This past week, we culminated nearly 70 days of focus on Jesus’ relationship with us in our series, “At the Table with Jesus.” Our intent was to build into habit consistently spending time and energies fostering a love relationship with Him.
So What Now?
With any new or established habit, continued practice is helpful to sustain the habit over the long haul. Let me offer a couple of suggestions to help you continue to strengthen your faith habits:
1. Share with a Friend: Go through At the Table with Jesus again, only this time do so with a friend. If not this book, you might use some other devotional you enjoy; The point being is to do it along with someone.
2. Add a New Habit: Since you have built some momentum with faith practices, maybe consider adding a new habit to your repertoire. May I suggest one? Thanks to our prayer leaders, we have a prayer room in Room 6 at our church. Why not come 40 minutes early to church on the weekend and spend some quality time in conversation with Christ? A comparable alternative would be to curate a “prayer closet” in your home, where you can make a practice of spending regular time in personal/family prayer.
3. Come Friday Night to Speaker Series at Arlington: On the weekend of October 14-15, make intentional plans to join us opening night, Friday at 7:00PM, with the intent of coming to all the sessions through Sabbath as well as enjoying fellowship at Shindig Saturday night. Much like a “date night” in a relationship, making extended plans to be together takes effort and planning, but doing so garners great benefits for a deeper relationship.
We’ve invited Pastor Karl Haffner to be our featured guest speaker, presenting, “Jesus. Only. All.”
And cap off the weekend with some wholesome community fellowship and fun at Shindig.
As you deepen your devotion to Jesus and nurture the faith habits that build a life-long friendship with Him, we pray that you will discover not only His deep love for you, but also His desire for you to live life to the full. May we make Jesus our all in all.