younger generation worship



I have often been asked what worship means to me. Worship is the act of expressing my thankfulness and gratitude to God. When I worship through music, as a leader or from the pew, I strive to avoid placing limits on Christ's power. This mindset is a blessing for me. There are so many different ways in which people worship; the beautiful thing is that God accepts every form of our worship. All things were created by Jesus, for Jesus. Worship allows me to truly experience Christ’s presence. You see, praise isn’t about the lights, band, or atmosphere. It’s about the moment between the worshiper and God. I love being able to feel God’s presence as I open up my heart to tell Him how I feel and also to hear what He has to say to me. Worship is so universal. 

The first time I ever led worship was at the age of thirteen. I joined YG Worship because the worship director and close friends encouraged me to. At the time, I was not used to singing in front of people, let alone leading people in worship. I barely even knew what leading worship was, other than what I had seen or heard through churches and bands like Hillsong and Bethel. 

It wasn’t until I began my freshman year of high school that it really struck me that my time on stage was not a time for me to sing for the crowd, but an opportunity for me to lead people toward the presence of God. Keeping my focus on creating an atmosphere where individuals encounter God’s love and goodness helped me to not get hung up on my mistakes or successes. 

Half a decade has passed, and it hasn’t been easy. I am human and I do fall into the mindset of perfection. But as I have grown, both as a woman and a worship leader, I have learned to embrace the fact that I don’t have to be perfect to serve God and the church. 

Being part of YG Worship has equipped me to grow as an individual and as a musician. The relationships I make and the encounters I experience every week give me the ability to not only see Jesus, but to also be Jesus to those around me. 

For me, worship is all about my connection with God in that moment and through each and every day. Worship should be continual because God’s love for us is never- ending. 

Don’t let the world constrain your gratitude and praise. Reach for the sky. Reach for Jesus. Make worship your lifestyle.