Join Younger Generation Church’s Movies In Perspective group for its September gathering. We will gather at Arlington Adventist Church for a 7:00 PM sundown worship followed by a movie night! We will be playing A Raisin in the Sun!
Movies In Perspective:
Movies In Perspective is a LIFEgroup sponsored by Younger Generation Church in Arlington, Texas. The group provides opportunities for individuals to fellowship while enjoying new blockbuster hits. Beyond simply fostering a movie watching experience, Movies In Perspective encourages intentional conversations where attendees discover the movie’s connection to life.
Younger Generation Church:
Younger Generation Church is the vibrant young adult ministry of the Arlington Adventist Church. Focused on deepening devotion to Jesus Christ, the church seeks to foster an environment where its members may:
Pursue Intimacy with God
Experience Community with one another
Inspire those around them with the hope of grace
Younger Generation was established in 2004 and celebrates its 15th birthday in August 2019. Also known as “YG”, the church sponsors numerous LIFEgroup which meets across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex on a weekly and bi-weekly basis. More information is available at or by emailing