There are people all across the nation and around the world that are impressed and inspired by our vibrant young adult ministry. I’m often asked what is the secret to the success of Younger Generation Church. It is quite humbling when churches and colleagues ask for the magic recipe for YG. Although we don’t have it all together, and we continue to grow and learn, there are some things we have learned in our decade and half of ministry to next generations. So let me offer some of the many secrets that makes Younger Generation Church what it is today. . .
Don’t Wait Until They’re Young Adults To Include and Involve Young People.
There is a false notion, that magically young adults flood into YG and immediately have a sense of identity, belonging, and purpose—This is far from the truth. We believe a lot of who YG is—our mission, values, and purpose—is more “caught” than “taught.” We delight when great volunteers like Sumi and Yuna [above] step up to the plate to help out in YG. You’re never too young or too old to be a volunteer at YG Church.
From grade school children to senior citizens, all are welcome to volunteer at Younger Generation Church. Just anticipate a young adult to be your guide and the primary person responsible. All are invited to participate, YG young adults will be serving as leaders. Here Sumi is helping out our YG hospitality team in taking photos of new YG friends from Elevate Ministries [above].
Families that Serve Together Form Faith and a Heart for Ministry.
I along with many other are blessed by YG’s worship leaders, among them DBU collegian, Melody Mendez. We consider her one of the vibrant faces of our ministry, and I am so inspired and impressed by her love for Jesus 24/7. Melody is YG and shines Christ Jesus both on and off stage.
You may not know one of the major influences that has shaped Melody’s ministry and her heart for GOD. It’s one of the secret sauce ingredients that often goes undetected by people.
Becoming Part of the YG Family Often Starts by Volunteering with Us.
From the moment the Mendez family arrived to YG, they eagerly served in whatever volunteer roles were needed. Israel and Celeste were not hesitant to roll up their sleeves and help at Younger Generation Church, and this made it part of their family culture to volunteer with YG. Melody and Levi picked up on this are active YG members. They belong, they are YG. One of the best ways to feel included at YG is to serve. Most of our best bonds of belonging are forged when we serve side by side.
No Previous Experience Required. Just a Desire to Help.
Melody and her family just had a willingness to volunteer wherever there was a need. From that heart for service, came an invitation to join the worship team.
“The first time I ever led worship was at the age of thirteen,” recalls Melody. “I joined YG Worship because the worship director and close friends encouraged me to. At the time, I was not used to singing in front of people, let alone leading people in worship. I barely even knew what leading worship was. . .” [Read more from Melody by clicking here.]
Nearly a decade later, as a young adult, Melody continues to serve powerfully at Younger Generation Church as one of our worship leaders.
Every YG Member is a Mentor. YGers Pours GOD’s Grace and Wisdom into Next Generations.
At YG we believe that every Christ-follower has been called to love, disciple, and mentor, especially those who are younger. This is not only the job of the pastor or elder, it is the responsibility of every YGer. Growing together means that each person follows the great commission and commandment we received from Jesus. Serving as the church means more than just “going” to YG. #BeJesus #BeYG
So anticipate YG leaders like Roman to be mentoring students like Jordan [above], but don’t leave it up to only young adults to mentor and guide young people. We all can play a part in living vibrantly at Younger Generation Church.
So we invite you: Student, Parent, Young Couple, Senior Citizen, Grade Schooler, Collegian, Young Family, Teacher, Young Professional, Youth, everyone to volunteer with Younger Generation Church. Join us as we look to make a difference for the cause of Christ and build great relationships with each other. Volunteering is a great way to “Be YG” and “Be Jesus.” Sign up today, volunteer.ygchurch.com
DID YOU KNOW that it takes nineteen volunteers over fifty hours each week to run Younger Generation Church’s service and stream it to our community of worshipers from around the world? Media Ministry is the hidden team that brings YG beyond the walls of the church.
The Media Ministry team supports YG through a variety of production roles including lighting, directing, cinematography, visual display components, and more. Volunteers range from elementary aged children to adults and come from a variety of backgrounds and skillsets. Each volunteer brings his or her talents and passion together ready to learn and to serve. Click here to read more from Danielle Quaye.
Some of you may be acquainted with the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church Media Director, Danielle Quaye. She is a senior at University of Texas Arlington and an officer in a variety of on campus organizations in addition to leading our volunteer-based broadcast ministry for Mosaic service and Younger Generation Church.
Even with her expansive leadership responsibilities in both church and university, Danielle likes to keep things, as she would say it, “low key.” She doesn’t like to draw attention to herself, but works diligently with her team to share our worship ministries with hundreds of locations around the world. She has been serving our church for over a decade with weekly faithfulness to whatever has been asked of her.
A decade? Some of you may wonder how such a young person could garner so much ministry experience and retain a directorship leadership role so early. The answer is simple, at YG we start discipling leaders as early as youth wish to serve Jesus. Danielle started going to our church at age 9, and by age 11 was actively involved in Younger Generation Church due to the influence and involvement of her older sisters, Beryl and Barbara.
When your siblings are engaged and heavily involved in ministry leadership it becomes part of your culture to serve. Danielle, like many of our YGers, has volunteered in a multitude of ways ranging widely in depth of responsibility. Over the years she has grown in her leadership and levels of responsibility. Her dedication and humble attitude has always shown through as she has accepted the honor of serving Christ in whatever needed to be done through His Church.
Matthew 25 records these words reflecting Jesus delight in those who invest themselves in the cause of the Kingdom, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” [21b]
Danielle and her sisters are among the exceptional young adults who serve Younger Generation Church with dedication and distinction to this day.
Danielle’s story is a familiar one for many of our young adults. So we want to extend an invitation.
All ages. As a family. With your friends. In areas you love. In new ways. On stage. Off stage. — ALL are invited to volunteer at Younger Generation Church. It’s not only a wonderful way to serve in ministry, it’s also one of the best ways to foster relationships and build community. Like Danielle and a host of others, come serve with us. Sign up today, volunteer.ygchurch.com