


When it is dark outside, what do you do? Do you stand still unable to move or do anything or do you get a source of light to help you see and move? There is a light that helps us through the darkness. Jesus is our light and helps us see God more clearly.

John 1:1-18 



Let’s use our sense of sight to determine what these objects all have in common.

Show the following objects and have your child guess what all of these objects have in common. Alternate option, show the following pictures for them to determine what they have in common.

-comb, brush, hair tie (hair grooming items)

-beach towel, beach ball, umbrella (things to use at the beach)

-poinsetta, evergreen tree, Holly bush (Christmas plants)

-fireplace, marshmallows, graham crackers (things for S’mores) 

-popcorn, movie, blanket (items for movie night)

-dice, game pieces, scoreboard (things for a game)

We use our senses to observe and learn about the world around us. We can also learn lots of things from reading books, going to museums, watching informative videos, and talking with experts about a topic. We can use all of our senses to experience the world around us and to help us better understand God. We can see God through Jesus. Jesus gives us a clearer view of who God is and how much He loves us. John the Baptist helped those around him be prepared to meet Jesus. They first needed to be prepared to see their sins so that Jesus could save them from their sins. They first needed to see that they had a need for a Savior, and John the Baptist prepared their hearts for just that. Let’s read or listen to the Bible verse this week to see how John the Baptist helped others see Jesus was their way for salvation.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: John 1:1-18 

Who was in the beginning? (The Word and God)

Who was the Word? (God)

What was done through Him? (All things were made, without him nothing was made that was made)

What was the life that was in Him? (The light of all mankind that shines in the darkness)

What has not overcome the Light? (Darkness)

What was John sent to do? (To testify concerning the Light, that through him all might believe)

Did the world the Light came to, know him? (No, although He made the world, it did not recognize him and his own did not receive Him)

Has anyone ever seen God? (Only the one and only Son who is himself God)

Who has made God known? (The One and only Son who is God and in the closest relationship with the Father)


What are some sins we need to have forgiven? It’s sometimes hard to admit when we are wrong and when we make mistakes. We don’t often like to admit that we need help and don’t always like to admit our mistakes. But when we recognize our failures and how we fall short of perfection, we can ask Jesus to be our Savior. He is full of truth and grace and can repair our mistakes and forgive our sins.


Create a simple obstacle course for your child to walk through. Create several pairs of glasses that have different ‘lenses’ taped to the glasses’ outline. On one pair of glasses create lenses out of wrapping paper, another pair with tissue paper lenses, another pair with clear Saran Wrap lenses. Have them complete the obstacle course wearing the glasses in the order listed above, starting with the least visible lenses to the most visible. Was it easy or hard to make it through the obstacle course. What made the course easier to navigate through? When our lenses were clear it was easier to get around the course because we could see exactly what was in front of us. John the Baptist made the way to Jesus and salvation clear. He helped others see the way to salvation was through accepting Jesus as the Messiah and believing in Him. We can accept Jesus as our Savior as well and then we get a clearer view of who God is.

Materials: printable glasses, Saran Wrap, tissue paper, wrapping paper, objects of obstacle course


John the Baptist didn’t live as an ordinary man but did things that seemed strange to others at the time. He lived in the desert, wore camels hair, a leather belt, ate honey, and locust. There were many odd things that John the Baptist did, but God had a special mission for John the Baptist and he accepted it. Think of other strange combinations and decide if you think they are add combinations or if they sound pretty normal.

-Peanut butter and Jelly

-Peanut butter and mustard

-shoes made of skunk hair

-a hairbrush made of porcupine needles

-a necklace of acorns

-mustard and cheese sandwiches

-popcorn with cinnamon

-a skirt made of seashells

-a plate made from tree bark

-cat teeth chewing gum

God can use anything for His purpose. Even things that may seem odd or strange to us is not impossible with God. Even if we have an odd way of doing things, God can use us to do mighty things for His kingdom. We just need to listen and be willing to see what God has in store for us.


Independent activity:

Think of ways Jesus helps us see the things we should do for others more clearly. Jesus can help us see how we are to treat others and show them love. When we want to see things more clearly, we use a magnifying glass to help make small things appear bigger. Use the magnifying glass outline to draw something in the center that shows how Jesus can help you show love to others.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did John the Baptist do?

Who is the Light of mankind?

What did John the Baptist help other see?

How can we help others see Jesus?

How can our actions show others Jesus?

Practical Application at Home

It’s hard to see when it is dark outside. When it is hard to see we often find a light source to help us clearly see what we are not able to see in the darkness. The light is what helps us see where we are going, where we have been and to walk in a clear path. Jesus is our Light. He helps us see where He has taken us in the past. He helps us see where He is leading us in the present. He is the Light that leads us in the right direction so we don’t stumble over the things that lead us away from Him. Jesus is the Light that leads to God and salvation.

Hide a toy or an item that they’ve seen before that they need to find. Don't show them the hiding place but be sure they have seen the item prior to hiding it. Jesus is our light that shows us our mistakes or sins, and then shows us where to go. Jesus wants to help lead us out of our mistakes and sins so that we follow the path He has already planned for us. Follow my light, and see if you can find the hidden object. Jesus wants us to follow Him and stay with Him even when it gets hard, we can continue to use His Light to help show us the way. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





God can speak to us in many different ways, but we have to be ready to listen. This week we will practice using our sense of hearing to grow closer to God and listen to His instructions.

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 



What are some things you listen to? Do you listen to music, the sound of rain, or your favorite story? We have been given 5 senses and our sense of sound helps us learn about the world around us. Listen to these animal sounds and see if you can guess what animal it is.

We use our sense of sound to hear all types of things and it is one of our senses that we can use to get to know God better too! Last week we learned that John the Baptist was sent to prepare the people’s heart for Jesus’ coming. Jesus gives us a clearer view of who God is. This week we see that God can speak to us if we listen. John the Baptist heard God speak over Jesus and declare Him his son in whom He was pleased. WHen Jesus came to where John the Baptist was baptizing people in water, John recognized Jesus as the Savior. He knew that One that was greater than he had arrived. Although he didn’t see himself as worthy to baptize Jesus, he listened to what Jesus asked and obeyed. He was then able to witness and hear God proclaim Jesus as His son. What a wonderful experience. Although we may not hear an audible voice from God, we too can know when he speaks to us and listen. 

Read or listen to Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 

What did John say he baptized with? (Water)

Who would come after him? (One mightier than he whose sandals he was not worthy to loose)

What would he baptize with? (The Holy Spirit and fire)

What would he do with the wheat? (Gather it to the barn)

What would he do with the chaff? (Burn with unquenchable fire)

What happened after Jesus was baptized? (The heavens opened)

How did the Holy Spirit descend on him? (In bodily form like a dove upon Him)

What did the voice say? (You are my beloved son; in you I am well pleased)


John the Baptist witnessed God speaking over Jesus. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming he knew this was the Savior he had been proclaiming. It was confirmed when he heard God declaring Jesus was his Son in whom He was pleased. John was willing to listen and obey God and we can listen for what God wants to tell us as well.


God speaks to use in various ways. He spoke to those in the Bible, such as his prophets, sometimes in an audible voice, in a dream, or through a prophet. God can speak to us through the Bible, spiritual leaders, teachers and parents. We can trust we are hearing God’s instructions when it is aligned with the truth in God’s bible. Listen to the times God spoke to people in the Bible and decide who God is talking to or other details from the story.

-I Am that I Am (Moses at burning bush)

-“Let there be Light, and there was light” (at creation)

-“Go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons’ wives with you” (God to Noah)

-Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you (Abraham leaving his country)

-“Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?” (Jonah after Nineveh repents)

-“Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (Cain when jealous of Abel)

-You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden)

-“My servant Moses is dead. Now you and all these people go across the Jordan River into the land I am giving to the Israelites” (Joshua in the wilderness)

Materials: bible (optional)


We can practice using our listening skills by playing games and paying attention to the things we hear. Play this game of sound charades. Without using words or actions, make the sound listed on your card and see if you can get the others to guess your sound.

Materials: printed charade cards

Independent activity:

When John the Baptist baptized people, he baptized using water but he knew Jesus would come and baptize with the Holy Spirit. Those who wanted to repent and knew they were in need of a Savior came to be baptized in the water. Complete the following activity sheet: color the things you would find in the water.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did John the Baptist come to do?

What was the difference in the way John baptized and how Jesus would baptize?

What did God say to Jesus when he was baptized?

How did John listen to God’s voice?

How can our sense of hearing help us know God better?

What are some ways we can listen to God?

When God speaks to us, how can we share that with others?

Practical Application at Home

When we pray we often make requests of God but sometimes it may not be answered right away.We might forget we made the request or not even realize our requests were answered. When we pray, it is important to see God’s hand at work even when our prayers are not answered in the way we thought they should be answered. When we take time to reflect on God’s answered prayers, we can see God’s hand in all parts of our lives and see how things worked together for His good. 

Make a prayer box out of a hat box, shoe box or any other small box. Take a little time to decorate the box with stickers, pictures, and your favorite bible verses. Cut a small slit in the top of the lid for papers to pass through and then place the lid on the box. As you have prayer request, write them on a small sheet of paper and then place them in the box. After some time has passes, go through the box and read through your prayers to see if any have been answered. You can then get rid of those request as you offer a prayer of thanksgiving, or glue them into a notebook for answered prayers.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What’s the best way to know if something tastes good? You taste it! It’s fun to taste test different  foods and discover new foods we might like. Good tasting food is beset discovered by experiencing it. We can get a taste of who God is by experiencing Him and trusting him in good and bad times.

John 2:1-11 



Gather geometric shaped tiles or cut out different shapes using construction paper. Be sure to have basic shapes such as square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Have several of each shape available for your child to use. 

Look at all of these shapes in front of us. Let’s make a simple picture using these shapes. You can allow them to make their own picture or you can guide them through making a specific picture. For example, start by making a house, then use those same shapes to see if you can turn it into a boat. Then start by making a scarecrow, then use those same shapes to turn it into a snowman. Do this several times, making a picture and then using those same shapes to turn it into a new picture without adding or taking away any shapes, then starting all over with new shapes. 

Was it easy or hard to create a new picture using the same shapes from the previous picture? Sometimes it was easy and sometimes we had to find new ways to use shapes that didn’t really fit our picture. It can be hard to make one thing turn into something completely different, but God has the power to do that in our lives. This week Jesus will show people a taste of God’s power. God can take one thing and turn it into something completely different and new! When Jesus was at a wedding feast they ran out of wine and they needed more. It would have been a disgrace to run out of wine to serve their guest! Jesus turn regular water into something completely new, wine! Only the power of God can make something turn into a completely different thing. Let’s see what happened in the story by reading from the Bible.

Read or listen to John 2:1-11

Where was Jesus and his disciples? (At a wedding feast)

What was the problem that occurred at the wedding? (They ran out of wine)

What did Jesus’ mother tell him? (They have no more wine)

What did Jesus reply to His mother? (My time has not yet come)

What did Jesus tell the servants to do? (Fill the jars with water then take it to the master of the banquet)

Did the master of the banquet know where the wine had come from? (No, he didn’t know but the servants knew)

What did the master say to the bridegroom? (Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then as the ceremony goes on they bring out the cheap wine when no one will notice)



Jesus gave everyone a taste of God’s power when he changed the water into wine. Only the power of God could make something new from plain water. Let’s take a taste test to see if we can determine what something is just based on our sense of smell. Gather several items for your child to taste that is sweet, salty, and sour. Hide the items so your child cannot see what they are before tasting it. Once they have tasted an item, ask them to guess what they think it is before you reveal to them the actual item. Test as many items as you would like. Ask them if they enjoy the flavor and if they think the taste is salty, sweet, sour, or bitter.

Materials: Various foods for testing, small cups to hide food or a blindfold


Try to turn water into wine or juice. Take a glass of water and add red or other food coloring (just a little to change the color). Ask Do you think we made juice? Let’s taste it and see if we made a wonderful juice. This really just tastes like water, we may have changed the way the water looked, but we didn’t really change it into something new. Let’s try again with another glass. How can we make some sort of juice? Discuss what it would take to make juice. We can’t turn water into juice, but we can turn fruit into juice or a smoothie by physical change. We’ve not really made something new but instead changed the form of the fruit. God can change something into a new thing, but we do not have the power to do what God can do. Let’s make juice or a smoothie from our fruit. Blend fruit with a blender to make a fruit smoothie or use a juicer if you have one.

Materials: Water, food coloring (red), variety of fruit, blender or juicer

Independent activity:

God made some animals with the ability to completely change into a new looking animal as they grow and change. This is called metamorphosis. An example of an animal that uses metamorphosis is a caterpillar that changes into a butterfly. Think of an animal and imagine if it could morph into something new. Fold a sheet of paper inn half and draw a picture of your animal on one side and then draw the animal you would have it change into one the other side.

Materials: Sheet of paper, crayons or other coloring utensils




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever heard of a delicious new dessert or candy that you’ve never tasted?

How do you really know if that special dessert is good?

How does tasting the dessert for yourself help you know for sure if it is good or not?

Can we know God really well just from hearing others experience God?

How can we get closer to God and experience Him for ourselves?

Is it easier to trust God wants what is good for when everything is going well or when its going bad?

How can we learn to trust God when everything seems to be going wrong?

Practical Application at Home

Think of your favorite dessert or candy and taste it if you have it on hand. If not, taste another dessert that you really enjoy. Think of all the words you would use to describe this favorite food. Describe how it looks, taste, smells and how it makes you feel.

Using a sheet of paper, divide the paper in half. On one side write the name of your dessert on top then list below it all the words you thought of to describe it. On the other side of the page label it God/Jesus and then list all of the words you would use to describe your experience with God. We may not share this exact list with others, but notice the words you use to describe God, try to share who He is to you with someone you know this week. 

We all experience God through our good and bad times. No ones experiences are exactly the same, but we can trust that God is the same throughout time. He is trustworthy, he is faithful, and he is just. Our lives may not always go the way we want or thought it would, but we can trust that God will be faithful through it all. Trusting and relying on God through all of our experiences will strengthen our walk with Him and bring us into a closer relationship with Him. This does not mean life will be perfect, but we can wait and trust God’s perfect plan for our lives. What He wants more than anything is for us to live in relationship with Him.

Materials: Sheet of paper divided in half, writing utensil

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is the greatest thing you’ve experienced? God wants us to experience Him and we can do that in more than one way. We can experience God using our senses. This week we will see how we can experience God through His word!

Luke 4:14-21



We can get to know God better through our sense of touch. Let’s go on a hunt! Listen to these directions and see if you can bring back something that fits the description. 

Find something that…

   Is Rough

   Has 4 edges

   Is squishy

   Is fluffy

   Feels cold

   Soothes the skin

   Warms you up

   Keeps you cool

It’s fun to search for things that we use when we feel a certain way. When I am itchy I want something that soothes my skin. When I am cold I might make tea to warm myself. I can experience lots of feelings, emotions and activities that help me connect. We can also connect with God through our experiences. God wants us to get to know Him better through all of our senses. We can experience God through our senses throughout our life and also though the experiences we read in the Bible. Our lesson today tells us that Jesus went to preach in the synagogue and the people there experiences something big! They were able to witness Jesus reading a scripture that He was fulfilling before their eyes. 

Read or listen to Luke 4:14-21 

What was Jesus doing in Galilee? (Preaching in their synagogues)

How did the people feel about Jesus when he was preaching? (Everyone praised Him)

What city was Jesus in when he went to preach in the synagogue? (Nazareth)

What scroll was given to Jesus to read? (The scroll of Isaiah)

What did they scripture reading say the anointing was for? (To spread the good news to the poor, proclaim freedom to the prisoners, restore sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free)

What had Jesus said before reading this scripture? (Today this scripture if fulfilled in your hearing)

How did the people listening to Jesus react? (The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him)



We can experience God through reading the stories in the Bible. Pick a few stories from the Bible to act out and retell through a skit. As a family, pick parts and choose costumes if desired, then retell the story through acting. We were able to experience these bible stories better because we acted out the parts. We can almost feel their experience by reenacting it. God wants us to experience Him through the reading of the Bible.

Materials: optional: costumes for bible stories


The Bible has many storiees that tell us more about who God is and how much he loves us. Think about the stories in the Bible and how they can share God’s love for us and how much he takes care of us. Play this game of charades. Act out the following bible stories as the audience guesses what story is being told.


Independent activity:

Think of your favorite bible scripture and then make your own scroll with using your verse. Follow these steps to make your own scroll. Write your verse on a sheet of construction paper, gently tear each of the 4 sides of the sheet of paper. Just tear a fourth inch of the edge letting it tear imperfectly. Then attach the ends to two dowel rods and roll them inwardly.

Materials: sheet of construction paper, 2 small dowel rods, pencil or pen




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to 2 Timothy 3:14-17 

This scripture describes the Bible as God-breathed. God’s word is described as having life. God has made the Bible not just a book of words or stories, but He has breathed life into the Bible to teach, rebuke, discipline, and train in righteousness.  We can experience what God has for us through the Bible. 

What is the Bible useful for?

What can the Bible equip us for?

What are some ways the Bible instructs?

How can you use bible scriptures to help make decision.

What is something you’ve learned from the Bible that you can share with others?

Is it important to regularly read your bible?

What are some things you can do this week to ensure you read your bible daily?

Practical Application at Home

When we read God’s word we are not just reading stories from a book but reading God’s words and instructions to us. We can have a greater experience with God through the reading of His word. He can instruct us in the path we should take, give us comfort in times of sadness, remind us of how much God loves us, and can give us God’s peace. We need all of those things because sometimes life can be hard, and God’s word can guide us through. 

Take time to share how the Bible has given you a greater experience with God. Tell how the Bible deepened your relationship with God and helped you experience God more. It is important to share stories with one another to strengthen our faith. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we have used our senses to experience God. We have experienced, tasted, listened for God. We can get to know God better and grow closer to Him through all of the senses He has given us. This week we will see that following God makes us stand out, like a strong smell!

Luke 4:22-30 



This week we are using our sense of smell to experience God. There are things that stand out to us, like a strong smell. Think of the types of smells you might encounter at the following places.

At grandmas house

At the zoo

At a restaurant

In a back alley

In your classroom

In the bathroom

In a garden

Driving past a skunk

There are smells everywhere, some are pleasant and some are very unpleasant. A really bad smell can stand out and catch our attention and a sweet smell can make us stop and figure out where it is coming from. We can stand out from others when we follow God. When we follow Him, we might not always agree with how others believe and we might not always be liked for our beliefs. But God calls us to follow Him and therefore stand out. Last week we saw Jesus stand up in the synagogue and proclaim that he was fulfilling a scripture that was describing the awaited Messiah. We will see this week that the people who saw Jesus grow up from a little boy, had a hard time believing Jesus was the Messiah. They wanted him to prove himself. They did not accept Him and Jesus had to continue on with his ministry someplace else. Let’s read to see what happened. 

Read or listen to Luke 4:22-30

What did those from Nazareth say about Jesus? (Is this not Josephs son?)

What did Jesus say they wanted him to do? (Heal them as he had healed those in Capernaum)

What was Jesus’ response? (No prophet is accepted in his own country)

What story did Jesus reference from the old testament? (When there was no rain for 3 years during the time of Elijah and Elisha healing Naaman)

What was the same about both of those stories? (There were those in need inside Israel but both prophets had to go outside of Israel; Elijah receive helped from a widow from Zarephath and Elisha healed Naaman the Syrian)

How did those who heard Jesus words react? (They were filled with wrath and rose up to throw him out the city.)

Where had they planned to throw Jesus? (They led him to the brow of the hill, to where the city was built, that they might throw him over the cliff)

How did Jesus escape? (He passed through their midst, and went on his way)



When we follow God it may look like we are standing out because we are doing something others may not want to do. When we show kindness, offer a helping hand, or have peace during a time when everything seems to be going wrong, we are standing out from the way others who do not follow God might behave. Practice role playing several scenarios with your group, showing what it might look like to stand out for God. When we follow what God would have us do, it may look strange to the people observing, but we can trust we are following God’s example to love others. Jesus stood out because he was the Messiah that some had not accepted. Jesus was doing things a new way and they did not know what to think of it all. Sometimes others may think the things we are doing is strange, but we can know we are standing out because we are following God.

Materials: scenarios


There are some smells that stand out to us because they give us a warning and help keep us safe. Think of some smells that stand out in order to keep you safe from harm. Listen to the following scenarios and decide how their sense of smell gave them a warning.

Materials: scenarios

Independent activity:

Create a smell test for your family. Use small cups or containers with lids. Rub a cotton ball with a scent and then place it in the cup and cover with the lid or aluminum foil. Poke small holes in the tops using a pencil. Label each cup and write down each scent to remember for later. Have your family smell and guess each cups scent. They can guess out loud or write it down and then check with your labeled sheet to see if they were right! Possible scents: pickle juice, peppermint oil, jelly, honey, maple syrup, dish soap, body soap, perfume, hand soap, banana, vanilla flavor, rubbing alcohol, evergreen scent

Materials: Cotton balls, small cup, aluminum foil or other lid with holes, pencil, Possible scents: pickle juice, peppermint oil, jelly, honey, maple syrup, dish soap, body soap, perfume, hand soap, banana, vanilla flavor, rubbing alcohol, evergreen scent




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why did the people of Jesus’ hometown have a hard time believing in who he was?

What did the people of Nazareth want to do with Jesus?

How was Jesus able to escape?

What can we do when we feel others are against us as we follow Jesus?

Who can we rely on to help us through?

What are some things you can do to stand out for Jesus?

Why is standing out for Jesus a good thing?

Practical Application at Home

Think of some ways you can stand out at school, on the playground or on your team? How can you show that you are a follower of Jesus and treat others as such? Think of some of these ideas of how to stand out this week and choose a few of them to do this week. Find ways to show others’ Jesus love this week and then thank God for the opportunities you are blessed with this week.

-open the door for others around you

-give a helping hand to an opposing player

-say a kind word to someone when others may be saying unkind words

-play with someone at recess that is not playing with anyone

-Let others cut in front of you in line

-pray before eating during lunchtime 

-Give God open credit for a blessing He has given you when someone asks

-Share your favorite bible story with a friend

-Be honest during your game even if you have the chance to cheat

-When disputing a point or argument, choose to end the argument and give them the point

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





When it is dark outside, what do you do? Do you stand still unable to move or do anything or do you get a source of light to help you see and move? There is a light that helps us through the darkness. Jesus is our light and helps us see God more clearly.

John 1:1-18 ; John 14:6-11 



Show pictures of several items one at a time and see if your child can tell a bible story that uses or talks about the item you showed. See how fast they can come up with a story or instance when that item was talked about in the Bible, or time them to see how many items they can give a story to in under 1 minute (or other appropriate time for their age).

When you saw each item, did it quickly remind you of a story in the Bible that talked about that item? We may have closed our eyes to think or remember, or kept our eyes open visualizing the story. We use all of our senses when we learn from the Bible or the world around us. We use our sense of sight to observe and record the information we see. We listen to stories that impress us or create new emotions. Our senses play a large role in how we learn and take in new information.This month we will use our senses to learn about the world around us and learn more about God. We can see God through Jesus. Jesus gives us a clearer view of who God is and how much He loves us. John the Baptist helped those around him be prepared to meet Jesus. They first needed to be prepared to see their sins so that Jesus could save them from their sins. They first needed to see that they had a need for a Savior, and John the Baptist prepared their hearts for just that. Let’s read or listen to the Bible verse this week to see how John the Baptist helped others see Jesus was their way for salvation.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: John 1:1-18 

Who was in the beginning? (The Word and God)

Who was the Word? (God)

What was done through Him? (All things were made, without him nothing was made that was made)

What was the life that was in Him? (The light of all mankind that shines in the darkness)

What has not overcome the Light? (Darkness)

What was John sent to do? (To testify concerning the Light, that through him all might believe)

Did the world the Light came to, know him? (No, although He made the world, it did not recognize him and his own did not receive Him)

Has anyone ever seen God? (Only the one and only Son who is himself God)

Who has made God known? (The One and only Son who is God and in the closest relationship with the Father)


What are some sins we need to have forgiven. It’s sometimes hard to admit when we are wrong and when we make mistakes. We don’t often like to admit that we need help and don’t always like to admit our mistakes. But when we recognize our failures and how we fall short of perfection, we can ask Jesus to be our Savior. He is full of truth and grace and can repair our mistakes and forgive our sins.


Create a simple obstacle course for your child to walk through. Create several pairs of glasses that have different ‘lenses’ taped to the glasses’ outline. On one pair of glasses create lenses out of wrapping paper, another pair with tissue paper lenses, another pair with clear Saran Wrap lenses. Have them complete the obstacle course wearing the glasses in the order listed above, starting with the least visible lenses to the most visible. Was it easy or hard to make it through the obstacle course. What made the course easier to navigate through? When our lenses were clear it was easier to get around the course because we could see exactly what was in front of us. John the Baptist made the way to Jesus and salvation clear. He helped others see the way to salvation was through accepting Jesus as the Messiah and believing in Him. We can accept Jesus as our Savior as well and then we get a clearer view of who God is.

Materials: printed eyeglasses, Saran Wrap, tissue paper, wrapping paper, objects for obstacle course


Sometimes it is hard for us to see clearly the reasons why things happen, or why our parents give us certain rule for guidelines. Listen to some of the following statements and see if you can see clearly the reasons for these restrictions. Then see if you can think of some on your own.

My parents don’t let me play in the street because they don’t want me to have fun… or because they want me to be safe and not hit by a car.

My teacher makes me take these test because she wants me to fail… or because she wants me to see how much I’ve learned.

My brother doesn’t let me drive his car because he is selfish… or because I’m not old enough to drive and could hurt myself or others.

My parents don’t let me do whatever I want to do because they are unfair… or because they know I’m not old enough to know all the consequences to my actions.

My parents don’t let me watch whatever I want to watch on TV because they think I’m a baby… or because they know some things are not good for me to see that can not be unseen.


Independent activity:

Create your own exhibit of John the Baptist. Create a 3D version or draw a picture. Be sure to include a picture of John the Baptist, and several artifacts or items that describe him or things he used. Include his environment such as where he may have lived in the wild or the stream where he baptized others. Write a small description under each artifact or item. Optional: create the exhibit using a shoebox, clay, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, and various craft items.

Materials: paper, crayons, optional: shoebox, clay, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, various craft items




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Has anyone see God the Father in heaven? Earlier we read that only the One and Only Son has seen and has the closest relationship with the Father in heaven. One of Jesus’ disciples, Philip, wanted Jesus to show him the father. Read or listen to John 14:6-11.

What did Philip want Jesus to show them?

What was Jesus’ response?

How had Jesus already shown the disciples God the Father?

Who was giving Jesus the authority on earth to do the miracle the disciples were seeing?

Being a reflection of something else, means you are getting a visual of the image you want to see. If you see a reflection in the mirror, it is just like seeing the actual object. Jesus was saying that when they looked on him, observed His behaviors, or listened to his words, they were see the Father as well. Jesus did not do anything outside of the Father’s will, so looking on him was simply a reflection of God the Father. We are not God, but we can help others see God through our actions, words, and the love we show them. We can live in such a way that we allow God’s love to shine through us to others. 

Use a mirror that is angled in such a way that you can see the face of the person sitting next to you. As you look into the mirror at your partner, use words to give a detailed description of them. Then swap places and have them describe you in detail. 

Practical Application at Home

It’s hard to see when it is dark outside. When it is hard to see we often find a light source to help us clearly see what we are not able to see in the darkness. The light is what helps us see where we are going, where we have been and to walk in a clear path. Jesus is our Light. He helps us see where He has taken us in the past. He helps us see where He is leading us in the present. He is the Light that leads us in the right direction so we don’t stumble over the things that lead us away from Him. Jesus is the Light that leads to God and salvation.

Hide a toy or an item that they’ve seen before that they need to find. Don't show them the hiding place but be sure they have seen the item prior to hiding it. Jesus is our light that shows us our mistakes or sins, and then shows us where to go. Jesus wants to help lead us out of our mistakes and sins so that we follow the path He has already planned for us. Follow my light, and see if you can find the hidden object. Jesus wants us to follow Him and stay with Him even when it gets hard, we can continue to use His Light to help show us the way. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





God can speak to us in many different ways, but we have to be ready to listen. This week we will practice using our sense of hearing to grow closer to God and listen to His instructions.

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 ; Psalm 29 



Let’s take a moment to listen to our environment and see what things we can hear. On a sheet of paper, list as many sounds as you can hear until the timer goes off. Then we will compare our lists to see if we heard the same things and how many things we were able to hear. 

We use our sense of sound to hear all types of things and it is one of our senses that we can use to get to know God better too! Last week we learned that John the Baptist was sent to prepare the people’s heart for Jesus’ coming. Jesus gives us a clearer view of who God is. This week we see that God can speak to us if we listen. John the Baptist heard God speak over Jesus and declare Him his son in whom He was pleased. WHen Jesus came to where John the Baptist was baptizing people in water, John recognized Jesus as the Savior. He knew that One that was greater than he had arrived. Although he didn’t see himself as worthy to baptize Jesus, he listened to what Jesus asked and obeyed. He was then able to witness and hear God proclaim Jesus as His son. What a wonderful experience. Although we may not hear an audible voice from God, we too can know when he speaks to us and listen.

Materials: Sheet of paper, outdoor space

Read or listen to Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 

What did John say he baptized with? (Water)

Who would come after him? (One mightier than he whose sandals he was not worthy to loose)

What would he baptize with? (The Holy Spirit and fire)

What would he do with the wheat? (Gather it to the barn)

What would he do with the chaff? (Burn with unquenchable fire)

What happened after Jesus was baptized? (The heavens opened)

How did the Holy Spirit descend on him? (In bodily form like a dove upon Him)

What did the voice say? (You are my beloved son; in you I am well pleased)


John the Baptist witnessed God speaking over Jesus. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming he knew this was the Savior he had been proclaiming. It was confirmed when he heard God declaring Jesus was his Son in whom He was pleased. John was willing to listen and obey God and we can listen for what God wants to tell us as well.


God speaks to use in various ways. He spoke to those in the Bible, such as his prophets, sometimes in an audible voice, in a dream, or through a prophet. God can speak to us through the Bible, spiritual leaders, teachers and parents. We can trust we are hearing God’s instructions when it is aligned with the truth in God’s bible. Listen to the times God spoke to people in the Bible and decide who God is talking to or other details from the story.

-I Am that I Am (Moses at burning bush)

-“Let there be Light, and there was light” (at creation)

-“Go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons’ wives with you” (God to Noah)

-Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you (Abraham leaving his country)

-“Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?” (Jonah after Nineveh repents)

-“Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (Cain when jealous of Abel)

-You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden)

-“My servant Moses is dead. Now you and all these people go across the Jordan River into the land I am giving to the Israelites” (Joshua in the wilderness)

Materials: bible (optional)


Go on a sound scavenger hunt. Find objects around your house or outside that make the following sounds. Complete the Bingo card and write or draw a picture of the object in the box that makes the corresponding sound.

Materials: Scavenger hunt printed, pencil

Independent activity:

God can speak to us in many different ways. Think of some ways God may speak to us. Create a list of ways God can speak to you or has spoken to you in the past. Complete the following activity sheet, writing the ways God has or can speak to you. Keep this sheet to remind yourself to listen for various ways God can speak to you.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 29

In this scripture David describes God’s voice in a variety of ways. He gives very descriptive words for sound. Listen to the sound words David uses to describe God’s voice. What are a few sounds you hear after reading this scripture?

How does David describe the strength in God’s voice?

How does David describe the sound in God’s voice?

How does David describe the volume of God’s voice?

Is there only one way to hear God?

Have you ever heard God speak to you?

Was it in an audible voice, or a small voice from within?

Although David describes God’s voice as thunderous, mighty, and powerful, we often don’t hear from God in that way. Think about Elijah hid in a cave in Beersheba after Jezebel threatened to kill him. He was afraid and there was a mighty wind, and earthquake and a fire, but God was not in any of those things. Then a still small voice spoke to Elijah and that was God speaking and comforting Elijah. God is able to speak to us through fire, wind, and many other powerful ways, but He can also speak to us through a small voice, His bible, our parents or church leaders. We can practice listening to God’s voice in the stillness or quiet times.

Practical Application at Home

When we pray we often make requests of God but sometimes it may not be answered right away. We might forget we made the request or not even realize our requests were answered. When we pray, it is important to see God’s hand at work even when our prayers are not answered in the way we thought they should be answered. When we take time to reflect on God’s answered prayers, we can see God’s hand in all parts of our lives and see how things worked together for His good. 

Make a prayer box out of a hat box, shoe box or any other small box. Take a little time to decorate the box with stickers, pictures, and your favorite bible verses. Cut a small slit in the top of the lid for papers to pass through and then place the lid on the box. As you have prayer request, write them on a small sheet of paper and then place them in the box. After some time has passes, go through the box and read through your prayers to see if any have been answered. You can then get rid of those request as you offer a prayer of thanksgiving, or glue them into a notebook for answered prayers. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What’s the best way to know if something tastes good? You taste it! It’s fun to taste test different  foods and discover new foods we might like. Good tasting food is beset discovered by experiencing it. We can get a taste of who God is by experiencing Him and trusting him in good and bad times.

John 2:1-11  Psalm 34:8-9



There are many animals that God created that possess a lot of power for their size, or are just very powerful animals! Listen to these questions and see if you can guess their strength or power. 

Those are amazing facts about the power God gave those animals. For as powerful as they may be, God’s power is far more amazing. This week we will see howJesus shows people a taste of God’s power. God can take one thing and turn it into something completely different and new! When Jesus was at a wedding feast they ran out of wine and they needed more. It would have been a disgrace to run out of wine to serve their guest! Jesus turn regular water into something completely new, wine! Only the power of God can make something turn into a completely different thing. Let’s see what happened in the story by reading from the Bible.

Read or listen to John 2:1-11

Where was Jesus and his disciples? (At a wedding feast)

What was the problem that occurred at the wedding? (They ran out of wine)

What did Jesus’ mother tell him? (They have no more wine)

What did Jesus reply to His mother? (My time has not yet come)

What did Jesus tell the servants to do? (Fill the jars with water then take it to the master of the banquet)

Did the master of the banquet know where the wine had come from? (No, he didn’t know but the servants knew)

What did the master say to the bridegroom? (Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then as the ceremony goes on they bring out the cheap wine when no one will notice)



What Jesus did when he turned the water into wine, was not a trick or an illusion. The servants witnessed regular water they poured into the jars turn into real wine that the master of the banquet tasted and said was better than the first wine served. The servants witnessed the miracle as they did what Jesus asked of them. Turning water into wine can only be done by the power of God. Think of some tricks you may be able to do. Show your trick to your family and see if they can figure out how you completed your trick. Then tell how your trick is different from a real miracle God can do. For example: I made this coin appear from behind your ear, but Jesus made a coin appear from the mouth of a fish. Help your child compare their trick to a real miracle if they have a hard time thinking of miracles from the Bible. Only God has the power to perform miracles, we are only able to change the appearance of things, but God can change something into a new thing.

Materials: various items for your talent/trick


Try to turn water into wine or juice. Take a glass of water and add red or other food coloring (just a little to change the color). Ask Do you think we made juice? Let’s taste it and see if we made a wonderful juice. This really just tastes like water, we may have changed the way the water looked, but we didn’t really change it into something new. Let’s try again with another glass. How can we make some sort of juice? Discuss what it would take to make juice. We can’t turn water into juice, but we can turn fruit into juice or a smoothie by physical change. We’ve not really made something new but instead changed the form of the fruit. God can change something into a new thing, but we do not have the power to do what God can do. Let’s make juice or a smoothie from our fruit. Blend fruit with a blender to make a fruit smoothie or use a juicer if you have one.

Materials: Water, food coloring (red), variety of fruit, blender or juicer

Independent activity:

In the Bible Jesus continued to perform many more miracles throughout his ministry. Turning water to wine was the beginning of his ministry but there were even more powerful miracles performed to show people God’s power. Think of other ordinary items Jesus used to perform a miracle. Use the following activity sheet to tell of a miracle Jesus performed using that item. If you can not think of the miracle, try doing a search using an online bible.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



 Read or listen to Psalm 34:8-9

Taste and see that the Lord is good is a very visual wording for discovering more about God. When we eat food, we use our sight and our taste to discover food and determine if it is good. When food is presented to us in an appealing way we are more likely to enjoy the flavors. God is tell us to taste and see that He is good. God wants us to experience Him not from a distance or just on what we hear, but to experience Him for ourselves. We can see God in every part of our lives and recognize that our blessings come from Him. God is not distant from us but near for us to be in relationship with Him. We can experience food not just for its’ taste but also because it is good for our bodies because it gives us nutrients that we need to survive. We can depend on God to be enough to supply for our needs and give us the good things He knows we need. When we trust God in the good and bad times, we are experiencing God in a closer relationship for ourselves.

Have you ever heard of a delicious new dessert or candy that you’ve never tasted?

How do you really know if that special dessert is good?

How does tasting the dessert for yourself help you know for sure if it is good or not?

Can we know God really well just from hearing others experience God?

How can we get closer to God and experience Him for ourselves?

Is it easier to trust God wants what is good for when everything is going well or when its going bad?

How can we learn to trust God when everything seems to be going wrong?

Practical Application at Home

Think of your favorite dessert or candy and taste it if you have it on hand. If not, taste another dessert that you really enjoy. Think of all the words you would use to describe this favorite food. Describe how it looks, taste, smells and how it makes you feel.

Using a sheet of paper, divide the paper in half. On one side write the name of your dessert on top then list below it all the words you thought of to describe it. On the other side of the page label it God/Jesus and then list all of the words you would use to describe your experience with God. We may not share this exact list with others, but notice the words you use to describe God, try to share who He is to you with someone you know this week. 

We all experience God through our good and bad times. No ones experiences are exactly the same, but we can trust that God is the same throughout time. He is trustworthy, he is faithful, and he is just. Our lives may not always go the way we want or thought it would, but we can trust that God will be faithful through it all. Trusting and relying on God through all of our experiences will strengthen our walk with Him and bring us into a closer relationship with Him. This does not mean life will be perfect, but we can wait and trust God’s perfect plan for our lives. What He wants more than anything is for us to live in relationship with Him.

Materials: Sheet of paper folded in half

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is the greatest thing you’ve experienced? God wants us to experience Him and we can do that in more than one way. We can experience God using our senses. This week we will see how we can experience God through His word!

Luke 4:14-21; 2 Timothy 3:14-17 



Let’s have a bible race. I’m going to read several statements, race to see if you can find a place in scripture when Jesus did these things. If you can’t find the Bible verse, you can tell an example from the Bible when Jesus fulfilled the following statements.

   Was filled with God’s Spirit

   Gave good news to the poor

   Freed the prisoners

   Helped the blind to see

Jesus fulfilled all of these statements. These statements are actually prophecy that Isaiah wrote long before Jesus was born. When Jesus was in Galilee, his hometown, He read this scripture in the sanctuary and proclaimed He was fulfilling the scripture that day. You can imagine the shock that would cause to those who were listening. The Messiah they had been waiting for all this time was Jesus, the boy they had watched grow up. They had the unique opportunity to get to know God through the written scripture. The written words they had heard so many times before were being made real right in front of them. God wants us to experience His word in the same way. He wants us to have an experience with Him, to build relationships, and to get to know Him better. 

Read or listen to Luke 4:14-21

What was Jesus doing in Galilee? (Preaching in their synagogues)

How did the people feel about Jesus when he was preaching? (Everyone praised Him)

What city was Jesus in when he went to preach in the synagogue? (Nazareth)

What scroll was given to Jesus to read? (The scroll of Isaiah)

What did they scripture reading say the anointing was for? (To spread the good news to the poor, proclaim freedom to the prisoners, restore sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free)

What had Jesus said before reading this scripture? (Today this scripture if fulfilled in your hearing)

How did the people listening to Jesus react? (The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him)



We can experience God through reading the stories in the Bible. Pick a few stories from the Bible to act out and retell through a skit. As a family, pick parts and choose costumes if desired, then retell the story through acting. We were able to experience these bible stories better because we acted out the parts. We can almost feel their experience by reenacting it. God wants us to experience Him through the reading of the Bible.

Materials: optional costumes for skits


Think of a few bible stories and then retell the story in first person. Speak as if you are the person in the story telling your story to the audience. Give key and important events to your story so that others can figure out who you are. As you say your narrative about the story, have the audience guess who the story is about.


Independent activity:

think of your favorite scripture and make a scroll using the scripture. Follow these steps to make your own scroll. Write your verse on a sheet of construction paper, gently tear each of the 4 sides of the sheet of paper. Just tear a fourth inch of the edge letting it tear imperfectly. Then attach the ends to two dowel rods and roll them inwardly.

Materials: construction paper, 2 dowel rods, pen or pencil




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to 2 Timothy 3:14-17 

This scripture describes the Bible as God-breathed. God’s word is described as having life. God has made the Bible not just a book of words or stories, but He has breathed life into the Bible to teach, rebuke, discipline, and train in righteousness.  We can experience what God has for us through the Bible. 

What is the Bible useful for?

What can the Bible equip us for?

What are some ways the Bible instructs?

How can you use bible scriptures to help make decision.

What is something you’ve learned from the Bible that you can share with others?

Is it important to regularly read your bible?

What are some things you can do this week to ensure you read your bible daily?

Practical Application at Home

When we read God’s word we are not just reading stories from a book but reading God’s words and instructions to us. We can have a greater experience with God through the reading of His word. He can instruct us in the path we should take, give us comfort in times of sadness, remind us of how much God loves us, and can give us God’s peace. We need all of those things because sometimes life can be hard, and God’s word can guide us through. 

Take time to share how the Bible has given you a greater experience with God. Tell how the Bible deepened your relationship with God and helped you experience God more. It is important to share stories with one another to strengthen our faith. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we have used our senses to experience God. We have experienced, tasted, listened for God. We can get to know God better and grow closer to Him through all of the senses He has given us. This week we will see that following God makes us stand out, like a strong smell.

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24



Some animals stand out for some of the special abilities they have. We can probably identify animals with only a few special traits they possess. Listen to these clues about some special animal traits and guess what animal I am giving clues about.

This animal…

-Has a long rough tongue, a neck that is too short to reach the ground, and strong back legs (giraffe)

-Has toes with Scale like fringes of skin on back feet, can swim really well, and can run on top of water (lizard basilisk)

-is the only cat that lives in a group, its voice can be heard 8 Kilometers away, they sleep 16-20 hours each day (lion)

-is nocturnal, the largest wild cat, they like to swim in water (tiger)

-is stronger than a horse of the same size, they can recognize areas and other donkeys for up to 25 years, they can live up to 50 years (donkey)

-has stripes to help them camouflage, their babies can stand 6 minutes after birth, each ones stripes are unique like fingerprints (zebra)

-has cubs that are born with blue eyes, they have strong legs to help them jump out to catch prey, they are large but in the small cat family. (Puma/mountain lion/cougar)

-can smell with their antenna, they taste with the hairs on their legs and feet, they migrate 3,000 miles for winter (monarch butterfly)

These animals have special traits that make them stand out. That’s how you were able to guess what each animal was just based on the clues. God has given each one of us special traits as well that help us stand out. He wants us to stand out for Him. When we serve God, sometimes we may look or act different from the crowd around us. Our story this week describes how Jesus stood out among the people. Last week we read about how Jesus read from Isaiah and told his listeners that Isaiah was prophesying about him. Because Jesus grew up in Nazareth, it was hard for them to believe the boy they watched grow up could be the Messiah. They did not accept Jesus at his word and so Jesus continued preaching in other places. Let’s read in the Bible the next part of our story. 

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 4:22-30

What did those from Nazareth say about Jesus? (Is this not Josephs son?)

What did Jesus say they wanted him to do? (Heal them as he had healed those in Capernaum)

What was Jesus’ response? (No prophet is accepted in his own country)

What story did Jesus reference from the old testament? (When there was no rain for 3 years during the time of Elijah and Elisha healing Naaman)

What was the same about both of those stories? (There were those in need inside Israel but both prophets had to go outside of Israel; Elijah receive helped from a widow from Zarephath and Elisha healed Naaman the Syrian)

How did those who heard Jesus words react? (They were filled with wrath and rose up to throw him out the city.)

Where had they planned to throw Jesus? (They led him to the brow of the hill, to where the city was built, that they might throw him over the cliff)

How did Jesus escape? (He passed through their midst, and went on his way)



When we follow God it may look like we are standing out because we are doing something others may not want to do. When we show kindness, offer a helping hand, or have peace during a time when everything seems to be going wrong, we are standing out from the way others who do not follow God might behave. Practice role playing several scenarios with your group, showing what it might look like to stand out for God. When we follow what God would have us do, it may look strange to the people observing, but we can trust we are following God’s example to love others. Jesus stood out because he was the Messiah that some had not accepted. Jesus was doing things a new way and they did not know what to think of it all. Sometimes others may think the things we are doing is strange, but we can know we are standing out because we are following God.

Materials: scenarios


Our sense of smell is connected to our sense of taste. Take this taste test and see if you need your sense of smell to experience taste as well. Have a few items prepared for tasting, hiding what each item is. As you have your child taste the item, have them plug their nose, holding some of their breath as they taste the item. Have them guess what item they just tasted. Then have them taste the items again without holding their nose and see if they are able to get a better taste with their sense of smell. Were you able to taste each item better using your sense of taste and smell? God has created all our senses to work together to have a more meaningful experience. We can use all of our senses to grow closer to God and have a full experience with Him. When we follow God we might stand our from others, but our experience will bee greater! Possible tasting items: carrots, peppermint, strong tea, bitter chocolate, gummy bear, apple sauce, milk, etc.

Materials: blindfold or a way to disguise food, Possible tasting items: carrots, peppermint, strong tea, bitter chocolate, gummy bear, apple sauce, milk, etc

Independent activity:

The bible talks about different smells and how some were pleasing to God. Create a bible petal reference by completing the following activity sheet. Use it as a reference sheet to remind yourself how we can be a sweet fragrance to God by following Him.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



When we stand out sometimes we are made fun of for the choices we are making that seem different to others. When we follow God we might sometimes stand out and be set apart from others. What can you do when you feel alone or separate from others? How can you continue to stand out when it feels like you are alone? Read or listen to Psalm 71:1-6

Who is with us in our times of trouble?

Who does the verse say will deliver us?

Describe a time when you were afraid to stand out?

What are some ways you can stand out at school?

What are some ways you can stand out in your community?

How is standing our for Jesus a good thing?

Have you ever witnessed someone else standing out for God?

How did Jesus stand out among his hometown people?

Why did they find it so hard to accept to Jesus as their Savior?

Practical Application at Home

Think of some ways you can stand out at school, on the playground or on your team? How can you show that you are a follower of Jesus and treat others as such? Think of some of these ideas of how to stand out this week and choose a few of them to do this week. Find ways to show others’ Jesus love this week and then thank God for the opportunities you are blessed with this week.

-open the door for others around you

-give a helping hand to an opposing player

-say a kind word to someone when others may be saying unkind words

-play with someone at recess that is not playing with anyone

-Let others cut in front of you in line

-pray before eating during lunchtime 

-Give God open credit for a blessing He has given you when someone asks

-Share your favorite bible story with a friend

-Be honest during your game even if you have the chance to cheat

-When disputing a point or argument, choose to end the argument and give them the point

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we will see the early part of Jesus ministry. We will see how Jesus sometimes people thought Jesus’ teachings were backwards or the opposite from how they thought. Jesus was showing them a new way to love, to live and to serve God! 

Luke 5:1-11



We call people lots of different ways. We have new technology and sometimes we still do things the old fashioned way when we want to call someone. Think of an opposite, or backwards way from what is listed in order to call someone. As I call out a way to call someone, show or tell me how to do it in a backwards way. (There are suggestions besides each statement for things your child could do as an opposite if they get stuck)

On the phone (holding the receiver with your feet)

Using text (use your knuckle to type the letters)

Using Morse code (tap a message by blinking your eyes)

Send a note (sing your message loudly)

Use a megaphone (whisper the message)

Send a postcard (send a picture by phone)

Visit them at their home (sneak up behind them)

When Jesus began his ministry He called a few disciples to follow him. Some of the things Jesus said may have seemed backwards or different from what they were used to. They didn’t know what to expect when they chose to follow Jesus, but they knew nothing would ever be the same. They believed they were following the Messiah, even if they didn’t exactly know what to expect. Let’s read or listen to how Jesus called his disciples to follow him.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Luke 5:1-11

What was Jesus doing when he standing by the Lake of Gennesaret? (Preaching the word of God to those standing by

What were the fishermen doing while their boats were at the shore? Washing out their nets)

What did he ask Simon to do after he got into his boat? (To push it further out from shore)

Why did Jesus want the boat pushed further out? (So the crowd gathered could hear his teaching)

When he was finished teaching, what did he ask Simon to do? (Put his nets back out on the other side)

Did Simon want to put his nets back out or believe anything would happen? (Not really. He said “Master, we have worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything, but because you say so, I will let down the nets”)

What happened after they let their nets down? (They caught such a large amount of fish their nets began to break and they asked another boat to come help)

How did Simon respond once he witnessed all of the fish? (He asked Jesus to go from him because he was a sinful man)

What did Jesus tell Simon? (Do not be afraid, from now on you will fish for people)

When did the fishermen decide to follow Jesus? ( they pulled their boats to shore, left everything and followed him)



Do this activity as a family. Find a small blanket or large towel. Have your family each take an end of the small blanket and hold it as a net. Walk around your house and collect things in your “net” that are round. They can be a variety of sizes, as long as they fit in your net. When Simon and the fishermen pulled up their nets, they were bursting! So much, that they could barely pull up the nets without them breaking. They had to call for help from others. See how many things you can fit into your “net” before it is bursting at the seams. Catching this many fish was not normal for the disciples. This was unlike anything they had ever seen before! God can do things we would never expect and in a way that seems the opposite of normal!

Materials: Small blanket, round objects found around your house


Fill up a small jar or container with little objects such as skittles, M&M’s, marbles, Cheerios, etc. Have your child guess how many objects are in the jar. After everyone has guessed, count the objects in an unusual or backwards way. So instead of counting by ones, maybe count backwards from 10 and place the objects in groups of 10 as you count backwards. Then count how many groups of ten there are, therefore finding the amount. Can you image seeing a boat filled with fish that were caught after a night of catching nothing? Simon and the other fishermen could hardly believe it as well. Jesus made their fishing night backwards. The time of day they should have caught something, they caught nothing. At a time when they should have been finished fishing, they caught the largest catch they’d ever seen. God can turn our troubles upside down and Innside out! He has a way that we may not always understand, but is best for us.

Materials: small jar or container, small object such as skittles or marbles

Independent activity:

Simon and the other fisherman chose to follow Jesus. Even though they didn’t fully understand everything that would happen, they trusted and believed Jesus was the Messiah. They were willing to follow Jesus’ instructions to simply cast their nets back into the water. Complete the following activity sheet, following the instructions, even if they sometimes seem backwards.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Halves boat Shapes:

Materials: 2 pieces of paper, scissors, glue, crayons or coloring utenstil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Jesus call His disciples?

What may have seemed strange about the request Jesus made of Peter after he has fished all night?

Has God ever called you to do something that was the opposite of what you wanted to do?

Did you obey what he asked?
How do we know the voice we hear telling us to do something is of God?

What are some things Jesus asks us to do that are the opposite of how we see people in the world behave?

Can we be followers of Jesus while following what others want us to do?

When you play the game, Follow the Leader, who is the only person you can follow in order to stay in the game?

Practical Application at Home

We want our thoughts to follow after how God would want us think and therefore act. There are times when it is easy to see we do not have the answers and we need help from God. Then there are every day situations where we think we already have all the answers and we don’t need any help from God. God wants us to seek Him in all things, even when we think we know what is best. We have all made mistakes in how we treated someone, responded in disobedience when we knew we should obey and didn’t step up to do what was right because we were afraid of standing out. God sees it all and forgives our mistakes, and then He calls us to follow His ways instead of ours. 

Listen to these situations and tell the selfish way we may want to respond, and then tell the way you think God would want us to respond.

-Susan is being teased by several kids at school every day

-Johnny comes to school with not enough food to eat at lunch

-Kim is not the best player on the team and the other teammates are starting to get upset

-Mom asked you to help her with chores while your siblings didn’t have to help at all

-Dad expects you to help mow the lawn all summer which cuts into your play time

-a kid at school is mean to you every day for seemingly no reason

-Your neighbor always leaves their trash cans in the street days after trash day.

It’s easy to sometimes see these situations from our human point of view and handle them selfishly, only in how it affects us. God wants us to live our lives according to what He knows is best. We can show the same love God has given us, to others. Try to see situations this week as opportunities to invite God to show you the way He wants you to deal with them. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What are some of your struggles? Do you struggle to open a lid jar? Do you struggle to get a 100 on your spelling test? Do you struggle with a bully at school? Some of our struggles may be small and then we might have some big struggles, but we will learn this week that we can grow closer to Jesus through our struggles.

Luke 6:17-26



This week we will talk about our blessings and our woes. Blessings are the good things that happen in life and woes are the not-so good things that happen. We can all think of woes that happen to us that are small, like losing a game or big things like losing a family member. Let’s take a few minutes to think of some blessings and woes. Listen to these scenarios and decide if this is a blessing or if you think it is a woe. Hold up a smiling emoji if it is a blessing and a frown emoji if you think it is a woe.

-losing your favorite toy

-eating your favorite meal

-getting a good grade on your test

-playing with a friend

-being teased for the clothes you wear

-being picked last in the game

-picking the movie for family movie night

-not having any food in the refrigerator

-getting extra recess time

-your family car breaks down on the side of the road

Have some of those things every happened to you? What would you think if I said the ones you thought were woes were actually blessings and the ones you said were blessings were actually woes. This week we will read in Luke how Jesus said our woes are actually blessings. How can that be? Jesus wants us to enjoy the life we have here on earth but he wants us to remember to seek Him in all things. Let’s read or listen to our text for this week.

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 6:17-26

Why had a large crowd gathered from all of Judea? (To hear Jesus and be healed of their diseases)

What were those who were sick and possessed doing? (Touching Jesus and being healed because power was coming from him)

How did Jesus say those who were poor would be blessed? (theirs is the kingdom of God)

How would those who are hungry be blessed? (They will be satisfied)

How will those who weep now will be blessed? (They will laugh)

Who did Jesus say would rejoice and leap for great is their reward in heaven? ( those who have people hate them and exclude them and insult them and reject their name as evil because of the Son of Man)

Why did Jesus woe for those who are rich? (They have already received their comfort)

Why are those who are fed well to have woes? (They will go hungry)

Why did Jesus say woe to those who laugh now? (They will mourn and weep)


Jesus says to count our woes as blessings. That may seem backwards, but Jesus knows that when we have woes in life, we tend to lean on Him more. When we have hard times we call on Jesus and pray asking for his help, protection, and comfort. Sometimes when everything is going well, it is easy to forget our need for God. In that way, our woes become blessings because it helps us grow closer and more dependent on God.


During passover there is a time during the Seder when you have to eat bitter herbs that represent the woes we sometimes have in life. Then you are to eat the herbs with a mix of apples and sweet honey. When you eat these together, the apples and honey overpower the taste of the bitter herbs making it easier to eat the bitter herbs. This is done to show us that we can take the sweetness of Jesus with the bitter woes of life, and then our woes are bearable. Jesus wants to be our comforter, our sweetness in times of bitterness. Take time to discuss some bitter times or woes you have experienced in life. Then tell how Jesus was your sweetness and helped you bear your woes and see you through. Help your child think of a time they had woes and how Jesus was with them through it. Sharing our testimonies with our children is important to help them see that God has been with us in the past so we can trust Him to be with us in the present and future. If you have parsley, apples, honey and crackers, you can demonstrate how the herbs are bitter alone, but are easier to take when added with a mix of honey and apples. You can make a mini cracker sandwich with all of those ingredients.

Materials: Optional: parsley, apples, honey, crackers


When we read our scripture today it seemed as though what Jesus said was a blessing would be a woe and what he said was a woe seems like it would be a blessing. It was an unlikely combination that seemed backwards. There are animal combinations that don’t seem like they should fit, but they do. The animals seem like exact opposites but they actually belong together and help each other. Listen to the combination of animals and decide if you believe they belong together or not.

Lion and lamb (not)

Whale and krill (not)

Nile Crocodile and Plover bird (YES)

Shark and Pilot fish (yes)

Coyote and Badger (yes)

Hermit crabs and sea anemones (yes)

Tarantula and dotted frog (yes)

Droning bird and meerkats (yes)


Independent activity:

Our woes make us stronger in Jesus. Look at the pictures one the activity sheet and circle the things you know to be strong.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Draw an opposites weather picture. Draw a picture of something you would usually do during the summer, or winter but add the opposite weather. For example, in July you may usually have a picnic or go to the beach, draw a picture of the beach with weather from December.

Materials: sheet of paper, crayons, or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How are our woes blessings?

What are some examples of woes you may have?

How can our trust in God help us through those woes?

What would it look like to be thankful in our woes?

What is something that tastes bitter?

What could you add to that bitter food to make it taste better?

How is Jesus like the sweetness we can add to our bitter woes?

Practical Application at Home

Not every blessing is a woe and not every woe is a blessing. Not having enough food to eat is not always a blessing and having more than enough food to eat is not always a woe. God has given us what we need in His sovereign timing. The most important thing to remember is that we can trust God no matter what. We can also trust God whether we have blessings or woes. Let’s remember who God was speaking to in the scripture for today.

-Those who are poor-proverbs 19:17

-Those who are hungry- John 6:35

-Those who weep- Revelation 21:4

-Those who are hated- Isaiah 60:15

Look up the scriptures next to each statement about those who have blessings and woes to see what God says in the Bible about these people. God cares about each one of us no matter what our blessing or woe. When we lean on Him during our woes, He gives us strength to endure whatever may come. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is an enemy? Do you have anyone that you would consider your enemy? How do you treat them in comparison to your friends? The bible gives us instructions on how we are to treat our enemies. It might be hard to follow these instructions sometimes, but our enemies will help us learn to love the way our Heavenly Father wants us to love others.

Luke 6:27-38



We’ve been talking about opposites this month and the way God wants us to behave can sometimes feel like the opposite of what we want to do. Although God’s way is different than ours, we can trust that God knows what is best and wants what is best for our lives. Listen to the following words and tell me a word that is the opposite.

-hate (love)

-mean (kind)

-take (give)

-shove down (help up)

-put-downs (compliments)

-selfish (generous)

-angry (happy)

-useless (helpful)

All of the words I listed above are words we could use to describe what type of person? Would you consider that type of person a friend? We would probably try to avoid being friends with someone who had some of these traits, and might even call them our enemy. What if the person treated us like the first word, but we responded with the opposite actions. If they showed us hate and we showed them love, what would that look like? That would be hard to do, but that’s what God calls us to do. We are to love our enemies. This week we are looking at what Jesus said about our enemies which might sound backwards to us. We may naturally want to treat our enemies the same way they treated us, but God wants us to respond in a better way. Let’s read or listen to our story for this week.

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 6:27-38

How did Jesus say you should treat your enemies? (Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you)

What should you do if someone slaps you? (Turn your check)

What should you do it someone wants your coat? (Give them your shirt as well.)

If someone takes something from you, what should you do? (Not demand it back)

How should you treat others? (The way you would have them treat you.)

What should be the difference between how Christians love and sinners? (Not just love those who love you, but also love those who hate and be good to those who are not good to you)

Do not judge, do not condemn, but what should you do instead? (Forgive and give)

To what measure will these things be given to you? (The measure to use for others is what will be given to you.)



What if we treated our enemies as well as we treat our friends? What would that look like? The bible gives examples of things we should do to our enemies. Print and cut out the following scenarios and the scripture cards. Read a scenario card aloud to the person taking a turn. That person then picks a bible verse card from the deck to read aloud. They will then tell how they would respond to the scenario using the Bible verse as their guide for their behavior. EXAMPLE: Your enemy trips you while walking down the hallway at school and makes you drop all your books. Everyone turns to stare at you and begins to laugh. How would you respond? If the verse you chose read “Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you”, you might say “I would greet them kindly every morning with a smile and a warm hello”.

Materials: scenarios


Cut out the following hearts and scatter them around the floor or large area. Have your child go around the room and gather all of the hearts, reading them aloud if they can. If they come across words that are unkind and unloving, ask them to say the opposite so they can make those words loving. Help them come up with loving words if needed.

Materials: printed and cut-out hearts, small basket to collect heart

Independent activity:

Illustrate a picture showing how you should treat your enemies. Use one of the bible verses about loving your enemy to write on your paper that matches your picture.

Materials: sheet of drawing paper, coloring utensils, printed scriptures or device for viewing




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who loved us first?

How does knowing God loved us first help us love others?

Is it easier or harder to love others when we know how much we are loved?

What are some examples of enemies you have?

How can you show them love instead of hate this week?

What does it mean to be a reflection?

What does it mean to be a reflection of Jesus?

Practical Application at Home

In our very busy world we sometimes get in a hurry and forget to think of others besides ourselves. We are not always looking for ways to be kind to others or remember to show them love. Think of ways you can be a reminder to others to be kind to one another and show God’s love to each other. We can share the beauty of God’s love with others and spread His love. When we write words of encouragement, it can brighten someones day or even remind them to show God’s love in their lives. We can do this through various ways such as, writing a message on our sidewalk in sidewalk chalk, or write a sidewalk chalk message on a park walkway, decorate rocks with encouraging words and leave them along a walking trail, send notes to classmates, leave encouraging notes under your neighbor’s doormat. Your message can say anything encouraging you can think of, such as:

Jesus loves you

Be kind one to another

Love your enemies

We love because He first loved us

God loves us with an Everlasting Love!

You are redeemed

You are loved

You are chosen

You are forgiven

Any special message from you!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Do you think it would be fun to have an invisible friend? Someone that no one could see but you knew they were there? That may pose a few problems, but the idea sounds fun. Ww might not always know if our friend was in the room with us. We can not see Jesus, but we know He is always with us guiding us. Let’s find out how we can have strong faith even though we can not see God.

Luke 9:28-36



Go on a scavenger hunt for the following items. Have your child find the items and bring them back to you. Gather all the items in one location.

Let’s go on a scavenger hunt to find items and then we will put them in my basket. When you hear me call out an item, if you can find it, grab it and bring it back here! Ready go!

A shoe

A blanket

A stuffed animal

The wind

Something you love

A stick

A book


A ball


A fan


A favorite toy

Was it easy to find all of the things on my list? Were you able to bring all of them back to me? No, some of these items are impossible to put into a basket because they are things we can not see! Although we can not gather the wind we know it is there. Just because we can not put love into a basket, we feel it when we are with the ones we love. We know there are some things we can not see but they are still there, just like Jesus. Even though we can not see him with our eyes we can trust that he is still there. We know He is there because we can feel his presence and we can allow Him to change us. This week we will read a story about Jesus during a time when the disciples heard God’s voice but they could not see Him. They knew God was there with them even though they could not see him with their eyes. Let’s read or listen to this week’s story.

Read or listen to Luke 9:28-36

Why did Jesus take Peter, James and John to the mountain to do? (Pray)

What began to happen as he prayed? (His face began to change and his clothes bright like lightning)

Who were the two men that appeared in glorious splendor? (Moses and Elijah)

What were Peter, James and John doing while Jesus was talking? (Were sleepy but became fully awake to see Jesus talking to the men)

What did Peter say to the men as they were leaving? (It is good for us to be here, let us put up 3 shelters )

What happened while Peter was speaking? (A cloud appeared and covered them)

How did Peter, James and John feel about the cloud? (They were afraid as they began to enter it)

What did the voice from the cloud say? ( This is my Son, whom I have chosen, Listen to him)

What did the disciples do after the cloud Elijah and Moses were gone? (They kept what they saw to themselves and didn’t tell anyone what they saw)



Even though we can’t see something, it doesn’t mean it does not exist. Let’s play a memory game and see how many items you can remember when you can no long see them. Have several items hidden in a bag. Place 3-5 items on a tray or an area in front of you. Let your child see the items for about a minute, then cover the items or remove the out of sight. Ask the child to tell you all of the items that were on the tray. Be sure to bring the tray back out where your child can see you didn’t take any items away and to check how many they remembered. Repeat this activity switching different items and adding more items to show at a time. Was that an easy or hard game? When there were only a few items on display it was probably easier to remember, but as the amount got larger, it may have been harder. Did you trust that all of the items were still there even though you could’t see them? Jesus is with us even though we can’t see Him, we can trust that He will never leave us.

Materials: Several variety of items, a bag to hide items inside, small tray or flat surface


Transfigure means to transform or change into something new or different from what it was before. Jesus changed right there before the disciples eyes and they saw how he was different. Let’s practicing changing these colors into something different. Using a small baggie and paints, mix colors together to create new colors. In a small baggie place a quarter size amount of red paint on the left side of the bag and a small amount of blue paint on the right side of the bag. Tightly close the bag and secure the seal with tape so that the bag does not reopen. Then have your child push the paint together and mix the colors until they see the new color, purple. Continue mixing other colors in baggies to create new colors.

Materials: Small baggies (snack size), paint in various colors or primary colors, heavy duty tape

Independent activity:

Create a windsock to place outside in the wind. We can not see the wind, but scientist have a way of measuring it and determining the direction it moves. Let’s create our our wind instrument to measure the direction of the wind. Take a sheet of construction paper, have your child decorate it with crayons and stickers. On a second piece of paper (or use tissue paper), cut it into 1 inch strips to make tassels and attach them to the bottom length of the decorated paper. Then roll the decorate paper into a tube and glue the short ends of the paper together to create the tube. The tassels should hang from the bottom of the tube, then attach a string at the top to create a handle. Hang the windsock outside from the string.

Materials: 2 sheets of construction paper, tissue paper (optional), scissors, crayons, stickers (optional), glue, string




Make your own wind chimes using recycled items or things you find around the house. Watch this instructional video.

Materials: Various household items, string, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did the disciples do when they saw Jesus talking with the 2 other men?

What were the disciples afraid of?

What was invisible to the disciples?

What did they understand more clearly after being on the mount?

Who did the disciples see on the mount of transfiguration?

How did the disciples know it was God speaking when they could not see anything?

How can we be sure of God’s presence with us when we also can not see Him?

Practical Application at Home

Have you ever used a compass before? With a compass it will always point North, no matter what direction you are facing. The needle will always show you the direction North because of the gravitational pull a the North Pole. Even though this pull is invisible and we can’t see it, it is very helpful in keeping your directions straight. You can trust it to lead you in the right direction. We can trust Jesus even more than earth’s compass God created. When we follow Jesus, He will guide us the direction He wants us to go and never leave us. We can trust that His plan is better for us than the plan we have for ourselves. 

Draw a picture of one way God leads you or has led you through a difficult path. Write a sentence a the bottom of the picture to describe what is happening. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we will see the early part of Jesus ministry. We will see how Jesus sometimes people thought Jesus’ teachings were backwards or the opposite from how they thought. Jesus was showing them a new way to love, to live and to serve God! 

Luke 5:1-11 Isaiah 55:8-9



Have you ever had an opposite day? Wether your opposite day was on purpose or by accident, it can be tricky to do or have the opposite thing happen to you all day! Maybe you had a plan but nothing seemed to go the way you planned that day, its an opposite day! Maybe you and your friend planned to dress in opposite clothing, its an opposite day! Let’s pretend we are doing an opposite or backwards day! See if you can demonstrate how to do these activities in a backwards order, like in rewind! (Students can mime the activity instead of actually doing it)

Putting on your socks

Walking through the door

Brushing your teeth (including putting on toothpaste)

Walking up the stairs

Giving a secret handshake (come up with a secret handshake first if necessary)

Getting into a car

Peeling a banana

Putting on your coat

Doing hopscotch

Was that easy or hard to do those activities in backwards, or reverse, order? It can be tricky to do things backwards. Jesus called his disciples and they thought he was asking them to do something that seemed to be backwards. They had already fished all night and caught nothing, and yet Jesus was asking them to throw their nets back into the water after their night of fishing was over. They obeyed Jesus and witnessed a miracle they knew came from Jesus. What Jesus did may have seemed backwards, but they realized that following Jesus was better than following their own way. We can trust that God’s way is better than our own. It may be difficult, it may make us stand out, and it might seem strange to others, but God’s way will turn out right in the end. Let’s read our story in the Bible to see how the disciples were called by Jesus.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Luke 5:1-11

What was Jesus doing when he standing by the Lake of Gennesaret? (Preaching the word of God to those standing by

What were the fishermen doing while their boats were at the shore? Washing out their nets)

What did he ask Simon to do after he got into his boat? (To push it further out from shore)

Why did Jesus want the boat pushed further out? (So the crowd gathered could hear his teaching)

When he was finished teaching, what did he ask Simon to do? (Put his nets back out on the other side)

Did Simon want to put his nets back out or believe anything would happen? (Not really. He said “Master, we have worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything, but because you say so, I will let down the nets”)

What happened after they let their nets down? (They caught such a large amount of fish their nets began to break and they asked another boat to come help)

How did Simon respond once he witnessed all of the fish? (He asked Jesus to go from him because he was a sinful man)

What did Jesus tell Simon? (Do not be afraid, from now on you will fish for people)

When did the fishermen decide to follow Jesus? ( they pulled their boats to shore, left everything and followed him)



It would be crazy to live in an opposite world! What if we liked the things we usually don't like and disliked the things we usually love! Let’s play a game. I’m going to say a statement, and I want you to say a statement you think is an opposite of what I just said. For example, if I said “I love broccoli, you could say I dislike ice cream. Ready? (Answers may vary, there are no wrong answers!)

I dislike swimming… (cleaning the pool)

I like cleaning the toilet…(watching a movie)

I dislike downhill skiing…(cross-country skiing)

I dislike playing video games…(reading a textbook)

I like cleaning out the garage…(sitting by the pool)

I like studying for a big test…(getting good grades)

I dislike eating cookies…(eating Brussel sprouts)

I dislike birthday parties… (taking down the decorations)



Riddles can sometimes be backwards or seem as though they are backwards because they are hard to figure out. Listen to some of these riddles and see if you can figure out some of the answers.

What has to be broken before you can use it? (An egg)

I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? (A candle)

What month of the year has 28 days? (All of them)

What question can you never answer yes to? (Are you asleep yet?)

What can you keep after giving it to someone? (Your word)

You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What would you light first? (The match)

What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to? (An echo)

I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can’t touch me or catch me. What am I? (Your shadow)

What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?(a piano)

I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I? (Your breath)

Was it easy or hard to answer these riddles? Some of them seemed confusing or it was unclear what the answer could be. Jesus spoke in a way that was unlike anything the people had heard before, but many understood him clearly. They may not have understood everything he was saying, but they understood He loved them and wanted to save them from their sins. God’s word is clear to us today and His message is the same; He loves us and wants to save us from our sins or what we think is right.


Independent activity:

Create your own maze for your family to follow. Decide if you want to make one on paper, make a treasure hunt maze with clues for them to figure out, or create a life size maze using pool noodle, string, or other household items. To make the life size maze more challenging, have your family complete the maze while going backwards.

Materials: various objects around the house such as pool noodles and other objects to create paths




Halves boat Shapes:


Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Isaiah 55:8-9 

Can you read my thoughts? What am I thinking about right now? When we read this scripture in Isaiah, do you think that is all that was meant when it said, My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways? Of course we can not guess what God is “thinking” about, but even more than that, we can not think on the same level as God. Our thoughts are human and therefore they are sometimes selfish, evil and corrupt. But even though we are not perfect, we can compare our thoughts how the Bible says we should think. Before we make decisions or speak to others, we can stop and question if our thoughts are the way God would have them be. We can choose to see the truth about how we should think in the Bible and then act on those thoughts and not our own. We’ve learned this week that we trust God’s plan is better than ours even though it may be the opposite of what we think. 

Have you ever said something to someone you later regretted saying because it wasn’t kind?

How do you know your thoughts are not as high as God’s thoughts?

Should we strive to have our thoughts as high as God’s?

How can we trust our thoughts are following what God wants?

What lies would Satan want us to believe about our thoughts?

When you are faced with a decision, how can you check your thoughts according to what God wants our thoughts to be?

How do our actions reflect our thoughts?

How do our thoughts relate to the things we see or hear?

Practical Application at Home

We want our thoughts to follow after how God would want us think and therefore act. There are times when it is easy to see we do not have the answers and we need help from God. Then there are every day situations where we think we already have all the answers and we don’t need any help from God. God wants us to seek Him in all things, even when we think we know what is best. We have all made mistakes in how we treated someone, responded in disobedience when we knew we should obey and didn’t step up to do what was right because we were afraid of standing out. God sees it all and forgives our mistakes, and then He calls us to follow His ways instead of ours. 

Listen to these situations and tell the selfish way we may want to respond, and then tell the way you think God would want us to respond.

-Susan is being teased by several kids at school every day

-Johnny comes to school with not enough food to eat at lunch

-Kim is not the best player on the team and the other teammates are starting to get upset

-Mom asked you to help her with chores while your siblings didn’t have to help at all

-Dad expects you to help mow the lawn all summer which cuts into your play time

-a kid at school is mean to you every day for seemingly no reason

-Your neighbor always leaves their trash cans in the street days after trash day.

It’s easy to sometimes see these situations from our human point of view and handle them selfishly, only in how it affects us. God wants us to live our lives according to what He knows is best. We can show the same love God has given us, to others. Try to see situations this week as opportunities to invite God to show you the way He wants you to deal with them. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What are some of your struggles? Do you struggle to open a lid jar? Do you struggle to get a 100 on your spelling test? Do you struggle with a bully at school? Some of our struggles may be small and then we might have some big struggles, but we will learn this week that we can grow closer to Jesus through our struggles.

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24



Set up 2 bowls or small containers that will be used to catch small tossing items such as cotton balls, beans, small balls or small bean bags. Label one container “blessings” and the other container “woes’.

Let’s play a tossing game. I’m going to list a few scenarios and you decide if its a blessing or a woe. We consider blessings the good things that happen in life and woes are the not-so good things that happen. We can all think of woes that happen to us that are small, like losing a game or big things like losing a family member. If the scenario is a blessing, toss your item in the blessing container. If you think the scenario is a woe, toss your item into the woe container. 

Materials: 2 small bowls or containers, small cotton balls, beans or small bean bags for tossing

-losing your favorite toy

-eating your favorite meal

-getting a good grade on your test

-playing with a friend

-being teased for the clothes you wear

-being picked last in the game

-picking the movie for family movie night

-not having any food in the refrigerator

-getting extra recess time

-your family car breaks down on the side of the road

Have some of those things every happened to you? What would you think if I said the ones you thought were woes were actually blessings and the ones you said were blessings were actually woes. This week we will read in Luke how Jesus said our woes are actually blessings. How can that be? Jesus wants us to enjoy the life we have here on earth but he wants us to remember to seek Him in all things. Let’s read or listen to our text for this week.

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 6:17-26

Why had a large crowd gathered from all of Judea? (To hear Jesus and be healed of their diseases)

What were those who were sick and possessed doing? (Touching Jesus and being healed because power was coming from him)

How did Jesus say those who were poor would be blessed? (theirs is the kingdom of God)

How would those who are hungry be blessed? (They will be satisfied)

How will those who weep now will be blessed? (They will laugh)

Who did Jesus say would rejoice and leap for great is their reward in heaven? ( those who have people hate them and exclude them and insult them and reject their name as evil because of the Son of Man)

Why did Jesus woe for those who are rich? (They have already received their comfort)

Why are those who are fed well to have woes? (They will go hungry)

Why did Jesus say woe to those who laugh now? (They will mourn and weep)


Jesus says to count our woes as blessings. That may seem backwards, but Jesus knows that when we have woes in life, we tend to lean on Him more. When we have hard times we call on Jesus and pray asking for his help, protection, and comfort. Sometimes when everything is going well, it is easy to forget our need for God. In that way, our woes become blessings because it helps us grow closer and more dependent on God.


During passover there is a time during the Seder when you have to eat bitter herbs that represent the woes we sometimes have in life. Then you are to eat the herbs with a mix of apples and sweet honey. When you eat these together, the apples and honey overpower the taste of the bitter herbs making it easier to eat the bitter herbs. This is done to show us that we can take the sweetness of Jesus with the bitter woes of life, and then our woes are bearable. Jesus wants to be our comforter, our sweetness in times of bitterness. Take time to discuss some bitter times or woes you have experienced in life. Then tell how Jesus was your sweetness and helped you bear your woes and see you through. Help your child think of a time they had woes and how Jesus was with them through it. Sharing our testimonies with our children is important to help them see that God has been with us in the past so we can trust Him to be with us in the present and future. If you have parsley, apples, honey and crackers, you can demonstrate how the herbs are bitter alone, but are easier to take when added with a mix of honey and apples. You can make a mini cracker sandwich with all of those ingredients.

Materials: Optional: parsley, apples, honey, crackers


When we have a firm foundation in Jesus we will not waiver when things get tough and life is not easy. Using blocks, bricks, craft sticks or any other building material, create two towers. Place one tower on a pillow and the other tower on a small stack of books. Which tower has an easier time staying up? What if you created strong winds for your tower, which tower would still remain standing. Our relationship with Jesus is like this tower on a firm foundation. When our woes come, we will not be moved because we are standing on a firm foundation, Jesus! We can get to know Jesus in our blessings, and we can hold on closer to Him during our woes.

Materials: Building bricks, blocks, craft sticks, or other building materials, several books, a soft pillow

Independent activity:

Create a list of your blessings and woes. Divide a sheet of paper in half and label the halves blessings and woes. Write down all the things in your life right now that you consider blessings and woes. Choose a few to share with the others around you. Remember, even your woes can be considered blessings because you can grow closer to Jesus as you ask Him to help you through them.

Materials: Sheet of paper, pencil




Draw an opposites weather picture. Draw a picture of something you would usually do during the summer, or winter but add the opposite weather. For example, in July you may usually have a picnic or go to the beach, draw a picture of the beach with weather from December. 

Materials: sheet of paper, coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Jeremiah 17:5-10

These verses talk about what we should put our trust in. When we put our trust in man it is like a bush planted in the wasteland. There is not enough water to give the bush nutrients to survive. When we trust in the Lord we are like a tree planted by the water. A tree planted by the water has roots that are big and strong. They are able to hold the bush in place and provide it with nutrients. We can trust God and be like a tree planted by the water. We learn to trust God by praying and waiting on Him for the answers.

What would a bush planted in a wasteland look like?

How would a tree planted by water look?

How does trusting in God help us be strong and healthy?

Just like we can not see the roots of a tree, what does God see in us that no one else can?

How does our heart reflect how we really feel about God?

How does our trust in God help us during the woes in life?

What are some of the woes you have needed to trust God with?

What are some recent blessings you have thanked God for?

Practical Application at Home

Not every blessing is a woe and not every woe is a blessing. Not having enough food to eat is not always a blessing and having more than enough food to eat is not always a woe. God has given us what we need in His sovereign timing. The most important thing to remember is that we can trust God no matter what. We can also trust God whether we have blessings or woes. Let’s remember who God was speaking to in the scripture for today.

-Those who are poor-proverbs 19:17

-Those who are hungry- John 6:35

-Those who weep- Revelation 21:4

-Those who are hated- Isaiah 60:15

Look up the scriptures next to each statement about those who have blessings and woes to see what God says in the Bible about these people. God cares about each one of us no matter what our blessing or woe. When we lean on Him during our woes, He gives us strength to endure whatever may come. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is an enemy? Do you have anyone that you would consider your enemy? How do you treat them in comparison to your friends? The bible gives us instructions on how we are to treat our enemies. It might be hard to follow these instructions sometimes, but our enemies will help us learn to love the way our Heavenly Father wants us to love others.

Luke 6:27-38; I John 4:7-21 



This month we’ve talked about how things can feel backwards. Jesus tells us that our woes can be blessings and our blessings can be woes, or that following Jesus may feel different from what we’ve ever done before. Although we feel backwards this month, we’ve also learned that we can trust God’s plan is best. He knows what we need and the best way for us to treat on another. What is the opposite of a friend? Do you have anyone that is not a friend, but actually the opposite? They treat you in a way that is opposite of how friends treat each other. Listen to these scenarios and tell me the opposite way to treat others.

-Stealing your classmates pencil (offering a pencil to a classmate who needs one)

-Kicking a boy as they run by on the playground (offering a playground toy to someone without one)

-Pushing down an opposing player (helping an opposing player up when injured)

-Calling someone mean names (giving someone a genuine complement)

-Excluding a new person from your game (picking the new kid)

-Laughing at someone who is wearing old worn-out clothes (offering to give or share your clothes to someone who needs it)

We would probably try to avoid being friends with someone who had some of these traits, and might even call them our enemy. What if we were the person being treated this way in each of the statements I made, but we responded with the opposite actions. If they showed us hate and we showed them love, what would that look like? That would be hard to do, but that’s what God calls us to do. We are to love our enemies. This week we are looking at what Jesus said about our enemies which might sound backwards to us. We may naturally want to treat our enemies the same way they treated us, but God wants us to respond in a better way. Let’s read or listen to our story for this week.

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 6:27-38

How did Jesus say you should treat your enemies? (Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you)

What should you do if someone slaps you? (Turn your check)

What should you do it someone wants your coat? (Give them your shirt as well.)

If someone takes something from you, what should you do? (Not demand it back)

How should you treat others? (The way you would have them treat you.)

What should be the difference between how Christians love and sinners? (Not just love those who love you, but also love those who hate and be good to those who are not good to you)

Do not judge, do not condemn, but what should you do instead? (Forgive and give)

To what measure will these things be given to you? (The measure to use for others is what will be given to you.)



What if we treated our enemies as well as we treat our friends? What would that look like? The bible gives examples of things we should do to our enemies. Print and cut out the following scenarios and the scripture cards. Read a scenario card aloud to the person taking a turn. That person then picks a bible verse card from the deck to read aloud. They will then tell how they would respond to the scenario using the Bible verse as their guide for their behavior. EXAMPLE: Your enemy trips you while walking down the hallway at school and makes you drop all your books. Everyone turns to stare at you and begins to laugh. How would you respond? If the verse you chose read “Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you”, you might say “I would greet them kindly every morning with a smile and a warm hello”.

Materials: scenarios


Set up two areas for tossing beanbags, or small object into a bowl. Set one container close to the start line and the other container much further back. It should be far enough away to make it more difficult to toss the bag into, but not far away that they miss the bowl. Label the closest container “Love your friends” and the other container “love your enemies”. Place the enemy container furthest back. I’m going to read these scenarios, and you decide if it was the right way to love your enemies, the wrong way to love your enemy or if it was loving a friend. If it is the wrong way to love your enemies do not toss a bag into either bowl but toss the bag into the corresponding bowl if the scenario shows love to an enemy or a friend.

Materials: 2 small containers, small items to toss such as beans or beanbags, printed scenarios

Independent activity:

Illustrate a picture showing how you should treat your enemies. Use one of the bible verses about loving your enemy to write on your paper that matches your picture.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to 1 John 4:7-21

In this verse we see how we are to love one another through the example we see from Jesus. God is love, so whoever does not love does not know God. When we are followers or believers in Jesus, our life should reflect it. When we know God, we will also know His love and then reflect it to others around us. We love because God first loved us. He shows us how to love others, whether they are our loved ones or our enemies! We do not have to depend on our own strength to love those who are mean to us, but we can rely on God’s love to help us love in difficult situations. 

Who loved us first?

How does knowing God loved us first help us love others?

Is it easier or harder to love others when we know how much we are loved?

Do you think People who are not loving towards other people have been shown or given a lot of love?

How can knowing our enemies may be lacking love, help us show them love more easily?

What are some examples of enemies you have?

How can you show them love instead of hate this week?

What does it mean to be a reflection?

What does it mean to be a reflection of Jesus?

How has God shown love towards people who did not love Him?

Practical Application at Home

In our very busy world we sometimes get in a hurry and forget to think of others besides ourselves. We are not always looking for ways to be kind to others or remember to show them love. Think of ways you can be a reminder to others to be kind to one another and show God’s love to each other. We can share the beauty of God’s love with others and spread His love. When we write words of encouragement, it can brighten someones day or even remind them to show God’s love in their lives. We can do this through various ways such as, writing a message on our sidewalk in sidewalk chalk, or write a sidewalk chalk message on a park walkway, decorate rocks with encouraging words and leave them along a walking trail, send notes to classmates, leave encouraging notes under your neighbor’s doormat. Your message can say anything encouraging you can think of, such as:

Jesus loves you

Be kind one to another

Love your enemies

We love because He first loved us

God loves us with an Everlasting Love!

You are redeemed

You are loved

You are chosen

You are forgiven

Any special message from you!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Leave a few notes of encouragement and love on your path for others to read. What part do each of us playin showing God’s love to others?





Do you think it would be fun to have an invisible friend? Someone that no one could see but you knew they were there? That may pose a few problems, but the idea sounds fun. Ww might not always know if our friend was in the room with us. We can not see Jesus, but we know He is always with us guiding us. Let’s find out how we can have strong faith even though we can not see God.

Luke 9:28-36; Romans 8:31-39 



Play a game of invisible Pictionary. Air draw items and have the audience guess what is being drawn. Have each player take a turn, and decide what they will draw. You can pick a theme that everyone draw from or it can be open to each player to choose their item to draw.

Let’s play a game of invisible Pictionary! We will each take a turn drawing a picture in the air with no paper. Everyone else will try to guess what we drew. 

Was it hard to know what was being drawn when you couldn’t see it? Although it would have been easier to guess the items if we could see what was being drawn, we knew the person drawing had a plan for their picture. We can’t see Jesus with our eyes, but we can trust that Jesus is still with us. We can feel his presence and see how he changes our lives. This month we’ve learned that sometimes things can seem backwards when we follow Jesus but His way is better than ours. This week we will see how Jesus is still with us even when we can not see Him with our eyes. We can see that we can be more sure of who Jesus is even though we can not see Him.

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 9:28-36

Why did Jesus take Peter, James and John to the mountain to do? (Pray)

What began to happen as he prayed? (His face began to change and his clothes bright like lightning)

Who were the two men that appeared in glorious splendor? (Moses and Elijah)

What were Peter, James and John doing while Jesus was talking? (Were sleepy but became fully awake to see Jesus talking to the men)

What did Peter say to the men as they were leaving? (It is good for us to be here, let us put up 3 shelters )

What happened while Peter was speaking? (A cloud appeared and covered them)

How did Peter, James and John feel about the cloud? (They were afraid as they began to enter it)

What did the voice from the cloud say? ( This is my Son, whom I have chosen, Listen to him)

What did the disciples do after the cloud Elijah and Moses were gone? (They kept what they saw to themselves and didn’t tell anyone what they saw)



Even though we can’t see something, it doesn’t mean it does not exist. Let’s play a memory game and see how many items you can remember when you can no long see them. Have several items hidden in a bag. Place 3-5 items on a tray or an area in front of you. Let your child see the items for about a minute, then cover the items or remove the out of sight. Ask the child to tell you all of the items that were on the tray. Be sure to bring the tray back out where your child can see you didn’t take any items away and to check how many they remembered. Repeat this activity switching different items and adding more items to show at a time. Was that an easy or hard game? When there were only a few items on display it was probably easier to remember, but as the amount got larger, it may have been harder. Did you trust that all of the items were still there even though you could’t see them? Jesus is with us even though we can’t see Him, we can trust that He will never leave us.

Materials: scenarios


Play a game of truth or story. Have each person write 3 things they’ve seen with their own eyes that is unbelievable. Write a few extra cards that are unbelievable but also not true. Place all the cards in a box. Have a player choose a card to read from the box out loud and decide if they think it is true or a made-up story. If it is true, have the person who wrote the card tell that it was theirs and that it is a true story. It is hard to believe something that sounds unbelievable that we also didn’t see with our own eyes. We can trust that what we read in the Bible is true, even when it sounds unbelievable and we didn’t see it with our own eyes. We can trust that God’s word is flawless so the stories are true, not make-up.

Materials: index cards, pencil/pen, small box to place cards

Independent activity:

Practice creating invisible messages for your family to read or discover. On a sheet of white paper, write a message in white crayon. Then have your friend or family member color or paint the sheet of paper with water colors to discover the message you wrote. Jesus may not be visible with our eyes, but we can trust He is with us always.

Materials: White sheet of paper, white crayon, colored crayons or water colors




Make your own wind chimes using recycled items or things you find around the house. Watch this instructional video

Materials: Various household items, string, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Romans 8:31-39

What are some things listed in this verse that you can not see? Angels, demons, future, powers. There is a list of things here that are visible and some that are invisible to us, but this verse tells us there is nothing visible or invisible that will keep or tear us away from the love of God. We don’t have to worry about the things we can not see, the future we can not predict, or the troubles that are yet to come, we are conquerors through Jesus who loves us. He has already conquered all of the visible and invisible things we can not see. 

What are some visible things you may worry about?

What are some invisible things that bring you worry?

How can we know that Jesus has already conquered those things?

How can we also be conquerors over the things that may come up against us?

Who did the disciples see on the mount of transfiguration?

How did the disciples know it was God speaking when they could not see anything?

How can we be sure of God’s presence with us when we also can not see Him?

Practical Application at Home

Have you ever used a compass before? With a compass it will always point North, no matter what direction you are facing. The needle will always show you the direction North because of the gravitational pull a the North Pole. Even though this pull is invisible and we can’t see it, it is very helpful in keeping your directions straight. You can trust it to lead you in the right direction. We can trust Jesus even more than earth’s compass God created. When we follow Jesus, He will guide us the direction He wants us to go and never leave us. We can trust that His plan is better for us than the plan we have for ourselves. 

Think of several areas in your life where you currently need God to lead you. When we say that God is sovereign over our life, we need to allow Him to be sovereign over all areas of our life. Think about how God can be sovereign over your money, school, friends, extracurricular activities, and future goals. Complete these sentence/prayers for God to lead you in these areas. Create more sentences for other areas of your life as needed.

God I want you to lead my finances…please show me how to _______________

God I want you to lead my friendships…please show me how to _____________

God I want you to lead my school life…please show me how to _____________

God I want you to lead my future plans…please show me how to ____________

God I want you to lead my __________…please show me how to ___________

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever read a book that was so good you couldn’t put it down? It may have gotten really late, or it was really bedtime, but you just couldn’t stop turning the pages to read? Perhaps it was the story characters or the intense plot that kept you interested. This month we will read some page-turning stories that will keep us on the edge of our seat, rooting for our hero, Jesus!

Luke 4:1-13



It's hard to resist doing things we really want to do, even when we know we are not supposed to. Can you resist blinking your eyes? Let’s challenge each other to a staring contest. Whoever blinks first loses. So try to resist blinking!

Was it easy or hard to resist blinking your eyes? That’s not an easy thing to do, even when we really want to resist! Jesus resisted temptation, but it was not easy. Satan wanted to cause him to sin, but thinking of His own comfort and desires rather that what God’s will. Because Jesus overcame temptation, we can resist temptation as well. We can use the power of Jesus to resist the temptations that may come at us. Let’s read our bible verse for this week to see how Jesus resisted temptation and overcame.  

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 4:1-13

How many days was Jesus in the wilderness? (40 days)

What did He eat during His time int he wilderness? (Nothing)

What was the first temptation Satan gave Jesus? (To turn stones into bread)

How did Jesus respond? (Men does not eat on bread along but on the word of God)

What was Satan’s second temptation? (For Jesus to demonstrate he was the Song of God by throwing himself down for the angels to save him)

How did Jesus respond? (Do not test the Lord your God)

What was Satan’s third temptation? (Offering to give Jesus the world if he bowed down and worshiped him)

How did Jesus respond? (Go away Satan, worship the Lord your God and serve only Him)

After the third temptation what did Satan do? (He left and the angels attended Jesus)



God prepares us to fight temptation. We might think of preparing to fight as doing something physical, but we can prepare to fight just as Jesus did, using scripture. Print the following sheets with scriptures on them. Place them in different places around the room either on the wall or laying on the ground. As you read the following temptations, have your child move to the scripture they think will help them get through the temptation. Optional: have your child explain how the scripture can give them strength through the temptation.

Materials: Scripture printout, temptation scenarios (look through previous lessons from years past)


Think of some of your favorite stories. Who was the hero in that story? The hero is the one who saves the day. It may seem as though they are going to lose, but they end up saving the day. Think of the following stories, and tell who you think the hero of that story was.


 Peter Rabbit

The Cat in the Hat

The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe

The One and Only Ivan

Charlottes Web

Stuart Little

The Incredible Life of Balto

Jesus is the hero of this story and he is still the hero of our stories today. He showed us how to withstand temptations, so that we can resist temptations as well. 

Materials: index cards, pencil/pen, small box to place cards

Independent activity:

We all like to eat and we don’t enjoy being hungry. Animals know how to find food and they know what type of foods they were designed by God to eat. Match the animal to the type of food they like to eat.

Materials: Activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How was Jesus tempted in the wilderness?

How did he resist temptation?

How do you think Jesus knew the scriptures so well?

Did Satan know the scriptures well?

What are some examples of temptations?

How can we resist temptations?

How can we prepare to resist temptations?

Practical Application at Home

If you could have a special power, what would it be? Would you be able to fly? Be so strong you could lift a building? Be so fast you could almost be in 2 places at the same time. Although these may sound like cool super powers, God has given us the ability to hero’s in the lives of others. We can save someone’s day by our acts of kindness and being willing to give to others. Think of the following ways you can be a hero to someone in your life. Pick 1 or two things that you can  do this week for someone else.

Pick flowers and give the bouquet to someone

Write a note of encouragement to your teacher

Share a kind word to a classmate

Volunteer to help your teacher or coach and smile while working

Do a household chore at home without being asked to do it

Say “hi” to 5 people you walk by at school, church or while walking through the store with your parent

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This week we will see how there are a lot of scary things around us and even scary things happening around us, but God is more powerful than the evil we see. God has the power to defeat evil.

Luke 9:37-43a 



Have you ever heard a riddle before or listened to clues to guess what the secret item is? Let’s play a game where you listen to the following riddles and see if you can guess what they are.

-I am bright and provide light and heat to the earth (sun)

-I come in different shapes and sizes and provide light in darkness when turned on (lightbulbs)

-Use me when you are walking in the dark or the woods and need to see (lantern)

-Use me to shine a light into a dark space (flashlight)

-I am not a source of light by myself, but I provide a reflection of light at night

-I need oil to burn, I’ve been around for a long time, and I provide a good source of light that you don’t need to hold (lamp)

-Use me when the electricity is out, I provide a small source of light, but can burn a long time without any oil and sometimes I smell really good. (Candle)

-I am fun to use at a party or during a game, I give a small source of light, but you can hang me around your neck, wrist, or just hold! (Glowstick)

-I shine really bright in the dark, I am found on your car and help you see your way on dark roads. (Headlights)

Were you able o guess all of the clues? What did they all have in common? They are all sources of light. We use light to dispel darkness. Whenever we shine light in the darkness, the light takes over the dark. They both can not exist in the same space. Jesus is the light, and he can overcome darkness. He is more powerful than any darkness, darkness has to flee from His presence. This week we will read a story about a dark, or evil presence that Jesus was able to get rid of.

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 9:37-43a

After Jesus came down from the mountain who was waiting there for him? (A large crowd)

What did the man ask of Jesus? (To heal his son)

What was wrong with his son? (A spirit seizes him, he suddenly screams and has convulsions)

Who had the man asked to heal his son before Jesus? (Jesus’ disciples)
Had the disciples been able to heal the son? (No)

What did the demon in the son do when he was brought to Jesus? (threw the boy to the ground in convulsions)

When Jesus rebuked the spirit, what happened? (The boy was healed and went back to his father)

How did the people feel who witnessed it? (They were amazed at the greatness of God)



Evil is the opposite of good. God is good and he is more powerful than everything, including the things that are opposite of him. Play this game of memory and match the opposite items together. We do not need to be afraid of what is evil, because God is good and more powerful than any evil or bad thing.

Materials: memory game


Look at this laundry basket. Do you think you are more powerful than it? Of course you can pick it up and carry it around. Now, get in the basket and let’s see if you can continue to be stronger than the basket. Push the basket around, tossing it back and forth on the ground like a ride but not too rough they will get sick. Were you still stronger than the basket? Suddenly the basket was tossing you back and forth and you were no longer in control. Although there may be things that we see as being strong, God is stronger still. He is in control and is able to make even the toughest things weak when compared to him. Alternative: use a large box or plastic storage container

Materials: laundry basket or large box

Independent activity:

Draw a picture of something you fear or that seems scary to you. We all have things in our lives we are unsure we can defeat. It may seem too powerful for us, but it is not too powerful for God. Draw your picture, then title your picture “Whom shall I fear?” Then answer the question at the bottom of the page by writing “The Lord is the stronghold of my life”.

Materials: sheets of coloring paper, pencil, crayons




Create your own short picture story describing a hero character that faces a scary situation and receives help from God. Write your story and then illustrate the pictures.

Materials: sheets of coloring paper, crayons, pencils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who was able to heal the boy possessed by evil?

Why did the father go to Jesus after he’d already asked the disciples?

How did Jesus show the people that he was more powerful than evil?

Do we still have evil things in our world today?

What are some things in your life that seem scary?

How can knowing God is more powerful than evil help us deal with the scary things in our lives?

Practical Application at Home

t is easy to become discouraged about the bad things that are going on around us or in our own lives, when we don’t remember that God is with us. When we remember that God is more powerful than all of the problems in our lives, we can trust that He is in control. Our situation may not always turn out the way we think it should, but we can trust it is not because God is weak, but He has a different plan from ours. Let’s visually see that God is more powerful than our troubles and scary things we see around us.

Cut out pictures from magazines of things you think are scary or that trouble you. Glue them onto a sheet of paper, leaving the top part of the paper blank. Once all the pictures are added, write at the top of the page “God is Greater” in big bold letters.

Let’s remember that no matter what we may add to our list, God is still more powerful than all the scary things we may face.

Materials: magazines, sheet of white construction paper, markers

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Waiting is hard to do! How often do you have to wait in 1 day? We wait all the time, sometimes its for a short time and other times we have to wait a long time. This week we will see how God waits for us. He knows we need time to grow and change and He loves us enough to patiently wait. 

Luke 13:6-9



Let’s play a game! We are going to have a race, using mini marshmallows and toothpicks! Have a starting line and an ending line designated. Have players push their marshmallows to the ending line only using the toothpick to push the marshmallow. Was it easy or hard to get your marshmallow to the end of the line. Was that much of a race? Usually races include speed but this race took a long time to get to the finished line. It was not a quick race but took patience to push the marshmallow with a little toothpick. 

We need patience for lots of things and sometimes it can be hard. Sometimes the wait seems to take forever and sometimes the wait may be short. In our relationship with God, we still make mistakes and say the wrong things sometimes. God knows we are not perfect and that we will continue to grow and He will continue to change us, but it doesn’t happen over night. God loves us enough to be patient even when we make mistakes. Even when we make the same mistakes several times! Jesus told a parable about a fig tree that was not blooming. We know the purpose of a fig tree is to give figs. Even though the tree was not doing what it was created to do, the caregiver wanted to wait and work with the tree before cutting it down. God wants to work with us, He doesn’t want to give up. Let’s read our verse for today and see what the parable tells us about how much God loves us.

Read or listen to Luke 13:6-9

What type of tree did the man have in his vineyard? (Fig tree)

What did he find on the tree? (No fruit)

How long was the man waiting to see fruit? (3 years)

What did the man tell the vineyard care giver to do with the tree? (Cut it down)

What did the vineyard keeper ask to do? (Keep it and fertilize it for a year)

What would happen if the tree doesn’t fruit next year? (Cut it down)



There are many stories that we enjoy reading, but it takes time to build a story. Let’s build a story together. I am going to write the first sentence of our story and together we will make our story grow by adding a sentence to it one person at a time. Write a the first sentence of a story, then pass the paper to the next person and have them add the next sentence to the story, then pass it to the next person to add the next sentence. Continue passing and adding one sentence at a time until you have reached the end of the story. Then read the story aloud. Help little ones dictate their sentence to you if needed. This story grew one sentence at a time, we had to be patient as we waited for the story to be finished. God waits patiently on us too. As we continue to grow and learn to be Christians, God waits patiently because He knows we throughout our lifetime we will grow and change in Him.

Materials: paper, pencil


Have you ever gone on a roadtrip? Or taken a trip somewhere that seems to take forever? Sometimes we go places and we arrive quickly and sometimes we have to wait awhile to arrive. We have to be patient until we get to the place we are excited to see. God is also patient with us as we grow and mature in Him. Listen to these places and decide if it would be a quick trip or if you would have to be patient and wait awhile to arrive.

A trip to grandma’s

Going to the Grand Canyon

A trip to the grocery store

Visiting a national park

A drive to Canada

Going to the lake

A visit to the pond

A trip to your favorite restaurant

A walk to your neighbor’s house

A trip to the pool


Independent activity:

When we plant seeds for a garden or a tree, it takes a long time for it to grow and turn into a full plant. We have to wait longer than a day or even a week! We have to continue to show it love by watering it, keeping the weeds out and providing it plenty of sunshine. We may not see a change in our plant right away, but there are plenty of changes happening underground. God cares for us by waiting as we change and grow. He can see the little changes in us, even when no one else can. God loves us and is patient with us, He knows we can not change over night, but is patient to watch us grow and change little by little. Provide your child with dirt and a seed or bean to watch grow. Place the bean in a ziplock with a damp paper towel, or in a small plastic cup filled with dirt. Help your child over the next few weeks, water and care for their plant, continuing to discuss how God cares for use while we grow and change.

Materials: bean or seed, ziplock bag or plastic cup, dirt




Complete the following craft for the barren fig tree. Follow the instructions on this webpage.

Materials: Cardstock, tree template printed, scissors, glue, green felt or construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What was the man waiting for?

What did the caregiver think would happen after a year?

Is it easy or hard to wait for a year for something to happen?

How does God wait for us?

Why do you think God is so patient with us?

What are some ways you can show patience to others?

Practical Application at Home

When we remember how patient God is with us, it can help us be patient with other people. We sometimes lose our patience with our friends, siblings, or classmates who are unkind to us. Listen to the following scenarios and tell how you could show patience in this situation.

Your sister jumps on your bed that you just made…

You brother breaks the Lego you just finished building…

Your classmate laughs at your drawing during class…

Your friend doesn’t want to share their favorite toy…

Your classmate teases you for bringing a strange lunch to school…

Your parents tell you about a trip that will happen in a few months…

Your upcoming party gets postponed…

Your sister is hogging all of the popcorn you are supposed to share…

The line for the roller coaster is really long…

You are driving across country and the trip will take over 10 hours…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the warmer weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is the biggest party you have ever had? How many people were there? What did you do? What made your party big? Having a great party is a lot of fun, it’s important to celebrate. Did you know God celebrates with us? This week we will read a parable that describes the Father celebrating.

Luke 15:11b-32 



How do you celebrate a big win or a party? Do you have noisemakers that you like to use? Find a noisemaker or create your own for this activity. It’s fun to celebrate over big and small accomplishments. Make a noisemaker such as: 2 paper plates stapled together with beans inside, a small can filled with beans covered with aluminum foil, or a kazoo from 2 popsicle sticks rubber banded together at the ends with paper and toothpicks in the middle. Use your noisemakers to help me celebrate the following things.

-I won my basketball game!

-It’s my birthday!

-I ate all my food!

-I got a 100 on my test!

-I made a new friend today!

-I found my lost toy!

-I won a prize at school!

-I found my lost pet!

-I won the spelling bee!

-I won the relay race!

All of those are wonderful things to celebrate. Did you know that God celebrates with us? He celebrates when we celebrate, and He celebrates when a lost child is found. He wants all of His children to know Him and trust Him, and when we do, He celebrates! This week we will hear a parable about the lost son. This son left his dad and went out on his own not wanting to have anything to do with his father anymore. When he ran out of money and was desperate, he remembered his father could help him. When he came back home, his father was not angry but welcomed him home with open arms. He even threw a party to celebrate his return. God celebrates with us too! Even when we mess up and do wrong, God is willing to forgive and celebrate our return! Let’s read about the story in the scripture for today.

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 15:11b-32

How many sons did the man have (2 sons)

What did the younger son ask the father? (For his share of the estate)

After he received the money what did he do? (Set off to a distant country to squander his wealth in wild living)

What happened to the country while he was there? (There was a famine)

Where did the young son go to work? (In a field to feed pigs)

What was he tempted to do since he was so hungry? (Eat the pig’s food)

What did he remember before her ate pig slop? (That his father had hired men with food to spare)

What did he decide he would tell his dad? (He sinned against heaven and him, he wasn’t worthy to be called his son, and if her could be hired as a servant)

What did the father do when he saw his son coming? (He ran towards him and threw his arms around him)

What did the father tell the servants to do? (Get him the best robe, a ring, and sandals. Kill the fattened calf and prepare a feast to celebrate the sons return)

How did the older son feel about the party? (Angry and refused to go in because he had been loyal to his dad and never received a party)

What was his fathers response? (We had to celebrate and be glad because your brother was dead and now is alive, he was lost but now he is found) 



Show your child several objects and then tell them to close their eyes. Hide all of the objects around the room when your child is not watching. Open your eyes and see if you can find all of the objects I hid around the room. Was it easy to find all of the objects? When we lose something, we search for it, we want to find it again. When we find it, we are excited and want to rejoice with our family and friends. God is excited when we are found after being lost. He celebrates with us because He loves us so much, he doesn’t want us to wander away from Him. God wants his children to be with Him and follow Him!

Materials: small objects to hide


Allow time for each person find and bring 5 objects that belong to them, or that they have created. Take turns describing why their objects are important to them. Are all of these objects the same? Do they have to do anything to make you want or enjoy them. Some of our objects mean something to use because we have created them and some are important because we really enjoy using it. God takes please in us and celebrates us because we are His. He doesn’t need us to do anything special, perform any huge task, or be perfect. God just loves us because we are His. The father in the story loved his son, even though he made mistakes, because he was his son and he loved him. God celebrates us because we are his.

Materials: objects of importance

Independent activity:

Find someone you can celebrate. Think of why they are important to you and how you want to celebrate them. Write a card or write a poem (acrostic) to describe how you want to celebrate them and why. Use their name to create the acrostic poem and fill in a word or two that describes them starting with the letters of their name.

Materials: White sheet of paper, white crayon, colored crayons or water colors




Coloring page

Materials: Various household items, string, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever celebrated something?

What did you do to celebrate?

What are some things you celebrate over?

What does God celebrate over?

How did the father celebrate over his returned son?

Have you ever had a friendship that was broken?

How did you reconcile, or fix your broken friendship?

Is our relationship with God ever broken?

How can our relationship with God be fixed when broken?

Practical Application at Home

We all make mistakes, we all sin and fall short. Sometimes we lose our way and follow a path that God has not set for us to follow. Sometimes we only think of ourselves and don’t behave in a way that shows we follow Christ. Even when we do all of these things, God has made a way to be reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ. Think of some of the ways you make mistakes and complete the following sentences, remembering you have been reconciled to God from our sins. 

Complete the following statements:

Although I _____ I am reconciled to God through Christ.

Even when I ________ I am reconciled to God through Christ. through Christ.

Sometimes I _________ but I am reconciled to God through Christ.

When I feel _______ I am still reconciled to God through Christ.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the warmer weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever read a book that was so good you couldn’t put it down? It may have gotten really late, or it was really bedtime, but you just couldn’t stop turning the pages to read? Perhaps it was the story characters or the intense plot that kept you interested. This month we will read some page-turning stories that will keep us on the edge of our seat, rooting for our hero, Jesus!

Luke 4:1-13; Psalm 91:9-16 



It's hard to resist doing things we really want to do, even when we know we are not supposed to. Can you resist blinking your eyes? Let’s challenge each other to a staring contest. Whoever blinks first loses. So try to resist blinking!

Was it easy or hard to resist blinking your eyes? That’s not an easy thing to do, even when we really want to resist! Jesus resisted temptation, but it was not easy. Satan wanted to cause him to sin, but thinking of His own comfort and desires rather that what God’s will. Because Jesus overcame temptation, we can resist temptation as well. We can use the power of Jesus to resist the temptations that may come at us. Let’s read our bible verse for this week to see how Jesus resisted temptation and overcame. 

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 4:1-13

How many days was Jesus in the wilderness? (40 days)

What did He eat during His time int he wilderness? (Nothing)

What was the first temptation Satan gave Jesus? (To turn stones into bread)

How did Jesus respond? (Men does not eat on bread along but on the word of God)

What was Satan’s second temptation? (For Jesus to demonstrate he was the Song of God by throwing himself down for the angels to save him)

How did Jesus respond? (Do not test the Lord your God)

What was Satan’s third temptation? (Offering to give Jesus the world if he bowed down and worshiped him)

How did Jesus respond? (Go away Satan, worship the Lord your God and serve only Him)

After the third temptation what did Satan do? (He left and the angels attended Jesus)



In life we all have to navigate through temptations that are thrown at us. Just because we have been faced with a temptation, we do not have to give in to the temptation. We can say no or walk away from the temptation. Create a small obstacle course around an open area using simple obstacles such as chairs, blankets, pillows and pool noodles. Print the attached cards and scatter them throughout the obstacle course. Collect the cards that have positive choices we should make to draw closer to God, but avoid stepping on the cards that have temptations we should avoid. Demonstrate the path of your obstacle course so your child knows how to get to the end. Repeat the obstacle course in reverse, if desired, and move the cards to new areas.

Materials: printed obstacle course cards, items to create an obstacle course such as chairs, blankets, pillows, pool noodles, etc.


Have you ever been tempted to do something you know you shouldn’t do? We are all tempted by people, friends, things we see on television, or unhealthy food. Listen to the following scenarios and decide what you would do if you were being tempted in this way. How would you avoid or withstand the temptation?

Materials: scenario cards

Independent activity:

Jesus is with us through all of our trials and all of our temptations. With Him we can resist temptations. In many stories that we read there is a sidekick, the person who is the hero’s helper or the main characters closest friend. Jesus is also our sidekick. It is important for us to remember how Jesus has been with us in the past so that we can trust He will be with us in the future. Create a list of things Jesus has helped you with this week or month.

Materials: White sheet of paper, pen/pencil




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 91:9-16

Who does this verse say is our refuge?

What will God command His angels to do?

What is the reason God said he will rescue us? 

What is our part in God taking care of us?

God says He will be our refuge, he will send His angels to guard over us, and he will rescue us because we love Him! The bible tells us what we need to do, which is to love and trust Him. We can trust that God will take care of us and be with us to help fight temptations.

Practical Application at Home

If you could have a special power, what would it be? Would you be able to fly? Be so strong you could lift a building? Be so fast you could almost be in 2 places at the same time. Although these may sound like cool super powers, God has given us the ability to hero’s in the lives of others. We can save someone’s day by our acts of kindness and being willing to give to others. Think of the following ways you can be a hero to someone in your life. Pick 1 or two things that you can  do this week for someone else.

Pick flowers and give the bouquet to someone

Write a note of encouragement to your teacher

Share a kind word to a classmate

Volunteer to help your teacher or coach and smile while working

Do a household chore at home without being asked to do it

Say “hi” to 5 people you walk by at school, church or while walking through the store with your parent

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This week we will see how there are a lot of scary things around us and even scary things happening around us, but God is more powerful than the evil we see. God has the power to defeat evil.

Luke 9:37-43a; Psalm 27 



What is the scariest animal you can think of? What would it be like to challenge that animal. Let’s pretend we have to defeat the following animals. What would you do to defeat…

A shark

A lion

A tiger

A gorilla

A pack of wolves

A wild boar

A charging elephant

A grizzly bear

All of these animals are scary and it would be difficult to try to defeat them. We could think of ways to escape or avoid injury, but it would not be easy. There are many things in our world that are evil and scary that would be difficult for us to defeat. But God is more powerful than any of those evils. He is able to defeat anything we think is strong or scary, because he is more powerful than any of them. This week we will read a story about a dark, or evil presence that Jesus was able to get rid of.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Luke 9:37-43a

After Jesus came down from the mountain who was waiting there for him? (A large crowd)

What did the man ask of Jesus? (To heal his son)

What was wrong with his son? (A spirit seizes him, he suddenly screams and has convulsions)

Who had the man asked to heal his son before Jesus? (Jesus’ disciples)
Had the disciples been able to heal the son? (No)

What did the demon in the son do when he was brought to Jesus? (threw the boy to the ground in convulsions)

When Jesus rebuked the spirit, what happened? (The boy was healed and went back to his father)

How did the people feel who witnessed it? (They were amazed at the greatness of God)



Think about your favorite story. What were some challenges the character in the story had to face. What if the main character in the story had Jesus on their side to face their challenge? How would the story change? Retell your story with Jesus on their side, tell how the story would change and how they would overcome their challenge with ease. Now think of challenge you could face, and how God can defeat your challenge.

Materials: favorite story


We are going to play this Challenge game and see if you are able to complete these difficult tasks. Some are really hard but let’s see if you can do them. Play this game of Challenge. Print and cut apart cards and place them in a bowl. Each player picks out a card and tries to complete the challenge as best they can. Was it easy or hard to complete these challenges. Before you started you may have been nervous about your ability to complete the challenge, but it was clear these challenges were not too difficult. What may seem difficult or scary to us, is not difficult or scary to God. He is able to face anything we think is a challenges and defeat it, because He is more powerful.

Materials: printed challenge cards

Independent activity:

Draw a picture of something you fear or that seems scary to you. We all have things in our lives we are unsure we can defeat. It may seem too powerful for us, but it is not too powerful for God. Draw your picture, then title your picture “Whom shall I fear?” Then answer the question at the bottom of the page by writing “The Lord is the stronghold of my life”.

Materials: White sheet of paper, pencil. crayons or coloring utensils




Create your own short picture story describing a hero character that faces a scary situation and receives help from God. Write your story and then illustrate the pictures.

Materials: white drawing paper, pencil, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 27:1-6

This scripture describes facing troubles or fears. Who did it say it should fear if God was with them? The answer is no one or nothing! When we have God on our side, who can we fear? What is greater than God? What is stronger than God? If thee answer is nothing, then the response is to fear nothing. That is not easily done, but we know it to be true. This verse reminds us that God is with us and that the wicked nor our enemies can defeat us.At the end of this chapter, it says that we are to be strong, take heart, and wait on the Lord.

Is it easy or hard to wait on the Lord?

What do we often want to do when things get hard or difficult?

Is waiting our natural response to difficulty?

How is waiting while praying to God different from waiting while watching TV?

Who does the Bible say we should fear?

How did the father in our story show He knew Jesus could heal his son?

Practical Application at Home

It is easy to become discouraged about the bad things that are going on around us or in our own lives, when we don’t remember that God is with us. When we remember that God is more powerful than all of the problems in our lives, we can trust that He is in control. Our situation may not always turn out the way we think it should, but we can trust it is not because God is weak, but He has a different plan from ours. Let’s visually see that God is more powerful than our troubles and the evils around us.

Make a list on a sheet of paper of all the struggles you are facing and the evils in the world that concern you. Leave space at the top of the paper. After writing your list, on the top write ‘God is more powerful’ in big bold letters. 

Let’s remember that no matter what we may add to our list, God is still more powerful than all the evils or problems we are facing.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil/pen

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Waiting is hard to do! How often do you have to wait in 1 day? We wait all the time, sometimes its for a short time and other times we have to wait a long time. This week we will see how God waits for us. He knows we need time to grow and change and He loves us enough to patiently wait. 

Luke 13:6-9, I Corinthians 10:12-13 



Waiting can be difficult! We sometimes want the things we want, immediately! It is hard to be patient and wait for the things we want. Let’s play a waiting game. Follow the  instructions I’m going to give, but when you hear me say “WAIT”, you must pause and freeze right where you are. Then listen for when you can continue the activity. Have the following items near you: candy, water, other various objects if desired. Call out a command and allow time for your child to start the activity, then call for them to wait. Let them wait for awhile before telling them they can continue. Each pause doesn’t need to be the same, some can be longer or shorter than others. 

Come get a piece of candy…WAIT… OK now

Do the splits…WAIT…oh now

Run to the door…WAIT… ok now

Get a drink of water…WAIT… ok now

Give me a high five…WAIT… ok now

Continue with other commands if desired. Waiting in the middle of a task is hard! Sometimes the wait seemed to take forever and sometimes the wait may have been short. In our relationship with God, we still make mistakes and say the wrong things sometimes. God knows we are not perfect and that we will continue to grow and He will continue to change us, but it doesn’t happen over night. God loves us enough to be patient even when we make mistakes. Even when we make the same mistakes several times! Jesus told a parable about a fig tree that was not blooming. We know the purpose of a fig tree is to give figs. Even though the tree was not doing what it was created to do, the caregiver wanted to wait and work with the tree before cutting it down. God wants to work with us, He doesn’t want to give up. Let’s read our verse for today and see what the parable tells us about how much God loves us.

Read or listen to Luke 13:6-9

What type of tree did the man have in his vineyard? (Fig tree)

What did he find on the tree? (No fruit)

How long was the man waiting to see fruit? (3 years)

What did the man tell the vineyard care giver to do with the tree? (Cut it down)

What did the vineyard keeper ask to do? (Keep it and fertilize it for a year)

What would happen if the tree doesn’t fruit next year? (Cut it down)



There are many stories that we enjoy reading, but it takes time to build a story. Let’s build a story together. I am going to write the first sentence of our story and together we will make our story grow by adding a sentence to it one person at a time. Write a the first sentence of a story, then pass the paper to the next person and have them add the next sentence to the story, then pass it to the next person to add the next sentence. Continue passing and adding one sentence at a time until you have reached the end of the story. Then read the story aloud. This story grew one sentence at a time, we had to be patient as we waited for the story to be finished. God waits patiently on us too. As we continue to grow and learn to be Christians, God waits patiently because He knows we throughout our lifetime we will grow and change in Him.

Materials: paper, pencil


What are some things you may have to wait awhile to see happen? One thing that takes awhile to have happen is watching a chicken egg hatch. Although it may take awhile for the egg to hatch but watching is worth the wait. Watch this video on a chicken egg hatching. The time has been sped up so it doesn’t take as long, but it will show how you have to be patient to see the egg hatch.

Materials: attached video, device for viewing video

Independent activity:

God is patient with us as we grow and change, we have to be patient with ourselves as we grown and change. We will not always make the right decisions and say the right words, but we can continue to ask God to help us as He changes us from the inside. Complete the following activity sheet, describe how God can help us in each of these areas.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil




Complete the following craft for the barren fig tree. Follow the instructions on this webpage.

Materials: Cardstock, tree template printed, scissors, glue, green felt or construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to I Corinthians 10:12-13

Listening to this verse helps us see that we will all make mistakes, we will all fall, and we will all deal with hard things. No one gets through life without difficulty and without being tempted. The good news is, God will not leave us alone or allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. The verse says God will provide a way out so we can endure it. The bible also says we can do all things through Christ, so we can trust God to help us through whatever the situation. God is patient and will be there with us as we go through life’s journey, good and bad.

What are some difficulties we sometimes face?

Have you made any mistakes this week?

How does God show you He is patiently waiting even when you mess up?

How can we show God we want His help?

What does it mean to wait patiently?

Do you wait patiently for others?

Are you patient with the people in your family? At church? At school? On the playground?

What does it mean to grow in God?

Practical Application at Home

When we remember how patient God is with us, it can help us be patient with other people. We sometimes lose our patience with our friends, siblings, or classmates who are unkind to us. Listen to the following scenarios and tell how you could show patience in this situation.

Your sister jumps on your bed that you just made…

You brother breaks the Lego you just finished building…

Your classmate laughs at your drawing during class…

Your friend doesn’t want to share their favorite toy…

Your classmate teases you for bringing a strange lunch to school…

Your parents tell you about a trip that will happen in a few months…

Your upcoming party gets postponed…

Your sister is hogging all of the popcorn you are supposed to share…

The line for the roller coaster is really long…

You are driving across country and the trip will take over 10 hours…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is the biggest party you have ever had? How many people were there? What did you do? What made your party big? Having a great party is a lot of fun, it’s important to celebrate. Did you know God celebrates with us? This week we will read a parable that describes the Father celebrating.

Luke 15:11b-32; II Corinthians 5:17-19 



How do you celebrate a big win or a party? Do you have noisemakers that you like to use? Find a noisemaker or create your own for this activity. It’s fun to celebrate over big and small accomplishments. Make a noisemaker such as: 2 paper plates stapled together with beans inside, a small can filled with beans covered with aluminum foil, or a kazoo from 2 popsicle sticks rubber banded together at the ends with paper and toothpicks in the middle. Use your noisemakers to help me celebrate the following things.

-I won my basketball game!

-It’s my birthday!

-I ate all my food!

-I got a 100 on my test!

-I made a new friend today!

-I found my lost toy!

-I won a prize at school!

-I found my lost pet!

-I won the spelling bee!

-I won the relay race!

All of those are wonderful things to celebrate. Did you know that God celebrates with us? He celebrates when we celebrate, and He celebrates when a lost child is found. He wants all of His children to know Him and trust Him, and when we do, He celebrates! This week we will hear a parable about the lost son. This son left his dad and went out on his own not wanting to have anything to do with his father anymore. When he ran out of money and was desperate, he remembered his father could help him. When he came back home, his father was not angry but welcomed him home with open arms. He even threw a party to celebrate his return. God celebrates with us too! Even when we mess up and do wrong, God is willing to forgive and celebrate our return! Let’s read about the story in the scripture for today. 

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 15:11b-32

How many sons did the man have (2 sons)

What did the younger son ask the father? (For his share of the estate)

After he received the money what did he do? (Set off to a distant country to squander his wealth in wild living)

What happened to the country while he was there? (There was a famine)

Where did the young son go to work? (In a field to feed pigs)

What was he tempted to do since he was so hungry? (Eat the pig’s food)

What did he remember before her ate pig slop? (That his father had hired men with food to spare)

What did he decide he would tell his dad? (He sinned against heaven and him, he wasn’t worthy to be called his son, and if her could be hired as a servant)

What did the father do when he saw his son coming? (He ran towards him and threw his arms around him)

What did the father tell the servants to do? (Get him the best robe, a ring, and sandals. Kill the fattened calf and prepare a feast to celebrate the sons return)

How did the older son feel about the party? (Angry and refused to go in because he had been loyal to his dad and never received a party)

What was his fathers response? (We had to celebrate and be glad because your brother was dead and now is alive, he was lost but now he is found) 



Show your child several objects and then tell them to close their eyes. Hide all of the objects when your child is not watching. Open your eyes and see if you can find all of the objects I hid around the room. Was it easy to find all of the objects? When we lose something, we search for it, we want to find it again. When we find it, we are excited and want to rejoice with our family and friends. God is excited when we are found after being lost. He celebrates with us because He loves us so much, he doesn’t want us to wander away from Him. God wants his children to be with Him and follow Him!

Materials: several small objects to hide around the room


Complete a simple puzzle before showing it to your child. Here is a puzzle I made that is complete and whole. If I break this puzzle apart, we could say it is destroyed or broken. Break the puzzle apart. If I wanted to put this puzzle together, it would be like reconciling the puzzle. The bible talks about reconciliation which is when there is a broken relationship that is repaired. Let’s repair our broken puzzle and see what reconciliation would look like. Putting this puzzle together feels good, just like when we put broken relationships back together. The father and son in our story had a broken relationship that they were able to reconcile. God celebrates when we are able to reconcile broken relationships.

Materials: a simple puzzle (completed already)

Independent activity:

Create a list of things you celebrate. Create a list of things you think God celebrates. God celebrates us because we are His. He celebrates the things we celebrate! He also celebrates those children who were lost and then found. God loves to celebrate with us and we can remember that He takes joy in our celebrations.

Materials: White sheet of paper, pencil




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to II Corinthians 5:17-19

This verse says that we are reconciled to God through Christ. What does it mean to be reconciled? To restore or fix a broken relationship or friendship. If we are reconciled to God, we were at one point broken from Him. Our sin separates us from God, but through Christ’s death we are reconciled to God. Our once broken relationship with God because of our sin, is forgiven through the sinless life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we think of the parable of the father and his lost son, they were reconciled because thee father welcomed his son with open arms. God welcomes us with open arms, even when we make mistakes. God wants to be whole with us, he doesn’t want a broken relationship with his children.

Have you ever had a friendship that was broken?

What was the reason for the brokenness or fight?

Were you ever able to reconcile?

What was your friendship like after the reconciliation?

How can we extend reconciliation to broken relationships?

How were we reconciled to God?

How was the son in the story reconciled to his father?

Practical Application at Home

We all make mistakes, we all sin and fall short. Sometimes we lose our way and follow a path that God has not set for us to follow. Sometimes we only think of ourselves and don’t behave in a way that shows we follow Christ. Even when we do all of these things, God has made a way to be reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ. Think of some of the ways you make mistakes and complete the following sentences, remembering you have been reconciled to God from our sins. 

Complete the following statements:

Although I _____ I am reconciled to God through Christ.

Even when I ________ I am reconciled to God through Christ. through Christ.

Sometimes I _________ but I am reconciled to God through Christ.

When I feel _______ I am still reconciled to God through Christ. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is your favorite thing to do or have? What is your favorite toy? Would you be willing to give it up and not receive a replacement in return? We all have things we enjoy and even treasure, but we have to ask ourselves if we treasure those things more than we value Jesus. Wee want to show Jesus that we love Him more than anything.

John 12:1-8



Let’s do a smelling activity and see if we can guess the smell that is given. Put several scents on a cotton ball and place in a baggie or paper cup. As you have your child smell the different scents, ask them to guess what it is and also what the smell reminds them of. Be sure to either label or write a cheat sheet to remember which scents were placed in each bag. Possible scents: peppermint (oil), Peanut Butter, coconut oil, perfume, body/hand soap, lemon (oil or squeezed), onion (rubbed on cotton ball).

Think of what each of those smells reminds you. Our memory is closely tied to our sense of smell and can bring back memories for us. A specific perfume smell can remind us of our grandma, mom or dad. We can connect nice memories with our sense of smell. The smell of freshly cut apples can trigger a memory of apple picking with loved ones. This week we will read a story about how Mary created a scene by anointing Jesus’ feet with strong smelling perfume. Everyone in the room noticed what happened because they smelled it! Mary was showing her love to Jesus through this act of washing his feet, but she also was anointing him for what was to come. Let’s read this weeks story. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: John 12:1-8

What city was Jesus in? (Bethany)

What had previously happened in Bethany? ( Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead)

Why was Jesus at this dinner? (It was a dinner in Jesus’ honor)

While he was sitting at the table, what did Mary do? (Used expensive perfume to wash his feet and then wiped it with her hair)

What filled the house? (The fragrance of the perfume)

How did the disciple Judas think the money from the perfume should have been spent? (Sold and spent on the poor)

How much was the perfume worth? (1 year’s wage)

What did Judas really want to do with the money? (Use the money for himself)

How did Jesus reply to what Judas said? (To leave Mary alone, it was intended for her to save this oil for the day of his burial, the poor would always be among them.)



Have several gifts or prizes wrapped in wrapping paper or placed in gift bags. Present 2 gifts at a time, and then ask them to share one of the gifts with someone in the room or decide on a friend they can share them with later. Be sure to choose gifts that are both good and hard to choose between. Was it easy or hard to share one of your presents with someone else? Mary gave her best to Jesus because she loved him. We can give our best to God and give back to God the gifts he has given to us.

Materials: several prizes wrapped in wrapping paper or gift bags (an even number of prizes)


Draw a picture of the thing you think is your best that you could give to Jesus to show him how you love him.

Materials: Sheet of paper, crayons or coloring pencils

Independent activity:

We can always do more to show Jesus we love him. Print the following page of a plain ice cream cone. Make this ice cream more special by adding some great toppings. Use 3-d objects if desired such as small pom-poms, glitter, and cotton balls. We can always read the Bible more, serve others more or sing praises more!

Materials: attached ice cream cone sheet, 3D items (optional): pom poms, glitter, cotton balls etc.




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did Mary use to anoint Jesus feet?

Where were they when she anointed his feet?

How did this show how much Mary loved Jesus?

How can we show our love for Jesus?

How do our actions demonstrate our love for God?

Do we have to spend all of our money on perfume to show Jesus we love him?

What does Jesus want most of all?

How did Mary show that she loved Jesus above everything else?

Practical Application at Home

We all make mistakes, we all sin and fall short. Sometimes we lose our way and follow a path that God has not set for us to follow. Sometimes we only think of ourselves and don’t behave in a way that shows we follow Christ. Even when we do all of these things, God has made a way to be reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ. Think of some of the ways you make mistakes and complete the following sentences, remembering you have been reconciled to God from our sins. 

Complete the following statements:

Although I _____ I am reconciled to God through Christ.

Even when I ________ I am reconciled to God through Christ. through Christ.

Sometimes I _________ but I am reconciled to God through Christ.

When I feel _______ I am still reconciled to God through Christ. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

When we give our time serving others, we are showing Jesus that we love him more than anything else. We can spend time being the hands and feet of Jesus, rather than playing our video games or doing other things that are just for us. Spend time this week looking for ways to serve others.





Being a king is a big responsibility. There have been lots of kings through history, but only 1 king is the king over everything. That is Jesus! He is the only king who rules over the whole world. This week we will see how Jesus was praised by those who were excited He was their Messiah.

Luke 19:28-40



Have you ever ridden on the back of an animal? Different animals move in different ways. Let’s pretend we are on a parade through town riding on an animal I say. Create a space or area for your child to do a march or parade around.

Pretend you are riding through the parade on a…

An elephant (long strides forward and backward)

A horse (gallop)

A dog (squat as you walk around)

A kangaroo (bouncing up and down)

A cheetah (move very quickly)

An eagle (soar around the room)

A donkey (bouncing up and down, surging forward occasionally)

It was fun pretending we were riding on different animals. We could imagine the way those animals walk and then pretend we were on their back. If you were riding through a very important parade, what kind of animal would you want to ride on? Probably one that is big and important that wouldn't throw you around. In our story today, wee will see how Jesus rode through the middle of the city in front of everyone, on a donkey!! He didn’t ride in on a noble steed or a regal elephant, but a clopping donkey. Do you think that is the entrance of a king? Let’s read or listen to the story for this week and see how Jesus came to ride on a donkey.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week  Luke 19:28-40

When Jesus was at the Mount of Olives, what did he send his disciples to do? (Go to the village to find a donkey there)

What was special about thee donkey they were to find? (It had never been ridden)

What were the disciples to say to anyone if they asked why they needed it? (The Lord needs it.)

Did the disciples find the donkey? (Yes, they told the owners the Lord needs it)

After the disciples brought Jesus the donkey, what did they do? (Layed their robes on it and helped him get on the donkey)

As Jesus was riding down the road, what were people doing? (Spreading their robes on the road)

What did the group of disciples do as Jesus road down the road? (Began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice)

What did the Pharisees say about the crowd? (Rebuke your disciples)

What was Jesus’ response to rebuking the crown? (If they keep silent, the stones would cry out)



Retell the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the donkey while they act out the story. Have a pretend donkey using a pole or a rocking horse. Allow them to pick parts to act out and dress up. Use real leaves or large sheets of green construction paper cut into large leaves. Have them narrate the story or you can do it for them while they act it out.

Materials: Rocking horse or stick to pretend as a donkey, bible dress-up clothes, green construction paper


A king is powerful but it is not the only thing that has power. Listen to the clues and guess what is being described. Then use your play dough to see if you can create the image of what was described.

Materials: Trivia game clues printed or device to view on, play dough

Independent activity:

Print out the following donkey template found at the bottom of this website. Color the donkey and then cut it out. Glue the two parts of the donkey together. Use 2 clothespins and color them gray with the bottoms colored black for hooves. Use black yarn cut into little pieces and glue them to the head of the donkey for a mane, and then some at the back for a tale.Attach the hooves to the donkey so it can stand up on its own.

Materials: Donkey template printed, crayons/markers, glue, scissors, 2 clothespins, black yarn




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Name a king from the past.

What type of king was he?

Did he rule in a fair and just way?

What makes Jesus a different King from all other kings? 

What would the Lord be king over?

Who else will reign with Him?

What are some names given to Jesus our king?

Practical Application at Home

Being a king or ruler is not an easy task. Many times earthly kings fail to remain humble, or fair. They often begin to think of themselves over everyone else. Their needs and desires begin to outweigh the needs and desires of their kingdom or people. Even the kings in the Bible often went astray and did not continue to follow what God would have them do. 

Think of the kings in the Bible. Make a list of the kings you know who tried to continue to follow what God wanted of them and then make a list of the kings you know went astray or never followed God at all.

Although the Bible is filled with kings who did not reign justly or with wisdom, we know that Jesus is a king who will reign like no other king ever has before. That is something worth getting excited about. We can celebrate our risen Savior who is the King over the whole earth. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Did you know Jesus is alive? What great news! Awesome news! News that is too good to keep to yourself! The disciples thought so too! They were excited about that news when they realized Jesus had rose from the dead. This week we will remind ourselves of why we celebrate this time of year, Jesus is alive!

Luke 24:1-12



Let’s see if you can figure out which of my statements are true and which ones are false. I’m going to say a few statements, if you think it is true, I want you to pop up from a crouched position. If you think the statement is not true, stay crouched down.

TRUE/FALSE statements from the Bible story of resurrection

Jesus was crowned as king of Israel while he lived on earth. (False)

The disciples knew Jesus was going to die. (False)

People waved branches and shouted hosanna as Jesus entered the city. (True)

Jesus was placed in a tomb when He died. (True)

People marched around the city 7 times after Jesus was crowned. (False)

Jesus is still in the grave. (False)

Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkey while people shouted hosanna and waved branches. They wanted Jesus to be their reigning king, but they did not realize He was not going to be king right then. They did not realize what was about to happen. Jesus was going to die for their sins so they could live forever with Him. This week we will see how Jesus conquered death. When He died even His disciples did not understand it, but when they saw Him conquer death, they understood more fully what He had been telling them all along. 

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 24:1-12

After Jesus died, what did the women do at the grave? (Took prepared spices and went to the tomb)

When they came to the tomb, what did they find? (The stone was rolled away)

What did they find when they entered the tomb? (That Jesus’ body was not there)

Who appeared to the women at the tomb? (Two men inn clothes that gleaned like lightning)

What did the men tell the women? (Why do you look for the living among the dead, He is not here, He is risen)

What did the women do after they left the tomb? (They told the 11 disciples and others who were with them what happened)

What did the disciples do? (They did not believe them)

What did Peter go and do? (Ran to thee tomb and found the stripes of linen lying by themselves)



Hide small stones or jelly beans around a designated area for your child to find. Show them the “stones” they will be looking for. Help them collect the stones by shining a light on the path for them to follow. Have them collect all of the stones in a basket. These stones represent our sins. We all have sins, but Jesus helps us find them and get rid of them. When we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection, we remember that He died for all of our sins so that we don’t have to. He helps us see the wrongs we do and then offers us forgiveness.

Materials: Small stones or jelly beans, flashlight, basket to collect stones


Let’s take a taste test. I want you to try this and describe what it taste like. Give your child something bitter to taste like parsley, coffee, or horseradish. That was not a wonderful taste, was it? It taste rather bitter. What Jesus endured was bitter, and painful, but He suffered the cross because He loves us and wants to save us. Now, let’s try this bitter food with something a little more pleasurable. Pair the bitter food with something sweet like apples and honey or sugar and milk for the coffee. Now that we have eaten the bitter with the sweet, it taste a little better. In life we will have bitter moments or experiences, things we are not even sure we can bear, but Jesus is the sweetness that makes the bitterness endurable. His death on the cross and his resurrection allows us to have a closeness with God we otherwise could not have. Therefore, we are able to endure the hardships, or bitterness, of life.

Materials: Bitter food such as parsley, coffee to taste or horseradish. Sweet foods such as apples and honey, sugar and milk

Independent activity:

A handprint cross. On a sheet of yardstick or construction paper, use masking tape to create a cross in the center of the paper. Use a variety of paints, each person dips their hand in the paint and stamps it around the paper. Once the paint is dry, gently lift the tape to reveal the clean part of the paper in the shape of a cross. Jesus knows each one of us and died for every single person. Just as our fingerprints are unique to us, God knows each one of us as our own person and died for each person.

Materials: Large sheet of card stock or construction paper, variety color of washable paint, masking tape.




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Jesus’ friends feel when he was in the tomb?

Who was waiting at the tomb Sunday morning?

How did Peter feel when he heard the news Jesus was not in the tomb?

What does it mean to be resurrected?

Did Jesus know he was going to die?

Why did Jesus die for us?

When Jesus rose from the dead, what did He conquer?

What good news about Jesus could you share with others?

Practical Application at Home

Before beginning this activity, print the following sheet and cut sentences into strips. Place the strips of paper into a box and then wrap the box nicely so it looks like a gift.

Jesus gave us a gift when he died on the cross for us. 

Present a nicely wrapped gift on the table. If you have another person to complete this demonstration, present the gift to them, if not, pretend as though the gift is for you from God.

Have your partner present the gift to you.  

Point out how nice the gift looks and how pretty it is. Thank them for the gift but never pick it up from the table, leave it there and admire it from a distance. 

Have your partner offer it to you again and describe how excited they are for you to have it and how they picked it up just for you.

Continue to thank them, even offering to pay for it while your partner to continues to convince you to take the gift and open it.

You know, God has presented us with a gift as well. We can be happy about the gift and excited about the gesture, but what did I fail to do with my gift? I didn’t open it! I didn’t take it! When someone gives us a gift, its free, we just need to say thank you and accept it! We can accept our gift by taking it and using it. Let’s open our gift now.

When you open the gift, read the strips of papers inside the box. God wants to give us all of these things, for free! We don’t have to pay God back, we don’t have to earn it and we don’t have to save it for later. That is the good news of the gospel. Jesus died for our sins so He gave us the gift of salvation, forgiveness, and acceptance. Can you think of any other gifts God gives us that were not mentioned from our box?

We can share this gift with others. Think of a person you would like to share the love of God with, whether they already know Jesus or not. Think of a gift you think they would enjoy. Wrap the gift and add a card that tells them this gift is given out of love, just as Jesus’ gift to us is given out of His love for us. Present the gift to them, or leave the gift in a place they will find and be surprised!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





We trust lots of things every day without even thinking about it. We trust our car will get us to school in the morning. We trust our refrigerator will keep our food cold all day. We trust our alarm clock to wake us up in the morning. More than those things that we trust to do what they are made to do, we can trust Jesus to do what He says He will do. This week we will see how the disciples learned to trust that Jesus what do what He said He would do. 

John 20:19-31



Sometimes we need to see something for ourselves to believe and sometimes we need to believe even when we can’t see it. Listen to the following statements and decide if you think it is true or false. 

The sky is blue

There is wind on Earth

We breath oxygen

Grass grows

Living things need food

Gravity keeps grounded

Rainbows are made by reflecting light

Earth’s core (center) is hot

Some of the things listed you have experienced or seen for yourself so you know they are true. Some of the things listed you have not seen but need faith to believe that it is true. When Jesus appeared to the disciples Thomas was not there and so had a hard time to believing. Today we will read a story about Thomas who didn’t believe right away that Jesus had risen.

Read or listen to the scripture John 20:19-31

Who was together in the room? (The disciples)

Why were the doors locked? (Of fear of the Jewish leaders)

How did Jesus enter the room? (Jesus came and stood among them)

What did the disciples do when they saw Jesus? (They were overjoyed)

How did Jesus give them the Holy Spirit? (He breathed on them)

What did Jesus say would happen if they forgave someone’s sin? (Their sins would be forgiven)

What did Thomas say when the disciples told him they had just seen Jesus? (He would believe when he saw the holes in his hands and feet)

How did Jesus appear again to the disciples? (Jesus came and stood before them)



Think of someone you know who you trust? What makes you trust them? What helps you feel secure around them? Listen to these situations and decide who you trust for these things. For as much as we can trust those people in our lives, we can trust Jesus even more. He loves us and will never let us down, we can trust Him.

Materials: printed situations


Create an obstacle course in your space. Use chairs, blankets, small table, pool noodles or things you have on hand. Blindfold the person going through the course. The other person then gives oral directions to get them through the course. Did you make it through the course without tripping or falling over anything? Was it easy or hard to listen and have faith in the person directing you through the course? Did you trust they were leading you the right way? What senses did you have to use to get through the course?

Materials: materials for an obstacle course (blankets, chairs, small tables, pool noodles etc), blindfold

Independent activity:

When Jesus appeared to his disciples, they did not realize He was even in the room because he door was closed and locked. Let’s play a game of hide and seek. When you are found shout “Jesus appeared to disciples”.

Materials: area for play




Hand cut-out with heart in the middle. On the hand write “Jesus Helps me Believe

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Jesus appear to the disciples?

How could Jesus appear when the door was locked?

Which disciple did believe Jesus appeared to them?

Why were they disciples so afraid?

What are some things you have a hard time trusting that you can not see?

How can we have faith even when we can’t see it?

Practical Application at Home

What questions do you have for God today? What things do you doubt or are unsure of. Questions are not a sign of weak faith but of a faith that is searching for God. Wanting to know more and believe for yourself shows you want to have a relationship with God. God is big enough to handle your questions, just keep talking to Him!

On the journal sheet, write the date on your entry and write a letter, or prayer, to God. Tell Him what you believe right now, and ask questions you may have. This week, as you read your bible, sing songs, listen to praise music, talk with your parents, teachers and church leaders, see if God reveals his answers to you. Continue to seek God and praise Him for the answers you receive. You can easily turn this page into a journal by printing more pages or using a blank notebook and glueing this to the first page as a starter. Journaling prayers is a great way of communicating with Jesus. It’s also a great way to look back and see how God has answered your prayers. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What is your favorite thing to do or have? What is your favorite toy? Would you be willing to give it up and not receive a replacement in return? We all have things we enjoy and even treasure, but we have to ask ourselves if we treasure those things more than we value Jesus. Wee want to show Jesus that we love Him more than anything.

John 12:1-8 Philippians 3:7-9 



Sometimes it can be hard to choose between two things that we love. It’s hard to give up something that is important to us, but one thing usually beats the other. Let’s plan a game of Would you rather, you choose which of the two things you would rather do or have

Would you rather…

Eat an ice cream cone  OR   a bowl of broccoli

Take a walk in the park.   OR   a boat ride

Watch a movie.      OR     make your own movie

Go on a picnic.      OR.   eat in a skyscraper

Have a lollipop.       OR      a popsicle

Eat a burrito            OR.      a taco

Have a pancake      OR     a waffle

Go on vacation.      OR.     to a water park

It’s easy to compare the things we like and with things we might not like as much. When may love ice cream more than broccoli, but we know broccoli is better for us than ice cream. We can love Jesus more than anything and He is good for us! There are a lot of things we enjoy all around us like our toys, candy, our family, and the beach, but we can love Jesus more than any of those things. This week we will read a story about a woman who showed her love for Jesus in a very big way. Everyone who witnessed what she did also knew how much she loved him by her actions. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: John 12:1-8

What city was Jesus in? (Bethany)

What had previously happened in Bethany? ( Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead)

Why was Jesus at this dinner? (It was a dinner in Jesus’ honor)

While he was sitting at the table, what did Mary do? (Used expensive perfume to wash his feet and then wiped it with her hair)

What filled the house? (The fragrance of the perfume)

How did the disciple Judas think the money from the perfume should have been spent? (Sold and spent on the poor)

How much was the perfume worth? (1 year’s wage)

What did Judas really want to do with the money? (Use the money for himself)

How did Jesus reply to what Judas said? (To leave Mary alone, it was intended for her to save this oil for the day of his burial, the poor would always be among them.)



Have several gifts or prizes wrapped in wrapping paper or placed in gift bags. Present 2 gifts at a time, and then ask them to share one of the gifts with someone in the room or decide on a friend they can share them with later. Be sure to choose gifts that are both good and hard to choose between. Was it easy or hard to share one of your presents with someone else? Mary gave her best to Jesus because she loved him. We can give our best to God and give back to God the gifts he has given to us.

Materials: prizes wrapped in wrapping paper or gift bags


Make a bowl to replicate what Mary may have used to hold the oil for anointing Jesus’ feet. Take a large piece of clay or Play Dough and roll it out into a long thin rope to coil into the shape of a bowl.

Materials: play dough

Independent activity:

Create a collage. On the center of your paper, write Jesus name in large letters. Using different colored markers and font, write other things you love or enjoy all around the paper. We say we love Jesus the most, but sometimes it gets crowded with other things we enjoy and spend time doing more than spending time with God. We can remember to not let other things get in the way or crowd out our love for Jesus.

Materials: White sheet of paper, pencil, markers




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Philippians 3:7-9 

The author of Philippians states that everything he once thought was a gain to himself, he now considers it a loss to Christ. Not because those things no longer hold value, but because they hold a much lesser value than the value of knowing Jesus Christ. In comparison to Christ, those things are no longer important but are instead considered filth. When we know the love of Jesus and understand the depth of his love for us, we will consider everything else lesser in comparison. The things we used to consider of value will never satisfy in the way on Jesus can satisfy us. 

What are some things you consider to be valuable?

What are some things you think are important to have or achieve?

Do you believe those things give you more than what Jesus can offer?

How did Mary show she did not value anything else over Jesus?

Why was her gift of perfume such a significant offering?

Practical Application at Home

It can be easy to allow other things in our lives to become more valuable to us than God. Our actions describe what we consider to be the most valuable. The things we spend most of our time on, where we spend most of our money, and what we turn to when we need comfort show what we put value or trust in. When we are willing to sacrifice what we consider to be valuable for God, we show that we love him more than anything else. When Mary used the expensive oil for Jesus’ feet, she did it out of love not obligation because she knew Jesus could provide for her every need. What He had to offer was more valuable than any earthly money, time, or life. 

Think about your favorite thing and what you believe it has to offer you. Make a list of all the reasons you enjoy your favorite thing and then make a list of the things God says He has to offer you. Determine which one you believe to be more valuable and what you believe will offer lasting satisfaction.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

When we give our time serving others, we are showing Jesus that we love him more than anything else. We can spend time being the hands and feet of Jesus, rather than playing our video games or doing other things that are just for us. Spend time this week looking for ways to serve others.





Being a king is a big responsibility. There have been lots of kings through history, but only 1 king is the king over everything. That is Jesus! He is the only king who rules over the whole world. This week we will see how Jesus was praised by those who were excited He was their Messiah.

Luke 19:28-40 Jeremiah 23:5-6 Zechariah 14:9 



How do you celebrate your birthday? Do you think it’s the same way everyone around the world celebrates their birthday? Do you celebrate your birthday the same way you celebrate a baby shower? We celebrate different events in different ways. Listen to the clues I give and decide which even is being celebrated.

Cake, streamers, gifts (birthday)

Gifts, cake, dance floor (wedding)

Teddy bear, clothes, diapers (baby shower)

Bible, cards, food (baptism)

Tassels, money, diploma (graduation)

BBQ, fireworks, pie (Independence Day/national holiday)

Gifts, decorated tree, lots of food (Christmas)

Lunch, flowers, awards (award ceremony)

Special dinner, speeches, slideshow, special stories (anniversary party)

We all celebrate special events in our lives in many different ways. In our story this week, Jesus’ followers knew that Jesus was special and come to save them. They were excited and wanted to celebrate Jesus. Although they did not fully understand Jesus’ plan, they knew He was their Messiah. To celebrate Jesus, they laid down their robes and waved branches as he rode a donkey through the streets. They were excited and praised God for the Savior He sent. Let’s read this week’s story in the Bible.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Luke 19:28-40

When Jesus was at the Mount of Olives, what did he send his disciples to do? (Go to the village to find a donkey there)

What was special about thee donkey they were to find? (It had never been ridden)

What were the disciples to say to anyone if they asked why they needed it? (The Lord needs it.)

Did the disciples find the donkey? (Yes, they told the owners the Lord needs it)

After the disciples brought Jesus the donkey, what did they do? (Layed their robes on it and helped him get on the donkey)

As Jesus was riding down the road, what were people doing? (Spreading their robes on the road)

What did the group of disciples do as Jesus road down the road? (Began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice)

What did the Pharisees say about the crowd? (Rebuke your disciples)

What was Jesus’ response to rebuking the crown? (If they keep silent, the stones would cry out)



The story of Jesus entering Jerusalem is just one part of the resurrection story. Complete this scavenger hunt by reading the clues given that will lead to items discussed this month during the Resurrection story.

Materials: Scavenger hunt printed


In our story today the people were excited to see Jesus ride through town as their king, they waved palm branches in celebration. We can wave banners in celebration that Jesus is our king. We know Jesus is our eternal king who has conquered death. That is something we can really celebrate! Create a banner that can be waved in the air. Use a large sheet of paper or construction paper, decorate it with the words “Jesus is our king” or another saying. Then decorate the banner using stickers or other drawings. Hang your banner to see!

Materials: Large construction paper, crayons or markers, stickers

Independent activity:

Print out the following donkey template found at the bottom of this website. Color the donkey and then cut it out. Glue the two parts of the donkey together. Use 2 clothespins and color them gray with the bottoms colored black for hooves. Use black yarn cut into little pieces and glue them to the head of the donkey for a mane, and then some at the back for a tale.Attach the hooves to the donkey so it can stand up on its own.

Materials: Donkey template printed, crayons/markers, glue, scissors, 2 clothespins, black yarn




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Jeremiah 23:5-6 Zechariah 14:9

This verse was written long before Jesus was born, and yet the prophet told of who the coming king would be that would save Israel. Although the prophet did not know Jesus name, he told of aa king that would reign wisely and justly! We know that king to be Jesus. He is not like earthly kings who might put their needs above the people’s needs or take more than their fair share, but Jesus is a fair King who will always do what is right. 

Name a king from the past.

What type of king was he?

Did he rule in a fair and just way?

What makes Jesus a different King from all other kings? 

What would the Lord be king over?

Who else will reign with Him?

What are some names given to Jesus our king?

Practical Application at Home

Being a king or ruler is not an easy task. Many times earthly kings fail to remain humble, or fair. They often begin to think of themselves over everyone else. Their needs and desires begin to outweigh the needs and desires of their kingdom or people. Even the kings in the Bible often went astray and did not continue to follow what God would have them do. 

Think of the kings in the Bible. Make a list of the kings you know who tried to continue to follow what God wanted of them and then make a list of the kings you know went astray or never followed God at all.

Although the Bible is filled with kings who did not reign justly or with wisdom, we know that Jesus is a king who will reign like no other king ever has before. That is something worth getting excited about. We can celebrate our risen Savior who is the King over the whole earth. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Did you know Jesus is alive? What great news! Awesome news! News that is too good to keep to yourself! The disciples thought so too! They were excited about that news when they realized Jesus had rose from the dead. This week we will remind ourselves of why we celebrate this time of year, Jesus is alive!

Luke 24:1-12. Romans 6:8-11



There are lots of bible verses that speak to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Do you know the rest of these verses? Listen to the verse I will read and see if you can fill in the blank with the missing word or words? 

The wages of _____ is  _______. (Sin/death)

All have ______ and fallen short of the glory of God. (Sinned)

I have ______ you with an everlasting love. (Love)

By His ________ we are healed. (Stripes)

I am the ________ and the life. (Resurrection)

And God raised the Lord, and will also _______ us up by His power. (Raise)

Death no longer has _______ over Him. (Mastery/dominion)

He is not here; He has ________ (risen)

Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkey while people shouted hosanna and waved branches. They wanted Jesus to be their reigning king, but they did not realize He was not going to be king right then. They did not realize what was about to happen. Jesus was going to die for their sins so they could live forever with Him. This week we will see how Jesus conquered death. When He died even His disciples did not understand it, but when they saw Him conquer death, they understood more fully what He had been telling them all along. 
Read or listen to the scripture Luke 24:1-12

After Jesus died, what did the women do at the grave? (Took prepared spices and went to the tomb)

When they came to the tomb, what did they find? (The stone was rolled away)

What did they find when they entered the tomb? (That Jesus’ body was not there)

Who appeared to the women at the tomb? (Two men in clothes that gleaned like lightning)

What did the men tell the women? (Why do you look for the living among the dead, He is not here, He is risen)

What did the women do after they left the tomb? (They told the 11 disciples and others who were with them what happened)

What did the disciples do? (They did not believe them)

What did Peter go and do? (Ran to the tomb and found the stripes of linen lying by themselves) 



Complete this treasure hunt and go on a journey of the resurrection story. Use the clues to know where to find the next clue. Read the card and complete the activity listed on the sheet before moving on to the next clue. Leave a special prize at the last location for your child to find or open. We know that the road to the cross was not easy for Jesus, but He did it out of His love for us. He loves us and wants to be in relationship with us, so He died so our sins would not separate us from Him.

Materials: Scavenger hunt printed and placed in various areas.


Have you ever known something was going to happen, good or bad, but as the date got closer you became more and more anxious about it? Tell about a time this has happened to you. Did worrying about the event help you be more prepared? Jesus knew He came to die for our sins from the beginning, but did He become more anxious about the event as His death became closer? How did Jesus find peace? How can we find peace in the midst of an anxious event?


Independent activity:

A handprint cross. On a sheet of yardstick or construction paper, use masking tape to create a cross in the center of the paper. Use a variety of paints, each person dips their hand in the paint and stamps it around the paper. Once the paint is dry, gently lift the tape to reveal the clean part of the paper in the shape of a cross. Jesus knows each one of us and died for every single person. Just as our fingerprints are unique to us, God knows each one of us as our own person and died for each person.

Materials: Large sheet of card stock or construction paper, variety color of washable paint, masking tape.




Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Romans 6:8-11

When Jesus paid the price for our sins, He died and then rose again from the grave. He conquered death and when we die in Jesus, we conquer death as well. Not because of anything we have done, but because of everything Jesus did. He died to sin once and for all. This verse reminds us “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” When we ask God to forgive our sins, we accept his gift of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus. 

What sins did Jesus commit?

Did Pilate think Jesus had committed any sins worthy of death?

Why did the people want Jesus to die when they had just celebrated him as their king a week prior?

Did Jesus know He would die?

Do you think it would be difficult to be punished for someone else’s wrongs or sins?

What are some sins you might commit on accident?

Do you ever commit any sins knowingly?

Do you think we are forgiven even for the sins we knowingly commit?

How did Jesus conquer death?

What good news about Jesus could you share with others?

Practical Application at Home

Before beginning this activity, print the following sheet and cut sentences into strips. Place the strips of paper into a box and then wrap the box nicely so it looks like a gift.

Jesus gave us a gift when he died on the cross for us. 

Present a nicely wrapped gift on the table. If you have another person to complete this demonstration, present the gift to them, if not, pretend as though the gift is for you from God.

Have your partner present the gift to you.  

Point out how nice the gift looks and how pretty it is. Thank them for the gift but never pick it up from the table, leave it there and admire it from a distance. 

Have your partner offer it to you again and describe how excited they are for you to have it and how they picked it up just for you.

Continue to thank them, even offering to pay for it while your partner to continues to convince you to take the gift and open it.

You know, God has presented us with a gift as well. We can be happy about the gift and excited about the gesture, but what did I fail to do with my gift? I didn’t open it! I didn’t take it! When someone gives us a gift, its free, we just need to say thank you and accept it! We can accept our gift by taking it and using it. Let’s open our gift now.

When you open the gift, read the strips of papers inside the box. God wants to give us all of these things, for free! We don’t have to pay God back, we don’t have to earn it and we don’t have to save it for later. That is the good news of the gospel. Jesus died for our sins so we He gave us the gift of salvation, forgiveness, and acceptance. Can you think of any other gifts God gives us that were not mentioned from our box?

We can share this gift with others. Think of a person you would like to share the love of God with, whether they already know Jesus or not. Think of a gift you think they would enjoy. Wrap the gift and add a card that tells them this gift is given out of love, just as Jesus’ gift to us is given out of His love for us. Present the gift to them, or leave the gift in a place they will find and be surprised!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





We trust lots of things every day without even thinking about it. We trust our car will get us to school in the morning. We trust our refrigerator will keep our food cold all day. We trust our alarm clock to wake us up in the morning. More than those things that we trust to do what they are made to do, we can trust Jesus to do what He says He will do. This week we will see how the disciples learned to trust that Jesus what do what He said He would do. 

John 20:19-31



Print and cut out the following challenges and place them in a bowl. Take turns pulling a challenge strip out of the bowl and attempting to do the activity on the paper.

Take out a slip of paper and read what is on your sheet. Then you will decide if you will accept the challenge and do it, or if you will decline to complete the challenge.

We can trust Jesus to do what He says he’s going to do. Although we were not always able to complete the tasks we were given, it doesn’t matter how hard or difficult something may be, Jesus can do it! We can trust Jesus to do what He says he will do. When Jesus appeared to the disciples Thomas was not there and so had a hard time to believing. Today we will read a story about Thomas who didn’t believe right away that Jesus had risen.

Read or listen to the scripture John 20:19-31

Who was together in the room? (The disciples)

Why were the doors locked? (Of fear of the Jewish leaders)

How did Jesus enter the room? (Jesus came and stood among them)

What did the disciples do when they saw Jesus? (They were overjoyed)

How did Jesus give them the Holy Spirit? (He breathed on them)

What did Jesus say would happen if they forgave someone’s sin? (Their sins would be forgiven)

What did Thomas say when the disciples told him they had just seen Jesus? (He would believe when he saw the holes in his hands and feet)

How did Jesus appear again to the disciples? (Jesus came and stood before them)



Create an obstacle course in your space. Use chairs, blankets, small table, pool noodles or things you have on hand. Blindfold the person going through the course. The other person then gives oral directions to get them through the course. Did you make it through the course without tripping or falling over anything? Was it easy or hard to listen and have faith in the person directing you through the course? Did you trust they were leading you the right way? What senses did you have to use to get through the course?

Materials: materials for ann obstacle course (chairs, blankets, small table, pool noodles etc), blindfold


We can trust God has a plan when we read His word and see that what was written years before came to be because God had planned it in advance. Read the following scriptures and then find the matching verse that shows how it was fulfilled years later.

Materials: activity sheet, pencil

Independent activity:

Make a hidden message. Take a white sheet of paper and use a white crayon to write a hidden message on your paper. On your first sheet write the message “You can trust Jesus” using the white crayon. Then use water colors to paint over the entire sheet of paper to reveal the message. Make other hidden messages to pass to your siblings or friends for them to read.

Materials: White construction paper, white crayon, water colors, paintbrush




Hand cut-out with heart in the middle. On the hand write “Jesus Helps me Believe

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Jesus appear to the disciples?

How could Jesus appear when the door was locked?

Why were they disciples so afraid?

What are some things you have a hard time trusting that you can not see?

How can we have faith even when we can’t see it?

Practical Application at Home

What questions do you have for God today? What things do you doubt or are unsure of. Questions are not a sign of weak faith but of a faith that is searching for God. Wanting to know more and believe for yourself shows you want to have a relationship with God. God is big enough to handle your questions, just keep talking to Him!

On the journal sheet, write the date on your entry and write a letter, or prayer, to God. Tell Him what you believe right now, and ask questions you may have. This week, as you read your bible, sing songs, listen to praise music, talk with your parents, teachers and church leaders, see if God reveals his answers to you. Continue to seek God and praise Him for the answers you receive. You can easily turn this page into a journal by creating more pages or using a blank notebook and glueing this to the first page as a starter. Journaling prayers is a great way of communicating with Jesus. It’s also a great way to look back and see how God has answered your prayers.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What types of messages do you enjoy receiving? Do you enjoy love notes in your lunchbox from mom and dad? What about notes from your teacher encouraging your good work? We received messages all the time and we definitely enjoy messages with good news. There is good news we should share with everyone, and we can be messengers who pass that message along. This week we will see how we can be messengers of the Good news!

Acts 9:1-20



This month we are learning that we can all be messengers. What is an important message we can be share that is important for everyone to hear? It’s the message of the good news of Jesus. Messengers deliver information to people in fast and slow ways. Let’s pretend you are a deliverer and you have these important boxes to deliver. Listen to the clues I give you and see if you can deliver these boxes to the correct location. Give your child a stack of boxes (preferably empty, or light enough to carry a few at a time.) Continue to read the clues until all the boxes they are carrying are delivered. Carrying all the boxes, start delivering one box at a time to each location I mention.

Deliver a box to:

A place where it is soft but strong to hold several people (couch)

A place where private business is performed but can sometimes be stinky (bathroom)

A place where dirty clothes can get cleaned (laundry room)

A place the family is able to gather and use their mouth in more than one way. (The kitchen table)

A place where food is stored until it is needed weeks or even months from now. (Pantry/closet)

Were you able to carry a lot of boxes at once? Was it a fast or slow delivery. Did you start out one direction and then change your mind about which way to go? This week we will read a story about Saul, who was really not doing the right thing for a long time. He did not believe in Jesus and wanted to hurt anyone who did believe in Jesus. He was known for being mean to Christians. But something happened to change him, and he completely changed his direction. Instead of killing others, he started leading them to Jesus! That’s a completely different message! Let’s read or listen to the story for this week to see what caused such a change in Saul.

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 9:1-20

What was Saul doing against the Lord’s disciples? (Breathing out murderous threats)

Where was Saul headed for the synagogue? (Damascas)

What was he going to the synagogue to do? (As for papers to arrest anyone belonging to the Way)

On his journey, what flashed from heaven all around him? (A light from heaven)

What did the voice say? (Paul, Paul, why do you persecute me?)

Who did the voice say he was? (Jesus, the one you are persecuting)

What happened to Saul’s eyes after the light? (He was blinded)

Where did his friends lead him? (To Damascus)

How long was he blind? (3 days)

What did God tell Ananias to do? (Go to the house where Saul was to restore his vision)

What was Ananias’ reaction? (He at first didn’t want to go but reminded God of the things he’d heard about Saul)

What did Ananias do to Saul when he got to the house? (Placed his hands on Saul to restore his sight and for him to be filled Holy Spirit)



What message can we send to others? We send messages all the time by the way we speak to others and how we treat them. The way we respond to unpleasant situations sends a message to others who are watching us. Listen to the following statements and decide if the message is good or bad. If it is a good message, toss a cotton ball in the jar marked good. If statement is a bad message, toss a cotton ball into a jar marked bad.

You wake up in a bad mood and grunt a hello at your mother.

You help mom make breakfast in the morning.

You yell at the kid next to you who accidents bumps you in line.

You let the kid behind you cut in line in front of you just to be nice

You tell the person next to you sorry for knocking over their books

You push a kid who is moving too slow in front of you because you are late for class

You share your candy with a friend at lunch

You knock someones lunch over, because you are in a bad mood.

You ask the teacher if you can help them clean the classroom after school.

You leave your trash at your desk because the school has a janitor

You hold the door open for your classmates

You share your favorite fun pencil with your desk neighbor

You ask a kid who was just at recess if they are okay

You help your mom bring in the groceries from the car

You ask dad if you can help him with the yard work.

You complain when your parents as you to take out the trash and leave a trail of trash along the sidewalk.

Materials: cotton balls, 2 jars; 1 labeled good, the other bad


Create an obstacle course or a pathway for your child to follow. You are going to pretend you are a delivery person. Each time I say a statement that is a message from or about God, take 5 steps forward on our delivery path. See if you can make it to the end of our delivery route by pretending to deliver these messages along the way.

Jesus love you

I am the way, the Truth, and the Life

I came to save the lost

You have to earn salvation

I have loved you with an everlasting love

I am the vine, you are the branches

The way to life is through your many acts of service and work

In this life you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world

I will never leave nor forsake you

Forgiveness is not free but earned

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you

If you love me, keep my commandments

You are accepted after you become perfect

I am going to prepare a place for you

I will deliver those who deserve to be saved

I will come again, and receive you unto myself

Materials: simple obstacle course

Independent activity:

Color all of the ways we can receive messages both now and in the past.

Materials: activity sheet, crayons




Make a kaleidoscope. This craft requires parent help. Saul was blinded by a light until Ananias prayed for him and then his sight was returned. Light contains all the colors of the rainbow. Let’s make a kaleidoscope that shows colors reflected in various directions.

Materials: paper towel tube, card stock, thin clear plastic, colorful translucent (like beads), cardboard, aluminum foil, hot glue gun, scissors, marker, wasabi tape


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What was Saul doing before he was blinded by light?

Why would Jesus want to save someone like Saul?

What did Saul do after the even one the road?

What message do you think Saul shared with the people he met?

If Jesus can use Saul to deliver an important message, can He use us too?

What messages do you send to people with your words?

What messages are you sharing with others by your actions?

Practical Application at Home

If God can use Saul to spread the gospel to all of the world, He can use you and me as well. We can share the gospel with those God puts in our lives. Think of someone you would like to share the good news of the gospel with today. Could they use some good news that Jesus loves them, died for them, and will come back for them some day? That is a message worth sharing with everyone. 

Create a greeting card that you can mail to someone today. Create your greeting card first using card stock, markers and other art supplies. Write a message of Love from God in the inside of your card. Use a direct scripture quote or a personal message sharing GOd’s love for them. Address an envelop and stamp it to be delivered by the mail carrier. Pray over your message asking God to allow your card to be an avenue for God’s love to shine through and reach their hearts. Our message doesn’t have to be complicated, God can use us to spread His message of love.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever had a story so good you couldn’t wait to share it? What about a miracle? What would you define as a miracle? Is it only when we see an impossible thing happen, or when something small happens that we can’t explain? Miracles come in all shapes and sizes, but we can know that they come from God and it is clear it was a gift from Him. 

Acts 9:36-43



Let’s do this fun experiment to show how quickly things can spread. Cover your hands in baby oil and then sprinkle glitter over your hands. This glitter represents germs. Think about how you might sneeze in your hands, used the restroom, or touched other surfaces. Now let’s see what happens to these germs as I make my way around thee room. Touch several items to show the germs being transferred to other places. Did the glitter stay on my hands? No! It spread all over the place. Everything I touched now has a touch of glitter! Our story this week also has something that spread very quickly, but it wasn’t germs. It was the good news  of a miracle a disciple did for a woman who had died. We can also spread the good news of miracles we have seen God perform in our lives or the lives of others. Let’s read too find out what miracle was performed that the witnesses couldn’t keep too themselves. 

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Acts 9:36-43

What was Tabitha known for in her area? (For doing good and helping the poor)

What happened to Tabitha? (She died)

What did the disciples urge Peter to do? (To visit at once)

What did Peter find in the room upstairs? (The widows crying and showing the clothes Tabitha had made for them)

What did Peter pray after he sent the women out? (Tabitha get up)

What did Tabitha do after Peter said these words? (She opened her eyes and sat up)

 What happened after this miracle was performed? (Word spread all cover Joppa and the people believed in Jesus)



Have you ever been sick? Let’s play a game of charades. We will pretend to have some sickness and others have to guess what sickness they think you have.

Materials: charade cards


Let’s play doctor. Gather several stuffed animals or dolls of your child’s. Give each one a different sickness and pretend they are feeling veery ill. Have your child pretend to be the doctor to make them well. Provide your child with bandages, thermometers and other doctor equipment. God has given doctors the ability to make people feel better when they are sick, but only God can heal us or bring people back from the dead. God is the resurrection and the life, He provides life for each of.

Materials: Stuffed animals or dolls, medical equipment such as bandages,  

Independent activity:

Have you ever known someone who was sick? What are some things we can do to cheer up someone who is feeling bad or is sick? One thing we can do to pass an encouraging message to a sick friend, make and send a get well card. Using craft items you have at home, make a greeting card and add a message of encouragement.

Materials: Sheet of paper, crayons or markers, various craft items




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Where did Peter send the widows who were in the room with Tabitha’s body?

How did word spread if they were not in the room when the miracle happened?

What is good news you’ve heard that is worth spreading?

We can spread good or bad news. How can we spread the good and stop the bad?

Could the disciples perform the same miracle Jesus had performed?

Practical Application at Home

We know lots of bible stories that tell of the miracles God did for Israel and for His people who believed, but we can also know that God still performs miracles today. The bible says that God is the same and He does not change, so if He could perform miracles then, He can still perform them now. Miracles come in all sizes. A miracle doesn’t have to be huge in order to be a miracle.

Think about a miracle you have seen happen to you or someone you know. Share that story with each other. When we share the miracles we witness we are passing on a good message to build others’ faith. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the warm weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Delivering a message of love should be an easy message to pass to others. What if you think the people you must spread the message to are not as good as you? What does God say about sharing his message to people who are not the same as you? This week we will see what God thinks of various groups of people and what that will look like in His Kingdom.

Acts 11:1-18



Use a large blanket or sheet and fill it with various stuffed animals (alternately show pictures of various animals on phone from online). Hold the animals so your child can not see the animals, then have them choose 1 animal from the bag. When they take out an animal, have them tell you 1 or 2 facts they know about the animal they chose. Continue this way until several fish are pulled out at described.

We know a lot about these animals. Some of these animals are good for a specific job, some make good pets and others may make a good meal. Although each of these animals have different jobs, they are all God’s creatures! This week we will see how we can often group animals as well as people into different groups. But God doesn’t want us to be separated into different groups that make one group better than the other because He loves us all. He taught Peter a lesson by using a vision about animals for Peter to understand that we are all delivered no matter what our differences. 

Read or listen to Acts 11:1-18

What did Peter describe as what he saw? (A vision)

What did Peter see coming down from heaven? (A large sheet filled with animals)

What types of animals did Peter see? (4 footed animals, wild beasts, reptiles, birds)

What did the voice tell Peter to do? (Get up kill and eat)

What was Peter’s response? (Sure not, nothing pure or unclean has ever entered my mouth)

What did the voice of heaven say about the animals? (Do not call anything unpure what God haas made clean.)

What happened to the people when Peter started speaking to them about God’s word? ( the Holy Spirit came on them)

What did Peter realize after seeing the Holy Spirit come on them? (If God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was I to think I could stand in God’s way)



Grab a large assortment of animals. Sort them into different t groups giving your chid the categories such as by color, by size, by number of legs, by land or sea, winged or non winged etc. It’s easy to sort these animals into different groups. I bet we could even think of more groups to sort our animals in. What else could we sort into groups? Could we sort food? Plants? People? Sometimes people do sort people into different groups and they may even try to say they are better than a different group, but our story today tells us that God does not sort people into groups. He doesn’t decide that one type of people are better than another. Peter’s dream helped him see that the Jews were loved by God just as He loved the Gentiles. We can love all groups of people too and remember that God sees us all as His children.

Materials: assortment of stuffed or plastic animals


Set up 4 stations around in each corner of the room. Play music while the children walk/skip/hop in a circle in the center of the room. When the music stops, children need to quickly move to the corner of the room closest to them. Then, roll a dice to see what number is chosen. Those standing in the corner that was chosen gets a prize. Then everyone goes back to the middle to walk/skip/hop while the music plays and then continue to call numbers each time the music stops and they find a corner, until you are ready to end the game. That was fun to be chosen, but aren’t you glad God doesn’t choose us this way? Aren’t you glad that he has chosen each of us and delivered us all, no matter what ‘group’ we are in?

Materials: large sheets of papers labeled 1-4

Independent activity:

We all have dreams, they occur at night and we have often forgotten them by morning! Unlike Peter’s vision, which happens while you are awake, and you can remember the details when it is over. God used visions in the Bible to tell someone an important message they often needed to see! Although our dreams are not visions, we often have dreams that we can vaguely remember and they might feel really important. Think about a dream you have had and what it may have meant, if it meant anything at all. On a sheet of paper, draw all the things you saw in your dream on your peer, and write what you think the dream what about. Our dreams are not necessarily from God, but they are one way our brain processes information we’ve seen or learned.

Materials: White construction paper, crayons or markers




Coloring page

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did Peter believe about those who were not Jews?

Did Peter think everyone would be saved or just God’s chosen people?

How can we show love to others even when they are different from you?

How can we show love to others when we don’t think they deserve it?

Who are some people you know who need to be shown love?

How did God show Peter that He wanted Peter to love everyone?

Practical Application at Home

It's easier to love others who we think are worthy or deserving of our love. But God calls us to love even people who might be difficult to love or unpopular. Think about people you know who need to be shown the love of God. We even forgot people we should love and sometimes they are overlooked. But God wants us to look and seek out those who need His love and show God’ slove to them. Let’s keep our eyes open this week to look for ways to serve and show love to all of God’s people.

Deliver a message of love to someone. Create your own postcard by drawing a picture or using a photo of a scenery you enjoy or consider peaceful. On the back of the postcard write a simple message of Jesus’ love. Secretively deliver the message to someone who needs to hear Jesus’ message of love. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What’s the farthest place you have traveled to? What’s the shortest trip you have ever taken? Paul traveled to far distances in all directions to spread the good news of Jesus. Once Paul was a believer in Jesus, we wanted to share that good news with everyone all over. This week we will see how God’s message can go everywhere by any believer.

Acts 16:9-15



I’m going to give you come clues about what I have in my bag/box and I want you to guess what I am shipping.

Place several items in a few bags or boxes. Give your child a chance to shake, smell, and weigh the bag/box and try to guess what is in the bag. Then give your child a few clues to help them guess what is in the parcel.

Good job trying to guess what was in my parcel. We often ship boxes or gifts to others so they are surprised when they open it. Our parcels sometimes travel a short distance but we can also send packages around the world! This week we will see how God’s message can travel all around the world to everyone. After Paul accepts Jesus and the gospel, he shares what he has learned with everyone. He travels all over to help spread the good news of the gospel to others. Let’s read this week’s passage to see who he meets on his travels. 

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 16:9-15

What dream did Paul have? (That a man from Macedonia was standing begging him to come and help them.

What did Paul do after the vision? (He got ready to go because he believed God was sending him there to preach)

On Sabbath where did Paul go? (Outside the city to a river to find a peaceful place to pray)

Who did he find there? (A group of women )

Who was one of the women gathered there? (Lydia who was a believer of God)

What job did Lydia have? (She sold purple cloth)

What did the Lord open her heart to do? (Responded to Pauls message and was baptized with her entire household)

What did she convince Paul and the others to do? (Come and stay at her house)



Paul took the message of Jesus everywhere. He went all directions: North, South, East and West. Let’s practice our cardinal directions. Place the 4 cardinal directions on the wall in the correct order. Call out a direction and have your child face that sign after you call it out. Continue to call out directions in a mixed order while your child moves call out another. Move as fast as you are able according to your child’s ability. God’s message can go everywhere, and we can help pass it along by sharing it with the people we know.

Materials: 4 signs labeled North, South, east, West


Let’s practice being deliverers of the gospel. Print the following activity sheet on purple paper, or lightly color the paper purple. Attach the purple paper to any packages or boxes you have, or just leave the papers in a small basket. Have your child deliver each box to the place directed on the purple sheet of paper. Paul took the Gospel in all directions including to a woman named Lydia who sold purple clothes. She then had the opportunities to continue to spread that good news to all the people she met when selling her purple clothes. We can deliver good news to the people around us. God’s message can go everywhere we can go!

Materials: empty boxes taped close, printed purple sheets of paper, glue or tape

Independent activity:

Draw a picture of something that you use that is the color purple. Lydia sold purple cloth and would have met lots of people while doing business. God can use us to spread the gospel no matter what big or small job we are doing. The people we meet every day doing our normal activities can know God’s love through us.

Materials: White construction paper, purple crayon, various other colors




Make a watercolor earth. Color a coffee filter with large sections of green and blue using washable markers. One the filter is filled with green and blue with no white showing, spray the filter lightly with a spray bottle of water. The colors will run together. Allow time for it to dry before glueing the colored filter to a larger sheet of blue construction paper.

Materials: white paper coffee filter, washable green and blue markers, spray bottle filled with water, blue construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Where did Paul go to preach?

Is there any place God’s word can not reach?

How can you follow God’s call to spread the gospel around the world?

How did Lydia spread the gospel to others?

How can you share the gospel at school? Practice? On the playground?

Practical Application at Home

This week we’ve learned that we can spread the good news of Jesus to everyone no matter where we are. Paul shared the gospel of Jesus with Lydia who then began a home church just by inviting others to her home. She was willing to listen and then share what she learned with others. It didn’t take any special job, a lot of money, or any special skill for Lydia to bring others to Jesus. God doesn’t need us to have a special job or skill either, He just wants us to listen and then share what we’ve learned with others! We can do that from anywhere! Think about what you would like to be when you grow up. You can carry out the Great Commission in whatever future career God has for you.

Complete the following activity sheet by writing in the job you think you might like to have one day, then completing the statements of how you can show God’s love with that job.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we’ve learned that we are messengers for God’s gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. We can share that message to others no matter where we are, how old we are, and no matter what job we are doing. This week we will see that God will send us help and sometimes we might be the help he sends to others. Sharing the gospel with others helps them know God and be saved. 

Acts 16:16-34



Let’s play a game of Name that Tune. We will divide into 2 teams. One team will hum the song, when the other team guesses the song they will need to start singing several measures of the song. Then switch sides and have the other team hum the tune while the opposing team guesses. If a team cannot guess the tune within 2 minutes, they will lose their turn. You can come up with your own songs or print and cut the following songs into strips. Place them in a bowl to pull out at each teams turn. 

We know a lot of praise songs! We often sing songs of praise when we are in church or in a good mood at home. What about praising in the middle of a difficult situation. That might be a harder time to praise but we can praise God at any time, not just when things are going well. Paul and Silas went to prison but while they were there, they sang songs of praise. Let’s read about what happened to Paul and Silas while they were in prison and how God used them to spread the gospel from their jail cell.

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 16:16-34

Who was following Paul and Silas around announcing they were servants of the Most High God? (A woman who was possessed with a spirit)

What did the spirit inside her help her to do? (Predict the future)

What did the owners of the possessed woman make her do? (Predict the future for others and charge them money that the owners were able to keep and make a profit)

What did Paul do when he got annoyed with the possessed woman following them around making the announcement? (Sent the spirit from her)

What did the owners do when they realized her spirit was gone? (They were upset they wouldn’t make any more money and they sent Paul and Silas before the authorities)

What did they accuse Paul and Silas of? (Throwing their city in an uproar and making customs unlawful for Romans to follow)

What did the magistrates order to happen to Paul and Silas? (They be beaten and flogged and thrown into prison)

What did Paul and Silas do in prison? (Sing and pray to God)

What did the earthquake do? (Shake the chains loose and all the prison doors opened)

When the prison guard woke up, what did he think happened? (All the prisoners escaped)

When the guard realized the prisoners were all there, what did he do? (Asked what he must do to be saved?)

That evening who was saved? (The prison guard and all of his family)



Test your structure. As a family, build a structure out of lego bricks, blocks or wooden blocks. Build your structure on a flat moveable surface. After you build the structure, pretend an earthquake is happening and start with a small earthquake, by moving the flat ground surface, and then shaking it harder if the structure stays standing. See how much of the earthquake your structure can handle without crashing. Determine the best type of structure to build that can withstand the ground movement. Paul and Silas were in prison and they knew the earthquake was from God. God had sent them help, and the guard and his family were saved because of the miracle he witnessed that night.

Materials: building blocks or lego bricks, platform


Watch this video of chain reactions (video of domino chain reactions).

Materials: device for watching video

Independent activity:

Make a chain-link using strips of construction paper. Make a circle with one strip of construction paper and staple it together. Then loop another strip through the circle and staple the ends of the strip together. Continue to loop the next strip to create a long link. We’ve created our own link chain out of construction paper. On each link, write the name of a person we’ve talked about this month or that is in the Bible, who has been a messenger of God’s words. On the last link, write your name as well!

Materials: Construction paper cut into strips, double sided tape or glue, pencil or pen




make your own handcuffs. Watch this video describing the step by step instructions on how to create this craft.

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why were Paul and Silas sent to prison?

How did they witness to others while in prison?

Why did the prison guard believe Paul and Silas were messengers from God?

How can we be witnesses?

Who does God send to help others?

How can we be helpers to others who are in need?

Practical Application at Home

When Paul and Silas were in prison they sang praises to God and prayed. Pray is Even though they were in the worst place and didn’t see a way out, they still praised God. We can praise God even in our most difficult times. 

Think of your favorite praise song or hymn and write out the words to the verses and chorus. Keep the words of this song handy to use to sing your favorite hymn the next time you have difficult times or start to feel down. Sing this song, even if you don’t feel like its at first or its seems a little silly. See if singing praises helps to change your mood or outlook on the situation.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What types of messages do you enjoy receiving? Do you enjoy love notes in your lunchbox from mom and dad? What about notes from your teacher encouraging your good work? We received messages all the time and we definitely enjoy messages with good news. There is good news we should share with everyone, and we can be messengers who pass that message along. This week we will see how we can be messengers of the Good news!

Acts 9:1-20; 1 Corinthians 15:1-9



This month we are learning that we can all be messengers. What is an important message we can be share that is important for everyone to hear? It’s the message of the good news of Jesus. Messengers deliver information to people in fast and slow ways. Let’s pretend you are a deliverer and you have these important boxes to deliver. Listen to the clues I give you and see if you can deliver these boxes to the correct location. Give your child a stack of boxes (preferably empty, or light enough to carry a few at a time.) Continue to read the clues until all the boxes they are carrying are delivered. Carrying all the boxes, start delivering one box at a time to each location I mention.

Deliver a box to:

A place where it is soft but strong to hold several people (couch)

A place where private business is performed but can sometimes be stinky (bathroom)

A place where dirty clothes can get cleaned (laundry room)

A place the family is able to gather and use their mouth in more than one way. (The kitchen table)

A place where food is stored until it is needed weeks or even months from now. (Pantry/closet)

Where you able to carry a lot of boxes at once? Was it a fast or slow delivery. Did you start out one direction and then change your mind about which way to go? This week we will read a story about Saul, who was really not doing the right thing for a long time. He did not believe in Jesus and wanted to hurt anyone who did believe in Jesus. He was known for being mean to Christians. But something happened to change him, and he completely changed his direction. Instead of killing others, he started leading them to Jesus! That’s a completely different message! Let’s read or listen to the story for this week to see what caused such a change in Saul.

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 9:1-20

What was Saul doing against the Lord’s disciples? (Breathing out murderous threats)

Where was Saul headed for the synagogue? (Damascas)

What was he going to the synagogue to do? (As for papers to arrest anyone belonging to the Way)

On his journey, what flashed from heaven all around him? (A light from heaven)

What did the voice say? (Paul, Paul, why do you persecute me?)

Who did the voice say he was? (Jesus, the one you are persecuting)

What happened to Saul’s eyes after the light? (He was blinded)

Where did his friends lead him? (To Damascus)

How long was he blind? (3 days)

What did God tell Ananias to do? (Go to the house where Saul was to restore his vision)

What was Ananias’ reaction? (He at first didn’t want to go but reminded God of the things he’d heard about Saul)

What did Ananias do to Saul when he got to the house? (Placed his hands on Saul to restore his sight and for him to be filled Holy Spirit)



What message can we send to others? We send messages all the time by the way we speak to others and how we treat them. The way we respond to unpleasant situations sends a message to others who are watching us. Listen to the following statements and decide if the message is good or bad. If it is a good message, toss a cotton ball in the jar marked good. If statement is a bad message, toss a cotton ball into a jar marked bad.

You wake up in a bad mood and grunt a hello at your mother.

You help mom make breakfast in the morning.

You yell at the kid next to you who accidents bumps you in line.

You let the kid behind you cut in line in front of you just to be nice

You tell the person next to you sorry for knocking over their books

You push a kid who is moving too slow in front of you because you are late for class

You share your candy with a friend at lunch

You knock someones lunch over, because you are in a bad mood.

You ask the teacher if you can help them clean the classroom after school.

You leave your trash at your desk because the school has a janitor

You hold the door open for your classmates

You share your favorite fun pencil with your desk neighbor

You ask a kid who was just at recess if they are okay

You help your mom bring in the groceries from the car

You ask dad if you can help him with the yard work.

You complain when your parents as you to take out the trash and leave a trail of trash along the sidewalk.

Materials: cotton balls, 2 jars; 1 labeled good, 1 labeled bad


Saul was blinded by the light, but it caused him to see more clearly what he was supposed to do. It helped him see how wrong his actions had been and caused him to completely change his behavior. Instead of hurting Christians, he began gathering more Christ followers. I need you to deliver some messages, but you must do it blindly. Create a simple obstacle course your child can follow blindfolded (nothing that they will climb over and injure themselves). At the start of the course, place a stack of envelopes your child will need to deliver to the end of the course that has a delivery box to place the envelopes inside. Once they deliver their mail to the box, they can remove their blindfold to find their way back to the start line to grab another envelope to blindly deliver. Give each player 3-5 minutes to see how many messages they can deliver.

Materials: simple obstacle course, blindfold, envelopes

Independent activity:

Create a message box. When we read God’s Word we are often struck by a message we receive that touches or moves us in a special way. We can treasure these verses by placing them in a message box to go back and continually read. Take a small box or shoebox, decorate the outside with construction paper, stickers and drawings. Cut colorful card stock or construction paper into square pieces and place the empty cards into the box to be used as treasure Scriptures are found. Complete a few cards now with some of your favorite verses that send a message to you. Write the scripture and the verse on the card and place them in the box to be read.

Materials: small box or shoe box, markers, stickers, construction paper




Make a kaleidoscope. This craft requires parent help. Saul was blinded by a light until Ananias prayed for him and then his sight was returned. Light contains all the colors of the rainbow. Let’s make a kaleidoscope that shows colors reflected in various directions.

Materials: paper towel tube, card stock, thin clear plastic, colorful translucent (like beads), cardboard, aluminum foil, hot glue gun, scissors, marker, wasabi tape


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to1 Corinthians 15:1-9

Saul describes the gospel of Jesus, the good news of His death and resurrection and ascension. He describes the people He revealed himself to after his resurrection, including himself. He didn’t consider himself one of the apostles because He persecuted Christians at first. Although the converted Saul, now Paul, didn’t feel worthy, Jesus had saved him and called him to also be a messenger of the good news. Paul was also called to spread the gospel of Jesus death and resurrected to all the world. We are also called to be God’s messengers. We can spread the news of Jesus to others around us.

What was Saul’s new name after his conversion?

What caused Saul to change his message?

What message do you think Saul shared with the people he met?

If Jesus can use Saul to deliver an important message, can He use us too?

What messages do you send to people with your words?

What messages are you sharing with others by your actions?

Practical Application at Home

If God can use Saul to spread the gospel to all of the world, He can use you and me as well. We can share the gospel with those God puts in our lives. Think of someone you would like to share the good news of the gospel with today. Could they use some good news that Jesus loves them, died for them, and will come back for them some day? That is a message worth sharing with everyone. 

Create a greeting card that you can mail to someone today. Create your greeting card first using card stock, markers and other art supplies. Write a message of Love from God in the inside of your card. Use a direct scripture quote or a personal message sharing GOd’s love for them. Address an envelop and stamp it to be delivered by the mail carrier. Pray over your message asking God to allow your card to be an avenue for God’s love to shine through and reach their hearts. Our message doesn’t have to be complicated, God can use us to spread His message of love.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the warming weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever had a story so good you couldn’t wait to share it? What about a miracle? What would define as a miracle? Is it only when we see an impossible thing happen, or when something small happens that we can’t explain? Miracles come in all shapes and sizes, but we can know that they come from God and it is clear it was a gift from Him.

Acts 9:36-43; Psalm 77:11-14 



Let’s do this fun activity. Pour milk into a shallow container, then add drops of food coloring in the center of the container of milk leaving a small space in the middle. Place dish soap to the end of a cotton swab and place the cotton swab in the middle of the food coloring. Watch to to see what happens to the colors as they mix and move. Whaat a cool experiment! Look at how all the colors mixed and swirled! Although that was something pretty amazing, in our bible story today we will not only see something amazing, we will see a miracle. Can you tell what you think a miracle is? A miracle is something only God can do that we can’t really explain. God can make what is impossible for us, possible! This week we will read that through a miracle people believed in God and became followers of Jesus.

Materials: milk, shallow container, food coloring, cotton swab, dish soap

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 9:36-43

What was Tabitha known for in her area? (For doing good and helping the poor)

What happened to Tabitha? (She died)

What did the disciples urge Peter to do? (To visit at once)

What did Peter find in the room upstairs? (The widows crying and showing the clothes Tabitha had made for them)

What did Peter pray after he sent the women out? (Tabitha get up)

What did Tabitha do after Peter said these words? (She opened her eyes and sat up)

 What happened after this miracle was performed? (Word spread all cover Joppa and the people believed in Jesus)



Play a game of pin the bandage on the patient. Draw an outline of a body on a whiteboard or on a small poster board that is hung on the wall. Give your child bandages or masking tape to place on the poster board drawing. Play the game as you would “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” by spinning the player around a few times, blindfolded and them pointing them in the direction of the drawing to place their bandage on. Was it easy or hard to place the bandage in the right place? Although the bandages may not have made it on our patient, we were able to get a few on. Our story this week showed us that what Peter did was a miracle. Others were able to witness this miracle of a Tabitha being dead and then raised to life. The witnesses knew that was not just by accident but the God they served performed that miracle. We can also share the miracles we have witnessed with others.

Materials: Small poster board or mounted whiteboard, bandages, blindfold


Let’s practice changing the message from bad news to good news. There were lots of miracles in the Bible. At first the story seems to be bad news, a problem the person couldn’t get out of, but then there was good news because a miracle occurred. I’m going to announce the bad news, and then I want you to share a message of good news. Tell how the story ended with a miracle. You can share this message any way you like, use a pretend microphone, write it on a paper, announce it like a newscaster, shout it like a cheerleader or any other way you’d like to get your message spread. Read each statement and have your child finish the story by telling the ‘good news’ ending, or miracle. Let them be creative in how they share their message to the room. Continue until each person has had a turn to share good news or the list is complete.

Bad news…

Daniel is about to be eaten by lions! Good news…

David is going to get beat by Goliath and the Phillistines  Good news…

All of Sodom and Gomorah is going to be destroyed  Good news…

The Israelites will forever be enslaved by Pharaoh  Good news…

The wedding runs out of wine and the family will be shamed. Good news…

The widow is using her last bit of flour and oil to make a last meal. Good news…

5,000 people don’t have lunch after listening to Jesus preach all morning. Good news…


Independent activity:

Have you ever known someone who was sick? What are some things we can do to cheer up someone who is feeling bad or is sick? One thing we can do to pass an encouraging message to a sick friend, make and send a get well card. Using craft items you have at home, make a greeting card and add a message of encouragement.

Materials: Crafting items, card stock paper, crayons, markers, stickers etc.




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 77:11-14

In this scripture the Psalmist is saying they will remember everything God has done in the past. It then goes on to say that God is the who preforms miracles. We can also believe that God didn’t just perform miracles long ago, but that He still performs miracles today. 

Where did Peter send the widows who were in the room with Tabitha’s body?

How did word spread if they were not in the room when the miracle happened?

What is good news you’ve heard that is worth spreading?

We can spread good or bad news. How can we spread the good and stop the bad?

Could the disciples perform the same miracle Jesus had performed?

What are some miracles the disciples performed when Jesus wasn’t there?

Practical Application at Home

We know lots of bible stories that tell of the miracles God did for Israel and for His people who believed, but we can also know that God still performs miracles today. The bible says that God is the same and He does not change, so if He could perform miracles then, He can still perform them now. Miracles come in all sizes. A miracle doesn’t have to be huge in order to be a miracle. Think about a miracle you have seen happen to you or someone you know. Share that story with each other. When we share the miracles we witness we are passing on a good message to build others’ faith. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





We trust lots of things every day without even thinking about it. We trust our car will get us to school in the morning. We trust our refrigerator will keep our food cold all day. We trust our alarm clock to wake us up in the morning. More than those things that we trust to do what they are made to do, we can trust Jesus to do what He says He will do. This week we will see how the disciples learned to trust that Jesus what do what He said He would do. 

Acts 11:1-18; John 13:34-35



Use a large blanket or sheet and fill it with various stuffed animals (alternately show pictures of various animals on phone from online). Hold the animals so your child can not see the animals, then have them choose 1 animal from the bag. When they take out an animal, have them tell you 1 or 2 facts they know about the animal they chose. Continue this way until several fish are pulled out at described.

We know a lot about these animals. Some of these animals are good for a specific job, some make good pets and others may make a good meal. Although each of these animals have different jobs, they are all God’s creatures! This week we will see how we can often group animals as well as people into different groups. But God doesn’t want us to be separated into different groups that make one group better than the other because He loves us all. He taught Peter a lesson by using a vision about animals for Peter to understand that we are all delivered no matter what our differences. .

Read or listen to Acts 11:1-18

What did Peter describe as what he saw? (A vision)

What did Peter see coming down from heaven? (A large sheet filled with animals)

What types of animals did Peter see? (4 footed animals, wild beasts, reptiles, birds)

What did the voice tell Peter to do? (Get up kill and eat)

What was Peter’s response? (Sure not, nothing pure or unclean has ever entered my mouth)

What did the voice of heaven say about the animals? (Do not call anything unpure what God haas made clean.)

What happened to the people when Peter started speaking to them about God’s word? ( the Holy Spirit came on them)

What did Peter realize after seeing the Holy Spirit come on them? (If God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was I to think I could stand in God’s way)



Play this game of Outburst. I’m going to give you a category and you have to name as many things as you can that fit into that category before the timer goes off. Give about 1 minute or more, depending on the child’s level, to complete a list. Once the timer is off go over everyone’s answers. Award points to players who gave answers no one else gave. We often place things in categories such as places, animals, objects. But sometimes we place people in categories too! Our story today taught us that we should not place people into groups or categories because there is not one group of people better than another. We can remember that God sees us all as His children and loves us the same. We are all delivered!

Animals in the Savannah

Foods that need to be refridgerated

Things that are cold

Places that are dangerous

Places that are good vacations

Animals that are clean to eat

Animals that are hunted for food by people

Animals at the top of the food chain

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil


Set up 4 stations around in each corner of the room. Play music while the children walk/skip/hop in a circle in the center of the room. When the music stops, children need to quickly move to the corner of the room closest to them. Then, roll a dice to see what number is chosen. Those standing in the corner that was chosen get a prize. Then everyone goes back to the middle to walk/skip/hop while the music plays and then continue to call numbers each time the music stops and they find a corner, until you are ready to end the game. That was fun to be chosen, but aren’t you glad God doesn’t choose us this way? Aren’t you glad that he has chosen each of us and delivered us all, no matter what ‘group’ we are in?

Materials: 4 cards labeled 1-4

Independent activity:

We all have dreams, they occur at night and we have often forgotten them by morning! Unlike Peter’s vision, which happens while you are awake, and you can remember the details when it is over. God used visions in the Bible to tell someone an important message they often needed to see! Although our dreams are not visions, we often have dreams that we can vaguely remember and they might feel really important. Think about a dream you have had and what it may have meant, if it meant anything at all. On a sheet of paper, draw all the things you saw in your dream on your peer, and write what you think the dream what about. Our dreams are not necessarily from God, but they are one way our brain processes information we’ve seen or learned.

Materials: sheet of paper, markers or crayons, pencils,




coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to John 13:34-35. What is the command given in this verse? Love one another. What a simple command and yet such a difficult task. We are told to love others, but sometimes we forget or leave out those who need love. Showing others love is not just being kind when they are kind, or sharing because you have extras, but showing love to others even when they don’t seem to deserve it. God loves us and saves us, even though we will never do enough to earn it. 

What did Peter believe about those who were not Jews?

Did Peter think everyone would be saved or just God’s chosen people?

How can we show love to others even when they are different from you?

How can we show love to others when we don’t think they deserve it?

Who are some people you know who need to be shown love?

How did God show Peter that He wanted Peter to love everyone?

Practical Application at Home

It's easier to love others who we think are worthy or deserving of our love. But God calls us to love even people who might be difficult to love or unpopular. Think about people you know who need to be shown the love of God. We even forgot people we should love and sometimes they are overlooked. But God wants us to look and seek out those who need His love and show God’s love to them. Let’s keep our eyes open this week to look for ways to serve and show love to all of God’s people.

Deliver a message of love to someone. Create your own postcard by drawing a picture or using a photo of a scenery you enjoy or consider peaceful. On the back of the postcard write a simple message of Jesus’ love. Secretively deliver the message to someone who needs to hear Jesus’ message of love.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What’s the farthest place you have traveled to? What’s the shortest trip you have ever taken? Paul traveled to far distances in all directions to spread the good news of Jesus. Once Paul was a believer in Jesus, we wanted to share that good news with everyone all over. This week we will see how God’s message can go everywhere by any believer. 

Acts 16:9-15; Matthew 28:18-20 



I am going to tell you some clues and I want you to guess the vacation location I’m describing. 

-The Eiffel Tower, eat croissants, Versailles Palace (Paris)

-Large Canyon, trails leading to Colorado River at the bottom, colorful orange and red layers of rock (Grand Canyon)

-Cluster of 3 large waterfalls, the falls span 2 countries, boat rides near the Falls. (Niagara Falls)

-see roaming bison, watch Old Faithful geyser, hike on the trails of the National park. (Yellowstone)

-largest coral reef system, more than 600 islands, go scuba diving to see over 1,500 species of ocean animals. (Great Barrier Reef)

Wouldn’t it be fun to visit all of those places? God has created so many wonderful places for us to see His creations. The gospel of Jesus can go everywhere. There is no limit to where God is able to send His message of hope. After Paul was converted he shared the gospel farther than his hometown. He traveled wherever God sent him, to share the gospel. We can share the gospel everywhere we go. Let’s read our passage for this week to see where Paul traveled and who he shared the gospel with.

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 16:9-15

What dream did Paul have? (That a man from Macedonia was standing begging him to come and help them.

What did Paul do after the vision? (He got ready to go because he believed God was sending him there to preach)

On Sabbath where did Paul go? (Outside the city to a river to find a peaceful place to pray)

Who did he find there? (A group of women )

Who was one of the women gathered there? (Lydia who was a believer of God)

What job did Lydia have? (She sold purple cloth)

What did the Lord open her heart to do? (Responded to Pauls message and was baptized with her entire household)

What did she convince Paul and the others to do? (Come and stay at her house)



Think of all the things you know that are the color purple. Let’s have a race to see who can list the most things with purple. You can name songs, books, objects or foods that contain purple. Divide in two teams and take turns calling out things that are purple. Each team gets 10 seconds to shout out their purple item and gain a point before it is their opponents turn (they only give one answer even if they don’t need the full 10 seconds). If an answer was previously given by the other team or the current team, it can not be given another point. Have a scorekeeper record a tally for each answer given until neither team can come up with any more answers. Lydia sold purple cloth, imagine how many customers she met selling such a prominent color. She would have met lots of customers and had an opportunity to continue to share the good news that Paul shared with her. Our message that we share with one person can reach many more people as we all continue to share the Gospel of Jesus.

Materials: writing utensil, sheet of paper


Look at a world map or print the following world map. First have your child identify where you currently live, and then have your child point out a place they know on the map, city, state, country or whatever they know. Ask “Can the gospel be shared to this place? Yes!” Place a small purple dot or star on the place they found. Continue to find other places on the map they can identify and mark them with a star after determining the gospel can reach to that place. Decide and find any places on the map where you think the gospel may not have already been preached there yet.

Materials: Globe or printed map, purple marker or crayon or stickers

Independent activity:

Design your own purple quilt. Using scraps of purple cloth cut in various shapes to make a larger rectangle. Sew the pieces together with a simple stitch. Alternatively, use paper with different shades and textures of purple and glue the pieces together by placing them on a larger sheet of construction paper.

Materials: purple scraps of paper, thread and needle Alternate: purple paper, coloring tools, glue




Make a watercolor earth. Color a coffee filter with large sections of green and blue using washable markers. One the filter is filled with green and blue with no white showing, spray the filter lightly with a spray bottle of water. The colors will run together. Allow time for it to dry before glueing the colored filter to a larger sheet of blue construction paper.

Materials: white paper coffee filter, washable green and blue markers, spray bottle filled with water, blue construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Listen to these company mottos and see if you can determine whose motto it is.

“The happiest place on earth” (Disney)

“Just do it” (Nike)

“Where’s the beef” (Wendy’s)

“Think Different” (Apple)

“Melts in your mouth, not in your hand” (M&M’s)

“The breakfast of Champions” (Wheaties)

“You’re in Good hands” (Allstate)

“What’s in your wallet” (Capital One)

Where you able to guess some of those mottos? Why do companies have mottos? It’s kind of their mission statement, what they want their company to represent. Jesus gave the disciples a mission as well, to present the gospel to the world. Read or listen to Matthew 28:18-20, we call this the Great Commission, because Jesus called His disciples to this mission. He equipped them with the Holy Spirit so He did not leave them alone to accomplish this great task. God has called all of us to spread the gospel to all of the world, wherever we go we can take the gospel news with us. 

What did Jesus tell the disciples to do?

Does Jesus call us to do the same thing as the disciples?

How can you follow God’s call to spread the gospel around the world?

How did Lydia spread the gospel to others?

If Jesus had a motto, what do you think it could be?

Practical Application at Home

This week we’ve learned that we can spread the good news of Jesus to everyone no matter where we are. Paul shared the gospel of Jesus with Lydia who then began a home church just by inviting others to her home. She was willing to listen and then share what she learned with others. It didn’t take any special job, a lot of money, or any special skill for Lydia to bring others to Jesus. God doesn’t need us to have a special job or skill either, He just wants us to listen and then share what we’ve learned with others! We can do that from anywhere! Think about what you would like to be when you grow up. You can carry out the Great Commission in whatever future career God has for you.

Complete the following activity sheet by writing in the job you think you might like to have one day, then completing the statements of how you can show God’s love with that job.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we’ve learned that we are messengers for God’s gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. We can share that message to others no matter where we are, how old we are, and no matter what job we are doing. This week we will see that God will send us help and sometimes we might be the help he sends to others. Sharing the gospel with others helps them know God and be saved.

Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 97 



Let’s play a game of Name that Tune. We will divide into 2 teams. One team will hum the song, when the other team guesses the song they will need to start singing several measures of the song. Then switch sides and have the other team hum the tune while the opposing team guesses. If a team cannot guess the tune within 2 minutes, they will lose their turn. You can come up with your own songs or print and cut the following songs into strips. Place them in a bowl to pull out at each teams turn. 

We know a lot of praise songs! We often sing songs of praise when we are in church or in a good mood at home. What about praising in the middle of a difficult situation. That might be a harder time to praise but we can praise God at any time, not just when things are going well. Paul and Silas went to prison but while they were there, they sang songs of praise. Let’s read about what happened to Paul and Silas while they were in prison and how God used them to spread the gospel from their jail cell.

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 16:16-34

Who was following Paul and Silas around announcing they were servants of the Most High God? (A woman who was possessed with a spirit)

What did the spirit inside her help her to do? (Predict the future)

What did the owners of the possessed woman make her do? (Predict the future for others and charge them money that the owners were able to keep and make a profit)

What did Paul do when he got annoyed with the possessed woman following them around making the announcement? (Sent the spirit from her)

What did the owners do when they realized her spirit was gone? (They were upset they wouldn’t make any more money and they sent Paul and Silas before the authorities)

What did they accuse Paul and Silas of? (Throwing their city in an uproar and making customs unlawful for Romans to follow)

What did the magistrates order to happen to Paul and Silas? (They be beaten and flogged and thrown into prison)

What did Paul and Silas do in prison? (Sing and pray to God)

What did the earthquake do? (Shake the chains loose and all the prison doors opened)

When the prison guard woke up, what did he think happened? (All the prisoners escaped)

When the guard realized the prisoners were all there, what did he do? (Asked what he must do to be saved?)

That evening who was saved? (The prison guard and all of his family)



Paul and Silas did not plan an escape but God sent help. God had a plan for them and a way to not only leave the prison but also be a messenger to those around them. Paul and Silas spread God’s message of the gospel through their actions and through their praise even during a difficult time. They did not know how God would get them out of prison or if He would get them out, but they trusted God. Complete this Escape Room and see if you can escape! Print and follow the directions to set up the escape room in advance by printing, cutting and setting up different stations around your escape room. Once the key is found the escape room is complete and a prize can be given if desired.

Materials: Printed activity sheet. See the activity sheet for a list of materials


Complete a simple puzzle but place mittens or socks tied around their hands. Set a timer for 5 minutes for them to complete the puzzle. If they get stuck they can call out, “Help! Rescue me!” Then someone can come and help them for 20 seconds. They can call for help 5 times. Was it hard to put the puzzle together without your fingers? You needed to call on help in order to get your puzzle completed. God sends us help too, just like He sent help to Paul and Silas.

Materials: Simple puzzle, mittens or socks, timer

Independent activity:

Make a chain-link using strips of construction paper. Make a circle with one strip of construction paper and staple it together. Then loop another strip through the circle and staple the ends of the strip together. Continue to loop the next strip to create a long link. We’ve created our own link chain out of construction paper. On each link, write the name of a person we’ve talked about this month or that is in the Bible, who has been a messenger of God’s words. On the last link, write your name as well!

Materials: Construction paper cut into strips, double sided tape or glue, pencil or pen




Make your own handcuffs. Watch this video describing the step by step instructions on how to create this craft.

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 97. This is a hymn or poem of praise to God. The psalmist wrote this to praise God and describe how mighty and loving God is. Look at the descriptions used to describe God, he is mightier than all the things on earth we consider strong and mighty. When we remember how powerful our God is, it helps us see that the things around us aren’t bigger than God. He is bigger and stronger than anything we see because He created the fire, the mountains,  and the lightning. 

What did Paul and Silas do while in prison?

Did they know how they would get out?

Why did the prison guard believe they were God’s messenger?

What would have happened if Paul and Silas had escaped when the prison doors and chains fell off?

How can you praise God in the middle of hard times?

What part of Psalm 97 speaks to you the most?

What is something you might be afraid of?

How can you compare that scary thing to how powerful God is?

Practical Application at Home

When Paul and Silas were in prison they sang praises to God and prayed. Pray is Even though they were in the worst place and didn’t see a way out, they still praised God. We can praise God even in our most difficult times. 

Think of your favorite praise song or hymn and write out the words to the verses and chorus. Keep the words of this song handy to use to sing your favorite hymn the next time you have difficult times or start to feel down. Sing this song, even if you don’t feel like its at first or its seems a little silly. See if singing praises helps to change your mood or outlook on the situation.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Who is your best friend? What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done for them or to help them? We will sometimes go to great lengths to help a friend or help make their day special. God wants us to have friendships that last and show how much we care. This month we will read about Ruth and Naomi. Although parts of their story seem like a fairytale, we can trust that God wants our story to end in an unbelievable way too!

Ruth 1 



Friendship is something we all enjoy and it's important to have loyal friends. Let’s think of friend combinations that are common. I’m going to say one characters name and you tell who is their companion.

Mickey Mouse….Minnie Mouse



Lightning McQueen…Mater

Sherlock Holmes…Watson

List other combinations your child might know from the books, movies or people they are familiar with.

Friendships mean a lot to us. Think of a person you consider to be a good friend. What does it feel like to have a good friend? How would you describe this friend? Are they loyal? Are they trustworthy? Do they always want things to go their way? Are they able to share well? We can then ask ourselves those same questions. Are we that type of friend to the people around us. Having a good friend can make a bad day turn into a good one. They can turn your sadness into laughing! God wants us to have relationships with others that help us feel better and give us good company. The bible tells us a story of two women who were great friends. As you listen to the story today, ask yourself the same questions to see what type of friendship they had with each other.

Read or listen to the scripture Ruth 1

Why did Elimelek and Ruth and their 2 sons move to Moab? (There was a famine in Bethlehem)

After Elimelek died, what happened to Ruth and thee 2 sons?(They married Moabitee women)

What then happened to the 2 sons? (They also died)

What did Ruth plan to do after her sons died? (Move back to Bethlehem because the famine was over)

As the women began traveling to Judah, what did Ruth suggest the young ladies do? (Return to their mother’s home to remarry)

How did the daughters react to Naomi’s direction to return home? (They wept aloud)

What reason did Naomi give for the daughters to return to their home? (Naomi could not provide any more sons for them to marry but if they went home perhaps they could find another husband)

Who returned home as Naomi requested? (Orpah)

What was Ruth’s reply? (Where you go, I will go, where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, your God, my God. Where you die, I will die; and there I will be buried.)

What did Naomi tell her people to call her when she returned home? (Mara, because God had made her life bitter)

What was just beginning when they returned to Bethlehem? (The barley harvest was beginning).



Our friends hold a special place in our hearts. Ruth and Naomi show what good friends are willing to do for each other. Jump around the room and try to jump on the hearts that describe a good friend. Place hearts on the ground, spread out around the room.

Materials: printed hearts, cut out


Make a friendship Collage. Draw or color the picture of you and your friend. Then find words or pictures from a magazine that describe what you and your friend like to do together. Paste the pictures or words around the center picture of friends.

Materials: construction paper, old magazine or old pictures, scissors, glue

Independent activity:

Show your friend you care about their friendship. Create two friendship bracelets and share one of them with a friend. Use the following website to find a bracelet demonstration you can follow as well as have the supplies.

Materials: materials based on bracelet chosen




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How was Ruth a companion to Naomi?

How did Ruth show Naomi she loved her deeply?

Who is a good companion to you?

What do you do for your friends that makes you a good companion to them?

How is God our companion today?

What are some things you can ask of God because He is always with you?

What are some things the Bible has to say about friendship or companionship?

Practical Application at Home

There are lots of stories in the Bible about companionships that were strong such as David and Jonathan. David considered Jonathan a closer friend than a brother. Think about the story of David and Jonathan and say which friendship the statements is describing. It may describe both the friendship of Jonathan and David, or Naomi and Ruth.

Left their family to be with their friend (both)

Went to work to help take care of their friend (Ruth)

Ran away in order to keep their friend safe (David)

Was willing to give up the throne so their friend could take it (Jonathan)

Welcomed their friend into their family and community (Naomi)

Risked being killed to save their friend (Jonathan and Ruth)

Accepted an unknown future in order to stay loyal to their friend (Jonathan, David, Ruth)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What gives you hope? A commercial for a new toy? The start of a new school year? We all hope for new beginnings, celebrations, and fresh starts. We can trust that God is our greatest hope. We can put our hope in lost of things, but they will each disappointment compared to the true hope we can receive only in God. This week we will see the hope Ruth and Naomi receive. .

Ruth 2



Fill a bowl with fruit loops or cheerios or some other small cereal. Have your child put as many cereal pieces as they can in their hand. Then count the number they were able to grab. Be sure to have enough in the bowl for as many participants to grab enough cereal and have some left over in the bowl.

Okay, when I say go, I want you to see how many cereal pieces you can grab from the bowl and place in one hand without dropping them. Ready…go! Now, let’s count how Manny pieces you were able to grab. Look at how many pieces are left over. What could we do with these extras? Could we throw them away? Could we give them to someone else? Could we eat them for ourselves? This weeks story tells us more about Ruth and Naomi. They are now back in Bethlehem and they need to find ways to eat. While Ruth goes out to work in the field, she meets someone who is very generous to her. He sees her from a distance and notices how hard she is working and tells his workers to leave extra grain on the ground on purpose so Ruth will have more to pick up and take home. Let’s read the story to see how Ruth gets help and is able to take the leftovers that are left to help her and Naomi survive.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Ruth 2

Who is Boaz? (A relative on Naomi’s husbands side)

What did Ruth decide to do in order to gather grain for her and Naomi to eat?( go to the fields and pick up grain left behind from anyone who she finds favor)

Whose field did she end up picking from? (Boaz’ field)

After Boaz heard from on of his workers who Ruth way, what did Boaz tell Ruth to do? (Not to glean in another field but work in his field behind thee women)

When Ruth asked Boaz why she had found such favor in her, what was his response? (He heard she left her family to come and work.

What blessing did he say regarding Ruth? (That the Lord may repay her, that she be richly blessed by the Lord God of Israel.

That evening who was saved? (The prison guard and all of his family)



What are some things you hope for? Listen to this list of scenarios and decide if you should use your smiley or frown face to show if it is something you gladly hope for or dread.

Materials: scenarios


Sharing our stories of hope with our children helps us pass down the blessing God has shared with us. Take time to go around the room and share times of hope


Independent activity:

Create a bookmark to use in your stories and to remind yourself of the hope God gives each one of us. Cut a contraction paper in a small strip, bookmark size. Hole punch the top to add a ribbon. On the construction paper write the following sentence, “ God give us hope”. Place your new bookmark in an unfinished book to remind yourself that God can bring hope to us in any situation.

Materials: Construction paper cut into strips, double sided tape or glue (optional), pencil or pen




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Ruth show perseverance?

How did Naomi show perseverance?

What can we persevere each day?

What are some examples of suffering?

How did Ruth Suffer?

Explain how Ruth showed perseverance, character and hope?

Practical Application at Home

Complete this activity sheet. Write down a suffering you’ve had in the past or currently have. In each box write or draw a way you have shown or could show perseverance, character, and hope in that suffering.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Being bold and courageous is not just for superheroes or for the knights who fight the dragon, but for ordinary people like Ruth and you! This week we will see how God gave Ruth boldness to save her family and give her a future.

Ruth 3



Let’s go on a beer hunt. Say this rhyme with your child as you pretend to do the actions listed in the verses.  As you go through the motions, add in a comment about being bold to go through it. Change the verses to add things they need to do to show boldness such as picking up a snake, walking through a dark cave, stepping over a tarantula, walking through a hail storm. Click here to use this reference on how to sing the song:

Let’s go on a bear hunt! We will say these words together and do the actions as we go on this adventure together!

We’re going on a bear hunt,

I’ve got my binoculars,

I’m not scared

Look at the tall wavy grass

We can’t go over it

Can’t go under it

We’re going to have to be brave and go through it. (Swish hands back and forth to push aside grass)

Change verses:

look at the tall wavy grass (swish hands to move grass)

Walk through thick sticky mud

Splash through fast flowing river

Walk through a dark cave

Step over a big hairy tarantula

Walking through a windy thunderstorm

That was fun! There were times we needed to be bold to do things that may have seemed a little scary or a little hard! Even though this was just a game, we know there are times we do have to be bold. Maybe we see someone being teased on the playground, we can be bold and stand up for them. We may hear someone saying unkind words about another person when they are not there and we can be bold to say we can’t be a part of that conversation. God gives us boldness to say or do what is write even when it is hard! THis week we will continue our story of Ruth and Naomi and see how Ruth needed to be bold inn order to save her family. God gave her boldness to do something big just as he gives us boldness to do the right thing.

Read or listen to the scripture Ruth 3

What was Naomi trying to find for Ruth? (A home for Ruth)

Where did Naomi tell Ruth to wait for Boaz? (On the threshing floor

What was Ruth to say to Boaz when he saw her waiting? (I am your servant, spread the corner of your garment over me since you are a guardian redeemer of your family.

What did Boaz want to do before saying yes to Ruth?( to check with the family member who is closer guardian redeemer)

What did Boaz add to Ruth’s shawl? (Six measures of barely)



Pick up two cards. One card is the action of how you need to be brave (trapping a mouse in the kitchen) in the other pile are the cards that say how you show your bravery (run under the couch) Then decide if that’s the best way to be brave in that situation. There were a lot of chances to be brave, but did your cards always match? Sometimes that might be how we feel, that we can’t be brave and we just want to hide or do something else completely. But God gives us the boldness we need to face the challenges that are important.

Materials: Activity cards printed and cut, 2 bowls or small containers


Collect grains of wheat. Read the “I can” statements on each wheat as you pick it up. Gather all of the wheat in a small basket then discuss the ways your child can be brave.

Materials: Printed sheaves of wheat, small basket

Independent activity:

Create a play about Ruth, Naomi and Boaz. Give each person a character and then practice retelling the story. Use costumes if desired.

Materials: Optional: bible costumes for story characters




Ruth’s basket. Cut a white paper plate in half. Paint or color the paper plate brown to make it look like a basket. Glue the two half paper plates together to create the basket. Cut out sheaves of wheat from yellow construction paper and decorate with brown crayon or marker adding details. Glue the wheat on the inside pocket of the paper plate basket.

Materials: paper plate, scissors, brown paint or marker, yellow construction paper


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 42. Are there any phrases that stand out to you from this chapter? Several times during this Psalm, the Psalmist states “My soul is downcast” but often answers his own statement by saying he will praise God, He will put His hope in God, He remembers God’s protection in the past. Although the Psalmist seems to be going through difficult struggles, He still longs for God to be his hope, his love and his Savior. Ruth and Naomi put their trust in God even during a very difficult time in their lives. They trusted God would deliver and provide for them. God gave them boldness to act and they obeyed in faith.

What do you need boldness to do?

What does it mean to live boldly?

What is the difference in living boldly for God and living boldly for oneself?

How did Ruth’s boldness affect the people around her?

In what ways can God use your boldness to affect the people around you?

What qualities did Boaz see in Ruth that made him notice her?

Practical Application at Home

Living boldly is not about living wild and selfishly, but living in a way that displays God’s love for you and others. Living boldly may be standing up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves. It might mean not laughing at jokes that are said at someone else’s expense or feelings. Living boldly might be reaching out to someone who is hurting. It might be sacrificing your own comfort to give to someone in need. It might include listening to God’s voice to say something to someone that doesn’t make sense to you, but it’s what they needed to hear at that moment. We can live boldly by listening to God’s urging to do things that are out of our norm in border to serve the people around us.

This week, ask for God to show you ways to serve others and to body do the things he is urging you to do, even when it seems strange or uncomfortable. Pray for courage to follow through and watch how God’s timing is perfect!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





How does God take care of you? Does he care for the things you care for? Does God protect you from things you are not even aware of? Does God want to give you a future that is especially picked out for you? Ruth discovers that God has a plan and He will take care of her.

Ruth 4



Let’s play a game of BINGO. I’m going to list of some clues and you can find the item it’s describing. Something you feed everyday (dog); something you water (plants); you put these in a washing machine (clothes); You set them on your bed for safe keeping during the day (stuffed animals); You place them in special bins for storage (toys); Keep them in a special case and clean it with a special cloth when you don’t wear them (sunglasses); Give them seeds to eat and nuts to crack (Birds);

All of our clues were ways we care for the things we have. We can care for our siblings, our grandparents, our friends, and our possessions. God has given us things to take care of and protect. God always takes care of us. He provides for our needs, guides our decisions, and loves us. God cared for Ruth and wanted to provide for her. Ruth and Naomi were hurting from the loss of their loved ones, God provided a way for them to continue on their family and be taken care of. Ruth has met Boaz who wants to marry her because he sees how loyal and loving she is to Naomi. Let’s continue reading our story of Ruth and Naomi to see how God took care of them.

Read or listen to the scripture Ruth 4

Who did Boaz go to find? (The guardian redeemer)

What did the guardian redeemer have to gain by marrying Ruth? ( a piece of land that belonged to Elimelek)

Did the other guardians redeemer want to buy the land from Naomi? (Yes)

When Boaz mentioned the land also came with Ruth, what did the relative give as a reason why he couldn’t purchase the land? (He could not endanger his own estate)

What did the relative tell Boaz to do? (For Boaz to redeem the land.

What did the people who witnessed the transaction bless Boaz with?  (Many Ruth be like Rachel and Leah; may they have good standing in Ephrathah, and bear offspring like that of Perez)



The bible tells us that God cares for us even more than he cares for the birds in the sky and the lilies of the field. Think of ways God cares for all of nature He created. I’m going to say an animal, and you tell a way God cared for them when he created them.

Lilies… clothed in silk

Penguins…waterproof feathers

Whales…blubber to keep them warm

Bats…echolocation to see in the dark

Elephants…tough skin to protect them from bugs

Giraffes…thick prehensile tongue

Ducks…webbed feet to paddle



Listen to the following ways we are taken care of and decide if God provides those things, our parents or caretakers provide it, or if God helps us care for ourselves. Cut and sort the strips of papers into these categories “God provides”, “Parents provide”; “God helps me provide”

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors,

Independent activity:

Think of a way you can care for an animal or plant near you. God has made us stewards over the earth and the creatures on it, therefore we are to care for them. Think of something you can do to career for the plants or animals around you. For example, you can make a bird feeder to provide food for nearby birds; plant flowers for nectar for birds & bees; plant a garden to grow food for your family, Plant sunflowers for seeds to feed birds.

Materials: various items to create a bird feeder, or seeds to plant flowers




Make your own handcuffs. Watch this video describing the step by step instructions on how to create this craft.

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who else is our Redeemer?

How did our heavenly Redeemer save us?

What does our Redeemer ask from us in return?

Do you think Ruth had to continue gleaning in the fields after they were married?

How is a kinsman redeemer and our heavenly Redeemer alike?

Can we save ourselves from our sins?

Practical Application at Home

We often worry about the things God will provide for us daily that are needs. We know that we need food to eat and a place to live, and we worry about how those things will be provided. God cares for us not inn just the physical needs we have such as food, shelter, and protection, but also for our spiritual help. God came to be our Redeemer. He has rescued us from our sins and  will give us life eternal.

It can be easy to forget all o four blessings come through God. Make a list of the things God provides and cares for you.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Who is your best friend? What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done for them or to help them? We will sometimes go to great lengths to help a friend or help make their day special. God wants us to have friendships that last and show how much we care. This month we will read about Ruth and Naomi. Although parts of their story seem like a fairytale, we can trust that God wants our story to end in an unbelievable way too!

Ruth 1; Acts 2: 1-6 



You are going on a trip and need to pack several items for the trip. Think of some things you might need to take if you were getting ready for a long walking journey. I need to you gather the following items, but you must do it blindfolded. As you bring back an item, I will give you a new item to search and find. If you realize you need help, you can ask a friend to help you, but you must be the one who returns the item. Send your student on a simple quest to find an object around your house. But they must be blindfolded. Have them find a friend to help them around the house to find the item.




-a book


-hiking boots


Going on your quest to find these objects was more difficult because you were blindfolded and really needed a companion to help you get around and find your items. Having a good companion can sometimes be hard to find. We know what it looks like to have a friend we can trust and want to be around. Someone who is loyal and true, a friend who will stick by you no matter what. That type of friendship can be hard to find, but God sends us people who are good companions. They can help us get through difficult situations because they stay with us. This month we are looking at the story of Ruth, and how she was a companion to someone when they were down and life was difficult. Ruth stood by Naomi and was a great companion to Ruth. Let’s read about their story in the book of Ruth.

Read or listen to the scripture Ruth 1

Why did Elimelek and Ruth and their 2 sons move to Moab? (There was a famine in Bethlehem)

After Elimelek died, what happened to Ruth and thee 2 sons?(They married Moabitee women)

What then happened to the 2 sons? (They also died)

What did Ruth plan to do after her sons died? (Move back to Bethlehem because the famine was over)

As the women began traveling to Judah, what did Ruth suggest the young ladies do? (Return to their mother’s home to remarry)

How did the daughters react to Naomi’s direction to return home? (They wept aloud)

What reason did Naomi give for the daughters to return to their home? (Naomi could not provide any more sons for them to marry but if they went home perhaps they could find another husband)

Who returned home as Naomi requested? (Orpah)

What was Ruth’s reply? (Where you go, I will go, where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, your God, my God. Where you die, I will die; and there I will be buried.)

What did Naomi tell her people to call her when she returned home? (Mara, because God had made her life bitter)

What was just beginning when they returned to Bethlehem? (The barley harvest was beginning).



How much do you know about your friend? Let’s find out. Think about a close friend and answer the following questions based on what you know about them. You can check to see if your answers are correct by calling to ask them, or having them check your sheet the next time you are together.

Materials: Printed questionnaire


Make a friendship Collage. Draw or color the picture of you and your friend. Then find words or pictures from a magazine that describe what you and your friend like to do together. Paste the pictures or words around the center picture of friends.

Materials: construction paper, old magazines, scissors, glue

Independent activity:

Show your friend you care about their friendship. Create two friendship bracelets and share one of them with a friend. Use the following website to find a bracelet demonstration you can follow as well as have the supplies

Materials: based on chosen bracelet




Coloring page

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Acts 2: 1-6

Even though Jesus returned to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with the disciples so they would never be alone. The Holy Spirit is with us as well, so we too have a companion. We do not have to feel alone or go through difficult situations without knowing that Jesus is with us.

How was Ruth a companion to Naomi?

How did Ruth show Naomi she loved her deeply?

Who is a good companion to you?

What do you do for your friends that makes you a good companion to them?

How is God our companion today?

What are some things you can ask of God because He is always with you?

What are some things the Bible has to say about friendship or companionship?

Practical Application at Home

There are lots of stories in the Bible about companionships that were strong such as David and Jonathan. David considered Jonathan a closer friend than a brother. Think about the story of David and Jonathan and say which friendship the statements is describing. It may describe both the friendship of Jonathan and David, or Naomi and Ruth.

Left their family to be with their friend (both)

Went to work to help take care of their friend (Ruth)

Ran away in order to keep their friend safe (David)

Was willing to give up the throne so their friend could take it (Jonathan)

Welcomed their friend into their family and community (Naomi)

Risked being killed to save their friend (Jonathan and Ruth)

Accepted an unknown future in order to stay loyal to their friend (Jonathan, David, Ruth)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What gives you hope? A commercial for a new toy? The start of a new school year? We all hope for new beginnings, celebrations, and fresh starts. We can trust that God is our greatest hope. We can put our hope in lost of things, but they will each disappointment compared to the true hope we can receive only in God. This week we will see the hope Ruth and Naomi receive.

Ruth 2; Romans 5:1-5



Throw cotton balls in the air and have your child catch as many as they can in a bowl before they hit the ground. Check to see how many are leftover. Repeat this activity several times as desired.

Was it easy or hard to catch a bowl full of cotton balls? Where there any leftover cotton balls on the ground? When we think of gathering leftovers, it’s not usually our favorite way to gather anything. Especially not a way to gather food, but that is exactly what Ruth had to do. She gathered left over grain that the workers in the field dropped as they gathered. Do you think she was able to gather much grain at one time? What a difficult job but necessary in order for Ruth and Naomi to eat. Let’s continue reading in our story of Ruth to discover something that made it a little easier for Ruth to gather the grain.

Materials: cotton balls, small bowl

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Ruth 2

Who is Boaz? (A relative on Naomi’s husbands side)

What did Ruth decide to do in order to gather grain for her and Naomi to eat?( go to the fields and pick up grain left behind from anyone who she finds favor)

Whose field did she end up picking from? (Boaz’s field)

After Boaz heard from on of his workers who Ruth way, what did Boaz tell Ruth to do? (Not to glean in another field but work in his field behind thee women)

When Ruth asked Boaz why she had found such favor in her, what was his response? (He heard she left her family to come and work.

What blessing did he say regarding Ruth? (That the Lord may repay her, that she be richly blessed by the Lord God of Israel.



Listen to these scenarios and decide who or what the person is putting their hope in?

If I get this one toy it will make me happy…

if I have a lot of friends I will know I’m a good person…

If I get lots of gifts I will feel loved…

If I’m the best in my class I will feel worthy…

If I earn lots of money I can buy my happiness….

If I wait and trust one God I will have everything I need.



When we think of having leftovers, we usually don’t think of this positively. Having leftover dinner may not be our favorite, but it was a blessing for Ruth to pick up the leftover grain. Think about what would be the advantage of having the following leftovers

Leftover fruit (make smoothies)

Leftover prizes (more for others)

Leftover strawberries (make strawberry shortcake)

Leftover money (save for another day)

Leftover ice cream: (make shakes)
Leftover dirty: (plant seeds in a planter)

Leftover time: (play a game, read a book or chat with someone)

Leftover kids from a group: (Start a new group)

Leftover wood from a project: (make a new simple wood project like a cutting board)

Leftover bread that’s gone stale: (feed them to the birds/ducks at the pond)


Independent activity:

Create a bookmark to use in your stories and to remind yourself of the hope God gives each one of us. Cut a contraction paper in a small strip, bookmark size. Hole punch the top to add a ribbon. On the construction paper write the following sentence, “ God give us hope”. Place your new bookmark in an unfinished book to remind yourself that God can bring hope to us in any situation.

Materials: Construction paper cut into strips, double sided tape or glue (optional), pencil or pen




coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Romans 5:1-5

This verse says that our suffering can produce perseverance, perseverance produces character, and our character produces hope. We all go through times in our lives that we are suffering and go through hard times, but our faith helps us to hold on to the peace God will give us. Even though we do not wish for trouble, it can produce perseverance, the ability to keep going even when things get tough. Our perseverance produces character, which helps us become more strong and understanding when others go through similar situations. This character helps us when other situations happen to remember how God was there in the past and will be there in the future, which is hope! We have the hope or faith that God has taken care of us in the past and will continue to take care of us in the future.

How did Ruth show perseverance?

How did Naomi show perseverance?

What can we persevere each day?

What are some examples of suffering?

How did Ruth Suffer?

Explain how Ruth showed perseverance, character and hope?

Practical Application at Home

Complete this activity sheet. Write down a suffering you’ve had in the past or currently have. In each box write or draw a way you have shown or could show perseverance, character, and hope in that suffering.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Being bold and courageous is not just for superheroes or for the knights who fight the dragon, but for ordinary people like Ruth and you! This week we will see how God gave Ruth boldness to save her family and give her a future.

Ruth 3: Psalm 42



Two players, each pick an animal out of the bowl. These two animals are going to go head to head. Each player declares the natural defense or predator skill they will use that is accurate for the animal, and then decide if they will be bold and fight, or if they will leave.

Being bold as animals is different that being bold humans. Animals need to decide if they are going to fight or take flight. We also have to make those same decisions quite often. Sometimes the situation might require us to be bold and take action, and other times it might require us to walk away. Being bold doesn’t mean we are looking for a way to stand out and be the loudest, but it means that we have to do the right thing even when it’s hard. It might mean standing up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves, even if we begin to get picked on. This week as we continue our story of Ruth and Naomi, Ruth has to be bold. She has to be direct in order to help save her and her family. It’s hard to say the things we need to se sometimes, but God can give us the right kind of boldness to face the necessary challenge. Let’s continue on in our story of Ruth and Naomi to see what type of boldness Ruth displayed.

Read or listen to Ruth 3

What was Naomi trying to find for Ruth? (A home for Ruth)

Where did Naomi tell Ruth to wait for Boaz? (On the threshing floor

What was Ruth to say to Boaz when he saw her waiting? (I am your servant, spread the corner of your garment over me since you are a guardian redeemer of your family.

What did Boaz want to do before saying yes to Ruth?( to check with the family member who is closer guardian redeemer)

What did Boaz add to Ruth’s shawl? (Six measures of barely)



Pick two cards. One card is the action of how you need to be brave (trapping a mouse in the kitchen) inn the other pile are the cards that say how you show your bravery (run under the couch) Then decide if that’s the best way to be brave in that situation. There were a lot of chances to be brave, but did your cards always match? Sometimes that might be how we feel, that we can’t be brave and we just want to hide or do something else completely. But God gives us the boldness we need to face the challenges that are important.

Materials: Activity cards printed and cut, 2 bowls or small containers


There are a lot of characters in the Bible who have shown boldness. God gives us boldness just as he gave these characters in the Bible boldness. Listen as I read these clues and guess who is being described. Tell how God helped them be bold.

David with the giant

Esther going before the king

Joshua and the battle of Jericho


Independent activity:

Create finger puppets for each character of this week’s story. Wrap a strip of paper around your finger and tape the paper. Slide off the small paper tube and draw or place a smiley sticker on the top. Then decorate the bottom half with crayons to create clothes. Use finger puppets to retell the story of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. Use this link as an example of how to make finger puppets

Materials: Craft paper, crayons, markers, smiley stickers (optitonal)




Ruth’s basket. Cut a white paper plate in half. Paint or color the paper plate brown to make it look like a basket. Glue the two half paper plates together to create the basket. Cut out sheaves of wheat from yellow construction paper and decorate with brown crayon or marker adding details. Glue the wheat on the inside pocket of the paper plate basket.

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 42. Are there any phrases that stand out to you from this chapter? Several times during this Psalm, the Psalmist states “My soul is downcast” but often answers his own statement by saying he will praise God, He will put His hope in God, He remembers God’s protection in the past. Although the Psalmist seems to be going through difficult struggles, He still longs for God to be his hope, his love and his Savior. Ruth and Naomi put their trust in God even during a very difficult time in their lives. They trusted God would deliver and provide for them. God gave them boldness to act and they obeyed in faith.

What do you need boldness to do?

What does it mean to live boldly?

What is the difference in living boldly for God and living boldly for oneself?

How did Ruth’s boldness affect the people around her?

In what ways can God use your boldness to affect the people around you?

What qualities did Boaz see in Ruth that made him notice her?

Practical Application at Home

Living boldly is not about living wild and selfishly, but living in a way that displays God’s love for you and others. Living boldly may be standing up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves. It might mean not laughing at jokes that are said at someone else’s expense or feelings. Living boldly might be reaching out to someone who is hurting. It might be sacrificing your own comfort to give to someone in need. It might include listening to God’s voice to say something to someone that doesn’t make sense to you, but it’s what they needed to hear at that moment. We can live boldly by listening to God’s urging to do things that are out of our norm in border to serve the people around us.

This week, ask for God to show you ways to serve others and to body do the things he is urging you to do, even when it seems strange or uncomfortable. Pray for courage to follow through and watch how God’s timing is perfect!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





How does God take care of you? Does he care for the things you care for? Does God protect you from things you are not even aware of? Does God want to give you a future that is especially picked out for you? Ruth discovers that God has a plan and He will take care of her.

Ruth 4; Psalm 16



Let’s play a game of BINGO. I’m going to list of some clues and you can find the item it’s describing. Something you feed everyday (dog); something you water (plants); you put these in a washing machine (clothes); You set them on your bed for safe keeping during the day (stuffed animals); You place them in special bins for storage (toys); Keep them in a special case and clean it with a special cloth when you don’t wear them (sunglasses); Give them seeds to eat and nuts to crack (Birds);

All of our clues were ways we care for the things we have. Wee can care for our siblings, our grandparents, our friends, and our possessions. God has given us things to take care of and protect. God always takes care of us. He provides for our needs, guides our decisions, and loves us. God cared for Ruth and wanted to provide for her. Ruth and Naomi were hurting from the loss of their loved ones, God provided a way for them to continue on their family and be taken care of. Ruth has met Boaz who wants to marry her because he sees how loyal and loving she is to Naomi. Let’s continue reading our story of Ruth and Naomi to see how God took care of them.

Read or listen to the scripture Ruth 4

Who did Boaz go to find? (The guardian redeemer)

What did the guardian redeemer have to gain by marrying Ruth? ( a piece of land that belonged to Elimelek)

Did the other guardians redeemer want to buy the land from Naomi? (Yes)

When Boaz mentioned the land also came with Ruth, what did the relative give as a reason why he couldn’t purchase the land? (He could not endanger his own estate)

What did the relative tell Boaz to do? (For Boaz to redeem the land.

What did the people who witnessed the transaction bless Boaz with?  (Many Ruth be like Rachel and Leah; may they have good standing in Ephrathah, and bear offspring like that of Perez)



Think of the Bible stories you have read and think of how God cared for the people in the story. Use this card, filled with bible characters, to play a game of Tic Tac Toe with a partner, and see if you can think of a way God provided for them. When you pick your character, if you can describe a way God cared for them, you can place an X or an O in that box. The first person to get 3 in a row wins! To continue playing without the characters, use a Tic Tac Toe board and write in your own characters as you describe how God cared for them before placing your X or O in the box.

Materials: Tic Tac Toe board printed


Who has God given you to care for you? What are some ways they can care for you. Make a thank you list to recognize the people God has given you to care for you. After writing your list of people, say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for giving you these special people who care for you can take care of you.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil

Independent activity:

Think of a way you can care for an animal or plant near you. God has made us stewards over the earth and the creatures on it, therefore we are to care for them. Think of something you can do to career for the plants or animals around you. For example, you can make a bird feeder to provide food for nearby birds; plant flowers for nectar for birds & bees; plant a garden to grow food for your family, Plant sunflowers for seeds to feed birds.

Materials: various items to create a bird feeder or seeds to plant




Make your own handcuffs. Watch this video describing the step by step instructions on how to create this craft.

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Matthew 6:26-34

These verses tell us that the birds of the air do not sow or reap in order to eat, and yet the Father in heaven feeds them. The flowers of the field do not labor or spin and yet they are clothed better than Solomon. Jesus then tells us that we do not need to worry for God will take care of us. We first need to seek God’s kingdom and then everything else will be added to us. Ruth focused on following God and loving Naomi, then God blessed her by caring for her needs.God gave sent to her a kinsman redeemer who would care and love for Ruth and Naomi.

Who else is our Redeemer?

How did our heavenly Redeemer save us?

What does our Redeemer ask from us in return?

Do you think Ruth had to continue gleaning in the fields after they were married?

How is a kinsman redeemer and our heavenly Redeemer alike?

Can we save ourselves from our sins?

Practical Application at Home

We often worry about the things God will provide for us daily that are needs. We know that we need food to eat and a place to live, and we worry about how those things will be provided. God cares for us not inn just the physical needs we have such as food, shelter, and protection, but also for our spiritual help. God came to be our Redeemer. He has rescued us from our sins and  will give us life eternal.

It can be easy to forget all of our blessings come through God. Make a list of the things God provides and cares for you.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Aim High



When we fly kites they can sometimes go really high in the sky. They might even get lost in a tall tree! Sometimes our dreams for the future can seem as far away as our kite in the sky. They may seem so big we will never be able to reach them, but with God we can. God can help us reach our dreams, even when they are really high. This month we will look at Elisha and see the impossible things God did through him. God can use our big dreams to help others too.

II Kings 2:1- 2, 6-14



Blow up several balloons. Play a game of keeping the balloons up in the air. Use several balloons if you have several children playing.

That was fun keeping all those balloons in the air! We needed to keep looking up to see where all the balloons were and keep them from falling to the ground. This week we are learning about the story of Elisha, but first we will also learn about Elijah. Elijah’s ministry was finished and it was time for Elisha to take over. God had used Elijah to do many great things for his people and Elisha wanted to be a good prophet for God as well. Elisha stayed with Elijah until he was taken to heaven in a fiery chariot. When Elisha looked up he saw Elijah being taken to heaven in an unbelievable way! Elisha had asked for a double portion from God and had received it when it was time. God had big plans for Elisha who was willing to be used by God. We can also be ready for whatever God has planned for our future! Let’s read the story of Elijah and Elisha in the Bible.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: II Kings 2:1- 2, 6-14

Where were Elijah and Elisha on their way? (Gilgal)

What did Elijah know was about to happen? (He was going to die)

What did Elijah tell Elisha to do? (Stay there and wait)

What did Elisha refuse to do? (Leave Elijah’s side)

What did Elisha request of Elijah before he died? (To give him a double portion of his spirit)

What did Elijah use to get across the Jordan River? (He rolled his cloak, struck the water with it and the water split for him)

How did Elijah say Elisha would know he received a double portion? (If he sees Elijah being taken)

How did Elijah get taken to heaven? ( in a horse and chariot of fire fire, went up to heaven like a whirlwind

How did Elisha use Elijah’s cloak? (In the same way Elijah used it to part the Jordan River)



Sometimes we have big dreams, things we would love to do one day that may seem impossible to accomplish today. Let’s pretend we are clouds, spread out your hands and float around the room. When I call out “dream” move around the room and say one dream you have that you would like to do or become. Then when I call “gather” we will clump back together like a cloud and say how God can use all of our dreams to work together for His purpose. Repeat the activity if desired. God can use all of our individual dreams together for His purpose. Just as clouds come together and sometimes drift apart, when our dreams are for God’s glory, He can use all of our dreams together.



We can think of animals that either fly in the sky, live high up in the trees, or even climb to high heights, but horses may not be one of them. In the story of Elijah being taken to heaven he is taken in a fiery chariot of horses. What a wonderful sight that must have been. Elisha must have been amazed to look into the sky and see horses riding there! Listen to these animals and tell me where you might find them living. A horse, A parrot, giraffe, donkey, anaconda, hippo, snake, alligator. Name a few animals you might see in the sky or high above your head. What animals might you see on the ground? What animals might you see under the ground? Each creature God put in it’s place, but God is able to make animals do more than we could dream possible


Independent activity:

Complete this activity sheet. God has plans for us that we can not even imagine. What do you dream of doing one day? Draw a picture of your dreams. God can use our dreams to do big things.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons




Create a chariot for Elijah using a plastic cup, construction paper and pipe cleaners. Draw and cut out a small horse, an Elijah figure or make Elijah’s face on a plastic spoon, and 2 construction paper wheels for the chariot cup. Glue on the 2 wheels to the plastic cup and attach the pipe cleaner to the cup and to the horse. Place Elijah in the plastic cup. See the instructions on the following webpage to see how to construct your chariot

Materials: construction paper, plastic cup, plastic spoon, pipe cleaner, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How was Elisha’s request a big one?

Have you ever asked for something big and questioned if you would ever get it?

Are there any requests we can ask for that are too big?

What are some dreams you have for the future?

Who should we always keep at the center of our big dreams?

How did God show Elisha he would grant his request?

What was the first miracle Elisha did after receiving God’s Spirit?

Practical Application at Home

This week we’ve talked about how our dreams may be as high as the clouds in the sky, but God can help us reach them. Psalm 103:11 says "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him”. We can be sure that God loves us and wants us to trust Him with our big dreams. Complete the following statement or print and complete the following card. Then leave it as a bookmark in your bible to view later.

Lord bless my gift of _______. Help me to use it for you one day. Today help me to use it towards blessing the people in my life by ________________.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Do you obey your parents 100% of the time? Do you want to obey your parents all the time? It’s good to trust your parents and know that they want what is best for you. When we trust our parents it makes it easier to obey them. We can feel the same way about God. When we trust that God wants what is best for us, it is easier to obey Him, even when we don’t understand. This week we will see a woman who does just that; trusts and obeys!

II Kings 4:1-7



Demonstrate volume by filling smaller containers from one large pitcher filled with water.

Which pitcher has more space in it, this one large pitcher or the smaller cups? Of course the larger pitcher has more space because I was able to fill several small cups from this one pitcher. But eventually the water in this larger pitcher will come to an end and I won’t have any more left to pour. This week we will hear a story about oil that did not stop pouring! When the woman thought for sure the oil would be finished, it kept coming just as God had said! How amazing! This woman trusted what God told her and then she obeyed. We are also called to obey God and also our parents. When we obey we are able to see the goodness of God.  Let’s read in our story to see what help the woman in the story needed and received.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week: II Kings 4:1-7

What fit the widows husband do for a living previously? ( he was a prophet)

What was wrong with the widow? (Her husband was dead and his collectors are coming after her for their money)

What did Elisha tell her to do? (Borrow oil jars from neighbors and friends then fill them with oil)

When she filled the last jar in her home with oil, what happened to the oil? (It stopped flowing)

What did Elisha tell her to do with the oil? (go sell the jars of oil to pay off the debt)



The widow listened and obeyed God through the voice of Elijah, and we are called to obey our dad, mom and God too! When we practice obeying our Dad and mom, we can be ready to obey God when He calls us. Let’s practice obeying right now. Print and cut out the list of commands, place them in a bowl to pull out and then have your child obey them. Praise their obedience and extra praise if they obey immediately. Reinforce how it is important to obey your parents just as we are to obey God.

Do 3 jumping jacks

Run to the door and back

Close your eyes

Find 3 books

Bring your favorite color crayon

Take 1 bite of your least favorite vegetable

Take a bite of your favorite fruit

Give someone in the room a hug or high 5

Tell your favorite memory verse

Try to do the splits

Materials: printed command sheet, scissors, small bowl


Have a large vase or non-transparent container filled with small pom-poms or cotton balls. Have your child gather as many cups or plastic cups/containers as they can within a time limit of 1 minute. Retell the story of Elisha and the widow. While telling the story have your child pull out a pom-pom or cotton ball to place in each cup or container. The widow had faith that Elisha was giving her a word from God. She trusted God and obeyed what she was asked to do, and witnessed a miracle. God used something small to answer her big problem and prayer. We can have faith in God too!

Materials: large vase, many small cups/containers

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons




Complete this spin wheel of the widow pouring oil into her jars.

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors, brad fastener


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did the widow show faith in God?

Was her husband a believer in God?

Did her husbands faith help her have faith as well?

In what way did the widow physically demonstrate her faith?

Did Elisha solve her problem by fixing the problem for her or handing her thee money she needed?

How does this story help us continue to demonstrate our faith with actions and not just words?

How do faith and obedience go hand in hand?

Practical Application at Home

Paul prayed for his new friends with new faith. He knew that it can be hard to keep the faith and not become discouraged. We can help others, whether their faith is new or old, by continuing to pray for them. We can pray they stay encouraged and strong in their faith. We can ask for God to help us as well. We can live a life that demonstrates our faith in God by dedicating our lives and choices to Him daily. In Colossians 1:10 Paul prays the believers are filled with God’s Spirit so they may live lives worthy of the Lord. Their lives would then be a demonstration of the presence of God’s Spirit because they would live in a way that pleases God in every way, they would do good works and grow in the knowledge of God.

We can think of ways our lives are a demonstration of God’s Spirit in us by how we live our lives. Complete the following handout and write ways to please God in every way, do good works, and grow in knowledge of God.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





I promise to always love you! I promise to always be there! I promise to never fail! Have you ever heard any of those promises made to you? Is there any person that you know that could never fail? Those promises seem impossible to keep. They are for us, but not for God. He makes those promises and more. This week we will see that we can trust God to keep His promises.

2 kings 4:8-37



There are promises we can keep : I promise to feed the dog today… and promisees we can not keep: I promise to always be happy. Unlike our promises, God’s promises are always true and He always keeps them. Think about the following promises people might make and decide if its a promise they can definitely keep or if it’s a promise they might break.

I will always love you

I will always eat all my food

I will always be your best friend

I will wait right here

I will help you

I will never leave you

I will forgive you

I will always protect you

I will always agree with you

I will never lie to you

I will never let anything happen to you

There are promises listed that we can keep and then there are some promises only God can keep. We can find God’s promises to us in His word. The promises Good makes to us He will always keep, they are good for an eternity. God does not change His mind or fail on His promises. This week we will see how God makes a promise to a woman and keeps that promise exactly. Let’s see how Elisha delivers a promise from God to a woman who has shown kindness to Elisha.

Read or listen to 2 kings 4:8-37

What did the woman of Shunem ask Elisha to do every time he was near? (Stay to eat a meal)

What did thee woman of Shunem do  for Elisha since he traveled by their home so often?(build a room on the roof for him)

When Elisha asked what he could do for her in return, what did she say? (She had a home among her people)

What did the servant observe she might need? (She has on son and her husband is old)

When the child grew up and worked in the field with his father one day, what did he complain of? (His head hurt)

When he died, what did his mother do? (She laid him on the prophets bed and went to get Elisha)

What did Elisha do when he came to the boy? (He prayed, laid on the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, and hands to hands)



Match these rainbow halves together and decide if these promises from God are true or false. Cut out the rainbows and then cut them in half along the dotted line. Have your child match the promise with the true or false half. Discuss the promises that were read together.

Materials: printed and cut rainbow halves, scissors


In the story the woman of Shunem built a room on the top of her house for Elisha to use when he would pass through her town. Using bricks, Legos, or play dough build a room for Elisha. What would you add to your room for Elisha? How big would your room be? Do you think Elisha appreciated the room they built for him?

Materials: large building bricks, Legos, or play dough

Independent activity:

Color the rainbow In the correct order. Read the promises on each ring of the rainbow as you color it. God has given us many promises in His word. They are promises we can trust He will keep.

Materials: printed rainbow, crayons




coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What is a promise God has given use today?

Where can we find God’s promises?

How can we trust that God will keep all of His promises?

How do you think the widow felt when Elisha promised her a child the next year?

Do you think she ever doubted if the promise would come true?

Do we sometimes doubt if God’s promises will actually happen?

What can we do to help us remember and hold on to our faith that God will keep his Promises

Practical Application at Home

Think of another story in the Bible where God made a promise and also gave a symbol to help us remember his promise forever. God promised Noah that he would never again send a flood to destroy the entire world.. He then put a rainbow in the sky as a symbol of His promise. God has kept His promise. We know there are many more promises God has made in His word and we can trust He will keep those as well. God made a promise to the woman of Shunem and he kept that promise and even saved her son years later as well. Even though our prayers may not always be answered the way we wanted, we can trust God will keep His word and be with us always.

Think of how each color represents something from God. For example, Red=the blood Jesus shed for us. Use colorful candy or cereal to discuss each color of the rainbow with your child.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What things do you ask for on your birthday or at Christmas? Do you ask your mom or dad for water to drink or for a new favorite toy? Do you ask for the things you need or for the things you want? We all have wants, but we also have things that we need and God knows what they are. God wants to answer our prayers and provide for us. This week we will see how we can trust God will provide for us, even when it is in an unusual way!

II Kings 4:38-44



We all have things that we like to use or have and then things that we need. These are called needs and wants. Some things are necessary for us to live and other things bring us pleasure or delight. God wants to provide for us what we need as well as delightful things. Let's see if you can decide between a need and a want. Listen to the following items and decide if it’s a need or a want.



A favorite dress



A new football

Basketball shoes

Your favorite movie

A bed





We all have needs that God is able to supply. He answers our prayers for what we need, even when it is not the way we expected. We can trust God to provide for our needs. This week we will read a story about Elisha and the prophets during a time of famine. Elisha knew the men needed to eat and had his servants prepare a large stew to feed them, but what his servants found was not good to eat. God told them what to do in order to make the stew edible. God did not leave them to starve but provided a way for them to eat. God gave them a simple task to make the stew good to eat. Let’s read the story for this week to see what God told them to do in order for them to eat the stew during a time of famine.

Read or listen to the scripture II Kings 4:38-44

What was happening in Gilgal when Elisha returned? (A famine)

What did Elisha tell his servant to do for the prophets? (Put on a large pot of stew)

What did the servant gather from the fields? (Herbs, a wild vine, and gourds)

The servant served the food but what did the prophet say about the food? (There is death in the pot)

What did they put into the pot so they could eat it? (They added flour)

How many loaves of bread did they bring to Elisha? (20 loaves)

What did Elisha decide to do with the bread? (Share it with the people)

Was there enough food to feed everyone? (There was enough to eat with left overs)



All living things need to eat to survive. God provides for our needs and he also provides food for the animals as well. We all eat different things which keep balance in the food chain. Play this game of memory match. Match the animal with the type of food they eat!

Materials: printed memory game cut out, scissors


In the story of Elisha and the famine, there was a famine in Gilgal and Elisha wanted to feed the prophets. His told his servant to make a pot of stew but what he gathered was not good to eat. God provided for their needs by making the stew good to eat and providing enough bread for everyone, with some left over. Let’s go on a scavenger hunt in our backyard to gather some items. God has provided everything we need, and we can use the things God has placed in nature. Print the following scavenger hunt in or outside of the house and discuss how we use these items in our lives.

Materials: printed scavenger hunt, pencil

Independent activity:

Complete this activity sheet deciding which is a need or a want. Color the pictures that are a need that God provides.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some things God provides for you?

What are some things that are your needs?

What are some of your wants?

How did God provide for Elisha and the prophets?

Does God always answer every prayer request we make?

Did Elisha expect God to answer his prayer for food by adding flour to the pot?

How does God work in our lives in unexpected ways?

How can we be ready to listen and obey God even when His answer is not what we expected?

Practical Application at Home

We all have needs and wants that God wants to give us, but what He wants most of all is for us to need and want Him. It is okay to ask God for the things we want along with the things we need, but we should remember that we need God above all other things. Elisha and the prophets depended on God to provide the food they needed during the famine. God can provide for our needs but He also wants to provide for our wants as well. Not every answer from God is a yes, it may sometimes be a no or wait. Even if we do not get the answer we wanted, we can trust that God will provide what He knows is best for us.

With your child, make a list of your needs and wants. List them in order of importance for you. Think of how God has already provided some of those things, and then pray that you will be open to how He will answer the rest.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we have looked at the ministry of Elisha and seen how much we can call and count on God. This week we will see that Elisha was used by God to heal a man as well as lead him to God. We can be used by God as well.

II Kings 5:1-14



We’ve learned this month that the sky isn’t the limit with God. We can ask and do hard things with God. We might have limitations as humans, but God does not have any limitations. God can use us to reach the people around us, so they can know God better. Something that shoots high in the air is a rocket. Let’s make a homemade rocket of our own and see how high it goes in the sky. See this website for directions on how to make the rocket.

Materials: Baking Soda, colored pencils, vinegar, plastic bottle (1-2 liter), wine cork, tape

Was our rocket able to work? Did it go as high as the sky? Even though we have limitations on how high we can go, God is not limited. He helps us go beyond our own limitations. We can do something for God too! We can witness to others and obey what He wants us to do. We can share the good news of Jesus and we show others God’s love. This week we will see several people be used by God to help others. First the servant girl shares with her master when he should go to be healed. She helps him see that there are prophets in the land of Israel. Elisha is used by God to share God’s message to Naaman.  Elisha’s servant then gives the message to Naaman to bath in the Jordan River 7 times in order to be healed. All 3 people take God’s message to Naaman for him to not only be healed but also see that the God of Israel has the power to heal. Let’s read or listen to the story to see what happens to Elisha and Naaman.

Read or listen to the scripture II Kings 5:1-14

Who was the commander that had leprosy? (Naaman)

Who did the young captive girl live with and attend? (Naaman’s wife)

Who did the servant girl recommend Naaman go see to cure his leprosy? (The prophet in Samaria)

What did the King of Israel say when Naaman’s master told him naaman would come to Israel to be healed? (Can I kill and bring back to life…he is trying to pick a quarrel with me)

What did Elisha tell the king? (Have the man come and he will know there is a prophet in Israel)

What did Elisha tell Naaman to do to be healed of his leprosy? (Go wash yourself 7 times in the Jordan and be healed)

Why was Naaman upset at Elisha’s instructions? (He thought Elisha would call on God and wave his hand to cure him.)

Who convinced Naaman to stay and follow Elisha’s instructions? (His servants)

What happened to Naaman’s skin after he dipped in the river 7 times? (His skin was healed and clean like a young boy)



The servant girl of Naaman’s wife was concerned enough for her master that she suggested he go to Samaria to meet Elisha and be healed. Although the servant girl had be taken captive by Naaman’s army, she still allowed God to use her to bring healing to Naaman. She didn’t need any special skill to be used by God, only kindness. We don’t need to have any special skill or talent to share God with others. Print and cut out the following stars. Place the stars around the room and have your child gather them. Help them read the stars if necessary.

Materials: I can statement stars printed and cut out


Retell the story of Elisha and Naaman by acting out the story. Use washable marker or small stickers to represent the leprosy on Naaman’s skin. Naaman wanted to be healed and Elisha told him what to do in order for him to be healed. God used Elisha to witness to Naaman so that he would know that the God of Israel had the power to heal the sick.

Materials: various story props

Independent activity:

Decorate a jar or small box, print and place the following cards in the box. Each week pull out a card and complete the task on the card. Replace the card to the box or jar or write a new one to replace the one you completed. The servant girl and Elisha allowed God to use them to help the Captain Naaman know that God could heal him, we can allow God to use us to bring others to Him as well.

Materials: Ways to help others cards printed and cut out, jar or small box, stickers and markers to decorate




Make a large Naaman puppet face out of a paper plate. On one side of the paper plate decorate Naaman’s face with leprosy and a frown face. On the other side of the paper plate decorate Naaman’s face with a smile. See this example. 

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What disease did Naaman have?

Who told Naaman where to go for healing?

What special talent or skill did the little maid have that she used to witness for God?

What did Elisha do or say to help Naaman?

What special talent of skill did Elisha have that he used to witness for God?

How was Elisha and the little maid used by God?

What special talent or skill can you use for God?

Practical Application at Home

The bible has many examples of people who used the talents God gave them for His purpose. Their talents and skills pointed others back to God and showed the goodness of God. We can use our talents and gifts that God gave us for him as well. When our actions and words reflect God and help others see Him more clearly, we are being used by God to witness to others. We don’t need any specific talent, but the ones God gave us are special enough for Him to use, no matter how big of small they are. Think about the following characters and see if you can determine how they used a talent for God.

David… used his harp to sing praises to God and worked in the palace to soothe the king

Esther… used her beauty and personality to become queen and save her people

Peter… used his strong willed personality to push the gospel of Jesus to far reaches of the land

Moses …used his training from the palace to help lead his people our of slavery

Joseph… used his leadership skills to organize and feed a nation during a famine

Can you think of any other bible characters who used the gifts and talents God gave them to be a witness or be used by God in big or small ways? What gifts or talents will you use this week that God has already given you?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Aim High



When we fly kites they can sometimes go really high in the sky. They might even get lost in a tall tree! Sometimes our dreams for the future can seem as far away as our kite in the sky. They may seem so big we will never be able to reach them, but with God we can. God can help us reach our dreams, even when they are really high. This month we will look at Elisha and see the impossible things God did through him. God can use our big dreams to help others too.

II Kings 2:1- 2, 6-14; Psalm 66:1-9



Cotton balls often remind me of clouds. They are white and puffy and when you put multiple ones together they can begin to look like a design. I’m going to give everyone 10 cotton balls and we are going to see what cloud designs we can make with our cotton balls. Give everyone 10 cotton balls including yourself and then start a timer for about 1 minute and see what creative things they can design with their “clouds”. To make the cotton balls look more like clouds, gently pull the cotton ball apart and stretch the cotton until they are thinner and fluffy like a cloud. Repeat the activity as desired.

What creative images we were able to make with our cotton balls. I enjoy looking up in the sky to see the clouds and then pretend I can see different images in the clouds. This month we are looking at the life of Elisha. He was a prophet of God and God used him to do unbelievable things! Sometimes we have big dreams of doing great things for God, and we can with God’s help! Our big dreams may seem too high, like the clouds in the sky, but we can remember that God is able to help us do achieve those dreams.Let’s look at some big things Elisha was able to do as well as witness in our story this week.

Materials: cotton balls

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: II Kings 2:1- 2, 6-14

Where were Elijah and Elisha on their way? (Gilgal)

What did Elijah know was about to happen? (He was going to die)

What did Elijah tell Elisha to do? (Stay there and wait)

What did Elisha refuse to do? (Leave Elijah’s side)

What did Elisha request of Elijah before he died? (To give him a double portion of his spirit)

What did Elijah use to get across the Jordan River? (He rolled his cloak, struck the water with it and the water split for him)

How did Elijah say Elisha would know he received a double portion? (If he sees Elijah being taken)

How did Elijah get taken to heaven? ( in a horse and chariot of fire fire, went up to heaven like a whirlwind

How did Elisha use Elijah’s cloak? (In the same way Elijah used it to part the Jordan River)



Elijah was a great prophet of God’s and Elisha was to follow in his footsteps. Elisha wanted to have a ministry that was as great as Elijah’s, so he asked for a double portion of God’s spirit. God did grant his request and God used Elisha to do many great things for the people of Israel and deliver hard news sometimes. God wants us to dream big for his kingdom and he can use our dreams and passions to do it. Think of something you are passionate about. How can you use that passion to minister to other people? List out 3 steps you can follow to begin the ministry.

Materials: paper, pencil


We might dream big, but God can do big things. The dreams we have that may seem out of this world, He can do! The Bible tells us of things God is able to do that we can not begin to do. Listen to these examples and see if you can tell what story or when God did them.

Turn the sea into dry land

Turn water into blood

Turn water into wine

Send fire down from heaven to consume drenched stone

Cause the sun to stand still

Make a bush burn without consuming it

Cause city walls to fall with the sound of trumpets

Raining food down from heaven

Materials: pencil (optional)

Independent activity:

Complete this activity sheet. God has plans for us that we can not even imagine. What do you dream of doing one day? Draw a picture of your dreams. God can use our dreams to do big things.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons, pencil




Create a chariot for Elijah using a plastic cup, construction paper and pipe cleaners. Draw and cut out a small horse, an Elijah figure or make Elijah’s face on a plastic spoon, and 2 construction paper wheels for the chariot cup. Glue on the 2 wheels to the plastic cup and attach the pipe cleaner to the cup and to the horse. Place Elijah in the plastic cup. See the instructions on the following webpage to see how to construct your chariot.

Materials: construction paper, plastic cup, plastic spoon, pipe cleaner, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 66:1-9

The Psalmist is describing the wonderful works of God and the awesome deeds He has done. Who else can turn water into dry land? Think of the miraculous deeds God has done in your life or for your family. Think of a time you didn’t have an answer to a problem you were facing or you didn’t see a way out of a difficult situation, and how did God deliver? Some people call good things that happen to them ‘good luck’, but we don’t believe there is good luck but a Good God. The blessings and miracles we have experienced are from God. Our big dreams and our big problems can be solved by God, because his ways are higher than ours. His answers are bigger than our answers and He has solutions we never think of.

How was Elisha’s request a big one?

Have you ever asked for something big and questioned if you would ever get it?

Are there any requests we can ask for that are too big?

When we dream big, who should we remember to keep at the center of our desires?

How can we keep from making our big dreams ones that are self-centered?

How did God show Elisha he would grant his request?

Was Elisha’s request for himself or to bring glory to God?

Do the dreams you have for the future include God?

Practical Application at Home

This week we’ve talked about how our dreams may be as high as the clouds in the sky, but God can help us reach them. Psalm 103:11 says "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him”. We can be sure that God loves us and wants us to trust Him with our big dreams. Complete the following statement or print and complete the following card. Then leave it as a bookmark in your bible to view later.

Lord bless my gift of _______. Help me to use it for you one day. Today help me to use it towards blessing the people in my life by ________________.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Do you obey your parents 100% of the time? Do you want to obey your parents all the time? It’s good to trust your parents and know that they want what is best for you. When we trust our parents it makes it easier to obey them. We can feel the same way about God. When we trust that God wants what is best for us, it is easier to obey Him, even when we don’t understand. This week we will see a woman who does just that; trusts and obeys!

II Kings 4:1-7 Colossians 1:3-14



Sit in this chair.—— Did you have faith the chair would hold you?

Pour water in this cup.——Did you have faith the cup would hold the water?

Catch this ball.——Did you have faith I would’t throw the ball in your face?

Open this locked door.—— Did you have faith the lock would keep the door shut?

There are lots of things we put our faith in. Faith is trusting in something or someone even when we can not see the proof or end result. Although we may have some sort of faith in little things every day, God is the only one that deserves our faith because He will never fail. We can always count on Him to come through because sometimes our chairs do break and our locks don’t always keep the door closed. God will never fail, He will never stop working, and He never slumbers nor sleeps. This week we will see how a woman had faith to believe the words Elisha shared with her were from God. She trusted God’s words and obeyed them and it saved here family. Let’s read the story to find out what she did that showed great faith.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week II Kings 4:1-7

What fit the widows husband do for a living previously? ( he was a prophet)

What was wrong with the widow? (Her husband was dead and his collectors are coming after her for their money)

What did Elisha tell her to do? (Borrow oil jars from neighbors and friends then fill them with oil)

When she filled the last jar in her home with oil, what happened to the oil? (It stopped flowing)

What did Elisha tell her to do with the oil? (go sell the jars of oil to pay off the debt)



Set up cups, jars and/or vases around the room or space. Place these faith statements inside each container. Have your child find the jars and search inside for each faith statement and read it aloud. Which faith statement meant the most to you? We can have faith in God and trust that He will provide and care for us even when our need is great. God’s answer may not always be what we want but He will provide what He knows is best. We can have faith and trust God just as the widow trusted God to provide for her families great need.

Materials: printed faith statements, scissors, jars/containers


The widow listened and obeyed God through the voice of Elijah, and we are called to obey our dad, mom and God too! When we practice obeying our Dad and mom, we can be ready to obey God when He calls us. Let’s practice obeying right now. Print and cut out the list of commands, place them in a bowl to pull out and then have your child obey them. Praise their obedience and extra praise if they obey immediately. Reinforce how it is important to obey your parents just as we are to obey God.

Materials: printed commands

Independent activity:

Our parents often ask us to have faith in them, to believe and obey them, because they have seen things we have not seen. They know some things are good or bad for us because they have experienced it, watched someone else experience it or have seen it with their own eyes. Our experience helps us share our faith with others. We can share who God is with others who have less experience by sharing our experience or testimony with them. Listen to the following statements and think about if you’ve experience it, seen someone else experience it, or seen a first hand experience. Share your experience with others to help them have faith and trust the statement is true.

Smoking causes cancer

Stealing causes pain to others

Eating too much sugar causes health problems

Not drinking enough water can make you sick

Its not good to watch too much TV





Complete this spin wheel of the widow pouring oil into her jars.

Materials: printed wheel spinner, crayons, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Colossians 1:3-14

This verse is a letter written from Paul and Timothy to a group of believers who learned about Christ from another believer. Although these believers never witnessed Jesus and His miracles they came to faith from the word and testimony of other believers. They were able to witness the faith and life of those who believed and that encouraged them to have faith as well, in something they had never witnessed. We can be witnesses in the same way, our lives and faith is a testimony of Jesus in our lives. Our faith can help others grow in their faith.

How did the widow show faith in God?

Was her husband a believer in God?

Did her husbands faith help her have faith as well?

In what way did the widow physically demonstrate her faith?

Did Elisha solve her problem by fixing the problem for her or handing her thee money she needed?

How does this story help us continue to demonstrate our faith with actions and not just words?

How do faith and obedience go hand in hand?

Practical Application at Home

Paul prayed for his new friends with new faith. He knew that it can be hard to keep the faith and not become discouraged. We can help others, whether their faith is new or old, by continuing to pray for them. We can pray they stay encouraged and strong in their faith. We can ask for God to help us as well. We can live a life that demonstrates our faith in God by dedicating our lives and choices to Him daily. In Colossians 1:10 Paul prays the believers are filled with God’s Spirit so they may live lives worthy of the Lord. Their lives would then be a demonstration of the presence of God’s Spirit because they would live in a way that pleases God in every way, they would do good works and grow in the knowledge of God.

We can think of ways our lives are a demonstration of God’s Spirit in us by how we live our lives. Complete the following handout and write ways to please God in every way, do good works, and grow in knowledge of God.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





I promise to always love you! I promise to always be there! I promise to never fail! Have you ever heard any of those promises made to you? Is there any person that you know that could never fail? Those promises seem impossible to keep. They are for us, but not for God. He makes those promises and more. This week we will see that we can trust God to keep His promises.

2 kings 4:8-37  Genesis 18:1-10a



There are promises all around us, we don’t even think about how much we depend on the promises others make to us. Our parents make promises to provide and protect us. Our friends make promises to love and be companions to us. Our appliances promise to work when we need them most! Complete the following scavenger hunt to see if you can figure out what the clues are leading you to. Write the location each clue has led you to on your scavenger hunt.

I promise to always keep the right time (clock)

I promise I will always let you sit on me (chair)

I promise to give you oxygen (plant/tree)

I promise I have I have never stopped running (refrigerator or other running appliance)

I promise to show up every day and the leave every night (Sun)

I promise I always come out red no matter what color of the outside skin (blood)

I promise I’m around helping you live even though you can not see me. (Air)

I promise I am made of 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part oxygen and have a lot of jobs (water)

There are promises listed that we can keep and then there are some promises only God can keep. We can find God’s promises to us in His word. The promises Good makes to us He will always keep, they are good for an eternity. God does not change His mind or fail on His promises. This week we will see how God makes a promise to a woman and keeps that promise exactly. Let’s see how Elisha delivers a promise from God to a woman who has shown kindness to Elisha.

Read or listen to 2 kings 4:8-37

What did the woman of Shunem ask Elisha to do every time he was near? (Stay to eat a meal)

What did thee woman of Shunem do  for Elisha since he traveled by their home so often?(build a room on the roof for him)

When Elisha asked what he could do for her in return, what did she say? (She had a home among her people)

What did the servant observe she might need? (She has on son and her husband is old)

When the child grew up and worked in the field with his father one day, what did he complain of? (His head hurt)

When he died, what did his mother do? (She laid him on the prophets bed and went to get Elisha)

What did Elisha do when he came to the boy? (He prayed, laid on the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, and hands to hands)



We can not keep all of our promises. We may have good intentions but we sometimes fail to keep the promises we make. God can not fail or forget His promises. They are true and everlasting. Listen to the following promises and decide if this promise is from God or if it is a promise made by a person.

Materials: Tic Tac Toe board printed


Sometimes we might get discouraged by the difficult and hard things that happen in our life. God does not promise that following Him will be easy or make everything perfect, in fact He promises the opposite. He says that in this life we will have trouble, but take heart for He has overcome the world. We can also be assure that He has already conquered and we are delivered. We might need encouragement for different times in our lives. Complete the activity sheet by sorting and pasting the promises into a category when you think thee promise would be most encouraging. Then save this sheet and use it when you feel discouraged to remember God’s promises.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil

Independent activity:

Complete one of these science experiments making rainbow from light on light color experiments

Materials: various items to create a rainbow using light




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Genesis 18:1-10a. This story sounds similar to the story of Elisha and the woman of Shunem in that they were also promised a child the following year. Sarah was much older and past the age of having children, and yet God promised Abraham she would have a child. Even though this seemed unbelievable, we have learned this month that when God makes a promise, it will happen. God idd not go back on His promise but gave Abraham and Sarah a son the following year. We can see that even though some things may seem impossible to us, with God nothing is impossible.

Name something that is the same about the scripture we read in Genesis 18 and our story this week?

What kindness did Abraham show to the 3 visitors?

What promisee did God make to Abraham right then?

What previous promise did God make to Abraham about his descendants?

What is a promise God has given use today?

Where can we find God’s promises?

How can we trust that God will keep all of His promises?

How do you think the widow felt when Elisha promised her a child the next year?

Do you think she ever doubted if the promise would come true?

Do we sometimes doubt if God’s promises will actually happen?

What can we do to help us remember and hold on to our faith that God will keep his Promises?

Practical Application at Home

Think of another story in the Bible where God made a promise and also gave a symbol to help us remember his promise forever. God promised Noah that he would never again send a flood to destroy the entire world.. He then put a rainbow in the sky as a symbol of His promise. God has kept His promise. We know there are many more promises God has made in His word and we can trust He will keep those as well. God made a promise to the woman of Shunem and he kept that promise and even saved her son years later as well. Even though our prayers may not always be answered the way we wanted, we can trust God will keep His word and be with us always.

Create an acrostic poem using the beginning letters of the colors of the rainbow: ROYGBIV. Come up with words or phrases for each letter. Then rewritten your poem in the shape of a rainbow.

R- redeemed







Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What things do you ask for on your birthday or at Christmas? Do you ask your mom or dad for water to drink or for a new favorite toy? Do you ask for the things you need or for the things you want? We all have wants, but we also have things that we need and God knows what they are. God wants to answer our prayers and provide for us. This week we will see how we can trust God will provide for us, even when it is in an unusual way!

II Kings 4:38-44   Luke 11:1-9



Listen to the following scenarios and decide if the character had a need or a want.

Sally goes shopping and sees the latest dress on sale in her size. She tells her mom she must have it, she needs it! Is this a need or a want?

Sam visits his friend and sees there is a new version of his favorite video game. He starts counting his money to see if he has enough to buy it. Is this a need or want?

Tray has a test coming in math class that requires him too have a ruler and calculator. He asks his mom if they can buy one at the store before the test. Is this a need or want?

Hal has a friend whose shoes have holes in them for most of this year at school. Hal asked his mom if they can buy new shoes for his friend. Is this a need or a want?

Carrie is on a hike and forgot to bring her water with her. She stops at a store on the way back looking for a place to buy water. Is this a need or a want?

We all have needs that God is able to supply. He answers our prayers for what we need, even when it is not the way we expected. We can trust God to provide for our needs. This week we will read a story about Elisha and the prophets during a time of famine. Elisha knew the men needed to eat and had his servants prepare a large stew to feed them, but what his servants found was not good to eat. God told them what to do in order to make the stew edible. God did not leave them to starve but provided a way for them to eat. God gave them a simple task to make the stew good to eat. Let’s read the story for this week to see what God told them to do in order for them to eat the stew during a time of famine.

Read or listen to the scripture II Kings 4:38-44

What was happening in Gilgal when Elisha returned? (A famine)

What did Elisha tell his servant to do for the prophets? (Put on a large pot of stew)

What did the servant gather from the fields? (Herbs, a wild vine, and gourds)

The servant served the food but what did the prophet say about the food? (There is death in the pot)

What did they put into the pot so they could eat it? (They added flour)

How many loaves of bread did they bring to Elisha? (20 loaves)

What did Elisha decide to do with the bread? (Share it with the people)

Was there enough food to feed everyone? (There was enough to eat with left overs)



All living things need to eat to survive. God provides for our needs and he also provides food for the animals as well. We all eat different things which keep balance in the food chain. Play this game of memory match. Match the animal with the type of food they eat!

Materials: memory game printed


The bible has a lot to say about hunger. God knows that we want and need food to survive, but He also knows that we can not survive just on physical food. We need Him to be our food, to fill us up and satisfy our hunger. Read the following scriptures and fill in the blank with the missing word or words. God can provide for our needs and our wants. We can pray that our greatest need and want be for Him

Materials: printed paper, pencil

Independent activity:

Elisha’s servant filled the stew pot with things he found in the field. He must have thought all of those things were good to eat, but he was incorrect. The men cried out that there was death in the pot! Have you ever eaten a dinner and thought you would die? Some meals are tastier than others, but we can have fun creating new dishes and experimenting with new flavors. With the help of an adult, create your own recipe for soup. Gather the ingredients you currently have in your house and create a new soup and then taste it.

Materials: various food items from kitchen




Make your own handcuffs. Watch this video describing the step by step instructions on how to create this craft.

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Luke 11:1-9. There are other times in the Bible in which God provides food for people who are hungry. God wants to provide for our basic needs as well as other needs and wants we may have. God is not just watching us from afar unconcerned with our well-being, but He wants to be a father to us and provide for the things we need. Just as the friend in the story in Luke asked for the bread he needed, we too can ask God for the things we need. Jesus at the end of the scripture said to ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. God wants us to call on Him, even though He already knows what we need, we can be in relationship with Him by asking for the things we need.

Did God know what Elisha and the prophets needed?

Does God know the things that you need?

How did God provide for Elisha and the prophets during their need for food?

How does God provide for you each day?

How can we ask God for what we need without just bringing him a long list each day?

Does God always answer every prayer request we make?

Did Elisha expect God to answer his prayer for food by adding flour to the pot?

How does God work in our lives in unexpected ways?

How can we be ready to listen and obey God even when His answer is not what we expected?

Practical Application at Home

We all have needs and wants that God wants to give us, but what He wants most of all is for us to need and want Him. It is okay to ask God for the things we want along with the things we need, but we should remember that we need God above all other things. Elisha and the prophets depended on God to provide the food they needed during the famine. God can provide for our needs but He also wants to provide for our wants as well. Not every answer from God is a yes, it may sometimes be a no or wait. Even if we do not get the answer we wanted, we can trust that God will provide what He knows is best for us.

Make a list of your needs and wants. List them in order of importance for you. Think of how God has already provided some of those things, and then pray that you will be open to how He will answer the rest.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





This month we have looked at the ministry of Elisha and seen how much we can call and count on God. This week we will see that Elisha was used by God to heal a man as well as lead him to God. We can be used by God as well.

II Kings 5:1-14   Colossians 3:1-4



We’ve learned this month that the sky isn’t the limit with God. We can ask and do hard things with God. We might have limitations as humans, but God does not have any limitations. God can use us to reach the people around us, so they can know God better. Something that shoots high in the air is a rocket. Let’s make a homemade rocket of our own and see how high it goes in the sky. See this website for directions on how to make the rocket.

Materials: Baking Soda, colored pencils, vinegar, plastic bottle, wine cork, tape

Was our rocket able to work? Did it go as high as the sky? Even though we have limitations on how high we can go, God is not limited. He helps us go beyond our own limitations. We can do something for God too! We can witness to others and obey what He wants us to do. We can share the good news of Jesus and we show others God’s love. This week we will see several people be used by God to help others. First the servant girl shares with her master when he should go to be healed. She helps him see that there are prophets in the land of Israel. Elisha is used by God to share God’s message to Naaman.  Elisha’s servant then gives the message to Naaman to bath in the Jordan River 7 times in order to be healed. All 3 people take God’s message to Naaman for him to not only be healed but also see that the God of Israel has the power to heal. Let’s read or listen to the story to see what happens to Elisha and Naaman.Read or listen to the scripture

Read or listen to the scripture II Kings 5:1-14

Who was the commander that had leprosy? (Naaman)

Who did the young captive girl live with and attend? (Naaman’s wife)

Who did the servant girl recommend Naaman go see to cure his leprosy? (The prophet in Samaria)

What did the King of Israel say when Naaman’s master told him naaman would come to Israel to be healed? (Can I kill and bring back to life…he is trying to pick a quarrel with me)

What did Elisha tell the king? (Have the man come and he will know there is a prophet in Israel)

What did Elisha tell Naaman to do to be healed of his leprosy? (Go wash yourself 7 times in the Jordan and be healed)

Why was Naaman upset at Elisha’s instructions? (He thought Elisha would call on God and wave his hand to cure him.)

Who convinced Naaman to stay and follow Elisha’s instructions? (His servants)

What happened to Naaman’s skin after he dipped in the river 7 times? (His skin was healed and clean like a young boy)



The servant girl of Naaman’s wife was concerned enough for her master that she suggested he go to Samaria to meet Elisha and be healed. Although the servant girl had be taken captive by Naaman’s army, she still allowed God to use her to bring healing to Naaman. She didn’t have to use anything but kindness to be used by God. We don’t need to have any special skill or talent to share God with others. Complete the following activity sheet by coloring a picture of yourself in the middle and on the stars write ways you can be used by God.

Materials: Printed activity sheet


Retell the story of Elisha and Naaman by acting out the story. Use washable marker or small stickers to represent the leprosy on Naaman’s skin. Naaman wanted to be healed and Elisha told him what to do in order for him to be healed. God used Elisha to witness to Naaman so that he would know that the God of Israel had the power to heal the sick.

Materials: various props for storytelling

Independent activity:

Create your own list of ways you can be used by God. Decorate a jar or small box and place your cards in it. Each week pull out a card and complete the task on the card. Replace the card to the box or jar or write a new one to replace the one you completed. The servant girl and Elisha allowed God to use them to help the Captain Naaman know that God could heal him, we can allow God to use us to bring others to Him as well.

Materials: jar or small box, stickers or markers for decorating




Make a large Naaman puppet face out of a paper plate. On one side of the paper plate decorate Naaman’s face with leprosy and a frown face. On the other side of the paper plate decorate Naaman’s face with a smile. See this example. 

Materials: paper plate, craft stick, construction paper,


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Colossians 3:1-4.

What does it mean to set your mind on things above and not on earthly things? God wants us to think about heavenly things, which are the things God has for prepared for us, and not just the daily things we think about here on earth. When we focus on our own needs and desires we are focusing on ourselves. God wants us to think of the plans he has for our lives, here on earth and in Heaven. When we think about the plans God has for us and the message He wants us to share with others, we are thinking on heavenly things. We can use the talents and gifts God has blessed us with to do God’s plan.

What disease did Naaman have?

Who told Naaman where to go for healing?

What special talent or skill did the little maid have that she used to witness for God?

What did Elisha do or say to help Naaman?

What special talent of skill did Elisha have that he used to witness for God?

How was Elisha and the little maid used by God?

What special talent or skill can you use for God?

Practical Application at Home

The bible has many examples of people who used the talents God gave them for His purpose. Their talents and skills pointed others back to God and showed the goodness of God. We can use our talents and gifts that God gave us for him as well. When our actions and words reflect God and help others see Him more clearly, we are being used by God to witness to others. We don’t have to have any specific talent, but the ones God gave us are special enough for Him to use, no matter how big of small they are. Think about the following characters and see if you can determine how they used a talent for God.

David… used his harp to sing praises to God and worked in the palace to soothe the king

Esther… used her beauty and personality to become queen and save her people

Peter… used his strong willed personality to push the gospel of Jesus to far reaches of the land

Moses …used his training from the palace to help lead his people our of slavery

Joseph… used his leadership skills to organize and feed a nation during a famine

Can you think of any other bible characters who used the gifts and talents God gave them to be a witness or be used by God in big or small ways?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





We’ve all made mistakes before, some are big and some are small. What doo you do after you’ve made the mistake? Do you pretend it didn’t happen? Do you hope it will eventually all go away and everyone will forget? There is a correct way to handle our mistakes and this week through David we will see what to do when faced with our bad choices.

II Samuel 11:26-12:13a



Can you name a king or queen that has ever lived? We know that there are king and queens around the world in the past and even some still today. How do we know who they are? They are known by people all over the world because they are famous simply for being a king or queen. Everyone wants to know what they are doing and how they are living life. Let’s play a little guessing game.

See if you can figure out these royal clues and guess what the clue reveals.

Shiny, sits on the king/queen’s head, has jewels on it (crown)

Where the king or queen sit, it is large, often made of gold and gems (Throne)

Worn over the shoulders, worn during special occasions, (royal robe)

Used for protection, sharp on both sides, stored at the waist until needed for battle (sword)

Held out to allow people into the king’s court, long often made of gold (scepter)

There is a king from the Bible who was well known because he was a good king and followed God. Then, he made a really big mistake and tried to cover it up. God sent a prophet to help the king see his mistakes and realize he had done some really bad things. This week we will study King David to see how David saw his wrong and tried to make it right. We make mistakes too, but we can know that God forgives our mistakes. We can confess our wrongs and then try to make them right to the people we may have hurt.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: II Samuel 11:26-12:13a

What did David do after the time of mourning? (He brought Bathsheba to live in the palace)

Who did God send to David? (Nathan)

What story did Nathan tell David? (A rich man with lots of sheep took the ewe lamb of a poor man)

How did David respond to this story? (He was very angry and wanted the rich man to die)

What message from God did Nathan tell David? (You struck down Urriah, The sword will never leave your house)

What would happen to David’s wives? (I will take your wives and give them to someone close to you)

What was David’s reply? (I have sinned against God)

What did God do with David’s sin? (Took it away, he would not die)



Help me fix my mistakes. Listen to the following stories and figure out where the mistake is and fix it for me. Retell the following stories but change the one detail to make a mistake.

Little Red riding hood: goes to see her grandpa-(grandma)

The Big bad wolf blew down the house of 3 little mice-(3 little pigs)

The three loud mice, see how they run (blind mice)

Hansel and Gretel travel to the ocean & find a gingerbread house (travel through the forest)

It was fun to spot the mistakes in these stories, but it is not fun for someone to spot our real life sins or mistakes. Even though it can be painful to admit we were wrong, it is important to not only admit our mistakes, but to also fix them and try to make its right.



Use play dough to create people or objects. Have your child break off a piece of their play dough and then figure out a way to piece it back together. When we make mistakes we are often left broken and sometimes we leave others broken too, but we don't have to stay that way. God wants to heal us after our mistakes and help us make things right. When we make a mistake, we can first say we are sorry, and then look for ways to make it right. We don’t want to stay broken or leave others broken but we can begin to piece things back together because God will help us.

Materials: play dough

Independent activity:

Create new pictures from mistakes. Use a blank white sheet of paper, use paint or a marker to draw random lines or dots on the paper (just a few). Give your child the page to continue painting or coloring the picture. I have accidentally drawn some things on my page that are a mistake. Can you help me fix my picture so that I don’t have to throw away the paper? Use your markers/paint, to create a new picture from my mistakes. We all make mistakes in our lives, but we can make them right by saying sorry and trying to fix the wrong. Just like we were able to fix the wrong on our paper and turn it into something new, God can take our mistakes and make them more than just a mistake.

Materials: sheet of drawing paper, markers or paint




Being king made David a well-known man, but it also made his mistakes visible to everyone around him. God wanted David to continue to be a man of honor and a follower of God. Make a crown like King David.

Materials: printed template or draw one, scissors, glue, crayons/markers, craft jewels


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever made a mistake?

How do you fix the mistake you’ve made?

What mistakes did David make?

How did he fix his mistake?

Does God forgive us only when we make things right?

How does God feel when we make a mistake?

How do you know God wants us to make our mistakes right?

Practical Application at Home

We all make mistakes and do things that are wrong because we are human and are not perfect. We can think of ways to say sorry and fix our mistakes. Think of ways you could fix the following mistakes and make them right.

Throwing trash outside on the ground

Not feeding your pets on time

Leaving your toys on the floor for someone to trip over

Not completing your chores on time

Saying mean things to your brother/sister

Not sharing a toy with a friend who is visiting

Disobeying your mom or dad

Speaking unkindly to your teacher

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever felt lonely or you needed help doing something hard? Who did you look for? We often look for a friend when we are in need. Did you know that God seeds us the right friend at the right time of our lives. We can have friendships that help us grow closer to God and help us follow the plan he has for our lives.

I Kings 1:5-14; 29-35



What does it mean to have a good friend? Who is someone you would consider a friend. Think about why you like them as a friend and what makes them a good friend to have. We all like friends that behave a certain way. They make us feel special by listening to us, and we have a good time with them because we like two play the similar things. God sends us friends to help us when wee might feel lonely or need help. Listen tot he following options and decide which character traits makes for a good friend.

A friend is…

Nice or mean

Shares or is selfish

Listens or ignores

Plays or wants to be alone

Enjoys what you enjoy or only wants to do their favorite things

Is happy for you or is jealous

Having a good friend is important and it can help us not feel lonely. When we have a good friend it can make a bad day feel better, or give us someone to share our thoughts with. God sends us good friends to help us. Nathan was a friend to David and his family because he wanted them to follow God’s plan for their family. David was getting older and knew he wanted Solomon to be the next king, but his other son, Adonijah, tried to take the throne next. When Nathan found out, he wanted to help Solomon take the thrown next as God planned. Let’s read to find out what happens in the story.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week I Kings 1:5-14; 29-35

Which son of David’s wanted to take the throne? (Adonijah)

How many men had he gathered to help him take the crown? (50 men)

What did Adonijah do to ceremonially prepare for the throne? (Made sacrifices at the stone Zoheleth & invited others to witness)

Who did Adonijah leave off the list to join them? (Nathan)

What did Nathan tell Bathsheba to do? (To save their lives she had to tell David what Adonijah was doing)

Who did David say would be king? (Solomon)

What did David do for Solomon? (The priests anointed Solomon, blew the horn and had Solomon sit on the throne.)



Play pass the ball. Sit in a circle and pass a beach ball or other large light ball, when you catch the ball, name something you like about a friend you have. It is important to have good friends, but it is also important to be a good friend. Think of all the characteristics we used to describe a good friend. We can try to be a good friend to others by having those same characteristics. We can show our friends Jesus’ love and be the friend God sends to help others.

Materials: small and light ball (such as a beach ball)


There are pairs of friends in the Bible that show us what good friendships look like. Listen to the names I call out and then say the name of their friend.

Ruth (Naomi)

Johnathon (David)

Peter (another disciple)

Paul (Timothy)

Phillip (Nathaniel)

Abraham (Lot)

Martha (Mary)

These friends go together and are often thought of together because they were such good friends. They were close enough to be like family. We can be thankful for the family members God gives us, and we can be thankful for the friends He gives that are close to us as family.


Independent activity:

Friends go together like a pair. Let’s think of pairs of things that belong together. On this activity sheet, draw a line to match the pairs of things that go together.

Materials: activity sheet printed




Coloring page

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How was Nathan a good friend to David and his family?

What traits did Nathan have to show that he was being the friend God wanted him to be?

What type of friend are you?

What type of friend would your friends describe you as?

Do you speak to others in love?

What are some things friends should do?

What are some things friends should not do?

Are there people you should not be friends with?

Practical Application at Home

Ephesians 4:25-5:2 gave many examples of what a friend should and should not do. If wee were to follow the advice given in Ephesians 4 we might have better relationships with the people around us. Think about if you ever do any of the things on the ‘Don’t’ list. Have you ever shared false information about someone? Have you ever taken something from someone that didn’t belong to you? Have you ever been angry about what someone had done to you and plotted your revenge? We have done some or all of these things at some point but it is not what God has called us to be. We can be good friends to the people around us by treating others in a way God would have us.

Reread Ephesians 4:25-5:2 and make a list of friendship do’s and don’ts. On a sheet of paper make 2 columns and label them “friendship do’s” on one side and “friendship don’ts" on the other half. Then using the scripture, write a short list of how we are to treat others, and how we are not to treat others.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever been given a new chore that you did not know how to do? How did you figure it out? Did you have to ask someone for help? We all have to ask for help sometimes because we might not be able to do it alone. We can always ask God for help!

I Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14



Create a series of races in which you have to pass a baton on to the next person in line (David passes the crown/throne to Solomon). Alternative: create a baton out of a stick or pencil. Create a start and finish line that is at the same point. Each person runs from start to a halfway point and three turns around to come back to the start line where they pass the baton to the next person in line.

Let’s make a race. We will start one the start line and after we have ran to the next point, turn around and run back to the start line. once you reach the start line, pass your baton to the next person in line for them to continue to run the race. Each race we will do a different style of running in order to win.

Jump on one foot

Army crawl


Crab-walk backwards

Hopscotch (2 feet-1 foot)

Just as you passed the baton on to the next person in line to race, David was on longer king and had passed the crown to his son Solomon. It was now Solomon’s turn to be king and lead God’s people. Being king means you are the leader of everyone in your nation. Solomon had a kingdom to run and wanted to have God’s guidance. He wanted to be sure He did what God wanted him to do and not rely on his own wishes. Let’s read or listen to the Bible story and see what Solomon asked of God so that he would be a good king.

Read or listen to I Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14

How long had David reigned as king? (40 years)

Who sat on the throne after David? (Solomon)

How did Solomon show his love for the Lord? (Following the instructions given to him by his father David)

Who did Solomon believe gave Him the throne? (God showed great kindness and gave David a son to sit on the throne)

What did Solomon ask God for? (A discerning heart to rule over the people)

What did the Lord say about Solomon’s request? (He was pleased he asked for discernment over money, death of enemies or long life)
What did God give Solomon along width wisdom? (Wealth and honor)



Wouldn’t it be fun to be the person in charge? It seems like it would be a great job and every one would have to do what you say! Solomon was in charge but he wasn’t sure he would be as great a king as his father, so he asked God for help. Let’s pretend you are the leader and you are in charge. Your job is to guide us to a location. You will need to give me directions and tell me which way to go (left, right, straight etc) without showing me. Pick a location in your home where your child will give you directions to walk there from where you are standing such as the bathroom, the refrigerator, the backyard, your bed, etc. Was that easy or hard to lead others to where you want them to go? Just as Solomon had to ask God for help while leading others, we can ask God to help us do difficult things as well.



There are times we have to do hard things and we can ask God to help us as well. We don’t need to have all of the answers to every difficult thing we face, God will give us answers as we need them. Think about some difficult things you face at school, home, on the field, and at church. What could you ask God for in these situations:

Hard test at school (wisdom)

Fighting with a friend (patience)

Obeying your mom and dad (obedience)

Telling your teacher the truth (strength)

being nice to someone who is mean to you (love)

Not following along with other kids who are making back choices (self control)

There are so many difficult decisions we make every day, but we don’t have to make any of them without God’s help. We can ask for something specific, such as wisdom, or we can just ask God for help!


Independent activity:

Draw a picture of what you would ask for if you were Solomon. If God came to you in a dream and said you could ask for anything, what would it be? Draw a picture of what you would ask for. (Graphic of kid sleeping, with dream bubble above head)

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create a paper platte 3-D King Solomon. Watch the following instructional video to see how to make a King Solomon out of household materials.

Materials: paper plate, glue, scissors, orange, yellow, blue construction paper, small gems, white paper plate, pen/pencil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did Solomon ask for?

What other benefits did Solomon receive along with wisdom?

What problems may Solomon have had if he’d asked for wealth?

How can we know God is guiding us?

What is something you can ask God to help you with?

When can we trust our own wisdom?

What are some things we might try to hide in the darkness?

What are some things we might want to do in the light?

Why do you think people might do bad things in the darkness?

Practical Application at Home

Cover a picture with black paper squares. Ask your child to guess the picture under the black squares, then take off one square at a time as your child continues to guess what the image might be. It is hard for us to know what we are looking at in the darkness, but when we see things in the light it is clear. We can live our lives in the light and not in the darkness. When we do this, we can see the truth, we can see our sins and we can live in the way God wants us to live. God has called us to follow his leading and not hide in the darkness.

This week, pray that God helps you live in the light of the Lord; in goodness, righteousness and truth.

Material: picture, black construction paper cut into squares

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What are some things you are thankful for? What are some ways you show your parents, teachers and friends you are thankful for the things they do or give to you? How do we show God we are thankful for the things He gives us. We can’t give God a present or a surprise, so what can we give to God in return? This week we will see what happens when we are thankful for the blessings we receive.

I Kings 6:11-14; 8:22-30



Use this website to find out all the ways to say thank you inn other languages. Practice saying thank you in as many languages as you can.

It’s fun to see how people around the world speak. Did you already know some other ways to say thank you in another language? When we are thankful for the things we have been given we know that it is polite to say thank you. But we can show that weee are thankful with more than just our words, but also with our actions. This week we will see how grateful Solomon for all of the blessings God gave him. He wanted to return a blessing to God by building a temple for God that was beyond just a building. Solomon wanted a structure that showed how Glorious, mighty, and wonderful God was. Although a building will never be as great as our God, Solomon wanted to give his best. Let’s see what Solomon did to build this temple for God.

Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 6:11-14; 8:22-30

What promisee did God make to David that he would keep with Solomon? (Solomon to build the temple)

What did Solomon need to do in order for God to fulfill His promise to David? (Follow my decrees, observe my law. Keep my commandments and obey them,

Where did God say He would live? (among the Israelites and not abandon then)

Did Solomon believe God kept His promise? (Yes)

What did Solomon compare the temple he built with? (The high heaven)

What did Solomon say could not contain God? (The heavens nor the temple he built)



Solomon built a temple for God because He was grateful for all of the things God blessed him with. Solomon did not just put up any old structure and call it God’s temple, but he used the finest materials in Israel to build the temple. Solomon believed God deserved the best so he filled the temple with the best. Go on a temple hunt. Print and cut the following pictures and place around the room for your child to find. Look for dwelling places and keep searching until you find a place you think Solomon built for God. Although the temple was a nice place to worship, God does not need a temple to dwell in for us to worship him.

Materials: printed images cut out, scissors


When we go to church we use that time to praise God for the things He’s done for us. Think of some ways God blessed you and your family this week that you are thankful for. Make a list of God’s blessings and then write a note of thankfulness.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil

Independent activity:

Write a prayer of thankfulness under each picture to express gratitude for the things God gives.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil/pen, crayons or coloring pencils




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did Solomon previously ask God for?

How did Solomon’s wisdom provide him with great wealth?

Who could Solomon have given the credit to for all of his success?

Who do we give credit to for our success at school or on the field?

Is there any success we have that was not given to use by God?

How can new show God we are thankful for all of his blessings?

Since we can not go tot he store and buy God Thank-You flowers, what can we give Him?

What can you personally give to God that He gave you first?

How does this make you a steward of your life?

Practical Application at Home

When we are thankful it is hard to imagine life without God. We would rather lose what seems like a good thing that is only temporary for a lasting relationship with God. What would you rather do than be without God? That can sometimes be a scary thought until we remember the God we serve. What can we fear when God is for us? Listen to the following statements and decide which you would rather have. Then come up with a few “would you rather’ statements of your own.

Would you rather…”

Live in heaven with Jesus for a short time, OR on earth for eternity?

Pray to God for an audible answer  OR talk on the phone with a friend for an whenever you want?

Feel God’s presence during difficult time OR live a day with no problems without God?

Receive the riches and blessings God has for you OR be rich on earth?

Eat Manna God sends down specifically for you to eat OR eat at a fancy restaurant?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Who loves you? Who do you love? How do you know when you are loved? Is it from the note they leave you that tells you so? Is it from the hugs you receive? There may not be just one way we know we are loved, but we know love when words match actions. This week we will see that when we know how much we are loved by God, we won’t worry about being liked by everyone else. We can rest in the Love of God!

I Kings 10:1-9



Who comes to visit you? Do you do anything special to prepare for a special visitor? Think about the following person coming to visit, and pick something you might do to prepare for the visitor.

Grandma….clean thee house or rake the leaves

The King of England…prepare tea and cake OR tie your shoes

Your classmate…….buy new clothes OR Make cookies

Your teacher… Sharpen your pencil OR clean your shoes

A soldier….. place a new flag outside…OR sharpen your pencils

A baby…. A new crib OR wash the car

A neighbor….. a light snack OR new toys

Solomon received a visitor, The Queen of Sheba. She did not come to visit a friend, but to see if what she heard about Solomon was true. Word spread of Solomon’s wisdom and the wealth of his kingdom, but she could hardly believe it was true. Solomon was not worried about that she was there to spy on him, but welcomed her and showed her God’s goodness to his kingdom. The Queen of Sheba was impressed that not only what she heard was true but there was even more to the kingdom that she had not even heard of. What a great witness to others of the goodness of God. We can share who God is by showing others how much we are loved by Him. When we give God glory for the things we have done, it shows others we love God and that He is who we want to please more than anything or anyone else. Let’s read in the Bible what happened with Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 10:1-9

What did the Queen of Sheba come to Israel to do? (Test Solomon and his wisdom; to see if what she heard about him was true)

How did the Queen of Sheba test Solomon? (With hard questions)

What did the Queen of Sheba bring with her? (Camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones)

After Solomon answered all of her questions, what did the Queen of Sheba notice? (She saw all of the wisdom Solomon possessed and the palace he had built)
What did they Queen of Sheba admit about what she had heard? (She did not believe what she had heard but needed to see if with her own eyes)

What did she finally say about the God of Israel? (praise to the Lord your God, his eternal love for Israel has placed Solomon on the throne to maintain justice and righteousness)



Draw a picture showing how much God loves you. Show what He has done for you or the blessings that help you know He loves you. When we know how much God loves us, we are not as concerned about what others think of us. God Loves us and wants to care for us far more than any other person can.

Materials: construction paper, crayons or colored pencils


Pretend you are the king or a queen. Let’s set our table nicely and talk about all the things we know! Set a table with linen and tea cups and pretend you are King Solomon or Queen of Sheba sitting together. Ask each other questions (easy or hard). Ask questions to find out what the other person knows and ask about this week’s story as well.

Materials: table with chairs and things to dress up the table, table settings (if able)

Independent activity:

Not just people in Israel were talking about Solomon, but people in the surrounding nations knew who Solomon was and were talking about all he had accomplished. So much so that the Queen of Sheba couldn’t believe what she had heard. Complete the following activity sheet. Fill in this All about the King sheet to see how much you already know about King Solomon.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil




Coloring sheets

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Solomon show other nations that he loved God?

How did Solomon witness to the nations around him?

What did the Queen of Sheba think of Solomon and his kingdom?

What did she proclaim about God after seeing Solomon?

How did Solomons wisdom help others see God?

Why is God’s love more important than others opinions?

Practical Application at Home

We don’t need to be starstruck over people who are famous. Knowing a lot of people or having a lot of people know you, does not equate to love. Real love comes from God and from our family who love us. Although we do not need to worry about what others think of us, we should still show others God’s love. We can share what true love is by sharing Jesus with others.

This week, instead of just saying thank you and receiving credit for a job well done, give God the glory instead. Think of a response you can give when someone gives you a compliment or congratulates you on a job well done. Use  a response you have come up with or use one of the following examples:

To God be the glory

God Bless you

I’m so glad to be used by God

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

It was the power of God within me

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





We’ve all made mistakes before, some are big and some are small. What doo you do after you’ve made the mistake? Do you pretend it didn’t happen? Do you hope it will eventually all go away and everyone will forget? There is a correct way to handle our mistakes and this week through David we will see what to do when faced with our bad choices.

II Samuel 11:26-12:13a   Ephesians 4:14-16



Play this version of outburst about the character David. Think of all the facts you know about David and list them as quickly as you can. See if you can come up with the 10 listed on my sheet before the timer goes off. Don’t allow your child to see the printed list. Check off each statement as they call it out. Use a timer of about 1 minute or a minute and a half depending on age.

David was well known because he was the king and the people of Israel liked him. David listened to God and followed His commands. Israel won many battle under the kingship of David, but David made mistakes too. At first when he made a big mistake, he tried to hide it, but it just kept getting worse. When the prophet Nathan came to David and showed him how bad his mistake was, David confessed and tried to make it right. When we make mistakes we do not need to cover it up, but we should confess our sin and then try to fix the mistake. God is with us even in our mistakes and can help us make things right.  Let’s continue to read the story to find out how David fixed his mistake.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: II Samuel 11:26-12:13a

What did David do after the time of mourning? (He brought Bathsheba to live in the palace)

Who did God send to David? (Nathan)

What story did Nathan tell David? (A rich man with lots of sheep took the ewe lamb of a poor man)

How did David respond to this story? (He was very angry and wanted the rich man to die)

What message from God did Nathan tell David? (You struck down Urriah, The sword of will never leave your house)

What would happen to David’s wives? (I will take your wives and give them to someone close to you)

What was David’s reply? (I have sinned against God)

What did God do with David’s sin? (Taken it away, he would not die)



Listen to these songs and see if you can spot the mistakes in the lyrics. Sing the song with me but sing the correct lyrics for these familiar songs. It was fun to spot the mistakes in these songs, but it is not fun for someone to really spot our sins or mistakes. Even though it can be painful to admit we were wrong, it is important to not only admit our mistakes, but to also fix them and try to make its right.

Materials: song lyric page printed or viewed on device


Listen to these scenarios and decide if the character made their wrong right, or if they never fixed their mistake. We all make mistakes but it is important that we not only say we are sorry, but wee make an effort to fix our mistake. We can think of ways to right the wrongs we have caused even if it seems like a small and insignificant mistake.

Materials: scenarios printed or viewed on device

Independent activity:

Create new pictures from mistakes. Use a blank white sheet of paper, use paint or a marker to draw random lines or dots on the paper (just a few). Give your child the page to continue painting or coloring the picture. I have accidentally drawn some things on my page that are a mistake. Can you help me fix my picture so that I don’t have to throw away the paper? Use your markers/paint, to create a new picture from my mistakes. We all make mistakes in our lives, but we can make them right by saying sorry and trying to fix the wrong. Just like we were able to fix the wrong on our paper and turn it into something new, God can take our mistakes and make them more than just a mistake.

Materials: white sheet of drawing paper, crayons/markers, paint




Being king made David a well-known man, but it also made his mistakes visible to everyone around him. God wanted David to continue to be a man of honor and a follower of God. Make a crown like King David.

Materials: construction paper, scissors, glue, crayons/markers, craft jewels


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Ephesians 4:14-16

This verse tells us we should not be deceitful or plan evil schemes but instead listen to God’s truth and then speak it. We can know we are doing what is right when we follow God’s truth and His plan for our lives. We do not need to spread lies or follow after the wrong doings of others. We can stand firm on God’s truth and live according to what is right. When we make mistakes we can then make them right and fix the wrongs we have made with Jesus’ help. It is important to say we are sorry, but then we can go further and do what is right. When we live by God’s truth we show we are growing and maturing in Jesus.

How can we listen for God’s truth?

How does speaking truth in love show that we are mature in Jesus?

Is it important to stand firm inn truth and not be swayed by others?

How does this help us make the right decisions?

Have you ever made a mistake?

How do you fix the mistake you’ve made?

What mistakes did David make?

How did he fix his mistake?

Does God forgive us only when we make things right?

How does God feel when we make a mistake?

How do you know God wants us to make our mistakes right?

Practical Application at Home

Think of a time you have done something wrong or hurt someones feelings. What did you do to say you were sorry and then fix your wrong? We all make mistakes because we are human and no one is perfect. Speaking the truth in love is one way we can correct a mistake we have made.

Think of a time you have said something that was untrue or shared information about someone that was not meant to be shared with others. Write or draw a picture of what you can do to make that situation right. Should you go to the person and apologize? Write a letter to say sorry? Tell the person you shared the information with the truth? Say kind words of truth about the person from now on? Write or draw your next action to fix or correct your mistake and then follow through to correct it.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever felt lonely or you needed help doing something hard? Who did you look for? We often look for a friend when we are in need. Did you know that God seeds us the right friend at the right time of our lives. We can have friendships that help us grow closer to God and help us follow the plan he has for our lives.

I Kings 1:5-14; 29-35; Ephesians 4:25-5:2



There are lots of examples in the Bible of people being good friends to one another. Listen to the following examples and say the Bible character who was being a good friend.

Warned David that the king was angry and he should run away. (Johnathon)

Gleaned wheat in a field so she and her mother-in-law would have food (Ruth)

Asked God to send a double portion of his spirit on the prophet to replace him. (Elijah)

Built a room above her home for the traveling prophet (The man and woman of Shunem)

Gave his nephew the better choice and first pick of the land (Abraham)

Opened up their home to feed and fellowship with Jesus and his disciples (Mary and Martha)

Sent letters of encouragement to his friends and churches who were spreading the gospel (Paul)

Having a good friend is important because they can help us feel better when wee are doing, encourage to keep trying and listen to us when we may be lonely. God can send us just the friend we need at just the right time. Our friends can help us grow in Jesus and encourage us when we may get down. Nathan was a friend to David and his family. He wanted to see the family live out the plan God had for Davids family line. As David grew older he knew it was time for the next king to take his place, he knew it would be Solomon, but one of his other sons, Adonijah, wanted to take the throne instead. Adonijah had a plan to take the crown, but when Nathan found out he helped Bathsheba know what to do in order for David to make Solomon the next king. Let’s read the story in the Bible to find out what happens.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week I Kings 1:5-14; 29-35

Which son of David’s wanted to take the throne? (Adonijah)

How many men had he gathered to help him take the crown? (50 men)

What did Adonijah do to ceremonially prepare for the throne? (Made sacrifices at the stone Zoheleth & invited others to witness)

Who did Adonijah leave off the list to join them? (Nathan)

What did Nathan tell Bathsheba to do? (To save their lives she had to tell David what Adonijah was doing)

Who did David say would be king? (Solomon)

What did David do for Solomon? (The priests anointed Solomon, blew the horn and had Solomon sit on the throne.)



Play pass the ball. Sit in a circle and pass a beach ball or other large light ball, when you catch the ball, name something you like about a friend you have. It is important to have good friends, but it is also important to be a good friend. Think of all the characteristics we used to describe a good friend. We can try to be a good friend to others by having those same characteristics. We can show our friends Jesus’ love and be the friend God sends to help others.

Materials: small, light ball (beach ball)


Jesus is a friend to us. On the following page, write a scripture that answers the needs we have.

Materials: printed activity sheet

Independent activity:

Being the king, David may have had a lot of friends, but not many were as loyal as Nathan. We may have a lot of friends in our lives as well, but not all of them are loyal enough to considered a good friend. Think of the friends you have and which fiends you can count on all of the time. Write a note thanking them for their friendship and why their friendship means so much to you. Be specific about what they do that makes them a loyal friend God has given you. Write as many notes as you need to share your gratitude for good friendships

Materials: plain sheet of paper or card stock, crayons/markers




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Ephesians 4:25-5:2

In this verse it tells us not to sin in our anger and not to speak untruthfully to our neighbor. When David found out that Adonijah was trying to take the throne through trickery, he could have gotten angry but he followed the advice of Nathan. Regardless of how others treat us, this verse gives us guidelines of how we are to treat others around us. In doing so, we become the friends we want in other people. When we walk in the way of love, we treat others the way we want to be treated. Nathan and other friends were able to help David and his family stay in the palace and follow God’s plan for them.

What advice did Nathan give Bathsheba?

Was Nathan’s advice given out of selfishness or out of love for their family?

What risk did Nathan take on by advising Bathsheba and David on how to give Solomon the crown?

How was Nathan a good friend to David and his family?

What traits did Nathan have to show that he was being the friend God wanted him to be?

What type of friend are you?

What type of friend would your friends describe you as?

Do you speak to others in love?

What are some things friends should do?

What are some things friends should not do?

Are there people you should not be friends with?

Practical Application at Home

Ephesians 4:25-5:2 gave many examples of what a friend should and should not do. If wee were to follow the advice given in Ephesians 4 we might have better relationships with the people around us. Think about if you ever do any of the things on the ‘Don’t’ list. Have you ever shared false information about someone? Have you ever taken something from someone that didn’t belong to you? Have you ever been angry about what someone had done to you and plotted your revenge? We have done some or all of these things at some point but it is not what God has called us to be. We can be good friends to the people around us by treating others in a way God would have us.

Reread Ephesians 4:25-5:2 and make a list of friendship do’s and don’ts. On a sheet of paper make 2 columns and label them “friendship do’s” on one side and “friendship don’ts" on the other half. Then using the scripture, write a short list of how we are to treat others, and how we are not to treat others.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What friend can you share your observations with?





Have you ever been given a new chore that you did not know how to do? How did you figure it out? Did you have to ask someone for help? We all have to ask for help sometimes because we might not be able to do it alone. We can always ask God for help!

I Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14



David’s family is filled with characters who were well known because they were a part of the royal family. Listen to the following clues and figure out which family member it is referencing.

I killed a lion and bear with my own hands (David)

I became the next king after my father David (Solomon)

I was a friend to the family and spoke God’s words to the king (Nathan)

I became David’s wife after my husband was killed in battle (Bathsheba)

I asked God for wisdom (Solomon)

I was anointed king as a young boy but waited years until God said it was time to be king (David)

I served King Saul as a musician (David)

I wanted to take the throne after my father David even though God had not appointed me as king (Adonijah)

I was a great warrior and king in Judah (David)

I bore a son named Solomon who became king after David (Bathsheba)

Being in the royal family can make you very famous, even when you do not want to be! Solomon became king after David, but he felt he had very large shoes to fill. His father was a well known king who followed God and lead his people into many victories. Solomon wanted to be a good king as his father had been, but wasn’t sure he could do it alone. God came to Solomon while he was sleeping and asked him to ask for whatever he wanted. Let’s read or listen to the scriptures to find out what Solomon asked for.

Read or listen to the scripture Ruth 4

Who did Boaz go to find? (The guardian redeemer)

What did the guardian redeemer have to gain by marrying Ruth? ( a piece of land that belonged to Elimelek)

Did the other guardians redeemer want to buy the land from Naomi? (Yes)

When Boaz mentioned the land also came with Ruth, what did the relative give as a reason why he couldn’t purchase the land? (He could not endanger his own estate)

What did the relative tell Boaz to do? (For Boaz to redeem the land.

What did the people who witnessed the transaction bless Boaz with?  (Many Ruth be like Rachel and Leah; may they have good standing in Ephrathah, and bear offspring like that of Perez)



If God told you to ask for whatever you wanted, what would you ask for? Would you ask for riches? For the finest foods? For the best clothes? For the largest house with the biggest swimming pool and bowling alley inside? Solomon asked for wisdom. Listen to the following scenarios and decide what you would ask God for in those situations. Would you ask for wisdom, peace, patience, understanding or self-control? (Scenarios: your friend asks you to help him cheat on his test; your friend offers you drugs after school; you mom gives you a list of chores to complete before the end of the week; your team is playing their final game on Sabbath; your brother keeps taking your things without asking; a friend’s parents are getting a divorce and they are very upset; your teacher’s husband just died and she is very sad;) We are faced with difficult challenges every day, some big and some small. It is sometimes hard to know how to handle these situations, but we can trust that God is with us. We can call on God to help us when we are faced with difficult challenges or situations. God gave Solomon wisdom to know how to rule his kingdom and God can give us wisdom as we navigate life as well.



Let’s have a bible race! I will tell you a scripture and the first person to get to the verse will read it aloud and get a point. The person with the most points wins! If you only have 1 child, play the race with them. This is a good time to practice looking up and finding bible verses quickly. What did all of these verses have in common? They were all scriptures about wisdom. Why is wisdom so important? It can help us make wise decisions so that we do not suffer harsh consequences for bad choices. It also helps others see that God is leading inn our lives and directing our choices. We can be a witness to others when we allow God to help guide us throughout our lives.

Materials: bible

Independent activity:

Draw a picture of what you would ask for if you were Solomon. If God came to you in a dream and said you could ask for anything, what would it be? Draw a picture of what you would ask for.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons or markers




Make a paper plate 3-D craft of King Solomon. Watch the following instructional video to see how to make King Solomon from household materials.

Materials: paper plate, glue, scissors, orange, yellow, blue construction paper, small gems, white paper plate, pen/pencil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Ephesians 5:8-17

When we do something wrong we often try to hide it, or do it in a way that no one else can see. We can hide a lot of things in the dark because it is hard to for others to see what we are doing. This verse tells us that we are to live in the light of the Lord. When we choose to follow God, we do not need to live in darkness but in God’s light. We are to be careful in how we live, not as the unwise but as the wise. We can receive wisdom from God, He can help us live in goodness, righteousness and truth. Solomon asked for God’s wisdom and became a wise ruler who was fair and just to his people. When we live in God’s wisdom we can find out what pleases God and then live accordingly.

What did Solomon ask for?

What other benefits did Solomon receive along with wisdom?

What problems may Solomon have had if he’d asked for wealth?

How can we know God is guiding us?

What is something you can ask God to help you with?

When can we trust our own wisdom?

What are some things we might try to hide in the darkness?

What are some things we might want to do in the light?

Why do you think people might do bad things in the darkness?

Practical Application at Home

Cover a picture with black paper squares. Ask your child to guess the picture under the black squares, then take off one square at a time as your child continues to guess what the image might be. It is hard for us to know what we are looking at in the darkness, but when we see things in the light it is clear. We can live our lives in the light and not in the darkness. When we do this, we can see the truth, we can see our sins and we can live in the way God wants us to live. God has called us to follow his leading and not hide in the darkness.

This week, pray that God helps you live in the light of the Lord; in goodness, righteousness and truth.

Materials: picture, black construction paper cut into squares,

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





What are some things you are thankful for? What are some ways you show your parents, teachers and friends you are thankful for the things they do or give to you? How do we show God we are thankful for the things He gives us. We can’t give God a present or a surprise, so what can we give to God in return? This week we will see what happens when we are thankful for the blessings we receive.

I Kings 6:11-14; 8:22-30; Psalm 84



Use this website to find out all the ways to say thank you inn other languages. Practice saying thank you in as many languages as you can.

Google translate

It’s fun to see how people around the world speak. Did you already know some other ways to say thank you in another language? When we are thankful for the things we have been given we know that it is polite to say thank you. But we can show that weee are thankful with more than just our words, but also with our actions. This week we will see how grateful Solomon for all of the blessings God gave him. He wanted to return a blessing to God by building a temple for God that was beyond just a building. Solomon wanted a structure that showed how Glorious, mighty and wonderful God was. Although a building will never be a great as our God, Solomon wanted to give his best. Let’s see what Solomon did to build this temple for God.

Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 6:11-14; 8:22-30

What promisee did God make to David that he would keep with Solomon? (Solomon to build the temple)

What did Solomon need to do in order for God to fulfill His promise to David? (Follow my decrees, observe my law. Keep my commandments and obey them,

Where did God say He would live? (among the Israelites and not abandon then)

Did Solomon believe God kept His promise? (Yes)

What did Solomon compare the temple he built with? (The high heaven)

What did Solomon say could not contain God? (The heavens nor the temple he built)



God can take our giving and multiply it. We may not be able to build a temple for God, but we can give what God asks of us. David wanted to build God a temple but it was not what God wanted from David. Instead God asked Solomon to build his temple. God does not ask for the same from each person, but He has asked something of us that we can uniquely give. What is a special talent or gift God has blessed you with. Fill out the following sheet to help you determine ways to use the gifts God gave you for Him to multiply.

Materials:printed activity sheet


When God asked Solomon to build the temple, Solomon didn’t just throw any structure together but did his best to create a beautiful temple for God. We are asked to do many things every day, but do we give it our best effort? Think about the tasks you complete like washing the dishes, doing schoolwork, cleaning your room, mowing the lawn, setting the table; do you give your best effort or move quickly just to get it finished. Make a list of things you do well to glorify God and give your best, then make a list of things you quickly do halfheartedly. This week, look for ways to continue to glorify God and find ways to add to your list.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil

Independent activity:

When famous people accept an award, they often have a long list of people they want to thank. On a long sheet of paper, or several narrow sheets of paper taped together, make a long list of “Thank You’s to God for all of his blessings. See how long of a list you can create of things you are thankful for, no matter how big or how small they are. Roll up the list into a scroll and if you decide to read it to someone, stretch the roll out long!

Materials: long narrow sheet of paper or papers taped together, pencil/pen




Coloring page

Materials: handprint, construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 84

The Psalmist describes his desire to be with God. He counts himself as blessed because He is in the courts of the Lord. He would rather be with God for a day thank without him for 1,000 days. He would rather be a doorkeeper to the house of the lord than live in a tents of the wicked. God bestows favor and honor on those who walk blameless. This verse does not mean nothing bad will ever happen to those who believe and trust in God, but that He is their sun and shield, their protection. God will walk with us through the good and bad that life may bring, but we can praise and thank Him all the time. We can want to be in His presence and want to dwell with Him because He is the Lord Almighty.

What did Solomon previously ask God for?

How did Solomon’s wisdom provide him with great wealth?

Who could Solomon have given the credit to for all of his success?

Who do we give credit to for our success at school or on the field?

Is there any success we have that was not given to use by God?

How can new show God we are thankful for all of his blessings?

Since we can not go tot he store and buy God Thank-You flowers, what can we give Him?

What can you personally give to God that He gave you first?

How does this make you a steward of your life?

Practical Application at Home

When we are thankful it is hard to imagine life without God. We would rather lose what seems like a good thing that is only temporary for a lasting relationship with God. What would you rather do than be without God? That can sometimes be a scary thought until we remember the God we serve. What can we fear when God is for us? Listen to the following statements and decide which you would rather have. Then come up with a few “would you rather’ statements of your own.

Would you rather…”

Live in heaven with Jesus for a short time, OR on earth for eternity?

Pray to God for an audible answer OR talk on the phone with a friend whenever you want?

Live a day with no problems without God OR Feel God’s presence during difficult time?

Receive the riches and blessings God has for you OR be rich on earth?

Eat at a fancy restaurant OR Eat Manna God sends down specifically for you to eat?

Go horseback riding whenever you want OR sit and listen to a story at Jesus’ feet?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Who loves you? Who do you love? How do you know when you are loved? Is it from the note they leave you that tells you so? Is it from the hugs you receive? There may not be just one way we know we are loved, but we know love when words match actions. This week we will see that when we know how much we are loved by God, we won’t worry about being liked by everyone else. We can rest in the Love of God!

I Kings 10:1-9; Song of Solomon 2:8-13



Who comes to visit you? Do you do anything special to prepare for a special visitor? Think about the following person coming to visit, and pick something you might do to prepare for the visitor.

Grandma….clean thee house or rake the leaves

The King of England…prepare tea and cake OR tie your shoes

Your classmate…….buy new clothes OR Make cookies

Your teacher… Sharpen your pencil OR clean your shoes

A soldier….. place a new flag outside…OR sharpen your pencils

A baby…. A new crib OR wash the car

A neighbor….. a light snack OR new toys

Solomon received a visitor, The Queen of Sheba. She did not come to visit a friend, but to see if what she heard about Solomon was true. Word spread of Solomon’s wisdom and the wealth of his kingdom, but she could hardly believe it was true. Solomon was not worried about that she was there to spy on him, but welcomed her and showed her God’s goodness to his kingdom. The Queen of Sheba was impressed that not only what she heard was true but there was even more to the kingdom that she had not even heard of. What a great witness to others of the goodness of God. We can share who God is by showing others how much we are loved by Him. When we give God glory for the things we have done, it shows others we love God and that He is who we want to please more than anything or anyone else. Let’s read in the Bible what happened with Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 10:1-9

What did the Queen of Sheba come to Israel to do? (Test Solomon and his wisdom; to see if what she heard about him was true)

How did the Queen of Sheba test Solomon? (With hard questions)

What did the Queen of Sheba bring with her? (Camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones)

After Solomon answered all of her questions, what did the Queen of Sheba notice? (She saw all of the wisdom Solomon possessed and the palace he had built)
What did they Queen of Sheba admit about what she had heard? (She did not believe what she had heard but needed to see if with her own eyes)

What did she finally say about the God of Israel? (praise to the Lord your God, his eternal love for Israel has placed Solomon on the throne to maintain justice and righteousness)



Think of a scripture that speaks truth to the scenario given. When we know we are loved by God it does’t matter what other people think or say to us, we have God’s truth within us to give us strength.

You are told you are not worth anything;

A friend lies to you;

A classmate calls you a bad name in front of others;

Your friend doesn’t play with you because other people are around;

A kid pushes you down;

You are chosen last for the team;

A group of girls laugh at what you are wearing;

No one wants to eat lunch with you all week



Draw a picture showing how much God loves you. Show what He has done for you or the blessings that help you know He loves you. When we know how much God loves us, we are not as concerned about what others think of us. God Loves us and wants to care for us far more than any other person can.

Materials: construction paper, crayons or coloring pencils

Independent activity:

Not just people in Israel were talking about Solomon, but people in the surrounding nations knew who Solomon was and were talking about all he had accomplished. So much so that the Queen of Sheba couldn’t believe what she had heard. Complete the following activity sheet. Fill in this All about the King sheet to see how much you already know about King Solomon.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Song of Solomon 2:8-13

What do you think this poem is about? Its sounds like a poem of love! Perhaps its a love poem written by Solomon to his beloved wife! The poem does show love of a man and woman.  Although this love may seem strong by the words that are shared in this poem, we can know and trust that only God’s love is perfect. Only God’s love never changes and loves unconditionally.

How did Solomon show other nations that he loved God?

How did Solomon witness to the nations around him?

What did the Queen of Sheba think of Solomon and his kingdom?

What did she proclaim about God after seeing Solomon?

How did Solomons wisdom help others see God?

Why is God’s love more important than others opinions?

Practical Application at Home

We don’t need to be starstruck over people who are famous. Knowing a lot of people or having a lot of people know you, does not equate to love. Real love comes from God and from our family who love us. Although we do not need to worry about what others think of us, we should still show others God’s love. We can share what true love is by sharing Jesus with others.

This week, instead of just saying thank you and receiving credit for a job well done, give God the glory instead. Think of a response you can give when someone gives you a compliment or congratulates you on a job well done. Use  a response you have come up with or use one of the following examples:

To God be the glory

God Bless you

I’m so glad to be used by God

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

It was the power of God within me

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever had to choose between two things? Maybe you had to choose which ice cream flavor to get, or which friend to play with at recess. Making choices can bee difficult. Even though we have to make choices every day, we can choose to love and not take sides. This week we will see how God loves us and chooses each one of us and wants us to love others as well.

Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23



We all have favorite things! Favorite things we like to eat, favorite places or favorite things to do! Let’s get to know what your favorite things are.

What is your favorite:

Ice cream




TV show


Fast Food restaurant

We make choices every day and we like to choose thee thing that is our favorite. When we show God’s love to others, we do not show favorites, we show love to those who may not be our favorite. God does not have favorite children but loves each of use because we are His. He gives each of us what we need but does not show favor in how much He loves each of us. This week we are looking at proverbs. Let’s read or listen to our bible reading today.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

What is more desirable than riches? (A good name)

What do the rich and poor have in common? (The Lord is the Maker of all)

What do these who sow injustice reap? (Calamity)

When the generous share with the poor what do they receive? (They themselves will be blessed)

Who will stand up for the poor and needy? (The Lord will take their case and exact life for life)



Let’s play a choose your own adventure game. We will go on a scavenger hunt, but you will also choose your next adventure. Print the following hunt and place them in the designated areas around your house or space. Then discuss the choices they made and if they were good choices.

Materials: printed clues placed in designated areas.


What are some things the Bible says God likes? Fill in the following blanks by completing these sentences or scriptures

God loves a _____ (cheerful giver)

Blessed are the_______ (poor in spirit)

God ____ those he loves (Chastises)

I have called you ___ (friend)

You surround them with your shield of ____ (love)

See what great love the father has lavished on us that we would be called _____ (children of God)

While we were yet sinners, Christ ______ (died)

His compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your  ______ (Faithfulness)


Independent activity:

Complete this All of my Favorites activity sheet. Draw or write in your favorite of each item.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How do you treat the people at your school or in your class?

How do we sometimes treat some people better than others?

How does God treat us?

Does God have favorites?

Inn what ways does God treat us better than we deserve?

How can we treat others with more kindness than they deserve?

Practical Application at Home

Place a piece of string, yarn or painters tape on the ground to create two sides. Tell your child each side represents a choice. We can make good choices this week or make choices that are not what God has for us. Listen to the statement I make and decide if its is a good or bad choice. If you think it is a choice you should make, jump to the left of the string. If it is not a good choice, jump to the right side.

I can be friends with kids who look different than me.

I will share with those who have less than I have.

I can be friendly to someone new at school, church or on my team.

I can like the things my friends like regardless of if it is right.

I can hear my friends problems but not tell them what I think they should do.

I can pick which of my friends I think is right.

I can be friends with those who do not get along with each other.

I can enjoy things that my friends don’t think are cool.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Gentle Tongue



Our words are small but they are mighty. They mean a lot and carry a lot of weight. When we speak words of kindness to the others we can brighten their day, but when we speak mean words they can hurt deep. This week we will see that God wants us to choose our words carefully.

Psalm 19



Play a game of Simon says. Take turns being the leader and giving commands to the rest of the group.

Our words can have power. They can command others to do something just like in this game of Simon Says. We were able to tell others what to do with our words. What else can our words do? When we say kind words to a friend we can make them smile. When we say unkind words to a friend we can cause them to frown or even cry. Our words have an affect on others. We can choose our words carefully to be sure we are making others feel good and not bad. Our words can also show others God’s love. When we share loving words and our tone is kind, we are showing others the God we serve is loving and kind. Listen or read the Psalms this week and see who else speaks of God’s glory.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Psalm 19

What do the heavens declare? (The glory of God)

What do the heaven’s not have? (A words, no speech, no sound)

What is in the heavens that declares God’s glory? (The sun)

What of God is perfect and refreshing to the soul? (God’s law)

What is radiant and gives light to the eyes? (The Lords commands)

What will endure forever? (The fear of the Lord)

What do we need to have forgiven? (Our hidden faults)

What can rule over us? (our willful sins)



See if you can answer the following questions by filling in the blank from Psalm 19. If you are able to fill in the blank correctly, add the number of dots indicated on the card to your treasure map. Make it all the way around the map to the star and you can receive a reward. We can know that God created the earth and it declares His glory. It speaks of God’s love.

Materials: printed question cards and game board


Go on this word hunt adventure. Search for words on these treasure chests that are words of kindness that should be shared with family and friends. We can speak of God’s love and demonstrate it by the words we say and how we treat others around us.

Materials: printed treasure chests hidden around room

Independent activity:

Create your own word art. Write one word really big and fill it with other words that show kindness, or fill a sheet with words using different font and sizes that are words of kindness.

Materials: sheet of construction paper, crayons




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How does our tongue hold power?

What can we do to help us choose our words carefully?

What does the Bible compare God’s word and law to?

What is something to you that is more sweeter than honey?

How can God’s law be sweet?

How do you think God’s law if perfect?

How do your words declare God’s glory?

Practical Application at Home

Hold on to this rope as I am the leader and lead you around this room. Lead your child around any given space safely while they hold on to the end of the short rope. No matter where I turn the rope, you were able to follow because you were hanging on to this simple rope and allowing it to change your directions. Although our tongue is small, it is mighty in actions. Our words can bring health if the right words are spoken or they can be like poison when we speak unkind words.

It is easy to speak the same unkind words to others that we hear spoken to us, but God wants us to choose our words carefully and use words that are uplifting to those around us.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


The Right Thing



Is it easy to always do the right thing? Making good choices can be hard to do on our own, but we can follow God’s law to help us choose the right things to do. This week we will see how God’s law is His love towards us that helps us make good choices.

Psalm 1



We are choosing our own adventure and today our adventure takes us to a tropical island with lots of sand and blue ocean. Let’s go for a tour of our new adventure and see where it will take us. Have the children act out each scenario you give them after they decide which one they will choose.

-Let’s take a tour of our island… will you go for a walk or ride in a car?

-We are going to stop at the beach…will you take a picnic or hunt for my food?

-After lunch is finished I’m ready to explore some more…will you leave your trash or find a place to throw it away?

-You make quick friends with a group of kids…will you join them as they prank others, or tell them you’ll see them later?

-As you are walking down the beach you find a wallet…will you turn in the wallet to the police or take out the money and put the wallet back?

-You forgot to bring your swimsuit for the beach…will you find a store that sells cheap ones because you don’t have a lot of money or steal one from a local store because they have more than they need.

-While playing on the beach you find a hurt animal… will you find a way to safely help the animal or poke a stick at it so you can have fun watching it suffer since it can’t do anything to hurt you.

-As you walk through the local town you see an elderly woman trying to load heavy things in her car… will you stop to help her load her car or quickly sneak by so she won’t see or try to stop you.

-As you are relaxing on the beach you see someone get hurt, you have your first aid kit with you…will you pretend you are sleeping so you don’t have to help or find your first aid kit and give them what they need to bandage their wound.

Some choices we make are helpful to others and some are harmful to ourselves. We can choose to do good and therefore help the people around us. The bible describes someone who loves God’s law and follows it as a tree that is planted by water. When a tree is planted by the water it has deep roots and can not be moved or easily blown over by the wind. When we choose to love God’s law and follow it, we can be like the tree; strong, rooted and not easily swayed by what others think. Let’s see what else the Bible says about those who follow His laws.

Read or listen to Psalm 1

Who is blessed? (Those who do not walk in step with the wicked)

Whose company should we avoid? (The way of sinners and the company of mockers)

What should we delight in? (The law of the Lord)

What should we meditate on day and night? (On the Lord’s law)

What does the tree by the water not do? (The leaves do not wither)

What does the tree do instead of wither? (Yields it’s fruit and prospers)

What are the wicked like? (Like chaff that the wind blows away)

What will the wicked not be able to do? (Stand in the judgement nor be in the assembly of the righteous)

Who does the Lord watch over? (The righteous)

What does the way of the wicked lead to? (Destruction)



When we have deep roots, like the tree planted by water, we are not shaken by every storm that comes our way. When we follow God’s commands and know His law, wee are not deceived by things that are untrue. Things that would cause us to doubt what God says about us. Create a tree replica to demonstrate how strong roots can help a tree stand tall and upright. Create the tree from construction paper and place the long durable roots in a cup or use play dough to create a strong rooted tree. Be sure the tree you create will be strong enough to stay upright during the following wind test. Have your child place the tree in a place to test its’ roots. Say a false statement and then test the trees roots by blowing on the tree or using a fan.

God doesn’t really love you;

You are alone;

You’ve done too many bad things;

you can’t be forgiven for repeating the same mistakes;

it’s okay to cheat and steal;

All of those statements were untrue and our tree stood through the lies. We can not bend or break when we are told lies when we are planted in God’s truth.

Materials: construction paper, play dough, (other various objects to create a small tree replica)


Choose one of the following ‘good’ things to do today or choose a new thing each day. Print and cut the following sheet into strips and add it to a bowl or widemouthed jar. Pick out a strip of paper and do the activity listed. We can choose to do good when we follow God. We are not choosing out of obligation but because we love God and want to follow His laws. God’s laws are His love to us so we can live happy and healthy lives.

Materials: printed sheet cut into strips, small bowl or large mouth jar

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity Sheet.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How are our good deeds a demonstration of God’s love?

Is doing the right thing always thee easiest choice?

What are some choices you’ve made this week that were good and humble choices?

What are some choices you made this week that were self-seeking?

What are some choices that are helpful to others?

How do a plants roots effect its leaves and stem?

Practical Application at Home

God considered David a man after his own heart, but David was not perfect. He made mistakes, some that were pretty big! Yet, God considered David to have a heart that wanted to follow Him. God knows our motives when we choose to do good things. We can choose to do good when no one is watching and our motives are simply to help others. Then there are times we do good so that we are recognized by others or receive some sort of reward. Those motives are not pure but for our own satisfaction.

Make a list of things you can do for others without letting them know its from you. Then work with a friend or parent to secretively bless a few people that you know. You can give yourself a secret identity to sign on your gifts. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

-place a basket of goodies on your front porch for your delivery person

-leave your teacher a special treat

-Do one of your parents chores when they are not looking

-give your classmates a special pencil that you leave on their desk with your special identity.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Picking Jesus



We can choose to follow God and keep His commands. When we do it will lead us on the path He has set for us. This week we will see what the Bible says about choosing God and following His ways.

Proverbs 3:1-8



Listen to these choices we make almost every day. We all have an order of doing things so that things are not done backwards or out of order. Decide which activity you would choose to do first.

Wash your face or brush your teeth?

Put on your show or put on your socks?

Put on your pajamas or unmake your bed?

Comb your hair or get in bed?

Ride your skateboard or put on your helmet?

Hit the baseball or run the bases?

Eat a cookie or eat your dinner?

Do your homework or watch TV?

We make lots of choices each day based on the order things should be done, or by how important we think it is. Things that we think are important we do first. Choosing to spend time with God is important, it is how we get to know him and grow closer to Him. We can choose to spend time with God at any point of the day, there is not just one specific time that we have to choose. This week we will see why God wants us to know and follow His word. God knows what is best for us and has a plan for your life.

Read or listen to the scripture Proverbs 3:1-8

What are we to keep in our hearts? (God’s commands)

What will God’s commands and teachings do to our lives? (Prolong our lives, bring peace and prosperity)

What should we bind around our necks? (Love and faithfulness)

When we keep love and faithfulness, what will we have? (Favor and a good name in the sight of God and man)

Who should we trust with all our heart? (In the Lord)

What should we not lean on? (Our own understanding)

When we submit to God, what will happen? (God will make our paths straight)

When we fear the Lord and shun evil, what will it bring? (Health to your body and nourishment to your bones)



We all have activities and things we have to do each day. Sometimes our days can feel really busy, but even when we have busy lives, we can still choose to spend time with God. Cut out the following activity cards and decide which activities you do each day, then place the cards in order for the day. Did you put worshiping God at the front of your line? Were you able to fit it in during your day? We may not always be able to spend time with God in the early morning, but we can choose to spend time with God during our busy day. Alternative: place cards in order of importance. Things that must get done should be the cards in the front of the line, and then order the other things that are not as important

Materials: activity cards printed and cut into squares


Guide your child into making cookies. Follow your favorite recipe and help them read and follow the instructions. What would happen if wee did’t have a recipe? Would we be able to make these delicious cookies? Would they have turned out the same? That’s how life is, we can follow our own thoughts and choices or we can follow God’s. He has the best plan and He already knows how it will all turn out. When we follow God’s plan for us, we can trust that His plan is better than ours. Optional: make cookies without a recipe allowing your child to decide a reasonable list of ingredients and the amounts. Bake the ‘cookies’ and discuss what happened. Then bake cookies using a recipe or the recipe in your head

Materials: ingredients for cookies

Independent activity:

Spending time in prayer is a good way to choose to spend time with God. We can pray for ourselves but God also wants us to pray for others as well. We can pray for the people in our family as well as for leaders at church, school and our nation. Trace your hand on a sheet of construction paper. On thumb, write the name of a family or friend; on the pointer finger write the name of teacher; on the middle finger write the name of leaders or principals; on the ring finger write the name of someone who is sick; on the pinky write your name. This week use this hand to guide your prayers.

Materials: construction paper, pencil, crayons/markers




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some things you pray about?

When do you pray more, when you are in trouble or when you are rejoicing?

When does God want to hear about our needs and wants?

Who can you pray with?

Why is it important to also pray with others?

How can prayer help us keep God’s commands?

What should we bind around our neck?

Who can help us have love and faithfulness?

Practical Application at Home

We can also choose God by choosing to spend time with Him in prayer. We can share our troubles, our rejoicing, and our sins with God in prayer. God wants to hear about all of our life. He doesn’t just want to hear about the bad, He wants to rejoice with us as well.

Write out the following pryer and complete the missing parts with your prayer.

I am thankful for….

Lord, I know that you are able to….

Please help me with…

Thank you for blessing me with…

Lord, be with my friend _____ who needs help with…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Have you ever had to choose between two things? Maybe you had to choose which ice cream flavor to get, or which friend to play with at recess. Making choices can bee difficult. Even though we have to make choices every day, we can choose to love and not take sides. This week we will see how God loves us and chooses each one of us and wants us to love others as well.

Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23; James 2:1-10



We all have favorite things! Favorite things we like to eat, favorite places or favorite things to do! Sometimes wee have to choose between two good things and pick which one we like more. Let’s get to know what your favorite things are.

PIck your favorite:

2 scoops of ice cream OR a bowl full of gummy worms

A bag of potato chips OR a bag of popcorn

A Good book to read OR a good movie to watch

A ride on a speedboat OR a ride on a cruise ship

We make choices every day and we like to choose thee thing that is our favorite. When we show God’s love to others, we do not show favorites, we show love to those who may not be our favorite. God does not have favorite children but loves each of use because we are His. He gives each of us what we need but does not show favor in how much He loves each of us. This week we are looking at proverbs. Let’s read or listen to our bible reading today.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

What is more desirable than riches? (A good name)

What do the rich and poor have in common? (The Lord is the Maker of all)

What do these who sow injustice reap? (Calamity)

When the generous share with the poor what do they receive? (They themselves will be blessed)

Who will stand up for the poor and needy? (The Lord will take their case and exact life for life)



Let’s play a choose your own adventure game. We will go on a scavenger hunt, but you will also choose your next adventure. Read the cards and choose what you will do, then move to the next area as the card directs.

Materials: printed adventure cards


We often pick our favorites based on what we can see or what we think to be true about something or someone. We judge someone by the clothes they wear or how good they are at a sport.

Would you rather:

Pick your teammate to be Stephen Curry or Gary Payton?

Drive a Porsche or a Ferrari?

Have a 5 bedroom home or a 2 bedroom home?

Eat a chocolate chip cookie or a sugar cookie?

Wear a pair of Air Jordan’s or Keds.

Eat vanilla pudding or strawberry cheesecake?

We choose favorites based on what we like but sometimes wee choose favorites based on which one we think is worth more. We can be thankful that God does not choose favorites or choose us based on what we have to offer. We may not have much to offer God, but He loves us because we are his, not because of what we can give him.


Independent activity:

If you could choose your own adventure, what would it be? Would you find treasure on an island? Dive to the bottom of the ocean to find lost ships? Travel to the end of the earth to find a lost world? Complete the following activity sheet describing you adventure.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to James 2:1-10

This verse tells us we are not to choose favorites based on the way people appear or whaat we think they may have. If someone has more or less money should not determine who we treat or welcome them. We can accept others and treat them with the same kindness regardless of if they dress nice or do not have nice clothing.

How do you treat the people at your school or in your class?

How do we sometimes treat some people better than others?

How does God treat us?

Does God have favorites?

Inn what ways does God treat us better than we deserve?

How can we treat others with more kindness than they deserve?

Practical Application at Home

Place a piece of string, yarn or painters tape ons the ground to create two sides. Tell your child each side represents a choice. We can make good choices this week or make choices that are not what God has for us. Listen to the statement I make and decide if its is a good or ad choice. If you think it is a choice you should make jump to the left of the string. If it is not a good choice, jump to the right side.

I can be friends with kids who look different than me.

I will share with those who have less than I have.

I can be friendly to someone new at school, church or on my team.

I can like the things my friends like regardless of if it is right.

I can hear my friends problems but not tell them what I think they should do.

I can pick which of my friends I think is right.

I can be friends with those who do not get along with each other.

I can enjoy things that my friends don’t think are cool.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Gentle Tongue



Our words are small but they are mighty. They mean a lot and carry a lot of weight. When we speak words of kindness to the others we can brighten their day, but when we speak mean words they can hurt deep. This week we will see that God wants us to choose our words carefully.

Psalm 19 James 3:4-10



Let's play a little game that is similar to Mad gab. I’m going to say some words listed and you will guess what I am actually saying. The words I will say can be heard making a familiar phrase. See how many you can guess.

Listen to the following phrases. See if you can guess what I aim actually saying.

Ape Hand hub Hair…… a panda bear

Abe Less sing…. A blessing

Disguise they’ll Him It…The sky’s the limit

Sea Yule Later….See you later

High Dance Eek….Hide and seek

Whole Imp pig Aims….Olympic Games

We’re you able to guess what the words I was saying? It was probably hard to understand what I was actually saying when I was using other words and timing for my words. It’s important to choose my words carefully. Sometimes our words can be heard differently from what we are saying. Sometimes the words we speak can sound and be hurtful to the person listening and there are times our words can be uplifting to the person hearing them. This week we will see its important for us to choose our words carefully.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Psalm 19

What do the heavens declare? (The glory of God)

What do the heaven’s not have? (A words, no speech, no sound)

What is in the heavens that declares God’s glory? (The sun)

What of God is perfect and refreshing to the soul? (God’s law)

What is radiant and gives light to the eyes? (The Lords commands)

What will endure forever? (The fear of the Lord)

What do we need to have forgiven? (Our hidden faults)

What can rule over us? (our willful sins)



See if you can answer the following questions by filling in the blank from Psalm 19. If you are able to fill in the blank correctly, add the number of dots indicated on the card to your treasure map. Make it all the way around the map to the star and you can receive a reward.e can know that God created the earth and it declares His glory. It speaks of God’s love.

Materials: printed game cards and game board


Psalm 19 uses a lot of simile to describe God. It helps us relate God to the things we know and experience every day. It compares God’s law to being sweet like honey and more precious than gold.It compares the sun to the coming of a bridegroom or a champion running its course.

Think of a simile to compare to the following:

Gods love is like…

The heavens are like….


Independent activity:

Create your own word art. Write one word really big and fill it with other words that show kindness, or fill a sheet with words using different font and sizes that are words of kindness.

Materials: sheet of construction paper or drawing paper, crayons/markers/ colored pencils




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to James 3:4-10.

This verse describes the tongue and its power even though it is small. We can use our tongue to lift others up or we can use it to cut them down. It describes the power of the tongue as a small spark that can set an entire forest ablaze. Or it compares the small tongue to a small rudder which steers an entire ship’s direction. Likewise, our tongue leads us in worship of God, singing and speaking his praises as that same tongue will speak curses to our fellow man. God does not want our tongue to live this double life. If we think before we speak, have God’s words in our hearts, and give our tongue over to God, we can choose our words more carefully and be a blessing to those around us.

How does our tongue hold power?

What can we do to help us choose our words carefully?

What does the Bible compare God’s word and law to?

What is something to you that is more sweeter than honey?

How can God’s law be sweet?

How do you think God’s law if perfect?

How do your words declare God’s glory?

Practical Application at Home

Hold on to this rope as I am the leader and lead you around this room. Lead your child around any given space safely while they hold on to the end of the short rope. No matter where I turn the rope, you were able to follow because you were hanging on to this simple rope and allowing it to change your directions. Although our tongue is small, it is mighty in actions. Our words can bring health if the right words are spoken or they can be like poison when we speak unkind words.

It is easy to speak the same unkind words to others that we hear spoken to us, but God wants us to choose our words carefully and use words that are uplifting to those around us.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


The Right Thing



Is it easy to always do the right thing? Making good choices can be hard to do on our own, but we can follow God’s law to help us choose the right things to do. This week we will see how God’s law is His love towards us that helps us make good choices.

I Kings 10:1-9; Song of Solomon 2:8-13



We are choosing our own adventure and today our adventure takes us to a tropical island with lots of sand and blue ocean. Let’s go for a tour of our new adventure and see where it will take us. Have the children act out each scenario you give them after they decide which one they will choose.

-Let’s take a tour of our island… will you go for a walk or ride in a car?

-We are going to stop at the beach…will you take a picnic or hunt for my food?

-After lunch is finished I’m ready to explore some more…will you leave your trash or find a place to throw it away?

-You make quick friends with a group of kids…will you join them as they prank others, or tell them you’ll see them later?

-As you are walking down the beach you find a wallet…will you turn in the wallet to the police or take out the money and put the wallet back?

-You forgot to bring your swimsuit for the beach…will you find a store that sells cheap ones because you don’t have a lot of money or steal one from a local store because they have more than they need.

-While playing on the beach you find a hurt animal… will you find a way to safely help the animal or poke a stick at it so you can have fun watching it suffer since it can’t do anything to hurt you.

-As you walk through the local town you see an elderly woman trying to load heavy things in her car… will you stop to help her load her car or quickly sneak by so she won’t see or try to stop you.

-As you are relaxing on the beach you see someone get hurt, you have your first aid kit with you…will you pretend you are sleeping so you don’t have to help or find your first aid kit and give them what they need to bandage their wound.

Some choices we make are helpful to others and some are harmful to ourselves. We can choose to do good and therefore help the people around us. The bible describes someone who loves God’s law and follows it as a tree that is planted by water. When a tree is planted by the water it has deep roots and can not be moved or easily blown over by the wind. When we choose to love God’s law and follow it, we can be like the tree; strong, rooted and not easily swayed by what others think. Let’s see what else the Bible says about those who follow His laws.

Read or listen to Psalm 1

Who is blessed? (Those who do not walk in step with the wicked)

Whose company should we avoid? (The way of sinners and the company of mockers)

What should we delight in? (The law of the Lord)

What should we meditate on day and night? (On the Lord’s law)

What does the tree by the water not do? (The leaves do not wither)

What does the tree do instead of wither? (Yields it’s fruit and prospers)

What are the wicked like? (Like chaff that the wind blows away)

What will the wicked not be able to do? (Stand in the judgement nor be in the assembly of the righteous)

Who does the Lord watch over? (The righteous)

What does the way of the wicked lead to? (Destruction)



God’s laws are his instructions we find in the Bible. These instructions keep us safe and tell us how to live and treat one another. Play this version of Outburst thinking of biblical instructions for each category. See if you or your team can give all of the answers listed before the timer goes off. Set a timer for 2 minutes, or time appropriate for the age of participants. As they call out answers check off the answers given. The goal is to guess all of the answers before the timer is off.

Materials: printed cards, pencil


Choose one of the following ‘good’ things to do today or choose a new thing each day. Print and cut the following sheet into strips and add it to a bowl or widemouthed jar. Pick out a strip of paper and do the activity listed. We can choose to do good when we follow God. We are not choosing out of obligation but because we love God and want to follow His laws. God’s laws are His love to us so we can live happy and healthy lives.

Materials: printed sheet cut into strips, large mouth bowl/jar

Independent activity:

Sometimes our good deeds are done where others can see what we are doing, but then there are times our actions are not seen by others. What motivates us to do good things should not need an audience, other than God. We know that He sees what we are doing, but we shouldn’t do good things for the adoration of other people. Create a list of things you can do in secret when no one else is watching, not for credit, but just to be kind. Like a secret job that only you and God are in on. Make a list of things you can do for the people you know that are kind and can be done without others seeing your good deed. Name your secret identity and leave a note with your deed if possible. That says your secret name and a ‘Jesus Loves you’ message.





Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



James 3:13-18 describes two different types of wisdom. One type of wisdom is filled with envy and ambition. This wisdom is a result of ones own ambition or seeking to gain glory for yourself. The bible says this wisdom is not from God but is unspiritual and demonic. The other type of wisdom is done in humility, full of good fruit and and mercy. Our good actions should always be done in humility and with the right reason. Not to have yourself glorified but to show God’s love.

How are our good deeds a demonstration of God’s love?

Is doing the right thing always thee easiest choice?

What are some choices you’ve made this week that were good and humble choices?

What are some choices you made this week that were self-seeking?

What are some choices that are helpful to others?

How do a plants roots effect its leaves and stem?

Practical Application at Home

God considered David a man after his own heart, but David was not perfect. He made mistakes, some that were pretty big! Yet, God considered David to have a heart that wanted to follow Him. God knows our motives when we choose to do good things. We can choose to do good when no one is watching and our motives are simply to help others. Then there are times we do good so that we are recognized by others or receive some sort of reward. Those motives are not pure but for our own satisfaction.

David had Nathan the prophet who helped him see his wrong doing so that he could confess and ask God for forgiveness. We could use friends or mentors to help keep us accountable, or help us do the right things. These friends also want to choose follow God’s laws. Think of a friend who wants to choose to do what is right and decide together to help each other make the right choices.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Picking Jesus



We can choose to follow God and keep His commands. When we do it will lead us on the path He has set for us. This week we will see what the Bible says about choosing God and following His ways.

Proverbs 3:1-8



Listen to these choices we make almost every day. We all have an order of doing things so that things are not done backwards or out of order. Decide which activity you would choose to do first.

Wash your face or brush your teeth?

Put on your show or put on your socks?

Put on your pajamas or unmake your bed?

Comb your hair or get in bed?

Ride your skateboard or put on your helmet?

Hit the baseball or run the bases?

Eat a cookie or eat your dinner?

Do your homework or watch TV?

We make lots of choices each day based on the order things should be done, or by how important we think it is. Things that we think are important we do first. Choosing to spend time with God is important, it is how we get to know him and grow closer to Him. We can choose to spend time with God at any point of the day, there is not just one specific time that we have to choose. This week we will see why God wants us to know and follow His word. God knows what is best for us and has a plan for your life.

Read or listen to the scripture Proverbs 3:1-8

What are we to keep in our hearts? (God’s commands)

What will God’s commands and teachings do to our lives? (Prolong our lives, bring peace and prosperity)

What should we bind around our necks? (Love and faithfulness)

When we keep love and faithfulness, what will we have? (Favor and a good name in the sight of God and man)

Who should we trust with all our heart? (In the Lord)

What should we not lean on? (Our own understanding)

When we submit to God, what will happen? (God will make our paths straight)

When we fear the Lord and shun evil, what will it bring? (Health to your body and nourishment to your bones)



We all have activities and things we have to do each day. Sometimes our days can feel really busy, but even when we have busy lives, we can still choose to spend time with God. Cut out the following activity cards and decide which activities you do each day, then place the cards in order for the day. Did you put worshiping God at the front of your line? Were you able to fit it in during your day? We may not always be able to spend time with God in the early morning, but we can choose to spend time with God during our busy day. Alternative: place cards in order of importance. Things that must get done should be the cards in the front of the line, and then order the other things that are not as important.

Materials: printed daily activity cards and cut into squares


Guide your child into making cookies. Follow your favorite recipe and help them read and follow the instructions. What would happen if wee did’t have a recipe? Would we be able to make these delicious cookies? Would they have turned out the same? That’s how life is, we can follow our own thoughts and choices or we can follow God’s. He has the best plan and He already knows how it will all turn out. When we follow God’s plan for us, we can trust that His plan is better than ours. Optional: make cookies without a recipe allowing your child to decide a reasonable list of ingredients and the amounts. Bake the ‘cookies’ and discuss what happened. Then bake cookies using a recipe or the recipe in your head.

Materials: ingredients for cookies

Independent activity:

Spending time in prayer is a good way to choose to spend time with God. We can pray for ourselves but God also wants us to pray for others as well. We can pray for the people in our family as well as for leaders at church, school and our nation. Trace your hand on a sheet of construction paper. On thumb, write the name of a family or friend; on the pointer finger write the name of teacher; on the middle finger write the name of leaders or principals; on the ring finger write the name of someone who is sick; on the pinky write your name. This week use this hand to guide your prayers.

Materials: construction paper, pencil




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to James 5:13-16

This verse tells the church to pray together at different times. They should pray when they are happy, when they are in trouble, when they are sick or when they have sinned. They should gather together and pray for each other. Choosing God means spending time with Him, keeping his law and praying to God in all things. We can bring our troubles and pain to Him, but God also wants us to come to Him rejoicing. We can choose to share our lives with God and trust that He wants to hear it!

What are some things you pray about?

When do you pray more, when you are in trouble or when you are rejoicing?

When does God want to hear about our needs and wants?

Who can you pray with?

Why is it important to also pray with others?

How can prayer help us keep God’s commands?

What should we bind around our neck?

Who can help us have love and faithfulness?

Practical Application at Home

We can pray for others when we pray for ourselves. We can rejoice in the good times with our friends by praying with them and for them. We can come alongside our hurting friends by praying for them and praying with them. This may seem like a small task, but the verse inn James says that the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective.

Start a prayer sheet for this week. Make a list of people you what to pray for and a list of people you want to pray with. You can ask each person if they have a prayer request or you can pray for them without telling them. Write down what you specifically want to pray for each person listed. When you pray with someone, you can ask them directly what they would like to pray for. If you have any answered prayers, give a prayer of rejoicing and write the answer to your prayer.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Big God



Do you ever feel really small? What are some things that are bigger than you? Sunflowers? Trees? A basketball rim? God? Some of those things you will be taller than one day or you may fly in an airplane and look down on them, but we will never be bigger than God. We can be glad God is bigger than us but see each one of us. This month we will see that even though God is big, he had a plan for one small man, Job.

Job 1:1, 2:1-10



Have children go on a hunt to find something in comparison to what you call out. When they find an item they can bring it to show you or call out something they found.

What is smaller than…

A shoe

A tree

A chair

A bean

A toothpick

A phone

Things we may consider small may not be as small when compared to something even smaller. A bee is small to us but to an ant it’s not so small. We might think a giraffe is big but to people flying in an airplane, it is very small. Who is bigger than everything? God is bigger than anything we can think of and yet He sees each one of us. The things we see as big are not big in comparison to God. We can trust that He is in control because He is big enough to see it all. This week we will see a man who was blessed with land, money, and family but had it all taken away. Job was only one man on earth and yet God knew Him and knew His heart. God knew that Job loved him not because of all of His blessings but because He loved God. Even though we are small, God sees and knows us. Let’s read to see what God thought of Job.

Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 10:1-9

Where did Job live? (UZ)

How does the Bible describe him? (Blameless and upright)

How did Job rest evil? (He shunned evil)

Who came with the angels that presented themselves to God? (Satan)

Where had Satan come from? (From roaming the earth to and fro)

How did God describe Job? (A man who fears God and shuns evil)

What did Satan want to take from Job? (His life or flesh)

What did God tell Satan he must spare? (Job’s life)

What did Satan afflict Job with? ( painful sores all over his body)

What did Job’s wife suggest Job do? (Curse God and die)
What was Job’s response to his wife? (Shall we accept good from God and not trouble)

Did Job sin in his suffering? (In all of this Job did not sin)



Play this game of Pictionary. Pull a card that describes a character with something that is either big or small and draw it on a large sheet of paper or whiteboard.. For example, if you pick a card for an ant on a log, draw the ant which is small and draw a big log. Have your team guess your card. The perspective each character had may not be the same perspective we see being the size we are, but God also has a different perception on our situations as well. God can see what we can not see and can handle problems that seem big to us. Wee can trust that there is nothing too big for God.

Materials: printed Pictionary cards, large drawing paper or white board, marker of drawing


Write a list together stating all the blessings and troubles your family has experienced this year or in recent years. Read your list aloud mixing the blessings and troubles together, after each statement, as a family say “God is with us” Even through all of Job’s trials, the one thing he was able to cling and hang on to was God. We can know that we can lose everything yet God will be there.

Materials: construction paper, pencil

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Think about all of the small and big things you see on the paper. Even though we are small we serve a big God with a plan for our life. We may not know God’s plans but He knows the beginning from the end and He knows what’s best for us.

Materials: activity sheet, crayons




Complete the following Job puppet. Print the puppet page, color and cut out the printable. Then glue the picture of Job to the top of a small paper lunch sack.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What do you see that tell you God is big?

How has God demonstrated how big His love is for us?

What do you do that tells you we are small?

How did Job feel about all of the bad things that happened to him?

What was Job willing to take from God?

How can we take the good and bad from God?

How did Job show that He knew God was bigger than him?

What are some things you may think you know better than God?

Practical Application at Home

Think of some things that are big and some that are small. Create a collage of big a small things. Although they are opposites, big and small items sometimes belong together. God is big and we are small, and that helps us trust God is in control and knows the plans He has for us.

Use magazines to cut out pictures of things that are small and things that are big. Glue them on a sheet of construction paper. Title your page “I can be small because God is big!”

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?


Big Feelings



What emotions do you often experience? Happiness? Sorrow? Sadness? Joy? Safety? Disappointment? Some of these emotions can be deep and heavy things to feel. We may not always want to share all of these feelings with every person we know, but we can always share our feelings and emotions with God. He is big enough to handle even your biggest emotions. This week we will see Job share his emotions with God.

Job 23:1-7



Sometimes we have big things to celebrate and sometimes we may be sad or angry about difficult things. Listen to these scenarios and give a soft shout if it is something worth celebrating and give a soft cry if it is something we might be angry or sad about.

A birthday party

A ride on a pony

You lost your bike

A trip to your favorite amusement park

Your dog is lost

Going on a hike in the mountains

Seeing your new baby cousin

Seeing your grandmother get sick

Getting a bad grade at school

We sometimes think God only wants to know about our happy feelings and not when we are sad or angry. But God is big enough to handle our big emotions. God can handle our cries, our sorrow, and even when we are angry! Job had a lot of feelings after he lost everything including his health. He had a lot of emotions and a lot of things to say. God listened to all Job had to say and did not get angry with the emotions Job displayed. Let’s read on in the Bible to see what Job had to say about his situation that God listened to.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Job 23:1-7

What was Job’s complain of God’s hand? (It was heavy)

What was Job doing? (Groaning to God)

Did Job say he knew where to find God? (No)

Where did Job want to go to find God? (To God’s dwelling place)

What did Job want to do with God? (State his case argument)

What did Job want to hear from God? (Hear God’s answer and consider what God would say)

How did Job think God would respond to him? (God would not press charges on Job)

What did Job hope to establish before God? (His innocence)

What did Job know God would do for him? (Be delivered forever from his judge)



We can sing our praises to God when we are happy and we can also share our big feelings when things aren’t going the way we thought they should. Play a game of emotions charades. Pick a charade card from the pile and then mime the emotion for your team to guess. We all have many emotions that we display all the time. God created us with these emotions, some are pleasant to others and some are not as pleasant to others. Although not all of our emotions are pleasant, God is big enough to handle all of our big emotions. God wants to hear us so that he can help us through the difficult times.

Materials: printed charade cards


Bag of Jelly Beans and a jar such as a mason jar. God created us with feelings and emotions. Listen to these scenarios and if you would have any emotion in this situation, good or bad, place a jelly bean in the jar.

Listening to music on a rainy day

Losing your basketball game

Sitting around the table with your family for a holiday dinner

Leaving your wallet with all your money at the store and it gets stolen

A family member dies

Getting a really bad stomach virus that makes you isolate in your room for 5 days

Having all your close friends come over to watch a movie

Continue with other scenario…

Look at how full our jar of jelly beans are! We have a lot of emotions, some are joyful and some are sad, but God can handle all of them. When we are frustrated we can all out to God and He will hear us. We when are rejoicing, He wants to hear our praises as well. God listens to us and wants to be with us through all of our emotions.He is big enough to handle all of our feelings.

Materials: small jar, jelly beans

Independent activity:

Create your own emoji. Decorate the circle by adding a face that shows an emotion. It does’t matter what emotion we are having, God will listen to our feelings. He wants us to know that He is there and that we don’t have to stay angry, mad or sad because He has a plan for us. He wants to help us have the emotions of contentment and joy.

Materials: sheet of construction paper cut into a large circle, markers




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What temptations did Jesus face on earth?

How does knowing Jesus experienced similar situations help you share your big feelings with God?

Does Jesus empathize with your experience?

How can we approach the throne of God?

Do we need to worry that God will not understand our feelings of hurt, anger or disappointment?

How did Job share his feelings with God and not sin?

How can we share our big feelings with God and be sure not to sin against God?

Practical Application at Home

We can empathize with others as we know Jesus can empathize with us. Jesus has been through what we have been through and experience every type of suffering as us. Jesus knows how we feel because He is fully man and fully God. We can then extend that same empathy for others through their suffering and pain by being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Think of a friend or family member you know that may be going through a difficult time. Or think of a classmate who may not be accepted by most of their classmates. Think of how they may feel as they go through this difficult time and empathize with their feelings. What are some things you would want someone to do for your? What words would you like to hear?Be the hands and feet of Jesus by doing something for the person you’ve thought about. Then find a way to carry out your plan with the help of a parent if needed.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?


Big Picture



Have you ever stood in the Grand Canyon? Have you ever climbed to the summit of a tall mountain? Have you been in the proximity of a tornado? All of these things can be bigger than life and we can see how small we are in comparison. This week Job asks God questions but gets questions in return to help Job see who God is.

I Kings 10:1-9; Song of Solomon 2:8-13



Start a small part of a picture. Draw a small portion of it and see if your child can guess what you are drawing. Let them finish drawing the remainder of the picture and see if it matches the picture you began.

Did your picture end the picture I began? Does our picture make sense together. Sometimes it’s hard to see what the big picture will be when we can only see a small portion at a time. Sometimes life is that way too. We don’t always see the big picture of what God has planned, butt God can always see the big picture. God knows exactly what everything looks like and what will happen. Job did not see the end of his suffering while he was living in the middle of it. He could only see his pain and all the things that were going wrong. But even though Job was unclear of why these things happened to him, He still trusted that God was in control. When God answered Job’s questions, he reminded Job that He was the one who put the universe in its place and He is the one who keeps it there. Job was a righteous man, but He can not begin to see and understand what God sees and understands. Let’s see how Job is answered by God.

Read or listen to Job 38:1-7, 34-41

Who was the Lord speaking to? (Job)

What question did God ask Job about the earth’s foundations? (Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundations)

Who measured out the dimensions for the earth? (God)

When God speaks to the clouds what happens? (Their is a flood of water)

Who send the lightening bolts? (God)

Who do the lightning bolts respond to? (God)

When does God tip over the water jars of heaven? (When the dust becomes hard and clods stick together)

Who provides the food for the lioness and birds? (God)



Play this trivia game. We all want to know God’s plans, but sometimes we have to wait to see what God has in store. Listen to these examples in the Bible and see if you can figure out the bigger picture, the plan God had. If you get it right, give yourself a point.

God told Abraham to leave his family and go to a new land. (He would go to Cana and be the father of many)

God told Moses to place his rod in the water (God parted the water for the Israelites to cross the Red Sea)

God told Noah to build a big ark (to save the animals and Noah’s family from the flood)

Jesus told Peter to cast his net to the other side of the boat (Peter caught so many fish his nets began to break)

Jesus asked for the boys small lunch (Her used the 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5,000 people)

Moses lifted the snake on a pole for the people to look at (they would be healed from their snake bites)



Listen to the story of the Elephant and the blind men. Each one of these men touched the elephant and thought they knew what the elephant was like, but they only knew a small portion of the elephant. We sometimes think we know the entire picture, but we are only seeing a part of a much bigger picture that God can see in full.


Independent activity:

Create your own animal puzzle. Draw a picture of an animal on a large sheet of construction paper. Turn the page to the backside and draw puzzle pieces or have an adult help you. Cutout the puzzle and gives one piece to a friend of family member and see if the can guess what animal you drew based on one piece. Give them one piece at a time until they put the puzzle together or guess the animal. We might not always be able to see the full picture but God can see the big picture. God knows the beginning from the end and everything in between! We can trust that God’s plan is for our good in the big picture because he can see everything.

Materials: large sheet of paper, crayons or markers, scissors




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did Job want to know from God?

How did God answer Job’s question?

Do wee question God when bad things happen to us?

Does God answer our questions?

How does knowing God knows how everything will work out, make you feel?

How can we trust God has a plan?

When things don’t go the way we planned, how can we react?

Practical Application at Home

We all suffer pain and hardship at some point. Although it may seem as though it will last forever we can know that God sees the bigger picture and knows what’s to come. When we know God sees the big picture, we can also know the small part we see is not everything. We can not fathom all of the ways God can see an answer to our problems, answer we have not thought of. Job suffered and asked God for a reason for his suffering. God’s response was simply to tell Job that He created the world, put everything I its’ place including him! If God an hang the universe in place, surely He can handle my life.

Draw a picture of what you think God’s big picture includes (the earth? The universe? the galaxy?). Then remember, if He can handle managing the universe, yet knows the hairs on your head, He can also handle whatever problems or difficulties you may have.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?


Big Picture



You are about to lose a tooth and can’t eat an apple for lunch. This is a problem. You read about a village in Africa that has to walk 4 miles one way to get dirty water for the day. This is a problem. One problem is big and one is small, but which one does God care about. God cares about our small problems too and it is not too small for God.

I Job 42:1-6, 10-17



What are some things you would like to receive twice as much of?

Twice as much…




Vegetables on your plate?

Nap time?

Play time?

Shoes in your closet?

Toys to play with?


Dishes to wash?


Read or listen to the scripture

What did Job reply to God about what he knows? (That GOd can do all things)

What did Job say he spoke of? (Things he did not understand that were too wonderful for him)

Job heard about God, but now what did Job experience? (Job saw God with his own eyes)

How did God restore Job? (His fortunes with twice as much as he had before)

Who came to see Job after his health was restored? (His brothers and sisters and all who knew him before)

What did each one of them give Job? (A piece of silver and a gold ring)

How many children did Job have? (7 sons and 3 daughters)

Who did Job give an inheritance to? (His sons and his daughters)
How long did Job live after this? (140 years)



Print the following activity sheet and cut them into strips. Place all the strips in a bowl. Pull out the strips one at a time and sort them into groups of big problems and small problems. In the bible we see lots of people with lots of problems! They didn’t always trust God to solve their problems, but God was always there to help them. Some of their problems were big and some seemed small, but God was there for all of them. There is no problem that we have that is too small for God.



Think of ways to solve these problems:

Your dog got out of the fence and is lost

You ate too much birthday cake

You can’t find your favorite toy

You hurt you finger playing basketball

You can’t find your other shoe

Your friend doesn’t want to play with you today

We face different problems everyday. Some of those problems are big and some of them are small. God gave us the ability to solve a lot of problems, but He wants to help us with our problems too. There is no problem too big or too small that God can not handle. Job’s problems were big, but God was bigger and blessed Job even more than he had before.


Independent activity:

I can know who God is by the Word of God. It describes who God is in the Bible. Complete this activity sheet, color in the words that you know describe who God is according to His Word.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What problems of Jobs were small?

What were some of Job’s big problems?

How did Job realize that he was small but God was big?

What are some big problems God handled in the Bible?

How can God use us to be problem solvers in the lives of others?

How did God restore Job’s family, health and wealth?

How did God bless Job?

Practical Application at Home

Even though Job did not know the end of his story, he had faith to believe that God was good regardless of the blessings he received. He was willing to accept the good and bad life could bring but would not let go of his faith through it all. Faith is believing what we can not see. We need faith to believe that God is good even when we can’t see the blessings pouring in, Even during difficult times and the trials of life, we can have faith that God is still watching over us. We can have faith he is still in control.

God restored Job double what he lost. Job lived for another 140 years and saw 4 generations of his children. Although we may not always see such a dramatic end to a difficult time, we can look at difficult times and see how God has restored us or the situation. Think about a time when things were difficult and you did’t see a solution, big or small, and tell how God has restored or is currently restoring that situation.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?


Big Help



Job’s friends wanted to help him even though they could not fix his problems. They came and sat with him, which seems like a small thing to do, but sometimes small things can be a big help to others. This week we will see how God can use our small actions to help others in big ways.

Job 2:11-13



Play “Name that Tune” using the word friend. Take turn among players singing or humming parts of a song that includes the word friend. Keep scores of home many songs you can come up with that have the word friend in the song.

Look how many songs we were able to remember that talk about friends. Clearly friendship is important to people. Friends are there for us when we are feeling down or when we want to rejoice. Eleven thee bible talks about friendship. In the story of Job, when he is feeling down his friends came to be with him to comfort him. They sympathized with his pain and how much suffering he was going through. Let’s read and see how his friends tried to help.

Read or listen to the scripture Job 2:11-13

How many friends cam to visit Job? (3 friends)

What were the names of his friends? (Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar)

Why did they go see Job? (To sympathize and comfort Job)

Did they recognize Job? (No)

What did they do when they saw Job? (They began to weep)

How long did Job’s friends sit with him in silence? (7 days and nights)

Why didn’t they say a word to Job? (Because they knew how much he was suffering)



We sometimes dismiss things that are small or come in small packages as unimportant, but something small can have a big effect. Think about how 1 raindrop becomes a flood

1 snowflake becomes blizzard

$1 added others

1 friendship becomes

God can use us even though we are small, to do big things. Play this match game, match what is small with its matching big item.

Materials: printed and cut matching game


We can show others we care in big and in small ways. We may think our small deeds will go unnoticed, but they are often the things that mean the most to others. When we smile at others, hold the door open for someone, or let someone cut in line, those are things that can mean a lot to someone receiving it. Let’s do a small deed for someone else. We will make cookies and then deliver them to neighbors, the homeless, local hospital or fire station, or to our friends. Use your favorite cookie recipe to bake as many cookies as possible to pass out. Stack them and wrap them in Saran Wrap then tie it with a bow, or place them on a decorative disposable plate.

Materials: ingredients for making cookies, recipes for cookies,

Independent activity:

Our friendships mean a lot to us and when we are a good friend it can be mean something big to someone else. We don’t need to have a lot of toys, or be the best at everything to have good friends. Real friendship comes from how much we care for the other person in small ways. Complete this activity sheet (word search of friendship character traits, match friends in the Bible

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did the Psalmist say God helps us when we are hungry?

What does God give to the blind?

Who does God set free?

What does God do for the widows and orphans?

How do you help those around you?

What are small things others do for you that means a lot to you?

What are big things God helps you with?

Practical Application at Home

We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Think of the things Jesus helped people with when He lived on earth? Did he feed the hungry? Give sight to the blind? Heal the sick? We can care for others in a similar way but helping to feed the hungry, helping those who are sick, and giving to those who may need help getting medicine and care.

Make a list of ways you can help others around you in a similar way Jesus helped those while on earth. Put your list into 2 categories; small ways to help and big ways tot help. We may not always be able to help in big ways and sometimes wee need to help in more than just small ways. Look at your list and decide if there is anything you can do on your list of ways to help.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Big God



Do you ever feel really small? What are some things that are bigger than you? Sunflowers? Trees? A basketball rim? God? Some of those things you will be taller than one day or you may fly in an airplane and look down on them, but we will never be bigger than God. We can be glad God is bigger than us but see each one of us. This month we will see that even though God is big, he had a plan for one small man, Job.

Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Psalm 8



Think of the small item I will tell you and see if you can guess the big miracle that came with such a small item. Think of a miracle about…

A coin…..Fish and the coin

An empty net…Peter and the large catch of fish

A small lunch…Turning 5 loaves and 2 fish into a meal for 5,000 people

Jars of water…Turning water into wine

A clump of mud…Turning mud into a healing salve to heal a blind man

What do all of these miracles have in common? They all turned something simple or small into something big. Some were big problems that seemed unsolvable but God took something small to solve a big problem. Water is a simple drink that is common and yeet Jesus turned it into wine to solve what seemed like an impossible situation. A man who was blind from childhood had his sight restored because Jesus used simple, unimportant mud. Mud itself has no power and is often unwanted, but with God it was a healing salve. We are often faced with big situations we do not have answers to, but God is bigger than any situation no matter how big. We can trust God is big enough. This week we will see a man who was blessed with land, money, and family but had it all taken away. Job was only one man on earth and yet God knew Him and knew His heart. God knew that Job loved him not because of all of His blessings but because He loved God. Even though we are small, God sees and knows us. Let’s read to see what God thought of Job.

Read or listen to the scripture Job 1:1, 2:1-10

Where did Job live? (UZ)

How does the Bible describe him? (Blameless and upright)

How did Job rest evil? (He shunned evil)

Who came with the angels that presented themselves to God? (Satan)

Where had Satan come from? (From roaming the earth to and fro)

How did God describe Job? (A man who fears God and shuns evil)

What did Satan want to take from Job? (His life or flesh)

What did God tell Satan he must spare? (Job’s life)

What did Satan afflict Job with? ( painful sores all over his body)

What did Job’s wife suggest Job do? (Curse God and die)
What was Job’s response to his wife? (Shall we accept good from God and not trouble)

Did Job sin in his suffering? (In all of this Job did not sin)



Play this game of Pictionary. Pull a card from each pile, one of a person or thing and the other of a place. Draw a picture from the perspective of that person or thing would have in that place. For example an ant in a garden would see large leaves and parts of a plant without being able to see the entire garden. Draw the ant and large leaves or petals for your team to guess. Continue taking turns drawing and guessing. The perspective each character had may not be the same perspective we see being the size we are, but God also has a different perception on our situations as well. God can see what we can not see and can handle problems that seem big to us. Wee can trust that there is nothing too big for God.

Materials: Pictionary cards with characters and another set of cards with settings


What does it mean to have integrity? Doing the right thing when no one is looking. Listen to the following scenarios and decide if the person acted with integrity. If they did not, say what they could have done to show integrity. The bible says that Job was blameless and had integrity. Having integrity is not always easy in difficult situations. We are sometimes pressured to behave as others or do what others are doing even when we know it is wrong. We can know that God wants us to have integrity, to do the right thing even we don’t think anyone else is watching, and God can help us when we are faced with those difficult situations. Even when it seems too hard to resist, there is nothing too big for God.

Materials: printed scenarios or device for viewing

Independent activity:

Job was upset with his wife for not accepting the bad things that had come and said “Shall we only accept the good from God and not the trouble?” It can be hard to accept the hard things that come in life, it’s much easier to accept the good. Make 2 lists. On the first list, write all of the good things you accept and are grateful to God for that you know comes from Him. On the other list, write all of the troubles you have experienced or fear you will experience. On the bottom of each list write “…Yet God”. Even through all of Job’s trials, the one thing he was able to cling and hang on to was God. We can know that we can lose everything yet God will be there.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil/pen




Complete the following Job puppet. Print the puppet page, color and cut out the printable. Then glue the picture of Job to the top of a small paper lunch sack.

Materials: printed Job sheet, scissors, glue, paper lunch sack


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 8

This scripture describes how majestic God is and how small we are in comparison. When we consider the beauty and awesomeness of all God’s creation and what He is capable of doing, we can see how small we are in comparison. We can not set the moon and stars in their place and yet the God who did sees and cares for each one of us.

What do you see that tells you God is big?

How has God demonstrated how big His love is for us?

What do you do that tells you we are small?

How did Job feel about all of the bad things that happened to him?

What was Job willing to take from God?

How can we take the good and bad from God?

How did Job show that He knew God was bigger than him?

What are some things you may think you know better than God?

Practical Application at Home

In life there are bad things that happen to us or difficult times we have faced that we didn’t understand. Although in the moment it is painful and we do not have an explanation for why they happened, God has a plan for all of it. He may not bring the pain, but he can redeem our situation for good. We may take a few months or years, but we can often learn a valuable lesson or just see how it all worked out. Ultimately God wants us to draw closer to Him and trust Him more.

Think about a difficult lesson you learned from life or from your parents that did’t seem fair or right at the time. Think about how that situation worked out in the end and if it was for your good. Did you learn something? Did it prepare you for something else? Were you able to bless someone else from your experience? Did you gain a closer relationship with God or other family members? 

Write your experiences down including the difficulty as well as what was gained. Keep this index card in your bible in the book of Job as a reminder of how God has a bigger plan for you than what you can see.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?


Big Feelings



What emotions do you often experience? Happiness? Sorrow? Sadness? Joy? Safety? Disappointment? Some of these emotions can be deep and heavy things to feel. We may not always want to share all of these feelings with every person we know, but we can always share our feelings and emotions with God. He is big enough to handle even your biggest emotions. This week we will see Job share his emotions with God.

Job 23:1-7; Hebrews 4:15-16



Hold up an emoji card and have your child come up with a sentence that matches the emoji’s emotion.

Those were a lot of emotions for those emoji’s! Some of those statements are ones we’ve used in our really life too. Maybe we’ve been sad we weren’t picked first. Maybe we were excited to see a friend we haven’t seen in a long time. We all have big and strong emotions that God created in us. We sometimes think God only wants to know about our happy feelings and not when we are sad or angry. But God is big enough to handle our big emotions. God can handle our cries, our sorrow, and even when we are angry! Job had a lot of feelings after he lost everything including his health. He had a lot of emotions and a lot of things to say. God listened to all Job had to say and did not get angry with the emotions Job displayed. Let’s read on in the Bible to see what Job had to say about his situation that God listened to.Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 10:1-9

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Job 23:1-7

What was Job’s complain of God’s hand? (It was heavy)

What was Job doing? (Groaning to God)

Did Job say he knew where to find God? (No)

Where did Job want to go to find God? (To God’s dwelling place)

What did Job want to do with God? (State his case argument)

What did Job want to hear from God? (Hear God’s answer and consider what God would say)

How did Job think God would respond to him? (God would not press charges on Job)

What did Job hope to establish before God? (His innocence)

What did Job know God would do for him? (Be delivered forever from his judge)



Pretend you are Job and you are going before a judge to state your case of why you shouldn’t suffer any longer. The parent is the judge and the child is Job, additional children can be the jury or witnesses to Job. Have Job present his case and state the reasons why his suffering should end. Job wants his suffering to end and wants to state his innocence before the judge, He knows he will be heard and delivered but the judge. Job knows that God is his judge and will listen to him and deliver.



Bag of Jelly Beans and a jar such as a mason jar. God created us with feelings and emotions. Listen to these scenarios and if you would have any emotion in this situation, good or bad, place a jelly bean in the jar.

Listening to music on a rainy day

Losing your basketball game

Sitting around the table with your family for a holiday dinner

Leaving your wallet with all your money at the store and it gets stolen

A family member dies

Getting a really bad stomach virus that makes you isolate in your room for 5 days

Having all your close friends come over to watch a movie

Continue with other scenarios…

Look at how full our jar of jelly beans are! We have a lot of emotions, some are joyful and some are sad, but God can handle all of them. When we are frustrated we can all out to God and He will hear us. We when are rejoicing, He wants to hear our praises as well. God listens to us and wants to be with us through all of our emotions.He is big enough to handle all of our feelings.

Materials: Jelly beans, jar (mason jar)

Independent activity:

Create a banner with large words sayin what your big words would beee to God in times when your emotions are big with praise or sadness. Decorate your your banner and remember that God can handle all of our emotions and wants to listen and be there for us through our good and difficult times. God doesn’t leave us to feel big emotions alone but is there with us through it all.

Materials: Large sheet of construction paper, markers and crayons




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Hebrews 4:15-16

Who do you share your feelings with? Who can you confide in to share your hurts, your joys, your sorrows and your deepest feelings? Jesus can walk with us and understand our deepest emotions because He has experienced it all while here on earth. Our verse in Hebrews says He was tempted in every way. We can find mercy and grace at the throne of God because Jesus is able to empathize with our weakness. Even though we may sin, Jesus did not sin in all that he experienced.

What temptations did Jesus face on earth?

How does knowing Jesus experienced similar situations help you share your big feelings with God?

Does Jesus empathize with your experience?

How can we approach the throne of God?

Do we need to worry that God will not understand our feelings of hurt, anger or disappointment?

How did Job share his feelings with God and not sin?

How can we share our big feelings with God and be sure not to sin against God?


Practical Application at Home

We can empathize with others as we know Jesus can empathize with us. Jesus has been through what we have been through and experience every type of suffering as us. Jesus knows how we feel because He is fully man and fully God. We can then extend that same empathy for others through their suffering and pain by being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Think of a friend or family member you know that may be going through a difficult time. Or think of a classmate who may not be accepted by most of their classmates. Think of how they may feel as they go through this difficult time and empathize with their feelings. What are some things you would want someone to do for your? What words would you like to hear? Be the hands and feet of Jesus by doing something for the person you’ve thought about. Then find a way to carry out your plan with the help of a parent if needed.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?


Big Picture



Have you ever stood in the Grand Canyon? Have you ever climbed to the summit of a tall mountain? Have you been in the proximity of a tornado? All of these things can be bigger than life and we can see how small we are in comparison. This week Job asks God questions but gets questions in return to help Job see who God is.

Job 38:1-7, 34-41 : Isaiah 53:4-12



Let’s play Play 21 question. Have each player write down 3 character names, each on its’ own card. Shuffle the cards into a pile and have each player choose a card, place it on their forehead, and take a turn asking the audience questions to see if they can figure out what character they are. Continue playing by choosing a new card if they guessed their card.

How well did you do answering a big question by asking a lot of little questions? Did you know who the character was from the very beginning? We often have a lot of questions in life that sometimes are left unanswered. Who knows thee answers to all of our questions? God knows the beginning from the end and He is in control of everything. Even though we can’t see the big picture and we don’t have all of the answers, we can trust that God knows the answers. Job asked God why there were so many things happening to him. God did not answer Job’s questions exactly, but answered Job with moire questions. He helped Job remember that He created the Universe and He is the one that keeps it in its place. Although Job was righteous, He could not begin to fathom how God created a Universe from nothing. In this, Job was able to remember that God is in control of the universe and is also inn control of his life. His problems were not too big for God to handle or for God to forget. We can also know that God can handle your problems and He is in control of it all. There is nothing too big for God to understand.

Read or listen to Job 38:1-7, 34-41

Who was the Lord speaking to? (Job)

What question did God ask Job about the earth’s foundations? (Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundations)

Who measured out the dimensions for the earth? (God)

When God speaks to the clouds what happens? (Their is a flood of water)

Who send the lightening bolts? (God)

Who do the lightning bolts respond to? (God)

When does God tip over the water jars of heaven? (When the dust becomes hard and clods stick together)

Who provides the food for the lioness and birds? (God)



Play this trivia game. We all want to know God’s plans, but sometimes we have to wait to see what God has in store. Listen to these examples in the Bible and see if you can figure out the bigger picture, the plan God had. If you get it right, give yourself a point.

God told Abraham to leave his family and go to a new land. (He would go to Cana and be the father of many)

God told Moses to place his rod in the water (God parted the water for the Israelites to cross the Red Sea)

God told Noah to build a big ark (to save the animals and Noah’s family from the flood)

Jesus told Peter to cast his net to the other side of the boat (Peter caught so many fish his nets began to break)

Jesus asked for the boys small lunch (Her used the 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5,000 people)

Moses lifted the snake on a pole for the people to look at (they would be healed from their snake bites)



think about these scenarios and tell the bigger picture that your parents, teachers, or coaches see that is for your good.

Parents tell you not to run in the street (so you don’t get hit by a car)

Mom says not to eat too much candy at one time (so you don’t get a stomach ache or bad cavities)

The doctor says eat your fruits and veggies (so you can continue to grow and not have health problems later in life)

The coach says tie your shoes (someone could step on them and make you fall in the middle you running and you’d get hurt)

Dad says putt your homework folder in your backpack as soon as you are finished with homework (so you don’t lose the folder and to practice good organization habits)

Teacher says practice these math facts (so you will have a strong foundation in math as it gets more challenging)

Dad says look people in the eyes when they are talking to you (so that you grow up with confidence to speak and communicate with others)

Mom says non arguing with your siblings (so you learn to get along with other people and solve problems peacefully)

Teacher says to memorize these bible verses (so you hide Gods Word in your heart to remember throughout life when you may need an encouraging Word from God)

Coach says keep your eyes on the ball (so you will learn to be coordinated and follow the ball throughout the game)


Independent activity:

God answers some of our questions now through our parents, teachers, the Bible or our pastor. and some questions we may have to wait for heaven to have answered. Think of a few questions you would like to ask God that only God will have the answer to. Maybe you are curious about how God created gravity or how we will keep time in heaven. Write a list of your questions, see if you can find the answers in the Bible or decide to wait until Heaven for your answer.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Song of Solomon 2:8-13

What do you think this poem is about? Its sounds like a poem of love! Perhaps its a love poem written by Solomon to his beloved wife! The poem does show love of a man and woman.  Although this love may seem strong by the words that are shared in this poem, we can know and trust that only God’s love is perfect. Only God’s love never changes and loves unconditionally.

How did Solomon show other nations that he loved God?

How did Solomon witness to the nations around him?

What did the Queen of Sheba think of Solomon and his kingdom?

What did she proclaim about God after seeing Solomon?

How did Solomons wisdom help others see God?

Why is God’s love more important than others opinions?

Practical Application at Home

We all suffer pain and hardship at some point. Although it may seem as though it will last forever we can know that God sees the bigger picture and knows what’s to come. When we know God sees the big picture, we can also know the small part we see is not everything. We can not fathom all of the ways God can see an answer to our problems, answer we have not thought of. Job suffered and asked God for a reason for his suffering. God’s response was simply to tell Job that He created the world, put everything I its’ place including him! If God an hang the universe in place, surely He can handle my life.

What are some problems you worry about? Make a list of all of your worries or problems you do not see a solution to. Know that God has a plan for it even if you can not imagine a solution. Then draw a picture of what you think God’s big picture includes (the earth? The universe? the galaxy?). Then remember, if He can handle managing the universe, yet knows the hairs on your head, He can also handle whatever problems or difficulties you may have.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?


Even Little Things



You are about to lose a tooth and can’t eat an apple for lunch. This is a problem. You read about a village in Africa that has to walk 4 miles one way to get dirty water for the day. This is a problem. One problem is big and one is small, but which one does God care about. God cares about our small problems too and it is not too small for God.

Job 42:1-6, 10-17; Mark 10:46-52



Job stands in awe of who God is in comparison to who he is. After God has questioned Job and it is his turn to answer, He recognizes the experience he has had with God and can now say he knows God for himself. There are other instances in the Bible who have stated they now know God for themselves after having an experience with God. They see God not just for the God of their fathers, but for themselves.

I have felt him…

I have seen him change the lives of…

I have felt him change my heart…

I have felt God’s love through others love by…

I have seen God through the actions of…

I have experienced God in…

I have read about who God is…

Job experienced God through his questioning and seeing that God can see what Job can not. But God does not leave Job there but then restores Job to twice as much as he had before. God is big enough to handle our big problems, but he also cares about the small things we care about. God sees Job and wants to bless him once again. God sees each one of us. He knows our names and wants to  help us not through just the big problems, but the small problems in each of our lives as well.

Read or listen to the scripture Job 42:1-6, 10-17

What did Job reply to God about what he knows? (That GOd can do all things)

What did Job say he spoke of? (Things he did not understand that were too wonderful for him)

Job heard about God, but now what did Job experience? (Job saw God with his own eyes)

How did God restore Job? (His fortunes with twice as much as he had before)

Who came to see Job after his health was restored? (His brothers and sisters and all who knew him before)

What did each one of them give Job? (A piece of silver and a gold ring)

How many children did Job have? (7 sons and 3 daughters)

Who did Job give an inheritance to? (His sons and his daughters)
How long did Job live after this? (140 years)



Print the following activity sheet and cut them into strips. Place all the strips in a bowl. Pull out the strips one at a time and sort them into groups of big problems and small problems. In the bible we see lots of people with lots of problems! They didn’t always trust God to solve their problems, but God was always there to help them. Some of their problems were big and some seemed small, but God was there for all of them. There is no problem that we have that is too small for God

Materials: 2 bowls, scissors


God blesses us in many ways, and not just with things. It is easy to count the blessings that we can physically see such as a food on the table, a new house, or a new bike, but God can bless us in other ways too. Discuss other ways God takes care of use without giving us a physical gift. (Comforts those who are sad, gives us peace, with us when we are lonely etc.)

Materials: construction paper, crayons or coloring pencils

Independent activity:

With the help of an adult, find a newspaper article describing a current problem in our world. Read through the article with a Christian framework. Think of ways you would solve this problem. Discuss ways God would want Christians to handle and solve this problem. Remember God is able to handle the big and small problems of this world and He already has a plan set in motion. God has already delivered us and provided a way of salvation.

Materials: adults approved newspaper article




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Mark 10:46-52

In this story Jesus is walking through Jericho and a man named Bartimaeus calls out to Jeus to have mercy on him and heal him. When Jesus asked what He could do for him, Bartimaeus asked to be receive his sight, to which Jesus answered his faith healed him. We do not know if Bartimaeu met Jesus previously but he knew enough about Jesus to know that He could heal. He had faith to believe that Jesus could do what no one else could do for him, give him sight. We are called to have faith as well. We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust that God knows and will work everything for our good according to His purpose.

What did Bartimaeus have faith Jesus could do?

How did Bartimaeus show he had faith?

How did Job show that he had faith?

How can we show our faith?

What problems of Jobs were small?

What were some of Job’s big problems?

How did Job realize that he was small but God was big?

What are some big problems God handled in the Bible?

How can God use us to be problem solvers in the lives of others?

Practical Application at Home

Even though Job did not know the end of his story, he had faith to believe that God was good regardless of the blessings he received. He was willing to accept the good and bad life could bring but would not let go of his faith through it all. Faith is believing what we can not see. We need faith to believe that God is good even when we can’t see the blessings pouring in, Even during difficult times and the trials of life, we can have faith that God is still watching over us. We can have faith he is still in control.

God restored Job double what he lost. Job lived for another 140 years and saw 4 generations of his children. Although we may not always see such a dramatic end to a difficult time, we can look at difficult times and see how God has restored us or the situation. Think about a time when things were difficult and you did’t see a solution, big or small, and tell how God has restored or is currently restoring that situation.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?


Big Help



Job’s friends wanted to help him even though they could not fix his problems. They came and sat with him, which seems like a small thing to do, but sometimes small things can be a big help to others. This week we will see how God can use our small actions to help others in big ways.

Job 2:11-13; Psalm 146



Play “Name that Tune” using the word friend. Take turn among players singing or humming parts of a song that includes the word friend. Keep scores of home many songs you can come up with that have the word friend in the song.

Look how many songs we were able to remember that talk about friends. Clearly friendship is important to people. Friends are there for us when we are feeling down or when we want to rejoice. Eleven thee bible talks about friendship. In the story of Job, when he is feeling down his friends came to be with him to comfort him. They sympathized with his pain and how much suffering he was going through. Let’s read and see how his friends tried to help.

Read or listen to the scripture Job 2:11-13

How many friends cam to visit Job? (3 friends)

What were the names of his friends? (Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar)

Why did they go see Job? (To sympathize and comfort Job)

Did they recognize Job? (No)

What did they do when they saw Job? (They began to weep)

How long did Job’s friends sit with him in silence? (7 days and nights)

Why didn’t they say a word to Job? (Because they knew how much he was suffering)



We sometimes dismiss things that are small or come in small packages as unimportant, but something small can have a big effect. Think about 1 raindrop becomes

1 snowflake becomes.

$1 added to others

1 friendship becomes a lifetime friendship

God can use us even though we are small, to do big things. Play this match game, match what is small with its matching big item.

Materials: printed match game


Job’s friends did not do everything right when they visited him. They came to sit with him and bring him comfort but when they spoke they said things they should not have said. Sometimes the small things we do for others are really important to them and mean the most. Think of ways you can do things for others that may seem small but will help in a big way. Start at home helping your family and then look for ways to help others outside of your house. Use this chart to write in a deed you can do that day for someone either in your home or somewhere else such as school, church, or with your team.

Materials: printed helping hands sheet

Independent activity:

Think of how important your friendships are and how your friends are there for you when you need it. Write down a friend and an example of when you’ve had a friend to help you in these situations.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 146

The Psalmist describes God as the only one worthy of praise. Humans can not save like God can. The Psalmist then describes how God can help us and all that He does for us. God helps us in big ways, ways we are not able to help others, but He uses us to be a big help to others.

How did the Psalmist say God helps us when we are hungry?

What does God give to the blind?

Who does God set free?

What does God do for the widows and orphans?

How do you help those around you?

What are small things others do for you that means a lot to you?

What are big things God helps you with?

Practical Application at Home

We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Think of the things Jesus helped people with when He lived on earth? Did he feed the hungry? Give sight to the blind? Heal the sick? We can care for others in a similar way but helping to feed the hungry, helping those who are sick, and giving to those who may need help getting medicine and care.

Make a list of ways you can help others around you in a similar way Jesus helped those while on earth. Put your list into 2 categories; small ways to help and big ways tot help. We may not always be able to help in big ways and sometimes wee need to help in more than just small ways. Look at your list and decide if there is anything you can do on your list of ways to help.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Our parents give us instructions, our teachers give us steps to follow, and our coach gives us the play by play. We follow directions all the time, including the ones God give us. God has a plan for us and He calls us to trust Him. We don’t have to see all of His plans for us to follow Him. This week we will see how a widow gave up her last to trust God with her life.

I Kings 17:8-16



Is it easy or hard for you to follow directions. Some directions can be easy but some are hard. When we listen and practice listening, we can become good at following instructions. Let’s see if we can follow a few directions. Give each child a picture of a rainbow. Then give the following directions:

Color the outer first ring red

Color the second ring with orange stripes

Fill in the third ring with yellow stars

Fill the fourth ring with the first letter of your last name using the color green

Color the fifth ring with blue polkadots

Color the sixth ring with indigo swirls

Color the seventh ring violet balloons

When we follow instructions we follow step by step plans of what to do to accomplish a goal. Maybe we are trying to do a math problem, follow a recipe or play a game. The instructions tell us what to do. God has given us instructions for how we can follow Him. Step one, we can trust God. This week we will read a story about the prophet Elijah and a widow who trusted God to provide for her and her son. She didn’t know what would happen, but she trusteed that God would keep His word. Let’s read or listen to the story for this week.

Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 17:8-16

Where did God send Elijah? (To the village of Zarephath to a widow)

What had God instructed the widow there to do? (Feed Elijah)

What did Elijah ask the woman to do when he saw her gathering sticks? (To bring a cup of water)
What else did he ask for? (A bite of bread)
What did the widow say she was on her way to do? (Make her last meal from a handful of flour and little cooking oil)
What did Elijah tell her to do before her and her son ate? (Make the bread for him first instead)
What did he promise God would do if she fed him first? (God would always have flour and oil in the containers until the day God sends rain and the crops grow)

Did the widow obey? (Yes, she did what Elijah said)
Did God provide for them? (Yes, there was always enough flour and oil in the containers)



During the time of no rain, there was a drought and famine. There were people who had no water or food to eat. The widow did not have anything left but a little oil and flour to make bread for her and her son’s last meal. She trusted the Prophet Elijah when he gave her instructions to feed him first and then her family. Create your own rainstick. Take a cardboard tub of toilet paper or paper towel roll. Tap one side with masking or duct tape so there are no holes at the end of the roll. Have your chid decorate the tube with markers. Take a sheet of newspaper, aluminum foil or construction paper and crinkle into a long strip. Place the long paper into the tube right down the middle. Then, fill tube with rice about 1/4 of the way up the tube then tape the other end with the same type of tape.

Materials: cardboard tube (toilet paper or paper towel roll), newspaper, aluminum foil or construction paper, masking or duct tape, rice, markers


The widow trusted God and He provided for her, her son and for Elijah during the remainder of the famine. Play a quick game of Scattegories by creating a list of things God provides starting with 1 letter that is chosen. Play this game of bingo, covering the things God provides as they are called out. first Player to find a row of 5 wins. Remind children that God provides all these things for us.

Materials: sheets of paper, pencils

Independent activity:

Use play dough to pretend you are the widow making bread. Practice taking a large piece of dough and knead it, dividing it into smaller balls and pressing it into bread shaped balls.

Materials: play dough




Create a basket of bread. Cut a white paper plate in half to create a basket. Color the basket in a pattern using earth tone colors (brown, gray, cream, black). Then using a piece of contraction paper, cut out different shapes of bread, color them and place them in the basket. Glue the basket with the bread half out to a sheet of construction paper. On the paper write “I can trust the Lord to provide”

Materials: white paper plate, markers or crayons, white or brown plus another sheet of construction paper, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did the widow give her last of?

Do you think it was easy for her to give of her last meal?

What is something you are willing to give your last of?

What would you want God to provide that would never end?

How did Elijah also trust God?

How did prophets trust God with their lives?

How has God already provided for you?

When has God shown His provision during a hard time of your life?

Practical Application at Home

God has a plan for us and He wants us to trust His plan just as Elijah and the widow trusted Him. Even in our bad situations when we don’t see a solution, God has a plan. Wee can be follow His plan by following the steps He lays out for us. The widow of Zarephath followed God’s steps by doing what Elijah asked of her. She had to trust God everyday because He gave her what she needed for that day, not for the month. Sometimes that is hard and we like to know all that is going to happen to us in the future. But we can practice trusting by believing that what God has for us is good even when it may not feel that way. We can hang on and just keep in step with Him.

What are some ways God has asked you to trust Him? Make a list of things you trust God with? When we remember who God has been trustworthy in the past, it helps us build faith to trust Him in the future.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Who do you share your troubles to? Who do you share all of your joys with? Hannah was hurting and she turned to God and he heard her prayers. This week we will see how God we can talk to about anything!

I Samuel 1:4-20



Play a version of Heads-Up using items of food. Place card on forehead and guess whaat card you have on your forehead. You can ask the audience questions to receive clues as to what food item you have on your head.

Was it easy or hard to guess what food you had on your forehead when you couldn’t just read the card? Being able to talk to a partner helped you figure out what card you were holding. This week we are reading a story about Hannah. She was married and really wanted to have a son but was not able to. She went to the temple to pray and ask God sincerely for a baby. God wants us to talk to him about our problems and concerns. He wants us to go to Him when we have questions or when we are in need. Let’s read or listen to our story for the week to see what happens to Hannah after she prays for a son.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week I Samuel 1:4-20

Why did Peninnah make fun of Hannah? (Because Hannah didn’t have any children but she did)

How long did the teasing go on? (For years)

How did this make Hannah feel? (She would cry and not eat)

Who was there while Hannah prayed at the tabernacle? (Thee priest Eli)

What vow did Hannah make? (If God answered her prayer and gave her a son, she would give him back to Him)
What did Eli see as he watched Hannah pray? (Her lips moving but not hearing any sound)

What did he accuse her of? (Drunk with wine)

After Hannah explained her prayer in anguish, what did Eli tell her? (To go in peace and may God grant her request)
How did Hannah feel after this news? (She was no longer sad and began to eat)

Did God answer Hannah’s prayer? (In due time she gave birth to Samuel)
Why did Hannah name him Samuel? (His name means “I asked the Lord for him”)



Play this game of God answers prayers. In a bag or bowl, place the following strips of paper cut out. Place a fun snack in a bowl nearby. Pull out a strip of paper, read it, and decide if God answered the prayer right away or if the person had to wait. If the answer is yes, you get to eat a snack, if the answer is no, you don’t get a snack; if the answer is wait, you have to wait until another turn.When we talk to God He will answer us, even if the answer is not always what we think it should be. God’s answer might be yes, no or wait. We can trust that His answer is what is best for us

Materials: Printed strips of paper, a bowl, a small bowl of treats, scissors


Make a telephone line out of cups and string. Practice using is together sending messages to each other. Did the sound carry to the other person immediately or did you have to wait a little for thee sound to come through? Did the length of thee string change the amount of delay? How do we talk to God? Do we have to pick up the telephone to speak to Him? Of course not, we know we can simply pray and God can hear us. God may not always respond immediately, but we can trust that He hears us and will answer our prayer.

Materials: String, cups, thumbtacks,

Independent activity:

God wants us to share with Him. He wants to hear about the good and the bad things that are going on. On this activity sheet, draw or write in something that describes the different things you feel, like or dislike.

Materials: activity sheet




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who is always with you?

How do you talk to God?

How do you hear God’s answers?

How did Hannah hear God’s answer?

Do we still need a priest to hear from God?

Is there only a special time you can talk with God?

How did Hannah know that her prayer was answered?

How do you know that Hannah believed Eli’s words that she would have a baby?

Practical Application at Home

We can talk to God any time. We do not need a priest or someone to go between us and God. When Jesus died on the cross He made a way for us to speak directly to God. We don’t need to sacrifice a lamb because Jesus was our sacrificial lamb. His death freed us to have a relationship with God. God sent the Holy Spirit to be with us all the time. We can speak to God any time.

Keep a prayer journal for this week. Write down the things you are thankful for, the people you are grateful for, others you want to pray for, and things you want to share from your heart. Keep the journal for at least a week and then continue on if you desire. After the first week, think about your experience during the week of prayer.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Are you listening? Have your parents or teachers ever asked you that question. Sometimes we hear what is going on around us but wee area not really listening. When we listen we first take in information, but following listening is usually another action of doing. This week we will see that God wants us to listen so we know what He has for us to do.

I Samuel 3:1-10; 19-21



Play this listening game. Place several noise making objects in a bag. Children will guess what is being shaken in the bag.

Noisy neighbor. Sometimes our neighbors are noisy and we don't know what they are doing. Let’s play this noisy neighbor game.

Noisy neighbor

Noisy neighbor

Stop that noise!

Then shake one item inside the bag. See who can guess the item being shaken.

Listening is a very important skill we all need to have and even practice! We must know how to really hear what people are saying. We can also listen to God. Although we may not hear an audible voice from God, there are ways for us to hear what God has to say to us. This week we will read a story of Samuel and how he listened to God. He did hear God’s voice but did not realize it was God speaking. Once he did realize it was God speaking to him, he was ready to listen. We can hear someone speaking to us, but are we listening to what they are saying. Leet’s read or listen to the story to find out if Samuel simply heard God’s voice, or if he was ready to listen.

Read or listen to I Samuel 3:1-10; 19-21

Who did Samuel live with? (With the priest Eli)

What was uncommon during this time? (Messages from God and visions)

What was Samuel doing when he heard his name? (Sleeping in the Tabernacle near the Ark of God)

Who did Samuel think was calling him? (Eli)

How many times did Samuel go in to Eli thinking he was being called by him? (3 times)

What did Eli tell Samuel after the third time of hearing his name called (If your name is called again say “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”)

As Samuel grew older why did the people believe he was a prophet? (The Lord was with him and every thing he said proved to be reliable)



Often in a restaurant there are orders being given and you have to be able to listen to directions whether you are in the kitchen or waiting tables. Let’s see how good your listening skills are by filling these orders. Have several varieties of candy or snacks placed in bowls. Call out an order for your child to place eon the plate, such as “5 M&M’s, 3 goldfish, 10 crackers and 3 gummy bears”. See if they are able to fill your order and deliver it. Repeat as desired and even switch roles allowing them to give the order to you. God wants us to be ready to listen to Him. He has a plan for our lives that He wants to share with us in His timing.

Materials: varieties of candy or snacks placed in separate bowls, small plates or bowls


Go on a sound hunt. See if you can find the following sounds around your house or neighborhood. We can practice listening everywhere. We can listen for what God has for us.

Materials: printed sound hunt

Independent activity:

Create a picture by just listening to the directions. For example, have your child draw a picture of a house, scarecrow, or snowman. Give your child step by step instructions of how to draw the picture without telling them what they are drawing. See if their picture turns out to be what you were trying to get them to create. Was that easy or hard to follow instructions? There is a difference between hearing and listening. We can hear someone's voice but we have to listen to understand what they are saying. We can work on listening for God’s voice so when we hear His instructions we can obey Him.

Materials: sheet of drawing paper, drawing markers or crayons




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who was the boy in our story today?

Who was calling his name when he was trying to sleep?

What was Samuels final response?

Who do you listen to?

How can we listen to what God wants to tell us?

How did Samuel show that her wanted to listen to what God had to say?

Does God speak to us in an audible voice today?

What other ways does God speak to us?

Practical Application at Home

We can search for God’s wisdom and understanding in Bible. The Bible is our reliable source for God’s wisdom because it is God’s Words to us. It is His instruction manual for us to use and search for His truth.

Use your Bible to go on the following treasure hunt. Find a scripture that speaks to the following questions. Search the Bible to find what God has to say about the following topics.

-Who created the Earth?

-How much does God love us?

-What is Jesus preparing for us?

-How does God continue to dwell with us on Earth?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

In this season of thankfulness, discuss ways your family is thankful during this season. Talk of the obvious blessings this year as well as how you see God’s hand in the difficulties of this year. Then find ways to be a blessing to others in your community by donating food, donating time at a shelter, or helping a widow or elderly shut-in from your neighborhood or church.





You took a test and now you are waiting for your test results. Your team finished the season and now you are waiting to see the result of your record and if you will go to the playoffs. Your group competed in the competition and you are waiting for your groups result scores. We often wait to see what the end result is, but God is not waiting to see what the results of anything will be. This week we will see that God already knows the results of everything!

Jeremiah 33:14-16



Let’s see if we can create new results from our paint by mixing different colored paint together.

Have a variety of paint colors, and gradually mix and change paint colors. Have your child predict what color they think it will change into and then talk about how the results of the color mixture.

That was fun creating new colors. There seems to be an endless result of new colors. We can add just a little more of another color and end up with a completely different color. This month we have learned that we can trust God, talk to God, listen to God and this week we will see that we can leave the final results to God. God already knows the plan and has made a way for our situation. We can trust, talk and listen but then we can know that God will take care of it all. Our scripture today tells of another prophet who shared God’s message, and this time it was a message of hope. The Israelites had strayed from God and no longer had their own country. Jeremiah’s message was hope that a Savior would come to save them. Let’s read or listen to our scripture today to hear Jeremiah’s message to Israel.

Read or listen to the scripture Jeremiah 33:14-16

What day did the Lord say would come for Israel and Judah? (The day when God would do for them what He had promised)

Who would he raise up? (A descendant from the line of David)

How is the descendant described? (As just and right throughout the land)

In that day what would happen to Judah and Israel? (Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety)

What will the descendant be named? (The Lord is our Righteousness)



Was Jeremiah’s message of hope only to the Israelites? No, his message was for everyone. Jesus came not to just save Israel, but to save anyone who believed. God had a plan from the beginning to save His people. When we follow directions we will usually end up with the results promised on the item. When we put together Lego’s we follow the instructions from the box to get the results that look just like the picture on the box. Let’s put together a Lego without any instructions but just the picture. Then put the same Lego together using the instructions. Were you able to get the right results by using the instructions or just doing it from thee picture? We were probably able to get the right design after using the instruction. Or it was quicker with the instructions. In our lives, we can know that the end result is in God’s hands. He already has it figured out and we can trust His plan.

Materials: Simple Lego build, instructions to the Lego build


Listen to these scenarios and decide what you think the end result will be.

You don’t take a bath for a week

Your do a poor job of brushing your teeth for over a year

You forgot to feed the dog

You lie to your teacher about stealing

You write kind notes to your enemy daily

You take out the trash without being asked

You already know what will happen if you do not brush your teeth for a year or if you forget to feed your dog. We know the results of these things, but there are many things we do not know what the outcome will be. Although we may not know the end result, God knows. We can trust that God is in control and He knows the end result to our problems or situations.


Independent activity:

Create a secret message for your child to discover. One a white sheet of paper, write a message using a white crayon, such as ‘Jesus is our Savior’. Your child can discover the secret message by using water colors to paint the page and then the secret message will appear. Did you expect that end result? Did you expect to find a message hidden on the page? We may be surprised by things that happen, but God is not surprised and He is in control. We can trust the end results to God.

Materials: White sheet of paper, white crayon, watercolors




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What is something the Israelites were waiting for?

What is something we are waiting for?

What did God promise Adam and Eve?

What are the people called who prophecy of God’s coming events?

What was Jeremiah’s message to the people?

Was Jesus born before or after Jeremiah?

Name 2 things mentioned in Jeremiah 33:14-16 that came true when Jesus was born.

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes we are in the middle of doing something and yet still waiting for more to happen. For example, we may have started our family vacation by driving to our destination and we may even make a few scenic stops along the way, but we are ultimately waiting to arrive at our final destination. We have already received the promised son Jesus when He came and died on the cross, but we are still promised an eternity with God that we are waiting for. We have received a part of God’s promise now, but we are still waiting for the rest of His promisee to be fulfilled. We have learned this week that we can trust that God will fulfill His promises and we can leave the end results to Him.

We can share with others the gift God has given us. We can share the good news of Jesus’ birth and the hope of what is to come, The Kingdom of God. We can celebrate God’s promise and knowledge that God will take care of the end results. Think of ways to share the gospel with others. Here are a few ideas to get started:

-Send a card to friends telling about our Savior

-Tell someone why you celebrate Jesus’ birth

-Give someone the gift of kindness

-Give away a homemade treat that says “You are loved”

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

In this season of thankfulness, discuss ways your family is thankful during this season. Talk of the obvious blessings this year as well as how you see God’s hand in the difficulties of this year. Then find ways to be a blessing to others in your community by donating food, donating time at a shelter, or helping a widow or elderly shut-in from your neighborhood or church.





Our parents give us instructions, our teachers give us steps to follow, and our coach gives us the play by play. We follow directions all the time, including the ones God give us. God has a plan for us and He calls us to trust Him. We don’t have to see all of His plans for us to follow Him. This week we will see how a widow gave up her last to trust God with her life.

I Kings 17:8-16; Mark 12:38-44



Following directions can be easy. Let’s practice following directions by completing this glyph. Print-off the attached scarecrow outline and provide crayons or markers. Give the following directions orally for child to follow.

When we follow instructions we follow step by step plans of what to do to accomplish a goal. Maybe we are trying to do a math problem, follow a recipe or play a game. The instructions tell us what to do. God has given us instructions for how we can follow Him. Step one, we can trust God. This week we will read a story about the prophet Elijah and a widow who trusted God to provide for her and her son. She didn’t know what would happen, but she trusteed that God would keep His word. Let’s read or listen to the story for this week.

Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 17:8-16

Where did God send Elijah? (To the village of Zarephath to a widow)

What had God instructed the widow there to do? (Feed Elijah)

What did Elijah ask the woman to do when he saw her gathering sticks? (To bring a cup of water)
What else did he ask for? (A bite of bread)
What did the widow say she was on her way to do? (Make her last meal from a handful of flour and little cooking oil)
What did Elijah tell her to do before her and her son ate? (Make the bread for him first instead)
What did he promise God would do if she fed him first? (God would always have flour and oil in the containers until the day God sends rain and the crops grow)

Did the widow obey? (Yes, she did what Elijah said)
Did God provide for them? (Yes, there was always enough flour and oil in the containers)



During the time of no rain, there was a drought and famine. There were people who had no water or food to eat. The widow did not have anything left but a little oil and flour to make bread for her and her son’s last meal. She trusted the Prophet Elijah when he gave her instructions to feed him first and then her family. Create your own rainstick. Take a cardboard tub of toilet paper or paper towel roll. Tap one side with masking or duct tape so there are no holes at the end of the roll. Have your chid decorate the tube with markers. Take a sheet of newspaper, aluminum foil or construction paper and crinkle into a long strip. Place the long paper into the tube right down the middle. Then, fill tube with rice about 1/4 of the way up the tube then tape the other end with the same type of tape.

Materials: cardboard tube (toilet paper or paper towel), masking or duct tape, sheet of newspaper, aluminum foil or construction paper, markers


The widow trusted God and He provided for her, her son and for Elijah during the remainder of the famine. Play a quick game of Scattegories by creating a list of things God provides starting with 1 letter that is chosen. Start a time for 2 mins (or time based on players ability to write quickly). When the timer is up, compared the lists written and count the score according to what appropriate for the age. Keep every score if it is valid or count only the points of words listed that were not also listed by any other player.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencils, timer

Independent activity:

Practice making and manipulating dough. Use a simple recipe for biscuits or pizza dough. Use a kitchen aid or other mixer to make the dough come together. Then have your child knead the dough into a large round ball. Then, divide into smaller shaped balls or create a simple pizza! (Note: if using biscuit dough, do not overwork the dough or it will become tough when baked)

Materials: recipe & ingredients for a pizza or biscuit dough




Create a basket of bread. Cut a white paper plate in half to create a basket. Color the basket in a pattern using earth tone colors (brown, gray, cream, black). Then using a piece of contraction paper, cut out different shapes of bread, color them and place them in the basket. Glue the basket with the bread half out to a sheet of construction paper. On the paper write “I can trust the Lord to provide”

Materials: white paper plate, white or brown plus another color of construction paper, scissors, glue.


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Mark 12:38-44

This is another story of widow who didn’t have much but gave what she had to God. Giving her last to God meant that she trusted Him to provide for her everything else that she needed. If she didn’t have anything left, God would need to provide for her needs. This widow’s story is similar to the widow Zarephath in that they trusted God to provide for their needs. They did not know what God’s plans would bee for them and how He would provide, but trust and faith mean believing God can do what we can not see.

How are the two widow’s we learned about today alike?

How did they both show they trusted God?

What is something you are willing to give your last of?

What would you want God to provide that would never end?

How did Elijah also trust God?

How did prophets trust God with their lives?

How has God already provided for you?

When has God shown His provision during a hard time of your life?

Practical Application at Home

God has a plan for us and He wants us to trust His plan just as Elijah and the widow trusted Him. Even in our bad situations when we don’t see a solution, God has a plan. Wee can be follow His plan by following the steps He lays out for us. The widow of Zarephath followed God’s steps by doing what Elijah asked of her. She had to trust God everyday because He gave her what she needed for that day, not for the month. Sometimes that is hard and we like to know all that is going to happen to us in the future. But we can practice trusting by believing that what God has for us is good even when it may not feel that way. We can hang on and just keep in step with Him.

We all have difficult times in our lives where things have gone wrong or things just don’t seem to go right for us. These times can be hard to remember, but it is also important to look back at those times and see God’s hand in them. Write or talk about how God has seen your family through a difficult time or day. Create a timeline, write down the events on the bottom of the line, on the top of the line write the ways God helped such as through a friends’ encouraging words, a miracle, and answers to prayer or a solution to the problem.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Who do you share your troubles to? Who do you share all of your joys with? Hannah was hurting and she turned to God and he heard her prayers. This week we will see how God we can talk to about anything!

I Samuel 1:4-20 Psalm 16



I have a recipe that I want to make but there seems to be a problem! I think the steps are out of order. I need help putting them in the correct order. Look at this recipe and read out loud to me the steps and let’s see if we can solve it.

Use a recipe of your own that you have made previously. Have it written down out of order for your child to fix.

Was it easy or hard to give me the recipe in the correct order? This week we are reading a story about Hannah. She was married and really wanted to have a son but was not able to. She went to the temple to pray and ask God sincerely for a baby. God wants us to talk to him about our problems and concerns. He wants us to go to Him when we have questions or when we are in need. Let’s read or listen to our story for the week to see what happens to Hannah after she prays for a son.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week I Samuel 1:4-20

Why did Peninnah make fun of Hannah? (Because Hannah didn’t have any children but she did)

How long did the teasing go on? (For years)

How did this make Hannah feel? (She would cry and not eat)

Who was there while Hannah prayed at the tabernacle? (Thee priest Eli)

What vow did Hannah make? (If God answered her prayer and gave her a son, she would give him back to Him)
What did Eli see as he watched Hannah pray? (Her lips moving but not hearing any sound)

What did he accuse her of? (Drunk with wine)

After Hannah explained her prayer in anguish, what did Eli tell her? (To go in peace and may God grant her request)
How did Hannah feel after this news? (She was no longer sad and began to eat)

Did God answer Hannah’s prayer? (In due time she gave birth to Samuel)
Why did Hannah name him Samuel? (His name means “I asked the Lord for him”)



Play this game of God answers prayers. In a bag or bowl, place the following strips of paper cut out. Place a fun snack in a bowl nearby. Pull out a strip of paper, read it, and decide if God answered the prayer right away or if the person had to wait. If the answer is yes, you get to eat a snack, if the answer is no, you don’t get a snack; if the answer is wait, you have to wait until another turn. When we talk to God He will answer us, even if the answer is not always what we think it should be. God’s answer might be yes, no, or wait. No matter what the answer, we can trust that His answer is what is best for us.

Materials: Printed strips of paper, a bowl, a small bowl of treats, scissors


We may not talk to the same people about everything, but instead talk to certain people about specific questions or concerns, joys and celebrations. Listen to the following scenarios and decide who you would talk to about that problem or concern.

Struggling with homework

Having concerns with a bully at school

Needing more food to eat

Learning to play a new instrument

A good grade at school

Sharing a good book you read


Independent activity:

We can communicate in a variety of ways. We speak verbally to others by using our voice. We also have non-verbal communication by communicating with our facial expressions. We can also communicate with our hands by using sign language and we can even communicate by writing our thoughts on paper. See if you can share this message with someone using one of these forms: draw a picture, use sign language, write it in a note, or tell someone. Or use another form of communication not listed here.

Share the message of Psalm 145:18-19

Materials: sheet of drawing paper, pencil




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 16

David talked to God in this Psalm and spoke of his life with God. He talked about God’s blessings, the land God gave them, and God’s guidance. We can talk to God about all things. We do not need to just talk to God when we want to request things or needs, but we can also talk to Him about life. The way we talk to a friend or share our feelings with loved ones, we can do that with God as well.

Where did David say all good things came from?
What did David say his inheritance was?

Who did David say is always with him?

Who is always with you?

How do you talk to God?

How do you hear God’s answers?

How did Hannah hear God’s answer?

Do we still need a priest to hear from God?

Is there only a special time you can talk with God?

How did Hannah know that her prayer was answered?

How do you know that Hannah believed Eli’s words that she would have a baby?

Practical Application at Home

We can talk to God any time. We do not need a priest or someone to go between us and God. When Jesus died on the cross He made a way for us to speak directly to God. We don’t need to sacrifice a lamb because Jesus was our sacrificial lamb. His death freed us to have a relationship with God. God sent the Holy Spirit to be with us all the time. We can speak to God any time.

Keep a prayer journal for this week. Write down the things you are thankful for, the people you are grateful for, others you want to pray for, and things you want to share from your heart. Keep the journal for at least a week and then continue on if you desire. After the first week, think about your experience during the week of prayer.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Are you listening? Have your parents or teachers ever asked you that question. Sometimes we hear what is going on around us but we are not really listening. When we listen we first take in information, but after listening is usually another action of doing. This week we will see that God wants us to listen so we know what He has for us to do.

I Samuel 3:1-10; 19-21; Proverbs 2:1-5



Play the game Odd one out. Children will listen as you list several objects consecutively, they have to decide which object does not belong with the group. You can give a category to the group to make the game easier or you can give a list and have them figure out the item that does not belong as well as the category.

toothbrush, water, hairbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash

blanket, movie, boardgames, popcorn,

pillow, coffee, bed, nightlight, teddybear

snowman, snow-angels, ice forts, rain-boots, snowballs,

balloons, pencil, pen, ruler, crayons, paper

Listening is a very important skill we all need to have and even practice! We must know how to really hear what people are saying. We can also listen to God. Although we may not hear an audible voice from God, there are ways for us to hear what God has to say to us. This week we will read a story of Samuel and how he listened to God. He did hear God’s voice but did not realize it was God speaking. Once he did realize it was God speaking to him, he was ready to listen. We can hear someone speaking to us, but are we listening to what they are saying. Leet’s read or listen to the story to find out if Samuel simply heard God’s voice, or if he was ready to listen.

Read or listen to I Samuel 3:1-10; 19-21

Who did Samuel live with? (With the priest Eli)

What was uncommon during this time? (Messages from God and visions)

What was Samuel doing when he heard his name? (Sleeping in the Tabernacle near the Ark of God)

Who did Samuel think was calling him? (Eli)

How many times did Samuel go in to Eli thinking he was being called by him? (3 times)

What did Eli tell Samuel after the third time of hearing his name called (If your name is called again say “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”)

As Samuel grew older why did the people believe he was a prophet? (The Lord was with him and every thing he said proved to be reliable)



A prophet has the job of sharing God’s words with His people. Sometimes those words are good news and there’s enjoy hearing it. Then there are times those words are of discipline or bad news, and they are thee ones who must share it with the people. God was calling Samuel to be a prophet and speak his word, good or bad. Listen to these messages and decide if it is good or bad news. If it is good news, hold up a smiley face, and a frown face if it is bad news.

Announce my judgment to Nineveh because I have seen how wicked its people are

I have decided to destroy all living creatures, for they have filled the earth with violence

There will be no rain nor dew for the next few years until I give the word

Return to me and I will return to you

Materials: bible, drawn smile & frown face


Often in a restaurant there are orders being given and you have to be able to listen to directions whether you are in the kitchen or waiting tables. Let’s see how good your listening skills are by filling these orders. Have several varieties of candy or snacks placed in bowls. Call out an order for your child to place eon the plate, such as “5 M&M’s, 3 goldfish, 10 crackers and 3 gummy bears”. See if they are able to fill your order and deliver it. Repeat as desired and even switch roles allowing them to give the order to you. God wants us to be ready to listen to Him. He has a plan for our lives that He wants to share with us in His timing.

Materials: several candy or snack items place in seperate bowls, small bowls

Independent activity:

Create a dish by following a recipe that is given out loud. You can view a cooking video or be given directions orally from a parent. Listen to the directions given and then complete the recipe to create a treat. It can be as simple as building a hamburger, or making cookie dough. Was that easy or hard to follow instructions? There is a difference between hearing and listening. We can hear someone's voice but we have to listen to understand what they are saying. We can work on listening for God’s voice so when we hear His instructions we can obey Him.

Materials: items to make a food item




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Proverbs 2:1-5 to see what we are to do with God’s commands. We are to search for God’s wisdom, cry out for insight, and ask for God’s understanding. The scripture tells us to search for these things as you would search for silver or a hidden treasure. When you think about searching for silver or a lost treasure, you don’t give up your search easily because you know that what you are searching for is worth the time and effort. In the same way, we can know that our search for God’s wisdom and insight is worth our time and effort.

What did Proverbs tell us we should search for?

What should we be listening to God for?

What does it mean to fear the Lord?

What knowledge does God want to give us?

Who do you listen to?

How can we listen to what God wants to tell us?

How did Samuel show that her wanted to listen to what God had to say?

Does God speak to us in an audible voice today?

What other ways does God speak to us?

Practical Application at Home

We can listen to what God has to tell us by searching His Word, the Bible. We can find God’s wisdom and understanding in Bible. The Bible is our reliable source for God’s wisdom because it is God’s Words to us. It is his instruction manual for us to use and search for His truth.

Use your Bible to go on the following treasure hunt. Find a scripture that speaks to the following questions. Search the Bible to find what God has to say about the following topics.

Who does God say He is?

Who does God say you are?

How should we treat others?

How do we treat our enemies?

What should we do with people who have wronged us?

What should we do with our time?

What should we do with our tongue?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

In this season of thankfulness, discuss ways your family is thankful during this season. Talk of the obvious blessings this year as well as how you see God’s hand in the difficulties of this year. Then find ways to be a blessing to others in your community by donating food, donating time at a shelter, or helping a widow or elderly shut-in from your neighborhood or church.





You took a test and now you are waiting for your test results. Your team finished the season and now you are waiting to see the result of your record and if you will go to the playoffs. Your group competed in the competition and you are waiting for your groups result scores. We often wait to see what the end result is, but God is not waiting to see what the results of anything will be. This week we will see that God already knows the results of everything!

Jeremiah 33:14-16; Luke 21:29-33



Let’s take a moment to think about what we like the best about some things. When we go on a trip there are parts that are really fun and some parts may be a little boring like riding in a car for 12 hours. Even though every moment of our lives might not be the greatest we can still see the best of it.

What is the best part of…

A meal

A play/skit

Your school day

Of Christmas

Of summer break

Visiting a friend

Going to church

Going on vacation

We can think of the best part of the things we do such as the best part of autumn is jumping in the leaves or drinking hot drinks! This month we have seen that we can trust God, talk to God and listen to God, but the best part is we can trust the end results to God. Samuel listened to God and trusted that what God said was true, so He believed that God would fulfill the end result. Hannah talked to God and trusted God for the end result, which was her promised baby. The widow trusted God would provide the end result she needed which was food for her and her son. The best part of each of those stories is the end results that God provided for each of them. God provides us with the results we need the as well. It may not always look the way we planned, but we can trust God’s plan is better than our own. His plan, or results, can be trusted. This week we will look at the prophet Jeremiah and the message he gave about a promised Savior. Let’s read or listen to our scripture for this week and see what was promised and decide if that promise came true.

Read or listen to the scripture Jeremiah 33:14-16

What day did the Lord say would come for Israel and Judah? (The day when God would do for them what He had promised)

Who would he raise up? (A descendant from the line of David)

How is the descendant described? (As just and right throughout the land)

In that day what would happen to Judah and Israel? (Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety)

What will the descendant be named? (The Lord is our Righteousness)



Was Jeremiah’s message of hope only to the Israelites? No, his message was for everyone. Jesus came not to just save Israel, but to save anyone who believed. God had a plan from the beginning to save His people. When we follow directions we will usually end up with the results promised on the item. When we put together Lego’s wee follow the instructions from the box to get the results that look just like the picture eon the box. Let’s put together a Lego without any instructions but just the picture. Then put the same Lego together using the instructions. Were you able to get the right results by using the instructions or just doing it from thee picture? We were probably able to get the right design after using the instruction. Or it was quicker with the instructions. We can know that the end result is in God’s hands. He already had it figured out and we can trust His plan.

Materials: Simple Lego build, instructions to the Lego build


When we bake or cook, we often have to wait for the end result. We don’t bake cookies and have an immediate result within a few minute, but we have to wait for the cookies to bake. Israel waited for the birth of their Savior and God fulfilled His promise. We are also waiting for the fulfillment of Jesus returning to take us to heaven. We can trust that God will fulfill His promise. Decide what you can make that is easy and fun but requires a wait time such as Carmel apples, cookies, cupcakes, or pudding/jello.

Materials: Food ingredients to bake/make something that requires some wait-time.

Independent activity:

We know that we can trust the end results to God. That means, the promises God has made He will keep and fulfill. It may not happen in the way we think it should, but we can trust that God is in control. Let’s create a simple experiment and see what the end results will be. Create your own DIY Lava lamp using the following household items. Use this website as a guide on how to create your own lava lamp. Directions: fill the flask most of the way with oil, then fill the rest with water, add a few drops of food coloring, break up the Alka-seltzer in smaller bits and drop into the water one at a time. Watch your lava lamp erupt.

Materials: Flask, vegetable oil, baby oil, or cooking oil, water, food coloring, alka-setlzer




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Luke 21:29-33 Jesus used the illustration of the fig tree to demonstrate how we can know something is coming. When the fig tree’s leaves begin to come out we know that summer is near. Jesus said there would be signs to let us know His kingdom was near as well. There are things were to be a sign and to help us stay alert and focused on what is most important. We don’t have to predict the future or count the days, we can trust that God has the end results in His hands and will fulfill His promises.

What are some things Jesus said would happen before God’s Kingdom would be here? (V.25-28)

What is something the Israelites were waiting for?

What is something we are waiting for?

What did God promise Adam and Eve?

What are the people called who prophecy of God’s coming events?

What was Jeremiah’s message to the people?

Was Jesus born before or after Jeremiah?

Name 2 things mentioned in Jeremiah 33:14-16 that came true when Jesus was born

Practical Application at Home

We don’t need to be starstruck over people who are famous. Knowing a lot of people or having a lot of people know you, does not equate to love. Real love comes from God and from our family who love us. Although we do not need to worry about what others think of us, we should still show others God’s love. We can share what true love is by sharing Jesus with others.

This week, instead of just saying thank you and receiving credit for a job well done, give God the glory instead. Think of a response you can give when someone gives you a compliment or congratulates you on a job well done. Use  a response you have come up with or use one of the following examples:

To God be the glory

God Bless you

I’m so glad to be used by God

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

It was the power of God within me

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

In this season of thankfulness, discuss ways your family is thankful during this season. Talk of the obvious blessings this year as well as how you see God’s hand in the difficulties of this year. Then find ways to be a blessing to others in your community by donating food, donating time at a shelter, or helping a widow or elderly shut-in from your neighborhood or church.





“Good news travels fast.” Have you ever heard that saying before? Do you believe it? Does good news also travel far? Maybe our good news doesn’t travel very far outside our family and friends, but there was news so great that it has traveled around the world! Yes, the Good News of Jesus is not just ordinary good news but the Gospel. This week we will see how this Good News was a part of God’s plan and meant to be shared around the world.

Luke 1:5-20; 57-66



When you have good news how do you like to share it? Do you write a note, shout it out loud, dance around the room or tell it to a friend? There are lots of ways to celebrate good news. This morning let’s have a dance party as if we were celebrating some good news. I’m going to share news, and if you think its good news, dance, if you hear something that is not good news, stop dancing.

It’s my birthday

I lost my pet

I won an award

I got second place in the contest

I stepped on an ant pile

I had a cookie for dessert

I watched my favorite movie

I got soap in my eyes

When we have good news we like to share it and hopefully the person we share it with is happy to hear it. Jesus brought good news to the world when he was born. The good news was hope for salvation. God wanted to prepare the hearts of Israel before Jesus began His ministry and he planned for John to do this. God sent an angel to tell the parents of John they would have a baby and that baby would prepare the way for the coming Messiah. That is great news! Let’s read or listen to find out how God told these parents the good news.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Luke 1:5-20; 57-66

Who was Zechariah? (A Jewish priest)

What was his wife’s name? (Elizabeth)

Why didn’t they have any children? (Elizabeth couldn’t conceive)

Why was Zechariah in the sanctuary? (He was chosen by lots to go in and burn incense)

What did the angel who appeared to Zechariah say to him? (Don’t be afraid, your wife will have a son, John)

What did the angel tell Zechariah, John would do someday? (Great in the sight of thee Lord and turn many Israelites to the Lord, and prepare the way for the coming of the Lord)

Why did Zechariah have a hard time believing this would happen? (He and Elizabeth were older in age)

Why did Gabriel thee angel tell Zechariah he should believe his words? (The angel stands in thee presence of God, he was sent by God)
What did the angel Gabriel say would happen to Zechariah because of his unbelief? (He would not speak until the child was born)

After John was born, what happened to Zechariah? (People came to see the baby and wanted them to name him Zechariah, but then Zechariah spoke John’s name)



The good news that was shared long ago of Jesus birth was not just for a small group of people, but for the whole world. Everyone can know that Jesus came so that he could die to save them from their sins. If your family has a child they sponsor from another country, take time to write them a letter telling them about the reason you celebrate Jesus’ birth. If your family does not sponsor a child, find a local donation group to write and send care packages to children in other countries. Place cards and notes along with the care package.

Materials: paper, pencil/crayons


Play a game of charades. Use details from the story of the birth of Jesus to create scenes for thee audience to guess. I wonder if Zechariah had to mime his actions when he could not speak for so many months. It is easier to share our good news when we have a voice!

Materials: charades cards

Independent activity:

Long ago to send good news to someone around the world, it would take months for it to arrive. Today we can send an email, call on the phone, or send a letter that arrives in days! Think of a way someone from another country around the world may celebrate Christmas or their birthday. Draw a picture of what they do during their celebrations.

Materials: sheet of drawing paper, crayons/colored pencils




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Complete one of the following crafts about John the Baptist.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons, various materials



Did Zechariah believe the message from the angel?
How would you react if an angel showed up at your door?

What was John to be for Jesus?

What was Johns message to the people?

What was Jesus’ message to the people?

What message does the Bible have for us today?

How can we trust that the Bible is true?

Practical Application at Home

Just as John paved the way for Jesus, he spread the message of a need to repent for sins. Wee too need to be sure we remember our need for a Savior. We can acknowledge our sin and then confess it. God says He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins. Jesus birth, life, death and resurrection make the cleansing of our sins possible. We can have a direct relationship with God because of Jesus. That is good news worth sharing with the world!

Collect several rocks and design them using paint and markers. Write messages of hope on each rock and then create a path. You can create a path in your own backyard or alongside a walking trail on your next family nature hike.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?





Joy to the World! Joyful Joyful Lord we adore thee! When we think of the word ‘joy’ those songs may quickly come into our heads. Joy is not just a word in song, but what Jesus brought to the world when He was born. Our hope in Jesus our Messiah is what gives us joy even during difficult circumstances.

Luke 1:26-55



Have you ever heard good news that you were almost bursting to share. It was so good you couldn’t keep the news to yourself? Good news brings joy to us and to the people we share it with. Let’s share some good news with each other. Take turns sharing good news with each other that is relevant to your life and community.

Did you enjoy hearing good news shared among yourselves? It’s nice to hear good news. It brings joy to people and ourselves when we share good news. As we continue our bible story we will see that the news of the promised Savior’s birth brings joy. When Mary receives a visitor that proclaims she will have a baby who will be the Messiah, the Angel tells her not to be afraid but to know that she has found favor with God.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Luke 1:26-55

Who did God send to visit Mary? (The angel Gabriel)

How did Mary react to seeing the visitor? (Confused and disturbed)

Why did the angel say she was highly favored? (She would conceive a son, Jesus)
What did the angel say Jesus would do? (He would be great, the son of the Most High, He would be given the throne of David, He would reign over Israel)

How long would His kingdom last? (His kingdom would never end)

Who else was pregnant in Mary’s family? (Elizabeth)

Why was it a miracle that Elizabeth was pregnant? (She was thought to be barren)

What happened with Elizabeth’s baby when Mary went to visit her? (The baby leaped inside her)

What was Mary’s song of praise about? (Here praise to God for being chosen, God’s goodness over her)



How do you show joy? Do you sing, dance, or tell someone of your joy? In the Bible we can find the joy God has for us, His word can bring us joy just as the message the angel brought to Mary from God. We can remember that God has a message of joy for us as well. Let’s do a joy walk-around. Go around the room or designated area, and find the cards that say joy, then read a Scripture on the card that describes joy found in the Bible.

Materials: printed Joy Cards


During the Christmas season we sing a lot of songs about Joy. Let’s play a game to see who can come up with the most amount of songs about Joy. Play guess that tune but the songs must use the word Joy.


Independent activity:

Create a greeting card to share the Good News with someone. Think of good news you could share with someone, like Jesus is King, or Jesus saves. Using card stock paper, fold the paper in half and use water colors, or crayons to create your greeting card. Then write a note inside to share your good news.

Materials: Card stock paper




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who did the angel come to visit?

What did the angel tell Mary to do instead of having fear?

What are some ways you show joy?

Is our contentment, or joy, dependent on our current situation?

How can we have joy even during difficult times?

Does this mean we should never be sad or feel discouraged?

How can you share this good news, or peace from God, with others?

Practical Application at Home

Jesus is the joy of the world, which means we get our joy from Him. We often try to create our our joy baby chasing after things that will not bring us what we really need, Jesus. We might think the latest toy or the coolest shoes will bring us the joy wee are looking for. They may bring us joy for a moment, but eventual it will fade. God offers us contentment that will never fade, His love. God’s love and His strength can see us through good times and during our hardships.

Read Philippians 4:11-13 and fill in the blank of the blank of the missing words below, then discuss with your family what this verse means. Give examples of what this verse has looked like in your life.

11b. For I have learned to be _______ in whatever circumstances I am. 12. I know both how to have a ______, and I know how to have a _____. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being _____- whether well ____ or ____, whether in ______ or in _____. 13. I am able to do all things through _____ who strengthens me.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?