Young Adult LIFE


Young Adult LIFE connects and empowers an emerging generation of leaders to be changemakers in the Church, marketplace, and culture.

Based on an interdisciplinary framework for ministry leadership development, Young Adult LIFE endeavors to cultivate personal core competencies in these arenas:

Leadership Impact
Intergenerational Relationships
Faith Development
Everyday Compassion


LEADERSHIP IMPACT  Leadership influence emerges from personal transformation and growth. Leaders invest themselves in life-long learning. They cultivate a culture empowering the next generation of influencers and innovators; They actively model and …

Leadership influence emerges from personal transformation and growth. Leaders invest themselves in life-long learning. They cultivate a culture empowering the next generation of influencers and innovators; They actively model and teach, they vision and team together with those they lead. Leaders work collaboratively to adapt to change, identify core values, also produce constructive results in individual and collective settings—being conscientious to combine wisdom with innovation.

• Training [Identify elements of leadership, obtain instruction, implement, feedback, Kolb learning cycle]
Leadership Skills Development [Elements and progression, evaluation, change, applications]
Mentoring & Being Mentored [Identify mentors and mentees, topics/curriculum, reflection, formal and informal]

[aka Cultivate Empowerment--iCOR; Keychain Leadership--GYA; Empowering Leadership--NCD; Lead Self--AdventHealth]


> Tod Bolsinger, Vice President, Fuller Theological Seminary
> Gina Creek, Executive Director, AdventHealth Leadership Institute
> Kendra Arsenault, Host, Advent Next Podcast

Leadership Impact Panelists

Tod Bolsinger, MDiv, PhD, is a Senior Fellow of the De Pree Center for Leadership and Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary. Tod was the founder of the Fuller Leadership Platform, an innovative approach to online…

Tod Bolsinger, MDiv, PhD, is a Senior Fellow of the De Pree Center for Leadership and Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary. Tod was the founder of the Fuller Leadership Platform, an innovative approach to online formation and leadership development, and served as a Vice President of Fuller Seminary for six years.

He is the author of four books, including the Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year in pastoral leadership, Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, Leadership for a Time of Pandemic: Practicing Resilience and Tempered Resilience: How Leaders are Formed in the Crucible of Change. He served as a pastor for 27 years. Bolsinger speaks, consults and is an executive coach for corporate, non-profit, educational and church organizations in transformational leadership. His blogs and other resources can be found at

Tod is married to Beth, an executive coach, consultant and professional artist. They have two adult children, Brooks and Ali, and a son-in-law, Ben. An avid outdoor lover, if he hadn’t taken biology after lunch in high school, Tod would have been a National Park Ranger. When he retires, he is going to be a ski host who makes sure there are four people on every quad chair lift. He can be reached at

BONUS TRAINING: Pastoral and Christian Leadership Through a Pandemic and onto Uncharted Territory with Dr. Tod Bolsinger.

Gina Creek is the Executive Director of the Leadership Institute at AdventHealth. In this role, she is responsible for identifying, nurturing, and developing leaders for AdventHealth. She has worked at AdventHealth since 2011, holding positions in O…

Gina Creek is the Executive Director of the Leadership Institute at AdventHealth. In this role, she is responsible for identifying, nurturing, and developing leaders for AdventHealth. She has worked at AdventHealth since 2011, holding positions in Organizational Development, Change Management, and Leadership Coaching. Her biggest passion is helping leaders to find their calling, equipping them for success, and watching them change the world.

She holds a master’s degree in Organizational Development from Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri. She graduated from Union College with a degree in Mathematics education and spent several years teaching math, before moving to Florida. Gina is currently studying at Vanderbilt University, completing an Ed.D. in Leadership and Learning in Organization.

Gina is married to Greg, the Family Life Pastor at the WholeLife Church in Orlando, Florida. Their son, Gideon, is starting second grade this fall. The Creeks love to spend time in the mountains, snowboarding, and skiing whenever they get the chance.

LEADERS BUILD LEADERS WITH GINA CREEK  In this Rise and Lead Podcast episode, Benjamin Lundquist sits down for an awesome conversation with Gina Creek. Gina is the Director of the Leadership Institute for AdventHealth, one of the largest healthcare …

In this Rise and Lead Podcast episode, Benjamin Lundquist sits down for an awesome conversation with Gina Creek. Gina is the Director of the Leadership Institute for AdventHealth, one of the largest healthcare systems in the world. She is currently doing here PhD in Leadership at Vanderbuilt University, and in this episode she describes in detail, her own leadership development journey, which individual has impacted her life the most, and how you can discover your leadership niche and make a bigger impact. Make sure you share this episode with young and seasoned leaders alike, and be sure to subscribe to the Rise and Lead Podcast to ensure you get notified when new episodes release. Remember, the best time to rise and lead in now! Click here or the above icon to listen in.

ADVENTIST REVIEW: A MENTOR AND A MISSIONARY  A chaplain for nearly 40 years, Rich Carlson keeps making a difference in young people’s lives. Gina Creek shares about his impact. Click here or the above icon for the Adventist Review feature article.

A chaplain for nearly 40 years, Rich Carlson keeps making a difference in young people’s lives. Gina Creek shares about his impact. Click here or the above icon for the Adventist Review feature article.


INTERGENERATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Leaders foster warm, loving community across the generations, where the participation and interconnection of all ages is valued and practiced. They sharpen empathy, authenticity, and care as keystones to leadership.• …

Leaders foster warm, loving community across the generations, where the participation and interconnection of all ages is valued and practiced. They sharpen empathy, authenticity, and care as keystones to leadership.

• Caring, Listening, Understanding [Empathy, engagement, investment]
Connecting Intergenerationally [What it is, how to do it, where it’s already done and can be done]
Participating [Proactively Engage Youth & Young Families Everywhere]

[aka Foster Relationships--iCOR; Fuel Warm Community--GYA; Loving Relationships--NCD; Lead Others--AdventHealth]


> Joey Oh, Administrative Pastor, Loma Linda University Church of Seventh-day Adventists
> Justin Yang, Young Adult Ministry Director, Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
> Kendra Arsenault, Host, Advent Next Podcast

Intergenerational Relationships Panelists

Joey Oh is a man whose life belongs to a wife who is better than he deserves, two daughters who bring joy to his every waking moment, and a God whose grace made the first two possible. The rest of his time is divided between serving as the administr…

Joey Oh is a man whose life belongs to a wife who is better than he deserves, two daughters who bring joy to his every waking moment, and a God whose grace made the first two possible. The rest of his time is divided between serving as the administrative pastor of the Loma Linda University Church, playing whatever sports will have him, learning and teaching about leadership, and rooting for the oft disappointing Washington Football Team. He has earned degrees from Pacific Union College, Andrews University, and is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry on Leading Change from Fuller Seminary.

For more than 20+ years, Pastor Justin Yang has been involved with youth, young adult, senior and inter-generational ministries in various parts of the world. He now wakes up daily with the dream to see all of our churches becoming the best place fo…

For more than 20+ years, Pastor Justin Yang has been involved with youth, young adult, senior and inter-generational ministries in various parts of the world. He now wakes up daily with the dream to see all of our churches becoming the best place for all generations to grow together. He currently serves as the Young Adult Ministries Director for Texas Conference.


FAITH DEVELOPMENT  Leaders nurture Christ-centered spiritual growth that stems from a passionate love for Him. They foster faith habits and practices that engage the Scriptures as a dynamic compass for maturing in Christ, worshiping Him with their l…

Leaders nurture Christ-centered spiritual growth that stems from a passionate love for Him. They foster faith habits and practices that engage the Scriptures as a dynamic compass for maturing in Christ, worshiping Him with their lives, and following His lead in all things.

• Worshiping [Jesus-centered and celebrated, praise, testimony, music, commitment]
Teaching [Discovery, renewal, sharing, interaction, application]
Formation: Developing Spirituality [Spiritual Disciplines]

[aka Nurture Spiritual Growth--iCOR; Taking Jesus’ Message Seriously--GYA; Passionate Spirituality--NCD; Lead Whole-Self--AdventHealth]]


> Tacyana C. Nixon, Teaching Pastor, One Place Fellowship
> Tara VinCross, Senior Pastor, Azure Hills Church
> Chelsy Tyler, Associate Pastor, New Hope Church

Faith Development Panelists

Pastor Tacyana Nixon hails from Manchester, New Hampshire. She attended Andrews University and in 2013 she accepted the call to minister in New Jersey Conference. She was the first female to serve in New Jersey Conference where she pastored for 4 1/…

Pastor Tacyana Nixon hails from Manchester, New Hampshire. She attended Andrews University and in 2013 she accepted the call to minister in New Jersey Conference. She was the first female to serve in New Jersey Conference where she pastored for 4 1/2 years. She is the former Lead Pastor of Princeton Seventh-day Adventist Church and also ministered to Princeton University and Westminster Choir College where she worked with the Adventist Christian Fellowship chapters on both of those campuses. She is married to Michael Timothy Nixon, who serves as the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion at Andrews University. Together they have a 5-year-old daughter, Noa Elise Nixon. Pastor Nixon is currently pursuing her Masters in Social Work with a focus in Welfare of Children and Families. She is a facilitator and researcher in the area of Culture Care and the rebuilding of communities through discovering/rediscovering Yahweh. She currently serves as a Teaching Pastor at One Place in Berrien Springs, MI, and also works in Juvenile Justice as a Youth Specialist for Berrien County. All her hope is in Yahweh and she is blessed to share that hope daily.

Tara J. VinCross, DMin, serves as the Senior Pastor of Azure Hills Church in Grand Terrace, California, where she lives with her husband, Caleb, and their incredible kids Josiah and Ava. Pastor VinCross was raised in the Seattle, WA area, and over t…

Tara J. VinCross, DMin, serves as the Senior Pastor of Azure Hills Church in Grand Terrace, California, where she lives with her husband, Caleb, and their incredible kids Josiah and Ava. Pastor VinCross was raised in the Seattle, WA area, and over the last 20 years has served churches in Washington, Pennsylvania, and California. She is passionate about helping people create space in their lives to become deeply rooted in the love of God. Connect with her at


EVERYDAY COMPASSION Leaders serve the needs of others out of a genuine love and interest in their present and eternal well-being. They share the Gospel compassionately with those seeking reconciliation with GOD in both verbal and non-verbal ways. Th…

Leaders serve the needs of others out of a genuine love and interest in their present and eternal well-being. They share the Gospel compassionately with those seeking reconciliation with GOD in both verbal and non-verbal ways. They deploy their skills and abilities for the good of others in a manner that allows the Holy Spirit to work in the mundane, the miraculous, and everything in between.

• Serving [Felt needs, hands-and-feet, ears-and-mouth of Jesus, action, short-term and long-term]
Sharing [Testimony, proclaim, accept, identify “Good News,” listen, connect]
Reconciling [Listen well, sympathize and empathize, prioritize, forgive, flows from Christ connection]
Applying Giftedness [Identify by action-reflection, expecting God in the mundane and miraculous]

[aka Promote Mission--iCOR; Be the Best Neighbors--GYA; Need-Oriented Evangelism--NCD; Lead Results--AdventHealth]


> John T. Boston, II, Associate Director, North American Division Evangelism Institute
> Tara VinCross, Senior Pastor, Azure Hills Church
> Chelsy Tyler, Associate Pastor, New Hope Church

Everyday Compassion Panelists

He swam with humpback whales in the South Pacific and trailed cheetahs on the hunt in East Africa but, John’s greatest joy comes from helping people overcome their pain and live a life of peace in Jesus Christ. Over the past 16 years John T. Boston,…

He swam with humpback whales in the South Pacific and trailed cheetahs on the hunt in East Africa but, John’s greatest joy comes from helping people overcome their pain and live a life of peace in Jesus Christ. Over the past 16 years John T. Boston, II has served in the Seventh-day Adventist Church as pastor, conference administrator and international evangelist. Pastor Boston has focused his ministry on being one of the most effective leaders in transformational evangelism specifically through community impact. In 2015 he was appointed as a task force member to President Barack Obama’s mentor initiative, My Brother’s Keeper, as a faith leader. He has also been a sworn officer as a Chaplain for the Columbus Division of Police and a member of the U.S. Department of Defense’s 87th Joint Civilian Orientation Conference. This is the most prestigious outreach initiative of the Pentagon and John was the only faith leader to be invited. These opportunities reflect his ability to lead in the church and the broader community of humanity.

After serving as conference evangelist in North New South Wales, Australia, He returned to the USA and currently serves as the Associate Director for the North American Division Evangelism Institute and Associate Professor for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. John is married to Karla and they have one miracle child, Riley Madison.

Tara J. VinCross, DMin, serves as the Senior Pastor of Azure Hills Church in Grand Terrace, California, where she lives with her husband, Caleb, and their incredible kids Josiah and Ava. Pastor VinCross was raised in the Seattle, WA area, and over t…

Tara J. VinCross, DMin, serves as the Senior Pastor of Azure Hills Church in Grand Terrace, California, where she lives with her husband, Caleb, and their incredible kids Josiah and Ava. Pastor VinCross was raised in the Seattle, WA area, and over the last 20 years has served churches in Washington, Pennsylvania, and California. She is passionate about helping people create space in their lives to become deeply rooted in the love of God. Connect with her at

Young Adult LIFE Panel Hosts

Kendra Arsenault is the Host and Director of Program Operations for Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. She is a graduate student at Andrews University pursuing her Masters in Divinity where she hopes to incorpo…

Kendra Arsenault is the Host and Director of Program Operations for Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. She is a graduate student at Andrews University pursuing her Masters in Divinity where she hopes to incorporate her two passions of theology and communication through the visual arts. During her undergraduate education, she studied International Development Studies and African-American Studies while attending the University of California, Los Angeles. She has also worked in communication and marketing for ten years creating campaigns and media projects for various non-profits. She has a love for creative writing and is now excited to use her diversity of gifts and training to serve Jesus and the global community.

Erica Jones currently serves as the Assistant Director of Women’s Ministries for the North American Division. Her primary ministry is mentoring teen girls and developing resources to help them make wise choices and live fulfilling lives. She also de…

Erica Jones currently serves as the Assistant Director of Women’s Ministries for the North American Division. Her primary ministry is mentoring teen girls and developing resources to help them make wise choices and live fulfilling lives. She also dedicates time to abuse prevention and education.

She received her undergraduate degree in English from Southern Adventist University, after which she accepted a position in the General Conference Youth Department as an editorial assistant where she served for four years before transitioning to NAD Women’s ministries. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in professional counseling.

One of Erica’s greatest desires is to empower young women to have the tools to make wise choices in their relationships, recognizing that the choices they make now will impact them for their entire lives.

Erica lives in Howard County, Maryland, where she co-manages an animal rescue and spends time with her own pets, Boots and Maisy.

Pastor Chelsy Tyler serves as our Student Ministries and Volunteer Ministries pastor at New Hope Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fulton, MD. She works with high school students, young adults, and volunteers to pursue deeper intimacy with and service…

Pastor Chelsy Tyler serves as our Student Ministries and Volunteer Ministries pastor at New Hope Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fulton, MD. She works with high school students, young adults, and volunteers to pursue deeper intimacy with and service to God.

Chelsy also served on the research team for the Adventist Connection Study, which examined why Millennials in the Adventist Church connect with or disconnect from both the denomination as a whole and with local churches. She additionally assisted with research and missions across the global church at the General Conference.

She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in theology from Southern Adventist University in Tennessee where she met her husband Corey. They don’t have any kids but hope to have a dog (or two) one day!

RECOMMENDED READING  To deepen your leadership development, #OneTeamNAD Playbook recommends the following for your perusal:• Canoeing The Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory  • Deep Calling: On Being & Growing Disciples • Grow…

To deepen your leadership development, #OneTeamNAD Playbook recommends the following for your perusal:

Canoeing The Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory
Deep Calling: On Being & Growing Disciples
Growing Young: 6 Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church