Global Youth Day 2021

A worldwide endeavor of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Youth Department — including the thirteen divisions, MENA Union and the Israel field — Global Youth Day features Adventist young people reaching out to their communities with compassion and acts of service. Over March 20th, as in years past, the 24-hour period will showcase on social media the news reports, testimony videos, and worldwide activity; Registering millions of digital impressions of next generations being the “hands and feet of Jesus.”

This year, as Global Youth Day commences, three “kick-off” programs will be held to launch the event in each subsequent portion of the world as March 20th arrives to those world divisions. Younger Generation Church [YG] has been invited to provide worship music for these GYD anchor programs, broadcasting live from YG. We’re honored to participate and lead worship for tens of thousands of young people across the globe.

As we begin in earnest the preparations for this honor, we are asking for your prayers and support. Global Youth Day has become a highlighted opportunity for the Seventh-day Adventist Church to compassionately reach out to neighborhoods and communities in villages, towns, and cities around the world. We invite you to start praying for this endeavor, especially with the challenges that a pandemic brings to these efforts. In year's past Global Youth Day has mobilized thousands of young people, and we have hopes to bless our Adventist youth as they intend to "Reach Out" this Spring. Your prayers are powerful, thank you for including GYD and YG in your conversations with Christ.