YG Paint Night
YG Social invites you to their Bob Ross Paint Night on the evening of Saturday, March 14. Space is limited and admission is just $5 (to cover all supplies as well as light refreshments). Please fill out the form below to let our social coordinators know you are interested and to find out more info.
RSVP: We’re excited for our Bob Ross Night! At this time we have limited slots so please, don’t hesitate contact us for more information about this event.
Event Contact: For event specific questions, feel free to contact the Social team by emailing social@ygchurch.com or by calling the church office at 817-483-4837.
Younger Generation Church:Younger Generation Church is the vibrant young adult ministry of the Arlington Adventist Church. Focused on deepening devotion to Jesus Christ, the church seeks to foster an environment where its members may 1) Pursue Intimacy with God, 2) Experience Community with one another, 3) Inspire those around them with the hope of grace
Younger Generation was established in 2004 and celebrates its 15th birthday in August 2019. Also known as “YG”, the church sponsors numerous LIFEgroup which meets across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex on a weekly and bi-weekly basis. More information is available at ygchurch.com or by emailing info@ygchurch.com.