God Doesn't Call Superheroes

(God Doesn’t Call Superheroes)

“The LORD said to Abram: Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” - Genesis 12:1-2 [CSB]

My younger son is convinced that he is in fact a superhero. To be honest, I’m pretty convinced he is one too. I’ve gone so far as to purchase a superhero suit for him, (complete with an eye mask), to help him hide his true identity when chasing bad guys and fighting crime. When he was younger, he asked me about a tiny birthmark on his face. He wondered why it was there. I told him that I was pretty sure that every superhero had a special mark, and perhaps that was his. He has worn his mark proudly ever since and has worked day and night perfecting his superhero skills of speed (sigh), climbing things (another big sigh), jumping (deep cleansing breath sigh), and making people laugh. Yes, that last one really seals the deal!  

When we think about the superheroes of the Bible, one stands out among the rest. Father Abraham, who seems to have been especially marked by God for superhero status. Not only did he have two identities, (the one before he was called and the one after he was called), but he even had a grandiose name change along the way, seemingly solidifying his superhero status forever. Then there are, of course, his superhero powers of…

  1. Super Faith: The one that allowed him to leave his beloved country and family of origin behind, just because his GOD told him to (Gen 12:1-2).

  2. Super Love: The one that made him chase after and rescue his nephew Lot — not just one time (Gen 14: 14-16), but twice (Gen 18:20-33)!

  3. Super Obedience: Perhaps, the all-time kicker is the day he was willing to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac, just because GOD asked him to (Gen 22:2-12).

When we consider all that Abraham did and all that he was, it’s really easy for us to feel inadequate in comparison. It’s even easier to put Abraham on a pedestal and leave him way out there in superhero land. Untouchable, unfollowable, and absolutely, undeniably, a perfect superhero.

Thankfully, God doesn’t call perfect superheroes because Abraham was far from perfect. We forget the time where he was deceitful for his own self-preservation.  The time where he didn’t trust God enough to protect him because he was more afraid of a Pharoah than the God who had called Him to begin with (Gen 12:13). We forget the time when he was so scared and desperate for his well-being that he repeated that same deceitfulness with another king, King Abimelech (Gen 20:1-2). Last but not least, we forget the time when he thought it was a good idea to take his wife’s servant to fulfill God’s promise for Him (Gen 16:2-5).

If we read all of the story, we begin to see that unlike my son, Abraham was not much of a superhero at all. He was an ordinary man with a sometimes-messy life. He held some of the same fears, doubts and insecurities as the rest of us. While he was undoubtedly called by GOD, we can start taking him off of our pedestals. Because at the end of the day, Abraham was just like us. Called but Imperfect.  

I dare you to lean into that last sentence because it’s full of GOOD NEWS!

If Abraham was imperfect just like us, it means that there is hope for the imperfects like you and me. It means that…

  1. We too can experience an intimacy with God that knows no boundaries (Psalms 63:1-11)!

  2. We too have a calling and a purpose (Ephesians 2:10). One that was designed for us and has been waiting on us since before we were even formed (Jeremiah 1:5)!

  3. We too can hear God’s voice clearly when we choose to connect daily with Him (John 15:4), and we don’t have to be perfect for God to use us!

God knew that Abraham had limitations. God knew all about Abraham’s insecurities, his fears, his weaknesses, yet He still trusted him enough to be the father of His chosen people.

Instead of a super being, Abraham was and is an example of what super things God can do in our lives when we fully trust and obey Him. Abraham’s superhero faith came from his walk with a superhero God. Abraham reminds us that when we let God comes into our lives, we as ordinary people can suddenly do extraordinary things. Not because WE are extraordinary, but because we serve an EXTRAORDINARY GOD.

 So, what will God do with you?

My friends, God knows that you have limitations too. He knows your insecurities, your fears, your weakness. He knows about the messy parts of your life. He’s willing to work with you despite you. Just like He did with Abraham.

So, what will God do with you? When will you let him change your name? Are you willing to place your life in His hands with reckless abandon? Perhaps you are at a crossroads between the eager anticipation of obeying God’s calling and the fear of wondering what it might cost you? Are you willing to do what Abraham did to experience the joy of your birthed purpose? You don’t have to be a superhero. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be willing to let go. To walk out in blind obedient faith and into God’s loving will for your life.

- Pastor Heidi