Welcome to week 4! We all face difficult situations at some point in time, but even during the bad times God promises to be there with us. God can help us get through our difficulty. This week we will read about Esther and the difficulty she faced and how her courage saved her people.

Esther 2,4


This week we are learning about Esther. What are some things you already know about Esther? Did you know Esther’s name means star? Stars shine in the night star and help light the dark sky at night. Let’s do this finger play about Esther.

Like a star that shines at night (open and close fingers to make blinking stars)

Esthers beauty was so bright. (place hands around face and smile)

The king chose Esther as his queen (point across the room)

Because she was the prettiest he’d ever seen (place hands around face and smile)

Like a star that shines at night (open and close fingers to make blinking stars)

Esther’s bravery was so bright (place hands around face and smile)

She saved her people from Haman’s plan (flex biceps)

They rejoiced with her throughout the land (wave hands in the air while turning around)

Read or listen to the scripture  Esther 2,4 

Who helped raise Esther after her parents died? (Mordecai, her cousin)

When Esther went to the palace how did everyone feel about her? (She won the favor of everyone who saw her)

Who did the King Xerxes choose to be his next queen? (Esther)

What secret did Mordecai tell Esther to keep? (That she is Jewish)

Who wanted the Jews killed? (Haman)

What did Esther say is the problem with going to see the king without being summoned? (If the king does not summon her she could be put to death unless he extends his golden scepter)

What did Esther decide to do? (She asked for Mordecai and all the other Jews to fast along with her and her attendants, then after 3 days she would go before the king.)


Esther’s bravery to go before the king saved her people from being killed. They prayed and fasted for wisdom and God’s protection which God provided. Esther and her people rejoiced from God’s deliverance and it became a celebrated holiday.


Purim is a Jewish celebration to remember what Esther did to save her people from Haman. One of the traditions of this holiday is to make hamantaschen cookies. They are supposed to look like the hat Haman wore. Make hamantaschen cookies. Use this recipe or use sugar cookie dough and shape into triangles, add jelly to the middle and pinch sides to make a hat like cookie.

Materials: Printed recipe of Hamantaschen cookies, cookie ingredients (butter, sugar, flour (white/wheat), eggs, vanilla, baking powder


Purim is a Jewish celebration to remember what Esther did to save her people from Haman. One of the traditions of this holiday is to retell the story of Esther. As the story is being told the audience is actively involved. Retell the story of Esther and involve the audience by acting out the story or participating with paper dolls and noise makers.  Print the following paper dolls and noise makers  to use during the reading.

Materials: printed story to be read, printed paper dolls, noise makers


Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet



Esthers crown. Go to following link, click on one of the crown templates, and print. Have your child color and decorate the crown. Then cut out the crown and glue the tabs together to make a crown

Materials: printed crown, crayons, plastic gems


Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


How was Esther brave?

Did she always have the courage to go before the king?

Why do you think she changed her mind?

What did she do before she went before the king? 

How can we have more courage?

What are some difficult things you face today?

Esther did not immediately decide to go before the king to plead for him to spare her people. Mordecai had to remind her that she would not be spared simply because she was in the palace. Her response then was that it was too important not to risk her life. God gave her strength to overcome her fears and the difficult situation. God can help us overcome as well.

Practical Application at Home

We all face difficult times in our lives but God can help us overcome them. It doesn’t mean bad things will never happen to us, but God will be there with us and give us strength and courage to face them. Esther fasted and prayed and she asked everyone else to do the same before she went to see the king. We too need to pray and ask God for wisdom before we act. 
Here are a list of Jewish customs celebrated during Purim holiday. Look at the list below and choose one or several to try this week.

Fasting: During Purim there is fasting and prayer, just as Esther and her people did. Try to fast one day for a few hours. Or choose something to fast from other than food, for a day, such as TV, electronic devices, video games, or desserts (sugar). During the time of fasting when your mind begins to focus on the thing you can not do, use it as a reminder to pray. Then pray for something difficult going on in your life or the life of someone you know.

Charity: It is tradition to give charity that represents the half shekel given by each Jew in the time of the holy temple. You can make a basket or some sort of gift to share with a neighbor or friend. You could give the gift of food or clothing to someone in need. You can make as many gifts as you are able, then pass them around to the people you want to bless.

Play: Children may dress up in costumes, wearing a mask and clothes and retell the story of Esther. Have one person read the story aloud as the others act out the play.

Additional Resources

Beginners bible printable activities


Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.