be perfect the way God planned. But, God had a way to fix the problem Adam and Eve made. Let’s see this week how God can fix our mistakes just as he fixed what Adam and Eve broke.

Read or listen to the story Genesis 1:26-30, 3:1-15

What did God make man to be like? (God’s image, his likeness)

What purpose did God give man at creation? (To rule over the animals, be fruitful and multiply)

What question did the serpent ask the woman about the fruit on the trees? (If God told her not to eat the fruit from any tree)

What did the serpent tell the woman would happen if she did eat from the tree in the middle of the garden? (She would not die, she would be like God, her eyes would be open to good and evil)

After Eve and Adam ate the fruit, what did they first notice? (They were naked)

What happened when they heard God walking through the garden? (They were afraid and hid)

Who did Adam and Eve blame their mistake on? (Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent)

What did God tell the serpent would happen? (It would be cursed above all other livestock, crawl on its belly and eat dust, He would put enmity between it and the woman, its offspring and hers, “he will crush your head and you will strike his heel”)


Adam and Eve sinned because they disobeyed God and ate from the forbidden tree. This broke the relationship between man and God and they could no longer stay in the Garden in God’s presence because of sin. God wants to be in relationship with us so he sent Jesus to die for our sins so that we may be restored to a full relationship with God. Even though Adam and Eve made a mistake, God was able to fix what they had broken.


Play this game of Eden Pictionary. Use the clues given to draw a picture of something that happened in the story or something that was in the Garden of Eden. God made the world to be perfect, but he allowed Adam and Eve to choose love. God knew that they would make a mistake but he already had a plan for them. Love can not be forced but chosen. God lets us choose to love Him and He loves us even though we make big mistakes sometimes.

Materials: printed Pictionary cards, whiteboard or posterboard, markers


Build a Lego car but leave off the wheel. Tell kids this car is not working because it is broken. Give them time to discover what is broken about the car and then ask them to fix it. You can make this activity harder by constructing the Lego car incorrectly and then having them figure out how to reconstruct the car in the correct manner. Adam and Eve made a huge mistake and it ruined the Garden of Eden for them. But God had a plan to repair their mistake and fix the broken world.

Materials: building car Legos

Independent activity:

Match the top half of the animal with its correct missing half. Cut out the missing parts from the bottom of the page and glue them onto the missing part of the animal. God can make us whole from the sins we have committed. God wants to take our messes and clean them up.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue




Create a cereal box puppet show for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Use a cereal box as your stage and background decorated with trees and foliage. Then cut out and decorate Adam and Eve and place on a craft stick. After puppet show stage is complete, have your child retell the story of Adam and Eve using the puppets. Use the following website as a reference. 

Materials: Medium Cereal Boxes , People-Shaped Craft Sticks, Chenille Stems, Tiny Wiggle Eyes, Scissors, Ruler, Construction Paper, Paint, Paper Glue (Rubber Cement), Colored Pencils and Markers 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Where did Adam and Eve first live?

What did God tell them they must not eat of in the Garden?

How did the snake deceive Eve into eating the fruit?

What are some lies we sometimes believe are good for us but actually are not?

How can we guard ourselves against Satan’s lies?

What was God’s plan to fix what Adam and Eve broke?

How does God fix our mistakes today?

Does having God fix our mistakes mean we will never suffer the consequences of our mistakes?

Practical Application at Home

We live in a sinful world where bad things happen all around us every day. God sees and knows all that is going on in the world and has a plan to fix and restore all that has been broken. We can help God by showing His love and compassion to others. We can show forgiveness to those who have wronged us, give comfort to those who are hurting, and help those who are in need. This week think of ways you can show God’s love to others by being the hands and feet of Jesus. God does not want the brokenness to continue but He has a plan to fix our broken world.

Make a list of things you can do this week to help others in need or who are broken. Think about your classmates at school, church or teammates and write down several things you can do this week for them. Keep your tasks simple and something you can easily accomplish. 

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil  

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever made a promise you could not keep? Did you have to ask them to forgive you for not keeping your promise? When God makes a promise He does not break it. God made a promise to Noah and showed how God has mercy for His people. This week we will see how God showed mercy during Noah’s time, and that He still shows mercy to us today.

Genesis 8:15-22, 9:8-17 



Let’s do an animals march. Think of an animal you would like to act out and we will guess what animal you are. Each person walks in front pretending to be a specific animal. Let your child decide what animal they will be and then everyone else will guess who they are. They can use various motions and sounds as they walk in front of the group until their animal is guessed. Give everyone a turn to act out their animal and repeat if desired. 

We can only imagine all the animals God sent on the ark to be saved from the flood. This week we are learning about the covenant, or promise, God made to Noah. Before the flood, the earth was wicked and people were doing really bad things and they did not love God. Only Noah and his family loved God and wanted to live for Him. God needed to cleanse the earth from the wickedness and start over. So He sent a flood to cleanse the earth but saved Noah’s family so they could continue the human race. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah that he would never again send a flood as he had to wipe the entire earth clean. Even though people were making really bad choices, God gave mercy and a second chance. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Genesis 8:15-22, 9:8-17 

What did Noah build after exiting the ark? (An altar to God)

What did God say in response to the offering that Noah gave? (Never again will I curse the ground because of humans)

What was the covenant God made with Noah? (Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth)

What sign did God use to show his covenant? (A rainbow)

When the clouds are in the sky and a rainbow appears, what did God say He would do? (I will remember the covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life)


God’s mercy towards us means he does not give us the punishment we deserve. The wicked people during Noah’s day did not keep God’s commands and they deserved consequences for their actions, but God showed mercy.  God preserved Noah’s family and promised never to send a flood like that again. We all make mistakes today too, and yet God shows us mercy by not giving us what we truly deserve. Instead, God has made a promise that all who believe on Him will not perish but have eternal life.


Have a sorting race. Use reusable animal stickers, plastic animals, or print and cut out the following pages with animals. Use your animals to sort them into different groups. Have everyone start with their animals in one pile, then call out a category for everyone to sort their animals into. First one to sort all their animals into the correct groups wins. Categories: sort by color, number of legs, clean/unclean, tall/short, herbivore/carnivore, grounded/air/water. God saved the animals we see today on the ark and so many more. Although God needed to cleanse the earth he made a way to give a second chance and show mercy for all the wrongs people did.

Materials: reusable animal stickers, plastic animals or cut-out animals


Make your own rainbow! Watch this video and then try to make your own rainbow using a glass half filled with water, a white sheet of paper, and sunlight. Watch the rest of the video to learn how you are able to see a rainbow after a rain. God gave Noah a rainbow as a sign to show that He would never again send a flood. We can learn about how much God loves us and is able to create something so beautiful for us to see by studying His creation. The rainbow was not made by accident but by God’s design.

Materials: White sheet of paper, glass cup, water, sunlight

Independent activity:

Make your own rainbow play dough and then allow your child time to play and create different shapes and objects. Use the play dough to create things from the story of Noah and then have them retell the story using their play dough props they just created. Use the following recipe from this website for an easy to make play dough recipe. Mix different food colors together to create a rainbow of play dough.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Make a rainbow promise mobile. Cut a white paper plate in half and color it in rows of colors to make it look like a rainbow. Hole punch 4 holes across the bottom of the paper plate rainbow. On cut-out raindrops, have your child write some promises God has made to use that He will always keep. Help your child as necessary. Tie a string to each hole and then cut and tie the other end of the string to the raindrop. 

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayon


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why did God send a flood to cover the entire earth?

What covenant did God make with Noah?

How did God show the covenant he made with Noah?

What is the difference between God’s promises and our promises?

How did God show mercy to Noah?

How does God still show mercy to us today?

Practical Application at Home

When we are shown mercy God wants us to show that mercy to others as well. Showing mercy is more than just forgiving someone for the wrongs they did against us, but not giving them the punishment we believe they deserve for those wrong actions. Listen to the following scenarios and decide which action shows mercy and which action show punishment. 

  • Your friend stole you pencil at school and you caught them. They ask for forgiveness and you forgive them. Which shows mercy: 1-you tell them to keep the pencil 2-you ask for your pencil back

  • Your sister destroys the new Lego build that took hours to complete. Which shows mercy: 1-you tell her she has to rebuild it exactly how its supposed to look. 2- you rebuild it with her help

  • Your classmate invites the entire class to their birthday party, except you. After the party they tell you your invitation must have gotten lost. Which shows mercy: 1-forgive them and then go play together 2-forgive them but don’t speak to them for a week so they know what it feels like to be left out.

  • Your puppy poops in the middle of the floor on the carpet and your mom makes you clean it up. Which shows mercy: 1- you spank your dog for being a bad puppy. 2- You tell your dog no pooping on the carpet and then take them for a walk more often.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





How long do you wait for your pizza to cook? Does it sometimes feel like it is taking forever? When your mom promises you a treat for making good grades, do you always get the reward right away? Does it seem to take forever? God promises are not always immediate, but He never forgets them. God will always keep His promises even if it seems like we are waiting a long time. This week we will see how Abram had faith and waited patiently for God to keep all his promises.

Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6 



t’s fun to travel and stay in fun places like a hotel, villa, or a tent. Some trips we take are a lot of fun and some places are every day trips we take in life that are not so exciting. People often go online and rate their trip with stars to say how much they enjoyed their time there. Listen to the following trips and rate how much you think you would enjoy going. Give it 5 stars if you think it would be awesome, 3 stars if you think it would be good and 1 star if it doesn’t seem so exciting. Alternate option: instead of printing stars, use 2 thumbs up, 1 thumb up, 1 sideways thumb.

Visit the Grand Canyon

Going to Disney World

Taking a trip to the grocery store

Visit grandma

Going on a camping trip

A trip to hike the mountains

Visiting a local animal shelter

A trip to the zoo

A trip to the Amazon Rain forest

A hike in a nature reserve

Visiting Yellowstone National Park

Seeing icebergs in Alaska

Going to Niagara Falls

Fishing on a lake in a fishing boat

Some trips are more exciting than others, but we all enjoy going out and seeing new things. Abraham was sent on a trip from God, but He didn’t even know where he was going. Abraham was not sure what the new place God sent him to would be like, but He obeyed and left everything behind. He trusted God would bless him in this new place. Let’s read and listen to the promises God made with Abram and intended to keep right then and in the future.

Read or listen Abrams story in Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6

Where did God send Abram? (To the land God would show him)
What did Abram leave behind as he followed God? (His country, father and people)

What promise did God make to Abram? (He would make him into a great nation and bless him)

What did Abram say he needed for God’s blessing? (Children of his own)

Who did God say would be Abrams heir? (His own son, of his own flesh)

How many offspring did God promise to Abram? (As many stars that were in the sky)

What was Abrams response to God’s promise? (He believed G


Abram had faith that God would keep His covenant with him and God did. Even though Abram didn’t receive all of his blessings right then, he had faith that God would keep his promise throughout the generations that followed him. God gives us promises now that might not be fulfilled until much later, but we can have faith that God will always keep his promises, even when it feels like we are waiting a long time.


Play this version of “Slap Jack”. Print and cut the following cards distribute as evenly as possible among the players, to remain face down. Participants sit in a circle, one player flips their top card over in the center of the circle to reveal the picture on their card. Each player takes their turn flipping over their top card onto the deck. The object of the game is to slap the “Star” card. The first player to slap the card with a star on it, picks it up as well as all the cards underneath it and adds them to their own pile face down. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins. It was hard to wait patiently for a star card to appear and then try and slap it first. Sometimes we have to wait for the things we want. Abram waited for the blessings God promised him, but God did not forget his promise. He not only blessed Abram but he also blessed his family in the future.

Materials: printed slap jack cards


Abram trusted God to lead him to a place where he had never been and didn’t know where he was going. God had a plan and a direction for Abram to follow, and Abram moved in the direction God called him to go. Let’s go for a blind treasure hunt. Your partner will guide you where you need to go in order to find each star. Print and cut out 5 stars to hide in various areas around your house. Then give left/right, up/down, directions to your partner to guide them to find each hidden star. Only give directional clues but not clues as to what room to go into. Once all 5 stars are found, switch places and have them hide the clues and guide you to the stars.

Materials: printed 5 stars, blindfold

Independent activity:

Complete this activity sheet, write in the blessings God has given you on each star, or write the family members God has blessed your family with. God gave Abraham descendants that were as numerous as the stars. God gives us blessings and people that are often too many to count. Write or draw a picture of the blessings God provides you and your family.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Where did God ask Abram to go?

Who did Abram leave behind as he went to this unknown place?

Do we have to travel to a far off place in order to follow God’s instructions?

How can God ask us to have faith where we live right now?

What blessings did God tell Abram He would give to him?

What are some of the blessings God has already given you?

Is it easy or hard to follow God when we don’t see His blessing coming true right now?

Practical Application at Home

God’s blessings to Abraham did not stop with him but was passed down through generations. The people of Israel were in Abrahams family and God’s chosen people. We see in the bible that God did not just choose to bless the people of Israel, but anyone who believed in the God of Abraham was accepted into God’s family. There are several stories in the Bible of people who became part of the people of Israel not by birth but by choice. We are a part of God’s people because our belief and acceptance of Jesus Christ. We are also heirs in God’s family, accepted and redeemed. 

Ruth, Rahab and Naaman are a few examples of people who came to faith in God because they witnessed the blessings of Israel. What can you do to share God’s blessings with other people? Make a list of your blessings from God. When you are tempted to complain or grumble this week, read and say your blessing instead of your grumble. 

See if you can change these complaints into statements of blessing:

I can’t play outside because of the rain….We are blessed to receive rain for our garden

My friend can’t come over to play today…I am blessed to have a great family to play with

We can’t go to the store and buy a new toy…

My favorite outfit is still in the dirty clothes hamper…

Summer is almost over…

I didn’t get to go on vacation this year…

My mom didn’t buy my favorite cereal this week…

My shoes are not the latest style…

I don’t have my own cell phone…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





What have you waited a long time to see come true? Have you had to wait to see what grade you made on your big test? What about waiting to hear if your parents will take you on the trip you’ve been hoping to go on? We might have to wait for the things we really want, or sometimes we wait and it never happens. When God makes a promise, we might have to wait, but we can always trust it will happen. God’s time is not our time, but He completes His promises in the perfect time.

Genesis 37:1-28 



Play this guessing game to see if you can figure out the right answer. Beforehand, pick out several items to place inside of a large bag. Keep all the items hidden and place them one at a time into a paper bag your child can reach into. Have your child reach into the bag to feel and touch the item inside and guess what the item is without ever touching it. Give them several chances to guess before showing the item. Continue with each of the other items.

Were you able to predict what each item was? Was it easy or hard to guess what would come out of the bag. Sometimes we have an idea of what we think is going to happen and then it may take forever for it to happen. In our story this week Joseph thinks he knows what God’s plans are for his future, but then his life takes a seemingly totally different path. God does not always work according to the way we think he should work, but He has His own timing which is perfect. Let’s read or listen to the first part of Josephs story this week. 

Read or listen to Genesis 37:1-28 

Why did Joseph not get along with his brothers? (They knew he was their fathers favorite son)

What did Jacob make for Joseph? (A colorful coat)

What did Jacob send Joseph to do with his brothers? (Check on them to see how it was going in the fields)

What did the brothers plan to do when they saw Joseph coming? (Kill him and throw him in a cistern)

What did Reuben tell his brothers to do? (to throw him in the cistern but not to kill him. Rueben planned to rescue him)

Why did they decide to sell him instead? (To make money from him instead of touch him)


We can trust that God’s love is unchanging for us, even when we make big mistakes. David made several mistakes and even tried to cover it up, but God still loved him and forgave him for his mistakes.


Hide 12 animals, like sheep or any other stuffed animals, around your living space. Have your child find the missing animals. Jacob had 12 sons and Joseph was sent to go look for his 10 older brothers. When he found them they were not happy to see him. Although they sent him away to be a slave, God did not forget about Joseph and the plans he had for Joseph. It may sometimes feel like it is taking a long time for God’s promises to come true, but God has not forgotten and He will do it in His perfect timing.

Materials: 12 stuffed animals


Use play dough to create a colorful coat for Joseph. Use the play dough from earlier this month or use several different colored play dough. As your child makes Josephs coat, discuss why it’s important not to be envious of what others have. Josephs brothers were jealous of the attention Joseph received and it eventually caused them to do something very drastic to their own brother. God has given each one of us a unique talent that He calls us to use. We can not look to what others can do but instead see what God has called you to do that is special.

Materials: colorful play dough

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Complete the Joseph coat of many colors mosaic craft. Look at the following website and print out the template and then follow the instructions for creating a mosaic looking Coat of Colors.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Did David confess to his wrong deeds right away?

What do you do when you make a mistake?

What should David have done when he first took something that wasn’t his?

When you confess your sins, how does it make you feel?

How can we know that we have been forgiven by God?

Practical Application at Home

We may sometimes think the things we have done are too big for God to forgive. Or we may think that God will never forget the bad things we’ve done and it will change his opinion of us. But God’s love for us is unchanging.

Complete the following scavenger hunt and use the pieces you find to fill in the blank on this scripture. Find all the words and place them in order to discover what the scripture says about how much God loves you. Print and cut the squares and place some in front of you and scatter the others around the room for your child to find. When they return with a word, read the verse and help them determine where in the verse their new word should go.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors,  

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





This month we’ve learned that God makes and keeps his promises. Although we might fail to keep a promise, God does not fail and never forgets the promises He makes. What God says will happen, will happen. This week we will see that God fulfills the promise he gave to Joseph.

Genesis 40:1-41:40; 45:1-8



Joseph’s life was not an easy life from the beginning to end, but there was a mix of good and bad times. Listen to the following events in Joseph’s life. Hold up your happy emoji if you think the event was happy, or your sad emoji if you think what happened was happy or sad.

-Joseph is given a coat of many colors

-Joseph has a dream that he believes God is tell him he will rule over others’ one day

-He is asked to check on his brothers and they throw him in a pit

-Joseph is sold into slavery

-Joseph works as a slave in Potiphar’s house.

-Joseph becomes head over Potiphar’s household

-He is then wrongly sent to prison by Potiphar’s wife

-Joseph holds a high position within prison

-Joseph interprets the baker and cupbearers dreams

-Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream

-Pharaoh asks Joseph to be in charge of storing away grain for the future

-Joseph is placed as second in command to Pharaoh over the kingdom

-Josephs brothers come to Egypt in look of food

-Joseph is able to provide food for his family in a time of famine

-Joseph Forgives his brothers for throwing him into a pit

-Jacob is brought to Egypt and is able to see Joseph again

In the story of Joseph there are some happy and sad moments. Through the sad and difficult moments, Joseph still trusted God would fulfill what He said He would do. God had revealed to Joseph that he would run over others but it took some time for it to happen. When God makes a promise He keeps that promise, even when it doesn’t happen in the time we think it should. 

Finish reading the story of Joseph in Genesis 40:1-41:40; 45:1-8

What dream did the cupbearer have? (A vine with 3 branches budding with ripened grapes, that were squeezed into Pharaohs cup)

What did the cupbearers dream mean? (That in 3 days Pharaoh would restore the cupbearers position)

What dream did the baker have? (3 baskets of bread on his head that the birds came and ate from the top of his head)

What did the bakers dream mean? (In 3 days Pharaoh would put him to death)

How much time passed before the cupbearer remembered Joseph to Pharaoh? (2 years)

What was Pharaoh’s dream? (7 fat cows grazing in the field and then 7 skinny cows came and ate up the fat cows but remained skinny; 7 good and full head of grain growing in a single stalk and then 7 thin heads of grain swallowed up the 7 full heads)

What did Joseph say these dreams meant? (They would have 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of famine)

Who did Joseph credit as knowing how to interpret dreams? (Not himself but God)

Who did Pharaoh ask to be in charge of preparing for the 7 years of famine? (Joseph, because God had given him the interpretation and plan)



God promised Joseph many things and he fulfilled those promises in the right time. Print and cut out the stalks of wheat and place them on the floor around the room. Read the promises on each stalk of wheat/grain as the children gather them and place them in a “storehouse” a basket.

Materials: printed and cut promise stalks, scissors


Create your own finger puppets with the characters of Joseph, Pharoah, and brothers, or as many characters as you would like. Use this video as a guide to make finger puppets if needed. Use, felt, scrap material, or old pillowcases for your puppets as well as other colorful felt, markers or buttons. Use your finger puppets to retell the story of Joseph with a puppet show. Demonstrate for your child and then allow time for them to play and discover the puppets as well and retell the story in their own words.

Materials: various arts and crafts materials, spare pieces of cloth, felt or material, glue, googly eyes, markers

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet, pencil

Materials: printed activity sheet




Complete the following craft on a sheet of construction paper to illustrate the grain collected in Egypt to prepare for the years of famine. Follow the instructions on the following website to create the picture.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are 2 difficult things that happened to Joseph?

How did Joseph keep trusting God while he was a slave?

When Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, who did he give credit for it?

How did giving God credit for the dream show that Joseph trusted God?

How would you describe Joseph at the beginning of the story compared to him at the end?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes it is hard to do an easy task. We sometimes think that an easy task is not worthy of our time. Throughout Joseph’s life as a slave, he was given many tasks to do that were simple. He could have easily believed he was supposed to do something far greater for God, so he couldn’t be bothered with such small unimportant tasks. But that is not how Joseph worked. Even when given task of a common slave, he did his best and quickly showed others He was a hard worker. When he worked hard at these slave tasks, he was given more responsibility and greater tasks. We can also do our best at even the tasks that seem boring or not important enough. Make a list of tasks you are often asked to do that you do not enjoy or simply do not want to do. Then make a commitment to work harder at those tasks this week and to do your best. Here is a short list to get you started.

- Sweeping the floors. Instead of doing a rushed job, be sure to clean the floors and leave no dust behind

-Dusting the furniture: dust even the places you do not think anyone else will see

-Making your bed: try to get the bed straight and neat with no lumps or wrinkles

-Taking out the trash: take out the trash without being reminded that it is trash day

-Doing your homework: complete the assignment fully and neatly, then double check your work

When you try your best at your assignments and chores you may find that others notice the extra care you give to your work. This may lead to them trusting you with other tasks or greater responsibilities they know you can handle.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





We sometimes feel helpless, and we don’t know the right solution to our problem. Even when we don’t have all the answers, we can trust God will help us. This week we will read a story about a family God helped when they didn’t see an answer to their problem.

Exodus 1:22-2:10; Matthew 18:18-20



Feeling helpless can be an overwhelming feeling. We often feel as though there is no way out and that we should give up. There are many scenarios in life that could make someone feel helpless, but there is always something we can try. Think about these riddles and see if you can solve them. The answer may not be what you thought it would be, but there is an answer!

What has to be broken before you can use it?  (An egg)

What month of the year has 28 days? (All of them)

What is full of holes but still holds water? (A sponge)

There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs? (There aren’t any, its a one-story house)

A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is this possible? (He was born February 29)

David’s parents have 3 sons: Snap, Crackle and what’s the name of the third son? (David)

Where does today come before yesterday? (In the dictionary)

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? (A river)

A man looks at a painting in a museum and says “Brothers and sister’s I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son,” Who is in the painting? (The man’s son)

Some of those riddles were hard and some were easy. Did you start to feel as though you would never figure out the answer? There may be times we feel like the answers we need will never come, but we can trust that God will help us. We don’t always get the answer we want, but God sees and wants to help us in the way He knows is best. This week we will read about a family who needed help protecting their baby. They probably felt helpless to protect him but did not want to give up. They did not know if they had the right answer to protect their child, but God was there to help. Let’s read in our story to find out what baby was saved and how God helped this family when they my have felt helpless.

Read or listen to the Bible story Exodus 1:22-2:10

What did Pharaoh order to all his people? (To throw all Hebrew boys into the Nile, but let girls live)

How long did Moses’ parents hide him at home? (3 months)

What did Moses’ mom make as a new way to hid him? (A papyrus basket coated with tar and pitch)

Where did Moses’ mom place the basket? (In the reeds along the bank of the Nile)

Who found Moses in the basket in the Nile? (Pharaohs daughter)

What did Moses’ sister suggest to Pharaoh’s daughter? (That she would get a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby)

How long did Moses stay with his mother before going to live with Pharaohs daughter? (The woman took the baby and nursed him and when he was older she took him to live with Pharaohs daughter)


God helped Moses’ parents hide him in the brush of the Nile in a basket boat. When Pharaoh’s daughter found him she rescued him and sent him back to be raised by his mother before bringing him to live at the palace. God helped their family and ultimately rescued the nation of Israel.


Discuss times when you have felt helpless. You are not alone in feeling helpless sometimes, we all have these feelings when we do not see a solution to our problem. We can seek help from others when this happens and we can trust that God will help us. We do not need to give up, but continue to seek solutions to our problems. Listen to the following scenarios and determine if you have a solution to their problem, or who they can seek for help.

Materials: printed scenarios


God sends help to His people in their time of need and when they felt helpless. Cut and paste the way God helped the following people in the Bible.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue

Independent activity:

Moses’ mother weaved a basket that she placed him into on the river. Try your hand at weaving. Create a simple loom to weave strips of paper, material or clothes. Use additional materials such as paint, colorful tape, beads or sequence to make it your own. Use the following website for more detailed instructions on how to create your loom.

Materials: craft sticks, glue, strips of paper, material or cloth. Optional: colorful tape, beads, sequence




Complete the following Moses paper plate craft

Materials: Regular-sized Paper Plates, Water Color Paints and Paint Brushes, Green Construction Paper, Crayons, Magic Markers, or Colored Pencils, Glue Gun, Scissors, Card Stock (Heavy Paper)


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Matthew 18:18-20

This verse describes how when two or more on earth are in agreement the Lord is there. God calls us to be in union together and help each other. We can know that God will be there helping us. 

Who was placed in a basket on the river?

Why did Moses’ mother place him in the basket?

What was Pharaoh trying to do to all the Israelite boys?

How did God help Moses’ family?

Where did Moses live when he was a baby?

How does God help you?

How do your parents help you?

Practical Application at Home

We all have people in our lives who have helped us when we needed help. We can trust that God helps us as well as other people in our lives. Think of situations this week and month in which you needed someone’s help. Did they know to help you or did you have to ask for help? Were you afraid to ask for help? 

Tell how the following people have helped you in a situation this week or month.






Brother or sister




Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever needed help carrying something heavy or lifting something big. Sometimes we might start something and realize we are too weak to finish! This week we will see how God helps us in our weakness, just as he helped Moses in his weaknesses.

Exodus 3:1-14, 4:1-17 Psalm 103:6-13



Do you like to help others? Do you ever need help from others? We all need help from time to time and we all know of someone who might need help. Listen and tell how you have helped someone this week.

I helped someone with their homework

I helped my mom clean the dishes this week

I helped my brother clean his room today

I helped my sister organize her dolls

I helped my dad mow the lawn this week

I helped my dog eat food today

I helped my family complete a puzzle this year

I helped my grandparents pick up leaves this year

I helped my mom water the plants this week

There are times we help others who are in need and then there are times we may need someone to help us. Sometimes we might feel like we are not good enough to do something well or we might think we can not overcome our weaknesses. We might have a hard time in a subject in school, or we do not speak well in front of others, or maybe its hard to read in front of the class, but we can trust that God can help us in our weakness. In our story for today, God helped Moses in his weakness. He had lots of reasons why he was not the right person to free the Israelites from Pharaoh, but God helped Moses in his weakness. Read or listen to the story for this week and see how God helped Moses.

Read or listen to the Bible story Exodus 3:1-14, 4:1-17

Where was Moses living? (Tending the flock of his Father in laws, on the far side of the wilderness)

How did the angel of the Lord appear to Moses? (In the flames of fire from within the bush)

What did Moses notice about the bush? (It was on fire but not being consumed)

What did God tell Moses once he started to come near the bush? (Do not come closer because you are standing on Holy Ground)

What did God say he was going to do for His Israelite people in Egypt? (That he had seen the the suffering of his people and he would rescue them and bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey)

What was God sending to Pharaoh to bring His people out of Egypt? (Moses)

What did God tell Moses to say when he was unsure if he should be the one to go to Pharaoh? (I will be with you)

What did God tell Moses to tell the Israelites if they asked who sent him? (I AM has sent me to you)



Choose a card from the pile and then decide what is needed in order to be equipped for the task. Moses did not feel equipped to do the task God was asking of him. He felt as though he didn’t have the right skills and ability to go before Pharaoh. When God calls us to do something, He makes us worthy through His ability. We don’t have to worry about being good enough because God will help us in our weakness.

Materials: printed and cut equipped cards, scissors


God was preparing Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt not only when he lived in the palace, but also when he lived in the country tending sheep. It may not have always felt like God was preparing Moses, but God knew how to help Moses in his weakness. Cut and paste the strips of paper into the correct section. Compare how Moses leading the Israelites and the sheep were the same or different.

Materials: printed comparison page, scissors, glue

Independent activity:

Create a timeline of Moses’ life. You do not need to include dates, but include different important events that happened during Moses’ life. Add pictures of the events as well. Moses thought he would free the Israelites from slavery but not in the same way God had planned. Moses lived in the country after fleeing the palace before God called him to return to Egypt.

Materials: blank sheet of paper, pencil, crayons




Moses and burning bush craft with tissue paper. 

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Moses had lots of excuses as to why he could not go before Pharaoh to free the Israelites. He just saw his own weaknesses and what he was not able to do. But those excuses didn’t change God’s mind that Moses was the one He wanted to send to free His people. 

Read Psalm 103:7-8

God is described as “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” God could have become impatient with Moses, listening to all of his excuses and reasons not to go. Instead, Go was slow to anger and compassionate to Moses’ fears and worries. God showed Moses He would be with him, even in his weaknesses. God is the same God today, He has love and compassion on us. He knows we were formed of dust and therefore is patient with our weaknesses. 

How do you show compassion for other people?

How has God been slow to anger with you?

How does knowing we are loved by God help us love others?

How did God show compassion on Moses?

Was God showing Moses compassion when He sent him to live in the country 40 years?

Practical Application at Home

We don’t need to focus on our weaknesses, but we can focus on who God is. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh, I AM has sent me to you. I AM describes everything. God is everything that we are not. Our weaknesses are covered by all that God is and can do. Say the following statement and fill in the blank with your weakness and compare it to the strength God has instead. Repeat the statement for as many weaknesses you can think of.

I am ______ but God is_______.

Example: I am weak, but God is strong.

We may not have all the answers. We may not be the strongest, fastest, or smartest person in class, but God is everything we are not. He wants to help us in our weakness, we just need to be willing to follow him to where he calls us to go.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Moses ask Pharoah many times to free the Israelites but he would not let them go. God helped Moses by sending plagues to change Pharaohs mind. Read this weeks story to see what changed Pharoah’s mind and how God helped Moses free the Israelites. 

Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:21-30 Philippians 1:25-28 



Have you ever called on someone for help? Have you ever needed someone to help you when you were in trouble or needed assistance? Listen to the following quotes and determine who you would call in this time for help.

-Help! There’s a fire!

-I’m having a baby, and its coming soon!

-I fell out the tree and broke my arm!

-Quick, I need to get my cat out the tree

-Help! I’m drowning!

-Catch the robber, he’s getting away!

God has given us lots of people who can help us when we are in trouble and need help.  Our parents can help us when we need food or shelter. We have pastors who help us understand the Bible when we are not sure. Doctors help us when we are sick or hurt. We can call on any of those people for help because God does not want us to do everything on our own. God provided help to Moses and the Israelites when they were trying to leave Egypt. Pharaoh did not want them to leave and he made it very difficult for them to leave. He wanted to continue to use them as slaves. God sent Moses to help them and God was with Moses the entire time.

Read or listen to the Bible story Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:21-30

What did God say about Pharaohs heart? (Pharaohs heart is unyielding and refuses to let my people go)

What did God send as the first plague? (Turning he Nile to blood)

When God sent the frogs, where did they come from? (From the Nile and they covered the land)

What turned into gnats when Aaron struck the ground? (Aaron struck the dust and it turned in gnats)

Where did God not send the flies? (Where God’s people lived in Goshen, he would not send the flies to distinguish his people from Pharaoh’s people)

What happened when God sent a plague on the livestock? (All the livestock of the Egyptians died but not one of the livestock of Israel died.)

What are the next 4 plagues that God sent to the Egyptians? (The plague of boils, hail, locust, and darkness)

What was the last plague sent to Egypt? (The firstborn in every house would die)

How could the Israelites keep the destroyer from killing their firstborn children? (Dip a bunch of hyssop into the blood of the passover lamb and then put some of the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe)


God spared the Israelites from the last plague if they painted their doorframe with blood from their sacrificed lamb. God provided a way for the Israelites to escape and for the death to pass over them. This celebration of Passover is still celebrated today.


Go for a plague hunt. Walk around the room and see if you can find the 10 things that represent the ten plagues. They can be things that are the same color, but describe why you picked it for each plague. God sent the plagues to help free the Israelites from slavery. They needed God’s help to save them from Pharaoh.

Materials: items around the house that could represent the plagues


Play a game of charades using the following cards about Moses and the Israelites.

Materials: printed game of charades

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Draw the ten plagues in each of the ten circles. Think about how you would represent each plague in the circle. You can make it 3-D by adding cotton balls, glitter or pipe cleaner.

Materials: printed activity sheet, items to add to each circle if desired




Create these plague puppets on craft sticks. Then use these craft puppets to retell the story of Moses and the Israelites.

Materials: craft materials, craft sticks,


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Philipians 1:27-28

What did you learn from this verse? When should be afraid? It says that we don’t need to be afraid of others who oppose us. God will save us. We can trust that when we are afraid God can help us and save us. That doesn’t mean we will never be afraid, but we can remember that God is able to handle our problems. 

What was Moses afraid of?

What are some things you are afraid of?

What helps you remember God is with you?

How did Moses help the Israelite people?

How many plagues can you remember that God sent to Egypt?

Practical Application at Home

God helped the Israelites when they needed to be freed from slavery. God helps us today as well. Think of bible verses that help you remember God helps us in many ways.

God comforts us when we are sad

God provides for our needs

God will guide us in the right direction

God provides the earth for us to dwell on.

God sends rain to water the earth

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Are you old enough to help others around you? Do you think you are too little or too weak to help? This month we have seen that we can lean on God to help us. This week we will see that God also uses us to help others.

  Exodus 15:22-25, 16:1-16, 17:1-7   Philippians 2:1-4 



What are some things you need help doing? How do you help the friends around you? God gives us the ability to help others no matter how old or young we are. Listen to the following statements and raise your hand and say “I can help” if you think it is something you can help others with.

-get the mail from the mailbox

-help set the table

-help a friend who dropped their books

-write a note to a friend who feels sad

-help your mom grocery shop

-help cook dinner

-hold the door open for someone walking behind you

God gave us the ability to help people around us. When the Israelites left Egypt they did not have food or water during the journey but God provided for them daily. God also used Moses to help the Israelites when they needed help. Listen or read the story for this week and see how God used Moses to help the Israelite people. 

Read or listen to the story Exodus 16:1-16, 17:1-7

What did the Israelites wish had happened? (they had died in Egypt)

What did God say he would do for his people every day? (Send down bread from heaven)

What was this supposed to show the Israelites about God? (They would see that God was the one who provided the meat in the evening and bread for them in the morning)

How did the glory of God appear to them? (In a cloud)

When the Israelites camped at Rephidim, what were they complaining about? (Not having any water to drink)

What did God tell Moses to do for the Israelites thirst? (Use his staff stand before the rock of Horeb, strike the rock and water will come out for the people to drink)



Map out the path or direction you would take to go to a local park or national park. What way would you go to get there. How would you travel there? How long would you plan for it to take to get there. When the Israelites traveled from Egypt to the Promised land, it took longer than they realized. They had to depend on God for their food, water, and protection.

Materials: map


We use water to help us doing many things. We may be surprise by all of the things water helps us do besides drink and bathe. Using a large sheet of paper, make a water collage. Add pictures from magazines or draw pictures that describe water in action. The Israelites needed water in the desert and God use Moses to help them with their thirst. God sent something they needed in order to survive and he used Moses as his helper. God uses us to help others too.

Materials:large sheet of paper, scissors, glue, old magazines

Independent activity:

We can help others by encouraging them when they are feeling down. Create your own greeting card with encouraging words. Make a few cards and then pass them out or mail them to a few people who may be feeling down.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Paper bag quail craft 

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Philippians 2:1-4. When we are helping others, we should do it not to to show others how good we are but in humility. We do it not for selfish reasons but for the joy of helping others. We can help others around us for the glory of Jesus not for ourselves.

How did Moses help the Israelites?

What did God ask Moses to do in order to help the Israelites?

What did the people eat while walking to the Promised land?

How can you help others around you?

In what ways do people around you need help? 

Practical Application at Home

There are lots of ways to help others including helping those who may need water. Think of all of the things people need water for and those who may not have any. There are people around the world who are in need of water. As a family, look at all the people around he world who are in need of water and then look at ways or people who are helping. Then think of ways you can serve and help those in your community who may need help getting clean water to drink.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





We sometimes feel helpless, and we don’t know the right solution to our problem. Even when we don’t have all the answers, we can trust God will help us. This week we will read a story about a family God helped when they didn’t see an answer to their problem.

Exodus 1:22-2:10



We all need help sometimes from the people around us. Listen to the following statements and decide who you would call on for help.

-your house is on fire

-you can’t tie your shoes

-your cat is stuck in the tree

-you are stuck on a test question

-you ate something bad and your stomach hurts

-you are afraid of the dark

-your car is broken down on the road

-you don’t know what to order off the menu

-you want to learn how to double dutch

We all need help sometimes because we can’t do something on our own. We can ask help from community helpers, our parents, teachers, pastors and friends! Sometimes we need help that only God can give. Can you think of a time that you needed God’s help? Our story for this week a family needed help protecting their baby. God provided protection and helped not only 1 family, but ultimately an entire nation of people, through this one baby. Let’s read in our story to find out what baby was saved and how God helped this family when they may have felt helpless.

In the story of Joseph there are some happy and sad moments. Through the sad and difficult moments, Joseph still trusted God would fulfill what He said He would do. God had revealed to Joseph that he would run over others but it took some time for it to happen. When God makes a promise He keeps that promise, even when it doesn’t happen in the time we think it should. 

Read or listen to the Bible story Exodus 1:22-2:10

What did Pharaoh order to all his people? (To throw all Hebrew boys into the Nile, but let girls live)

How long did Moses’ parents hide him at home? (3 months)

What did Moses’ mom make as a new way to hid him? (A papyrus basket coated with tar and pitch)

Where did Moses’ mom place the basket? (In the reeds along the bank of the Nile)

Who found Moses in the basket in the Nile? (Pharaohs daughter)

What did Moses’ sister suggest to Pharoah’s daughter? (That she would get a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby)

How long did Moses stay with his mother before going to live with Pharaohs daughter? (The woman took the baby and nursed him and when he was older she took him to live with Pharaohs daughter)


God helped Moses’ parents hide him in the brush of the Nile in a basket boat. When Pharaoh’s daughter found him she rescued him and sent him back to be raised by his mother before bringing him to live at the palace. God helped their family and ultimately rescued the nation of Israel.


Moses’ mother weaved a basket that she placed him into on the river. Try your hand at weaving. Create a simple loom to weave strips of paper, material or clothes. Use additional materials such as paint, colorful tape, beads or sequence to make it your own. Use the following website for more detailed instructions on how to create your loom.

Materials: clothes, craft sticks, rubber bands. optional: paint, beads, sequence colorful tape


Using a large plastic laundry basket, give your small child a ride on the river in their basket boat. As you move them along the “river”, ask them questions about the story. Who was the baby in the boat? Why did his mother place him in the boat? What was Pharaoh trying to do to all the Israelite baby boys? How did God help this family?

Materials: plastic laundry basket

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet matching the picture with how God helped them.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons




Complete the following Moses paper plate craft

Materials: Regular-sized Paper Plates, Water Color Paints and Paint Brushes, Green Construction Paper, Crayons, Magic Markers, or Colored Pencils, Glue Gun, Scissors, Card Stock (Heavy Paper)


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who was placed in a basket on the river?

Why did Moses’ mother place him in the basket?

What was Pharaoh trying to do to all the Israelite boys?

How did God help Moses’ family?

Where did Moses live when he was a baby?

How does God help you?

How do your parents help you?

Practical Application at Home

We all have people in our lives who have helped us when we needed help. We can trust that God helps us as well as other people in our lives. Think of situations this week and month in which you needed someone’s help. Did they know to help you or did you have to ask for help? Were you afraid to ask for help? 

Tell how the following people have helped you in a situation this week or month.






Brother or sister




Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever needed help carrying something heavy or lifting something big. Sometimes we might start something and realize we are too weak to finish! This week we will see how God helps us in our weakness, just as he helped Moses in his weaknesses.

Exodus 3:1-14, 4:1-17 



Try and see if you are able to complete the following challenges. If the challenge is too hard, find a partner who can help you complete the task.

-Walk backward and sing the ABC’s backwards

-Roll on the floor around the couch

-Lift up the couch

Jump across 2 tiles (or about 2 feet)

Skip across an imaginary hopscotch both ways with no mistakes or stopping

Do 25 push-ups

Name all 50 states

Do a handstand

Name the 5 great lakes

Read or listen to the Bible story Exodus 3:1-14, 4:1-17

Where was Moses living? (Tending the flock of his Father in laws, on the far side of the wilderness)

How did the angel of the Lord appear to Moses? (In the flames of fire from within the bush)

What did Moses notice about the bush? (It was on fire but not being consumed)

What did God tell Moses once he started to come near the bush? (Do not come closer because you are standing on Holy Ground)

What did God say he was going to do for His Israelite people in Egypt? (That he had seen the the suffering of his people and he would rescue them and bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey)

What was God sending to Pharaoh to bring His people out of Egypt? (Moses)

What did God tell Moses to say when he was unsure if he should be the one to go to Pharaoh? (I will be with you)

What did God tell Moses to tell the Israelites if they asked who sent him? (I AM has sent me to you)



Choose a card from the pile of activities and then a card from the handicap pile. Do the activity with the handicap you chose. Was it easy or hard to complete the task with the handicap. Moses felt like he had a handicap and lots of reasons why he was not the one to be sent to Egypt. God used Moses’ weakness to display His strengths.

Materials: printed and cut handicap cards


Help me finish this picture! I have started this picture but I need to help to finish it. Draw a picture of an animal or something simple, but leave the picture unfinished. Have your child complete the rest of the picture or the other half of the animal. We all often need help with some of our tasks. God helps us in our weakness just as he helped Moses in his weakness.

Materials: blank sheet of paper, pencil, crayons or markers

Independent activity:

Moses thought he would free the Israelites from slavery but not in the same way God had planned. Moses lived in the country after fleeing the palace before God called him to return to Egypt. Place the following picture cards in order to sequence the story of Moses’ life.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue




Moses and burning bush craft with tissue paper. 

Materials: tissue paper, pencil, crayons, sheet of paper, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who was speaking from the burning bush?

What did Moses have to do when he was closer to the burning bush?

What did God ask Moses to do?

Why did Moses not think he was the right person for this job?

How did God respond to all of Moses’ excuses?

How did God help Moses in his weakness?

Practical Application at Home

We don’t need to focus on our weaknesses, but we can focus on who God is. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh, I AM has sent me to you. I AM describes everything. God is everything that we are not. Our weaknesses are covered by all that God is and can do. Say the following statement and fill in the blank with your weakness and compare it to the strength God has instead. Repeat the statement for as many weaknesses you can think of.

I am ______ but God is_______.

Example: I am weak, but God is strong.

We may not have all the answers. We may not be the strongest, fastest, or smartest person in class, but God is everything we are not. He wants to help us in our weakness, we just need to be willing to follow him to where he calls us to go.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Moses ask Pharoah many times to free the Israelites but he would not let them go. God helped Moses by sending plagues to change Pharaohs mind. Read this weeks story to see what changed Pharoah’s mind and how God helped Moses free the Israelites. 

Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:21-30



Take turns hiding an object and then calling for help. Pick one person to hide an object while everyone else closes their eyes. Say, “Oh no! I’m in trouble! I lost my ______, can you hep me? Pick one person to find your object by playing a game of hot/cold as they get closer or farther away from the hidden object. 

We all need help sometimes when we are in trouble or can’t solve a problem. God helps us when we are in trouble just as he helped Moses and the Israelites. When Moses went to Pharoah to ask him to set God’s people free, Pharaoh refused. Moses needed God to help  in order for Pharaoh to release God’s people. Let’s continue reading the story of Moses to see how God helped the Israelite people.

Read or listen to the Bible story Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:21-30

What did God say about Pharaohs heart? (Pharaohs heart is unyielding and refuses to let my people go)

What did God send as the first plague? (Turning he Nile to blood)

When God sent the frogs, where did they come from? (From the Nile and they covered the land)

What turned into gnats when Aaron struck the ground? (Aaron struck the dust and it turned in gnats)

Where did God not send the flies? (Where God’s people lived in Goshen, he would not send the flies to distinguish his people from Pharaoh’s people)

What happened when God sent a plague on the livestock? (All the livestock of the Egyptians died but not one of the livestock of Israel died.)

What are the next 4 plagues that God sent to the Egyptians? (The plague of boils, hail, locust, and darkness)

What was the last plague sent to Egypt? (The firstborn in every house would die)

How could the Israelites keep the destroyer from killing their firstborn children? (Dip a bunch of hyssop into the blood of the passover lamb and then put some of the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe)


God spared the Israelites from the last plague if they painted their doorframe with blood from their sacrificed lamb. God provided a way for the Israelites to escape and for the death to pass over them. This celebration of Passover is still celebrated today.


Retell the story of the 10 plagues using the following items as prompts as you retell the plagues. Demonstrate or have your child participate in the activity. Here are a few ideas of what you can use to represent each plague. Substitute as desired.

Water to blood= fill a cup with water and add red food coloring. frogs=hop around the room like a frog. gnats=place as many dots on their paper using a pencil, as they can. Flies: place two black circle on their eyes and fly around. Livestock die= walk around on all fours and then call out “Plague” and everyone keels over on their side. Boils= white stickers or dots (paint) on arm. Hail=throw mini marshmallows in the air. Locust= pick up as many small pieces of green papers as you can. Dark= turn off all the lights. First born death= use a dry paintbrush to paint the top of a doorpost of side wall or sheet of paper

Materials: various items around your house including red food coloring, paper, pencil, white stickers, mini marshmallows, green paper, dry paint brush


Create a maze or obstacle course fo your child to walk through. As they go through the maze send obstacles to stand in their way such as hail, flying plastic bugs, rain from a spray bottle, etc. When they are hit with an obstacle they can cry out for help “I need the Lord’s help”. When they cry out, stop the obstacle and let them continue through the course. The Israelites faced many obstacles as they tried to get out of Egypt. Pharaoh did not want them to go, but God sent help when they were in trouble. God sends help to us too!

Materials: objects to create a maze, items to represent some plagues such as plastic bugs, spray bottle with water, mini marshmallows

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Draw the ten plagues in each of the ten circles. Think about how you would represent each plague in the circle. If desired, make your plagues 3-D by using craft items such as cotton balls, sand, red wrapping paper, etc.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create plague puppets on craft sticks. After puppets are created use them to retell the story of Moses and the 10 plagues.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What was Moses afraid of?

What are some things you are afraid of?

What helps you remember God is with you?

How did Moses help the Israelite people?

How many plagues can you remember that God sent to Egypt?

Practical Application at Home

God helped the Israelites when they needed to be freed from slavery. God helps us today as well. Think of bible verses that help you remember God helps us in many ways. God speaks in his word of how He loves us and wants to care for us. When we read in the Bible of God’s love it helps us remember that God is with us when we need help.

God comforts us when we are sad

God provides for our needs

God will guide us in the right direction

God provides the earth for us to dwell on.

God sends rain to water the earth

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Are you old enough to help others around you? Do you think you are too little or too weak to help? This month we have seen that we can lean on God to help us. This week we will see that God also uses us to help others.

Exodus 15:22-25, 16:1-16, 17:1-7



What are some things you need help doing? How do you help the friends around you? God gives us the ability to help others no matter how old or young we are. Listen to the following statements and raise your hand and say “I can help” if you think it is something you can help others with.

-get the mail from the mailbox

-help set the table

-help a friend who dropped their books

-write a note to a friend who feels sad

-help your mom grocery shop

-help cook dinner

-hold the door open for someone walking behind you

God gave us the ability to help people around us. When the Israelites left Egypt they did not have food or water during the journey but God provided for them daily. God also used Moses to help the Israelites when they needed help. Listen or read the story for this week and see how God used Moses to help the Israelite people. 

Read or listen to the story Exodus 16:1-16, 17:1-7

What did the Israelites wish had happened? (they had died in Egypt)

What did God say he would do for his people every day? (Send down bread from heaven)

What was this supposed to show the Israelites about God? (They would see that God was the one who provided the meat in the evening and bread for them in the morning)

How did the glory of God appear to them? (In a cloud)

When the Israelites camped at Rephidim, what were they complaining about? (Not having any water to drink)

What did God tell Moses to do for the Israelites thirst? (Use his staff stand before the rock of Horeb, strike the rock and water will come out for the people to drink)



Map out the path or direction you would take to go to a local park or national park. What way would you go to get there. How would you travel there? How long would you plan for it to take to get there. When the Israelites traveled from Egypt to the Promised land, it took longer than they realized. They had to depend on God for their food, water, and protection.

Materials: map


We use water to help us doing many things. We may be surprise by all of the things water helps us do besides drink and bathe. Using a large sheet of paper, make a water collage. Add pictures from magazines or draw pictures that describe water in action. The Israelites needed water in the desert and God use Moses to help them with their thirst. God sent something they needed in order to survive and he used Moses as his helper. God uses us to help others too.

Materials: large sheet of paper, glue, scissors, old magazines

Independent activity:

We can help others by encouraging them when they are feeling down. Create your own greeting card with encouraging words. Make a few cards and then pass them out or mail them to a few people who may be feeling down.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Paper bag quail craft

Materials: paper bag, brown and black construction paper, scissors, glue, googly eyes


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Moses help the Israelites?

What did God ask Moses to do in order to help the Israelites?

What did the people eat while walking to the Promised land?

How can you help others around you?

In what ways do people around you need help? 

Practical Application at Home

There are lots of ways to help others including helping those who may need water. Think of all of the things people need water for and those who may not have any. There are people around the world who are in need of water. As a family, look at all the people around he world who are in need of water and then look at ways or people who are helping. Then think of ways you can serve and help those in your community who may need help getting clean water to drink.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





What are some things you do first thing in thee morning? What do you do before you play in a game? What are some things you do before you go to a birthday party? We all have things we know we must do first or things we believe are important to do before we do anything else. We can show others what we consider most important based on what we make time to do. This week we will see if we are putting God first. 

Exodus 20:1-6; Psalm 19:7-10 (Philippians 3:7-9)



The Israelites traveled through the wilderness so let’s pretend we are traveling too! When you take a trip, it is fun to play games in the car. Let’s play a popular car game. Play the game “I’m going on a trip…” and tell what you will bring. The items each person brings must start with their first name. For younger children you can tell them the rule of the game since thinking of objects with the start letter may be difficult. For older children, give several examples and see if they can figure out the rule that allows them to take the trip as well.

Was that game fun? It is fun to play car games on a trip to help pass the time. This game had a rule that you had to follow in order to join in on our pretend trip. While Moses and the Israelites were in the wilderness God gave them His law. Moses was the one who brought the law to the rest of the people. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Exodus 20:1-6

What did God say he did for his people? (Brought them out of slavery from the land of Egypt)

What did God tell them not to have? (Other gods besides God)

What should they not make for themselves? (Idols)

What shapes did God say their idols should not be made into? (Anything from the heavens above or the earth or waters below)

How did God describe himself as if his people made idols? (He is a jealous God)

How long does God show faithful love to those who love and obey Him? (For a thousand generations)


God’s law was not just a list of do’s and don’ts, but it was a guide to show that His followers would behave this way. God’s law was given in love and obeyed in love. If you follow God, you will behave in this way, the way His law describes.


Listen to the following actions and decide if it is violating one of the first 2 commandments or keeping the commandments. If it is violating the commandments, make a big X with your arms. If it is keeping the commandments, give 2 thumbs up.

Materials: printed actions


On road trips most people like to have several types of snacks available. I have several options for candy, when you pull one out of the bag listen fir the instructions you will follow. Put several or 3 different types of snacks into a non-see through bag. Have a child reach into the bag to pull out one type of candy. Determine ahead of time that each candy will receive a different type of response. Candy 1: give an example of someone putting other god’s before God. Candy 2: Give an example of someone who has made an idol for themselves. Candy 3: give an example of putting God first. Play several rounds giving several examples.

Materials: 3 types of candy, non see-through bag

Independent activity:

Create a collage of things you do every day. Some of the things we do take a lot of time while others only take a short while. No matter how busy we are, we can find time to spend with God. When we put time with Him first, everything else will fit in place. Add the pictures of things that you do each day or week to your collage. Use pictures from magazines or draw the pictures. Be sure to draw or use a picture of someone spending time with God and glue that picture in the middle.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, magazines for cutting, scissors, glue




Make a 10 commandments expandable craft stick craft. Paint 11 craft sticks. Use a sharpie to label each stick with the ten commandments and label one “The 10 commandments”. Add a new stick each week as commandments are talked about or complete this craft in one lesson. Place tape along the backside of the craft sticks to secure them together.

Materials: 11 craft sticks, tape, paint, markers, sharpie marker, stickers for decoration


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 19:7-10. Listen to how the Psalmist describes God. List all of the descriptive words the Psalmist used to describe characteristics of God. (Perfect, trustworthy, pure, lasts forever, reliable, righteous).

God’s ways last forever and are pure and just. When we follow God and His ways we can trust that He is perfect and reliable. 

What are other things you can describe as being perfect?

What other things can you think of that will last forever?

Why is it important to invest our time and energy into things that will last?

Do you ever spend a lot of time on something only for it to be over minutes later?

How is investing in God a good use of our time?

Does the order in which we complete tasks show how important it is to us? 

Practical Application at Home

The things we eat first, grab first or do first can show what we think is most important. When we grab an apple over a soda for a snack, we show that we think it is more important to be healthy. When a carpenter grabs his hammer first, it shows he thinks this tool is most important. An author may write down a story before playing because she wants to get her story on paper because her story is more important than play. We call choose one thing over another every day, and we tend to choose what we do first because we believe it is most important. It doesn’t mean we don’t continue to enjoy other things, but we want to be sure we make time for what is most important. When we choose to make God first and give Him our time, we show that God is important. 

Make a list of things you do or enjoy each day. Then rank your list and recopy it into the correct oder of importance, keeping God first.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Our worship is a way we express our inner most thoughts and adoration about God. Sometimes it can be hard to feel as though we have expressed all of the thoughts and feelings we have about God. The good news is, there is not just one way to worship. It looks different and can be expressed in many different ways. This week we will see how there is not just one way to worship.

Exodus 20:7-11; 32:1-14 Philippians 4:8-9



What are some special things you do on road trips? Are there special places you go or eat? Do you stop every hour or do you try to see how far you can go without stopping. Do you pick up a souvenir at every gas station or state you visit? Do you have special games or songs you sing only when you are on a road trip? What are the special snacks you take on the road?

Different families have different things they like to do on road trips. They are the things that make road trips special and fun! Let’s see how well you know your family road trip traditions. Take out a sheet of paper and see if you can answer the following questions the same as another member in your family. Each player must answer the questions on their sheet of paper, and then reveal their answers only when the Reader tells them to hold it up or read it aloud. Readers read the following statements out loud. 

Where do we eat for breakfast?

What time do we usually leave for a road trip?

What must we do at home before we can head out?

Who always suggests the family plays a game?

What's the number 1 song we sing in the car?

What is usually playing on the car stereo?

What does mom do on every road trip?

What does dad do on every road trip?

What is one thing dad says on every road trip?

What is a snack we always take on every road trip?

Road trips are fun and they are a special time that we spend with our families and loved ones. God has a special time he has set aside to be with us as well. When we worship God we can do it at any time and at any place, but God sets the Sabbath aside as something special. Our worship is a way we show our inward thoughts and feelings we have about God. Spending time inn worship on Sabbath helps us set aside time to dwell in God’s presence and be filled with his love. When we are filled by Him, we can then go through the rest of our week pouring out that love toward others. Our worship allows us to live in obedience to Him and be a blessing to others. Read or listen to the next commandments of love to see how we can worship God through our obedience to His word.

Read or listen to the storyExodus 20:7-11; 32:1-14

What should we not do to God’s name? (Misuse it)

What should remember to do on the Sabbath Day? (Keep it holy)

Who shouldn’t work on the Sabbath? (You, your son, daughter, slave, livestock or foreigner in your gates)

What did God do on the seventh day of creation? (God rested on the seventh day)

What did the Lord do on the Sabbath day? (He blessed and declared it holy)



Go on a family worship walk. Post the printed signs around the room and have your child/family visit each station. Complete the activity listed on each sign before moving on to the next sign. We can worship in a variety of ways. They all express the way we adore the one true God in Heaven. We can praise Him that He is our creator and ruler of the universe.

Materials: printed worship walk signs, tape, scissors


We can worship in lots of different ways. Some ways we worship is through song, or through reading God’s word, or hearing God’s word in a message. Think of one way you can worship today. Maybe you can play an instrument, write a poem, or call a friend to encourage them with a scripture or prayer. Decide what act of workshop you will do and then, begin worshipping through your chosen act.

Materials: possible instruments, paper, pencil, craft items

Independent activity:

On road trips we see lots of road signs that give us warning and information about what is up ahead. We want to remember the commandments we have learned today. Create 2 road signs that help you remember to respect and represent God’s name. Draw the other sign to remember to pause from our usual daily activities to set time aside on God’s Sabbath to worship Him.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies, examples of road signs-optional




Using popsicle, or craft sticks, glue them on a sheet of construction paper to create a church. Make your church a 2-D by gluing them flat to the construction paper. Create a 3-D church by gluing your popsicle sticks vertically onto the paper.

Materials: Craft sticks, craft glue, construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Philippians 4:8-9. What does this verse say that we should think or meditation on? Whatever is true, noble, honorable, right, pure, lovely or admirable is a list of honorable traits. We can think about the things we do or see every day and compare it to this list of attributes. Is there anyone or anything you do that really measures up to this list of attributes? God is all of these things. He is true, noble, honorable, right, and admirable and is worthy of our praise and worship.

How does the Sabbath help us worship?

What are some ways your family worships on Sabbath?

Why did God set aside a day to rest from all work?

How does not using God’s name vain a form of worship?

What would we be showing if we chose to disrespect God’s name purposefully?

How is claiming we are a Christian and then treating people poorly, using God’s name in vain?

What does it mean to represent the name of God?

Practical Application at Home

There is no one right way to worship God. When we worship we are displaying our inner most feelings and adoration towards God. Sometimes we praise God because of something wonderful He has done for us, and other times we praise God simply because God is sovereign. Our praise may look different depending on the reason for our praise. Listen the following scenarios and decide how you would choose to worship.

You just got an A on a hard test.

You heard good news from the doctor about your grandparent.

You were just in a car accident.

Your brother is feeling better after being sick for a week.

You just found out you are having a baby brother or sister.

Your parents just told you the family is going on vacation.

Your refrigerator is empty.

You just found your lost puppy.

You had to give away your favorite toy.

It is Sabbath afternoon.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


You’re Fam



God gave us the people in our family to love and care for. We don’t usually get to choose what family we are a part of, but God gave us this family for a reason. He wants us to love them and honor them in the way we treat each other. This week we will see how honoring out mother and father is also honoring or obeying God.

Exodus 20:12-14; Matthew 5:21-24; (I Thessalonians 1:2-7



Each family is different. Our families may look different and have different traditions, but God gave us family members to love and respect. Each family may have different ways they do things or different rules for their house. Listen to the following family rules and decide if this is a rule at your house. Then come up with a few more family rules that are at your house.

-clear your spot at the table after a meal.

-help set the table

-help with the laundry

-do your chores on time

-resect other family members’ things 

-Don’t share family business to random people

-Love each other

-say please and thank you

-help mom during or after dinner

-do your homework and study for school

-obey your mom and dad

Although everyone’s house may not look the same, we probably have a few rules that we all share. Obeying mom and dad is not just a rule but it is a part of God’s commandments. We may not always like the rules they set in place, but God knew we would need parents to guide us as we make tough decision in life. Our parents want the best for us, so they set rules to keep us safe. The 5th, 6th, & 7th commandments help us show love to our families and people around us. 

Read or listen to Exodus 20:12-14

What is the 5th commandment?

How is the 5th commandment different from the 4th commandment?

Who are we to honor?

What will happen if we honor our mother and father?

What is the 6th commandment?

How does keeping this commandment show love?

What is the 6th commandment?

Why does God want us to commit or make a promise to our husband or wife?



The next 3 commandments are about loving people around us including our family. Listen to the following sentences and decide if the person is dishonoring their parents, not loving their neighbor or wanting what they can’t have.

Not putting your toys away the first time you are asked.

Not turning off the TV when you are told.

Eating food in your room when it is against your house rules.

Running to get the last chair in the room.

Pushing someone out that way so you can be first in line.

Not speaking to your parents because they didn’t buy you the toy you thought you should have at the store.

Begging your friend to give you their toy that you want.

Not cleaning your room when you were told.

Throwing your brothers toy on the ground so it will break since you can’t have it.

Throwing on your sister’s favorite toy in the trash.



Play this reverse version of Outburst game. Give each member a sheet of paper and number it 1-10. Read the category of the round out loud and then have each player come up with as many answers as they can in the set time (1-5 minutes depending on age and ability). Then read all the answers aloud and see how many of the same answers everyone inn the family wrote down. Give yourselves 1 point for every answer every family member wrote down. It’s fun to think about our family traditions and how our family operates. We have rules that are specific to our household and we do fun things that mean a lot to our family. The love we show our family, is a way we can obey God.

Things we eat on Saturday nights.

Things to do on a Saturday night.

Top 10 things you don’t do at the dinner table.

10 steps in order of getting ready for bed.

Top favorite family breakfasts.

Mom’s top 10 sayings.

Top 10 Dad sayings.

Favorite family movie snacks.

Family Christmas traditions.

Top 10 questions not to ask mom or dad.

Favorite places to visit.

Favorite places our family likes to visit.

Materials: large sheet of paper for each player, pencil

Independent activity:

Draw a picture of your family. Write 3 ways your family shows love to one another, or draw 3 ways your family shows love. Our family is important. They are the people God gave us to love and take care of. God has commanded us to obey our parents and love others. When we do those things, it makes us happier and live healthier lives as well.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




10 commandments hand prints. Stamp both of your child’s handprints onto a piece of paper after dipping the hands in paint or painting their hands. Once the paint has dried, write the 10 commandments on each finger. Write, “The 10 commandments on the top”. Discuss what each of the 10 commandments mean.

Materials: sheet of paper, paint, sharpie marker


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What were the commandments you read today?

Why is it hard sometimes to honor our mother and father?

Why would Satan want to get us used to disobeying our parents?
How can we treat others with love?

How can we help a classmate at school who may be hurting? 

Practical Application at Home

God gave us parents to help us make good choices in life and to learn more about God. We can learn lots of things from our parents, but we will need to listen carefully and do what they tell us to do. When we honor our parents we are also obeying God. We are following the plan He has for our lives by obeying our parents. We can show love to others around us by looking for ways to be kind and loving. 

When we are on a road trip we often send a postcard to show someone we love them and are thinking of them. It is a nice way to show others we love and care for them. Design your own postcard from your favorite place or a place you wish you could visit. On the back side of your card write a note to a special loved one who could enjoy an encouraging card. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Big Love



This month we’ve learned about the 10 commandments and how we are to love God and love people. This week we will finish the 10 commandments and see how we can love the people around us through out obedience to God. God wants us to live in harmony with others and He shows us how. 

Exodus 20:15-17; Romans 13:8-10; I Thessalonians 2:7-8 



What are some laws that you have at your house and in your community? If you did not obey those laws, what would happen? We know that laws and rules exist for a reason, they are there to keep people safe. We may not always like the laws, but we know they are for everyone’s safety. Listen to the following laws or rules and tell what would happen if they were broken.

Running a red stop light.

Stealing from a neighbor.

Disobeying your parents rule to never swim alone

Not extinguishing a campfire during a dry season

Playing in the middle of the street

Not wearing a safety helmet while riding a bike

Not staying seated during an amusement park ride

Being cruel to animals

Not slowing down driving through a pedestrian walkway

Not slowing down and pulling over when an ambulance has on its sirens

God has given us these commandments not to keep us from having things, but to show us the best way to live. When we obey God and keep his commandments, we are living in a way that God knows is best. We can not only worship God our creator through our obedience, but we can also love the people around us. God’s laws are meant to bring us closer to Him and closer to those around us. Let’s read the last 3 commandments to see how God wants us to love others.

Read or listen to the Bible scripture
Exodus 20:15-17

What is the next commandment? (Do not steal)

Why should we not steal from others? 

What is the 9th commandment? (Do not give false witness against your neighbor)

Why should we not speak false things about others?

What is the 10th commandment? (Do not covet your neighbors things)

Why should we not covet?



Keeping the 10 commandments can be challenging and we may not always know what to do. Then other times we may not even realize we are keeping them, because we are simply loving God and others. Listen to the following scenarios and decide which of the 10 commandments are being followed.

Materials: printed scenarios


Sometimes we may be tempted to covet someone else’s things when we are not focused on the blessings we currently have. When we take inventory of our own blessings we may become less focused on what others have that we may think we need as well. Make a list of the blessings you have in your life that God has provided for you. Then pray a prayer of thanksgiving, thanking God for giving you all that you have.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil

Independent activity:

Create goodie bags that you can share with members of your local church, school or neighbors. Think of a few items you can add to the goodie bags such as treats to eat, teabags, and cookies. Add a note that expresses you care and are thinking of them. Make as many goodie bags as you would like to distribute.

Materials: good bags, various treats such as teabags, cookies, a note, etc.




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some ways we steal from others?

How does stealing hurt others?

How does stealing hurt the thief?

When do we give a false witness against others?

When we give a false witness against someone else, how does that make others see us?

What are some things you may covet from others?

How can we keep from coveting others’ things?

What is the opposite behavior for stealing, giving a false witness and coveting?

How can you show others those things this week?

Practical Application at Home

The last few commandments list the things we should not do. They say Do not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, and do not covet your neighbor. God does not want us to do those things, but instead treat others in the direct opposite. Think of what the opposite of murder would be. Instead of taking life away, we give someone life. How could you give life to someone or bring joy to their day? Those are the things we should focus on doing for the people around us.

Think of the following commandments and then decide what the direct opposite of that would be. Then think of ways you can live it out with people around you this week. There are a few examples listed, but come up with some of your own as well. Then decide which things you will try to do for people in your life this week.

Do not murder….Give Life…bless your neighbor by bringing up their trash cans

Do not commit adultery…show your loved ones you care…leave notes sharing how much you love your family members

Do not steal…Give…bless a stranger by giving them a $5 gift card to buy a smoothie

Do not bear false witness…share words of affirmation…share a true story about how someone did something wonderful for you.

Do not covet your neighbor…count your blessings…share your blessings or gifts with someone who may not have as much.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What are some things you do first thing in thee morning? What do you do before you play in a game? What are some things you do before you go to a birthday party? We all have things we know we must do first or things we believe are important to do before we do anything else. We can show others what we consider most important based on what we make time to do. This week we will see if we are putting God first. 

Exodus 20:1-6



The Israelites traveled through the wilderness so let’s pretend we are traveling too! When you take a trip, it is fun to play games in the car. Let’s play a popular car game. Play the game “I’m going on a trip…” and tell what you will bring. The items each person brings must start with their first name. For younger children you can tell them the rule of the game since thinking of objects with the start letter may be difficult. For older children, give several examples and see if they can figure out the rule that allows them to take the trip as well.

Was that game fun? It is fun to play car games on a trip to help pass the time. This game had a rule that you had to follow in order to join in on our pretend trip. While Moses and the Israelites were in the wilderness God gave them His law. Moses was the one who brought the law to the rest of the people. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Exodus 20:1-6

What did God say he did for his people? (Brought them out of slavery from the land of Egypt)

What did God tell them not to have? (Other gods besides God)

What should they not make for themselves? (Idols)

What shapes did God say their idols should not be made into? (Anything from the heavens above or the earth or waters below)

How did God describe himself as if his people made idols? (He is a jealous God)

How long does God show faithful love to those who love and obey Him? (For a thousand generations)


God’s law was not just a list of do’s and don’ts, but it was a guide to show that His followers would behave this way. God’s law was given in love and obeyed in love. If you follow God, you will behave in this way, the way His law describes.


Listen to the following actions and decide if it is violating one of the first 2 commandments or keeping the commandments. If it is violating the commandments, make a big X with your arms. If it is keeping the commandments, give 2 thumbs up.

Materials: commandment scenarios


On road trips most people like to have several types of snacks available. I have several options for candy, when you pull one out of the bag listen fir the instructions you will follow. Put several or 3 different types of snacks into a non-see through bag. Have a child reach into the bag to pull out one type of candy. Determine ahead of time that each candy will receive a different type of response. Candy 1: give an example of someone putting other god’s before God. Candy 2: Give an example of someone who has made an idol for themselves. Candy 3: give an example of putting God first. Play several rounds giving several examples.

Materials: 3 types of candy, non see through bag

Independent activity:

We all spend our time doing many things each day. Some things take a short amount of time while others take much longer. We all have to use our time wisely so that we can fit everything in our day. God wants us to be sure to make time to spend with Him. No matter how busy we are, we can always make time for him. Sort the pictures of things that take a long time and things that take a short amount of time.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue




Make a 10 commandments expandable craft stick craft. Paint 11 craft sticks. Use a sharpie to label each stick with the ten commandments and label one “The 10 commandments”. Add a new stick each week as commandments are talked about or complete this craft in one lesson. Place tape along the backside of the craft sticks to secure them together. 

Materials: 11 craft sticks, tape, paint, markers, sharpie marker, stickers for decoration


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How many commandments did God give to Moses?

What was the first commandment God gave?

What was the second commandment God gave?

Why did God not want Israel to have other gods?

What does it mean for God to be a jealous God?

How can you put God first? 

Practical Application at Home

We have many things in our lives that we do each day, many things are important for our survival. We are usually sure to complete the tasks that we believe are most important first, and then we complete the other activities. What does God see as most important? What does he believe we should do above all other things. We can obey God by putting Him first. This may look different for everyone but putting God first means we make time for Him above all other things. We can still enjoy and like doing other things, but we choose not to sacrifice our time with God for those other things.

Make a list of things you do or enjoy each day. Then rank your list and recopy your list into the correct order of importance, keeping God first.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Our worship is a way we express our inner most thoughts and adoration about God. Sometimes it can be hard to feel as though we have expressed all of the thoughts and feelings we have about God. The good news is, there is not just one way to worship. It looks different and can be expressed in many different ways. This week we will see how there is not just one way to worship.

Exodus 20:7-11



Let’s think of all of the ways we worship God. We can worship through more than just song. To worship means we express and show adoration for God. We can do that in a variety of ways. Let’s play a game of charades. Think of a way you worship and then mime that for everyone to guess. Give everyone a chance to take a turn. Then discuss how those are all ways we can worship God. 

When we worship God we are displaying our inward thoughts and feelings we have about God. We are showing our thankfulness, our love, our adoration, and in most feelings about God. When we live each day representing God’s name, we are showing an act of worship because we are loving others in the way God loves them. Worship happens on more than just one day a week. It can happen on any day and at any time. Although worship is not set aside for just 1 day, God did set aside the Sabbath as a special day to worship Him. We put all other things aside and focus on Him and what He wants for us. We can then share all that God has given us with others throughout the next week. Read or listen to the next commandments of love to see how we can worship God through our obedience to His word. 

Read or listen to the story Exodus 20:7-11

What should we not do to God’s name? (Misuse it)

What should remember to do on the Sabbath Day? (Keep it holy)

Who shouldn’t work on the Sabbath? (You, your son, daughter, slave, livestock or foreigner in your gates)

What did God do on the seventh day of creation? (God rested on the seventh day)

What did the Lord do on the Sabbath day? (He blessed and declared it holy)



Go on a worship walk. Post the printed signs around the room and have your child/family visit each station. Complete the activity listed on each sign before moving on to the next sign. We can worship in a variety of ways. They all express the way we adore the one true God in Heaven. We can praise Him that He is our creator and ruler of the universe.

Materials: printed worship walk cards, scissors, tape


Take out several items to do a taste test. For example: a cookie, a chocolate chip, a raisin, a grape, a date. What did all of those things have in common? They were all sweet foods! We often enjoy foods that are sweet because they taste good. The name of God is also a sweet name. When we think or say the name of God, we should remember to treat it with respect and never say God’s name with disrespect. God’s name is special and it should not be used without care. We can remember that we can use the sweet name of God with our sweet tongues and not with a bitter disrespectful tongue.

Materials: various sweet foods such as: raisins, cookie, chocolate chip, a grape, a date, candy

Independent activity:

Draw a picture of something special you do on the Sabbath. On one side of your picture draw the special things you do on the Sabbath. On the back side, draw how you can show love to someone later in the week. We can worship God in a special way on Sabbath and we can share that love with others. We are able to share love with others because of the love we receive from God.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Using popsicle, or craft sticks, glue them on a sheet of construction paper to create a church. Make your church a 2-D by gluing them flat to the construction paper. Create a 3-D church by gluing your popsicle sticks vertically onto the paper.

Materials: Craft sticks, craft glue, construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How does the Sabbath help us worship?

What are some ways your family worships on Sabbath?

Why did God set aside a day to rest from all work?

How does not using God’s name vain a form of worship?

What would we be showing if we chose to disrespect God’s name purposefully?

How is claiming we are a Christian and then treating people poorly, using God’s name in vain?

What does it mean to represent the name of God?

Practical Application at Home

There is no one right way to worship God. When we worship we are displaying our inner most feelings and adoration towards God. Sometimes we praise God because of something wonderful He has done for us, and other times we praise God simply because God is sovereign. Our praise may look different depending on the reason for our praise. Listen the following scenarios and decide how you would choose to worship.

You just got an A on a hard test.

You heard good news from the doctor about your grandparent.

You were just in a car accident.

Your brother is feeling better after being sick for a week.

You just found out you are having a baby brother or sister.

Your parents just told you the family is going on vacation.

Your refrigerator is empty.

You just found your lost puppy.

You had to give away your favorite toy.

It is Sabbath afternoon.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


You’re Fam



God gave us the people in our family to love and care for. We don’t usually get to choose what family we are a part of, but God gave us this family for a reason. He wants us to love them and honor them in the way we treat each other. This week we will see how honoring out mother and father is also honoring or obeying God.

Exodus 20:12-14



Each family is different. Our families may look different and have different traditions, but God gave us family members to love and respect. Each family may have different ways they do things or different rules for their house. Listen to the following family rules and decide if this is a rule at your house. Then come up with a few more family rules that are at your house.

-clear your spot at the table after a meal.

-help set the table

-help with the laundry

-do your chores on time

-resect other family members’ things 

-Don’t share family business to random people

-Love each other

-say please and thank you

-help mom during or after dinner

-do your homework and study for school

-obey your mom and dad

Although everyone’s house may not look the same, we probably have a few rules that we all share. Obeying mom and dad is not just a rule but it is a part of God’s commandments. We may not always like the rules they set in place, but God knew we would need parents to guide us as we make tough decision in life. Our parents want the best for us, so they set rules to keep us safe. The 5th, 6th, & 7th commandments help us show love to our families and people around us. 

Read or listen to the story Exodus 16:1-16, 17:1-7

What is the 5th commandment?

How is the 5th commandment different from the 4th commandment?

Who are we to honor?

What will happen if we honor our mother and father?

What is the 6th commandment?

How does keeping this commandment show love?

What is the 6th commandment?

Why does God want us to commit or make a promise to our husband or wife?



God tells us to obey our parents because our parents are there to keep us safe and help us learn more about God. Read the following sentence strips and sort them into baskets. Listen to the sentences and decide if they trying to keep us safe, or helping us grow closer to God.

Materials: printed sheet cut into strips


Listen to the following scenarios and decide if it was the best way to respond. We are all given rules or directions from our parents or the adults in charge, and sometimes we don’t like it. Although we may not like the rule or feel like it is unfair, we are not to have a temper or fit about things not going our way. Decide if the person in the scenarios handled their directions the right way. If they did not, discuss what they should have done to show respect to the parent or adult guardian.

Johnny is not allowed to watch the TV program he has asked tot watch that his friend told him about. He complains that all the other shows are babyish and folds his arms to pout about having to watch this ‘baby’ show.

Sarah wants to invite her entire class of 40 kids to her house for her birthday slumber party. Her mom tells her she can have 10 girls over. Sarah makes a list of the 10 girls she knows would enjoy the slumber part.

Eli asks for a special toy for Christmas but on Christmas Day he did not receive his longed for toy. He begins to complain about how all of his other new toys are no good and that he doesn’t even care about them.

Jake’s teacher says she will bring him a chocolate cookie at lunch but she forgets. Jake gets upset and cries all during lunch over the cookie.

Stan wants to stay up late to finish watching a long movie. His parents tell him he has to finish the movie tomorrow. Jake goes to bed disappointed.

Skylar wants to eat ice cream before dinner. Her mom tells her they will eat dinner soon and then she can have ice cream. Skylar goes into the freezer and sneaks a taste when her mom is watching.


Independent activity:

Draw a picture of your family. Write 3 ways your family shows love to one another, or draw 3 ways your family shows love. Our family is important. They are the people God gave us to love and take care of. God has commanded us to obey our parents and love others. When we do those things, it makes us happier and live healthier lives as well.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




10 commandments hand prints. Stamp both of your child’s handprints onto a piece of paper after dipping the hands in paint or painting their hands. Once the paint has dried, write the 10 commandments on each finger. Write, “The 10 commandments on the top”. Discuss what each of the 10 commandments mean.

Materials: sheet of paper, paint, sharpie marker


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What were the commandments you read today?

Why is it hard sometimes to honor our mother and father?

Why would Satan want to get us used to disobeying our parents?
How can we treat others with love?

How can we help a classmate at school who may be hurting? 

Practical Application at Home

God gave us parents to help us make good choices in life and to learn more about God. We can learn lots of things from our parents, but we will need to listen carefully and do what they tell us to do. When we honor our parents we are also obeying God. We are following the plan He has for our lives by obeying our parents. We can show love to others around us by looking for ways to be kind and loving. 

When we are on a road trip we often send a postcard to show someone we love them and are thinking of them. It is a nice way to show others we love and care for them. Design your own postcard from your favorite place or a place you wish you could visit. On the back side of your card write a note to a special loved one who could enjoy an encouraging card. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.


Big Love



This month we’ve learned about the 10 commandments and how we are to love God and love people. This week we will finish the 10 commandments and see how we can love the people around us through out obedience to God. God wants us to live in harmony with others and He shows us how.

Exodus 20:15-17



How do you feel loved? What are some things other people do or say to you that make you know that you are loved? Look around the room and find the hearts posted, then read each heart and decide if love is being shown. print and attach the hearts around the room for your child to find and read. If they are unable to read, direct them to bring the hearts to you so that you can read them and they can decide if this action shows love.

God has given us these commandments not to keep us from having things, but to show us the best way to live. When we obey God and keep his commandments, we are living in a way that God knows is best. We can not only worship God our creator through our obedience, but we can also love the people around us. God’s laws are meant to bring us closer to Him and closer to those around us. Let’s read the last 3 commandments to see how God wants us to love others.

Read or listen to the Bible scripture
Exodus 20:15-17

What is the next commandment? (Do not steal)

Why should we not steal from others? 

What is the 9th commandment? (Do not give false witness against your neighbor)

Why should we not speak false things about others?

What is the 10th commandment? (Do not covet your neighbors things)

Why should we not covet?



Keeping the 10 commandments can be challenging and we may not always know what to do. Then at other times we may not even realize we are keeping them, because we are simply loving God and others. Listen to the following scenarios and decide which of the 10 commandments are being followed.

Materials: printed scenarios


This month we have learned all of the 10 commandments. They are guides for how we should live in communion with God and love others. Look at all of the commandments again and place these Commandments in two different groups. Showing love to God and showing love to others.

Materials: large sheet of paper, glue, scissors, old magazines

Independent activity:

We can show others how much we love them by sending them a not that says we care. Create your own greeting card with encouraging words. Make a few cards and then pass them out or mail them to a few people you love.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some ways we steal from others?

How does stealing hurt others?

How does stealing hurt the thief?

When do we give a false witness against others?

When we give a false witness against someone else, how does that make others see us?

What are some things you may covet from others?

How can we keep from coveting others’ things?

What is the opposite behavior for stealing, giving a false witness and coveting?

How can you show others those things this week?

Practical Application at Home

The last few commandments list the things we should not do. They say Do not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, and do not covet your neighbor. God does not want us to do those things, but instead treat others in the direct opposite. Think of what the opposite of murder would be. Instead of taking life away, we give someone life. How could you give life to someone or bring joy to their day? Those are the things we should focus on doing for the people around us.

Think of the following commandments and then decide what the direct opposite of that would be. Then think of ways you can live it out with people around you this week. There are a few examples listed, but come up with some of your own as well. Then decide which things you will try to do for people in your life this week.

Do not murder….Give Life…bless your neighbor by bringing up their trash cans

Do not commit adultery…show your loved ones you care…leave notes sharing how much you love your family members

Do not steal…Give…bless a stranger by giving them a $5 gift card to buy a smoothie

Do not bear false witness…share words of affirmation…share a true story about how someone did something wonderful for you.

Do not covet your neighbor…count your blessings…share your blessings or gifts with someone who may not have as much.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Change Course



Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Even when everyone else is making a choice that you know is wrong, are you still able to make the right choice? God doesn’t want us to follow after others especially when they are going the wrong way. We can make the right choices with God’s help.

Micah 3:5-12. I Thessalonians 2:9-13



We hear news all around us. We may get news from a new station on TV, or from the radio. We can read about news from a friend. Some news we receive is good news and it makes us smile or happy to hear about it. Then there is news that might be shocking or sad. Sometimes we might even hear things that are wrong that we should not follow, but we can choose to do what is right. God wants us to choose the right things and not always believe or listen to the wrong things others may tell us. Listen to the news being shared. Use your emoji faces to decide if it is good news or bad news.

-Broccoli casserole is for dinner

-All children must eat ice cream for breakfast

-Dolphins are giving free rides

-School is closed for 2 weeks

-All of the roads are iced over

-All children must pay $20 a month for taxes

-Everyone has to pray to an idol

-Children do not need to obey their parents

-It’s give a gift day, bless one person with a gift today

-If you see something you like, you can take it

-Every time it rains, eat cinnamon rolls

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Micah 3:5-12

Who did Micah say he was filled with? (The power of the Holy Spirit)

What type of news did Micah sometimes deliver to Israel? (To tell them of their sin)

What were the leaders of Jacob doing? (Despising justice and building Zion and Jerusalem with wickedness)

Even though the leaders were not doing right, what did they want from the Lord? (For Him to be with them and protect them from disaster)

What was going to happen to Zion? (Be plowed like a field)

What was going to happen to Jerusalem? (Become a heap of rubble)



Play this game of Pictionary. Read the message on the card and get your audience to understand your message by drawing a picture. See if they can guess your message within the time limit (you see the time limit).

Materials: printed scenarios


Play this game of “What would you do?” Read the following scenario cards and decide what you would do in that particular situation if you witnessed it.

Materials: printed activity cards

Independent activity:

Read the following messages God gave to His prophets and decide which prophet is delivering the message. Draw a line to match the prophet with their message.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to I Thessalonians 2:9-13

In this verse it speaks of encouraging others to do what is right and living by an example. We too can encourage others to do what is right and live by example. We show others our faith when we choose to do the right things even when others may be doing the wrong thing. 

What are some things you do that others may be watching?

Who can you be a good witness to?

What are some things you’ve had to stand up for that you knew were right?

What can you do when you need to go against the crowd?

How can you find strength to do what is right in the face of others doing wrong.

Practical Application at Home

It is important to hear the stories of other people who have made tough choices for God. Be a news reporter and interview the members of your family. Have several questions prepared to find out more about their experience. Hear their stories of times they’ve had to stand up for what was right and choose to do the right thing even when it was hard or the opposite of what others were doing. Use these stories to strengthen your faith and know that God will be with you just as He was with them.

Example questions for your interview:

What is a time you had to make a hard choice or stand up for something you knew was right?

Were you the only one speaking up for the right thing?

After you stood up and made the right choice, did anyone else follow you in making the same decision?

What do you regret most about that situation?

What did God help you with the most in that situation?

Were you nervous when you realized you would have to go against what others were doing?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever been tricked Into believing something that was not true? Maybe you believed a picture only to find out later it was a made up picture. The Israelites were not being sincere and God was not pleased. This week we will see how we can be sincere in our worship to God.

Amos 5:18-24. Matthew 25:1-13



Sometimes people post things online or say things that are not true so that it sounds better than what it actually is. Listen to the following statements and decide which statement you think is something that could really happen or which statement is exaggerated. 

I go on vacation every week.  VS. I go on vacation every year

I have been to every country around the world.    VS.  I have been to a lot of different countries

I only eat candy for dinner.  VS  I like to eat candy for dessert

I watched a movie last night   VS   I Starred in a movie yesterday

I caught a rainbow.  VS.     I drew a picture of a rainbow

I stayed up late last night.    VS.  I stay up all night every night

I went skiing downhill at 100 mph VS I went skiing with my family

God was not pleased with the Israelites worship because it was not sincere. They did not mean the things they were say in worship because they were not living it out among the people around them. They were not taking care of the poor or the widows. God wants more than just our act of worship, He wants our hearts. God wants our worship to bee displayed in the way we treat the people around us. Otherwise the things we say do not match the things we do, but is instead an exaggeration or an insincere display.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Amos 5:18-24

What did Amos say would happen on the day of the Lord? It will be a day of darkness and not light

Did God enjoy their festival celebrations? (No, they were a stench)

Did God accept their burnt offerings? (No, He had no regard for them)

What would roll on like a river? (Justice)

What would be like a never-ending stream? (Righteousness)


Although Amos had to share that God was not please with their worship, there is also good news. There were consequences to the Israelites behavior but God does promise that out of the ruins of the destruction, he will restore the house of David through the messianic king and rebuild the family of God to include people from all nations. God does judge the deeds of the Israelites but He also provides a way for redemption because ultimately God wants to be in relationship with us.


Play this game of “Are you sincere?” Pick one card from each pile and say the words on the card while completing the motions given. The audience has to determine if you are being sincere based on if your actions match your words. If the actions match the words (example; smiling face while saying kind words) the audience yells out “sincere!” The audience yells out “Insincere!” If the words and actions do not match. God was not happy with Israels worship because they were not being sincere. They did the act of worship, but they did not mean it and did not treat the people around them in a way that showed they worshipped God. Our words and worship should show in the way we treat the people around us.

Materials: printed scenarios


One way we worship is through song. We sing lyrics to songs as a way of speaking our hearts to God. When we are finished, do we take to heart the words we have sung or are they just empty words? Listen to the following lyrics to worship songs or hymns and then give an example of how we can show the true meaning of those lyrics in real life among the people around us.

1- Come thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace (showing grace to others)

2- God is so good…he’s so good to me (counting blessings not complaining)

3- There is only God, there is only one king, There is only one body, this is why we sing (serving only God)


Independent activity:

Fold a sheet of construction paper in half. Think about what it means to worship with your whole heart? Our real heart has a very important job in our bodies and it can’t do it’s job halfway. If we did a job halfheartedly, it would show we did not really want to do the job or care about it. God did not like the insincere, or halfhearted way that the Israelites worshipped Him. They did not give their all but instead looked as though they were worshipping while treating others around them poorly. When we worship we want to give our all, with our actions, thoughts, words, and feelings. On one side of your sheet of paper draw what it would look like to not have one of these actions along with your worship, and then draw a picture of what worship looks like with one of these ideas being shown. How would worship look different.

Materials: construction paper, crayons




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Matthew 25:1-13

In this story the 10 women were waiting for the bridegroom to return to start the celebration. 5 of them were prepared and had enough oil in their lamps but 5 did not. So when he bridegroom came, they were not prepared. God wants us to be like the wise 5 women who stay prepared and ready for His return. We can prepare now by giving true and honest worship just as we will worship in heaven with Him one day. We can be sure we are not like the 5 foolish women who were not prepared to meet the bridegroom.

Why were the 5 women prepared for the bridegroom?

In what ways are we sometimes like the foolish women?

How can we be prepared for when Jesus returns?

We don’t need oil to place in our lamps, but what can we have more than enough of to stay prepared?

How can you be sure you are sincere in your worship?

How can we show others around us that we worship the true God

Practical Application at Home

We can be sincere in our worship by treating others around us the way God wants. When we live the way God wants, we are worshipping God. Look for opportunities this week to display your sincere worship through your actions. There are people around you who may have lost a loved one, lost a parent, or lost a job. God wants us to show love to them not just with our words but through our actions. Think of ways to serve them, such as 

Sharing a meal together

Bringing them food

Spending time together

Helping them with chores at their house

Offering to sit with them and chat

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





God sends prophets to tell His people important messages. Sometimes the message was good news, but other times they were words of serious warning. God gave Zephaniah a warning to share so that God’s people could be ready and focused on Him. They were going to have difficult times, but God wasn’t going anywhere.

Zephaniah 1:7,12-18, 3:14-17



Sometimes we have to do things that are hard. Listen to the following activities and see if you can do some of these tough things. 

-do a handstand

-do a pushup with 1 hand

-jump rope on one foot

-reach your foot to your head

-reach your foot to the back of your head

-froggy jump across the room

-crab walk across the room

-do the splits

-do a backbend

Were you able to do all of those things? Was it easy or hard to do them. We sometimes have hard things to do or life gets hard, but even in those times we can count on God to be there with us. God does not take away the difficult situation, but He wants us to trust Him. Zephaniah was a prophet that had to share difficult news with God’s people. At that time the people were living for themselves and not putting God first. They served the things they had and put them before God. 

Read or listen to Zephaniah 1:7,12-18, 3:14-17

What day did Zephaniah say was near? (The day of the Lord)

What was God searching Jerusalem for? (Those he would punish who are complacent)

What would the Israelites lose? (Their wealth and houses)

What would happen in His jealousy?

Why should the daughter of Jerusalem rejoice? (The Lord has taken away their punishment)

Why did they have no need to fear? (The Lord God is with them and saves them)

What would God do since he no longer rebukes Israel? (Rejoice over them in singing)



There are things in our life that are tough and difficult for us to get through. Listen to the following scenarios and decide if it is a difficult scenario or an easy situation.

Waiting in line 2 hours for a roller coaster ride

Losing your parents at an amusement park

Giving a speech in front of your entire school

Helping a friend with their homework

Completing a 25 page report for school

Losing a pet

Moving to a new neighborhood

Losing a card game

Performing at a large symphony hall

Getting a new teacher mid-year

Standing up to a school bully



God wants to rejoice over us with singing. God delights when we are following him and keeping Him first above the things He has provided for us. We do not need to fear God’s punishment when we have a relationship with Him and follow His plan for us. Set up two stations or areas with one that says “serving God” and one that says “serving self”. Read out the following scenarios and have your student stand at the station that best describes the actions being described. Deciding if the actions are serving God or serving self.

Materials: printed scenarios or device for viewing, area with 2 stations labeled with sheet of paper

Independent activity:

The Israelites were serving idols, which is anything we put above or in place of God. They were not putting God first but seeking after other things instead of God’s plan for them. Today, we can ask God to help us put Him above the things in our lives we may love or like, let’s plan to always keep God above those things. Create a statement poster that can be hung up to remind students of their commitment to God. On a large sheet of construction paper, write the following statement and then decorate the poster Complete the following statement.

Help me to want God over wanting my_______. Help me to serve God over serving ________. Help me to seek God over seeking for _________.

Materials: large construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What does God want from us?

Does God want us to be complacent in our worship to him?

How can we show God we love and serve Him?

Who needs to fear the Day of the Lord?

Do we have to fear the wrath of God?

How is God’s wrath poured out on the wicked, good news for us?

Practical Application at Home

We can seek God and seek to serve Him in our daily lives. We can trust that what God has for us is better than what we have for ourselves. Even though our life sometimes gets tough we can count of God to have a plan for our lives and keep His people close to Him. We can continue to serve and trust Him and we do not need to fear the difficult times ahead.

As I seek to serve God I can serve others by….

As I seek to worship God, I can worship Him through my…

As I seek to do what is right, I can choose to…

This week, look for ways to live out these action statements. Actively find ways to serve, worships, and do what is right in the ways you described above. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Take this season to make a list of the things you are thankful for, and then find ways to share those blessings with others so they can be thankful for them as well.





This month we’ve learned that a prophet tells God’s people His message. God’s messages were for His people to come closer to Him and be in relation with Him. We can learn this week that when we are lost or unsure of what to do next, God will guid us the direction we should go.

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24.   Psalm 95:1-7



Play a game of Hot/cold. I have placed an item somewhere in this room, that you have to find. I will say hot, if you are walking closer to the item, and I will say cold if you are moving farther away from the item.  Switch rolls and give each person a chance hide the item and call out hot/cold.

We had to find the lost item and try to figure out where it was located. Sometimes it was easy to find the item and other times it was hard. Sometimes we are lost as well. Who finds us or guides us from being lost? God shares a message to his people through his prophet Ezekiel that describes God as their shepherd. Read and listen to how God describes his leading to His people as a shepherd leads his sheep.

Read or listen to Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

What will God do for his scattered sheep? (He will look after them)

Where will He gather his people from? (From all nations and bring them into their own land)

Where will God tend them? (In good pasture in the mountain heights of Israel)

Where will God’s people eat? (They will lie down in good grazing land and feed in rich pasture on the mountains.)

What will the Lord do for the lost? (He will search for them and bring back the strays)

Who will the Lord judge between (between the fat sheep and the lean sheep)

Who is driving the weak sheep away? (The fat sheep by butting the weak sheep with their horns and shoving with their shoulder)

Who will God put over the sheep to tend them? (A shepherd, David, who will be a prince among them)



Hide cotton balls around the room and have your child gather them from all over. Hide cotton balls in places high and low. The Lord God said he would gather his people from all over and bring them to their own place. God didn’t want His people to be lost in other places but to be gathered together, worshipping Him. Sometimes we may be in a place God has not intended for us to be, but God does not leave us there, He wants us to be with Him. When we are lost, God will guide us in the direction He wants us to go.

Materials: cotton balls


God says He is our Shepherd. What does a shepherd do for their sheep? Let’s pretend you are sheep and see how a shepherd cares for their sheep’s every need. Role play being a shepherd as your child/children are sheep. Help lead them to water, to grass, care for their wounds, and gather them when they stray or get lost. As you play, talk about how God cares for us in similar ways. How God is our Shepherd and cares for us when we are hungry, thirsty, and lost.


Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Color all of the things sheep need from their shepherd and the things a shepherd may use to help care for them.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 95:1-7

We read in Psalms how God is our creator, Lord over everything. We can praise God for who He is; King above all gods. It also reminds us that even though He is the creator of the universe and maker of all things, He cares about us and will shepherd us. God wants to care for us the way a shepherd cares for its flock. God does not just sit on a distant throne unconcerned about our lives, but He cares about our well being. God loves each of us dearly.

How is God like a shepherd toward us? 

How does a shepherd care for his sheep?

How has God cared for you?

Have you ever lost a pet or something special to you?

How long did you search for that item?

Do you think God would ever give up on us?

What does it mean for us to be lost?

How can we let God guide us?

Practical Application at Home

We can allow God to guide us by listening to His voice. There may be times when we feel lost and unsure of what to do next. Being lost could mean being unsure of what decision to make. Or perhaps you are having a hard time knowing what to do with a friendship that is difficult. When we feel lost in this way, we can ask God to guide us. Instead of trying to figure out what to do on our own or hastily make decisions, we can ask God and listen to His voice.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Change Course



Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Even when everyone else is making a choice that you know is wrong, are you still able to make the right choice? God doesn’t want us to follow after others especially when they are going the wrong way. We can make the right choices with God’s help.

Micah 3:5-12



We hear news all around us. We may get news from a new station on TV, or from the radio. We can read about news from a friend. Some news we receive is good news and it makes us smile or happy to hear about it. Then there is news that might be shocking or sad. Sometimes we might even hear things that are wrong that we should not follow, but we can choose to do what is right. God wants us to choose the right things and not always believe or listen to the wrong things others may tell us. Listen to the news being shared. Use your emoji faces to decide if it is good news or bad news.

-Broccoli casserole is for dinner

-All children must eat ice cream for breakfast

-Dolphins are giving free rides

-School is closed for 2 weeks

-All of the roads are iced over

-All children must pay $20 a month for taxes

-Everyone has to pray to an idol

-Children do not need to obey their parents

-It’s give a gift day, bless one person with a gift today

-If you see something you like, you can take it

-Every time it rains, eat cinnamon rolls

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Micah 3:5-12

Who did Micah say he was filled with? (The power of the Holy Spirit)

What type of news did Micah sometimes deliver to Israel? (To tell them of their sin)

What were the leaders of Jacob doing? (Despising justice and building Zion and Jerusalem with wickedness)

Even though the leaders were not doing right, what did they want from the Lord? (For Him to be with them and protect them from disaster)

What was going to happen to Zion? (Be plowed like a field)

What was going to happen to Jerusalem? (Become a heap of rubble)



Create a start and finish line in an open area (living room). Read the following scenarios and have your child ay what decision they would make. If they choose the right decision, tell them to take steps in the direction of the finish line. If they choose the wrong decision, have them take steps backward, or to the left or right, opposite of the designated finish line. You decide how many steps they can take for each answer given. Discuss why some decisions they made were not the right ones.

Materials: printed scenarios


It can be hard to do the right thing when it seems everyone around us is doing the wrong thing. Try to do these 2 seemingly opposite things at the same time. See if you are able to stay focused on the task while your partner does a distracting action. EX: sing a song while your partner sings a different tune; Jump rope while partner plays patty cake; Read a book while partner calls out titles to their favorite book; walk backwards while partner gives the opposite directions.

Materials: various items such as a book, jump rope.

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Match the person with the news they might have to give to someone.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some decisions you’ve made this week?

Did you have to go against what someone else was doing?

How do you know you are standing up for what is right?

What is wrong with following the crowd just to make things easier?

How can you find strength to do what is right in the face of others who are doing wrong?

Practical Application at Home

It is important to hear the stories of other people who have made tough choices for God. Be a news reporter and interview the members of your family. Have several questions prepared to find out more about their experience. Hear their stories of times they’ve had to stand up for what was right and choose to do the right thing even when it was hard or the opposite of what others were doing. Use these stories to strengthen your faith and know that God will be with you just as He was with them.

Example questions for your interview:

What is a time you had to make a hard choice or stand up for something you knew was right?

Were you the only one speaking up for the right thing?

After you stood up and made the right choice, did anyone else follow you in making the same decision?

What do you regret most about that situation?

What did God help you with the most in that situation?

Were you nervous when you realized you would have to go against what others were doing?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever been tricked into believing something that was not true? May you believed a picture only to find out later it was a made up picture. The Israelites were not being sincere and God was not pleased. This week we will see how we can be sincere in our worship to God.

Amos 5:18-24



Have you ever seen a picture that seemed to crazy to be real? Have you ever heard a story that seemed to crazy to be true? Sometimes things are presented as real but in fact they are fake. Look at these pictures and decide if they are real of made up. 

Sometimes people can change a picture to make it look as though it is real but it is really fake. It’s important to be able to know the difference, but it is also important to be sure the things we present to others is real and not fake. When we worship God, He knows our hearts and if we are being fake or if we really mean the words we sing or say. Amos spoke to the Israelites and told them of their insincere hearts. They did not mean what they were saying because their actions towards other people did not match their displays of worship. This was not pleasing to God. God wants us to be sincere by also showing love to the people around us.

What did Amos say would happen on the day of the Lord?
It will be a day of darkness and not light

Did God enjoy their festival celebrations? (No, they were a stench)

Did God accept their burnt offerings? (No, He had no regard for them)

What would roll on like a river? (Justice)

What would be like a never-ending stream? (Righteousness)


Although Amos had to share that God was not please with their worship, there is also good news. There were consequences to the Israelites behavior but God does promise that out of the ruins of the destruction, he will restore the house of David through the messianic king and rebuild the family of God to include people from all nations. God does judge the deeds of the Israelites but He also provides a way for redemption because ultimately God wants to be in relationship with us.


Play this game of “Are you sincere?” Pick one card from each pile and say the words on the card while completing the motions given. The audience has to determine if you are being sincere based on if your actions match your words. If the actions match the words (example; smiling face while saying kind words) the audience yells out “sincere!” The audience yells out “Insincere!” If the words and actions do not match. God was not happy with Israels worship because they were not being sincere. They did the act of worship, but they did not mean it and did not treat the people around them in a way that showed they worshipped God. Our words and worship should show in the way we treat the people around us.

Materials: printed game cards


Cut out 2 hearts per person. Cut one of the hearts in half. When we do a half job, we are not doing our best or trying with all of our heart. God wants us to be sincere and give our all and our best, especially to Him. Think about these chores and decide if they are being done with all their heart or only halfheartedly.

Chores: throwing all the toys in the closet when cleaning your room…brushing the sweep crumbs under a rug…cleaning the mirror until it shines…double checking your test that you answered all thee questions…coloring your note to grandma very carefully…stuffing the blanket into the basket…leaving your sheets crumbled under your bedspread…sweeping under the table when cleaning the floor…placing your rinsed bowl into the dishwasher…watering all the plants in the yard several times a week.

Materials: 2 hearts per child

Independent activity:

Create a collage of kindness. Look in approved magazines and paste pictures you find of people being nice to others. At the top of the construction paper label “Sincere Kindness”. Glue the pictures to the piece of construction paper. Discuss the pictures they found and why they believe they show kindness.

Materials: large sheet of paper, glue, scissors, old magazines




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What is something that looks real but is actually fake?

How can our worship feel fake?

How can we show God sincere worship?

How can our actions match the words we say?

How can our actions be different from our actions?

How can your friends show sincere friendship with you?

What is one way someone can show a fake friendship?

How can we be a sincere friend and not a fake friend?

Practical Application at Home

We can be sincere in our worship by treating others around us the way God wants. When we live the way God wants, we are worshipping God. Look for opportunities this week to display your sincere worship through your actions. There are people around you who may have lost a loved one, lost a parent, or lost a job. God wants us to show love to them not just with our words but through our actions. Think of ways to serve them, such as 

Sharing a meal together

Bringing them food

Spending time together

Helping them with chores at their house

Offering to sit with them and chat

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





God sends prophets to tell His people important messages. Sometimes the message was good news, but other times they were words of serious warning. God gave Zephaniah a warning to share so that God’s people could be ready and focused on Him. They were going to have difficult times, but God wasn’t going anywhere.

Zephaniah 1:7,12-18, 3:14-17



Sometimes we have to do things that are hard. Listen to the following activities and see if you can do some of these tough things. 

-do a handstand

-do a pushup with 1 hand

-jump rope on one foot

-reach your foot to your head

-reach your foot to the back of your head

-froggy jump across the room

-crab walk across the room

-do the splits

-do a backbend

Were you able to do all of those things? Was it easy or hard to do them. We sometimes have hard things to do or life gets hard, but even in those times we can count on God to be there with us. God does not take away the difficult situation, but He wants us to trust Him. Zephaniah was a prophet that had to share difficult news with God’s people. At that time the people were living for themselves and not putting God first. They served the things they had and put them before God. 

Read or listen to Zephaniah 1:7,12-18, 3:14-17

What day did Zephaniah say was near? (The day of the Lord)

What was God searching Jerusalem for? (Those he would punish who are complacent)

What would the Israelites lose? (Their wealth and houses)

What would happen in His jealousy?

Why should the daughter of Jerusalem rejoice? (The Lord has taken away their punishment)

Why did they have no need to fear? (The Lord God is with them and saves them)

What would God do since he no longer rebukes Israel? (Rejoice over them in singing)



There are things in our life that are tough and difficult for us to get through. Listen to the following scenarios and decide if it is a difficult scenario or an easy situation.

Waiting in line 2 hours for a roller coaster ride

Losing your parents at an amusement park

Giving a speech in front of your entire school

Helping a friend with their homework

Completing a 25 page report for school

Losing a pet

Moving to a new neighborhood

Losing a card game

Performing at a large symphony hall

Getting a new teacher mid-year

Standing up to a school bully



God wants to rejoice over us with singing. God delights when we are following him and keeping Him first above the things He has provided for us. We do not need to fear God’s punishment when we have a relationship with Him and follow His plan for us. Set up two stations or areas with one that says “serving God” and one that says “serving self”. Read out the following scenarios and have your student stand at the station that best describes the actions being described. Deciding if the actions are serving God or serving self.

Materials: printed scenario cards or device for viewing, area with 2 stations with signs

Independent activity:

The Israelites were serving idols, which is anything we put above or in place of God. They were not putting God first but seeking after other things instead of God’s plan for them. Today, we can ask God to help us put Him above the things in our lives we may love or like, let’s plan to always keep God above those things. Create a statement poster that can be hung up to remind students of their commitment to God. On a large sheet of construction paper, write the following statement and then decorate the poster Complete the following statement.

Help me to want God over wanting my_______. Help me to serve God over serving ________. Help me to seek God over seeking for _________.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What does God want from us?

Does God want us to be complacent in our worship to him?

How can we show God we love and serve Him?

Who needs to fear the Day of the Lord?

Do we have to fear the wrath of God?

How is God’s wrath poured out on the wicked, good news for us?

Practical Application at Home

We can seek God and seek to serve Him in our daily lives. We can trust that what God has for us is better than what we have for ourselves. Even though our life sometimes gets tough we can count of God to have a plan for our lives and keep His people close to Him. We can continue to serve and trust Him and we do not need to fear the difficult times ahead.

As I seek to serve God I can serve others by….

As I seek to worship God, I can worship Him through my…

As I seek to do what is right, I can choose to…

This week, look for ways to live out these action statements. Actively find ways to serve, worships, and do what is right in the ways you described above. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Take this season to make a list of the things you are thankful for, and then find ways to share those blessings with others so they can be thankful for them as well. 





This month we’ve learned that a prophet tells God’s people His message. God’s messages were for His people to come closer to Him and be in relation with Him. We can learn this week that when we are lost or unsure of what to do next, God will guid us the direction we should go.

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24



Let’s play a game of Hot/cold. I have placed an item somewhere in this room, that you have to find. I will say hot, if you are walking closer to the item, and I will say cold if you are moving farther away from the item.  Switch rolls and give each person a chance hide the item and call out hot/cold.

We had to find the lost item and try to figure out where it was located. Sometimes it was easy to find the item and other times it was hard. Sometimes we are lost as well. Who finds us or guides us from being lost? God shares a message to his people through his prophet Ezekiel that describes God as their shepherd. Read and listen to how God describes his leading to His people as a shepherd leads his sheep.

Read or listen to Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

What will God do for his scattered sheep? (He will look after them)

Where will He gather his people from? (From all nations and bring them into their own land)

Where will God tend them? (In good pasture in the mountain heights of Israel)

Where will God’s people eat? (They will lie down in good grazing land and feed in rich pasture on the mountains.)

What will the Lord do for the lost? (He will search for them and bring back the strays)

Who will the Lord judge between (between the fat sheep and the lean sheep)

Who is driving the weak sheep away? (The fat sheep by butting the weak sheep with their horns and shoving with their shoulder)

Who will God put over the sheep to tend them? (A shepherd, David, who will be a prince among them)



Hide cotton balls around the room and have your child gather them from all over. Hide cotton balls in places high and low. The Lord God said he would gather his people from all over and bring them to their own place. God didn’t want His people to be lost in other places but to be gathered together, worshipping Him. Sometimes we may be in a place God has not intended for us to be, but God does not leave us there, He wants us to be with Him. When we are lost, God will guide us in the direction He wants us to go.

Materials: cotton balls


God says He is our Shepherd. What does a shepherd do for their sheep? Let’s pretend you are sheep and see how a shepherd cares for their sheep’s every need. Role play being a shepherd as your child/children are sheep. Help lead them to water, to grass, care for their wounds, and gather them when they stray or get lost. As you play, talk about how God cares for us in similar ways. How God is our Shepherd and cares for us when we are hungry, thirsty, and lost.


Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Color all of the things sheep need from their shepherd and the things a shepherd may use to help care for them.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How is God like a shepherd toward us? 

How does a shepherd care for his sheep?

How has God cared for you?

Have you ever lost a pet or something special to you?

How long did you search for that item?

Do you think God would ever give up on us?

What does it mean for us to be lost?

How can we let God guide us?

Practical Application at Home

We can allow God to guide us by listening to His voice. There may be times when we feel lost and unsure of what to do next. Being lost could mean being unsure of what decision to make. Or perhaps you are having a hard time knowing what to do with a friendship that is difficult. When we feel lost in this way, we can ask God to guide us. Instead of trying to figure out what to do on our own or hastily make decisions, we can ask God and listen to His voice.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


A True Hero



Waiting can be difficult to do patiently. We often get anxious for what is to come. Israel had waited for their Savior, but they were not exactly ready. Their hearts still needed to be prepared for what Jesus was coming to do. This week we will see who made straight the path for Jesus to come.

Mark 1:1-8; Isaiah 40:1-8



I am going to say a few statements, listen to them and then complete them with your own words, or how you think the saying goes. 

Be prepared to….

Here comes the long awaited…

This wait is taking…

Make way for…

This is the long expected…

Hold your…

Good things come to those who…

The wait is…

Some of these phrases may have sounded familiar and some you just made up, but they all have to do with waiting for something with expectation. It may be hard to wait for something we are anticipating and can not wait to happen, it may seem to take forever to happen. God’s people had waited for a savior for so long, but they remembered God had promised to send one. Before Jesus came, they needed to be prepared to hear his message. They needed to realize that they had sinned and were in need of a Savior for their sins. Jesus came not to just free them from their captors, but to free them of their sinful living. He wanted them to realized they needed Him more than anything else. John the Baptist came before Jesus to help prepare their hearts for what they needed most, Jesus!

Read or listen to Mark 1:1-8

What was the messenger supposed to do? (Prepare the way for Jesus the Messiah)

Where did John the Baptist appear? (In the wilderness)

What was his message? (A baptism of Repentance for the forgiveness of sins)

Where did the people of Jerusalem go to hear this message? (The Judean countryside)

Where did John baptize them? (In the Jordan River)

What was John’s appearance like? (wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.

What did John say to the people about who was coming next? (After him comes one more powerful than he of whom he is not worthy to untie his sandals)
What did John say Jesus would baptize with unlike him? (He baptizes with water but Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit)



Play a game of hangman. Each player chooses a card on their turn and writes out the correct amount of blank spaces. Everyone else will guess the phrase one letter at a time. If a letter is guessed that does not belong on the board, a body part of the hangman is added to the picture. Guess the word without getting a hangman.

Materials: printed hangman cards, white board or several sheets of paper, dry-erase marker/pencil


Play a game of ring-toss. Use a ring shaped object (binder rings, lifesavers, Cheerios, fruit loops or curtain rings) to toss into a bowl that is empty or filled with water depending on the type of ring being used. I’m going to read these scenarios and if it sounds like the person is prepared, toss a ring into the bowl. Read several scenario cards. We often prepare for important things such as a test, a visit to the doctor, an important visitor, or when we are presenting in front of people. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus to come. He helped people realize they needed a Savior, someone to rescue them from their sins. Our rings remind me of a lifesaver, something used to rescue people from drowning in water. Jesus is our lifesaver. He rescues us from our sins that will lead to death. Jesus came as everyones Savior.

Materials: rings to toss (binder rings, lifesavers, Cheerios, fruit loops or curtain rings) bowl, water (optional)

Independent activity:

Create your own crossword puzzle using the names of people you can share Jesus with. Everyone needs a Savior and we can share Jesus with them so they can get to know their savior. Just as John the Baptist prepared peoples hearts for Jesus, we can share what Jesus has done for us with people we know. Give clues or a wordbook to create your crossword puzzle. Save this picture to remember who God has placed in your life to share this news with.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil




Make a large announcement, preparing the way for Jesus. Create an announcement much like a birth or wedding announcement, drawing a picture of Jesus, and describing when he is coming and why. You can make several to pass out to your friends as a reminder of why we celebrate Jesus’ birth; to make way in our hearts for our Savior.

Materials: sheet of construction or cardstock paper, crafting items such as: crayons, glue, stickers, glitter, markers, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Isaiah 40:1-8

Isaiah is writing prophecy about what is to come long before it happens. He describes John the Baptist coming to prepare the way for the Lord. That they are to make a straight highway, to raise up the valleys and make low the mountains and hills, to make every rough place level and every rugged place a plain. This doesn’t sound like a simple task of preparing for a simple visitor, but a complete overhaul of what was. Isaiah wanted people to know that they needed to be prepared for the coming of Jesus and how He would change everything. He also said, that even though the grass and flowers wither and fall, God’s word would never end. What God has to say, and what He does is not dependent on what we can bring to Him. His word and His love never ends even when we come up short.

How do you prepare your heart to hear what God has to tell you?

How can we prepare our hearts for God?

What should our actions look like if we have been transformed from our hearts?

What are somethings you prepare for?

Have you ever taken weeks or months to prepare for 1 thing?

How is preparing to hear from Jesus different from preparing for a visit from a friend?

Practical Application at Home

Preparing for Jesus is more than just cleaning our room or getting rid of some old boxes. When we prepare our hearts, we admit that we have made mistakes and Jesus is the one who can help me make better choices. We all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness. We are all in need of a Savior. 

We can make room in our hearts for Jesus by looking at what we spend our time doing. On a sheet of paper, make a list of 4 things that are important to you that you do every week. Over top of your list, draw or write the name Jesus. This is to remind us that the most important thing we can do is to put Jesus first and then everything else can follow. This week, make time to spend with Jesus. Prepare a pathway for time with Jesus this week.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Difference maker



John the Baptist knew there was a Messiah coming after him that would bring change to people’s hearts and to their lives. It can be difficult to wait for a change to come, but if we wait for the One who wants to save us, the wait will be worth it!

John 1:19-28 Psalm 126



Play a version or Red light Green Light. Have your child start at a starting point in an open area, when you call a color, they have to move a certain direction. For example Green=go forward, Red=move to the right, Blue= move backwards, yellow= move to the left. As you call out colors to change directions as frequently as you are able.

In this game, it was hard to know when the direction was going to change. You had to listen to the instructions and be prepared to change the direction you were going. Our story today is about how John the Baptist knew that the coming Savior, Jesus, would change everything. He would change how people were forgiven, how they would live their lives, and how they would be saved. 

Read or listen to John 1:19-28

Who did the Jewish leaders send to find out more about John the Baptist? (Priests and Levites)

Who did John confess to be? (Not the Messiah)

Who did John say he was according to Isiah? (The voice in the wilderness)
Who did the religious leaders believe should be baptizing people?
(The Messiah, Elijah or a prophet)

Did John the Baptist claim to be any of those people? (No)

How did John differ his baptism from the coming Messiah? (John baptized with water but the One coming would baptize with the Holy Spirit)



Maybe you have said something to a friend that you wish you hadn’t said, or treated someone unkind and you would like to take that moment back. We’ve all done things we wish we could go back and change or do over. Sometimes we stick our feet in our mouth and we wish we could take back those words or actions. Listen to these common sayings that are often said incorrectly and see if you can figure out the correct way it is supposed to be said. Read the first part and give your child a chance to figure out the correct saying before giving the correct answer. Use each phrase in a sentence to help give context, if desired.

Escape goat—scapegoat. 

Biting my time—Biding my time.   

By in large—-by and large.  

Doggy dog world—-Dog eat dog world     


Nip in the butt——nip in the bud.  

You’ve got another thing coming—-you’ve got another think coming.   

Do a 360—-do a 180.    

For all intensive purposes—-for all intents and purposes.   

Honing inn——homing in.   

Spitting image—-spit and image    

Deep seeded——deep seated


John the Baptist knew that he was not the Savior but Jesus was the Savior to come. He knew Jesus was the one that would change everything, the people just needed to wait for Him. Play this game ‘Who am I’? Listen to the following descriptions and decide if the person being described is Jesus or John the Baptist. .

-I ate locust

-I came out of the wilderness

-I baptized by water

- I wore camel skin

- I baptize with the Holy Spirit

- I I was born in a manger

-my parents were told about my birth by an angel


Independent activity:

Sometimes we have to wait for a little while in order to see any change happen. Find a bean, a wet paper towel and a clear ziplock bag. Place your bean inside the wet paper towel but keep the bean in the bag where you can still see it while the bag is closed. Keep your bag in a window seal or taped to a window. Observe your bean each day and see how long it takes for you to see a change in your bean. After the bean begins to sprout you can plant it in a small cup of dirt and place in the sun. Although you had to wait awhile to see any change, the bean eventually changed.

Materials: clear ziplock bag, dry bean, wet paper towel, Optional: tape,




Create a yarn star with craft sticks glued together. Then wrap the star in yarn and decorate with beans and sequence.

Materials: craft sticks, yellow yarn, optional: beans sequence


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 126. In this Psalm, the psalmist is describing God’s faithfulness to restore to them things they may have lost. The poem also describes how they will trade songs of joy for their tears, they will be filled with laughter, and other nations will say :The Lord has done Great things for them”. This verse describes the replacement of sorry for the joy God will provide for them. It will be so bountiful that other nations will take notice and give God credit for their joy and rejoicing. 

Have you ever had sorrow that you weren’t sure you would find joy again?

Have you ever been sad over something that was lost?

Did you have to wait a long time before you could find joy again?

Have you ever been so blessed you felt like it was more than you could handle?

Have you ever had so much joy that others took notice of your changed demeanor?

Sometimes when we are sad or disappointed it can seem as though we will never find joy again. Some things are harder to get over than others. Jesus came to give us joy and to fill us with Himself. That doesn’t mean we won’t hurt or have sorrow, but it does mean that with Him our lives can change. We can trust that He will be faithful to restore the things that were lost by filling us with what we need the most, Him! 

Practical Application at Home

Only God can bring about change from the inside out, but He can use us to bring about good change for the people around us. How can we change the community around us? What can we do in little and big ways to change our community? We don’t have to be big to make a difference to people around us. This week look for ways to serve others in your community. 

-volunteer to serve food at a soup kitchen

-help box food to give to those in need

-Hand out blankets, coats and other cold weather clothing to those in need

-organize a coat drive for a local elementary school

-donate food to a local food bank

-offer to rake and do yard work for those who are elderly in your neighborhood

-make Christmas gifts for shut-ins or those living in assistant living facilities

Look for other ways to serve and bless those in your community. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Use this season of giving to give back to others in your community. Use one of the suggestions above to serve the people in your community in a big way. You can also serve the people in your neighborhood by giving words or cards of encouragement.





God can do the impossible. He sees each one of us and has something special for each of us to do. God called Mary to do something that seemed impossible, but she answered the call saying, “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be as you have said”. We can be ready to answer God in the same way because He can do impossible things.

Luke 1:26-38 



This month we’ve seen how God knew we needed a Savior. He also knew that we would need to wait and see what He had planned. Today we will see how God can do the impossible things. Have you ever dreamed of doing something hard or something that seems impossible? Listen to this list of actions and decide if this is something that is possible or impossible.

Climbing to the top of a high mountain

Giving up your favorite snack for a friend

Walking on water

Swimming across the pool without stopping

Eating worms

Eating a bowl full of rocks

Speaking in front of your entire school

Living in Antartica

Swimming with sharks

Eating an entire whale

Riding on a rainbow

Riding on a horse

Riding on an elephant

Talking to a unicorn

Some of those things are impossible to do! Even if we wanted to do them, it would be impossible to do them. We are limited in our abilities but God is not limited on anything. What is impossible for us is not impossible for God. This week we are reading about Mary and Joseph. They were living a normal life and making plans to get married when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. Mary could have rejected God’s plan, deciding it would be too hard, but instead she decided to follow the plan God laid out for her. In so doing, the world was blessed by her obedience.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-24

Who did the angel Gabriel go to see in Nazareth? (Mary)

Who was Mary pledged to be married to? (Joseph)

How did the angel describe Mary? (You who are highly favored)

What was the good news he told Mary? (She would conceive and give birth to a son and name him Jesus)

What will the Lord God give him? (He will reign over the Jacob’s descendants forever)

How did the angel say it would happen? (The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Holy High will overshadow you)

What was Mary’s response? (I am the Lord’s servant, May your word to me be fulfilled) 



Using bricks or large blocks, build a tower or structure. Begin by making a plan of what you want to construct with your bricks. Allow your child to create the structure as they want, not giving much guidance. If their structure falls over, discuss what changes they need to make; such as a wider base. Many people’s lives are a lot like this structure. It falls over because it doesn’t have a strong foundation. Although the plans that we make may sometimes fail, God’s plans never fail. He knows exactly what He has created you for and has a plan for your life. We can allow God to be our foundation and follow His plan.

Materials: bricks or Legos


Play a game of impossible shot. Using a small ball and your arms shaped into a round hoop, have your child try to shoot their ball into your arm basket. Make it trickier by moving your arms back and forth to see if they can still get the ball in your hoop. Some things that we see or do may seem impossible. There is nothing that is impossible for God even when we don’t see how it could happen.

Materials: medium sized ball

Independent activity:

Create a Mary and Joseph cardboard tube. With a pencil, outline a top portion of the tube to be the face. Paint each cardboard tube (tissue roll) a color of choice (Ex: Mary blue and Joseph dark brown). Mix brown and white paint to create their skin color and then paint the face area. Once the tube has dried, using various pieces of cloth or burlap scraps, attach a headdress and clothing if desired. Use a black permanent marker to draw their face (eyes, nose and mouth). Note: be prepared for messy painting. Use a pallet (or paper plate) to distribute small amounts of paint. This makes it easier for kids to use the paint as well as mix colors. See the following example.

Materials: cardboard tube, pencil, various paint color, scrap cloths, black permanent marker




 Create this Handprint angel

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What was the angels name in the story?

How did Mary react to the news the angel gave her?

How did Mary show that she had faith in God’s plan?

How does God speak to us today?

How can we show that we have faith in God’s plans for us?

In what ways do you obey God? 

Practical Application at Home

It’s easy to look at the stories in the Bible and wonder how anyone could have disobeyed God. It’s easy for us because we know the end of the story. We have seen past that moment and how God worked it out, but if we put ourselves in their shoes it might not be as easy. We live our daily lives and we also have a hard time trusting God’s plan sometimes. Think about the following situations and determine what you think God would want you to do and if it is an easy choice.

-Helping a new kid at school feel welcome

-Sharing your last of something

-Being kind to an opponent who beat you at a game

-help pass out food at a homeless shelter

-asking someone if they need help

-Obeying a rule of your parents that you do not like

-Saying hello to someone you pass along the street

-Saying thank you to the lunch servers in the cafeteria

Sometimes these seem like little things that do not matter, but God sees them as a way to show His love to the people around you. God can use a simple gesture of kindness and turn it into a big gesture for the person receiving that kindness. Our kind acts can soften someones heart and help them receive God’s love. We don’t have to worry about how God will use our actions, we just need to obey and trust God will use it in the way He knows is best. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


The real deal



This month we have seen the story of Jesus’ birth and how Jesus was the one everyone was waiting for. Jesus is the Savior and God revealed that to Simeon and Anna in the temple. They waited a long time to see and meet the Savior. This week we will see that Jesus was worth the wait.

Luke 2:22-40



Place several Christmas type items on the floor in one area. Play this re-naming game with your child. Count down from 5 and when you say go, have them race to grab a Christmas item and then quickly tell a new way to use that item. For example, a candy cane can be used to hook fish. When I count down from 5, I want you to quickly grab an item and tell a new use for that item, or give it a new name. 

Was it easy to come up with a new name or use for a familiar item? When we know what something is used for it makes it easier to identify it and use it for the best use. This month we’ve seen how John the Baptist prepared the people for Jesus’ coming and how an angel appeared to Mary. The angel told Mary what she was to call the newborn baby. He was not ordinary baby, and He was named special. His name described who He was and why they had waited for so long for Him to come. This week we will see why He was worth the wait!

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 2:22-40

What had the Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon? (That he would not die until he saw the Messiah)

What made Simeon go to the temple? (The holy spirit moved him to go)

Why were Mary and Joseph in the temple at that same time? (To do for Jesus what the custom required)

When Simeon saw the child what did he say? (Now you can dismiss your servant, I have seen your salvation you’ve prepared before all nations)

Why were Mary and Joseph surprised by the things Simeon said? (They were surprise he knew Jesus was the messiah)

What did the prophet Anna  at the temple? (She never left the temple but prayed day and night)

What did Anna say about Jesus? (She gave thanks for him and spoke about the child to anyone  who was looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem)



Complete this Celebration scavenger hunt. The items on this scavenger hunt are things you might use to celebrate something special. Simeon and Anna celebrated seeing the long awaited Savior. Look around your house and see if you can find any of the items on the board. If you are able to find a row or column of items, you win!

Materials: printed hunt page


Create a large game board by placing pieces of construction paper around the area in a square. As you ask your child questions, have them move forward or backward according to the cards directions if they answer the question correctly.

Materials: construction paper, printed game cards

Independent activity:

Create the stable and manger using rectangles and various other shapes cut from brown construction paper. Glue structure onto a larger sheet of construction paper and then color and cut out pictures to play with and retell the story in the stable.

Materials: square pieces of brown construction paper and other shapes, printed animal sheet, crayons, scissors




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did Simeon pray would happen before he died?

Where were Simeon and Anna when they met Jesus?

How did they know Jesus was the promised Savior?

How long did God’s people wait for the promised Savior?

Can we trust that God will keep His promises?

Can you think of one promise that God has given in the Bible?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes it is hard to wait for the things we are excited to receive. The promises God has made to us are exciting and may seem like they are taking a long time to come true, but God has perfect timing. Think about the following promises that are made to us sometimes, and determine if you think it is a promise that can be answered right away, or if we might have to wait awhile for it to be answered.

-A promise to go to the park

-a promise that Jesus will return and take us to heaven

-a promise to learn a new instrument

-a promise to become best friends

-a promise to have a cookie for dessert

-the promise to take a trip

-a promise to read a bedtime story.

Some of the promises could be answered right away and some might take a little time to have answered. Sometimes we have to wait to get an answer to a promise, but when we wait for God to answer our prayers, we will not be disappointed. We can be sure that God will always answer his promises and that’s something to celebrate!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


A True Hero



Waiting can be difficult to do patiently. We often get anxious for what is to come. Israel had waited for their Savior, but they were not exactly ready. Their hearts still needed to be prepared for what Jesus was coming to do. This week we will see who made straight the path for Jesus to come.

Mark 1:1-8



Have you ever waited for something before? Sometimes it can be hard to sit and wait, it feels like it is taking forever. Let’s play a little game. I’m going to call out an action and I want to see who can do the action quickly. Listen carefully to know what your action will be. Call out the following actions, have your child complete the activity in 1 action, return to their spot and then wait for the next action to be given. Give some actions close together so it is fast and then give wait time between some to build anticipation for the next action. This will give them a sense of waiting. Extra fun, use a timer to see how fast they can go.

Do a jumping jack

Do a cartwheel

Close a door

Run around the couch

Do a donkey kick

Roll from the living room to the kitchen and back

Froggy jump around ME!

Do a pretend jump rope

Give a pillow a squeeze

It was fun to try to do all of those actions quickly, but then there were times we had to wait for our next actions to be given. Sometimes waiting can be hard, especially when it is somethings we really want or need. God’s people were waiting for a Savior. They knew God had promised a Savior but they had to wait for it. They needed help and they needed to be rescued from their sins. Before God could send a Saviour, He sent someone else to prepare them for the Savior that was to come. Find out who God sent ahead of their Savior to help prepare the way.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 1:1-8

What was the messenger supposed to do? (Prepare the way for Jesus the Messiah)

Where did John the Baptist appear? (In the wilderness)

What was his message? (A baptism of Repentance for the forgiveness of sins)

Where did the people of Jerusalem go to hear this message? (The Judean countryside)

Where did John baptize them? (In the Jordan River)

What was John’s appearance like? (wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.

What did John say to the people about who was coming next? (After him comes one more powerful than he of whom he is not worthy to untie his sandals)
What did John say Jesus would baptize with unlike him? (He baptizes with water but Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit)



John the Baptist prepared the people of Israel for Jesus’ coming so they would be prepared for Him. John’s path led people to Jesus, the Savior they needed. Prepare a path for your child to follow. Using small plastic insect toys or another small object, place them in a path for your child to find that will lead them to a picture or book of Jesus. Spread out the objects enough that your child will need to look for the next one. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and created a path so that others could find Jesus easily. Jesus is everyone’s Savior. He did not just come for a select few, but He came to save everyone!

Materials: small plastic insects or other small objects, picture or book of Jesus


Listen to the following scenarios and decide how you would prepare for these activities. Tell how you would prepare or get ready for each event.

         Grandma comes for a visit; throwing a surprise party for your dad; A sleepover with your best buddies; reciting a poem in front of school; an upcoming spelling Bee; playing at the Christmas program; bringing home a new baby brother or sister; Eating a really big ice cream sundae.

When we are preparing for a special visitor or a special performance, we make sure we are ready in advance. When we prepare for Jesus, we do not need to have all the answers or get everything right before we come to Him, we just need to recognize we need Him. John the Baptist message was that they were sinful in need of a Savior.


Independent activity:

There are community helpers who rescue people and save lives. They help people who may be in trouble, or need medical help. Jesus is our Savior, He has rescued us from all of our mistakes. Complete the following activity sheet and match the community helpers to the people they save.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons




Make a large announcement, preparing the way for Jesus. Create an announcement much like a birth or wedding announcement, drawing a picture of Jesus, and describing when he is coming and why. You can make several to pass out to your friends as a reminder of why we celebrate Jesus’ birth; to make way in our hearts for our Savior.

Materials: sheet of construction or cardstock paper, crafting items such as: crayons, glue, stickers, glitter, markers, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who is someone you can talk to this week about Jesus?

What can you tell them about Jesus?

What are some ways you can show others Jesus with your actions?

What are some things you prepare for?

How can you prepare for Jesus?

When you make mistakes, who can you call on to help you not make those same mistakes?

Who do you know that does not need a Saviour?

Practical Application at Home

Preparing for Jesus is more than just cleaning our room or getting rid of some old boxes. When we prepare our hearts, we admit that we have made mistakes and Jesus is the one who can help me make better choices. We all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness. We are all in need of a Savior. 

We can make room in our hearts for Jesus by looking at what we spend our time doing. On a sheet of paper, make a list of 4 things that are important to you that you do every week. Over top of your list, draw or write the name Jesus. This is to remind us that the most important thing we can do is to put Jesus first and then everything else can follow. This week, make time to spend with Jesus. Prepare a pathway for time with Jesus this week.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Difference maker



John the Baptist knew there was a Messiah coming after him that would bring change to people’s hearts and to their lives. It can be difficult to wait for a change to come, but if we wait for the One who wants to save us, the wait will be worth it!

John 1:19-28



Play a version or Red light Green Light. Have your child start at a starting point in an open area, when you call a color, they have to move a certain direction. For example Green=go forward, Red=move to the right, Blue= move backwards, yellow= move to the left. As you call out colors to change directions as frequently as you are able.

In this game, it was hard to know when the direction was going to change. You had to listen to the instructions and be prepared to change the direction you were going. Our story today is about how John the Baptist knew that the coming Savior, Jesus, would change everything. He would change how people were forgiven, how they would live their lives, and how they would be saved. 

Read or listen to John 1:19-28

Who did the Jewish leaders send to find out more about John the Baptist? (Priests and levites)

Who did John confess to be? (Not the Messiah)

Who did John say he was according to Isiah? (The voice in the wilderness)
Who did the religious leaders believe should be baptizing people?
(The Messiah, Elijah or a prophet)

Did John the Baptist claim to be any of those people? (No)

How did John differ his baptism from the coming Messiah? (John baptized with water but the One coming would baptize with the Holy Spirit)



John the Baptist knew that he was not the Savior but Jesus was the Savior to come. He knew Jesus was the one that would change everything, the people just needed to wait for Him. Play this game Who am I? Listen to the following descriptions and decide if there person being described is Jesus or John the Baptist.

- I wore camel skin

- I ate locust

-My parents were told about my birth by an angel

- I baptized by water

- I was born in a manger

- I baptize with the Holy Spirit

- I came out of the wilderness


What are some things that can change from one thing to another? Can you change one color to make a new color? Let’s practice mixing colors to see if you can create some new colors! On a paper plate or paint palette, add primary colors of paint around the palette. Give instructions on how to mix two colors together to create a new color. Using the new color palette, color a coloring sheet or a blank sheet of paper to create a picture.

Materials: paper plate or paint color palette, paint brushes, white sheet of paper or coloring sheet, Paint of primary colors (red, green, blue, yellow), paint of various colors (optional)

Independent activity:

Sometimes we have to wait for a little while in order to see any change happen. Find a bean, a wet paper towel and a clear ziplock bag. Place your bean inside the wet paper towel but keep the bean in the bag where you can still see it while the bag is closed. Keep your bag in a window seal or taped to a window. Observe your bean each day and see how long it takes for you to see a change in your bean. After the bean begins to sprout you can plant it in a small cup of dirt and place in the sun. Although you had to wait awhile to see any change, the bean eventually changed.

Materials: clear ziplock bag, dry bean, wet paper towel, tape (optional)




Create a yarn star with craft sticks glued together. Then wrap the star in yarn or decorate with beans and sequence.

Materials: craft sticks, yellow yarn, glue, optional: beans and sequence


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Do you like to wait for things?

What is something you wait patiently for?

What is something you wait impatiently for?

What did John tell the people they needed to wait to see?

John was preparing the people for Jesus’ coming, had they been waiting for the Messiah to come?

Did God’s people give up on the Messiah ever coming?

Why did John say he was unworthy to untie the straps of the One coming after him?

Practical Application at Home

How can we change the community around us? What can we do in little and big ways to change our community? We don’t have to be big to make a difference to people around us. This week look for ways to serve others in your community. 

-volunteer to serve food at a soup kitchen

-help box food to give to those in need

-Hand out blankets, coats and other cold weather clothing to those in need

-organize a coat drive for a local elementary school

-donate food to a local food bank

-offer to rake and do yard work for those who are elderly in your neighborhood

-make Christmas gifts for shut-ins or those living in assistant living facilities

Look for other ways to serve and bless those in your community. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Use this season of giving to give back to others in your community. Use one of the suggestions above to serve the people in your community in a big way. You can also serve the people in your neighborhood by giving words or cards of encouragement.