International Day 2024: These Are They

Welcome to the Arlington Seventh Day Adventist Church’s International Day celebration!

On Saturday, September 21, 2024, join us for a day-long celebration of our stories through culture and testimony. Dive into this page for all the event details!

Table of Contents:

- Key Scripture

- What Is International Day

- Schedule of the Day

- How Can I Participate?

- I’ve Got A Dish to Bring

Key Scripture

“These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
— Revelation 7:14 NIV

What Is International Day?

Schedule of the Day

Lobby (all day): Cultural booths, activities and more!

There will be several interactive experiences in the lobby where we can explore the many facets of our cultures and celebrate our stories.

10:15 AM YG Service: Worship in music and testimonies

Members of our church family will share powerful testimonies and worship music in their native dialects.

11:30 AM Mosaic Service: Parade of Nations, Children’s choir, Music & Testimonies, Global Choir

Represent your country by joining the Parade of Nations. You can wear traditional wear and wave your flags! This will be followed by a children’s choir, worship music in various languages, and testimonies, culminating in a global choir.

1:00 PM Lunch: International Food Sampling

Have the chance to taste amazing cuisine from all over the world. There will be beautiful moments to connect with old and new friends over delicious dishes.

How Can I Participate in International Day?

Share Your Testimony & Picture

Here are the testimony questions:

  1. Share a time when God was good.

  2. When did you accept Jesus as your Lord?

  3. How has Jesus used this church to grow your faith?

Email your response to or fill out the volunteer form


The only way we can make this day happen is by volunteers!

We need:

- Setup crew

- Cooks

- Parade of Nations participants

- Food Servers

- Take down crew

- Children’s choir

- Adult (global) choir

Sign-up below:


I’ve Got A Dish to Bring!

Food tells a story about our culture. Why not show more about you by bringing a dish to share? Sign up using the link below:

Save the date, get involved, and share your story. We hope to see you on International Day on September 21, 2024.