MEET UP: UG YOUTH, 2nd Floor of Gayle Tucker Youth Annex,
Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, TX 76017.
CHECK IN: Thursday, June 10, 11:00AM CDT

9AM — Main Session Watch Party
10:40AM — Breakout 3 & Q&A
12:30PM — Breakout 4 & Q&A
1:45PM — Main Session Watch Party

11AM — Check In
12PM — Main Session Watch Party
2:30PM — Breakout 1 & Q&A
3:30PM — Breakout 2 & Q&A
6PM — Supper

LIFT: A Creative Collective is a time to gather together to learn, grow and be refreshed in your gifts with other creatives without the weight of leading others. These days will include Main Sessions with teaching and worship, as well as Breakouts ranging from leading worship to production to other creative themes and topics.

Although the main sessions and breakouts are all online, we want to gather together in person to enjoy community and food together. Thanks for registering.

Shortly you will receive notification of your being registered for online attendance which will give you access to resources and presentations from LIFT2021.


WHAT TO BRING: Bring your electronic device/s to watch your preferred breakouts giving you the option of going to in-person rooms or picking breakout sessions you personally prefer and watching it on your personal device.

Click here for a listing of this year’s breakouts.

Click here for a listing of this year’s breakouts.

“Keeping a healthy heart and perspective in ministry is the only way forward if you desire longevity.” —Misty Paige  As we prepare our hearts for LIFT: A Creative Collective, check out this article from our very own Passion Conferences Operations + Event Manager, Misty Paige, about how to sustain longevity in your career and lead well in your organization—no matter what comes your way. Click above icon or here.

“Keeping a healthy heart and perspective in ministry is the only way forward if you desire longevity.” —Misty Paige

As we prepare our hearts for LIFT: A Creative Collective, check out this article from our very own Passion Conferences Operations + Event Manager, Misty Paige, about how to sustain longevity in your career and lead well in your organization—no matter what comes your way. Click above icon or here.




A CALLING THAT NEVER ENDS Here’s the misguided idea we need to reconsider about dreams. Many of us talk about God’s calling or the dream He has for us as if it’s some distant, yet-to-be-attained thing. It is perpetually in the future, not the present. It is ever before us, just beyond reach. It will be realized only on some magical day in the future when all the stars align, our circumstances are rosy, and everything feels perfect.Until that day, the longing for our dream stalks us, nags at us, all the while reminding us that we aren’t quite there yet. We might try to make sense of this by imagining that God is testing us. We reason that when we pass the test, then — and only then — will God open this elusive door to our dreams and let us in. Or we might reason instead that God is actively blocking our progress because it somehow isn’t godly to dream big dreams. We imagine that God will be satisfied only when we set our dreams aside and walk in “humility” by keeping our head down and our passions hidden.I sometimes refer to these ways of thinking as the dreamer’s roller coaster. We soar up on the momentum of faith, passion, and adrenaline. Then we plummet down the slope of doubt, fear, disappointment, and shame. We might make some minor adjustments, but then we repeat the same thing all over again. Up and down on a mental, emotional, and spiritual rollercoaster that leaves us some combination of nauseous and nowhere.It’s time to exit that crazy ride. It’s time to trade in the misguided ideas for something better — for Someone better. So here’s my pep talk for you.I believe in you. I believe in your dream. I believe in your calling. I believe you are fully equipped to start walking toward your dream today. Because your calling is happening right now. Your dreams, talents, and skills are to be walked in and walked toward today.Your dream isn’t only for future you, it’s for current you. The now you.Let me take another guess at what you might be thinking. How can you say that, Ryan? We don’t even know each other. How can you say you believe in me?You’re right! I don’t know you. I don’t know all your baggage and history. I don’t know where you live or where you came from. I don’t know how many Instagram followers you have or what you did last summer.But here’s what I do know, which is the foundation for this book: I believe in the Dream Giver.God is the momentum shifter and vision caster for your life.I don’t need to know you to know that God is the source of every worthwhile dream you have. That’s how I can say with full confidence that I believe in you, I believe in your dream, and I believe in your calling. Because your calling is at the intersection of your dream and God’s power. And as you walk in that calling, you realize that God saw those things first. He is the one who dreamed your dream for you. He is the one who planted that dream-seed deep in your heart in the first place. He is the owner and originator of every worthwhile dream. That means your role as a dreamer is not so much about taking ownership of your dream as it is taking stewardship of your dream. Your job is to take responsibility for the dream that ultimately belongs to God but is entrusted to you.This is so important: before you take the first step to get your dream off the ground, you must understand who you are relative to who God is. You must see yourself through His lens. You must see your dreams, gifts, and calling through His eyes. You must exit the dreamer’s roller coaster and anchor yourself to the Dream Giver’s firm foundation.Build your hope on the Dream Giver so you can pursue your dream with confidence.It’s something every dreamer needs to be reminded of — daily. Especially when we face dream killers such as the Critic, the Noise, and the Setback. To survive in a dog-eat-dog world and among enemies trying to take down our dreams, we must continually set our sights on God. Doing so is a habit of the heart that helps us put our confidence where it belongs — in the unchanging character of the Dream Giver.God is the one who created you. He fashioned you in your mother’s womb. He chased after you when you were lost. He knows everything about you — the person He made you to be. He never does anything without purpose, including creating you. He knows the true you. The you that is buried under guilt and mistakes. The you that is buried under the person you think you should be. The you that is buried under the careless words of friends or family that hurt you when you were young. The guilt, mistakes, and careless words aren’t you. They’re piles of dirt that have been shoveled over you, shoveled over the person God sees when He looks at you.You are God’s work of art.It says so in the Bible:“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” — Ephesians 2:10 ESVGod has recreated you through Jesus to be the true you—who you were always destined to be. He made good plans and dreamed good dreams for you before you were born. He longs to see you — His child — walk in those plans and realize those dreams. Jesus didn’t save you just so you would go to Heaven; He saved you to reveal the you who you were always meant to be. He wants to unearth the real you, the one liberated from the shackles of the world and the fear of others’ opinions.The you that is truly free.The moment you believe this — a deep-down, feel-it-in-your-bones sort of believing — your life will begin to change.And the key to believing is to consistently keep your mindset on the character of the Dream Giver. He is your source of all confidence and your greatest friend. So bring Him into this process. Invite His insight. Ask for His help. He won’t fail you. —Ryan Romeo

Here’s the misguided idea we need to reconsider about dreams. Many of us talk about God’s calling or the dream He has for us as if it’s some distant, yet-to-be-attained thing. It is perpetually in the future, not the present. It is ever before us, just beyond reach. It will be realized only on some magical day in the future when all the stars align, our circumstances are rosy, and everything feels perfect.

Until that day, the longing for our dream stalks us, nags at us, all the while reminding us that we aren’t quite there yet. We might try to make sense of this by imagining that God is testing us. We reason that when we pass the test, then — and only then — will God open this elusive door to our dreams and let us in. Or we might reason instead that God is actively blocking our progress because it somehow isn’t godly to dream big dreams. We imagine that God will be satisfied only when we set our dreams aside and walk in “humility” by keeping our head down and our passions hidden.

I sometimes refer to these ways of thinking as the dreamer’s roller coaster. We soar up on the momentum of faith, passion, and adrenaline. Then we plummet down the slope of doubt, fear, disappointment, and shame. We might make some minor adjustments, but then we repeat the same thing all over again. Up and down on a mental, emotional, and spiritual rollercoaster that leaves us some combination of nauseous and nowhere.

It’s time to exit that crazy ride. It’s time to trade in the misguided ideas for something better — for Someone better. So here’s my pep talk for you.

I believe in you. I believe in your dream. I believe in your calling. I believe you are fully equipped to start walking toward your dream today. Because your calling is happening right now. Your dreams, talents, and skills are to be walked in and walked toward today.

Your dream isn’t only for future you, it’s for current you. The now you.

Let me take another guess at what you might be thinking. How can you say that, Ryan? We don’t even know each other. How can you say you believe in me?

You’re right! I don’t know you. I don’t know all your baggage and history. I don’t know where you live or where you came from. I don’t know how many Instagram followers you have or what you did last summer.

But here’s what I do know, which is the foundation for this book: I believe in the Dream Giver.

God is the momentum shifter and vision caster for your life.

I don’t need to know you to know that God is the source of every worthwhile dream you have. That’s how I can say with full confidence that I believe in you, I believe in your dream, and I believe in your calling. Because your calling is at the intersection of your dream and God’s power. And as you walk in that calling, you realize that God saw those things first. He is the one who dreamed your dream for you. He is the one who planted that dream-seed deep in your heart in the first place. He is the owner and originator of every worthwhile dream. That means your role as a dreamer is not so much about taking ownership of your dream as it is taking stewardship of your dream. Your job is to take responsibility for the dream that ultimately belongs to God but is entrusted to you.

This is so important: before you take the first step to get your dream off the ground, you must understand who you are relative to who God is. You must see yourself through His lens. You must see your dreams, gifts, and calling through His eyes. You must exit the dreamer’s roller coaster and anchor yourself to the Dream Giver’s firm foundation.

Build your hope on the Dream Giver so you can pursue your dream with confidence.

It’s something every dreamer needs to be reminded of — daily. Especially when we face dream killers such as the Critic, the Noise, and the Setback. To survive in a dog-eat-dog world and among enemies trying to take down our dreams, we must continually set our sights on God. Doing so is a habit of the heart that helps us put our confidence where it belongs — in the unchanging character of the Dream Giver.

God is the one who created you. He fashioned you in your mother’s womb. He chased after you when you were lost. He knows everything about you — the person He made you to be. He never does anything without purpose, including creating you. He knows the true you. The you that is buried under guilt and mistakes. The you that is buried under the person you think you should be. The you that is buried under the careless words of friends or family that hurt you when you were young. The guilt, mistakes, and careless words aren’t you. They’re piles of dirt that have been shoveled over you, shoveled over the person God sees when He looks at you.

You are God’s work of art.

It says so in the Bible:

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” — Ephesians 2:10 ESV

God has recreated you through Jesus to be the true you—who you were always destined to be. He made good plans and dreamed good dreams for you before you were born. He longs to see you — His child — walk in those plans and realize those dreams. Jesus didn’t save you just so you would go to Heaven; He saved you to reveal the you who you were always meant to be. He wants to unearth the real you, the one liberated from the shackles of the world and the fear of others’ opinions.

The you that is truly free.

The moment you believe this — a deep-down, feel-it-in-your-bones sort of believing — your life will begin to change.

And the key to believing is to consistently keep your mindset on the character of the Dream Giver. He is your source of all confidence and your greatest friend. So bring Him into this process. Invite His insight. Ask for His help. He won’t fail you. —Ryan Romeo

ATTENTION CONTENT CREATORS! The Scratch and The Haystack are excited to announce a new Content Creators Search, empowering youth and young adult creators!In partnership with Adventist Learning Community of The North American Division, we are equipping (new cameras, lighting, microphones, etc.) and empowering ($$) the next generation of Adventist content creators.We would love your help of sharing this opportunity with the youth and young adults within your network. Please consider sharing this via your email lists, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages, newsletters, and bulletin inserts.Winners will receive:  - $1,000 worth of new gear (or $1k of upgrades) - $250 cash every month - Free consultation sessions with Adventist experts in social media, marketing, content creation, and production to help them be a better creator - An on-going, dedicated social media expert to advise them as they create content - Exposure via The Haystack’s channels and paid promotionsTo apply: Creators can visit or scan the QR code in the attached graphic.If you have any questions, feel free to email us (or ask Adam Fenner with Adventist Learning Community)! We are so excited to be supporting youth and young adult Adventists with 21st century methods.Sincerely, The Scratch News/The Haystack teams ||

The Scratch and The Haystack are excited to announce a new Content Creators Search, empowering youth and young adult creators!

In partnership with Adventist Learning Community of The North American Division, we are equipping (new cameras, lighting, microphones, etc.) and empowering ($$) the next generation of Adventist content creators.

We would love your help of sharing this opportunity with the youth and young adults within your network. Please consider sharing this via your email lists, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages, newsletters, and bulletin inserts.

Winners will receive:
- $1,000 worth of new gear (or $1k of upgrades)
- $250 cash every month
- Free consultation sessions with Adventist experts in social media, marketing, content creation, and production to help them be a better creator
- An on-going, dedicated social media expert to advise them as they create content
- Exposure via The Haystack’s channels and paid promotions

To apply: Creators can visit or scan the QR code in the attached graphic.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us (or ask Adam Fenner with Adventist Learning Community)! We are so excited to be supporting youth and young adult Adventists with 21st century methods.

The Scratch News/The Haystack teams ||

Younger Generation Church invites you to:

LIFT: A Creative Collective is a time to gather together to learn, grow and be refreshed in your gifts with other creatives without the weight of leading others. These days will include Main Sessions with teaching and worship, as well as Breakouts ranging from leading worship to production to other creative themes and topics.

We plan to gather in person at our church to “watch party” the main sessions and have various rooms in the Gayle Tucker Youth Annex for the online break out sessions. Supper Thursday and lunch Friday will be provided.


June 10-11, 2021 • Gayle Tucker Youth Annex • 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, TX
THURS 11:00AM — 8:00PM
FRI 9:00AM — 4:00PM

YG & UG Creatives and Volunteers — Free Registration
Creative Friends & Colleagues — $20

To register send email to with the following:
• Name
• Cell Number
• Preferred Email
• Where you serve or would like to be involved in YG and/or UG
[If you serve at another church, put that here]



CONTENT CREATORS FOR THE CREATOR // JUNE 6TH // 7:00PM CDT  She grew up in a conservative Adventist home. Her brother became the Grammy-winning beatboxer of PENTATONIX. Surrounded by creatives, she felt a calling to become one too. Hear Candie Olusola's story this Sunday on AYP's Content Creators for the Creator small group. Click above icon or here to register for this free event.

She grew up in a conservative Adventist home. Her brother became the Grammy-winning beatboxer of PENTATONIX. Surrounded by creatives, she felt a calling to become one too. Hear Candie Olusola's story this Sunday on AYP's Content Creators for the Creator small group. Click above icon or here to register for this free event.