Shindig 2021

OCTOBER 12, 2021 VOL.2 NO.41

Invite your friends and family y’all! It's time to polish up yer boots and git ready to scoot! Join us October 16 in the church parking lot for food, fun, and line dancin'! Festivities start at 7pm - invite your friends and all y'all come on out, y'hear?!

CONGRESS ON SOCIAL JUSTICE // OCT 14-16  The biblical account of Creation informs us that humanity was created  in God’s image and granted authority to rule over other animate beings  that God created during the fifth and sixth days of that first week (Gen  1:26–28). God also authorized humanity to take care of other elements  of His creation (Gen 2:15). Unfortunately, the entrance of sin brought  disequilibrium to all relationships and disrupted the ecological balance  (Gen 3:16–18). Humanity longs for renewal and restoration, and  Christianity claims the promise of recreation (Rev 21:1, 5). However, we  are not called to sit idly by while waiting for the divine fulfillment  of the promise. Biblical prophets call for immediate action to address  existing injustices in an effort to affirm the Imago Dei (see Isa 1:17;  61:1–2; Amos 5:24; Micah 6:8; Matt 23:23; James 5:1–6).The Congress on Social Justice is designed to bring attention to global  issues of imbalance as well as the biblical solutions that address  them. In the process, it will be seen that an intimate link exists  between caring for creation in its fulness and beauty and proclaiming  the Three Angels’ Message of Revelation 14. Click the above icon or here to register.

The biblical account of Creation informs us that humanity was created in God’s image and granted authority to rule over other animate beings that God created during the fifth and sixth days of that first week (Gen 1:26–28). God also authorized humanity to take care of other elements of His creation (Gen 2:15). Unfortunately, the entrance of sin brought disequilibrium to all relationships and disrupted the ecological balance (Gen 3:16–18). Humanity longs for renewal and restoration, and Christianity claims the promise of recreation (Rev 21:1, 5). However, we are not called to sit idly by while waiting for the divine fulfillment of the promise. Biblical prophets call for immediate action to address existing injustices in an effort to affirm the Imago Dei (see Isa 1:17; 61:1–2; Amos 5:24; Micah 6:8; Matt 23:23; James 5:1–6).

The Congress on Social Justice is designed to bring attention to global issues of imbalance as well as the biblical solutions that address them. In the process, it will be seen that an intimate link exists between caring for creation in its fulness and beauty and proclaiming the Three Angels’ Message of Revelation 14. Click the above icon or here to register.

KNOW ENOUGH TO CHOOSE EMPATHY  Does pain make us compassionate or calloused? Click the above icon or here to reflect on the recent blog from Dr. Tara VinCross.

Does pain make us compassionate or calloused? Click the above icon or here to reflect on the recent blog from Dr. Tara VinCross.

SPEAKER SERIES AT ARLINGTON: DR. JON PAULIEN // OCTOBER 15-16 Faithful to the End is the theme for this year’s Speaker Series at Arlington featuring Dr. Jon Paulien, Professor with the School of Religion at Loma Linda University. All the presentations, October 15-16, 2021, are free and open to the community; To be held at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, Texas, 76017-1427.The schedule of presentations [all Central time] are as follows: • Friday, 7:00PM — The Time of the End • Saturday, 9:00AM — The Biggest Story Ever Told • Saturday, 10:15AM — Entering the Matrix  • Saturday, 11:30AM — The Gift of Time • Saturday, 5:00PM — The End Time SurpriseYou will find selected presentations available online at  For more information, click the icon above or go to Jon Paulien is a Professor of Religion in the School of Religion and Director of the Center for Understanding World Religions at Loma Linda University. Prior to teaching at Loma Linda University, Dr. Paulien was Professor of the New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. Dr. Paulien is a prolific writer, especially on the book of Revelation and the intersection of faith with contemporary culture. Outside of academia, Jon enjoys being with his wife Pamella and their three children, and also enjoys travel, golf and photography when time permits.The community is especially invited to any or all of these free presentations, culminating in our annual Shindig, Saturday evening, 7:00PM on the Arlington Church grounds. For more information on the Speaker Series, Shindig, and other coming attractions go to

Faithful to the End is the theme for this year’s Speaker Series at Arlington featuring Dr. Jon Paulien, Professor with the School of Religion at Loma Linda University. All the presentations, October 15-16, 2021, are free and open to the community; To be held at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, Texas, 76017-1427.

The schedule of presentations [all Central time] are as follows:

• Friday, 7:00PM — The Time of the End
• Saturday, 9:00AM — The Biggest Story Ever Told
• Saturday, 10:15AM — Entering the Matrix
• Saturday, 11:30AM — The Gift of Time
• Saturday, 5:00PM — The End Time Surprise

You will find selected presentations available online at
For more information, click the icon above or go to

Dr. Jon Paulien is a Professor of Religion in the School of Religion and Director of the Center for Understanding World Religions at Loma Linda University. Prior to teaching at Loma Linda University, Dr. Paulien was Professor of the New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. Dr. Paulien is a prolific writer, especially on the book of Revelation and the intersection of faith with contemporary culture.

Outside of academia, Jon enjoys being with his wife Pamella and their three children, and also enjoys travel, golf and photography when time permits.

The community is especially invited to any or all of these free presentations, culminating in our annual Shindig, Saturday evening, 7:00PM on the Arlington Church grounds. For more information on the Speaker Series, Shindig, and other coming attractions go to

PUBLIC CAMPUS MINISTRIES DAY // OCT 16 Coming UP on October 16, 2021 - is a special Sabbath for our students on Public (Non-Adventist) Campuses. All of the resources your church/campus needs to raise awareness and reach out to the students are at: t…

Coming UP on October 16, 2021 - is a special Sabbath for our students on Public (Non-Adventist) Campuses. All of the resources your church/campus needs to raise awareness and reach out to the students are at:

If you'd like to start an ACF Chapter (see at a campus near your church - please email us at And if you (or someone you know) are a student at a public campus and would like to get plugged into a community - please let us know as well. #TexasACF

YG MUSIC & MEDIA DEVOS // SATURDAYS • 9:30AM // ROOM 6 All YG musicians, artists, media, and production team members are invited to a devotional time Sabbath mornings at 9:30AM in Room 6. Especially if you are not “on duty” this is a time to con…

All YG musicians, artists, media, and production team members are invited to a devotional time Sabbath mornings at 9:30AM in Room 6. Especially if you are not “on duty” this is a time to connect with GOD and each other. For all the details contact YG’s associate music director for the weekend.

ENTER THE MATRIX // YG CHURCH // SATURDAY // 10:15AM CDT  Dr. Jon Paulien is a Professor of Religion in the School of Religion and Director of the Center for Understanding World Religions at Loma Linda University. Prior to teaching at Loma Linda Uni…

Dr. Jon Paulien is a Professor of Religion in the School of Religion and Director of the Center for Understanding World Religions at Loma Linda University. Prior to teaching at Loma Linda University, Dr. Paulien was Professor of the New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. Dr. Paulien is a prolific writer, especially on the book of Revelation and the intersection of faith with contemporary culture.

Outside of academia, Jon enjoys being with his wife Pamella and their three children, and also enjoys travel, golf and photography when time permits.

DIGITAL OUTREACH COHORT TRAINING // CONTINUES OCTOBER 17 // 7:00PM CDT  This cohort series is for young adults who are interested in turning their social media hobby into an effective personal ministry. Become more proficient in their digital outrea…

This cohort series is for young adults who are interested in turning their social media hobby into an effective personal ministry. Become more proficient in their digital outreach practices. Digital strategist and author, Jamie Domm, will guide you in preparing a Personal Digital Outreach Plan based on the cohort presentations. Click the above icon or here for free registration.


THANKSGIVING BASKETS  Grab an extra basket at the store and fill it with food blessings for a family in need because it’s time for our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive! Pick up a flyer in the foyer! Then bring your donated items and place them in the …

Grab an extra basket at the store and fill it with food blessings for a family in need because it’s time for our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive! Pick up a flyer in the foyer! Then bring your donated items and place them in the Revive Grocery Carts located at the entrance of the foyer. (Please place gift card donations in a tithe envelope and place them in the offering plate or offering box). Drop off all donations by November 16! Let’s make this the best Thanksgiving ever for our community!

UG CONFERENCE is an experience like no other! It’s a gathering where high school students from all over come together to be part of something bigger than themselves. Teens will engage in worship, hear inspiring messages, be challenged to discover their purpose, and find a deeper sense of belonging. At UG Conference, we seek to equip a generation, ready to change the world! To register for UG Conference, click here. If you would like to make a donation to sponsor a student, contact Pastor Danny.

CONGRATULATIONS TO CANYON CREEK PROJECT! Our church plant, Canyon Creek Project, is celebrating their third anniversary October 23rd! Special worship services, treats at Hello Cafe, gifts for everyone who joins us, lunch, and more! Everyone is invited! Click here for more info, to share photos with us, and to sign up for lunch!

Our church plant, Canyon Creek Project, is celebrating their third anniversary October 23rd! Special worship services, treats at Hello Cafe, gifts for everyone who joins us, lunch, and more! Everyone is invited! Click here for more info, to share photos with us, and to sign up for lunch!


Last week’s worship led by Pastor A Allan Martin, I Am Second 2021: How to Wreck Relationship.

Communication is key to any relationship, including your relationship with GOD.

Our Father in heaven,
let Your name remain holy.
10 Bring about Your kingdom.
Manifest Your will here on earth,
as it is manifest in heaven.
11 Give us each day that day’s bread—no more, no less—
12 And forgive us our debts
as we forgive those who owe us something.
13 Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
[But let Your kingdom be,
and let it be powerful
and glorious forever. Amen.] –Matthew 6:9b-13 [Voice]


Discover a new and different way of living. This is for people yearning to be known. It is for those who are weary from all their many efforts to feel significant.

How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. –Ephesians 1:3-6 [Message]

Join Younger Generation Church in their back to school series, “I Am Second,” Saturdays, 10:15AM CDT, #YGis2nd #ygchurch

IA2 FIVE STEPS TOWARD A BETTER PRAYER LIFE  Here is the PDF of 5 Steps Towards a Better Prayer Life, a new resource from I Am Second that walks through a simple plan to intentionally improve your prayer life.

Here is the PDF of 5 Steps Towards a Better Prayer Life, a new resource from I Am Second that walks through a simple plan to intentionally improve your prayer life.


JOIN YG IN OUR FALL SEASON OF PRAYER  Through October, it is our desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus, so we are inviting everyone to join us in prayer, both learning more about it and practicing it. To aid in our journey, download the IA2 P…

Through October, it is our desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus, so we are inviting everyone to join us in prayer, both learning more about it and practicing it. To aid in our journey, download the IA2 Prayer Journal by clicking the above icon or going to You can also pick up a hardcopy in our lobby at the YG highbar tables.

LET’S DO LIFE TOGETHER  During these extraordinary times, we benefit from innovating ways to connect and build community amidst the challenges that surround us. At Younger Generation Church, we want to encourage you to seek out ways to do life toget…

During these extraordinary times, we benefit from innovating ways to connect and build community amidst the challenges that surround us. At Younger Generation Church, we want to encourage you to seek out ways to do life together while we abide by community health guidelines. Click the above icon or here for great group options to consider.

“Let us hold strong to the confession of our hope, never wavering, since the One who promised it to us is faithful. Let us consider how to inspire each other to greater love and to righteous deeds, not forgetting to gather as a community, as some have forgotten, but encouraging each other, especially as the day of His return approaches.” —Hebrews 10:23-25 [Voice]

FREE ACCESS TO RIGHTNOW MEDIA FOR ALL OUR MEMBERS!  Looking for resources to start your own Life Group? As part of our church community, you have unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources…

Looking for resources to start your own Life Group? As part of our church community, you have unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources (it’s been called the “Netflix of video Bible studies”). This extensive library has more than 20,000 videos from leaders like Francis Chan, Jennie Allen, Matt Chandler, Dr. Tony Evans, and many more. These Bible study videos can be used as part of a group study or for personal devotions, and many series include free discussion guides and handouts.

We believe that RightNow Media is a tool that can help you live out your faith in every area of your life—at home, at work, and in your community. In addition to series on books of the Bible, RightNow Media has videos for everyone in your family on a variety of topics like marriage, parenting, personal finances, mental health, and more. There’s even a library just for kids with over 2,000 safe, entertaining videos. RightNow Media has a free app that’s available on all major streaming devices so you and your family can access content anywhere, anytime. Click the above icon or click here to gain access to our digital library!


VOLUNTEER FOR SHINDIG!  A great all-church tradition is back! Shindig 2021! We need volunteers of all ages, and lots of them. To sign up click the icon above or go to  For more info contact Gary Livingston via GaryLivingston@ygchurc…

A great all-church tradition is back! Shindig 2021! We need volunteers of all ages, and lots of them. To sign up click the icon above or go to
For more info contact Gary Livingston via or on Instagram @Garebear1621

THANKSGIVING BASKETS Grab an extra basket at the store and fill it with food blessings for a family in need because it’s time for our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive! Pick up a flyer in the foyer! Then bring your donated items and place them in the R…

Grab an extra basket at the store and fill it with food blessings for a family in need because it’s time for our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive! Pick up a flyer in the foyer! Then bring your donated items and place them in the Revive Grocery Carts located at the entrance of the foyer. (Please place gift card donations in a tithe envelope and place them in the offering plate or offering box). Drop off all donations by November 16! Let’s make this the best Thanksgiving ever for our community!

REVIVE COMMUNITY CARE: WE ARE HERE TO HELP EACH OTHER Inspire those around you with the hope of grace by volunteering with Revive Community Care! Participate and refer those in need,

Inspire those around you with the hope of grace by volunteering with Revive Community Care! Participate and refer those in need,

PASSION CONFERENCE DOOR HOLDERS Door Holders are truly #AllForJesus— they take great pleasure in opening the door for others to experience Jesus. If you are over the age of 25 and want to be part of #Passion2022, you still can! Apply below to be a D…

Door Holders are truly #AllForJesus— they take great pleasure in opening the door for others to experience Jesus. If you are over the age of 25 and want to be part of #Passion2022, you still can! Apply below to be a Door Holder.

TEXAS YOUNG ADULTS Click the above icon or here for all the latest updates from Texas Young Adult Ministry!

Click the above icon or here for all the latest updates from Texas Young Adult Ministry!

YOUR GENEROSITY MAKES @YGCHURCH GROW, GLOW, & GO We invite you to support @ygchurch financially. As you bless YG, our young adults overflow that blessing into our community and into the world. Your tax-deductible donation helps YG grow, glow, an…

We invite you to support @ygchurch financially. As you bless YG, our young adults overflow that blessing into our community and into the world. Your tax-deductible donation helps YG grow, glow, and go. Thank you. Click the above icon or here for ways to give.

How does your support overflow into the world? Click here for @ygchurch stories of overflow.


REVIVE THANKS YOU! For coming out for their Revive Community Care Center open house!  What a tremendous affirmation to have so many members and community friends come out to celebrate!

For coming out for their Revive Community Care Center open house! What a tremendous affirmation to have so many members and community friends come out to celebrate!

THANKS FOR LUNCH! Appreciation to Texas Young Adults and SWAU Pathways to Success for treating our SWAU freshmen to a delicious lunch and such kind support!

Appreciation to Texas Young Adults and SWAU Pathways to Success for treating our SWAU freshmen to a delicious lunch and such kind support!

Younger Generation Church is the vibrant young adult ministry of the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church.YG's mission is to deepen our devotion to Christ Jesus through:  • Pursuing INTIMACY with God • Experiencing COMMUNITY with each other • Insp…

Younger Generation Church is the vibrant young adult ministry of the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church.YG's mission is to deepen our devotion to Christ Jesus through:

• Pursuing INTIMACY with God
• Experiencing COMMUNITY with each other
• Inspiring those around us with the hope of GRACE
