7-8 He told them, “You don’t get to know the time. Timing is the Father’s business. What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.”
9-11 These were his last words. As they watched, he was taken up and disappeared in a cloud. They stood there, staring into the empty sky. Suddenly two men appeared—in white robes! They said, “You Galileans!—why do you just stand here looking up at an empty sky? This very Jesus who was taken up from among you to heaven will come as certainly—and mysteriously—as he left.” —Acts 1:7-11 [Message]
34 It is clear to me now that God plays no favorites, 35 that God accepts every person whatever his or her culture or ethnic background, that God welcomes all who revere Him and do right. 36 You already know that God sent a message to the people of Israel; it was a message of peace, peace through Jesus the Anointed—who is King of all people. –Acts 10:34-36 [Voice]
Carinette has a spark in her. A look. A bounce in her step. A light in her eyes. She is one of fifty-seven children in the Haitian orphanage: all dark skinned, bright eyed, curly haired, Creole speaking, and fun loving. Each one is precious. But this seven-year-old stands out from the others. Not as a result of special treatment. She eats the same rice and beans as the others eat and plays on the same grassless playground. She sleeps beneath the same tin roof as the other girls, hearing the nearly nightly pound of rain. Her routine is identical to the other children’s. Yet she is different.
The reason? Ask her. Ask Carinette about the visitors who traveled from a faraway world just to see her. They were looking for a girl, a little girl, a girl just like her. They knew her name. They knew her favorite song. They knew that she loves to look at books and jump rope. And, in a moment that changed her forever, they invited her to live with them.
“They are coming for me,” she will tell you.
Ask to see the pictures of her soon-to-be home; she’ll show them to you. Fail to ask; she’ll offer to show you. Her adoptive parents brought her pictures, a teddy bear, granola bars, and cookies. She shared the goodies with her friends and asked the director to guard her bear, but she keeps the pictures.
They remind her of the father who knows her. They remind her of the home that awaits her. The photographs convince her to believe the incredible: somebody knows her name and has promised to take her home.
As a result Carinette is different. She still lives in the same orphanage, plays on the same playground, eats in the same cafeteria. But her world changed the day she learned that someone faraway knows her name and is coming for her.
Might you be willing to believe the same?
Are you open to the idea of a Father, a heavenly Father, who knows you? A soon-to-be home that awaits you? Would you consider this life-changing idea: the almighty and all-knowing God has set His affection on you. Every detail about you He knows. Your interests, your hang-ups. Your fears and failures. He knows you.
About His children God says,
The Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. — 1 Chronicles 28:9
He regards you as “the apple of his eye” (Zechariah 2:8). He can “sympathize with our weaknesses” (Hebrews 4:15 NKJV). “When my spirit was overwhelmed within me…” King David wrote, “You knew my path” (Psalm 142:3 NKJV).
“He knows the way that I take,” declared Job (Job 23:10 NKJV). Do you know this God who knows you?
He knows your name. And He can’t wait to get you home.
I came to know the story of the Cap-Haïtien orphan, not by traveling to Haiti, but by standing in the church foyer. I’m a pastor. Like other pastors I like to greet people after church services. And like other pastors I am a captive audience for parents and grandparents who want to show off new additions to the family. I’ve held more babies than I can count and looked at more pictures than a photographer. But I can’t recall ever being more surprised than the day Dan wanted to show me a photo of his new daughter.
The girl in the photo smiled a big smile, wore a pink ribbon, and had skin the color of chocolate.
The guy who handed me the photo smiled a big smile, wore cowboy boots and a hat, and had skin the color of Casper the Friendly Ghost.
That’s when I heard about the orphanage, the trip, and the decision to expand their family by adding one more face around the table. He scarcely took a breath for the next five minutes, telling me all about her hair, eyes, and favorite color, song, and book. He couldn’t stop talking about her. He was crazy about her.
Might you believe the same about your Father? This is the ever-recurring, soul-lifting message of Heaven. “The Lord delights in you” (Isaiah 62:4 NKJV).
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. — Isaiah 43:1 NKJV
I have written your name on the palms of My hands.
— Isaiah 49:16 NLT
The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy. — Psalm 147:11 NKJV
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. — Psalm 37:23–24 NLT
Do such words surprise you? Where did we get this idea of a God who does not care, who is not near? We certainly didn’t get it from Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the perfect picture of God. Just as Carinette had her photos, we have Jesus. Want to know how God feels about the sick? Look at Jesus. What angers God? Look at Jesus. Does God ever give up on people? Does He stand up for people? Find the answer in Jesus.
The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God... and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence. — Hebrews 1:3 AMP
The pictures inform Carinette’s thoughts about her home-to-be. She’s not home yet. Within a month she will be, maybe. Two at the most. She knows the day is coming. She knows the hour is imminent. Every opening of the gate makes her heart jump. Any day now her father will appear. He’s coming. He promised he’d be back. He came once to claim her. He’ll come again to carry her.
Till then she lives with a heart headed home.
Shouldn’t we all? Carinette’s situation mirrors ours. Have we not been claimed? Are we not adopted children?
So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him, ‘Abba, Father’”. — Romans 8:15 NLT
God sought you. He searched you out. Before you knew you needed adopting, He’d already filed the papers.
For God knew His people in advance, and He chose them to become like His Son, so that His Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. — Romans 8:29 NLT
Abandon you to a fatherless world of tin plates and hard bunks? No way. Those privy to God’s family Bible can read your name. He put your name in His book. What’s more, He covered the adoption fees.
God sent Him [Christ] to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as His very own children.
— Galatians 4:5 NLT
We don’t finance our adoption, but we do accept it. Carinette could tell the Johnsons to get lost. But she didn’t. You can tell God to get lost. But you wouldn’t dare, would you?
You are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
— Galatians 3:26 NLT
The moment we accept His offer we go from orphans to heirs:
You are His heirs… — Galatians 3:29 NLT
Heirs! Heirs with a new name. New home. New life.
Heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. — Romans 8:17 NKJV
Heaven knows no stepchildren or grandchildren. You and Christ share the same will. What He inherits, you inherit. You are headed Home.
Oh, but we tend to forget, don’t we? We grow accustomed to hard bunks and crowded classrooms. Too seldom do we peer over the fence into the world to come. And how long since you pictured your future home? Is Peter speaking to us when he urges,
Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. — 1 Peter 2:11 The Message
Like Carinette we are adopted but not transported. We have a new family but haven’t met all of them yet. We know our Father’s name, and He has claimed us, but He has yet to come for us.
So here we are. Caught between what is and what will be. No longer orphans but not yet home. What do we do in the meantime? Indeed, it can be just that — a mean time. Time made mean with disease, deceit, death, and debt. How do we live in the meantime? How do we keep our hearts headed Home?
Let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect. — Hebrews 12:2 NCV
Look to Jesus. Ponder His life. Consider His ways. Meditate on His words. Jesus. Just Jesus.
> Prayer
May the Hero of all history talk personally to you. May you find in Jesus the answer to the deepest needs of your life. May you remember your highest privilege: you are known by God and cherished by Heaven.
Keep an eye on the front gate. Your Father will show up to take you home before you know it. —Max Lucado
Abnormal [Collins Dictionary; adjective]: Someone or something that is abnormal is unusual, odd, out-of-the-ordinary, especially in a way that is troublesome.
Strange, bizarre, remarkable, unnatural, peculiar. . .
Close encounters with Jesus Has Made You Abnormal.
You sit in an ER waiting room, surrounded by an anxious family. You rushed here the moment you learned of the accident. The teenage son of your neighbor was injured in a car wreck. He is in surgery. Your friends are in shock. You’d do anything for them. But what can you do?
You try to conceal your shock at the news. Your friend’s teenage daughter is pregnant, confused, and considering an abortion. Your friend blames herself. “If only… ” What can you do?
You sigh at the images on the TV screen. Yet another tornado strikes another city. Schools are demolished, houses destroyed, and lives lost. Such devastation. But what can you do?
What can you do? When the challenge is greater than you are. When the hurt is palpable. When you feel helpless and impotent. Where can you turn? I suggest you turn to one of Jesus’ most intriguing teachings about prayer.
Suppose you went to a friend’s house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You say to him, “A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit, and I have nothing for him to eat.” And suppose he calls out from his bedroom, “Don’t bother me. The door is locked for the night, and my family and I are all in bed. I can’t help you.” But I tell you this — though he won’t do it for friendship’s sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence.
And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. — Luke 11:5-10
That’s you ringing the doorbell at midnight. The neighborhood is quiet. The streets are still. The sky is dark, and so is your friend’s two-story house. But still you ring his doorbell, not once or twice but three times. Ding-dong. Ding-dong. Ding-dong. It’s a big house, so it has a big chime. His Chihuahua wakes up. He has this snappy, who-do-you-think-you-are bark: “Ruff, ruff, ruff.”
You envision what is happening upstairs. Your friend’s wife is giving him a kick beneath the blankets. “Hank, get up! Someone is at the door.” Poor guy. One minute sound asleep. The next, kicked out of bed. Doorbell ringing, dog barking. He’s not going to like this.
The porch light comes on. The door opens. Boy, does he look like a mess. Boxer shorts. T-shirt. Bed hair. Face lined with pillow creases and covered in whiskers.
“What in the world are you doing here?” he asks.
“A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit, and I have nothing for him to eat,” you answer. The home owner grumbles and complains, but you insist. “Come on, Hank, please.” Finally Hank acquiesces, invites you in, and takes you to his pantry. You fill a basket with food and take it home. And your surprise guest doesn’t have to go to bed hungry. All because you spoke up on behalf of someone else.
This is intercessory prayer at its purest, a confluence of paucity and audacity.
Father, You are good. They need help. I can’t, but You can.
“I can’t heal them, but, God, You can.”
“I can’t forgive them, but, God, You can.”
“I can’t help them, but, God, You can.”
This prayer gets God’s attention. After all, if Hank, a cranky, disgruntled friend, will help out, how much more will God do? He never sleeps. He’s never irritated. When you knock on His door, He responds quickly and fairly.
Jesus never refused an intercessory request. Ever!
He heard so many requests that at times the disciples attempted to turn people away (Matthew 15:22-23). Yet Jesus would not let them.
Great crowds came to Him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at His feet; and He healed them. — Matthew 15:30
He never grew impatient at the requests. But He did grow impatient at the lack of one.
A father once brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples of Jesus. They attempted to help the boy but failed. When Jesus learned of their failure, He erupted in frustration.
O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me. — Matthew 17:17
Such an outburst! Jesus is so über-patient that any sign of impatience is disconcerting. What was the oversight of the disciples? Simple. They never took the boy to Jesus. Not in person and apparently not in prayer. They attempted to heal the boy without calling on Christ. He had to command them: “Bring him here to Me.”
Jesus had a strong word for this: unbelief. “Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, ‘Why could we not cast it out?’ So Jesus said to them, ‘Because of your unbelief’” (Matthew 17:19-20).
Unbelief: attempting to help others without calling on Jesus.
Belief: pounding on God’s door at midnight. Doing whatever it takes to present people to Jesus.
À la Moses on Sinai. When God saw the golden calf stunt, he was ready to wipe out the nation of Israel. They were eyewitnesses to ten plagues and one Red Sea opening. Their bellies were full of God-given manna and heaven-sent quail, but did they remember their Deliverer? No, they danced the night away in front of a homemade statue. God was not happy.
Then the Lord said to Moses,
Go down from this mountain, because your people, the people you brought out of the land of Egypt, have ruined themselves. They have quickly turned away from the things I commanded them to do… I have seen these people, and I know that they are very stubborn. So now do not stop Me. I am so angry with them that I am going to destroy them. Then I will make you and your descendants a great nation.
— Exodus 32:7-10
Dry grass on Mount Vesuvius stood a better chance of survival. Their only hope was their octogenarian leader, who’d met God, possibly on this same mountain, some years earlier. If Moses had any clout, this was the time to use it. He did.
[Moses] begged the Lord his God and said,
Lord, don’t let Your anger destroy Your people, whom You brought out of Egypt with Your great power and strength. Don’t let the people of Egypt say, ‘The Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt for an evil purpose. He planned to kill them in the mountains and destroy them from the earth.’ So stop being angry, and don’t destroy Your people.
— Exodus 32:11–12
Look at the passion of Moses. On his face one minute, in God’s face the next. He’s on his knees, pointing his finger, lifting his hands. Shedding tears. Shredding his cloak. Wrestling like Jacob at Jabbok for the lives of his people.
And how did God react?
So the Lord changed His mind and did not destroy the people as He had said He might. — Exodus 32:14
This is the promise of prayer! We can change God’s mind! His ultimate will is inflexible, but the implementation of His will is not. He does not change in His character and purpose, but He does alter His strategy because of the appeals of His children. We do not change His intention, but we can influence His actions.
After all, we are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Ambassadors represent the king. They speak with the authority of the throne. They carry with them the imprimatur of the one who sent them. If an ambassador sends a request to the king, will the king listen?
If you, God’s ambassador in this world, come to your King with a request, will He listen? By all means. You actually have a “seat with [Christ] in the heavens” (Ephesians 2:6). You don’t have a seat at the Supreme Court or in the House of Representatives. You have one far more strategic; you have a seat in the government of God. Like a congressman you represent a district. You speak on behalf of your family, neighborhood, or softball team. Your sphere of influence is your region. As you grow in faith, your district expands. God burdens you with a concern for orphans, distant lands, or needy people. You respond to these promptings by prayer.
Father… they need help.
You are Moses in your cul-de-sac. Moses in your workforce. Moses in your classroom. You plead with God on other people’s behalf.
Intercessory prayer isn’t rocket science. It acknowledges our inability and God’s ability. We come with empty hands but high hopes. Why? God “is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). He “will supply all [our] needs according to His riches” (Philippians 4:19). When God gives, He gives a gift that is “pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap” (Luke 6:38).
Nothing pleases Jesus as much as being audaciously trusted. When we bring people to Jesus, He opens the pantry.
Go ahead. Make the midnight knock. Stand up on behalf of those you love. And, yes, stand up on behalf of those you do not.
Pray for those who hurt you. — Matthew 5:44
The quickest way to douse the fire of anger is with a bucket of prayer. Rather than rant, rave, or seek revenge, pray. Jesus did this. While hanging on the cross, He interceded for His enemies:
Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing.
— Luke 23:34
Jesus, even Jesus, left His enemies in God’s hands. Shouldn’t we do the same? You are never more like Jesus than when you pray for others. Pray for those you love; pray for those you don’t. Pray for this hurting world. Present their case to the Giver of bread.
And bring a grocery basket. God will give you plenty of blessings to take back to them. —Max Lucado
A great way to dive deeply into the Scriptures and foster relationships with other young adults, Adventist Young Professionals Bible Study is a great place to meet others while being inspired and challenged. We’d love to have you join in. Register at
#GrowingYoungAdventists series on The Morning Watch. Tune in at 08:00 (GMT+8) every Sabbath this May and learn how you could join our virtual challenge and win a free resource copy of the Growing Young that many leaders are using today!
In The River, Egypt, Stand In Your Love, So Will I, Run To The Father #WorshipSet#May16 10:15AM CDT #YGclose #ygchurch
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS // The GOD Who Won’t Comply with Distancing
Throughout Scriptures, people have lived in the tension of not knowing exactly GOD’s proximity to their lives and/or circumstances. Some have wished to run from Him, others have wanted to experience Him up close and personal. In this day and age, where have you encountered GOD, and what has it revealed to you about Who He is?
Join Younger Generation Church in their new series, “Close Encounters,” Saturdays, 10:15AM CDT, #YGclose #ygchurch
”In those times when you don’t just FEEL turned on, but ARE turned on. He’s asking you to draw nearer. To come closer. To let Him love you. And to trust that one sweet day, because of what HE did for us, all the hate will be gone too. That hate that hurts His heart even more than our own.” —Darla Lauterbach Reeves
Click the above icon or here for the blog at “The Love We Crave.”
It’s going down tonight! 🔥You gonna be lit and join or naw?!
Join us on Facebook or Instagram at 6:30pm
Freedom from sin is a real thing.
see you nightly. may 15-29. 9 ET, 8 CT, 6 PT
Do you believe? Either way it’s true.
The Gospel is clear about what is ours in and through Jesus today. According to the word of our Father we stand righteous, justified, pure, totally new in Him, today. What are you waiting for? Believe His word over everything you know to be true.
Romans 8
Sponsored by Revive Youth Rally, the Youth Ministry Equipping Webinar is coming May 20 at 2:00 PM EDT. Dr. A Allan Martin will be presenting Growing Young Adventists.
To sign up click the above icon or here. The webinar is free and we would love to have you.
Revive Registration is currently open!
We have a passion for seeing students find their purpose and change the world, and we’re so glad to have you alongside us.
Revive Youth Rally is a yearly life-changing event where we see thousands of youth equipped and transformed through an encounter with the Spirit. With dozens of speakers and musicians over three days, students can have a unique and powerful experience they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
We know this has been a rough season and everything we’ve been doing to serve our youth has turned upside down. In the next couple of weeks we’ll be hosting an online Zoom webinar with youth pastors to walk through practical ideas for making your student ministry more impactful in your church and area.
As we prepare for Revive 2020 (July 31-August 2 in Charlotte NC) -- we’re anticipating when we will be able to gather again in person and know everyone will be so ready for that! We have created a series of webinars to help pastors, youth pastors, and youth leaders, grow their churches younger and strengthen their ministries. Join our first webinar, "Growing Young Adventists".
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. — Matthew 5:44
Do you know someone who is hard to love?
Maybe it’s someone who has a different personality or a friend who did something or said something that was hurtful to you. How do you treat this person?
Sometimes we like to get even. If people hurt us, we might want to hurt them back. Or we can be tempted to just end a friendship. To stay away from someone or say things behind someone’s back. But Jesus teaches us a different way — a better way.
Jesus taught that love is powerful. Love can melt someone’s hard heart. It can change someone’s attitude. Love can overcome evil. It’s easy to love those who love us but far more powerful and beautiful to love the unlovable.
We can pray for someone who has hurt us. We can do good to someone even if he or she has wronged us. We can respond with kind words. We can bless someone by loving him or her when the person doesn’t deserve it.
This kind of love is not only powerful; it’s possible! How? Because this is exactly how God has loved us. Jesus says to “be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36). And this love of God lives in us.
Treat others the way you want to be treated (Luke 6:31). How do you want to be treated by someone else? How do you like someone to talk to you? Jesus told us the best way to treat others, including our enemies, is the way we want to be treated!
Following Jesus is about trusting what He says. It’s about believing God’s way of living is far better than our way of living!
How will you love someone who is hard to love? Resist the temptation to get back at others. Instead, pray for them. Pray for your own heart. Pray that Jesus would help you love others the way He has loved you.
• What are ways that people try to get even?
• How can love change someone’s heart?
• In what ways has God treated us better than we deserve?
Lord, teach us to love and forgive those who mistreat us. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so we can do good, be prayerful, and bless others. In Jesus’ name, amen.
For Further Study: Matthew 5:43-48; Luke 6:27-36
--Patrick & Ruth Schwenk
“Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.” —Matthew 7:1-5 [Message]
A couple of years ago, I was asked to speak at a local outlet of a national conference. I gave a short talk on the civic engagement of millennial women and then joined a small group of attendees at one of the tables that peppered the room. Everyone had been asked to discuss the topic just presented, and seeing that I was the presenter, it was more than a little awkward.
After a few seconds of silence as we shifted in our chairs, a middle-aged man in a Carhartt jacket spoke up. He said — and I can still hear it clear as day — “I just hate how women feel like they need to measure up to Rihanna on Instagram.”
This comment was so out of place that it felt like a scratched record, and we all whipped our heads around to face him. I stifled a giggle, because, really, did he just say we all want to be like Rihanna?
A woman named Joy (I looked at her name tag) cleared her throat. She had the look of a tired woman who was trying to do a good job at just about everything. What she said stunned me into nine months of introspection: “Honestly, I don’t think we hold Rihanna up as our idol. I think we try to measure up to other Christian women we see on social media — those women who are doing ‘big things’ for Jesus. It looks important, and who doesn’t want to serve the Lord?”
She had just been to a national leadership event and said she talked to many women who had similar concerns. You could tell it was weighing heavily on her spirit.
On our phones, we have a portal into the lives of any one of 2.62 billion people in the world who use social media. [1] We can see our favorite movie star, not relegated just to the covers of magazines anymore, but creating her own content and publishing multiple times a day. We can peek into the day of our neighbors down the street, getting a glimpse at rooms of their houses we may never see in real life. We can follow the people we love, and we can follow the people we love to hate.
But the most tempting, I believe, is to look at women who are quite like us. We see them buying clothes that look like ours but are a little more expensive and cooking food that’s like ours but maybe tastes better. We see her serving, leading, and growing, and we may be tempted to feel that our lives don’t measure up anymore.
The university I attended regularly lauds “world changers” — Christians who have done big things for the Lord. There is even a little memorial in the library with the busts of these distinguished few. The problem with everyone thinking they need to change the world, though, is that very few of us ever really do that in a global kind of way.
The worlds we change are the tiny microworlds at our table, over the backyard fence, in the waiting room at the hospital ER. That kind of world changing isn’t as glamorous as a speaking tour or a nonprofit start-up or a side hustle. But that kind of world-changing work is how Jesus operated. He never sought a platform and actually often absolutely rejected the attention (see such passages as Matthew 9:30; Mark 1:43-44; Mark 3:12; Mark 5:43; Mark 8:30; and others).
Our reality is distorted by comparison.
We’re discouraged by what we would be thrilled about if we didn’t have anything else to compare it to. How sad is that? What we would consider an absolute success and a blessing to us and others in any other situation suddenly feels pale and small when we see the bright lights, hair, and makeup of someone else’s service. --Hayley Morgan
1. “Number of Social Network Users Worldwide from 2010 to 2021,” The Statistics Portal
Who You Say I Am, Goodness Of God, Peace Be Still, Closer #WorshipSet #May9 10:15AM CDT #YGcloser #ygchurch
This is what I will do in the last days, God says:
I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.
Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message;
your young men will see visions,
and your old men will have dreams.
Yes, even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will proclaim my message. –Acts 2:17-18 [GNT]
Paul wrote to Timothy, ” Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.” (1 Tim. 4:12-14) . . .
I believe that young adults can collaborate with the Church in surprising and unprecedented ways. —Joseph Khabbaz [Click here for Pastor Joseph’s full blog]
WHAT IF your church became the best place for all generations to grow. . . together? Growing Young Adventists is a journey towards establishing a thriving local church that will impact their community for generations to come.
Falling Into You, Better Word, Run To The Father, King Of Kings, Healer #WorshipSet #May2 10:15AM CDT #YGclose #ygchurch
The Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists has asked Pastor Allan Martin to share a devotional for their Sabbath Morning Watch, which goes live this Friday evening, 7:00PM CDT. You are invited to attend as he shares insights and inspiration about Growing Young Adventists. Click the above icon or here to join the Facebook LIVE broadcast.
When you give specifically to YG, it fosters growth in our young adult ministry and bears fruit. Click the above icon or here to find out more of how your generosity is making a difference. If you already faithfully give and would like to increase your support or automate it, go to
“There was an intense sense of togetherness among all who believed; they shared all their material possessions in trust. They sold any possessions and goods that did not benefit the community and used the money to help everyone in need.” —Acts 2:44-45 [Voice]
One of the greatest characteristics of faithful, Christ-centered community is our willingness to share.
An update posted 04/24/2020 by Hayley Proctor:
”Many of you may already know, but baby Vivian Rose Gil arrived yesterday and we couldn't be more thrilled!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made this Meal Train such a success!
We only have three more slots to fill but I know Mandy and Ryan will be/are already so thankful for the outpouring of love over their family.
You have all proven that our Village can rally like no other! Thank you for that. Baby Vivi is the newest member of our church family and I know once this season is behind us we will be doting on her for years to come.
Please continue to pray over Mandy and Ryan as they navigate the whirlwind of caring for two precious little ones. The next few months will no doubt be filled with utter joy, but also utter exhaustion at times. Your prayers will go a long way in sustaining them.
Thank you once more for your generosity and on behalf of your church family, Welcome to the world Baby Vivi!"
We just want a chance to meet up to connect and pray over each other. YG TP is a relaxed virtual get together for all ages, just before sunset on Sabbath to touch base. Click the above icon to join YG TP on Zoom or contact Pastor Allan for access.
During these extraordinary times, we benefit from innovating ways to connect and build community amidst the challenges that surround us. At Younger Generation Church, we want to encourage you to seek out ways to do life together while we abide by pandemic precautions and social distancing guidelines. Click the above icon or here to discover daily opportunities to connect with each other.
VIRTUAL FAMILY COOK-OFF // April 26 at 12:00 p.m. [CDT]
In times like these it’s really important to stay connected and active. Which is why we would like for you and your family to join the very first virtual FAMILY COOK-OFF on April 26 at 12:00 p.m. Participation is FREE! Just sign up at ‼️
** Be sure that you have the four required ingredients in advance (listed on the website) and the day of the competition we'll reveal whether you will be using the ingredients in a main dish or dessert. The rest is up to you!
Be creative! Entries will be judged in two categories:
• Team Spirit (decorate the kitchen, choose a team name, wear costumes, etc.) and
• Food Presentation (make it look as awesome as it tastes).
Prizes will be awarded! ‼️Participation is FREE! The event is in support of the Burton Adventist Academy Worthy Student Fund. We know not everyone can donate, but if you can, this is a great opportunity to support our students. Visit for details and to sign up.
We'll see you all on April 26!
The Kaitaia Seventh-day Adventist Church has invited Pastor Allan to speak for their Sabbath service via Zoom, and you are welcome to join your worship with theirs. Click here or the above icon for all the details, including Zoom access.
”As a community of faith, we have witnessed God’s provision for us in times of difficulty. Corporately and individually we have countless stories that contribute to the stream of praise that we give to Him in celebration of His faithfulness. We know that right now many of us are going through difficulties and trials but based on the past we know that God is going to take us Beyond today’s struggles. As He was with Israel in the desert, so He is with us now. By His Spirit of generosity, He is preparing for us to meet the needs of the future that lay beyond right now. As a community of faith, we want to be able to help with the needs that we know will arise. That’s why we are asking for you to reflect on what God has done in the past and prayerfully consider a gift that is beyond what you would normally give. God is the ultimate provider for our needs, but He works through the generous Spirit of His disciples to meet the needs of His church.” --Kevin Wells, Senior Pastor
Giving Beyond what you have given before will empower our church to care for the extraordinary needs of our community and the ministry opportunities that arise in the midst of the pandemic, and inevitably in its aftermath. You can contribute through Text-to-Give right now.
• Step One: Text the amount you want to give [dollar sign ($) isn't necessary], one space and the word "beyond" to (833) 956-8246.
• Step Two: You will receive a text back with a link to enter in your information, address and credit card information. Text-to-give exclusively uses credit card transactions; Our apologies, no debit cards.
• Step Three: It will confirm the amount you are giving. Then hit "process.” Following, you should receive a confirmation/appreciation text.
Give Online or by App: You can also participate in Giving Beyond, by contributing to “Local Budget” through our online portal or our giving app (iOS Store or Google Play).
Even before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, the Burton Adventist Academy mission trip to Peru was on our prayer list as an endeavor of personal and communal interest. Little did we know the odyssey that was ahead and the close encounters in store. I think it best for the missionaries to tell the GOD-story not fully shared by the headlines. But first, let’s set the scene…
As COVID-19 evolved into a pandemic, the Peruvian President announced that the country would be shutting down it’s borders, giving all visiting foreigners merely hours to evacuate the country.
One of thousands of examples of Americans who were attempting to leave Peru before the border closures…
Our Burton Adventist Academy missionaries share their experiences and how they saw GOD in the midst of their adventures.
Dr. Josh Long was among the medical volunteers who were part of the BAA Mission Trip. He shares, in powerful detail, the miracle-filled adventure of returning home.
Pick up Dr. Long’s testimony at timemark 8:28
U.S. State Department reported over 50,000 Americans were stranded abroad because of border closures and canceled flights related to COVID-19. INSIDER shares some of their stories…
Unabridged: Burton Adventist Academy students share their experience as part of UG Talks, an online podcast of UG Youth.
Check out Emli’s story at timemark 51:16
Pick up the action at timemark 10:18
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: The GOD Who Won't Comply with Distancing
Whatever the form of bondage, imprisonment, or lockdown, GOD is your Deliverer, He will rescue you.
But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; –Isaiah 43:1-3a [NIV]
Throughout Scriptures, people have lived in the tension of not knowing exactly GOD’s proximity to their lives and/or circumstances. Some have wished to run from Him, others have wanted to experience Him up close and personal. In this day and age, where have you encountered GOD, and what has it revealed to you about Who He is?
“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” --Matthew 28:20b [NLT]
Join Younger Generation Church in their Spring series, Close Encounters, Saturdays, 10:15AM CDT, #YGclose #ygchurch
We are in awe of GOD’s providence over our BAA missionaries, and so grateful for His faithfulness. A timely ballad included in Younger Generation Church's set this Sabbath, "Egypt" is performed by Edgar Joel Galvez. Meditate on the lyrics and let the affirmation bring you Sabbath peace.
I won't forget, the wonder of how You brought
Deliverance, the exodus of my heart
'Cause You found me, You freed me
Held back the waters for my release
O Yahweh
You're the God who fights for me
Lord of every victory
You have torn apart the sea
You have led me through the deep
Hallelujah, oh
The cloud by day, is a sign that You are with me
The fire by night, is the guiding light to my feet
'Cause You found me, You freed me
Held back the waters for my release
O Yahweh
You're the God who fights for me
Lord of every victory
You have torn apart the sea
You have led me through the deep
Hallelujah, oh
You're the God who fights for me
Lord of every victory
You have torn apart the sea
You have led me through the deep
Hallelujah, oh
You stepped into my Egypt
And You took me by the hand
And You marched me out in freedom
Into the promised land
And now I will not forget You, no
I'll sing of all You've done
Death is swallowed up forever
By the fury of Your love
'Cause You stepped into my Egypt
And You took me by the hand
You marched me out in freedom
Into the promised land
Now I will not forget You, God
I'll sing of all You've done
Death is swallowed up forever
By the fury of Your love
You're the God who fights for me
Lord of every victory
You have torn apart the sea
You have led me through the deep
And You're the God who fights for me
Lord of every victory
And You have torn apart the sea
You have led me through the deep
'Cause You stepped into my Egypt
You took me by the hand
And You marched me out in freedom
Straight into the promised land
Now I will not forget You, no
I'll sing of all You've done
Death is swallowed up forever
By the fury of Your love
We are not paralyzed by the pandemic. We are not frozen in fear. We are the vibrant body of Christ called to action for such a time as this. Keeping you up to date with all opportunities for Younger Generation Church
We are not paralyzed by the pandemic. We are not frozen in fear. We are the vibrant body of Christ called to action for such a time as this. Click icon above or here for STUFF TO DO.
In the next few weeks, we predict that we will get many calls for the following items...If you would like to help stock our Food Pantry, please drop off your donations at the entrance of the church office during business hours. We will pick up items as they are dropped off.
• Meals-In-A-Can (Soup, Ravioli, etc.)
• Meals-In-A-Box (Instant Mashed Potatoes, etc.)
• Canned Beans
• Canned Vegetables
• Canned Fruit
• Soap
• Hand Sanitizer
Click here or the above icon for more information about Revive Community Care.
For Fred Rogers, the practical outworking of loving our neighbor—using not only our heart and eyes but our hands—is what defined a hero:
“To see people who will notice a need in the world and do something about it, and rather than view it with despair they view it with hope—that to me is such an enormous gift in this life. Those are my heroes. You know, there are so many people who say, ‘It’s not my kid, it’s not my school, it’s not my community’—you know, ‘forget it.’ But there are some others who say, ‘It is my kid, it is my school . . .’”
Fred’s mother had always called these people “the helpers.”
When he was a boy and he was frightened by some news he had heard, his mother would say, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
Fred did look for the helpers, those who notice a need in the world and do something about it, and they became his heroes, modeling the lesson Jesus taught His disciples, as recorded in Matthew 25:35–45.
Helpers are people like Dr. Orr, who not only taught theology but also lived it. Fred remembered one day when Dr. Orr went out to lunch on a winter afternoon and came back without his overcoat. Fred asked him about his errant coat, and Dr. Orr simply replied that he had another one at home. He never let on that he had given it to someone who didn’t have one.
“I needed clothes and you clothed me.”
Another helper was Henri Nouwen, the prolific writer who taught at Harvard but resigned to become pastor to the disabled members of the L’Arche community in Toronto. Among Henri’s daily responsibilities was the bathing, shaving, dressing, and feeding of a severely disabled man named Adam. In the end, Henri noted, it was Adam who taught him. This is why Fred called Henri “one of my revered people in this life; he’s a hero.”
“I was sick and you looked after me.”
Helper William Wasson started a ministry for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters” in Mexico. Fred told me why he considered Father Wasson his hero: “He went to Mexico forty years ago to die. He was very ill. Obviously he didn’t die. He was in a little parish there, and there were two kids who were stealing from the church’s poor box, and those kids were taken to jail. And Bill Wasson went to the jail and said, ‘Do you think I could take care of those kids at home?’ and they said, ‘Sure,’ you know, ‘gladly.’ So he took them home, and two days later the people at the jail called and said, ‘We’ve got two more,’ and he said, ‘Send them over.’ Well, in a matter of a month he had about seventeen kids, and he had to move to bigger quarters, and he’s adopted them all, legally adopted all these kids.
“In the last twenty-five years he has adopted about six thousand children. They have their own schools, and many of them now are second generation, and they have come back to help work with the new pequeños who are coming. They have places in Haiti; I went to visit a place in Haiti that they have for babies with AIDS.” Father Wasson went to Mexico to die but instead discovered a reason to live.
“I was a stranger and you invited me in.”
Fred was a helper too. He didn’t view the television set as a protective buffer between himself and his audience, like the raised pulpit of old that elevated the preacher above the common fray. He wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. He once told me he went into a maximum-security prison in Pittsburgh and taught a college course in child development. “I’m still in touch with a couple of the students (one was released, one was not),” he wrote in a letter. I noticed that he used the word “students” and not “inmates.” He was their teacher, but in return he learned from them and forged enduring friendships.
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?” the disciples asked Him. “When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?”
Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (see Matthew 25:35-40). --Amy Hollingsworth
Digital Hang Outs, Check Ins, and Bible Studies
Throughout the week you may be looking for ways to connect with others or deepen your devotion to Christ Jesus, here are a couple we would recommend to you:
Hey Younger Generation Church! We just want a chance to meet up to connect and pray over each other. All YGers of all ages are welcome! Click the above icon at 7PM this Saturday to join us on Zoom. Or DM Pastor Allan for TP access.
The Well Worship hosts a Sunday check in with young adults, providing encouragement and prayer for each other. Held Sundays, 7:00PM CDT, via Zoom Meeting: 96995790136
As our world deals with the Coronavirus, our churches have moved online, our workplaces have had to make adjustments, and some of us have even been ordered to shelter at home! Regardless of your situation, we recognize that it is tough to adjust to this new way of life.
How It Works:
Each day Adventist Young Professionals will be hosting a short, 30-minute devotional where you can connect with individuals locally and around the world. Your host will lead a short 10-minute discussion followed by a popcorn prayer. You will have the opportunity to meet new people whom you can continue getting to know via AYP’s global Facebook group following our Zoom call. To RSVP and receive the link to our daily devotional, click here or the icon above. If you would like to receive text reminders prior to our steam, feel free to add your number as well. We can’t wait to meet you at AYP Devotionals!
Each weekday, we will be hosting a short 30 minute devotional where you can connect with individuals locally and around the world. Your host will lead a short 10 minute discussion followed by a popcorn prayer. You will have the opportunity to meet new people whom you can continue getting to know via AYP’s global Facebook group following our Zoom call!
How to Join:
To RSVP and receive the link to our daily devotional, click here or the icon above. If you would like to receive text reminders prior to our steam, feel free to add your number as well. We can’t wait to meet you at AYP Devotionals!
Thank you so much for your generosity to Younger Generation Church! We are committed to deepening the devotion of next generations to Christ Jesus, and we’re not waiting until they are young adults to help them foster identity, belonging, and purpose as the Church. Your financial support, volunteer service, and active involvement make our ministry thrive. We encourage you to automate your tax-deductible contributions at
Looking for moving worship services, inspirational speakers, exceptional sermon series? Here’s some suggestions for your consideration.
Available on-demand just about every YG Church sermon and service for the past decade and beyond.
Click here or the above icon for access to YG’s Vimeo channel.
Our very lives are knit together by the stories we share. The fabric of Jesus' faithfulness is not a fairy tale, but rather a golden thread that weaves us together, forming a tapestry of belonging, purpose, and identity in Him.
Click here or the above icon for the on-demand sermon series.
ON PURPOSE: Living A Life Of Intention
Ultimately how we define the purpose of our lives will impact every aspect of it. Join Younger Generation Church as we discover what on Earth are we here for. #YGonPurpose #ygchurch #PurposeDrivenLife
Click here or the above icon for the on-demand sermon series.
VENTURING INTO UNBELIEF: 2019 Speaker Series of Arlington
Ty Gibson is the co-director of Light Bearers and the pastor of Storyline Seventh-day Adventist Church in Eugene, Oregon.
Click here or the above icon for the on-demand speaker series.
No matter where you are, you're invited to join your worship with ours, anytime, anywhere. . .
> LIVE Saturdays, 10:15AM [Central],
> LIVE Simulcast on Facebook LIVE,
> 24/7 ON DEMAND,
Beyond the great options already in play for doing life together, you may feel inclined to start a new LIFEgroup online, Bible study or other community-building digital gathering. Or maybe you’re looking for resources to deepen your own devotion to Jesus. We have a great array of online options to support you.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by stress, fear, and anxiety, especially with the challenges in today’s culture and world. We want to help you find peace in the midst of the current storms, and hope these resources might be of help. Click here or the above icon for the resource page.
Our digital ministry library offers over 20,000 video-based Bible studies at your finger tips. Contact Pastor Tom [] to gain access to our RightNow digital Bible study library.
Using young voices, online videos and blogs, iBELIEVE BIBLE wants the Bible to be accessible, enjoyable, and appreciated by a new generation. They want you to be able to engage the Bible for yourself.
iBELIEVE BIBLE publishes videos with an article and Bible study questions. You can use them in your small group, for preaching guides, or your own personal study. Their goal is to keep the conversation about the Bible going, and to help people think through the big questions.
Twitter: @iBelieveBible (
Instagram: @iBelieveBible (
No matter where you are, you're invited to join your worship with ours, anytime, anywhere. . .
> LIVE Saturdays, 10:15AM [Central],
> LIVE Simulcast on Facebook LIVE,
> 24/7 ON DEMAND,
Want to explore further the Biblical principles that are foundational to our faith as Seventh-day Adventists? [truth]LINK provides great insights as you study your Bible and apply Scriptural truths to your life. Click the above icon to begin the online studies, or stop by the church office for a printed set to study.
March Now Available! Take advantage of a program designed for families to use at home during the week or even on Sabbath. The curriculum is free, online, and connected to the scope and sequence of our weekly Sabbath School lessons. Visit for access to this new resource!
Thank you so much for your generosity to Younger Generation Church! We are committed to deepening the devotion of next generations to Christ Jesus, and we’re not waiting until they are young adults to help them foster identity, belonging, and purpose as the Church. Your financial support, volunteer service, and active involvement make our ministry thrive. We encourage you to automate your tax-deductible contributions at
A great way to build community is through volunteering! All ages. As a family. With your friends. In areas you love. In new ways. On stage. Off stage. — ALL are invited to volunteer at Younger Generation Church. It’s not only a wonderful way to serve in ministry, it’s also one of the best ways to foster relationships. Sign up today,
• TEXT: Text @YGConnect to 81010 to receive updates as to YG activities and events.
• YG BLOG: We've just launched our YG Blog on our website to give you great information about our vibrant young adult ministry.
• FACEBOOK: You can also go to our Facebook page for all the latest events and updates,
• INSTAGRAM: And of course you can follow us on Instagram, @ygchurch or check out our website,
Previously at Younger Generation Church…
Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church Parking Lot, 4409 Pleasantview Drive
Due to COVID-19 blood donations are down by 50% if not more. Even though everyone is on high alert; if our community blood supply continues to suffer, life-saving surgeries & transfusions will be affected in a catastrophic way. Giving blood is an essential service and is still very safe to do. Carter Blood Care's mobile unit will be on our campus on April 18, 2020 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. To make an appointment, click here or the above icon.
If you are interested in getting involved in leadership with Younger Generation Church, join us this Tuesday as our leadership convenes virtually. In order to get the Zoom meeting code, contact Pastor A Allan Martin.
Shantel M. Smith, Friday Evening Host, AYP Devotionals
Shantel Smith, a Toronto native, attended Tyndale University College and Seminary and completed her Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Psychology. She then continued on to Andrews University where she completed her masters of Divinity, and distinguished herself by mastering Advanced Biblical Hebrew at the PhD level.
Shantel has worked as a chaplain at two prominent Christian universities and immediately after grad school she started an anti-sex trafficking project in Thailand and Cambodia. She currently serves as a local church pastor in Los Angeles at a church called Fellowship. Her favorite text is taken from Deuteronomy 30:15 “Today I place before you life and death, happiness and misery, prosperity and disaster. Choose Life!”
To RSVP and receive the link to our daily devotional, click here or the icon above. If you would like to receive text reminders prior to our steam, feel free to add your number as well. We can’t wait to meet you at AYP Devotionals!
Eric Jean-Baptiste, Monday Host || AYP Devotionals
Eric Jean-Baptiste is passionate about youth ministry. He began preaching at his local church at a very young age and has b een working in youth ministry ever since. Sabbath School teacher, youth elder, student pastor, and Pathfinder/Adventurer Director are some of the past experiences he has had in the church as a youth leader. Eric serves the Lake Region Conference as Executive Coordinator for Pathfinder Ministries and specializes in drilling and marching and teen leadership training. where mentorship is essential.
You can usually find him in church mentoring a young person to reach their full potential. Eric is currently working toward his undergraduate degree with hope to join the Seminary at Andrews University to fulfill the call God has given him to be a pastor with an emphasis in Youth Ministry.
Eric is married to Eda, a registered nurse and awesome ministry partner. They both are parents to Ezra, their 4 year old son.
To RSVP and receive the link to our daily devotional, click here or the icon above. If you would like to receive text reminders prior to our steam, feel free to add your number as well. We can’t wait to meet you at AYP Devotionals!
Melissa Schiffbauer, Tuesday Evening Host, AYP Devotionals
Melissa currently lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband Braxton and their Maine Coon cat, Oliver. She graduated from Southern Adventist University in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. For two years, she taught middle school and served as a fundraising coordinator for a refugee non-profit. Now, Melissa works as a training advisor for the world-renowned training company Dale Carnegie.
In 2019 Melissa began writing a blog for young adults focused solely on Bible study. She is passionate about motivating others to study scripture for themselves rather than solely trusting their church or family and friends for guidance on spiritual matters. Her blog “A Bible & A Girl” has just over 2,000 readers and several of her articles are featured in Adventist Today Magazine. She recently released an Amazon exclusive ebook called, “The One Who Stayed” which highlights her personal experience with church.
When she’s not writing, Melissa enjoys figure skating, hiking, and swimming.
To RSVP and receive the link to our daily devotional, click here or the icon above. If you would like to receive text reminders prior to our steam, feel free to add your number as well. We can’t wait to meet you at AYP Devotionals!
Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church Senior Pastor, Paul Kevin Wells, will be offering an all-church family online devotional, 9:00AM CDT,
> LIVE Saturdays, 9:00AM [Central],
> LIVE Simulcast on Facebook LIVE,
Legacy Worship Experience is an early morning classic and reflective worship experience for people of all ages. It is rooted firmly in Jesus Christ, the Bible and celebrates the heritage of our Adventist faith. It provides mission-driven, relevant Christ-focused messages both for individuals and families alike.
Virtual UGTALKS is a service specifically created for high school students to experience a family oriented gathering where ideas, questions, and thoughts can be shared freely within a safe and loving space. Get comfy and join the interactive live stream on Instagram @ugyouth. Join us in your PJs for some fun, prizes and worship!
> LIVE Saturdays, 11:30AM [Central],
UG Talks is specifically created for High School students from all walks of life to feel free to worship and dive deep in Bible study. In our time together students will experience a family oriented gathering where ideas, questions, and thoughts are shared freely within a safe and loving space.
To God Be The Glory - #341, Great I Am, Way Maker, Hosanna #WorshipSet #Mar28 11:30AM CDT
> LIVE Saturdays, 10:15AM [Central],
> LIVE Simulcast on Facebook LIVE,
Mosaic Worship Experience honors the beauty and diversity of the Arlington Adventist Church through a dynamic, praise-filled worship experience. The service provides mission-driven, relevant, and Christ-focused messages. The environment is welcoming to individuals and to families.
At this time, the Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB) has given us the green light to continue distributing food via our food pantry. However, this is subject to change, as we are also closely following the guidelines of the CDC, WHO & the NAD.
If we remain open, we will utilize a no-contact, drive-through model, which we will implement during our next regularly scheduled food pantry on Wednesday, March 25. We will be working with a small volunteer team and will take the proper safety precautions. If you are a regular volunteer, you will receive details on how this will take place. Please note that our highest priority is for the safety of our volunteers and clients and we will not operate unless we can do so in a safe manner.