PK (Y1)

Welcome to week 5! This month we’ve learned about what it means to be brave. It doesn’t mean we have no fear, but we can trust God to lead us and be with us. God created each one of us and has a plan for each of our lives. We can trust God’s plans.

Esther 8:5-17


Our parents give us rules to obey in order to keep us safe. We may not always like the rules they give us, but they are for our good. Listen to these rules and tell me what good can come from the rule. Why is it a good rule to follow?

-No dessert before dinner (To not spoil your appetite for good food that helps your body)

-Brush your teeth twice a day (So you do not get cavities or end up losing your teeth)

-Tie your shoes before you play (So you don’t trip and fall and hurt yourself)

-Wear shoes when riding a bike (so your foot doesn’t get caught on the wheels and get hurt)

-Only eat food in the kitchen (So you don’t get crumbs in your room and then have rodents living in your bedroom!)

-Watch a limited amount of TV or screen time (To give your brain stimulated activities to think and grow, instead of zoning out in front of a screen)

-Go to bed at a decent time (to get rest so your body will grow and your mind can work well the next day)

Can you think of some other rules at your house and why your parents want you to follow them?

In our story of Esther we saw last week that there was a new law in the kingdom that would destroy all of the Jews. Esther had to be brave and go before the king to request his help. 

Read or listen to the scripture  Esther 8:5-17 

What did Esther ask the king to do in order to help the Jews against Haman? (for the king to write and order to overrule Haman’s plan to destroy the Jews)

What did the new edict declare? (that the Jews in every city had the right to defend themselves)

How did the get the word out to everyone? (The couriers riding the royal horses went out and the edict was issued in Susa)

What did the city of Susa do afterwards? (They held a joyous celebration)


God has a plan for each one of us. He wants to use our talents and skills to complete the plan he has for us. Queen Esther saved her people because she followed the plan God had already set aside for her to do. We can trust God and trust that His plan for us is better than the one we have for ourselves.


Create your own masterpiece art by following along during this video. Watch this video and pause it when necessary to follow along with his steps. Use the paper and whatever paint supplies you already have at home. Watch and see what a masterpiece you are able to create!

Materials: paper, art supplies, paint, device to watch video


Complete this activity sheet.

Materials: printed activity sheet


Listen and watch this read aloud story of Queen Esther.

Materials: device to watch story read aloud



Create a new law and design a scroll. Using a sheet of paper, write the new law you would like to see at your home or school. Design your new law and place your emblem/signature at the end. Roll the scroll and place ribbons on the ends to keep it closed.

Materials: piece of paper, pencil/pen, ribbon, stickers


Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


God had a special plan for Esther’s life and he has a special plan for ours too! He wants us to use the special skills and talents he has given us for a special purpose. Esther was beautiful and kind and she allowed God to use those things to save her people. 

What special skills or talents has God blessed you with?

How can you use those talents for God?

Does being brave mean you are never afraid?

What did Esther do before she went to see the king?

What should we do before we make our own plans? 

Practical Application at Home

It’s easy to make our own plans without ever asking God if this is his plan for us. We may not see what God’s plans are while bad things are happening all around us, but we can see His plan after it is finished. Esther didn’t know how God’s people were going to be saved, or why she was made to be queen out of all the girls in the kingdom, but God knew what would happen from beginning to end. We can’t see the future but we can look at the past to see how God had a plan all along.

Listen to these clues about people in the bible who faced difficult times and guess who is being described. Then read how God had a plan for them.

-Taken into captivity to Babylon

-did not bow down to an idol…

- tested for 10 days for not eating the kings food.

-thrown into fiery furnace

(3 Hebrew Boys)The 3 Hebrew boys may not have understood God’s plan when they were taken into captivity and had to leave their home and family, but through them others were shown God’s power, strength, and provision.

-Taken into captivity to Babylon

-became an advisor to the king…

-thrown into lions den for praying

(Daniel) Daniel may not have seen God’s plan while he was living in a foreign land working for a pagan nation, but through him Babylonian kings learned that the God of Heaven was the true God.

-Lived among a wicked people.

-preached to those who would not listen

-built an ark to save his family from a flood

(Noah) Although Noah may not understood God’s plan while he was preaching to a wicked nation who did not want to follow God, he obeyed God and built an ark even though he had never seen rain. God was able to cleanse the earth and preserve a group of people. 

-Given dreams at a young age

-thrown into a pit and sold into slavery.

-thrown in prison.

-placed in charge under Pharoah

(Joseph) Joseph may not have understood God’s plan for his life as he sat in a pit and then later in prison, but Joseph was faithful to God and worked hard. God used Joseph to save his family, God’s people. 

-Left in the river as a bab.

-raised by Pharaohs daughter

-exiled to the wilderness

-freed the Israelites from slavery

(Moses) Moses may not have understood God’s plan when he had to flee Egypt or while he tended sheep for 40 years, but God used Moses’ palace education and shepherd humbleness to free the Israelites from slavery.

-her husband died

-stayed with her mother in law to take care of her…

-left her homeland to go to Bethlehem.

-married Boaz

(Ruth) Ruth may not have understood God’s plan when her husband died and she left her home to follow Naomi, but she had faith and God blessed her with a guardian redeemer and she became part of the lineage of Jesus.

Additional Resources

Beginners bible printable activities

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.



Welcome to week 4! We all face difficult situations at some point in time, but even during the bad times God promises to be there with us. God can help us get through our difficulty. This week we will read about Esther and the difficulty she faced and how her courage saved her people.

Esther 2,4


This week we are learning about Esther. What are some things you already know about Esther? Did you know Esther’s name means star? Stars shine in the night star and help light the dark sky at night. Let’s do this finger play about Esther.

Like a star that shines at night (open and close fingers to make blinking stars)

Esthers beauty was so bright. (place hands around face and smile)

The king chose Esther as his queen (point across the room)

Because she was the prettiest he’d ever seen (place hands around face and smile)

Like a star that shines at night (open and close fingers to make blinking stars)

Esther’s bravery was so bright (place hands around face and smile)

She saved her people from Haman’s plan (flex biceps)

They rejoiced with her throughout the land (wave hands in the air while turning around)

Read or listen to the scripture  Esther 2,4 

Who helped raise Esther after her parents died? (Mordecai, her cousin)

When Esther went to the palace how did everyone feel about her? (She won the favor of everyone who saw her)

Who did the King Xerxes choose to be his next queen? (Esther)

What secret did Mordecai tell Esther to keep? (That she is Jewish)

Who wanted the Jews killed? (Haman)

What did Esther say is the problem with going to see the king without being summoned? (If the king does not summon her she could be put to death unless he extends his golden scepter)

What did Esther decide to do? (She asked for Mordecai and all the other Jews to fast along with her and her attendants, then after 3 days she would go before the king.)


Esther’s bravery to go before the king saved her people from being killed. They prayed and fasted for wisdom and God’s protection which God provided. Esther and her people rejoiced from God’s deliverance and it became a celebrated holiday.


Purim is a Jewish celebration to remember what Esther did to save her people from Haman. One of the traditions of this holiday is to make hamantaschen cookies. They are supposed to look like the hat Haman wore. Make hamantaschen cookies. Use this recipe or use sugar cookie dough and shape into triangles, add jelly to the middle and pinch sides to make a hat like cookie.

Materials: Printed recipe of Hamantaschen cookies, cookie ingredients (butter, sugar, flour (white/wheat), eggs, vanilla, baking powder


Purim is a Jewish celebration to remember what Esther did to save her people from Haman. One of the traditions of this holiday is to retell the story of Esther. As the story is being told the audience is actively involved. Retell the story of Esther and involve the audience by acting out the story or participating with paper dolls and noise makers.  Print the following paper dolls and noise makers  to use during the reading.

Materials: printed story to be read, printed paper dolls, noise makers


Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet



Esthers crown. Go to following link, click on one of the crown templates, and print. Have your child color and decorate the crown. Then cut out the crown and glue the tabs together to make a crown

Materials: printed crown, crayons, plastic gems


Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


How was Esther brave?

Did she always have the courage to go before the king?

Why do you think she changed her mind?

What did she do before she went before the king? 

How can we have more courage?

What are some difficult things you face today?

Esther did not immediately decide to go before the king to plead for him to spare her people. Mordecai had to remind her that she would not be spared simply because she was in the palace. Her response then was that it was too important not to risk her life. God gave her strength to overcome her fears and the difficult situation. God can help us overcome as well.

Practical Application at Home

We all face difficult times in our lives but God can help us overcome them. It doesn’t mean bad things will never happen to us, but God will be there with us and give us strength and courage to face them. Esther fasted and prayed and she asked everyone else to do the same before she went to see the king. We too need to pray and ask God for wisdom before we act. 
Here are a list of Jewish customs celebrated during Purim holiday. Look at the list below and choose one or several to try this week.

Fasting: During Purim there is fasting and prayer, just as Esther and her people did. Try to fast one day for a few hours. Or choose something to fast from other than food, for a day, such as TV, electronic devices, video games, or desserts (sugar). During the time of fasting when your mind begins to focus on the thing you can not do, use it as a reminder to pray. Then pray for something difficult going on in your life or the life of someone you know.

Charity: It is tradition to give charity that represents the half shekel given by each Jew in the time of the holy temple. You can make a basket or some sort of gift to share with a neighbor or friend. You could give the gift of food or clothing to someone in need. You can make as many gifts as you are able, then pass them around to the people you want to bless.

Play: Children may dress up in costumes, wearing a mask and clothes and retell the story of Esther. Have one person read the story aloud as the others act out the play.

Additional Resources

Beginners bible printable activities


Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.




Welcome to week 3! This week we continue a part of David’s story. David had courage to fight Goliath, now he has to have courage to show mercy to someone who wants to harm him. David’s courage comes from trusting and obeying God.

1 Samuel 24:1-18


Let’s use these building blocks to build anything you want to make. Think about what you would like to build (give some suggestions if they are having a hard time) and then I will come back in a few minutes to look at what you came up with. Give them a few minutes to build something. Let’s see what you made. Can you describe to me what this is? This is very nice, but what if I came over here and knocked down your tower. Would you like that very much? Sometimes people can be mean to us and make us want to be mean in return, but the Bible says we are not to treat each other this way. When someone does something hurtful to us, we are not to return it for more hurtful behavior. This month we’ve been reading about the story of David. After he defeated Goliath the Israelites loved him, even more than Saul. This began to make Saul jealous and he began to look for ways to hurt David. So much, that David had to hide in caves to stay safe from Saul. Let’s continue to read our story in the Bible to see what happens with Saul and David.

Read or listen to the scripture 1 Samuel 24:1-18 

What did Saul go into the cave to do? (Relieve himself)

Who was in the cave already? (David and his men)

What did David’s men tell him to do to Saul? (That the Lord had delivered Saul into David’s hands to do with him whatever he wanted)

What did David do to Saul without him noticing? (He cut off a corner of Saul’s robe)

What did David say was the reason he wouldn’t hurt Saul? (He would not hurt an anointed man of God)

When David told Saul what happened, what did Saul say? (David was a more righteous man than himself. Saul treated David badly but David treated Saul well)


David was on the run from Saul, who wanted to hurt him because of how much everyone loved David after he killed Goliath. Saul wanted David gone, so David was hiding. God gave David courage to be patient and have mercy on Saul, even though Saul was not showing kindness. God gives us the strength to show mercy to those around us, even when we don’t think they have earned it. 


David found Saul in the cave and could have harmed him but chose to have mercy on Saul. David did cut a piece of Saul’s garment without Saul even noticing. Hide pieces of fabric or scarves around the room. Let’s go on a hunt for pieces of cloth. See how many you can find hidden around the room. 

Materials: pieces of fabric


Act out the story of David having mercy on Saul. Build a cave out of blankets and pillows or use a small tent. Retell the story and how David showed mercy to Saul and in return Saul realizing his own sin and guilt.

Materials: homemade cave of blankets and pillows


David showed kindness and compassion towards Saul, but Saul showed the opposite towards David. Saul was unkind and merciless towards David. Complete these puzzle pieces, matching their opposites together.

Materials: Activity sheet- puzzle



Make David’s sword. Using a pasteboard or a large sheet of paper, cut out an outline of a sword. Wrap the point of the sword with aluminum foil. Decorate the handle with jewels, stickers or color with crayons. 

Materials: poster board or large sheet of paper, scissors, aluminum foil, art supplies-stickers, jewels, crayons


Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Let’s think about what it means to have mercy on someone. Watch this video about what mercy means. Showing mercy means you show forgiveness to someone even when you don’t think they deserve or have earned it. It means not giving someone the punishment they deserve but showing them kindness instead.

What does it mean to have compassion or mercy on someone?

Have you ever shown mercy to someone?

Is it easy or hard to have compassion?

Is it easy to show someone compassion when they have been mean to you?

What gives us the strength to show someone compassion?

Has God ever had compassion on you?

Practical Application at Home

Showing compassion for someone when they really deserve to be punished is hard! When your sister breaks your toy, we want her to be punished, or buy us a new one. If a classmate cheats on their test when we studied really hard, we want them to receive a bad grade. If a kid pushes us down at the playground, we want to get up and push them back so they know how it feels. Although most of those punishments seem reasonable, God wants us to show mercy to others. David was running for his life, and yet God wanted him to show mercy towards Saul. David had an opportunity to give Saul the punishment he deserved, but instead decided to humbly show Saul he meant him no harm. Listen to the following scenarios. Can you think of ways you could show mercy instead of giving them the punishment they deserve?

-A boy pushes you out of the way so they can get on the swings first.

-As you get ready to eat lunch, the kid next to you pushes your food on the floor.

-A new kid in your neighborhood calls you names.

-One of the kids in your class brings a treat to share with all your friends but doesn’t bring one for you.

-A friend won’t let you give ideas of what you should play together

-Your brother tells your mom you are the one who ate all the candy out of the candy dish

-Your sister gets mad at you and breaks all of your art pencils

Additional Resources

Beginners bible printable activities

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.




Welcome to week 2! What special gifts or talents do you have? Are you good at music or make friends easily? Do you enjoy connecting with people or find it easy to keep things organized? We all have different talents and God has a plan to use those talents to serve others. This week let’s think of the ways God has made you special!

1 Samuel 17


God has a special plan for each one of us. This week we are reading about a young boy that God had special plans for. Although he was young, God knew his heart and that He could be trusted. Let’s play a little game first. Play ring around the roses, with the following rhyme. Stand in a circle holding hands, sing the rhyme as you walk around your circle together. At the end of the rhyme fall down together.

Ring around young David

The giant came to scare him

David prayed, threw his stone,

And then the giant fell down.

Let’s read or listen to the scripture story for this week 1 Samuel 17 

What champion did the Philistines have on their side? (Goliath)

How many days did the Philistine Goliath come to confront the Israelites? (40 days)

What did the Israelites do when they heard Goliath? (They went running in fear)

Who decided to go fight Goliath? (David)

What had David killed while tending his father’s sheep? (A lion and bear with his own hands)

How did David defeat Goliath? (He put a rock in his sling and killed Goliath with one swing of his sling. The rock hit him in the head and he fell dead.)


David had faith and courage that God would protect him as he faced Goliath the giant. David went in front of Goliath without any armor to protect himself. David wanted everyone to know he  would not win the battle by accident or luck, but only by God’s power. When we know that God is on our side we can have courage that God will help us.


We all have obstacles we face whether they are big or small. Some obstacles may be obeying our parents, cleaning a dirty room, or sharing our toys with a friend. On a large sheet of poster paper or butcher paper, write obstacles you need courage to face. Post the paper on a wall or in a place that won’t damage anything. Then use rubber band sling shots with a small bean to shoot at the paper to hit each obstacle. The goal is to put a hole through the obstacles written on the poster paper.

Materials: Rubber band, beans, large sheet of poster paper or butcher paper, pens/pencils


Listen to these read-aloud stories about courage “Berenstain Bears and the gift of courage”Have Courage

        Materials: device to watch video of book reading


Complete this activity sheet comparing things that are big and small.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil



Davids sling. Using 2 popsicles to create davids sling. Add 5 pom pom balls as stones. Add a pipe cleaner to finish the sling.

Materials: popsicle sticks, pom poms, pipe cleaner, glue


Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



God used David’s gift and ability with a sling to defeat Goliath and give him the victory. God can use your gifts to serve others. Sometimes we think the talents and gifts we have are small but God can use small things in very big ways.

What gifts do you think God has given you?

How can you use your gifts to serve others 

How can a smile be a blessing to someone else?

Who are the people you can serve today?

Practical Application at Home

David wasn’t fighting Goliath for his own reasons like getting famous, becoming the next king, or to be liked by everyone. He was fighting because Goliath was trying to defame God. David was fighting for God’s name, to show everyone that there was a God in Israel. He wanted the Philistines to know that his God was more powerful than a sword and shield and God would deliver.

When we know that we have the God of heaven on our side we can trust that God will deliver us. Sometimes we choose to fight battles that are for our own glory and not for God’s. Look at the list of scenarios below and determine if the fight is for God’s name sake or for a selfish reason.

-Standing up for a kid who is being picked on by other classmates

-Fighting for the last cookie in the cookie jar

-Arguing with a friend over who the pen belongs to

-Keeping a secret from your parents about a friend who is doing something wrong

-Bringing an extra lunch from home for a friend who doesn’t have lunch at school

-Keeping a secret stash of money to give at chapel for people in need

-Giving up your seat at Sabbath School so that the visitor can have a place to sit

-Not hitting a kid who is picking on you but instead walking away

-Praying for your enemies

-Being mean to a girl at school because she has been mean to you

-Saying no to a group of friends who want to laugh and tease an elderly lady at church

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.



Elementary (Y1)

This month we are learning about what it means to have courage and trust God. God knows who you are and He has a special plan for your life. God can use the gifts and talents he has given you to serve others and guide you on the path he has planned for you. You can trust that He will show you the way.

1 Samuel 16 1 Corinthians 8:3


This month we are reading about people in the Bible who had courage and were brave even when they didn’t know what their future would be. God calls us to have courage as well. He has something special for each one of us to do and He promises to be with you throughout the good and bad times. 

Let’s play a game. Our goal is to move from one side of the room to the other. Easy, right? Except, you will be blindfolded. Blind fold the person who is “It”. Now, you will try to get across the room. If you have more than one person playing this game, the other players will be “obstacles” by sitting around the area the blindfolded person has to walk across. If there are not very many players, you can use stuffed animals or pillows as additional obstacles. Each time the blindfolded person bumps into an “obstacle” shout out, “Hey!”

When I say go, walk across the room and touch the opposite wall. Have kids take turns being blindfolded.

How did it feel being blindfolded and having to move through all the obstacles to get across the room?

How is this game similar to the challenges we face in life each day that make us fearful or unsure?

Being blindfolded kept you from knowing what was in your path and what problems were ahead of you. Did that make you fearful about what was ahead of you?

In our story for this week we read about David and a special job God calls him to. He does not know what or even when this will happen, but he has to trust God’s special plan for him.

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Samuel 16 

Where did God send Samuel to find the new king? (to the house of Jesse to choose one of his sons)

How would Samuel know who to anoint? (God would tell Samuel who to choose)

What did God say He looks at when choosing a man? (He doesn’t look at someones appearance but looks at their heart)

How many of Jesse’s sons passed in front of Samuel before he chose a son? (All 6 sons)

Who did Samuel anoint? (David)

What special thing did God plan for David to do? (Be the new king)


David was the last to be thought of in his family. When Samuel asked to see Jesse’s sons, they were all brought before him except David. They didn’t think David was the brother God was looking for. He was the little brother out in the field tending the sheep! Although no one saw him as being a special brother fit to be the next king, God saw more than just what he looked like outwardly. God saw David’s heart and that he was willing to be humble and follow God. God sees each one of us too. Regardless of what others say or think about us, God knows the truth about you. He knows you are His child and that you have something special to do for Him.


Play this game of Who am I? Using the large deck of cards, take turns reading questions to find out more about each other, or show how much you already know. Player A draws a card from the pile and reads it out loud. There will be 4 answer choices, A-D. The other players use their answer cards to guess what they think Player A’s answer will be. All players use their A-D cards to answer the question by turning their answer card over so no one can see. Once everyone has place their answer card facedown, Player A tells everyone to turn their cards over and then shares their answer. Each player takes a turn playing the same way.

Materials: printed game “Who do you think I am


Complete the following activity sheet. God knows each one of our names and has a special plan for each of us. Look at the names of the following people in the Bible and read their brief description. Then see if you are able to match the biblical name to its meaning.

Materials: printed activity sheet


Fingerprints are unique to each individual person and are not duplicated. There are 4 main types of fingerprint patterns: arcs, loops, whorls, and composites. Complete your own investigation with the people in your family. Use the following recording sheet to write your family members names, including your own. Then use an ink pad or erasable marker to darken their index finger and press their fingerprint on the box next to their name. Then using the print examples, identify which type of print you believe they have. 

Materials: Activity sheet, ink pad or reusable marker, pen/pencil



Make a crown for King David.  Print and cut out the crown page. Decorate the crown with crayons, markers, glitter or jewels. Add attributes of David’s character that God saw by writing them on the crown as well. 

Materials: Printed crown cut-out, scissors, crayons, glue, jewels


Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


On a sheet of paper, draw a large circle in the middle. Then off of that large circle, draw 4 lines and a medium circle at the end of each line (large enough to write inside). In the large middle circle write your name. On the 4 smaller circles write a statement in each circle that describes you starting with the words “I am…” and then fill in something that describes you. For example, “I am creative”. You are uniquely made and God knows you. Or print the following bubble map.

In 1 Corinthians 8:3 it says that whoever loves God is known by God. 

What does it mean to be known by God?

Does that mean we can wear a mask and trick God?

Does this mean God knows the good and bad parts of me?

Does God know the things I like and dislike?

To be known by God is just that, He knows us. He knows the good, bad, and ugly! But the good news is, He loves all of you! We can sometimes pretend to be someone else to be accepted by our friends at school or on our sports team, but we don’t ever have to pretend to be someone else for God. He already knows us, better than we know ourselves because He is our creator. God knew David for who he really was, not for what he looked like on the outside. We can also be sure that since God knows us, He knows when we are weak and need His help.

Practical Application at Home

God knew that David had a willing heart that would listen and obey Him. David was willing to be used by God in whatever way God saw fit. The bible says from the day David was anointed the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. The things David did, the strength, and faith he had was from God! God gave David what he needed for the days that followed. Even though David didn’t know what the future would be, God knew and He provided courage and strength to David. Think of all the things you could do if you knew you had the Spirit of the Lord on you.

If you knew God’s Spirit was on you how would you act in these situations:

Asked to share your last bit of food

Stand up to a bully picking on a little kid

Someone telling lies about you or someone you loved

Opening your pantry and not seeing any food

Noticing someone who needs a hand carrying a heavy box

Seeing 2 classmates argue and want to fight

Watching someone keep a classmate from being part of your group

God has given us His Spirit and we can pray for Him to give us strength and courage to do what He wants us to do. God has a plan for us, not because we are perfect, but because He knows our hearts.

Additional Resources

Beginners bible printable activities

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.



PK (Y1)

This month we are learning about what it means to have courage and trust God. God knows who you are and He has a special plan for your life. God will use the talents and gifts He has given you to serve others and guide you on the path that is right for you. You can trust that He will show you the way to go.

1 Samuel 16


We all show lots of emotions and feelings just from the looks on our faces! We can tell a lot about how someone feels or what they are thinking just by looking at their face. 

Can you show me your angry face?

Can you show me your happy face?

Can you show me your sad face?

Can you show me a scared face?

Good job! Now I’m going to say a few statements and I want you to show me the face you would make to tell how you are feeling.

You drop your ice cream cone

You get picked last to play soccer with your friends

It’s Christmas morning and time to open presents

You get invited to a friends birthday party

You forget to bring your show and tell item to school

You fall off your bike and scrape your knee

You hear a thunderstorm while you are laying in bed.

Now, I’m going to say these same statements and this time show me the opposite face of how you would feel. (Explain opposites if necessary)

People often think they know who we are based on what they can see about us from the outside. But just like you made the opposite faces, sometimes what we look like on the outside is not actually on the inside. In our story this week God chooses a young boy, not because of what he looks like outwardly, but for what God can see in his heart. 

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Samuel 16

Where did God send Samuel to find the new king? (to the house of Jesse to choose one of his sons)

How would Samuel know who to anoint? (God would tell Samuel who to choose)

What did God say He looks at when choosing a man? (He doesn’t look at someones appearance but looks at their heart)

How many of Jesse’s sons passed in front of Samuel before before he chose a son? (All 6 sons)

Who did Samuel anoint? (David)

What special thing did God plan for David to do? (Be the new king)


Samuel was led by God to go anoint the next king of Israel. No one else knew God’s plan but God knew He wanted David, not because he looked like a king but God knew He would be faithful. God knows us too and wants to use us for something special.


Using white paper, cut out enough squares for each person participating to receive one. Each of us have been given unique fingerprints on our hands. Look at the lines on your fingers, no one else has the exact same fingerprints as you! Today we will each stamp our fingerprints on a sheet of paper and then mix them all up and see if we can tell which fingerprint belongs to who. Help younger children stamp their index finger into an ink pad, or color fingertip with erasable marker, then stamp finger onto paper square. Mix all the papers together after everyone has finished and the ink has dried some. Try to see if you can figure out what prints belong to who. Even though we may not have been able to finger out whose prints these are, God says that He knows each one of us and can even identify us by our fingerprints. He knows our unique fingerprint and He even knows how many hairs we have on our head! That is amazing! God really knows each one of us!

Materials: White paper, ink pad or erasable marker, baby wipes or nearby sink


God has a special plan for our lives. Do you know what you want to do when you grow up? Even if we do not know yet, God knows what He has planned for you. Let’s play this game of Career Charades. Pick a card and act out the picture for everyone else to guess. Take turns acting and guessing.

Materials: Printed Career charades


God knows our names and He knows the plans he has for us. Our names are special and were given to us by our parents because it means something to them. Create a name door hanger using a card stock paper or piece of construction paper cut into a large rectangle. Cut out a slit and circle to hang around the door handle. Using makers and art supplies, you or your child write their name in large print across the paper. Then use art supplies to color and decorate the hanger. Hang on door handle outside their room.

Materials: construction paper, craft items (stickers, gems, glitter etc), crayons, scissors



Make a crown for King David.  Print and cut out the crown page. Decorate the crown with crayons, markers, glitter or jewels. Add attributes of David’s character that God saw by writing them on the crown as well. 

Materials: Printed crown cut-out, scissors, crayons, glue, jewels


Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


What name did your parents give you?

Do you know what your name means?

What words would you use to describe yourself?

How do you think God describes you?

God made you exactly the way you are. He knows everything about you because He is your creator. 

Practical Application at Home

God is our creator and He knows every part of us. He knows the good parts about us like when we are kind to our siblings or when we share with a friend. He also knows the bad parts of us like when we take a cookie without asking or disobey our mom and dad. Even though God sees the things we might not want him to see, He loves us! He loves us, not because of the things we can do, but just because we belong to him! That’s great news! Let’s create a pet or robot right now. You can either use the materials around you or draw a picture. Give your pet/robot a name. If I turned your paper upside down or hide your creation, would you still be able to describe it to me? Ask the following questions or questions that pertain to your child’s creation.

How many eyes did you give it?

What did you name it?

What color did you make it?

Can you share a special feature you put on your pet/robot?

You could answer all of those questions, couldn’t you? You know why? Because you were its’ creator! You made it, so you know it very well. This week, think about how God is your creator and how much He knows you! He knows you very well and loves you just the way you are because He made you. We don’t have to be perfect, we just need to remember that we belong to Him.

Materials: White sheet of paper, writing utensil, crayons, building materials

Additional Resources

Hands-on Bible games

Additional hands-on bible games

Online bible games

Superbook online games

Beginners bible printable activities

Online coloring pages

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.




PK (Y1)

This week we will learn that Jesus is God. Jesus is not like you and me because He is God! God had a special plan for Jesus just like he has a special plan for each one of our lives as well. Let’s see how God showed that Jesus was unusual and set apart for something special.




Elementary (Y1)

This week we will learn that Jesus is God. Jesus is not like you and me because He is God! God had a special plan for Jesus just like he has a special plan for each one of our lives as well. Let’s see how God showed that Jesus was unusual and set apart for something special