UG CONFERENCE is an experience like no other. It’s a gathering where students from all over come together to be part of somethingbigger than themselves. Students will engage in worship, hear inspiring messages, be challenged to discover their purpose and finda deeper sense of belonging. At UG Conference, we seek to equip a generation, ready to change the world.


There are all kinds of clicks and groups of people. They are all there for you to choose. Or do they choose you? We’re constantly trying to measure ourselves to see if we can wiggle into acceptance. A place to belong is what we yearn for. Our hearts undeniably crave it. Its what we all want. To feel valued, to be wanted and heard, to be seen. But society’s walls keeps us from reaching it. We are so caught up on how “cool” we are, How we look, How we talk, How we dress, how we act, who we’re friends with. Who you are … is always under surveillance. Society teaches us to critique, criticize, and compare each other. We are thrown up against the wall of society’s and even our own peer’s standard of what is “acceptable” and then expected to contort ourselves to fit the mold. How do you fit in? How do you fit out?

The definition of family is “two or more people who share goals and values and have long-term commitments to one another.”This is where real relationships are formed. Family does not follow the perception of how “cool you are.” there are no standards to live up to other than being who you are fully. It doesn’t matter what kind of home you come from or what group of friends you have, what label has been attached to you or what your past looks like. Family means the opposite of what society offers us. There is no mold to fit into. It all falls under one single premise: shared love and commitment. The commitment to each other is to take care of one another first. It is being received as who you are and extending that love to others who are also searching for a home. Family is called to cry together, enjoy life together, and grow together. It is not merely mended by the idea of filling fragile and shallow standards or qualities. 

Being a family is more than that… to unconditionally love just like He loved us first. 


6:00pm // Pre-Party & Registration (Outdoors)
7:30pm // Session 1 - “No Mold to Fit Into” (UG Room)
9:30pm // Day 1 ends

11:03am // Pre-Party & Registration (UG Room)
11:45am // Session 2 “Shared Love & Commitment” (UG Room)
2:00pm // Lunch (Outdoors)
4:30pm // Battles (Outdoors)
6:00pm // Session 3 - “Fam” (UG Room)
7:30pm // Supper (Outdoors)
8:00pm // Silent Disco (Outdoors)
9:00pm // Movie & Game Night (UG Room)
10:00pm // Day 2 ends