Who Am I

AUGUST 31, 2021 VOL.2 NO.35

LEADERSHIP DEDICATION AT YG  We honored and dedicated this year’s student officers at Burton Adventist Academy and University of Texas Arlington [Adventist Christian Fellowship]. Click the above icon or here to watch the ceremony.

We honored and dedicated this year’s student officers at Burton Adventist Academy and University of Texas Arlington [Adventist Christian Fellowship]. Click the above icon or here to watch the ceremony.

THE WHITECOATS ARE COMING! Congratulations to DJ Henderson and family on his white coat ceremony this past weekend in Tennessee!

Congratulations to DJ Henderson and family on his white coat ceremony this past weekend in Tennessee!

I AM SECOND DEVOTIONAL & LIFEGROUP GUIDE  Pick up your "I Am Second" daily reader at any one of the lobby high bar tables. Click the above icon or tiny.one/second to download it free. Great for personal devotions, family worship, and LIFEgroup discussion. Start "Second" this September!

Pick up your "I Am Second" daily reader at any one of the lobby high bar tables. Click the above icon or tiny.one/second to download it free. Great for personal devotions, family worship, and LIFEgroup discussion. Start "Second" this September!

WELCOME TO YG Introducing Isaac Kwame Otchere! Congratulations to the entire family!

Introducing Isaac Kwame Otchere! Congratulations to the entire family!

WHO AM I? // YG CHURCH // SATURDAY // 10:15AM CDT  God So Loved, Graves Into Gardens, Make Room, No Longer Slaves #WorshipSet #Sep4 10:15AM CDT fb.com/ygchurch #YGis2nd #ygchurch Discover a new and different way of living. This is for people yearning to be known. It is for those who are weary from all their many efforts to feel significant. How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. –Ephesians 1:3-6 [Message]Join Younger Generation Church in their back to school series, “I Am Second,” Saturdays, 10:15AM CDT, live.ygchurch.com #YGis2nd #ygchurch

God So Loved, Graves Into Gardens, Make Room, No Longer Slaves #WorshipSet #Sep4 10:15AM CDT fb.com/ygchurch #YGis2nd #ygchurch

Discover a new and different way of living. This is for people yearning to be known. It is for those who are weary from all their many efforts to feel significant.

How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. –Ephesians 1:3-6 [Message]

Join Younger Generation Church in their back to school series, “I Am Second,” Saturdays, 10:15AM CDT, live.ygchurch.com #YGis2nd #ygchurch

THIS SEPTEMBER, START SECOND This month we want to encourage all YGers to be part of an “I Am Second” group. Click the above icon or here to download the group discussion guide. Your group can be as simple as your inviting one person to touch base with you each week to chat about the questions in the daily reader. You might decide to use it for your daily or weekly family worship. Possibly consider using the guide with your current LIFEgroup. Whatever works for you to start “Second” in community is great.

This month we want to encourage all YGers to be part of an “I Am Second” group. Click the above icon or here to download the group discussion guide. Your group can be as simple as your inviting one person to touch base with you each week to chat about the questions in the daily reader. You might decide to use it for your daily or weekly family worship. Possibly consider using the guide with your current LIFEgroup. Whatever works for you to start “Second” in community is great.

In the upcoming weeks, we will have “I Am Second” groups you might want to join. If you have interest in joining a group, click the above icon or here.

In the upcoming weeks, we will have “I Am Second” groups you might want to join. If you have interest in joining a group, click the above icon or here.

MAKE SOME MONEY MOVING THIS SUNDAY  One of our church members, Paul Henderschedt needs help with moving this Sunday. He is willing to pay $20/hour. He is moving furniture from a storage unit to a truck and then to a garage, so no stairs involved. The storage unit is in Mansfield. For anyone interested in making some mad money this weekend, his contact info is 214.725.9766.

One of our church members, Paul Henderschedt needs help with moving this Sunday. He is willing to pay $20/hour. He is moving furniture from a storage unit to a truck and then to a garage, so no stairs involved. The storage unit is in Mansfield. For anyone interested in making some mad money this weekend, his contact info is 214.725.9766.


PRAYERS FOR THE JOURNEY  Wishing all the best to Gary Livingston and Ashley Kephart as they tie the knot next week! Prayers for joy and bliss.

Wishing all the best to Gary Livingston and Ashley Kephart as they tie the knot next week! Prayers for joy and bliss.

SIZE UP: YOUNG ADULT CONFERENCE // SEPTEMBER 11 // 12:00AM [MIDNIGHT] Calling all Young Adults from across Sydney for an afternoon of worship and discussion. We will be discussing important and relevant questions and topics:• Mental Wellbeing  • Alc…

Calling all Young Adults from across Sydney for an afternoon of worship and discussion. We will be discussing important and relevant questions and topics:

• Mental Wellbeing
• Alcohol and Social Drinking
• Relationships and Dating
• Stewardship
• Volunteering and Ministry
• Mentorship
• Leadership Challenges
• Relational Communities

The theme for this year is "SIZE UP". It's a challenge and call to action to take your relationship with Christ to the next level. Our Keynote Speaker is Pr Bernard Deojee, who will be delivering a powerful message on purpose-driven life.

The Main Session will be followed by Group Discussions in Zoom Breakout rooms. 8 different discussion topics will be available to choose from. There will be time for you to engage in only TWO 20-minute discussions. Click the above icon or here to register.

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY // BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 11 // 10:05AM Take control of your money with Financial Peace University! This nine-lesson class uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money …

Take control of your money with Financial Peace University! This nine-lesson class uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money work for you! You can sign up for this class and start your 14-day free trial of Financial Peace by clicking here. Class starts September 11 at 10:05AM in the REVIVE Community Center!

CALLING WARM AND FRIENDLY FOLKS! If you have a gift for hospitality - or you want to! - plan to join us on Sabbath afternoon, September 11, for Greeter University, a program developed and presented by our very own Ernie Pyle! Since we never get a se…

If you have a gift for hospitality - or you want to! - plan to join us on Sabbath afternoon, September 11, for Greeter University, a program developed and presented by our very own Ernie Pyle! Since we never get a second chance to make a good first impression, we want to continue to grow our Greeting Ministry in a way that communicates our mission from the first moment someone arrives at our campus, and we need you to make that happen! We'll even feed you in the process!!

Join us for lunch and learning - Sabbath, September 11, lunch at 1p, training at 2p. For more information or to RSVP, email Loselie Weber today!

AYP CANADA KAHOOT SOIR”EH” // SEPTEMBER 18 // 7:00PM CDT Mark your calendars for September 18 because AYP Canada is hosting a virtual Kahoot Soir “eh” and you are invited! This will be a great way to meet fellow AYPers from across North America! Tun…

Mark your calendars for September 18 because AYP Canada is hosting a virtual Kahoot Soir “eh” and you are invited! This will be a great way to meet fellow AYPers from across North America! Tune in through Zoom! Click the above icon or here to receive the Zoom details.

DIGITAL OUTREACH COHORT TRAINING // BEGINS SEPTEMBER 19TH // 7:00PM CDT  This cohort series is for young adults who are interested in turning their social media hobby into an effective personal ministry. Become more proficient in their digital outre…

This cohort series is for young adults who are interested in turning their social media hobby into an effective personal ministry. Become more proficient in their digital outreach practices. Digital strategist and author, Jamie Domm, will guide you in preparing a Personal Digital Outreach Plan based on the cohort presentations. Click the above icon or here for free registration.

SUCCESS CLOSET: DONATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE Helping local low-income and in-need students and young professionals dress for success.  Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) is hosting the Success Closet on campus in our Student Center from Se…

Helping local low-income and in-need students and young professionals dress for success.

Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) is hosting the Success Closet on campus in our Student Center from September 20th-23rd. SWAU is a proud Hispanic Serving Institution Ranked #6 in Texas for most diverse campuses and #2 in the nation for social mobility. There is a great need to support low-income and first-generation college students. As well as aspiring young professionals and students in our local community. We are seeking partners and vendors for this exciting endeavor.

The need: new or like new professional clothing including:
• dress slacks,
• dress shirts,
• professional blouses,
• men and woman blazers
• suits

Donations will be accepted until the end of August
• Looking for new or like new clothing
• Donors can bring clothing to the wardrobe box in the church lobby this Sabbath
• Donors can also mail donations to PO 35 Keene Tx 76059 or send amazon packages to Southwestern Adventist University to Austen Powell at 100 West Hillcrest Street Keene, Texas 76059
• Or call to schedule a donation pickup

Phone Number: 817-202-6275 // Email: Pathways@swau.edu


Last week’s worship led by A Allan Martin, I Am Second 2021: Samuel Found a Second

Leaders: Look the part when GOD peers into your heart.

But GOD told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. GOD judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; GOD looks into the heart.” --1Samuel 16:7 [Message]

I AM SECOND [circa 2021]
Discover a new and different way of living. This is for people yearning to be known. It is for those who are weary from all their many efforts to feel significant.

How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. –Ephesians 1:3-6 [Message]

Join Younger Generation Church in their back to school series, “I Am Second,” Saturdays, 10:15AM CDT, fb.com/ygchurch #YGis2nd #ygchurch

For more on “I Am Second” click here or the above icon.

For more on “I Am Second” click here or the above icon.


LET’S DO LIFE TOGETHER  During these extraordinary times, we benefit from innovating ways to connect and build community amidst the challenges that surround us. At Younger Generation Church, we want to encourage you to seek out ways to do life toget…

During these extraordinary times, we benefit from innovating ways to connect and build community amidst the challenges that surround us. At Younger Generation Church, we want to encourage you to seek out ways to do life together while we abide by community health guidelines. Click the above icon or here for great group options to consider.

“Let us hold strong to the confession of our hope, never wavering, since the One who promised it to us is faithful. Let us consider how to inspire each other to greater love and to righteous deeds, not forgetting to gather as a community, as some have forgotten, but encouraging each other, especially as the day of His return approaches.” —Hebrews 10:23-25 [Voice]

FREE ACCESS TO RIGHTNOW MEDIA FOR ALL OUR MEMBERS!  Looking for resources to start your own Life Group? As part of our church community, you have unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources…

Looking for resources to start your own Life Group? As part of our church community, you have unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources (it’s been called the “Netflix of video Bible studies”). This extensive library has more than 20,000 videos from leaders like Francis Chan, Jennie Allen, Matt Chandler, Dr. Tony Evans, and many more. These Bible study videos can be used as part of a group study or for personal devotions, and many series include free discussion guides and handouts.

We believe that RightNow Media is a tool that can help you live out your faith in every area of your life—at home, at work, and in your community. In addition to series on books of the Bible, RightNow Media has videos for everyone in your family on a variety of topics like marriage, parenting, personal finances, mental health, and more. There’s even a library just for kids with over 2,000 safe, entertaining videos. RightNow Media has a free app that’s available on all major streaming devices so you and your family can access content anywhere, anytime. Click the above icon or click here to gain access to our digital library!


REVIVE COMMUNITY CARE: WE ARE HERE TO HELP EACH OTHER Inspire those around you with the hope of grace by volunteering with Revive Community Care! Participate and refer those in need, revivecommunitycare.com

Inspire those around you with the hope of grace by volunteering with Revive Community Care! Participate and refer those in need, revivecommunitycare.com

Click the above icon or here to listen to Pastor Allan's podcast conversation with Elder Jose Cortes, Jr.

Click the above icon or here to listen to Pastor Allan's podcast conversation with Elder Jose Cortes, Jr.

YOUR GENEROSITY MAKES @YGCHURCH GROW, GLOW, & GO We invite you to support @ygchurch financially. As you bless YG, our young adults overflow that blessing into our community and into the world. Your tax-deductible donation helps YG grow, glow, an…

We invite you to support @ygchurch financially. As you bless YG, our young adults overflow that blessing into our community and into the world. Your tax-deductible donation helps YG grow, glow, and go. Thank you. Click the above icon or here for ways to give.

How does your support overflow into the world? Click here for @ygchurch stories of overflow.


GRATITUDE AND PRAYERS  Your prayers appreciated as Pastor Allan and Deirdre Martin minister to our sister church in Los Angeles. Pray for blessings, inspiration, and refreshment for the couples of the Eagle Rock Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Your prayers appreciated as Pastor Allan and Deirdre Martin minister to our sister church in Los Angeles. Pray for blessings, inspiration, and refreshment for the couples of the Eagle Rock Seventh-day Adventist Church.

THE IMPACT OF YOUNG LEADERSHIP IN THE CHURCH  “Young adulthood is the time when so many of us stray from our faith. We suddenly have a lot of freedom and are making a lot of important decisions with lifelong impact. I’ve been blessed with strong chu…

“Young adulthood is the time when so many of us stray from our faith. We suddenly have a lot of freedom and are making a lot of important decisions with lifelong impact. I’ve been blessed with strong church and career opportunities, so I feel called to help others be strong in their faith and make decisions they will be proud of in the future. . . Young people are no longer the leaders of the church of tomorrow. We’re leaders today with ideas God has implanted in our hearts to grow the Kingdom and do great things for Him.”  —Tim Kosaka

Congratulations to all our baptismal candidates! And thank you YG family for your faithful support of our ministry! waystogive.ygchurch.com

Younger Generation Church is the vibrant young adult ministry of the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church.YG's mission is to deepen our devotion to Christ Jesus through:  • Pursuing INTIMACY with God • Experiencing COMMUNITY with each other • Insp…

Younger Generation Church is the vibrant young adult ministry of the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church.YG's mission is to deepen our devotion to Christ Jesus through:

• Pursuing INTIMACY with God
• Experiencing COMMUNITY with each other
• Inspiring those around us with the hope of GRACE
