Growing in God



This week we are learning about how God can make things grow. God helps us grow tall and He can also help us grow in our love for him. Let's look at ways plants grow and practice growing ourselves this week too!

Matthew 13:1-23; James 1:22



Look at these pictures of seeds. See if you can identify the name of each seed. Each seed has different needs and is planted in order to grow. Think about what seeds need to grow (Soil, water, space, nutrients). What are some things you need to grow with Jesus?

Materials: attached pictures of seeds

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Matthew 13:1-23

When Jesus spoke to the crowd, how did he teach them lessons? (Through parables)

In this parable, what does Jesus say the farmer is doing? (planting his seed in the field)

Describe the 4 places the seeds fell. (on the paths, on shallow rocks, among other plants or weeds, on good soil.)

Jesus explains the parable to the disciples. What did he say each soil represented?

What was different in how the seeds grew in the good soil compared to the other places it was planted? (the good soil gave the seeds what it needed to grow, nutrients from the soil, sun, and space. In the other places the seeds were choked out by other things).


In the parable Jesus used an ordinary task to teach the audience something new and spiritual about their relationship with God. He used the story of a farmer because the people he spoke to understood farming. Farming was all around them and some of them were farmers. The seeds in the story actually represented God’s Word and how we are to plant it in our hearts. The soil in the story represented our hearts and if they readily accepted God’s word initially, rejected it, or planted it deep within our hearts. Think of something that is relevant today to represent God’s word and our hearts. Retell the story by teaching the same lesson but using new examples . 


Play a game of Pictionary. Each member goes to a large whiteboard or drawing sheet of paper and draws a picture of a food item or use these cards. Divide other people into teams or everyone else guesses what is being drawn.

Materials: large sheet of drawing paper, markers, Pictionary guessing cards (optional)


Activity sheet of the 4 different types of soil. Cut and paste the soils Jesus described under the correct picture.

Materials: picture cards, scissors, glue


Create your own experiment, testing three different ways to grow a plant. Get three plastic cups label each cup with one of these titles: shallow, good soil, rocks.

Place potting soil in the cups labeled shallow and good soil. In the cup labeled shallow place the seed on the surface of the dirt not digging far down. In the cup labeled good soil, dig to the middle of the soil and place the seed in and cover with a good amount of soil. In the cup labeled rocks, fill the cup with rocks.

Next poor some soil into the cup to fill the gaps with soil. Drop your seed into the soil. Be sure to water your seeds and place them in the sun. You can record the changes in a notebook or just observe which seed grows and changes.

Materials: 3 plastic cups, marker, potting soil, 3 planting seeds, rocks




Cut and paste the following flower together putting it in the correct place. Color and glue them onto a pot that you draw on the paper. 

Materials: printed cut and paste flower



Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page


Craft 3

Coloring Page

Materials: printed coloring sheet


Play a simple game of Simon Says. Give several examples of things for the student to do things such as jump, do jumping jacks, pat head, etc., being sure to say, “Simon Says” before each action you want them to actually do. In this game of Simon Says you had to do whatever Simon told you to do. God also wants us to do what He asks of us, but He is not trying to trick us like the game of Simon Says. Instead, He says He will help us. He gives us His Word, the Bible, not only to read but to also DO. 

Read or listen to James 1:22

In God’s word, Jesus gives instructions on things that we are to do. Using a piece of construction paper or regular paper, draw a line down half the paper. Print the attached sheet and paste the things Jesus has said on one side of the paper and the other quotes on the other side.

Look at all of the things Jesus said and put a star by the one you may need to practice doing more this week.

Materials: sheet of construction paper, pencil/pen, printed sheet of things Jesus said

Practical Application at Home

God’s word is meant to be planted in our hearts so that we can produce good fruit. Reading God’s word is the first step to planting God’s word but we must also DO God’s word. Read the following scriptures and give examples of ways you can live out that verse this week.

Colossians 3:20………………….(Obey your parents)

Romans 12:14 …………………….(Bless those who persecute you)

1 Thessalonians 5:18 …………………(in everything give thanks)

Proverbs 16:24………………………Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul)

Psalm 82:3……………………(Defend the poor and fatherless, do justice to afflicted and needy)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


I can be big in small ways



We are all a part of something that is great! In this big world, are we too small for God to see and care for? This week we will see how God can take something small and make it a part of something really big!

Matthew 13:31-32; Philippians 2:10-11



The pictures on the attached form were taken up close and only show one part. Looking at just one part of the picture, try to determine the picture big picture. Was it easy or hard to figure out each picture from just looking at one small section? When you can see the large picture the smaller section makes more sense. We are also a part of a larger picture.

Materials: attached pictures

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Matthew 13:31-32

Jesus tells a parable about what type of seed? (Mustard)

Is a mustard seed big or small? (small)

What did Jesus say the Mustard seed was like? (The kingdom of Heaven)

What does a mustard seed grow into? (A very large Mustard Tree)

Why do you think Jesus told this story of a small seed? (To show that God can use something very small and turn it into something very big)


Showing kindness to others shows them God’s love. Jesus said we are to show love to our neighbors. Our neighbors are not only the people who live next door but the people God brings us into contact with. Young people you come into contact with like new classmates, someone who may not get picked to be on a team, a new kid at church or the new teammate are all neighbors God has placed in front of you to love.


Fill a cup with water and place several drops of dark food coloring, such as red or blue, in the cup until water is a deep color. Place a leaf with a stem in the cup. Observe what happens to the leaf over the next few days. Notice how the food coloring starts small and spreads. God’s kingdom is like this, it starts small but grows until it spreads all over.

Materials: see through plastic or glass cup, food coloring


Watch this video on a book a book about the Mustard Seed. Video about mustard seed: Say The mustard seed started small and grew into a very large tree with large branches. God said the Kingdom of God is like the mustard seed in that it starts small, like you or me, but as we tell others about Jesus’ love it grows larger and greater just like the mustard tree!

Materials: video link


Create a sequence of a mustard seed’s growth. Make a small booklet or use a large sheet of construction paper to sequence a mustard seed’s growth. Draw a picture of the stages as a seed, seedling, small/large bush, and its growth through becoming a large tree. Make 4-5 stages.

Materials: large sheet of construction paper, crayons/markers




Make a large Mustard tree using this template as a base. Use green felt to cut out large leaves for the tree. Use white or colorful felt to cut small birds to glue onto the branches of the tree. If you do not have felt use white paper and color it accordingly, or colored construction paper. See here for example.

Materials: Mustard seed template, green felt, white felt, white paper (Optional alternative)



Use the Mustard see template tree to color and add cut-out leaves to. On each leaf write the name of someone you can share Jesus with to grow the kingdom of God.

Materials: mustard tree template, cut-out leaves


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Coloring page


Jesus used the parable of the mustard seed to show that something that is small is a part of something big. We are small but we are also a part of something big God’s people come from all over the world and even speak different languages. Together we make something great, a people of God.

Read Philippians 2:10-11

No matter what language you speak or where you live God calls us to be a part of His kingdom.

We are a small part of a larger community. Create a picture to show you are part of something big! Create the following cut-outs: a picture of yourself, an outline of your city, the outline of your state, the outline of your country, the outline of the world. Make each outline a little larger than the next. Take the outline of the world and glue your country on top, then glue your state, city, and yourself last.

Materials: picture or yourself (or drawing), outline of your city, outline of your state, outline of your country, outline of the world

Practical Application at Home

Have you ever felt like something you did was too small for God to care about or see?

Think about the lesson today. God chose to illustrate his story using a mustard seed and not an apple or peach pit. 

Is there anything too small for God to notice? He used the smallest seed as an example of something He can use for something great. 

Have you ever thought that something you did for your family, church or school was not important because it was small? 

Do you think God can use even the small things we do for something bigger? Our small acts, when added to other believers acts, can add to something big.

In each category think of something that you can do for others around you that may seem small but could be meaningful to them..

-neighbors -parents -siblings -classmates

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


God will always love me



Have you ever lost something that is important to you? Have you ever been lost? This week we will see what God says about his children who may be lost. Spoiler Alert!! He will never stop loving you!

Luke 15:4-32; Psalm 23



Play the game ‘hot and cold’. While child is not looking hide an object or stuffed animal. When they open their eyes they can search for the item as you tell them if they are hot, as they get closer to finding the object, or cold as they move farther from where the object is located. 

Was it easy or hard to find the object? Did you want to give up or did you believe you would be able to find it eventually. This week we are talking about something that is lost being found. Jesus told 3 parables that illustrated God’s love for us. Notice what is the same in all 3 stories.

Materials: stuffed animal or toy

Read or listen to Luke 15:4-32

How many sheep did the shepherd have? (100)

How many sheep were lost?  (1 sheep)

What did he do when he found his lost sheep? (he called his friends and neighbors to rejoice with him)

How many silver coins did the woman have? (10 silver coins)

How many did she lose? (1 silver coin)

Where did she search to find it? (all over the house)

What did she do when she found it? (calls her friends and neighbors to rejoice with her)

How many sons did the man have? (2 sons)

What did the younger son do? (took his share of the money and lived far from his father)

What did the father do when his son returned? (had a celebration and a feast)

In each story something was lost. In each story the person looked high and low until they found what they were looking for. God’s love wants to find us and He never stops searching for us! When we are found, God rejoices over his treasure that is no longer lost.



Print the attached sheet and cut into strips of paper. Fill a container, large cup or bowl, with rice, or beans and place the strips of paper into the bowl and mix them in. Child will feel around the bowl until they find a strip of paper to pull out and read. Each slip describes something the prodigal did that hurt his relationships. After they read the paper they tell if God still loved him. The answer is, “YES.”

Materials: printed prodigal son sins, scissors, dry rice/beans, container/bowl


Create a large poster that says “God Never gives up on the lost”. Tape several large sheets of paper together or use a long banner sized paper. Decorate the banner by drawing pictures representing each parable that talks about the lost. To make a 3D banner use cotton balls to make the sheep. Decorate the cotton ball with a black marker for eyes and ears. Place coins of different sizes under the paper and shade over top to make a coin rubbing. Draw pigs and the pigpen or use cut-out pieces of construction paper to recreate the story of the parable. Be creative and use different mediums to create a unique banner.

Materials: large banner paper or large papers taped together, craft items (Cotton balls, yarn, construction paper etc), crayons, scissors, glue


Using popsicle sticks have child build their own pigpen or sheep pen. They will design and build their pen with the popsicle sticks and create a gate if possible. After they are finished discuss how Jesus loves us and wants what is best for us. He will always search for us and He will never stop loving us no matter how far we go from him or what we might do.

Materials: popsicle sticks or craft sticks, glue




On a sheet of construction paper, lightly outline a circle in pencil. Have child dip their finger in paint and  stamp several times within the circle. While paint is drying, cut out 2 rectangle pieces, an oval and long oval ears on black construction paper. Glue pieces of black paper onto the finger-paints to make a sheep. See here for an example.

Materials: white washable paint, construction paper, black construction paper, art supplies: glue, pencil, scissors



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep to show how he will always search for us. The parables he used reflected the people he was speaking with. They understood how valuable the silver coin was in order to eat and take care of their weekly needs. They also understood the job of a shepherd to his sheep. They knew that sheep are helpless without someone to guide them. They also understood how heartbroken the father may have been for his son to take his money and then leave home. King David was also a shepherd and he wrote about God being His shepherd. 

Read Psalm 23

The Bible describes Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He takes care of his sheep. We may not fully understand the role of a shepherd but we can understand Jesus to be another characteristic. For example, he is our father, a friend, a comforter, a redeemer, a savior, and a brother. Choose one of those descriptions of Jesus to create a new poem like Psalm 23. Fill in the missing blanks based on the description you chose. Read your new poem to someone. 

Materials: printed Psalm 23 fill in the blank poem

Practical Application at Home

It’s easy to see God’s love in the big things that happen in our life, This week look for ways God shows you He loves you every day. Fill in this chart each day by drawing a picture or writing how you saw God’s love for you that day. For example when we do something wrong and we are forgiven by our parents we feel God’s love through our parents. We we ask God’s forgiveness and we feel peace or calmness, we are feeling God’s love through his forgiveness. When a sibling or friend shows kindness or offers help when we are feeling sad, that’s God’s love! Look for other ways this week of God’s love to you!

Materials: finding God’s love chart

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


I was MADE to do Great things



Would you ever bury your most treasured possession? That seems silly, but this week we will look at the treasures God has given us and how we can use them and not bury them. We will see how God can use us to do great things!

Matthew 25:14-40 ; Ephesians 2:10



Wrap a few items with wrapping paper that can be used to serve others (plastic cup, individually wrapped snack, marker, baseball, etc.) After gift has been opened discuss how each item can be used to serve others. These items may not seem like treasures, but when used to serve others they are actually very special. We all have talents or special skills God has given us that may seem ordinary but when used for God they are treasures! The parable Jesus shared describes three workers who were given the same responsibility but let’s see if they all used their “talents” the same way.

Read or listen to the scripture Matthew 25:14-40

What did the first two workers do with the money from their master? (They invested the money and made twice as much money as what they were given)

What did the last worker do with the money? (He buried the money)

Why was burying the money wrong? (He didn’t work or do anything with the money)

How did the master feel about each of the workers? (He was happy with the first 2 workers but upset with the last worker)

What do you think you would have done with the money if you were the worker?

What words would you use to describe the third worker?

Materials: wrapping paper, several items to wrap (plastic cup, individually wrapped snack, marker, baseball, etc)



Make a side silhouette. Using a partner, shine a light on the side of your face to make a shadow appear on the nearby wall. Place a sheet of paper on the shadow and have your partner trace your silhouette onto the paper. Shade in your silhouette with dark crayon or color pencil. Help your partner do the same. The silhouettes are different just like your talents and personalities are different. On a separate sheet of paper write about the talents God has blessed you with, how you can use them, and in what ways will it bless other people.

Materials: paper, pencil, black crayon/colored pencil, flashlight or other source of light


Cut out the attached strips of paper that have possible talents written on each one, or come up with your own talents. Fold the strips of paper and put them all in the bowl. Each person takes a turn pulling a talent out of the bowl and reading them and doing the action that they read. They can determine if the item they choose is one of their talents after they try the activity.

Materials: Printed talent strips


Create a name silhouette. On a sheet of construction paper, fold it in half lengthwise and draw a light pencil line 1 inch above the fold. Write your name large on half with the pencil line. While keeping the paper folded half, cut around the outline of your name, do not cut on the fold. Open the name silhouette and on the blank side draw a picture of a unique way God is calling to serve others at home, your church or in your community.

Materials: construction paper, pencil, scissors, coloring pencils/crayons




Complete the attached Coin Pouch by cutting out the coins that describe your talents and glueing them onto the pouch. Use the blank coins to add talents that are not written on the coins. Color the pouch. Discuss how you could use those talents to help others.

Materials: printed coin pouch craft, pencil, scissors, glue



coloring page

Materials: Crayons or coloring utensil, Printer, Scissors, Glue a piece of paper



Using a large construction paper and magazines make a collage of the things you believe God has gifted you. Place pictures of things that represent your gifts on the large paper.

God has given each one of us gifts to be used for Him. He has created us to do great things.  Read or listen to Ephesians 2:10. This verse says that we are God’s handiwork. Another word used in a different translation is Masterpiece. He did not make us by accident nor did he throw us together. He created us with a purpose, with precision, and with beauty. He created us to do good works. We each have a talent that we can use for him. Have you ever wondered if you were good at anything? Or ever not liked something about yourself? The good news is God made you exactly the way He wanted you to be. The talents He gave you are for you to use and share!

Materials: large construction paper, magazines for cutting, scissors

Practical Application at Home

Think about what you want to be when you grow up? Does that job include your talents from God? How can you use it to help others know God? We can share God’s love through big and small acts. If you have the talent of friendliness, you can greet people who are new to your class and make them feel welcome. That may seem like a small thing but to the person who is anxious about being new it can bring comfort and relief. If you have the talent of being a leader, you can help lead people to do the right thing when they may be tempted to do wrong. Having the talent of leadership is a big responsibility and can help guide others toward God. If you have the talent of cheerfulness, you have the ability to make someone feel better when they may be feeling down or discouraged. 

Materials: printed talents chart

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


Jesus Forgives



This week we are learning that Jesus loves us so much that he forgives us when we do wrong. This week we will see how much we are forgiven and can grow in our love for God.

Luke 7:40-50; Romans 3:23; Hebrews 10:17



Show your child several bills like water or electricity. When we use electricity or water we owe the company money for their service. Until we pay the bill we are in debt for that service. What if one month they told us we did not need to pay but they forgave us that debt? If it was a small amount we would be grateful. What if the amount was really big and would have taken us months to pay but they forgave us the debt. How would we feel? We would be extremely happy. Today we will read a parable that Jesus told about two people whose debts were forgiven. 

Read or listen to Luke 7:40-50

How much money did the first debtor owe? (500 denarii)

How much money did the second debtor owe? (50 denarii)

Who was forgiven their debt? (both men)

Who would love the moneylender more?( the debtor who was forgiven more)

What was Jesus teaching Simon? (That when you have been forgiven a lot you will love more, and when you have been forgiven little you love little)

Materials: several utility bills



How easy is it for you to forgive? Read the following scenario cards and tell if it would be easy or hard to forgive. What would you do to show them they are forgiven?

Materials: Scenario cards


Watch this video about forgiveness.

Materials: video


Use a small white canvas and masking tape, write the words “I am forgiven” anywhere on the canvas. Alternative: use a white paper and a white crayon coloring thick letters. Paint the rest of the canvas, or white sheet of paper, any way you like with any color. Once paint has dried remove the masking tape.

Materials: Small white canvas, Paint, Masking tape Alternate Option: white crayon, white paper




Create a colorful perfume bottle. Cut out the perfume bottle and glue on colorful tissue paper. See this example.

Materials: Construction printed perfume bottle, colorful tissue paper pencil, scissors, glue



coloring page

Materials: Crayons or coloring utensil, Printer, Scissors, Glue a piece of paper



Like the sinful woman, we have much to be thankful for as well. Whether we choose to see our sins as big or small, they are all sins in God’s eyes. He has forgiven us and paid the price for our sins. The sinful woman walked into a room full of important people and knelt before Jesus to wash his feet with expensive perfume. 

How can we show God that we love him because He first loves us? 

What acts can we show to Him that we are not embarrassed at how big our love is for him because His love for us is greater?

How can I show that forgiveness to others around me?

Practical Application at Home

Read Romans 3:23. It is sad to think that we have all sinned and fallen short of what God wants for us, but God has provided a way for forgiveness. He has sent his son to die for our sins so that we can be forgiven. Even more than forgiving us, God says in Hebrews 10:17 that he will remember our sins and lawless acts no more. Isn’t that good news? No matter what I’ve done, God will forgive me and then not even remember them later! No matter how good we are, we have all sinned and need forgiveness. Take a few minutes to think of some sins you need forgiven. Maybe you have not been kind to your siblings or friends, maybe you have told lies to your parents to keep from getting in trouble, maybe you stole something from a friend or store, maybe you have been disrespectful to your parents, or maybe you have cheated at school or in a game. Ask God to forgive you of your sins.

On a small chalkboard or on the sidewalk outside write down the things you need forgiven. God says he will forgive you and he also says he will remember them no more. Using water or a water hose, wash the chalkboard or sidewalk. Not only has God forgiven you, but He he will not remember the things you did any longer.

Materials: Sidewalk chalk, Chalkboard (optional)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


Growing In God



This week we are learning about how God can make things grow. God helps us grow tall and He can also help us grow in our love for him. Let's look at ways plants grow and practice growing this week too!



Let’s pretend we are flowers. When flowers first start out they are a seed, so curl up into a ball and get really low to the ground. Then the stem begins to grow up (tell children to stand up a little). The stem continues to grow tall and grow leaves (children move up more and extend arms like a leaves). The plant is then nice and tall and sometimes begins to flower (have children stand up straight and tall). 

God made plants to grow but they need several things to grow, such as sun, water, and soil. God also wants us to grow in our love for him. What things do we need so we grow in our love for God?


Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week. Matthew 13:1-23

When Jesus spoke to the crowd, how did he teach them lessons? (Through parables)

In this parable, what does Jesus say the farmer is doing? (planting his seed in the field)

Describe the 4 places the seeds fell. (on the paths, on shallow rocks, among other plants or weeds, on good soil.)

Which was the best place for the seeds to fall? (in the good soil)

What was different with how the seeds grew in the good soil and the other places it was planted? (The good soil gave the seeds what it needed to grow, nutrients from the soil, sun, and space. In the other places the seeds were choked out by other things).

There are things that keep us from growing just like the seeds couldn’t fully grow in the rocks, thorns, or on the path. We too want to have fertile soil, willing hearts, to grow in our love for God. 


Do this Fingerplay:

This is my garden (Extend palm of hand facing up)

I’ll rake it with care, (Rake palm with 3 fingers of the other hand)

Here are some flower seeds, (Plant pretend seeds on palm)

I’ll plant there.

The sun will shine, (Make a circle with other hand)

And the rain will fall, (Fingers flutter down)

and my garden will blossom, 

and grow straight and tall (Cup hands together and raise fingers upward and spread them out as they grow)

In the parable Jesus told of the farmer and the seeds, Jesus used something that they understood, like farming to teach them something new. The seeds in the story were like God’s word. The soil in the story was our hearts. Jesus was describing the way some people’s hearts accepted God’s word and some people didn’t. 


Using a clear plastic cup (or another plastic container) plant a seed in planting soil. With your child show them how to place soil in the cup and place the seed deep into the dirt. Water the cup and set it in the sun. Throughout the week check back on the seed and watch for any signs of growth below or above the soil.

Materials: car plastic cup or container, planting seed, planting soil


If you have the following seeds available show them to your child. (sunflower, pumpkin, bell pepper, cucumber, peach, apple, orange, squash/gourd) Discuss where seeds come from and take them out of the fruit or vegetable together if you have them on hand. As you explore the seeds discuss its color, shape, size, how many are in the fruit or vegetable and how to use seeds to make more of its kind. Once you are finished use these picture cards to match the seeds to its fruit.

Materials: variety of seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, bell pepper, cucumber, peach, apple, orange, avocado), printed seed matching picture cards


Activity sheet review matching of soils

Materials: printed parable soils activity sheet




Cut and paste the following flower together putting it in the correct place. Color and glue them onto a pot that you draw on the paper.

Materials: printed cut and paste flower



Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page



Materials: printed coloring page

Practical Application at Home

Seeds that are planted in good soil have deep roots and also grow to produce fruits. When we have good heart soil, God’s word is planted in our hearts, it grows and we produce good fruits. Think of some ways we can produce good fruit.

Reading God’s word is the first step to planting God’s word but we must also DO God’s word. Here are a few things you can do at home this week to show that God’s word is living in you.

Obey your mother and father

Be a blessing to others around you

Be thankful for the things you are given

Use kind language

Share with someone in need

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


I can be big in small ways



This week we are learning that God can take something small, like a mustard seed, and make it into something great, like a Mustard tree! We may be small but we are a part of God’s great Kingdom!



Get a small glass of water and food coloring to complete this demonstration. This glass of water is clear but I have food coloring to change the color of this water to____ (say whatever color you have). Add just a few drops of the food coloring and give it time to settle through the water. Notice how I only used a few drops of food coloring and yet it changed the entire glass of water to this color. Today we will read a parable that Jesus shared on how something small can make a big impact.

Materials: glass of water, food coloring

Read or listen to the Bible story for the week Matthew 13:31-32

Jesus is telling a parable about what type of seed? (Mustard)

Is a mustard seed big or small? (Small)

What did Jesus say the Mustard seed was like? (The kingdom of Heaven)

What does a mustard seed grow into? (A very large Mustard Tree)

Why do you think Jesus told this story of a small seed? (To show that God can use something very small and turn it into something very big)


God can use something small and turn it into something large for his kingdom. We sometimes think that we are too small to do anything big for God or His kingdom, but Jesus’ parable shows we can start with something small and He can turn it to something great! When we share God’s love with others and they love him too, God’s kingdom becomes greater as more and more people are added. Choose to complete one or more of the following activities.


  1. Using Large plastic Lego blocks and a dry erase marker, or removable labels, have your child place one block on the floor that has their name on it. Have them describe if this “tower” is large or small right now. Take another block and write someone else’s name on the block that your child suggest of someone they love and want to see in Heaven. Add that block to the tower. Continue to do this until your tower is a reasonable height. Say, Our tower started as just one block which didn’t seem like a great tower, but what started small grew into a large tower because of the people you named. God’s Kingdom is like that, it grows bigger because we tell others about Jesus and they love him too!

Materials: large plastic lego blocks, dry erase marker (or removable labels)


Watch this video on a book about the Mustard Seed: Mustard Seed Video

Say, The mustard seed started small and grew into a very large tree with large branches. God said the Kingdom of God is like the mustard seed in that it starts small, like you or me, but as we tell others about Jesus’ love it grows larger and greater just like the mustard tree!

Materials: mustard seed video


Using green play dough have children make small and large trees. They can explore using play dough and manipulating it to form a large trunk, branches and leaves. Discuss parts of a tree as the child tries to make them.

Materials: green play dough



Make a large Oak Tree using this template as a base. Use green felt to cut out large leaves for the tree. Use white or colorful felt to cut small birds to glue onto the branches of the tree. If you do not have felt use white paper and color it accordingly, or colored construction paper. See here for example.

Materials: oak tree template, green felt, white felt Alternative: white paper



Use the Mustard Seed template tree to color and add cut-out leaves to. On each leaf write the name of someone you can share Jesus with to grow the kingdom of God.

Materials: coloring page printout, crayons


CRaft 3

Coloring page.

Materials: Printed coloring page, Crayons


Look at a plant from inside your house or one growing outside. Observe the plant with your child and discuss. Here are a few questions you could ask.

Name parts of this plant.

What are some parts of the plant you can not see?

What type of soil do you need to produce a good plant?

How tall is this plant?

What are some small things you have to do for this plant everyday for it to continue to grow? (make sure it has enough water, sunlight, food, and space)

How is this plant growing like you are growing each day? (Each day it grows a little even though you may not be able to see it)

How is this plant like the Kingdom of God? (it started out small as a seed and has grown much greater, just like God’s Kingdom grows with each person I share God’s love.)

Practical Application at Home

Look at this picture of a mustard seed and mustard tree. Let’s think of some things that we consider small tasks that can have a great reward.

Carrying a neighbors trash cans up their driveway……….. shows your neighbor you love them

Eating lunch with a new kid in class……………… shows someone they are accepted.

Obeying your parents and teachers………….Shows them you follow God’s commands

Helping a younger sibling with a small task………………… them kindness

Think of a few more things you can do that have a big impact on the people around you.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


God will always love me



Have you ever lost a toy? Have you ever been lost? This week we will see what God says about his children who may be lost. He will never stop loving you!



When your child is not looking, hide several stuffed animals around the room. We have lost our animals! They are very dear to us! We must look for them. Let’s see how many animals you can find. Let’s go search for them. Once all the animals are found, count them and say “Rejoice with me! I have found my animals!”

Today our story is actually three stories that Jesus told. There is something that is the same in all three stories, see if you can figure it out.

Materials: Stuffed animals

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 15:4-32

How many sheep did the shepherd have? (100)

How many sheep were lost?  (1 sheep)

What did he do when he found his lost sheep? (he called his friends and neighbors to rejoice with him)

How many silver coins did the woman have? (10 silver coins)

How many did she lose? (1 silver coin)

Where did she search to find it? (all over the house)

What did she do when she found it? (calls her friends and neighbors to rejoice with her)

How many sons did the man have? (2 sons)

What did the younger son do? (took his share of the money and lived far from his father)

What did the father do when his son returned? (had a celebration and a feast)


Jesus used these three parables to describe how his love is not like our love and he will always love us. He will always search for us and wants us to be found. When we are found he will rejoice and be glad. We are that important to God! He cares about each one of us no matter what we have done, how small we are or how far away we go. God will never stop loving you!

Do one or more of the following activities.


Pretend to be a shepherd. Blow up several balloons and use a ‘shepherds rod’ made from a stick, small pole, or broom stick. Place balloons around the room and have child herd them into a designated area. Count the balloons collected and tell them they are missing one. Have one balloon hidden away and have them look for it. 

Materials: several inflated balloons, a “shepherd’s rod” (Stick or dowel)


Create a large poster that says “God NEVER gives up on the lost”. Tape several large sheets of paper together or use a long banner sized paper. Decorate the banner by drawing pictures representing each parable that talks about the lost. To make a 3D banner use cotton balls to make the sheep. Decorate the cotton ball with a black marker for eyes and ears. Place coins of different sizes under the paper and shade over top to make a coin rubbing. Draw pigs and the pigpen or use cut-out pieces of construction paper to recreate the story of the parable. Be creative and use different mediums to create a unique banner.

Materials: large banner paper (or large papers taped together), craft items (cotton balls, yarn, construction paper, etc), crayons, scissors, glue


Build a pigpen using large bricks, blocks or legos. Using small toy people, stuffed animals, and toy plastic animals you own, recreate the scene of the prodigal son working with the animals and then returning home. Have your child retell the story as they play.

Materials: large bricks/blocks/legos, small toy/stuffed animal, small toy people



Make a fingerprint Sheep. On a sheet of construction paper lightly outline a circle in pencil. Have child dip their finger in paint and  stamp several times within the circle. While paint is drying, cut out two rectangle pieces, an oval, and long oval ears on black construction paper. Glue pieces of black paper onto the finger-paints to make a sheep. See here for an example.

Materials: white washable paint, construction paper, black construction paper, art supplies: glue, pencil, scissors



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Are you lost right now? No, we are together! Can someone be lost from God? Sometimes when we are not kind to others, or say unkind words, or don’t obey our parents, we are living outside of the way God wants us to live. We are lost from the direction God wants us to go. When we behave in a way other than how God asks us to behave, God does not stop loving us. He continues to love us and search for us. When we return to God he rejoices and celebrates! He will never stop loving us no matter what we do or how far we go! That is Amazing news!

What are some ways we can search for God?

How can we follow God’s directions?

How can we treat others to show we love God?

Practical Application at Home

It’s easy to see God’s love in the big things that happen in our life. This week look for ways God shows you He loves you every day. Fill in this chart each day by drawing a picture or writing how you saw God’s love for you that day. For example, when we do something wrong and we are forgiven by our parents, we feel God’s love through our parents’ forgiveness. When we ask God’s forgiveness and we feel peace or calmness, we are feeling God’s love through his forgiveness. When a sibling or friend shows kindness or offers help when we are feeling sad, that’s God’s love! Look for other ways this week of God’s love toward you!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


I was made to do Great things



What are you good at? This week we are looking at how God has given us talents that we can then use to do Great Things! Let’s find out how we can use our talents and not waste them.



Find a treasured toy or stuffed animal your child likes, or a treasure they know you like. Say, I really like this treasure! Its so important to me, but I like it so much I think I am going to hide and bury it so no one will find it! Go and bury or pretend to bury your treasure in the backyard or in the back of a cabinet. Say, Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think my treasure will be safe here? No one will be able to get to it, but neither will I. Do you still think this is the best use of my treasure? Today we are reading a parable Jesus told about what we should do with the treasures he blesses us with.

Materials: stuffed toy or personal item you like

Read or listen to the scripture Matthew 25:14-40

What did the first two workers do with the money from their master? (They invested the money and made twice as much money as what they were given)

What did the last worker do with the money? (He buried the money)

Why was burying the money wrong? (He didn’t work or do anything with the money)

How did the master feel about each of the workers? (He was happy with the first two workers but upset with the last worker)

Have you ever buried something that was important to you? 

Materials: Computer to play video, Bible or online bible



Talent show. Each person in the room should think of a talent they have, big or small. Give each person time to then share a special talent they have with the group. If you are not sure what your talent is, try a few things to find out what your talent might be.

Materials: your talents


Hide coins around the room or outdoor play area. Give child a bucket or small basket to collect the lost coins. After all the hidden coins are collected say,  It’s fun to look for hidden money, but Jesus told the story to show we are not to hide the talents He gives us. He has made each one of us unique so we should use those talents to serve a friend or others who may need help.

Materials: Coins (real or pretend), small toy bucket or basket


Leave a variety of crafting items in a large container or organized on a table for child to work. Task them with creating something unique from their own imagination. There is no wrong craft or project. Their craft should look unique, just like them. God created you to make and do great things. Each one of us is different so our project will be as well.

Materials: variety of crafting items: paper, scissors, glue, construction paper different sizes, glitter, crayons, stickers, etc




Complete the attached Coin Pouch by cutting out the coins that describe your talents and glueing them onto the pouch. Use the blank coins to add talents that are not written on the coins. Color the pouch. Discuss how you could use those talents to help others.

Materials: printed coin pouch craft



Coloring page.

Materials: printed coloring sheet


Do you like finding treasures?

Treasures are not fun if they stay hidden.

What does God want us to do with the talents he has given us?

How can you use your talents to help others?

What does God call us?

Deuteronomy 7:6 God calls us his treasure, we are special to him. He also gives us special talents to use to help others. He thinks we are special and wants us to show others they are special too!

This week find 3 ways to use your talents to help your friends at school, church, and your family at home. When you use the talents God has given you, you are not hiding them but using them for the people around you!

Practical Application at Home

Cut out the attached strips of paper that have possible talents written on each one or come up with your own talents. Fold the strips of paper and put them all in the bowl. Each person takes a turn pulling a talent out of the bowl and reading them and doing the action that they read. They can determine if that is their talent of not after they tried to complete the talent.

Materials: printed talent strips, bowl

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food


Jesus forgives



This week we are learning that Jesus loves us so much that he forgives us when we do wrong. This week we will see how much we are forgiven and can grow in our love for God.



Hide paper money around the room for the kids to find. Have them bring their money and place them into two or more piles making one pile larger than the others. Give one pile to each child. Tell them you will let them borrow this money. Show the happy face you would have if you received the small pile of money. Now, show the happy face you would have if you had the big pile of money? Today we will listen to a parable Jesus shared about giving money and not asking for it back. When we have been given a lot we are even more happy than if we are given a little. God’s love is like this. The more He has forgiven us the more love we want to show Him and others.  

Materials: paper money (real or play money)

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 7:40-50

How much money did the first debtor owe? (500 denarii)

How much money did the second debtor owe? (50 denarii)

Who was forgiven their debt? (Both men)

Who would love the moneylender more? (The debtor who was forgiven more)

What was Jesus teaching Simon? (That when you have been forgiven a lot you will love more, and when you have been forgiven little you love little)

Materials: Computer to play video, Bible or online Bible



Set up a play store or shopping area. Use play money and toy items such as food, stuffed animals and toys as part of the store. As you play store with your child talk about how items cost money and you have to pay for them. Discuss how the man who owed a lot of money didn’t have to pay it back just like the man who owed a little. They were happy they didn’t have to pay it back. God forgives us too!

Materials: play/toy items to create a shopping or play store (play money, food, animals, other toys)


Make playdough. Use this recipe to make homemade play dough. Add essential oils like lavender, lemon, or orange to give it a good scent. While playing with play dough discuss how the perfume used on Jesus’ feet smelled wonderful and was expensive. The sinful woman wanted to show Jesus how much she loved him and treasured him no matter the cost.

Materials: ingredients to make play dough (flour, salt, cream of tartar, vegetable oil, water), Food coloring (optional), essential oils or other good smelling oils 


Make a celebration greeting card that says “I am Forgiven” decorate the card with confetti and other forms celebration decorations. Talk about how Jesus has forgiven us and that is something to celebrate. Let this card be a reminder that we are forgiven when we do wrong things. God forgives us for the big and little things that we do, and that’s something to celebrate!

Materials: Construction paper, Coloring markers/crayons




Create a colorful perfume bottle. Cut out perfume bottle and glue on colorful tissue paper. See this example.

Materials: printed perfume bottle, colored tissue paper



Coloring page.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons/markers


Were both the debtors forgiven in the story?

Who had more love?

How should we treat others knowing that we are also forgiven for the big mistakes we’ve made?

What are some ways you can show forgiveness to others?

Practical Application at Home

Think of the following scenarios. How could you forgive someone for doing these things to you. What would you do or say to show them they are forgiven?

—Someone doesn’t share the ball at recess.

—A friend decides not to be your friend at school.

—Your friend throws the ball and hits you in the face on accident.

—A new kid at school calls you a mean name.

—Your friend lies about eating your candy.

—A classmate steals your pencil from your desk.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food





Welcome to week 1! This week we will learn to trust God just as Jesus did. 

Matthew 26:36-46; Psalm 28:7 Isaiah 53:5



We are going to play a game that will require you to trust me. Blindfold your child and tell them you will feed them several items. Tell them the items you will feed them right before you put it in their mouth (apple sauce, yogurt, crackers, etc). Ask Did you trust that I would feed you what I said I was going to feed you? Did you have to trust or have faith that I would never try to hurt or mislead you?  This week we are learning that Jesus trusted God, and God wants us to trust him too. 

Materials: Various food items on hand (i.e applesauce, yogurt, crackers ect), blindfold

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Matthew 26:36-46

Where did Jesus take the disciples to pray? (The Garden of Gethsemane)

What did he ask the disciples to do while he prayed? (Pray for him)

What did the disciples do? (They fell asleep)

What did Jesus pray to God for? (For this cup of death to pass over him)

How do you know Jesus trusted God? (He said He would do God’s will not his own)

Although Jesus knew this difficult death was going to happen He also knew that God was in control. He knew God had a plan and Jesus trusted God’s plan to be what was best.


God is trustworthy. He is our provider and our creator. The plans he has for us are far better than the plans we can make for ourselves. When you are the creator of something you know how it works and what its purpose is better than anyone else, because you are the one who created it. Make up a game to play with your family. Explain the rules and instructions to your family. Then play the game together. Now think about how the game went. Did people have questions? Who had the answers? You did! You knew how you wanted the game to be played and how to win because you were it’s creator. God is our creator. Who else can know what’s best for us besides the One who designed us and knows our beginning and end. We can trust his plan.


Look up the following scriptures about trusting God. Match them with their verse. 

Materials: pencil, printed trust paper


Pretend you are one of the disciples that went to the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus. Have another person pretend they are a reporter wanting to find out more about what happened in the night Jesus was arrested. Have the interviewer ask the disciple questions about that night. Have each character dress up and use props to reenact the scene. If more characters are needed for additional children pretend some children are other disciples, a soldier that arrested Jesus, or Judas. Give children time to prepare their skit, props and questions for the interview. Record the skit and allow children time to watch it.

Materials: Clothes to create costumes, pen/pencil, paper


Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. We often spend time in a garden or park to enjoy the nature God gives us. Design your own garden, whether its a garden for your backyard or a garden for a large park. Use graph paper if available to draw where you would place trees and flowers, park benches, walkways, walking trails etc. Use a key to show what each picture represents. Alternative option: use cut-out pictures of flowers and trees from magazines to create a picture garden. Here are a few links for examples: example 1, Example 2, Example 3

Materials: Graph paper (optional), pencil, straight edge, example pictures




Draw or paint a picture of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with his heart overflowing with sorrow. 



Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page



Jesus went to pray at the Garden of Gethsemane. The Blue Letter Bible shows Gethsemane to mean “an oil press”. Watch this video on how they press olives to make olive oil. Here is an Additional video of making olive oil. Just as the olives are pressed to produce olive oil, Jesus felt pressed while he prayed at the Garden of Gethsemane. Read Isaiah 53:5, it says that Jesus was crushed for our iniquities. Although Jesus was feeling pressed, He trusted that God was going to make something beautiful from it. He prayed 3 times for God to take this from him but each time he said “Yet not as I will, but as you will”. 

What caused him to be able to go through such pain and suffering for us? He loved us and He trusted God. Psalm 28:7 says ‘the Lord is our strength and shield, my heart trusts in him and he helps me’. Jesus knew that God would be his strength and He trusted God’s plan. Can you trust God’s plan for your life? Can you let him be your strength and your shield? Will you allow him to protect and guide you even when the way seems hard or even impossible?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes God asks us to do hard things and trust that He is in control and wants what is best for us. What are some hard things God might be asking of you? Designate 2 areas in your room one for being hard and one for being easy. Listen to each of these statements. If you think it is something easy God is asking of you, move to the designated area for “easy”. If you think it is something hard God is asking of you, move to the designated “hard” area

Sharing your toys with your siblings

Enjoy time with your family

Love your mom and dad

Tell the truth, always

Keep your room clean

Be nice to a kid others are mean to

Eat all your vegetables

Obey your mom and dad

Work hard in school

Obey your teachers

Read your bible


Give your offering

Share your last _____ with someone

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 2! Jesus loves each one of us so much. He was willing to suffer and die so that He can spend eternity with each one of us. No one loves us more! This week let’s remember Jesus died for our sins.

Matthew 28:1-10; John 3:16-17



We are sometimes asked to make sacrifices for the good of our family or classmates. Play this quick “Would you rather” game of sacrifices.

Would you rather: give up watching your favorite TV show so grandma can watch her gameshow. OR Not play video games for a week while guests are in town?

Would you rather: Give your last favorite snack to your sibling OR sit in an old dirty dinning room chair?

Would you rather: Eat Peanut Butter sandwiches all week because your mom can’t get to the store OR Wear the same socks 3 days in a row because the washing machine is broken.

Would you rather: Skip a meal so you can share it with someone in need OR not get a new backpack this year so you can donate that money to someone in need?

Would you rather: Not get your favorite cereal at the store to save money OR Sleep in the same bed with your brother while visiting your cousins.

In John 1:29, John the Baptist saw Jesus walking towards him and said, “Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus was the sacrificial lamb for our sins. Before he died, God’s people had to make sacrificial offerings for the forgiveness of their sins. When Jesus died and was resurrected, He changed everything! Jesus was not only the sacrificial lamb but he also conquered death! 

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Matthew 28:1-10

What happened when there was an earthquake? (The angel of the Lord came down from heaven)

What did the angel say to the women at the tomb? (Do not be afraid, Jesus is not here, he has risen)

What did the women do? (They ran filled with joy to tell the disciples)

Who did they meet? (Jesus)

What did Jesus tell the women? (To tell his brothers to meet him in Galilee)


Jesus was sacrificed for our sins and then rose from the dead so that we can have eternal life with him. He beat death! That is good news! Great news! We don’t have to fear death or the future because Jesus is the ruler of heaven and earth.


Listen to this story The Berenstain Bears Easter.


Jesus conquered death! He died for our sins and then beat death. Winning is great, but Jesus won the most important battle of all. Play this game of memory and see if you can “win”. Match the correct verse with its corresponding scripture. You can use a bible if you need a reference.

Materials: printed memory game, bible


Create your own word search using resurrection words. Share the puzzle with a family member for them to solve.

Materials: printed word search template




 using play dough create the tomb and stone where Jesus was resurrected.

Materials: play dough



coloring sheet

Materials: printed coloring page


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Coloring page


Read or listen to John 3:16-17. God loves us so much He sent Jesus to die in our place, so we can be saved. God wants to be in relationship with us! We have all made mistakes or sinned. 

On several small sheets of paper write down a few sins you’ve committed today, this week or this month. Think about the verse today. God did not send his son into the world to condemn it but to save it! God wants to save you from your sins. You are saved. God has delivered you! Now, tear those papers filled with your sins up and say “God has conquered death, I am delivered!”

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil, bible verse

Practical Application at Home

God wants to be in relationship with us. God sent Jesus to bridge the gap so that we can live in relationship with Him. What does that look like every day? What can we do to be in relationship with God. 

Think of 3 Characters in the Bible who walked with God. What Characteristics describe them or their walk with God? Use these verses as a little cheat-sheet if you get stuck.

Genesis 5:24

Genesis 6:9

Genesis 48:15

Name 3 people from the Bible that talked with God or had a close relationship with him. They didn’t have to be perfect. What characteristics would you use to describe their relationship with God?

People in the Bible who were in relationship with God or even walked with Him, have similar characteristics. They all —talked with God  —listened to God. —Heeded God’s words. —went where God sent them  -trusted God  -shared their faith with others and many more things. Trace your footprint on a sheet of paper and cut it out. On the footprint, write things you can do this week to “walk with God”. Place this list on the mirror in your room, bathroom or on your nightstand, to remember your plan for this week. 

We don’t have to search for God, He is right there, but we can call on Him and ask Him to draw near to us this week. God Loves us so much He sent His son to die for us, when we begin to understand how much God loves us, it makes us want to love Him more. “We Love because He first loved us” 1 John 4:19

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welome to week 3! Do you ever have questions or doubts? Maybe you question what you will have for dinner, or if your friends will still be your friends. Or maybe you doubt if Jesus will do the things He said he would do. This week we will read about how Jesus helps us with our doubts.

John 20:19-20, 24-29; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:1



Sometimes we need to see something for ourselves to believe and sometimes we need to believe even when we can’t see it. Listen to the following statements and decide if you think it is true or false. 

The sky is blue

There is wind on Earth

We breath oxygen

Grass grows

Living things need food

Gravity keeps grounded

Rainbows are made by reflecting light

Earth’s core (center) is hot

Some of the things listed you have experienced or seen for yourself so you know they are true. Some of the things listed you have not seen but need faith to believe that it is true. Today we will read a story about Thomas who didn’t believe right away that Jesus had risen.

Read or listen to John 20:19-20, 24-29 

Where were the disciples? (locked in a room)

How did Jesus get to the disciples? (He stood and appeared among them)

What did Jesus give the disciples? (the Holy Spirit)

Which disciple was not there? (Thomas)

What Thomas say he needed to believe Jesus was alive? (See the nail marks, put his finger where the nails were and put his hand into his side)

When Jesus came to see the disciples a week later, what did he tell Thomas? ( put your finger here, see my hands, touch my side. Stop doubting and believe.

Jesus helped Thomas believe. Jesus knew exactly what Thomas needed to believe. He loves us so much and wants us to believe. Jesus will meet each of us in a special way so that we can believe in him.


At first glance it may seem as though Thomas was weak because he doubted what his friends told him. Another way to see this story is that Thomas knew this life changing information was too important to pretend that he believed even though he really didn’t. Sometimes we go along with what others say so that we don’t look as though we don’t have faith or trust Jesus. Thomas was honest about his doubts. Even greater, Jesus met Thomas at his point of doubt and gave him what he needed to believe. Jesus helped Thomas believe. We don’t have to fear our doubts but instead continue to search and ask Jesus to help us overcome our doubts and find his truth.


Play this game of trivia. Read each card and decide if you believe it or doubt it.

Materials:trivia game printed or read


Complete this crossword puzzle

Materials: Printed crossword puzzle


Create an obstacle course in your space. Use chairs, blankets, small table, pool noodles or things you have on hand. Blindfold the person going through the course. The other person then gives oral directions to get them through the course. Did you make it through the course without tripping or falling over anything? Was it easy or hard to listen and have faith in the person directing you through the course? Did you trust they were leading you the right way? What senses did you have to use to get through the course?

Materials: Objects to create an obstacle course




On a sheet of construction paper, lightly outline a circle in pencil. Have child dip their finger in paint and  stamp several times within the circle. While paint is drying, cut out 2 rectangle pieces, an oval and long oval ears on black construction paper. Glue pieces of black paper onto the finger-paints to make a sheep. See here for an example.

Materials: white washable paint, construction paper, black construction paper, art supplies: glue, pencil, scissors



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Let’s have a taste test. I am going to blindfold you and tell you what I will feed you. Tell me if you believe that’s what I’m going to give you or if you doubt it. Then I am going to put the food in your mouth (or hand them the food item). After you taste it, tell me if what I said was true. (Provide a range of foods, even foods they wouldn’t think you would feed them, but is safe). Did you have faith that I was going to feed you what I said? Was it easy to eat the food without seeing it first?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:7  it says we live by faith not by sight. What does that mean? Should we believe everything we hear and take it blindly. Thomas did not blindly follow after the disciples but instead allowed his doubt to lead him to questions and find answers. When Jesus presented the answer to his question, he chose to believe it! When he believed, he then shared his faith and belief with many others. 

Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for  and the assurance of what we do not see.”

Jesus assured Thomas He was alive so that Thomas could believe. Jesus helps us believe even today through his Word the bible, trusted people who share their faith, and God’s own creation can speak about God’s character.

Make a list of the people you know that you can ask questions and talk to, who will direct you to the Bible for the answers.

Materials: food for taste testing (things they wouldn’t expect), paper, pencil

Practical Application at Home

What questions do you have for God today? What things do you doubt or are unsure of. Questions are not a sign of weak faith but of a faith that is searching for God. Wanting to know more and believe for yourself shows you want to have a relationship with God. God is big enough to handle your questions, just keep talking to Him!

On the journal sheet, write the date on your entry and write a letter, or prayer, to God. Tell Him what you believe right now, and ask questions you may have. This week, as you read your bible, sing songs, listen to praise music, talk with your parents, teachers and church leaders, see if God reveals his answers to you. Continue to seek God and praise Him for the answers you receive. You can easily turn this page into a journal by printing more pages or using a blank notebook and glueing this to the first page as a starter. Journaling prayers is a great way of communicating with Jesus. It’s also a great way to look back and see how God has answered your prayers.

Materials: printed journal sheet, pencil

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Have you ever lost something and been really sad about it? We all have lost something dear to us at some point. The disciples lost Jesus and they were sad, but they soon realized that Jesus was with them and would NEVER leave them. Jesus says the same thing to us to day. He is here, and will never leave us! 

Luke 24:13-35; Psalm 139:7-10



Blow up two balloons and place a piece of transparent tape on one of them. Say, I have this balloon and a needle, if I poked a hole in the balloon with this needle what would happen? It would pop. The balloon is thin and has no protection against the sharp needle. Use the needle to pop the balloon. Now hold up the second balloon. Keeping a good grasp on the needle, firmly push the needle through the tape. Then smoothly remove the needle. Ask, why didn’t the ballon pop? This time I had a piece of tape there to protect it and help it stay strong. Jesus helps us. Jesus is alive and he promised to always be with us and help us. Today we will continue our story from last week. Jesus died on the cross but he rose again. The women found his tomb was empty and the angels told them he had risen and to the disciples. Jesus appeared to the disciples but he appeared to others as well. Listen or read the story and see how these men had a hard time seeing how they were talking to.

Read or listen to the scripture  Luke 24:13-35

What were the 2 men doing while walking down the road? (Talking about all the events that had just happened, Jesus’ death and resurrection)

Who started walking next to them? (Jesus)

Did they recognize Jesus and know it was him? (No, they were kept from recognizing him)

What did Jesus talk to them about? (he explained all the scriptures that spoke about his death and resurrection.)

When did the men recognize it was Jesus? (After Jesus prayed and blessed the food)

Materials: balloons, tape, needle



Make a hidden message. Take a white sheet of paper and use a white crayon to write a hidden message on your paper. On your first sheet write the message “Jesus is always with you” using the white crayon. Then use water colors to paint over the entire sheet of paper to reveal the message. Make other hidden messages to pass to your siblings or friends for them to read. 

Materials: White construction paper, white crayon, water colors, paintbrush


Complete this word search

Materials: Printed word search


Make promise clouds. Cut the large white sheets of construction paper into large cloud shapes. On each cut out write  “I am with our always”. Staple the two cloud cut-outs together leaving a small opening to insert stuffing. Using cotton balls, pull them apart slightly and glue them to the outside of the cloud. Then take crumpled newspaper or tissue paper to stuff inside of the stapled cloud. Staple the rest of the cloud together and attach string or yarn to the top to hang from the ceiling or a door handle. 

Materials: 2 pieces of white construction paper, markers, glue, cotton balls, tissue or newspaper, stapler, yarn/string




Follow this link to print and color the craft.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever played hide or seek? I’m sure you have. What was your best hiding place? Did anyone find you there? Let’s play a hiding game. Have child leave the room while you find and object already in the room to hide. When they return have them look for the item. Was it easy or hard to find the object? Sometimes we lose things and can’t find them but God’s word says that he never loses us or can’t find us. Read Psalm 139:7-10. There is no place we can go that God is not here. That should bring us comfort. He is everywhere and is there to help and protect us no matter where we are. It says ‘Your right hand will hold me fast”. God’s hand is always near and knows no limits. God does not need to search all over for us, He is with us everywhere we go. He will never lose you.

Materials: an object to hide

Practical Application at Home

Think about some times when you’ve needed Jesus to be there with you. There are many things we can do to feel God with us and feel his comfort over us. Here are a list of things you could do, and tell a time when these things might be helpful.  The first one is done for you.

Sing a song about Jesus’ love …………… If you feel all alone in bed

Say a prayer……………..

Read a bible story ……………..

Say a prayer for someone else………………

Write a note of encouragement………………

Look at the nature God created……………………..

Call on Jesus’ name for help……………

Help someone else in need………………..

Quote a memory verse…………………..

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 1! This week we will learn to trust God just as Jesus did.



Take a large cup or glass and begin to fill it with water. Ask your child How full do you think we can make this cup? Allow them to help you continue to fill the cup to the brim and even to the point of overflowing. Use a dropper or a small spoon to slowly add the last few drops of water until the water overflows over the top some. Say What happened? (the cup overflowed). Why did the cup overflow? (It was full of water) In our story today Jesus has come to a difficult part of his life. He was sad because he knew what was about to happen and his heart was full of sadness, or overflowed with sorrow. 

Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week Matthew 26:36-46 

Where did Jesus take the disciples to pray? (The Garden of Gethsemane)

What did he ask the disciples to do while he prayed? (Pray for him)

What did the disciples do? (They fell asleep)

What did Jesus pray to God for? (For this cup of death to pass over him)

How do you know Jesus trusted God? (He said He would do God’s will not his own) 

Although Jesus knew this difficult death was going to happen He also knew that God was in control. He knew God had a plan and Jesus trusted God’s plan to be what was best.

Materials: Large cup or glass, Water, Water basin or pan to catch water, Spoon or dropper


I’m going to pass you this ball. Do you trust that I will throw the ball to you? Now, throw the ball to me! Do you trust me that I will catch it? When you trust someone you are having faith that they will do what they say. You believe that what they say is true. You also believe that they want what is good for you even if you can’t see it right away. In our story this week we see that Jesus trusted God’s plan even when it was hard. We can also trust God’s plan for us, even though we can’t see the end.


What did Jesus mean when he said Your will be done not mine? God’s will is what He knows is best for your life even if it doesn’t feel good right away. Our will is whatever we think is best for us. Look at the scenario cards and match the following cards of your will and God’s will. Decide who’s will is being done and sort them under the category.

Materials: Scenario cards God’s Will


Listen to this story about trust. ‘It will be OK’ by Lisa TerKeurst  

Materials: Listen to attached story book


Complete this activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Draw or paint a picture of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with his heart overflowing with sorrow.

Materials: Paint, crayons, other coloring utensils, paper,



Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring page


Jesus trusted God even when it was hard and He can help us trust God too! God asks us to trust him but He also asks us to trust our parents who take care of us.

What are some things we can trust our parents for? (food, shelter, love)

How can we show others we are trustworthy? (telling the truth, being fair)

Is there a time to not trust someone? (yes, someone who could cause us harm)

Do you trust that God wants what is best for you?

How do you know you can trust God? (He is our creator and sent Jesus to die for us because He loves us so much and wants to be with us in heaven)


Practical Application at Home

Sometimes God asks us to do hard things and trust that He is in control and wants what is best for us. What are some hard things God might be asking of you? Designate 2 areas in your room one for being hard and one for being easy. Listen to each of these statements. If you think it is something easy God is asking of you, move to the designated area for “easy”. If you think it is something hard God is asking of you, move to the designated “hard” area

Sharing your toys with your siblings

Enjoy time with your family

Love your mom and dad

Tell the truth, always

Keep your room clean

Be nice to a kid others are mean to

Eat all your vegetables

Obey your mom and dad

Work hard in school

Obey your teachers

Read your bible


Give your offering

Share your last _____ with someone

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 2! Jesus loves each one of us so much. He was willing to suffer and die so that He can spend eternity with each one of us. No one loves us more! This week let’s remember Jesus died for our sins.



Show me what your face would look like if you were afraid? What would your face look like if you had peace (were not afraid)? I’m going to say a few things, you show me if you would be afraid or at peace by make a scared or peaceful face. Ready?

  • A thunderstorm.     -a day at the beach    -a puppy   -a tiger.    -the dark    -a deep pool    -a sleepover   -Cliff diving   -riding your bike   -listening to mom tell a story     -snakes   -spider on your arm

In the Bible story today two women are afraid of what they see but they are told not to be afraid but should be filled with joy. 

Materials: glass of water, food coloring

Read or listen to the Bible story for the week: Matthew 28:1-10

What happened when there was an earthquake? (The angel of the Lord came down from heaven)

What did the angel say to the women at the tomb? (Do not be afraid, Jesus is not here, he has risen)

What did the women do? (They ran filled with joy to tell the disciples)

Who did they meet? (Jesus)

What did Jesus tell the women? (To tell his brothers to meet him in Galilee)

Jesus had risen from the dead! That is Great news! The women did not need to be afraid but instead rejoiced over such great news. Jesus had won over death.


Jesus died and then rose from the dead. That is Great news! Jesus conquered death. Jesus won! This means that we can live in heaven with him when He returns to take us home. The angels told the women that they did not need to be afraid because Jesus was alive. We can also rejoice because Jesus is alive!


Jesus is alive! Play this game of ‘Resurrection’ memory. Think about the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and retell the story as you play.

Materials: printed Resurrected memory game


Learning about Jesus’ death and resurrection is something we do every year around this time, but we can learn and remember that Jesus died for us all year! This story shares the most important reason for this season, Jesus! Listen to this story “The Berenstain Bears Easter”.

Materials: Berenstain Bears video


Draw a picture of what you think Heaven will be like. What do you think your favorite thing to do there will be?

Materials: paper, crayons,



Using play dough, create the tomb and stone where Jesus was resurrected. Shape the play dough into a domed cave and place a circle stone in front of it.

Materials: play dough



Coloring Page

Materials: coloring page printout, crayons


CRaft 3

Coloring page.

Materials: Printed coloring page, Crayons


Jesus died for our sins so we can live again with Him in Heaven. Jesus wants to be with us. He is preparing a place for us in heaven to be with him. Read  John 14:1-3

Where did Jesus go? (to heaven)

What is Jesus doing in Heaven? (preparing a place for us)

How will we get there? (He will come back and get us to take us there)

That is great news! Jesus died and rose again so we can one day live in heaven with Him. Jesus loves us so much and wants to be in relationship with him. He wants us to live with him forever.

Practical Application at Home

If we believe in Jesus and love Him he says we will live in heaven with him one day. Does that mean we don’t have to do anything here while we wait? Of course not! While we wait for Jesus to return we should be busy telling others how much Jesus loves them too, so they can be in heaven with Him as well. Here are some things you can do this week to share this Good news with others.

-Make a card that says “Jesus saves”. Send your card in the mail to someone you know that may need to hear those words.

-Make a bouquet of flowers and give to a neighbor or leave it on their front porch with a note that says “Jesus is preparing heaven for you!”

-Find medium sized rock/stones that you can paint and decorate. Write notes on each stone like “Jesus Loves you”, “you are not alone”, “God is in control”, etc.

-On your next family walk, place the stones along the path or sidewalk for others to read and be encouraged.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welome to week 3! Do you ever have questions or doubts? Maybe you question what you will have for dinner, or if your friends will still be your friends. Or maybe you doubt if Jesus will do the things He said he would do. This week we will read about how Jesus helps us with our doubts.



Sometimes things are hard to believe until we can see, touch, hear, or even smell it! I’m going to make this sandwich bag explode, do you believe I can do it? Do the following activity in your kitchen or utility sink to contain any mess. Fill a quarter of a sandwich ziplock bag with vinegar. Zip the bag half way. Then pour about 1/2C of baking soda into the small opening of the bag. Then quickly zip the bag completely closed and wait for the baking soda and vinegar to mix and then explode.  Wow! Did you see the bag explode? That was unbelieveable, but now that you’ve seen it with your own eye you can easily believe it! Today we are continuing our story from last week. Last week the women at the tomb saw that Jesus rose from the dead and was now alive. Jesus will now appear to the disciples but not everyone is there. Let’s read or listen to our story. (If you don’t have the materials for the science experiment above you can watch this video on other experiments. )

Materials: Baking soda, vinegar, sandwich bag

Read or listen to the scripture John 20:19-20, 24-29 

Where were the disciples? (locked in a room)

How did Jesus get to the disciples? (He stood and appeared among them)

What did Jesus give the disciples? (the Holy Spirit)

Which disciple was not there? (Thomas)

What did Thomas say he needed to believe Jesus was alive? (See the nail marks, put his finger where the nails were and put his hand into his side)

When Jesus came to see the disciples a week later, what did he tell Thomas? ( put your finger here, see my hands, touch my side. Stop doubting and believe.

Jesus helped Thomas believe. Jesus knew exactly what Thomas needed to believe. He loves us so much and wants us to believe. Jesus will meet each of us in a special way so that we can believe in him. 


God gave us 5 senses to help us understand the world around us. He gave us the sense of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste. Thomas used sight and touch to believe that Jesus was alive. Use each one of your senses to strengthen your faith today.

Do one or more of the following activities.


Using brown paper bags or another bag your child can not see through and fill it with objects for them to touch. Use a variety of textures, hard, soft, furry, squishy, rough, smooth etc. I have several objects in each of these bags. I want you to feel each object and guess what you think it is. Describe what you feel. (help them use the texture vocabulary)

Materials: brown paper bag, variety of items of different textures


Look around you and discover God has given things all around you to help strengthen your faith. Do the following activities for each of your senses.

Sight: read a scripture Sound: Listen to this song of faith  Smell: find a flower or any scent that you enjoy. Taste: honey. The bible says honey is healthful to the soul. Touch: give your parent or sibling a hug and tell them you love them

Materials: things in your environment


Complete this cut and paste activity. Match the correct sense that is used for picture.

Materials: printed cut and paste activity



Hand cut-out with heart in the middle. On the hand write “Jesus Helps me Believe

Materials: paper, handprint, crayons or paint



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Jesus helped Thomas believe by showing Thomas the scars on his hands and on his side. Jesus helps us believe too! We often may have questions about Jesus and He wants to help us find the answers. 

When we have questions about God, how can we find answers? (looking in the bible, asking a parent, teacher, or pastor to help us)

Is it okay to have questions? (Yes, it means we are wanting to believe for ourselves)

Will all of our questions always be answered? (maybe not always on this side of heaven)

Practical Application at Home

This week let’s use our senses to learn more about God and believe in Him. We can use our 5 senses to grow closer to God by seeing and smelling his creations, hearing his word or songs, using our hands to help those around us, and even smell and taste the wonderful foods He has given us. Throughout the rest of this week show how you used your senses to believe in God. Complete the following chart by cutting and glueing the sense you used and then writing or drawing a picture of what God showed you.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Have you ever lost something and been really sad about it? We all have lost something dear to us at some point. The disciples lost Jesus and they were sad, but they soon realized that Jesus was with them and would NEVER leave them. Jesus says the same thing to us to day. He is here, and will never leave us!



Sometimes it’s hard to tell what we are looking at because we can’t see the full picture. Show the following pictures, but only show the first page. Using the first page, say, look at the pictures on this page. Can you tell me, what are each of these pictures? (If they need a little help getting started give them a clue that they are animals) After they have guessed say, was it a little hard to tell what each of the pictures were when you could only see a tiny portion? Some were harder than others. Today we will continue our story from this week. Jesus died on the cross but he rose again. The women found his tomb empty and the angels told them he had risen and to go tell the disciples. Jesus appeared to the disciples but he appeared to others as well. Listen or read the story and see how these men had a hard time seeing who they were talking to.

Materials: pictures of animals

Read or listen to the scripture Luke 24:13-35

What were the 2 men doing while walking down the road? (Talking about all the events that had just happened, Jesus’ death and resurrection)

Who started walking next to them? (Jesus)

Did they recognize Jesus and know it was him? (No, they were kept from recognizing him)

What did Jesus talk to them about? (he explained all the scriptures that spoke about his death and resurrection.)

When did the men recognize it was Jesus? (After Jesus prayed and blessed the food)

Materials: Computer to play video, Bible or online bible



Play a scavenger hunt using photos you take around the house. Take photos of several things around your house like a toy or other small items. Only take a picture of a small portion of the object without showing where you found it. You child will then find the objects by either taking a photo of the object or collecting the objects to bring to you. Switch places and have them photograph items for you to find. 

Materials: Phone or device to take pictures, small objects to photograph around your house


Take a walk as a family. While on your walk talk about the stories of Jesus.  Tell about how you have seen Jesus work in your life. Tell of a miracle Jesus has performed for you, big or small. Share stories of how you experienced God’s love and felt your heart changed and moved as you learned more about his love for you, just as the men experienced their hearts moved as Jesus spoke with them. Let your child share a story as well.


The men who were traveling from Jerusalem probably used a walking stick along their journey. Find a sturdy walking stick and then decorate it with stickers, glitter glue, or whatever craft items you have at home. Take your stick on your next family walk.

Materials: Walking stick you find outside, variety of crafting items: paper, scissors, glue, glitter, crayons, stickers, etc




 Follow this link to print and color the craft.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons, craft stick, glue



Coloring page.

Materials: printed coloring sheet


Why do you think Jesus came back to visit with his friends? (To help them understand more about God’s good plan)

Even though the 2 men didn’t recognize Jesus right away, how did they describe their hearts as they talked with Jesus? (they were burning within them)

Have you ever been so excited about something that you could feel your excitement on the insides? Maybe your stomach tingled, or your feet wanted to jump?

Have you ever maybe lost your parent or didn’t see them for awhile? How did you feel when you saw them again?

When Jesus appeared to the men, they were maybe confused by all the things that had happened with Jesus just days before, Jesus wanted them to know that He would always be there for them. Jesus will always be there for you too! He is there for you when you are scared, hurt, angry, disappointed or confused. Jesus wants to help us understand God’s good plan and how much he loves us. 

Practical Application at Home

Think about the times when you’ve needed Jesus to be there with you. There are many things we can do to feel God with us and feel his comfort over us. Here are a list of things you could do. Tell a time when these things might be helpful.  The first one is done for you.

Sing a song about Jesus’ love …………… If you feel all alone in bed

Say a prayer……………..

Read a bible story ……………..

Say a prayer for someone else………………

Write a note of encouragement………………

Look at the nature God created……………………..

Call on Jesus’ name for help……………

Help someone else in need………………..

Quote a memory verse…………………..

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Our Mission



We are on a mission! Jesus gave the disciples a mission to GO! He is sending us on a mission as well. This week we will find out our mission. I hope you choose to accept!

Matthew 28:16-20, Romans 10:14-15



You and your child stand in front of each other. Have a third person stand between you and your child. Tell your child you want them to follow the moves that you make. As you make different moves, the person between you must make moves that are different from yours. Afterwards ask, was it hard to follow two peoples moves? To be a disciple of Jesus means to follow Him. When we act and speak as he did, we are being his disciples. Just as in the game, we can’t follow 2 people at the same time, if we choose to follow Jesus, He is the only one we should follow.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Matthew 28:16-20

How many disciples went to Galilee? (11 disciples)

Did all the disciples see and worship Jesus? (some still doubted)

Jesus said that he had all authority in heaven and on earth. 

What did Jesus tell the disciples to go and do? (make disciples of all nations and baptize them, and teach them to obey his commands)

Jesus said the disciples should baptize in whose name? (in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) 

How long did Jesus say he would be with them? (to the very end of the age)


Action words tell us to do something. In the Bible text for today Jesus tells us to do 3 things. Look back at the text Matthew 28:16-20 and find what they are. (Go, teach, baptize). God has called all of us on this mission. To Go, teach, and baptize! We can do this within our own communities by helping those in need, give a helping hand, or give offerings that help people close by and far away. Our mission is to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus, by seeing a need and doing our best to fill it.


Play this game of memory. Match Jesus’ directions to the disciples with its antonym (opposite). For example: Jesus said go preach, the opposite is be silent.

Materials: printed memory game


Play this GO! mission game. Use the question cards and game board to tell what you would do to be a disciple and then move around the board. First person to the end wins!

Materials: printed GO! mission game, game markers


Jesus told the disciples to preach to other nations. Let’s put ourselves in the disciples shoes today. Look at a map. Draw the outline of your state and the surrounding states. With a star, mark where you live. Decide where you will go in your neighboring state or states, and map your route with a red pen. On your map add any topography such as mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, or canyons. Be sure to plan your route around them. Add a few places to stop, share the gospel and also rest by marking it with a large X. Add a map key to reference your drawings and stopping places. Think about how long you think it would take to journey there and what types of transportation you would use. For a bonus activity: write a short story about your journey and the stops you made along the way. Tell about how you shared the gospel with the people you met along the way.

Materials: drawing paper, picture of a map, pencil, red pen




Create a GO book. Color and cut out the word Go and glue to the first page of your booklet. On the following pages write the plan of salvation and a picture to match. Staple the pages together or hole punch and tie with ribbon. Color and decorate the book. 

Materials: printed Go! Mission booklet, crayons or other coloring pencils



Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page



I’m going to say a word and I want you to say a descriptive word you think of when you hear this word. For example if I say “ice” you might say “Cold”. There is no one right answer.

Water (wet)

Pillow (soft)

Rock (hard)

Feather (light)

Dad (strong)

Light (bright)

Mom (wonderful)

Crayons (colorful)

Feet (dirty, stinky etc)

Read or listen to Romans 10:14-15

In this bible verse it says that spreading God’s word to new believers starts with someone being sent and preaching God’s word to others. It says the feet that are sent are beautiful. Is that the word you would use to describe feet? It’s definitely not a word I tend to think of when describing feet. But God says the feet that move to share the good news of Jesus to others have beautiful feet. Sharing the good news with others is beautiful and it allows others to have a beautiful relationship with Jesus as well.

Practical Application at Home

How can we use our feet for Jesus? Sometimes we think we are too small for God to use us, to share His good news, but that is not true. God can use each one of us in different ways. Our size does not keep God from making our feet beautiful when we were willing to go and share his good news. We may not travel as far as the 11 disciples but we can still travel. 

Travel across the cafeteria to sit with someone who doesn’t have a friend.

Travel across the field to help a teammate or opponent off the ground.

Travel to a kid who lives in your neighborhood to invite them to church

Travel to a classmate’s birthday party who may not have many friends who will attend.

Travel to the mailbox with a letter to a shut in neighbor or church member to tell them you are praying for them.

There are lots of ways God can use our feet in the places we currently live to bring others the Good News!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Do you want to have power? Holy Power? God sent the Holy Spirit to be a helper for us. We can know that Jesus never left us to figure everything out for ourselves but sent us help. The Holy Spirit!

Acts 2:1-12; John 14:25-26



Today I have a few activities I want you to try and do.

-Hold 10 lime, lemons or oranges in your hands. -Jump rope for 3 minutes

-Hold 3 books on your head and take 5 steps -Do 20 jumping jacks

Did you do all those things easily? Did you need help doing any of them. Let’s try them again and this time I will be your helper. Do the activities again assisting them or having another child assist them. Was that easier? Did you need a helper. When these tasks were hard it was nice to have a helper. There are other things in our lives that are hard too. Telling our parents the truth when it seems easier to lie so we won’t get in trouble. Or, being kind to our siblings and friends even when they are not being kind to us. The good news is we also have a helper. Let’s read or listen to the story this week. 

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Acts 2:1-12

What were the people gathered in the room celebrating (Pentecost)

What type of noise did they hear? (A strong wind blow through the room)

What did they see on top of each persons head (A fiery flame)

As they were filled with the Holy Spirit what were each of them able to do? (speak in other languages)

What language did the people hear the gospel in? (Each in their own language)


Jesus told the disciples when he left he would send them a helper in the place of himself. The Holy Spirit was that helper, to give them courage and the ability to continue to share the gospel with other people. We still have the Holy Spirit today as our helper as well. 


Set a jar in the middle of a baking pan and pour 1 Tablespoon of baking soda into the jar. Measure 1 Cup of vinegar and add a few drops of food coloring to the cup. Now, pour the vinegar into the jar and watch what happens. When the vinegar and baking soda mixed, they form a gas of carbon dioxide. The gas caused the liquid to push up and over the top of the bottle so that it overflowed. The bible talks about how God’s love can overflow. God loves us and wants us to show His love to others. God sent the Holy Spirit to help us show love to others  so they too can become a part of God’s family.

Materials: jar or medium cup, baking soda, 1 C vinegar, food coloring, baking sheet


The bible describes the holy spirit as a comforter, and intercessor and a helper. Play this game of memory that describes some of the other attributes of the Holy Spirit.

Materials: printed memory game,


After the disciples were given the Holy Spirit, the first church family grew bigger and bigger. The People of God’s church loved one another and continued to spread the message of God’s love. The early Christians and disciples used their hands to help others and show them love. You can create a hand garland to display God’s family. On a large sheet of construction paper trace your left and then right hand, overlapping the thumbs. Cut out the hands being sure to keep the thumbs connected, and write your name on one hand and someone else’s name that you know on the other. Write names of friends, family members, church members, missionaries etc. Continue to make more cut-out hands adding other names and then taping the hands together to make a hand garland you can hang in your room.

Materials: large construction paper, scissors, pencil/pen, string, yarn or ribbon




 Ring of fire hat made from sentence strips.

Materials: sentence strip or strip of construction paper, red, black, orange and yellow construction paper



Make a windsock. Watch this video for how to make one.

Materials: printed coloring page


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Coloring page


Read John 14:25-26

Jesus told the disciples that everything He had taught them, the Holy Spirit would be there to remind them and to also teach them all things. The Holy Spirit is given to us in the same way. The Holy Spirit will teach us all things and help remind us of things we have already learned. The holy Spirit is a powerful friend and helper. Before we become Christians we have to rely on our own strength and power. But when we become Christians God gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit and we have his power because it lives within us. We don’t have to be afraid!

What are some things you are afraid of?

How can knowing we have the Holy Spirit help calm our fears?

How can we use the power of the Holy Spirit to share God’s good news with others?
How can memorizing scripture help me during sad or lonely times?
(The Holy Spirit can bring those scriptures back to our minds to comfort us)

Practical Application at Home

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us in lots of ways. Listen to these scenarios. Tell how you think the Holy Spirit can help us. (There is not just one right answer)

We are afraid to share Jesus with a new friend (The holy spirit gives us words to say, or the courage to say it)

We think about stealing or cheating in class. (The Holy Spirit reminds us of what is right and wrong)

We hear the Bible read to us but we don’t understand what it is saying (The Holy Spirit can reveal the bible’s truth to us)

We are sad or feeling lonely because we lost someone we love. (The Holy Spirit can be our comforter and give us peace) 

We are feeling discouraged or forget who God says we are. (The Holy Spirit brings memory verses about God’s Love and promises back to our minds)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 3! We all want protection. We all need protection! God gives us a special way to protect ourselves, not of our own power, but God’s! Who can stand against that!

Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Corinthians 10:3-4



Let’s play a game of speed! I’m going to say the name of an animal, you see how fast you can tell me the covering they use to protect themselves. Ready, go! 

Dolphin (blubber)

Penguin (Waterfproof feathers)

Polar bear (Thick white fur)

Turtle (hard shell)

Porcupine (quills)

Snails (shell)

Fish (scales)

God gave all of these animals the ability to protect themselves against predators and also from their environment. God has given us a means of protection as well. Sometimes there are things in life that are scary or uncertain and they can make us afraid. God has given us a way to have peace, protection, and faith! 

Read or listen to Ephesians 6:10-18

Why do we need the armor of God? (To withstand the devils schemes)

What are the 5 pieces of armor? (Breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit)

When should we pray? (in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request)

Who is our fight against? (Not flesh and blood but powers of the dark world and evil forces)

How can we be strong? (In the Lord and his mighty power)


God gave us his armor that provides a way of protection, provides strength when we are weak, provides security of salvation, and provides His word as a guide of how to live our life. We can use it each day and watch God provide for all our needs.


Put two oranges in a large bowl submersed in water. (or large lemon or limes). These oranges are covered in an armor to protect them. Look, they are floating or standing firm in the water! Peel off a small piece of “armor” (skin) of one orange. Oh no, this orange forgot to put on his belt of truth. Now when someone says something ugly about him that is untrue, he might believe it is true! If he believes this lie he might not be able to stand firm in this water. Place the orange back into the water and see that it sinks a little. Continue on this way, tearing off a piece at a time and giving instances of how the armor of God is taken away and not providing protection. Shield of faith: When doubts about if Jesus loves him come up He may question if he is worthy of Jesus love. Shoes of peace: When uncertain times come he may become anxious about the future and what will happen to him. Sword of the spirit: When he needs to share his faith to a friend he may not know he has the power through the spirit to share the good news.

Materials: 2 oranges (or lemons), large container to submerse oranges in, water


Read these scenario cards and decide what armor of God is needed in each situation.

Materials: Scenario cards


Having the belt of truth means we are girded (ready or geared up) in God’s word, the source of what is right and wrong. We can live our lives based on what we know to be true about who God says He is and who He says we are. Complete this chart to determine what the Bible (the sword) says is true about God and what He says is true about you.

Materials: printed activity sheet, bible, pencil




Make an armor of God replica using cardboard box. Attach strings so that your child can wear it if desired.

Materials: cardboard, string, or small rope, art supplies: glue, pencil, scissors



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


1 Corinthians 10:3-4 says that we do not battle with weapons the world uses but that we have divine power. We are not to wage war as the world does, but our weapons are God’s divine power. 

Read Isaiah 59:17, it describes God pouring out his wrath on his enemies. He put on Righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head. The same armor God used in the Old testament is described in the new testament in Ephesians as armor we can use as well. God’s armor has been given to us to help us be brave, stand up for what is right, and for our protection against the unseen enemy. 

Practical Application at Home

The world we live in can sometimes be a scary place. We don’t always know what the future holds. The armor of God helps us know that God has provided everything we need to stand firm and continue to believe and trust in Jesus. 

Think about each piece of the armor of God. First, read both statements for each piece of armor. Next, decide which statement is true. Then, tell an example of how you can use that armor this week and wear it every day.

The Shield of Faith:

Living out God’s truth and applying what we believe into our lives even when we can’t see how it will all work. OR Deciding what to do based on how you feel and what you can see is best for your life.

(This week I can trust God is in control by listening to his voice and following what He asks me to do this week even if I don’t understand why, like helping a neighbor or friend in need)

The Breastplate of Righteousness:

Doing what everyone else is doing because it is easier and it makes you happy. OR Right living and conducting ourselves in a way that is pleasing to God.

(This week I will try to live right by being kind to my family, thinking of others, and being truthful)

The Belt of Truth:

Beliefs that match what we feel is right or what people around us say is right and wrong. OR God’s standard of what is right, His character, and how we are to live our lives.

(This week I will make decisions based on God’s truth by seeking answers in the Bible and deciding if what I hear or see is aligned with God’s character; )

Shoes of Peace:

Inner stability (security) from our relationship with Jesus that doesn’t change based on our changing situations. OR A feeling that comes and goes based on how good or bad life is in that moment or day, feeling unsure.

(This week I will remember I can not always change my situations but I can know God is in control by praying and telling him my fears and asking for comfort)

Helmet of Salvation:

Eternal security in Christ and the gift God gives us, our eternal blessing. OR not knowing what your future holds and what God plans for you

(This week I will remember I am saved by Jesus blood and I have nothing to fear so I will share this good news with others)

Sword of the Spirit:

Reading God’s words, enjoying what is read but not using them once we are finished reading. OR Using God’s words as a guide for living, it is alive and active in our lives.

(This week I will read God’s word, ask God to show me how to use it, and then repeat it to myself throughout my day)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Peace and Joy



Have you ever lost something and been really sad about it? We all have lost something dear to us at some point. The disciples lost Jesus and they were sad, but they soon realized that Jesus was with them and would NEVER leave them. Jesus says the same thing to us to day. He is here, and will never leave us! 

Philippians 4:4-9; 11-13



If you were going on a trip, what would you take? Write down a list of things you think you would have to take with you. Let’s play this game “I’m going on a trip”. I’m going to tell you three things that I am taking and you tell me where I am going. 

— towel, sunscreen, umbrella (the beach)

—boots, scarf, mask (skiing)

—sleeping bag, marshmallows, tent (camping)

—shield, sword, belt (going to share the gospel)

—bible, joy, a friend (church)

This month we are learning to GO where God sends us, to live for Jesus and spread the good news of His love. God gives us His armor to provide for our needs and protect us. He also protects our hearts and our minds by giving us peace and joy. Today we will read about Paul and what he said during a very difficult time in his life.

Read or listen to the scripture  Philippians 4:4-9

Instead of being anxious what should we do? (Bring our prayers and concerns to God)

When we bring our requests to God, what will be given to us? (The peace of God)

What will that peace do for us? (guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus)

What types of things should we think on? (things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy)

What should we do with the things we have learned from Jesus? (Put it into practice)


Paul wrote about having the peace of God while in prison. He wrote about God’s peace and being content not while he was at home enjoying his family and friends, but while in prison for preaching the gospel of Jesus. In life there will be times of difficulty and times of ease, but we can have the peace of God, that transcends understanding, during those difficult times.


Our verse today says “Let your gentleness be evident to all”. Today make “Thinking of You” cards to mail to friends and family. People enjoy getting letters and cards in the mail just to say you are thinking of them. If you have extra pictures at home, add a picture of you or your family. Add a note telling them Jesus loves them, cares for them and wants them to have his peace. Or write out your scripture reading for today in the card them to read “Philippians 4:4-9” and add a drawn picture. 

Materials: Mateirals to make a greeting card: white yardstick (or other construction paper, white computer paper), crayons, markers, scissors, glue, family pictures (optional), mailing envelope, stamp, names and addresses of friends/family


Listen to the scenarios. Cut and glue the faces to popsicle sticks then use them to answer the scenarios of if they would be happy, sad or angry.

Materials: Printed scenario cards


Create a word search puzzle using the words from todays scripture Philippians 4:4-9

Materials: word search template




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read the second part of today’s scripture, Philippians 4:11-13. Paul said he knew what it meant to have plenty and to have little. He knew what it felt like to have plenty of food and to be hungry but in all of it he learned to be content. Being content means to be satisfied with what we have whether it is a lot or a little. Paul said he learned the way to be content is to understand that he could do all things through Christ who gives him strength. 

What are some things you are content with?

Do you look to friends and wish you had something they have?

Have you ever had a friend say they wish they had something you have?

How can we learn to be content with the things we have?

What are some things you can do to show that you are content?

In what ways does Jesus give you strength?

Practical Application at Home

It is easy to be content when life is good and things are plentiful but what happens when times are difficult? Remembering the blessings we have been given and how God provides for our needs is an important way to be content. Watch this read-aloud story about the Berenstain Bears and how they learned to count their blessings and therefore be more content with what they had.

Berenstain bears Counting blessings:

Make a list of your blessings today. Think of all the things God has blessed you with big and small. Think about the things you have that may not cost any money at all. After you write your very long list, say a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Thank Him for providing the things you don’t have to think about and for the treasures He has given you. Keep your list as a reminder that God provides, remembers your needs, and wants to protect your heart and mind. Enjoy your week in God’s peace and joy, then share it with someone who needs it too!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





This month we learned that God tells us to go make disciples but He did not leave us alone to do it. God sent a helper, the Holy Spirit, to help us and give us courage. God also calls us to be helpers which we can do through prayers. God wants to answer our prayers, we just need to keep our eyes open and see what God will do.

Acts 12:1-17; James 5:16; John 14:13-14; Matthew 21:22



When we are in need or have a difficult task we can often ask others for help. Sometimes our friends need an extra hand and we can help them. There are lots of people who are in need and we can help them. Think of how you could help someone in each of these situations:

-Mom has a trunk full of groceries.

-Dads flowered are full of weeds.

-Mom is working and trying to finish cooking dinner.

-A friend can’t find their pencil in class.

-your brother wants to watch TV but it’s not showing a picture.

-Your younger sister can’t reach the cups in the cabinet.

-Dad wants to water the lawn but the sprinkler system is broken

-A friend doesn’t have any shoes without holes.

-The kitchen sink is clogged.

-A friend is sick in the hospital and not doing well.

-An elderly neighbor lady often sits on her front porch alone

Some of these situations you could easily help but were some of them a little difficult to know what to do? Maybe your solution was to find and expert or someone else who could help you! God gave us prayer as a way to ask Him for help. We can ask for big things and we can also ask for small things. We can ask for ourselves and we can ask for help for others. God’s answer may be ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘later’, but we can trust that God hears our prayers and wants what is best for us. Today our story talks about friends who earnestly prayed for Peter and God’s answer to those prayers.

Read or listen to the scripture Acts 12:1-17

Who was King and wanted to kill Peter? (King Herod)

What was Peter in prison for? (Preaching about Jesus)

Who came to see Peter in prison? (An angel)

What did the angel do? (told Peter to get up and get dressed and walked out of the prison with Peter)

At first, what did Peter think was happening. (He was having a vision)

Where did Peter go? (To Mary’s house)

What were the people at Mary’s house doing? (praying for Peter)


We can pray to God when we need help and just as Peter and his friends prayed for help from God. When we pray it is important to watch and see how God will answer our prayers. God will always answer our prayers, even if it’s not in the way we expect. We should never give up praying and looking to see what God will do!


(Cover an area with newspaper or do this activity outside to avoid a mess.) On a paper plate squeeze glue and create a design with thick lines that intersect. While glue is wet, pour salt over the glue to cover it completely. Shake the plate so the salt is redistributed onto the rest of the glue. Dab a paintbrush into water, making sure there is plenty of water on the brush. Then dip the brush into the watercolor paint and place it on one of the lines so the salt absorbs the paint water into the salt. Watch how the water moves along the salt trail. After that color stops spreading, rinse the brush and repeat using another color. Ask What did you expect would happen. What did happen? Just like we watched to see what would happen to the colors, we must keep watch to see how God will answer prayers.

Materials: glue, paintbrush, water colors, paper plate, salt, container of water


Sometimes when a friend needs help we are unable to help them because the job needs and expert. The job may be too hard for you and them so you need someone who is a trained expert. Look at attached scenarios and decide what expert is needed.

Materials: Scenario cards


Make a prayer banner. Take a large sheet of contraction paper and create a banner by cutting the paper in the shape of a banner. Examples: a large triangle, an oval, a wavy rectangle, a parallelogram, or a rectangle with a triangle cut out of the bottom)Write a list of prayer request for yourself, family, friends and your community. Leave space on the other half of the paper to write any answers to prayers you were able to see. 

Materials: Construction paper, scissors, pencil/pen




Fold a piece of construction paper in half. Draw your child’s hand on the front of the construction paper along the fold. Cut out the hand leaving the fold uncut. You should have 2 hands folded together. Have your child decorate and color the hands. On the inside of the hands write names of people they can pray for.

Materials: Construction paper, crayons, markers, scissors, pencil



Visit this website and scroll towards the bottom to find a coloring page and download the coloring pages to print.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Printed coloring sheet.


We can pray for ourselves but it is also important to pray for others as well. When Peter’s friends prayed for him they were not sure that God would answer their prayer. In fact when Peter knocked on the door they didn’t even open it at first, not expecting him to show up. God’s answers to prayers sometimes come right away in the way we wanted. But sometimes the answer is no and sometimes the answer is later.

What are some things you are praying for right now?

Do you pray for other people or for the things you want.

Should our prayers include other people as well?

When God answers “no” or “later”, does that change the way you see Him?

How can you learn to accept answers other than “yes”?

Practical Application at Home

Let’s look up a few verses in the Bible about prayers. Read  James 5:16; The prayers of the righteous person are powerful and effective. Read John 14:13-14 which says if we ask for something in Jesus name He will do it. Matthew 21:22 says that if we just believe we can receive whatever we ask in prayer. 

This week as you pray think about these things as you pray. You can use the printout to fill in the information to remind yourself as you pray this week.

Things I’m thankful for…

Prayers for others….

Prayers for myself…

Today’s bible verse…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Our Mission



Welcome to week 1! We are on a mission this week to find our mission! Jesus gave the disciples a mission to GO! This week we will find out if Jesus gives us a mission too!



Have you ever been on a trip? Where did you go? How did you prepare for your trip. Let’s pretend Jesus is sending us on a trip today. First, where do you think he would send us? What items do you think we should pack? Who should we invite on the trip with us? How do you think we will get there? There are lots of ways to travel. Print out the following cards and play a game of memory matching the different ways to GO!

Materials: Printed Transportation Memory cards

Today our story talks about how Jesus told the Disciples to GO! Where did Jesus send them? 

Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week Matthew 28:16-20 

How many disciples went to Galilee? (11 disciples)

Did all the disciples see and worship Jesus? (some still doubted)

Jesus said that he had all authority in heaven and on earth. 

What did Jesus tell the disciples to go and do? (make disciples of all nations and baptize them, and teach them to obey his commands)

Jesus said the disciples should baptize in whose name? (in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)

How long did Jesus say he would be with them? (to the very end of the age)


Jesus gave the disciples a mission to preach the gospel to every nation and to baptize them. He wanted the disciples to make more disciples by sharing the good news that Jesus had risen from the dead and was alive. Their sins could be forgiven. That’s good news! We are disciples when we decide to follow Jesus and tell others about His love.


Go! On a treasure hunt. Use the clues on the page to find these items around your house. When you find them cross them off your list, or put a sticker on the square. The first person to fill in a row going down or across on their card wins!

Materials: Printed Bingo treasure hunt card


Go! Complete these activity cards. Cut the cards and place them in a small bowl or container, pull out a card and do the action that is written there. If you don’t have the materials to complete the activity do your best to substitute or pull a new card. Do several at a time or spread out the activity by doing 1 action card each week.  

Materials: printed and cut activity cards, bowl or container to hold them


Play this GO! mission game. Use the question cards and game board to tell what you would do to be a disciple and then move around the board. First person to the end wins! 

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create a GO book. Color and cut out the word Go and glue to the first page of your booklet. On the following pages write the plan of salvation and a picture to match. Staple the pages together or hole punch and tie with ribbon. Color and decorate the book. 

Materials: Printed booklet, crayons, pencil



Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring page, crayons


Jesus sends his disciples to far places around the world but he also sends us to be disciples to people who live nearby. Look at a map or a globe. On the map find the following places:

The street where you live

Your city

Your state

Your country

On your street, how could you show Jesus’ love? (Being kind to neighbors)

In your city, how could you show others Jesus loves them? (Volunteering at church, food bank, donating items)

How can you be Jesus’ disciple in your state? (Donating needed items to a nearby shelter, helping clean up a state park)

How can you be Jesus’ disciple in your country, or in another country? (Sending offering through missions, writing to a penpal in another country through your sabbath school class or parent, your family sponsoring a needy child or family in another country)


Practical Application at Home

Sometimes we think we are too small to be disciples or to do something big for Jesus. Although God is capable of doing all things without our help, He blesses us with the chance to be his disciples and share the good news. When we share about Jesus’ love we are blessed as well! In the Bible God has used small people to do mighty things. Look at the list of people from the Bible and match it with the facts about them

David Mother of Jesus, young teenage girl, taught Jesus as a boy.

Mary Was a young king at 7 yrs old, raised money to repair temple

Samuel Listened to God’s voice, iced at the temple at a young age

Josiah killed Goliath as a young boy, killed a lion and a bear,

anointed king

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Its week 2! Even though Jesus went back to heaven He said he would not leave us alone. He sent the Holy Spirit! Jesus knew we would need someone to help us. We are not alone!



When Jesus went back to heaven he told the disciples He would not leave them alone but would send them a helper. What does it mean to be a helper? Do you help at home? Let’s practice being happy helpers for mom or dad right now! Here are a few things you can do as a helper (do all or pick a few): - - -arrange the pillows on the couch

- -fold any loose blankets laying around and put them away

-- - find all the toys in the living room and put them away

- -dump a box of blocks on the floor and practice putting them away

-- -Put all your reading books in a nice pile or back on the shelf

- -make your bed

Its fun to be a happy helper! Helpers make others’ jobs easier, right? Today we will read about the helper Jesus sent after he went back to heaven.

Read or listen to the Bible story for the week: Acts 2:1-12 Acts 2: 42-47

What were the people gathered in the room celebrating? (Pentecost)

What type of noise did they hear? (A strong wind blow through the room)

What did they see on top of each persons head (A fiery flame)

As they were filled with the Holy Spirit what were each of them able to do? (speak in other languages)

What did the believers do together (They helped the needy and met in the temple courts)


Jesus wanted to send the Holy Spirit after He left so that the disciples could have a way to talk with God. They didn't know how the Holy Spirit would come but they believed and trusted that Jesus would do what He said. The Holy Spirit helps us even today! Through the Holy Spirit we can know what God wants us to do, have comfort when we are sad, and receive courage to face difficult things. 


The holy sprit came into the room as the sound of a violent wind and rested on their heads like fire. Let’s make our own wind. (Do all or as many as possible) 

Hold a plastic bag open outside and see which way the bag moves

Use a book or magazine and push it through the air. Do you feel the air move?

Put your fingers near your nose and breathe out your nose, do you feel that wind?

Blow up a balloon and the let the air out quickly against your face or hand.

Make a fan or use a fan to feel the wind blow against you.

Did you feel the difference in the types of wind? Some wind blew fast and it was strong. Some wind blew slowly and it felt light. What type of wind did the Holy Spirit come as? A loud sound. Did any of the wind you made today have a sound? Can you think of a type of wind that might have a sound? (Tornado, large fan)

Materials: plastic bag, book or magazine, balloon, fan


Think of ways you can be a happy helper at home or with your family. Complete this Happy Helper weekly chart. Put a sticker on each time you do one of the listed activities.

Materials: Printed happy helper chart


Listen to this story "I Face the Wind“ by Vicki Cobb. Feel free to try some of the experiments described in the book.

Materials: device to watch the read aloud book



Ring of fire hat made from sentence strips

Materials: sentence strip (or strip of paper, red, black, orange and yellow construction paper, scissors, glue



Make a windsock. Watch this video for ideas of how to make one.

Materials: cardstock or construction paper, stamps, crayons, glue, string or ribbon, hole punch


CRaft 3

Coloring page.

Materials: Printed coloring page, Crayons


The disciples were waiting in a room because it was the start of Pentecost. After the Holy Spirit came to them there was a change in them that amazed others around them.

After the Holy Sprit came to the disciples why were others were amazed at them? (They performed many signs and wonders)

What did they do with all their property and possessions? (They sold it and gave the money to the needy)

Where did they meet every day? (in the temple courts)

Every day more and more people were being saved. 

There was clearly something different about the disciples and it was the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was working in them to bring God’s message to those who did not know it. They were even able to speak and share the Good news with people who did not speak their same language. The Holy Spirit came as a helper to them and He is still with us as we share God’s Good news to people around us too!

Practical Application at Home

Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to help us for lots of reasons. Listen to these scenarios. Tell how you think the Holy Spirit can help us. (There is not just one right answer)

We are afraid to share Jesus with a new friend (The holy spirit gives us words to say, or the courage to say it)

We think about stealing or cheating in class. (The Holy Spirit reminds us of what is right and wrong)

We hear the Bible read to us but we don’t understand what it is saying (The Holy Spirit can reveal the bible’s truth to us)

We are sad or feeling lonely because we lost someone we love. (The Holy Spirit can be our comforter and give us peace) 

We are feeling discouraged or forget who God says we are. (The Holy Spirit brings our memory verses about God’s Love and promises back to our minds)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welome to week 3! God gave us parents to help protect us and keep us safe. God also gave us His armor to protect us as well. We can’t buy this armor at the store but God provides it even though we can’t see it. Let’s find out how to use God’s power.



Using these picture cards, have your child sort the pictures into different groups. Provide help as needed but there is not just one correct answer. Possible groups include: food, shelter, clothes, friends, family. Look at the different groups we were able to sort our picture cards into. What do all of these things have in common? God provides all of these things for us. He provides us with food to eat, and a place to live and clothes to protect ourselves. He even provides us with family and friends to have relationships with. God provides for all of our needs. Today we will read about how God wants to provide armor for us so we are strong and can face challenges that will come. 

Materials: printed picture cards

Read or listen to the scripture Ephesians 6:10-18 

Why do we need the armor of God? (To withstand the devils schemes)

What are the 5 pieces of armor? (Breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit)

When should we pray? (in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request)

How can we be strong? (In the Lord and his mighty power)


Do one or more of the following activities.


Put two oranges in a large bowl submersed in water. (or large lemon or limes). These oranges are covered in an armor to protect them. Look, they are floating or standing firm in the water! Peel off a small piece of “armor” (skin) of one orange. Oh no, this orange forgot to put on his belt of truth. Now when someone says something ugly about him that is untrue, he might believe it is true! If he believes this lie he might not be able to stand firm in this water.Place the orange back into the water and see that it sinks a little. Continue on this way, tearing off a piece at a time and giving instances of how the armor of God is taken away and not providing protection. Shield of faith: When doubts about if Jesus loves him come up He may question if he is worthy of Jesus love. Shoes of peace: When uncertain times come he may become anxious about the future and what will happen to him. Sword of the spirit: When he needs to share his faith to a friend he may not know he has the power through the spirit to share the good news. Look at what happened to the orange when he did not have on his armor to protect him! He could not stand firm and instead sunk to in the bowl of water. We should wear our full armor of God every day so that we can stand firm in his word.

Materials: 2 oranges (or lemons), large container to submerse oranges in, water


Activity sheet- match the armor with its attributes

Materials: things in your environment


Decorate the cut-out person with the armor of God. Add all the parts of the armor of God including shield, breastplate, helmet, sword, shoes, and belt.

Materials: printed cut-out person, crayons, pencils



Make an armor of God replica using cardboard box. Attach strings so that your child can wear it if desired.

Materials: cardboard, art, string or yarn, supplies: crayons, glue, scissor, markers,



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Why do we need the armor of God?

Can we use one part of our armor without the others?

How does God protect us with this armor?

How do I know who will win If I can’t see who I am battling?

God wants to provide for all our needs even our protection. He wants to equip us with everything we need to share his good news with others and not be afraid. How can you use your armor of God today?

Practical Application at Home

We must put on the full armor of God every day. It should be how we choose to live life for God. This week practice doing each one of these activities as a way to suit up each morning. If you have a different activity for each piece of armor you can do your idea instead. Print the picture of the armor of God and post it in your room or beside your bed as a reminder to put on each piece. Remember, God does not require us to be perfect but to accept Jesus’ gift in place of perfection, because only He is perfect. But we can show God we love Him by living a life that is pleasing to Him. Give it a try this week!

The Shield of Faith: Trust God’s plan for your life this week by obeying what your parents ask you to do whether big or small. God has given them the job of guiding you to make good choices.

The Breastplate of righteousness: Do the right things this week like doing your chores on time, showing kindness to your brother or sister, and obeying your parents.

The belt of truth: Say this statement of truth “I am God’s handiwork (best creation). He created me to do good works. He has prepared a plan for me”

Shoes of Peace: when you are feeling unsure about what is going on or things are not going the way you want, pray and ask for God to give you peace. Then list 5 things you are thankful God has given to you.

Helmet of Salvation: When the future seems scary, thank God for the salvation He has already given you. Remember, you have already been delivered!

Sword of the Spirit: Read a verse for today or your memory verse for the week, say it several times throughout the day. Don’t stop there, see how you can use it throughout the day. If your memory verse is “Be kind one to another” look for 5 ways you can be intentionally kind to the people you know.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Peace and Joy



What makes you happy? What brings you Joy? The peace and Joy Jesus gives we can have all the time, even if everything around us is out of control. This week let’s look at what brings real peace and joy.



Blow up a balloon and draw a smiley face on the balloon. Let’s play a game! I have a balloon with a smiley face to show joy! Let’s try to keep the balloon in the air. Each time you hit the balloon back into the air, say something that brings you joy or makes you happy. Let's see how many things we can rejoice over! 

Just as in this game we thought of things that make us happy, God wants us to keep a happy mind and heart. God wants us to have peace and bring our worries and concerns to him. 

Materials: balloon, marker

Read or listen to the scripture Philippians 4:4-9,13 

Instead of being anxious what should we do? (Bring our prayers and concerns to God)

When we bring our requests to God, what will be given to us? (The peace of God)

What will that peace do for us? (guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus)

What types of things should we think on? (things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy)

What should we do with the things we have learned from Jesus? (Put it into practice)


Paul was a man who helped God tell others about Jesus. When Paul was put into jail for preaching, it didn’t stop him from singing happy songs to Jesus. He shows us that we can have joy and peace even when things are going really bad. Paul trusted that God would take care of him so he remained happy.


Make a happiness chainlink using any color construction paper. On each strip write or draw a picture of things that make you happy. Staple the ends together wrapping it through each ring first to connect them.

Materials: Strips of construction paper, pencil/pen, stapler


Listen to the scenarios. Cut and glue the faces to popsicle sticks then use them to answer the scenarios of if they would be happy, sad or angry.

Materials: printed scenario cards, popsicle sticks, glue, scissors


Listen to the children’s book about Catching Joy

Materials: device to listen and watch the book “Catching Joy”




Coloring Page.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



It’s easy to be happy when everything is going our way. When we are at a park or doing exactly what we want to do we have joy. Jesus wants to protect our hearts and take care of us all the time, even when life is hard.

When we are having a hard time how can we tell God? (praying to God and tell him)

How can we show God that we trust him? (by continuing to obey)

Tell about something you have worried about?

Let’s pray about that worry and give it to God.

Can you sing right now to show God that we trust He will protect our heart?

Practical Application at Home

This week let’s practice singing praises to God and praying even when things don’t go the way we think they should or we have a bad day. Try to do these things this week to show God that you trust him to protect you heart and mind from worry.

Sing your favorite praise or Sabbath school song

Say a prayer telling God you worry and asking Him to give you peace

Draw a picture of what you see and how you feel

Remember a time when you were sad before and how God was with you 

Focus on someone else and do something kind for them

Help mom or dad around the house and be a blessing to them

Write down the changes you see in your family, the situation or the blessing you received from trusting God.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





We have learned this week that God has sent us to make disciples but He did not leave us alone to do it. God sent a helper, the Holy Spirit to help us and give us courage. God also calls us to be helpers and we can help others through our prayers. God wants to answer and he wants to show us an answer. We just need to keep our eyes open and watch and see what God will do.



I need you to do a few things for me today. Give a list of chores that would be hard for them to do alone. Once they try and need help say “That looks too big for you, I can help you”. And then help them complete the task. (here are a few examples)

—-Move a large basket to a new place

—-Fold a large blanket

—-Move a large chair

—-Reach something high in the refrigerator

Did you need help doing some of those activities? Sometimes there are things that are too big for us and we need to ask someone for help. We need to call for help. Show a cell phone of telephone and say Who can we call and ask for help using this phone? (Let them give an extensive list). You are right! We can use this phone to ask lots of people for help or just talk to them. How do we talk to God? Yes! Prayer. When we pray we talk to God.
Today our story tells us about a time Peter really needed help and it was too big a job for him to do alone. He had lots of help.

Materials: pictures of animals

Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week Acts 12:1-17

Who was King and wanted to kill Peter? (King Herod)

What was Peter in prison for? (Preaching about Jesus)

Who came to see Peter in prison? (An angel)

What did the angel do? (told Peter to get up and get dressed and walked out of the prison with Peter)

At first, what did Peter think was happening. (He was having a vision)

Where did Peter go? (To Mary’s house)

What were the people at Mary’s house doing? (praying for Peter)


We can pray to God when we need help and just as Peter and his friends prayed for help from God. When we pray it is important to watch and see how God will answer our prayers. God will always answer our prayers, even if it’s not in the way we expect. We should never give up praying and looking to see what God will do!


(Cover an area with or do this activity outside to avoid a mess.) On a paper plate squeeze glue and create a design with thick lines that intersect. While glue is wet, pour salt over the glue to cover it completely. Shake the plate so the salt is redistributed onto the rest of the glue. Dab a paintbrush into water, making sure there is plenty of water on the brush. Then dip the brush into the watercolor paint and place it on one of the lines so the salt absorbs the paint water into the salt. Watch how the water moves along the salt trail. After that color stops spreading, rinse the brush and repeat using another color. Ask What did you expect would happen. What did happen? Just like we watched to see what would happen to the colors, we must keep watch to see how God will answer prayers. Materials: Phone or device to take pictures, small objects to photograph around your house.

Materials: glue, paintbrush, water colors, paper plate, salt, container of water


There are lots of people in our community who can help us. Complete the community helpers activity sheet.

Materials: printed activity sheet


We can pray wherever we go. At home, school, church, the car or while we are playing. Using Lego blocks or any building blocks build places your family visits and can pray there.

Materials: Lego or other building bricks




 Fold a piece of construction paper in half. Draw your child’s hand on the front of the construction paper along the fold. Cut out the hand leaving the fold uncut. You should have 2 hands folded together. Have your child decorate and color the hands. On the inside of the hands write names of people they can pray for.

Materials: Construction paper, crayons, markers, scissors, pencil


Visit this website and scroll towards the bottom to find a coloring page and download the coloring pages to print. 

Materials: Printed coloring sheet

Craft 3

Coloring page



What are some things kids your age often talk to God about?

Why does God sometimes answer no or later?

Has God answered any prayers for your family?

What is something you like to talk to God about?

Practical Application at Home

Our prayers are powerful and God wants to hear from us. We may not always get the answer we want but we should look for how God has answered our prayers. On strips of paper, write a list of things you can pray for. Here are a few categories to think about.

Think about…

-people at church, your family or friends who may have requested prayer. 

-The country you live in and if you can pray for leaders and people in your community. 

-Your church leaders and teachers to be lead by God

-People who are less fortunate than you in your community or around the world

-Someone who is sick and needs healing

If you can, mention people by name as you write it on your strip of paper. Place the strips of paper in a small bowl or container and keep it near a place your family has worship. Each evening before prayer pull out a strip of paper and pray specifically for that person or group of people. Remember to keep watching to find out how God will answer your prayers.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


He’s Everywhere



This week we are looking at how we can spend our time. We don’t have to only spend time with God once a week when we go to church — we can spend time with God everywhere!

Exodus 35:4-35; James 4:8a 



Designate 2 corners of the room as a complain corner and a non-complaining corner. I’m going to read some scenarios to you. If you think you would complain move to the complain corner. If you don’t think you would complain, move to the non-complain corner. Read scenarios to see if they would complain.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Exodus 35:4-35

What things could the Israelites willingly give for the temple? (gold, silver, bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and leather; acacia wood; olive oil; spices, and onyx stones and other gems 

What was to be on the tabernacle table? (bread of Presence)

Who was to wear the garments? (Aaron the priests and his sons when they served as priests)

Were the Israelites required to bring something to the Tabernacle? (Their hearts were moved as to what and how much they should give as a willing offering)

How were the skilled workers able to make artistic designs and teach others to do the same? (They were filled with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and knowledge and understanding.)


God wants to spend time with us. He used the tabernacle as a temporary dwelling place so He could commune with His people. When Jesus came, He dwelt among us and then sent the Holy Spirit to remain with us after He returned to heaven. God is with us now and He does not need to have one particular place to meet with us. We can spend time with Him at any time and any place.


God gave specific directions on how to build the Tabernacle. Use a partner to practice following directions. Use the Shapes printout, or cut out various shapes on construction paper, including a large circle to be a face. Partners sit back to back. One person gives the instructions while building the face or scene at the same time. At the end of instructions, compare pictures and see if they both match. Were you able to follow the instructions? Were you able to give good instructions? Swap places giving or following instructions.

Materials: printed shapes page or shapes cut-out from construction paper


We can spend time with God at any time of any day. Use this clock to write down ideas of things you can do to spend time with God throughout the day. Find a special place that you can spend with God, like a small tent in your room, a chair by your window, or sitting in your bed. Keep this clock near your special place to remember ways to spend time with God.

Materials: printed clock with schedule


Draw a tabernacle replica. On graph paper or plain white sheet of paper, draw the outline of the tabernacle, draw the parts of the tabernacle and pieces that were inside such as the ark and candlesticks. 

Materials: plain white sheet of paper or graph paper, pencil




Create an Ark using the following template. Color the template yellow. Put together the large box, fold along the black lines and then glue them. Then glue the long pieces onto the sides of the box. Next put together the lid and then glue to the large box.

Materials: printed template of Ark



Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page



Read or listen to James 4:8a 

How did the Israelites get close to God? (Built the tabernacle)

Do we need to do the same things today to get close to God?

What are some things you do to become closer to God?

Where do you go to spend time with God?

In what ways does God come close to you?

Practical Application at Home

The Israelites gave an offering to God to fill the Tabernacle. It was a willing offering, no one was required to give anything. Each person gave according to how they were impressed to give. No matter our age, we all have something to give to God as well. We all have an offering we can bring, not only our money but our talents and time. In giving of ourselves we can grow closer to God. When we give the little that we have God can bless our offering and multiply it.

-This week think of some ways you can bring an offering to God using your talents or time. Here are a few examples:

-Record a video worshiping God by singing or playing an instrument, then send the video to someone who may be shut-in or sick.

-Send a note or card to a friend or church member to say hello or you are thinking of them.

-Give an extra offering to church

-Give money to a relief or missionary project you’ve read about.

-Make something to send to a nursing home or someone you know, such as a blanket, a pillow, or a picture.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Sometimes we have problems and we don’t see how we will ever find the solution. Maybe our grades are low and we can’t seem to improve them. Or maybe a friendship has gone bad and you don’t know how to move forward. This week we will see that we can trust God, even when we don’t see a solution. 

Numbers 13:2-14:9; Matthew 6:25-34 



Let’s do the following trust activity. You or your partner will draw a picture on a sheet of paper, it can be a simple picture to start with. Once one person has drawn their picture, you will have your partner create a twin picture by giving them directions on how to draw your picture without showing it to them. For example, if you drew a smiley face tell your partner to draw a large circle, then draw 2 smaller circles inside the large circles toward the top of the circle. Continue describing how to make your picture and then compare your pictures. How did the picture turn out. Were your pictures exactly the same? 

This week we are learning about how some of the Israelites saw the promised land but didn’t see how God was going to give it to them. They focused on all the problems and forgot to trust God.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Numbers 13:2-14:9

Who did Moses send to explore the land of Canaan? (12 men including Caleb and Joshua)

What was their report when they came back? (The land was filled with milk and honey, and the people were large in size)

What did the 12 men bring back from exploring the land? (First harvest of grapes, pomegranates and figs)

Who thought they should still go into the land and take what God had promised them? (Joshua and Caleb)

What did the Israelites think they should do? (Find a new leader and return to Egypt)

What did Joshua tell the Israelites? (that if the lord was pleased with them, he would lead them into the land… do not rebel against the lord and do not be afraid of the people there)


The 12 men that were sent in to spy on the Promised land came back with different perspectives. All the men returned saying the land was good and had great produce. 10 of the men said that the people were too big to conquer and that they should not try or they would be defeated. Caleb and Joshua saw the same things but from their faith perspective God was on their side, He would deliver them, and give them the Promised land.


Listen to this story, “The True story of the 3 Little Pigs” that gives a new perspective on a familiar story of the 3 Little Pigs. Think about how the original story is told. Seeing a story from another perspective can change the entire story and how we look at the same events.

Materials: Story The true story of the 3 little Pigs


Look up the following scriptures that speak of trusting God and match them to their verse.

Materials: printed activity sheet matching scriptures


We all have times when we worry and times when we trust. We often base if we can trust God on if He has delivered us from a similar situation in the past. Complete the following activity sheet creating different perspective glasses. On the pair of glasses labeled worry, write a list of things you tend to worry about. On the other pair of glasses labeled Trust, list the things you trust God for. Color and decorate your glasses.

Materials: printed perspective glasses, scissors, pencil, crayons




Create a cluster of grapes. Use purple paper and cut out circles. Use green paper to cut out green leaves. Attach the  cluster of grapes to the leaves. Alternate option: use white sheet of paper and color the grapes and leaves.

Materials: sentence strip or strip of construction paper, red, black, orange and yellow construction paper



Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring page



The Israelites were focused on what they could not do and how much smaller they were from the Caananites. Their perspective was one of worry but Caleb and Joshua saw the same situation and saw it through the perspective of trust. What does the Bible say about worry? 

Read Matthew 6:25-34

Should we worry about our life?

What does God provide for us? 

How can we know that God will provide for our food and clothing?

Does worrying add anything to our life?

Instead of worrying, what should we seek?

What should we do when other around us worry?

How can you handle worry when it seems like the world around you is in chaos?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes, just like the Israelites, we focus on the things that are going wrong or that we can not control, when we need to remember that we can always trust God. Even when we don’t see a way to solve our problem we can trust that God is in control, we can trust Him! Think about the following scenarios and how you can trust God in that situation.

-Your family doesn’t have a lot of food left or money to buy more. You can trust God to…

-You lied to your parents but want to confess your wrong. You can trust God to…

-Your school tuition is due but money is tight. You can trust God to…

-Your moms car just broke down and you are stranded. You can trust God to…

-Your friend at school is having a hard time and needs a word of encouragement. You can trust God to…

-You are not doing well in school but have decided to do your best each day. You can trust God to…

-You have a family member who is sick and you are praying for them. You can trust God to…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Take a Chance



Are you a risk taker? Did you ever think you could be a risk taker for God? This week we will read a story about a woman who took a risk because she believed in God and wanted to follow him. Would you take a risk for God? This week, let’s find out what that means.

Joshua 2:1-15; Philippians 4:10-13



Print these scenario cards and signs. Designate 4 corners of the room for each sign. As I read each scenario decide which corner of the room best describes the amount of risk you would want to take for that scenario. 1. I am cautious, I would not take the risk. 2: I am calculated, I might take the risk after I think about it. 3. I am spontaneous, I would probably take the risks. 4: I am risky, I would love to take the risk.

Materials: printed scenario cards

In our story today a woman names Rahab does something very brave to help a few men of God. God gives her strength to do something risky for Him.

Let’s read or listen to our story in Joshua 2:1-15

Why did Joshua send out the 2 spies? (To survey the land especially Jericho) 

Whose home did the spies stay in? (Rahab)

Why did the king tell Rahab to bring out the spies (He heard they had come to spy on the land)

What did Rahab tell the king? (that the men had left and the soldiers should chase after them)

What did Rahab hear and believe about the Israelites? (That their God was powerful and they had come to take Jericho just as they had taken previous cities because their God was with them)

What did she ask of the spies? (For them to show her kindness and protect her and her family from death.)


What does it mean to take a risk? What makes a risk scary? The unknown of what will happen if you take the risk is often what makes taking a risk hard. Most risks are not worth taking and usually bring harm, but what about the risks we take for God? In our story Rahab took a risk of being killed by hiding the spies from the king, but she recognized that God was more powerful than the king. She knew her life was worth risking in order for it to be saved by the God of heaven. We’ve learned this month that we can trust God, so taking a risk for Him is worth it!


In the Bible there are many people who took risks for God even when they didn’t know what the outcome would be. Look at the list of stories, read their scripture verses to refresh your memory of the story, and then write down the risk the person took in the story. Did they take the risk for themselves or for God? On the last column put a check mark to determine if it was a risk they took for God, or an X to indicate the risk was for themselves.

Materials: Printed Biblical Risk Takers


Activity sheet

Materials: Scenario cards


Create an obstacle course that has different challenges and small risks. Blindfold your partner and guide them through the obstacle course by giving instructions as they go. Going through an obstacle course requires them to take a risk and trust you to guide them safely to the end. Switch places so that your partner creates an obstacle course while you are lead blindly through it to the end.

Materials: objects around your house to create an indoor or outdoor obstacle course




Create the scene of Jericho and Rahab’s house. Cut out different shapes from construction paper in various colors, sizes and shapes. Use the shapes to create a house and then decorate the rest of the picture. Add a red piece of yarn or string to show the rope Rahab left outside her window.

Materials: large sheet of paper, red string, or small rope, art supplies: glue, pencil, scissors



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Read Philippians 4:10-13

Paul was writing this letter to say that He knew how to be content with what he had but also that He received his strength from God. He trusted God to provide all that He needed and help him when he was going though hard times. 

What are some things you are facing that are hard?

What are some things other people are facing that is hard?

Can you trust God to be with you and help you?

Should we be content when we see someone treating someone else wrong?

How can we use God’s strength to help us stand up for what is right?

Why is it important for us to take risks for God?

Would God have us to ignore the problems around us or help others?

When do you think it is okay to take a risk for God?

What is one risk you can take for God?

Practical Application at Home

Being risk takers for God can mean that when we see people being mistreated or injustice around us, we stand up for what is right. We can take the risk of being different by standing up for what is right and doing what God has called us to do, Love one another. We don’t have to look far to find injustice. There are people, animals, or human rights being compromised or mistreated. With a parent, find an age appropriate news article about a social injustice that requires a plan of action from your community. Discuss ways your family can be involved and be a part of positive change in your community or in the lives of others. Alternatively, here is a list of social issues, think of ways you can help and be a part of positive change.

-school bullying

-cyber bullying

-local child hunger

-child abuse


-world hunger

-animal cruelty

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Look Back



Welcome to week 4! We’ve learned a lot this month! Sometimes when things are hard, we have a hard time remembering that God has been with us in the past. This week lets remember, and look back at what God has done for us in the past so that we can trust He will remain faithful in the future.

Joshua 3:10-4:9; Psalm 136



Let’s test your memory and see how good it is! We are going to play a memory game. Gather about 10-12 items from around the house and place them in a group between you and your child. Look at the items I have here. See if you can remember all the items that are here. Give the child a minute or so to look at all the items. Now close your eyes. Place a towel over the items and remove one item from the group and hide it behind your back or under another towel. Then remove the towel from over the remaining items. Now, I’ve removed 1 item, can you tell me what item is missing? Give your child a few minutes to figure it out. You may repeat the game by removing a different item or replacing all the items and starting again. 

Let’s review what we know about the story of the Israelites going into the promised land. First the Israelites were with Moses, freed from slavery and crossing the Red Sea. When they crossed the desert and came to the promised land, Moses sent 12 spies to see the land. They said it flowed with milk and honey but the people were giants and could not be overtaken. They began to doubt and didn’t want to go further. Joshua and Caleb were the only 2 who believed God would be with them and they could overtake the city. God made the Israelites wander in the wilderness for 40 years before the children of those Israelites could enter the promised land. With Joshua as their leader they once again moved forward toward the promised land. Joshua also sent spies to survey the land, especially Jericho. This time the spies returned and said they believed God was giving them this land. This time they believed! Before they came to Jericho they had to cross the Jordan River. God wanted to assure them He would be with them and help them overtake the land.

Read or listen to the scripture Joshua 3:10-4:9 

What river were they about to cross? (The Jordan River)

What was to go into the water ahead of everyone? (The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord)

What happened when the priest stepped a foot in the Jordan River? (The water from upstream stopped flowing and piled up a great distance away)

Once all of Israel crossed the Jordan River, what did God tell them to do? (Choose 1 man from each tribe to collect a stone from the river where the priest were standing to take over the other side of the river where they would stay that night.)
What were the 12 stones to represent? (a memorial or reminder to the people of Israel that God had stopped the Jordan River before the Ark of the Covenant, so they could cross over)


Our memory is a tool we use to recall important dates, remember what we studied for the big test, or to recall a special occasion. God wants us to remember our relationship with Him as well. We can remember how God has walked beside us throughout our life through the good and bad times. We can remember how we have walked through life’s journey with God in the past and know that no matter what happens in our future, God will be there with us.


Play this game called “I went Shopping” to test your memory. The first player starts the game by saying “I went shopping and bought a _____” saying 1 thing they bought. The next player says “I went shopping and bought a ____(saying the first players items) and _____ (saying a new item they bought). The game continues in this way. Each person lists all the things previously bought and then adding another item on, until someone forgets an item. The winner is the last person who can correctly name the items in sequence.


Remembering all that God has done for us helps us know that He will not leave nor forsake us in the future. Complete the following activity sheet. ‘I Remember…’ In each section write of a time you remember when God ‘provided for me, protected me, answered my prayer, sent me a friend who helped me, and loved me”. Share your stories with someone.

Materials: printed activity sheet “I remember…”, pencil, crayons


Collect a few smooth or rough stones that are of medium size. Use paint to decorate the stones in any way you like. As you decorate the stones, think about ways God takes care of you. Extended Activity: once the stones dry, use a permanent marker to write characteristics of God. (example: protector, loving, kind, just, merciful, etc). You can give these stones to others as a way to remind them of God’s love for them, or you can leave them along a path or sidewalk for others to find and read.

Materials: Gathered stones, paint, permanent marker




Create a diorama of the scene of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. Remember to include the 12 rocks, cut-outs of the Israelites, the river, and the ark.

Materials: Small box or shoebox, variety of craft item: scissors, glue, crayons, cotton balls, yarn, construction paper.


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Read or listen to Psalm 136 When reading this chapter it repeats the phrase “His loves endures forever” Every time you get to that part of the verse, say it aloud.

Create your own verse by changing some of the vocabulary to make it personal to you.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is __________

His love endures forever

Give thanks to the God of _________

His love endures forever

Give thanks to the Lord of ___________

His love endures forever

To Him who alone does great __________

His love endures forever

Who by His understanding made ____________

His love endures forever

We can go on and on about the attributes of God and what He has done to make our world and love each of us. It is important to remember all that God has done for us in the past and that his love for us will endure, or last forever.

What are some ways God has showed you His love?

What do you have that reminds you of how God is good?

Do you have an object that reminds you of a story of something God has done?

What are some things we do at church that remind us of things God has done?

What are some things your family does that remind you of what God has done?

What is your favorite memory of something God has done for you or your family?

Practical Application at Home

The Israelites tried to enter the promised land twice! The first time with Moses they did not have enough faith to believe that God would deliver them. Even though they saw God deliver them out of slavery they couldn’t see how he would give them the promised land. When the next generation of Israelites (the sons and daughters) were ready to enter into the promised land, this time it was different. Just as their parents spied on the land, ate manna, and crossed the sea, they also did similar things. But this time they believed. This time the Israelites chose to have faith and remember God was with them just like He had been with them in the past. They remembered all God had done for their parents but also saw all that God was doing for them. We can also remember the God of our parents, grandparents, and the same God who has done so much for you.

As a family talk about how you have seen God show up in your life. Tell stories of the miracles you have seen, the times you felt His presence and how you’ve seen Him work.

Just as the children of Israel shared the exciting stories of the Red Sea and the plagues, we can also share our stories so that we can always remember what God has done for us. When we remember what God has done in the past, it gives us strength and faith to know that He will continue to deliver us. We can choose to not make the same mistakes of unbelief and fear but walk in faith, choosing to trust God.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


He’s Everywhere



This week we will discover ways that we can spend time with God anywhere. We can be at church, home, school, or anywhere else and still spend time with God. He wants to spend time with you!



Print this activity page. Look at all the tools shown on this page. Circle or color in the tools people use to build things. The Israelites used tools to build the tabernacle God gave instructions to build. God used the tabernacle as His temporary dwelling place until the coming of Jesus Christ. God wants to dwell with us, He wants to spend time with us. 

Materials: Printed Tools activity page

Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week Exodus 35:4-35

What things could the Israelites willingly give for the temple? (gold, silver, bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and leather; acacia wood; olive oil; spices, and onyx stones and other gems 

What was to be on the tabernacle table? (bread of Presence)

Who was to wear the garments? (Aaron the priests and his sons when they served as priests)

Were the Israelites required to bring something to the Tabernacle? (Their hearts were moved as to what and how much they should give as a willing offering)

How were the skilled workers able to make artistic designs and teach others to do the same? (They were filled with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and knowledge and understanding.)


God is with us everywhere and we can spend time with him at any time. The Israelites had the tabernacle as a way to remind them that God was with them where they went. We have the Holy Spirit with us, speaking to us and guiding us all the time. God wants to spend time with us and be in relationship with us. We can talk to God any time, any where.


Create a Tabernacle scavenger hunt. Hide the following items around the room or area: spools of red and purple, piece of wooed, baggie of spices, colorful gems or stones (Plastic) toy necklace, play gold money or coins. Have your child walk around the room and find these items. Once they are found, discuss the significance of each item to the Tabernacle and what it was used for. Other items they may find hidden throughout the house: lamp stand (candle holder), piece of cloth/material, olive oil.

Materials: Scavenger hunt items: spools of red and purple, piece of wooed, baggie of spices, colorful gems or stones (Plastic) toy necklace, play gold money or coins (or as many items that are possible)


We can spend time with God at any time of every day. We don’t need to schedule a time to use a priest to speak with Him. Use this clock to write down ideas of things you can do to spend time with God throughout the day. Find a special place that you can spend with God, like a small tent in your room, a chair by your window, or sitting in your bed. Keep your clock near your special place to remember ways to spend time with God.  

Materials: Printed clock


Use block or bricks to build your own tabernacle. Use items around your house to represent the items found inside the tabernacle such as the ark and candlesticks.

Materials: Bricks or blocks, items around you that represent items from the tabernacle




create an Ark using the following template. Color the template yellow. Put together the large box, fold along the black lines and then glue them. Then glue the long pieces onto the sides of the box. Next put together the lid and then glue to the large box.. 

Materials: Printed booklet, crayons, pencil



Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring page, crayons


Play a game of hide and seek. Let your child hide as you find them. When you find them say, “You can spend time with God anywhere!”

Where is a place in your house where you spend time with God?

Where is a place in your house that you have not spent time with God? 

Could You use this as a new place to spend time with him?

What are some ways you spend time with God? 

Can you think of a new time to spend with God?


Practical Application at Home

Spending time with God does not mean we have to schedule a specific time each day and that’s the only time we can talk with Him. Think of the following scenarios and answer if the person was spending time with God, or too busy to be with God.

-Sally prays for her aunt who is very sick.

-Ned thanks God for the food he is about to eat.

-Erica rushes to grab the last basketball so she can play a game.

-Tony makes a goal at his soccer game and quietly thanks God for the ability to run.

-Tom daydreams about the gifts he will receive for his birthday.

-Sam thinks about her friend whose house burned down and asks God to show her how to help her friend.

-Ron reads his bible and prays for the Holy Spirit to show him what is true.

-Cathy can’t wait to show her friends her new gift her parents bought her.

There is no right or wrong time to spend with God. We can make God a part of our day and a part of big and small moments throughout our day.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Have Confidence



Can you think of people that you trust? Do you trust your mom and dad? The bible says we can trust God, more than anyone else! He will always be there to help us. This week we will read a story of 2 men that trusted God, even when others around them didn’t.



Let’s practice a few trust activities together. I’m going to toss this ball to you, so you can catch it, do you trust me? (Give them a chance to answer yes, then toss the ball in a way that helps them successfully catch the ball). Now, I’m going to share a snack with you (goldfish, gummy bear, etc), do you trust me? (share a small snack). I’m going to spin you around in a circle, but I won’t let you fall, do you trust me? (Carefully spin them while holding their hand or catching them at the shoulders). Now, I want you to turn around and fall backwards and I will catch you so you won’t fall, do you trust me? Let them fall backwards while you stand only a few feet away ready to catch their shoulders as they fall. Was that hard or easy for you to trust that I would catch you? Was it easier to trust the first few things we did? Although sometimes we don’t always trust those around us, we can always trust God. We are learning this week that we can always trust God!

The Israelites also found it hard to trust God sometimes, but there were 2 men who trusted God to keep his word even when it seemed really hard. 

Read or listen to the Bible story for the week: Numbers 13:2-14:9

Who did Moses send to explore the land of Canaan? (12 men including Caleb and Joshua)

What was there report when they came back? (The land was filled with milk and honey, and the people were large in size)

What did the 12 men bring back from exploring the land? (First harvest of grapes, pomegranates and figs)

Who thought they should still go into the land and take what God had promised them? (Joshua and Caleb)

What did the Israelites think they should do? (Find a new leader and return to Egypt)

What did Joshua tell the Israelites? (that if the lord was pleased with them, he would lead them into the land… do not rebel against the lord and do not be afraid of the people there)


In the Promised land God provided good food and land. Joshua and Caleb saw God was providing this and giving it to the Israelites. They trusted that God would continue to be with them and deliver them to the land he had promised. We can trust that God has delivered us too! We can trust God will keep his promises. 


Complete this “Walk the room”. Print and cut out the picture cards and place them around your room. Have your child walk around the room to find the posted pictures and then color the corresponding picture on their activity sheet.

Materials: plastic bag, book or magazine, balloon, fan


Go on a scavenger hunt walk as a family. Just as Joshua and Caleb trusted God would take care of them and lead them to take the promise land, we can trust that God has provided for us. On your nature walk fill in the following Bingo card and see if you can discover several things from the card during your walk.

Materials: Printed nature Bingo card


The Israelites walked across the desert, which is full of sand. If you have a sandbox bury several plastic toy food items for your child to dig and discover. An alternate to a sandbox is a large container filled with dry rice or beans.

Materials: Sandbox, plastic toy food items. Alt: dry rice or beans, large container



Create a cluster of grapes. Use purple paper and cut out circles. Use green paper to cut out green leaves. Attach the cluster of grapes to the leaves. Alternate option: use white sheet of paper and color the grapes and leaves.

Materials: purple, green construction paper



Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring page



Have you ever been excited to try something new and yet afraid at the same time?

Think of some times when that has happened such as learning to ride a bike without training wheels. What about meeting a new friend but being afraid of what you will say?

When you are afraid of something new, what could you do?

How can God help you when you are afraid?

What does it mean to trust God?

Can you trust God to help you when you have a big problem you can’t solve?

Can you trust God to help you when your problem seems too small for God to care about?

Practical Application at Home

We can trust God even when we don’t see how he will fix our problem. God has provided us with parents who we can also trust to help guide us. In all types of situations we can trust God to love us, care for us, protect us, and forgive us. I’m going to say a few statements and you can respond by saying “I can trust God” if you think it is something you can trust God with. Say it loud and clear! Ready?

-When I am afraid…. I can trust God!

-When I am alone… I can trust God!

-When I’m feeling sad… I can trust God!

-When I’ve done something wrong… I can trust God!

-When I am happy… I can trust God!

-When I am little… I can trust God!

-When I am a grown-up… I can trust God!

God will always be with you and you can always trust Him. Caleb and Joshua trusted God would keep His promises, even when no one else believed. We can also trust that God will take care of us too!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Take A Chance



It’s week 3! This week we will see that we can take risks for God. We are usually told not to take risks so we can be safe, but when we take risks for God, He gives us the strength we need!



Today, let’s see how strong we are. I’m going to show you several items to lift. If you think you are strong enough to lift it, I want you to try, but if you don’t think you can lift it I want you to do this sign for help. (Place a closed fist with thumb pointing up on top of an open-faced hand. Then the open hand will lift the closed fist hand in an upward motion.)

Gather several items of various weight for your child to demonstrate lifting or asking for help using the sign. Use items near you such as a pillow, a rock, a basket, a chair, a heavy book, a couch, etc. 

In our story today a woman names Rahab does something very brave to help a few men of God. God gives her strength to do something risky for Him.

Materials: various objects from around the house that are different weights (Some that require help)

Read or listen to the scripture Joshua 2:1-15 

Why did Joshua send out the 2 spies? (To survey the land, especially Jericho) 

Whose home did the spies stay in? (Rahab’s)

Why did the king tell Rahab to bring out the spies (He heard they had come to spy on the land)

What did Rahab tell the king? (that the men had left and the soldiers should chase after them)

What did Rahab hear and believe about the Israelites? (That their God was powerful and they had come to take Jericho just as they had previous cities because their God was with them)

What did she ask of the spies? (For them to show her kindness and protect her and her family from death.)


This week we are learning about Rahab who did something bold for God to help protect His people. Rahab hid the spies so they wouldn’t be hurt and in return God protected her. Sometimes it is hard to do the right thing when we think we might be in trouble. We are learning this week that we can take bold risks for God.


Find a piece of large red string or ribbon. Show your child the ribbon and then have them turn around or cover their eyes while you hide it somewhere around the room. Then send them to find the ribbon. Do this several times with different hiding spots. Switch places and let them hide the string while you find it.

Materials: red piece of string


Sequence this week’s story. Cut out the boxes with pictures and sequence them in order by glueing them inside the blank boxes. Have your child retell the story to you.

Materials: printed sequencing page, scissors, glue


Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons, pencil



Create the scene of Jericho and Rahab’s house. Cut out different shapes from construction paper in various colors, sizes and shapes. Use the shapes to create a house and then decorate the rest of the picture. Add a red piece of yarn or string to show the rope Rahab left outside her window.

Materials: large sheet of paper, red string or yarn, supplies: crayons, glue, scissor, markers,



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


What are some risks you take for God?

If you were Rahab, would you have taken the same risks?

How do you think she felt after the spies left her house?

Do you think Rahab wondered if the spies would keep their promise to protect her?

Rahab heard about the Israelites before she ever met them, why did she know so much about them?

When people hear about you, do you think they know that your strength comes from God too?

Practical Application at Home

There are risks we can take that God asks of us that are for His glory. Sometimes we take risks because we think it will be fun or because someone dares us. Think about the list of risks below and tell if you think the risk is for God, for ourselves, or others.

-Telling the truth even if it means being in trouble

-Standing up to someone who is bullying someone else

-Jumping off a high ledge because your friend said you couldn’t do it.

-Meeting a new kid and being the first to welcome them.

-Swinging your baseball bat inside the house.

-Telling a friend at school about Jesus.

-Inviting a neighbor to church with you

-Riding your bike really fast down the hill with no hands 

-Stealing money when no one is looking to get the toy you’ve been waiting for

-Going on a missionary trip to a place you’ve never been before

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Look Back



In our last week this month we will see how remembering God helps us trust him for now and in the future. We can think of all the things God has done in the past and then know that God will continue to be with us in the future. 



Gather as many of the following items as possible: a candle (Or candlestick), a rock or stone, a piece of cloth, a candle, a cotton ball, a match, a bottle of water, a toy person, a toy donkey or horse, and the ark craft made earlier this week or a small box/chest. Keep all items hidden in a bag or container until time to reveal them.

Today we are continuing in our story about Joshua and the Israelites. They had been through so much but they were finally ready to go into the promised land with Joshua as their new leader. The Israelites had made many mistakes before but this time they needed to remember how God had provided for them in the wilderness and that He would continue to provide for them as they moved forward. Today we will do a test of your memory! I have several items, I am going to give you a minute to look at the items and then I will hide them again. I want you to see how many of the items you can remember.

Show the items to your child, give them an appropriate amount of time to look at them depending on their age, about a minute. Then hide the items again. Have your child either write down or say out loud the items they remember seeing laid out in front of them. Once they are finished show them how many items they remembered.

It is important for us to remember what God has done for us in the past so we can trust He will continue to provide for us in the present and future.

Materials: candlestick, rock, cloth, candle, cotton ball, match, water bottle, toy person, toy donkey/horse, craft ark (made in week 1)

Read or listen to the scripture Joshua 3:10-4:9  

What river were they about to cross? (The Jordan River)

What was to go into the water first ahead of everyone? (The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord)

What happened when the priest stepped a foot in the Jordan River? (The water from upstream stopped flowing and piled up a great distance away)

Once all of Israel crossed the Jordan River, what did God tell them to do? (Choose 1 man from each tribe to collect a stone from the river where the priest were standing to take over the other side of the river where they would stay that night.)
What were the 12 stones to represent? (a memorial or reminder to the people of Israel that God had stopped the Jordan River before the Ark of the Covenant, so they could cross over)


God has blessed us with the ability to remember things that have happened in the past. We can remember how God was with us during the happy times of our lives but also during times of sadness. The stones the Israelites gathered were to serve as a reminder that God was going to deliver them as He had promised. We can remember God’s promises to us as well.


Go for a nature walk. During the walk collect 12 stones as a family, that are a good size and easy to carry. As you pick up the stones, retell the story of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. As you choose the stone, describe what it looks like and it’s texture, relating it to the story if possible. Keep the story simpe or add more details depending on your child’s age and ability.


The Israelites were a large family. Each tribe went into the Jordan and pulled out a stone to represent their family that crossed the Jordan River. Print the following activity sheet. On each stone write the names of people in your family or friends who love and follow God. Then cut out each stone and paste them on a separate piece of construction paper to represent your memorial of how God is leading your family.

Materials: printed stones, pencil, glue, piece of construction paper


Collect a few smooth or rough stones that are of medium size. Use paint to decorate the stones in any way you like. As you decorate the stones, think about ways God takes care of you. Extended Activity: once the stones dry, use a permanent marker to write characteristics of God. (example: protector, loving, kind, just, merciful, etc). You can give these stones to others as a way to remind them of God’s love for them, or you can leave them along a path or sidewalk for others to find and read. 

Materials: stones, paint, permanent marker




Create a diorama of the scene of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. Remember to include the 12 rocks, cut-outs of the Israelites, the river, and the ark.

Materials: Small box or shoebox, variety of craft item: scissors, glue, crayons, cotton balls, yarn, construction paper.

Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring page, crayons



Crossing the Jordan River with Joshua as the leader was very similar to how the Israelites started on their journey with Moses.

What event happened with the Israelites and Moses that was similar to crossing the Jordan? (Crossing the Red Sea)

What were both groups trying to do? (Go into the Promised land)

Moses sent spies into Canaan to explore the land, where did Joshua send spies? (to survey the land, especially Jericho)

Both times their were spies sent out to report on what they saw in the land. The first spies reported the land was good but the people were too big to overcome. What did the second group of spies report back to Joshua? (Joshua 2:24 The Lord was giving them this land because the people were melting in fear)

Practical Application at Home

The Israelites saw many things from their time in Egypt and traveling through the wilderness. They surely shared those stories with their children and told all the wonderful things God did for them, how they lacked faith and suffered the consequences. Our parents and grandparents also have stories of what God has done for them. They have stories of times they’ve been delivered, times God provided when they didn’t see a way, or miracles that can not be explained.

As a family talk about how you have seen God show up in your life. Tell stories of the miracles you have seen, the times you felt His presence, and how you’ve seen Him work. No story is too small. Allow time for each family member to share a story and take time to rejoice and see God’s hand. Include a grandparent if you are able and allow them to share a story as well.

Just as the children of Israel shared the exciting stories of the Red Sea and the plagues, we can also share our stories so that we can always remember what God has done for us. When we remember what God has done in the past, it gives us strength and faith to know that He will continue to deliver us. We can choose to not make the same mistakes of unbelief and fear but walk in faith, choosing to trust God.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Can we be calm even when everything around us is crazy? This week we will read about Gideon, who had a lot of reasons to be nervous. But God reassured Gideon that He would give Gideon and the Israelites the victory. We can be sure God will give us the victory as well.

Judges 6; Philippians 4:7



Grab 3 objects from around your house. Let’s put these objects in order from smallest to largest. Can you name another object that is bigger than your smallest object but smaller than the other 2 objects.  What is the biggest object you can think of? Some problems we may face are bigger than other problems. Our problems come in all sizes, some that seem too big for us to handle, and some that we think we can handle on our own. This week we will see how our big problems can cause us to worry, but God can give us peace. God’s strength and his help are bigger than our worries and fears.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 6

Who were the Israelites being oppressed by? (The Midianites)

What were the Midianites doing to the Israelites? (Taking their food and livestock, and leaving them impoverished)

Who did God call on to free the Israelites? (Gideon)

Did Gideon feel he was worthy of the task? (No, he said his clan was the weakest and he was the lowliest in his fathers house)

God told Gideon He would be with him, did Gideon believe God? (Maybe not at first, he asked for a sign for reassurance)

What were the 2 signs Gideon asked God to show so he would know God would keep his promise? (The fleece would be wet but the ground would be dry; the ground would be wet but the fleece would be dry.)

How did God give Gideon peace over this situation? (By granting Gideon’s request and showing him the signs requested.)


God had something special in mind for Gideon and it didn’t matter if he was strong and mighty. God knew that He would be with Gideon and help him have the victory. God also gave Gideon peace to know that He was doing what God asked of him.


God has something special he wants each one of us to do. We all have a calling for our lives. Maybe you already know what God wants you to be. Maybe you will be a teacher, doctor, firefighter, engineer, or chef! Even if you don’t know yet, God has a plan for you and He will reveal it in time. Play this game of charades. Use the attached cards as suggestions of careers to act out. Take turns acting out the job while the other players guess.

Materials: printed job cards


We can get peace from all sorts of places. We may get peace from knowing our family sleeps in the room down the hall or from a pet that cuddles in our lap. But we get the greatest peace from God. It may be in reading our favorite verse or singing an encouraging song.  Complete this activity sheet. On one half of the sheet write the ways you receive peace from people (or things around you) and on the other side make a list of ways you can find peace from God. In each category write a specific way you receive peace from those things. For example, write your favorite Godly song that brings you peace. God wants to bring you peace in lots of ways. (song, favorite hymn, favorite scripture, prayer, spiritual teacher, poem)

Materials: printed clock with schedule


Complete this science experiment. In this experiment we will keep the paper towel dry as we submerse it in water. Fill a large bowl with water, add food coloring if desired to help you see it better. Take a tall glass, that sits up higher than the edge of the bowl, and stuff it tightly with 1 or 2 paper towels. Keeping the cup upside down and exactly vertical, completely submerge the cup into the bowl of water. (You shouldn’t see any air bubbles) Then pull it straight back up. Check on your paper towel, is it wet? How did the paper towel stay dry? Air takes up space and when the glass was submerged in the water, the air became trapped by the water pressing up from below and the glass on the side. As long as the air can’t escape, water can’t get in. You can repeat the experiment while this time tilting the glass slightly to the side as you submerge it, and watch some of the water come into the glass.   

Materials: paper towel, bowl, large cup, water, food coloring (optional)




Gideon’s lantern. Use a clear plastic cup, or container, finger-paint the outside of the cup. Punch holes on each side of the cup and tie a pipe cleaner to each end to create a handle. Last, place a small tea light inside of the cup. Now you have a Gideon lantern!

Materials: Small plastic cup, finger paint (orange and red), pipe cleaner, small tea light.



Alternate Gideon’s lantern: Color in the lantern and then add red and orange tissue paper to the top to create a flame.

Materials: Printed lantern, red, yellow, and orange tissue paper


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring page



The Israelites were worshipping other gods when the Midianites were attacking them and taking all their possessions. They were not being faithful to God but were instead searching for peace in idols. When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon he instructed him to first tear down the Baal idol and build a proper idol to the God of Heaven and earth. Gideon obeyed but first asked for signs to be sure of who he was talking to. When God asked him to lead the army to destroy the Midianites, Gideon asked once more for a sign that God would keep his promise and give them victory. God answered in a way that Gideon understood because He wanted Gideon to have peace and know that God would fight this battle for them and give them victory. 

In Philippians 4:7 it says that God will give us peace that passes all understanding. Our peace comes from God, not in the things we hold dear.

What things bring you peace?

How can God’s peace surpass all understanding?

How should our behaviors change when we have the peace of God?

What things do you worry about today?

Do you have things that bring you peace?

Do you use those things to bring peace before you seek God?

How can you put God first?

Practical Application at Home

God asked Gideon to do something really big and Gideon thought there were lots of other people bigger and stronger who were better for the job. Gideon thought he was the weakest of the weakest. Sometimes we feel like we are too little or small to do the job God has asked of us. But God doesn’t make a mistake when He chooses us for a big job. Even a job that seems small to us, may be big and meaningful to the people around us. There are examples of seemingly small people in the Bible that didn’t seem right for the job, but God knew their hearts. He also knew He would give them the strength to do the task. God chose David to fight Goliath even though David was just a young boy. God also chose David to be king, even though he was the smallest brother in his family. God chose Samuel to be priest and spoke to him from a very young age. God used Esther, who was an orphan, to save her people. God has chosen you too!

This week think of some ways you can allow God to use you. Here are a few examples:

-Stand up for someone who is being mistreated.

-Be kind to a neighbor 

-Help keep your community or neighborhood clean

-Donate food to a local food pantry

-Leave a little gift and note on the front step of someone who is shut-in

-Send a thinking of you card to someone

-Be an example to the other kids around you by choosing to be obedient and kind.

-Draw a picture for someone who might be sick

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


The Gift of strength



God gives us strength to face the big things in life. Sometimes we may not always understand what God is asking of us or how it will all work out, but God will continue to provide. We just need to continue to trust and obey. This week we will see how the Israelites’ obedience allowed them to see a big victory in a strange way. 

Joshua 6; Joshua 1:9



We often depend on our own strength to defend or protect ourselves. Today, I want you to make your own weapon for protection out of these paper towel rolls, paper, and tape. Let’s see what you can come up with. 

Do you think this weapon will protect you? If you really came upon someone or something that could cause you harm, would you be able to defend yourself with this simple weapon? Today we will read a story about the unusual strength God gave to Joshua, through weapons that were ordinary tools. Let’s find out if Joshua won the battle and what he used to win.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Joshua 6

Who was leading the Israelites into Jericho? (Joshua)

How was Jericho preparing for the Israelites? (locking down their city each night)

What did God tell Joshua he would do to overtake the city? (March around the city once a day for 6 days and on the 7th day march 7 times and the last time blow trumpets and shout.)

Who did they save from the city? (Only Rahab and her family, everyone else was to be destroyed)

Could they take some of the treasures of Jericho for themselves? (no, they couldn’t keep anything)

What did God say would happen if they took some of their cursed possessions? (They too will be cursed at the camp.)

Materials: paper towel cardboard roll or toilet paper rolls, paper, tape, markers


God was with Joshua and the Israelites, but the Israelites also trusted God to do what he said He would do. They trusted that God would give them the victory, even though they didn’t see how. God did not tell them to use mighty weapons or brute strength, but He really asked them to trust that He was strong enough to deliver them.


Complete this book retelling the story of Joshua and Jericho. Cut out the sentence strip and then glue them in order in the boxes. Illustrate pictures to describe what is happening in the story. Share your book with a friend.

Materials: printed booklet retelling the story of Joshua


Complete this activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet


Create a journal entry as if you were a part of the Israelite group that prepared to enter the Promised land. Think about what it may have been like to be your age with your parents crossing the Jordan River and then preparing to battle Jericho.

Materials: journal paper, pencil




Using 2 large sheets of foam, cut out a horn shape. Attach a party blower between the two sheets of foam. Use a large piece of string to wrap around the horn to create a handle. Alternately you can use paper or cardstock, but it may get wet from the child blowing and then fall apart.

Materials: 2 large foam sheets (or cardstock paper), party blower, string,



Create the wall of Jericho. Using a small to medium cardboard box, cut off the top and bottom flaps. Then cut out rectangles from the top of the box to create a Wall of Jericho shape. Using brown or black paint, create a brick pattern on the sides of the box. Create a large door on the front of the box by cutting out a large rounded door and glueing it to one side.

Materials: small cardboard box, scissors, brown or black paint


craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring page


Read the following scriptures

Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, Keeping his covenant of love for a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.

Psalm 33:4 For the word of the Lord is right and true, He is faithful in all he does.

Psalm 89:8 Who is like you Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are might, and faithfulness surrounds you.

1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

How does it make you feel to know that God is faithful and will keep his promises?

Does God being faithful mean that you get everything you want?

How can we see God as being faithful when things in our life are not going well?

How has God been faithful in your life?

Does knowing God is faithful, make it easier for you to obey him even when it doesn’t make sense to you now?

Has there ever been a time when something disappointing or bad happened to you, but later on you could see how God was there for you through it, or something good came from the bad experience. Maybe you learned something new about yourself or new about God. Maybe at the end of the experience when you looked back you realized your relationship with God was stronger than before. Maybe your experience helped you help someone else who went through a similar situation after you. God being faithful does not change based on our situations, He is faithful through them, good and bad. He is faithful to save us and deliver us here and most importantly, for eternity. 

Practical Application at Home

Give your child a simple puzzle (but hard enough that they can’t complete it in under 1 minute). Give them the pieces for the puzzle without the picture. Okay, I want you to try and put this puzzle together in less than 2 minutes (or 1 minute if its too easy). Ready, go! Was that an easy puzzle to put together without the picture? Let’s try it again but this time let’s use the picture as our guide to how the pieces fit together. (you can help your child complete the puzzle and not use a timer if desired).

Read Joshua 1:9. In our story, God gave Joshua instructions on how to defeat Jericho but it was not completely clear to Joshua how God would give them the victory. He did not know how it would all work out. Joshua had courage and obeyed what God asked of him, even though it seemed crazy or impossible! God did exactly what He said He would do, and he knocked down the walls of Jericho. We can also have courage and obey God even when we don’t see how it will all work out. We can obey God by… 

Obeying our parents

Listening to our teachers

Being kind to our enemies

Helping others in need

Telling others about Jesus even when we are uncomfortable

Sticking up for others who are being mistreated

Reaching out to another kid who might feel alone

God has called us, even though we are young, to follow Him, even when it seems crazy! He will give us the strength and courage, just as He did for Joshua, to complete the mission he has given us. We can trust God will be faithful to deliver us. 

Materials: age appropriate puzzle that’s not too easy

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


The Gift of Bravery



This week we are learning to be brave. Have you ever needed to be brave? It’s easier to be brave if we know we have someone on our side that can protect us. We can be brave because we have God on our side. This week we will read about 3 Hebrew boys who were brave because they knew God could save them, even if he chose not to.

 Daniel 3; Psalm 46:1-2



What do you think the word brave means? Can you think of a time you’ve seen someone else display bravery or a time you’ve had to show courage? Make your own acrostic poem using the word ‘Brave’. Heres an example:

B- bold to stand up for God

R-ready to help others in need

A-angels stand to protect us

V-vision, God’s plan for me

E-Eager to step up

Let’s read or listen to our story in  Daniel 3

What did King Nebuchadnezzar build? (An image made of gold)

What did the king tell every person to do when the music began to play? (Bow down and worship the golden image)

When the King gave Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego another chance to bow dow, how did they respond? (That their God was able to save them from the furnace but even if he didn’t, they would not serve any other God)

What happened after the boys were thrown into the furnace? (The soldiers died from the heat but the 3 boys walked around inside the furnace with a 4th person)

Who did King Nebuchadnezzar say the 4th person in the furnace looked like? (The son of gods)

After the King had the boys brought out of the furnace what did he decree? (That no one was to speak against the God of Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego or they would be cut into pieces).



Draw a large tic-tac-toe outline onto a large sheet of paper, whiteboard, or poster board. Print the following cards and lightly tape one to each square of the tic-tac-toe board. Play a game of tic-tac-toe by turning over the taped question and answering the question correctly before marking the box with their X or O, using an erasable marker or pencil. Continue to play new games by moving the questions to different areas around the board or using the unused cards.

Materials: tic tac toe cards


Scenario cards of standing up for what is right.

Materials: Scenario cards


Watch the following demonstration video of the 3 Hebrew Boys not being consumed by fire. This demonstration can be done at home but only with parent help as it involves using fire.

Materials: Cardboard, Lighter, alcohol, person template traced on cardboard, shallow bowl




Print the coloring image and coloring in the picture, cut out the picture. To make the fire pit, use a half sheet of black paper and color a brick wall using a white crayon or chalk. Then glue on the cut-out coloring page to the bottom center of the wall. Next, cut out strips of “fire” using red, orange and yellow construction paper or tissue paper. Then glue on the strips of fire to the bottom of the page in front of Jesus and the three boys.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors, glue, crayons, yellow, orange, red construction paper/tissue paper



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


This month we have been learning about bible characters who needed God to give them peace, strength, and courage. Gideon needed assurance from God that He would give them victory. Joshua needed God’s strength to knock down the walls of Jericho. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego needed God’s courage to be able to stand up to the King and be thrown into a fiery pit. God gives us peace, strength, and courage today as well. Read Psalm 46:1-2

Who is our refuge and strength? (God)

When can we trust that God will be there? (in our time of trouble)

As things around us change, fail and fall away, what should we not do? (Fear)

Can you think of any thing going on around you that would cause you to fear? The end of the verse says even though the mountains are carried away, we should not fear. Can you imagine watching the mountains being carried away? Watching that happen might give us cause to be concerned. But the Bible says even then we should not fear.

On a sheet of paper, write in pencil the things you may be concerned about right now. Things that you may see on the news or things that may be happening in your neighborhood or even in your own home. Then in a large colorful marker or dark crayon, write this verse, Psalm 46:1-2,  boldly over  top of your list. You can post this list and verse so that it can be a reminder to you not to worry about what may fail in this life. God will give us courage to withstand it because He has already delivered us.

Materials: Sheet of paper, pencil, dark crayon or marker

Practical Application at Home

God asks us to have courage to stand up for him, but He is the one that can give us that courage. Think of some ways you can have courage this week.

Be kind to someone who has not been kind to you

Make a friend with someone who doesn’t look like you

Try your best at something new that might be hard

Choose not to follow your friends who are not making good choices

Stick up for someone who is being picked on

Be friends with someone who no one else is becoming friends with

Tell someone you forgive them for doing something wrong to you.

Tell a friend who doesn’t go to your church, about your church and why you like it

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


The Gift of Help



Welcome to week 4! This month we’ve read stories of peace, courage, and strength. This week we will see how God can provide help. God wants to help us through the big things in life, and He wants to help us through the little things as well.

Daniel 6: Isaiah 41:10



I’m going to give you some clues about animals and then you tell me if you figured out what animal I’m talking about. 

-I like to stay in a herd….. you can tell me apart from my herd by looking between my eyes….my favorite color is black and white… (zebra)

-has a loud roar……likes to hunt at night…..has a big mane around his hair…like to stay in a herd…..  (Lion)

I am the largest land animal….I constantly eat all day……we communicate through vibrations…..(Elephant)

I have rows of teeth….I live in the ocean… I am a predator… (Shark)

I like to live in trees…I am a very slow moving animal…my sharp long claws help to grip tree trunks…(sloth)

I don’t have eyelids….I can’t chew food but swallow it whole…I live on every continent except Antartica…(snakes)

Did you need help figuring out these animals? Each animal God created is unique and different. God has given them unique features to help them survive in the wild. Our story this week is about Daniel and how God helped him.

Read or listen to the scripture  Daniel 6

Daniel work for what King? (King Darius)

Why did the other governors and advisors to the king not like Daniel? (because the king like Daniel and trusted him, so he set Daniel over everyone else)

What did the other governors and advisors do to trap Daniel? (they told the king they wanted to honor him by saying no one could worship any God but only worship the king for 30 days)

What was the consequence for praying to any God? (They would be thrown into the lion’s den)

What did Daniel do that broke the new law? (He continued to pray to God in his open window 3 times a day)

How did the king feel when Daniel was thrown into the den? (He was very upset and didn’t eat, drink or even sleep that night)

When the king asked Daniel the next morning if his God had saved him, what did Daniel say? (The Lord sent an angel to shut the lion’s mouths)


Daniel knew that if he prayed He would be thrown into the Lion’s Den. He did not know if God would save him, but he knew serving God was more important than anything else. It was more important than his own safety. God did send his angels to protect Daniel and God protects us too. We may not always see the way God protects us, but He does. We can trust that God will always be there with us, even when we face really difficult situations, as fierce as lions!


Play this lion hop game. Securely place these printed Lion paws on the ground outside or on the floor inside your house. (masking take is easy to remove from hard surfaces and carpet, but test in an inconspicuous place first). Using a small bean bag (or make one by filling a small sandwich or snack bag with rice) have each player take turns tossing the beanbag onto a paw, then hopping one foot on each paw print until they get to their beanbag. Read the question on the paw print and have the child answer the question. Repeat with each player.

Materials: printed paw cards, bean bag


Read the following scenario cards and say which choice you follow. Would you choose to follow God even if it means facing consequences, or would you follow the crowd because it’s easier?

Materials: printed scenario cards


Create a personal prayer journal. Using a large sheet of construction paper, fold it in half. Place a desired amount of lined or blank sheets of paper between the folded construction paper and then staple to make a book. Student may decorate the outside cover to make any design. Use this prayer journal to write prayers to God. A prayer journal may include prayer request for yourself and friends or family, scriptures that they like or are meaningful to them, and things they are thankful for. Set time aside each week to add to the prayer journal.

Materials: Large sheet of construction paper, lined or blank white paper, stapler, art supplies




Make a lion puppet. Use a paper lunch sack and decorate the top flap as the lion’s head. Use googly eyes, draw a triangle nose that connects with its mouth. Cut out strips of yellow and orange construction paper and wrap each strip tightly around a pencil to create a curl. Then glue the strips of paper around the top of the paper bag to create the mane. On the bottom of the bag write the scripture from Daniel 6:27

Materials: lunch sack, google eyes, yellow and orange construction paper, glue, crayons, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Daniel prayed to God even though he knew he was breaking the law. Do you think that means we should break the law too, just because we want to? Or because we don’t like the law? Is there ever a time when it’s okay to break the law?

Let’s read Isaiah 41:10. This verse says that we are not to fear because God is with us. He will strengthen us and uphold us with his righteous hand. When we look at the word righteous in this verse, it’s defined as rightness, what is right and just.

God upheld Daniel in the lions den and protected him because what Daniel was doing was right. God was justly protecting Daniel for choosing to do the right thing even though the punishment was great! God wants us to do what is right, for His glory, and He will help us have courage and strength to stand up for Him. God will uphold us with His righteousness.

Practical Application at Home

When are there times that we might have to stand against what everyone else says we should do, in order to do what is right for God? Think about the following scenarios and then think of a few of your own.

The neighbors house is on fire but your parents told you not to use the phone to call anyone. Do you use the phone to help a neighbor or not touch the phone?

The teacher tells everyone to stay in their seats and sit quietly. You see a classmate who looks like they are very sick. Do you sit quiet or insist on telling the teacher something is wrong with the classmate who is unable to speak for themselves?

The school has a rule that no one is allowed to pray on campus. You want to say grace over your own meal. Do you pray to yourself over your lunch or skip praying at all?

Your friends made a new rule for your group, no talking to the strange girl in class. You watch her sitting alone all day and being ignored or even shunned by the other classmates. Do you choose to be nice to her and give her company or follow your other friends in ignoring her?

Can you think of other scenarios in which you are called to follow God before you follow man. Discuss these situations as a family. When is the right time to go against the norm or against the crowd to stand up for what God has asked of you. When is it the right time to follow the rules and obey those in authority? 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


The Gift of Calm



Can we be calm even when everything around us is crazy? This week we will read about Gideon, who had a lot of reasons to be nervous. But God reassured Gideon that He would give Gideon and the Israelites the victory. We can be sure God will give us the victory as well.

Judges 6



Are you a good listener? Today we will listen to this song, and follow the instructions that are given. Listen to a freeze dance song  (Such as this one) and follow the instructions given, or play any song for your child to move with. Then pause the music for them to freeze, give an instruction after each freeze such as, jump on one foot, turn in a circle, skip in place, hop like a bunny. Then continue the song and freeze again, giving another instruction for them to follow. Continue doing this several times. Were you able to follow instructions the entire time? Good for you! It’s important to listen and obey. Today we will listen to a story about someone who listened to God and chose to obey. 

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Judges 6

Who were the Israelites being oppressed by? (The Midianites)

What were the Midianites doing to the Israelites? (Taking their food and livestock, and leaving them impoverished)

Who did God call on to free the Israelites? (Gideon)

Did Gideon feel he was worthy of the task? (No, he said his clan was the weakest and he was the lowliest in his fathers house)

God told Gideon He would be with him, did Gideon believe God? (Maybe not at first, he asked for a sign for reassurance)

What were the 2 signs Gideon asked God to show so he would know God would keep his promise? (The fleece would be wet but the ground would be dry; the ground would be wet but the fleece would be dry.)

How did God give Gideon peace over this situation? (By granting Gideon’s request and showing him the signs requested.)


God wants to reassure us that He has a plan and wants to give us victory. He wants us to have peace about the things He has asked us to do. We can be sure that God will help us be calm as we continue on our journey of life.


God has something special for each of us to do. God may not ask each of us to do the same thing, but He has something He wants you to do because you are special. God asked Gideon to do something even when Gideon thought there were other people who were better than him that could do it. Print the following page of actions. Cut out the action strips and place them in a bowl. Each person takes out a strip of paper and reads the action and does their best to complete it. Take turns or each person does their own actions at the same time.

Materials: Printed paper of actions


God gives us many signs that we use everyday and signs in the bible. Print the following walk the room and post different signs around the room, high and low, for your child to find. Using the lanterns that you made this week during craft time, go on a sign hunt. See how many signs you can find and talk about what they mean.

Materials: printed walk the room activity, pencil, tape


Complete the following activity sheet to review this weeks lesson. 

Materials: printed activity sheet, cotton ball, glue, red and yellow tissue paper or yarn




Gideon’s lantern

Use a clear plastic cup, or container, finger-paint the outside of the cup. Punch holes on each side of the cup and tie a pipe cleaner to each end to create a handle. Last, place a small tea light inside of the cup. Now you have a Gideon lantern!

Materials: Small plastic cup, finger paint (orange and red), pipe cleaner, small tea light.


Alternate Gideon’s lantern: Color in the lantern and then add red, yellow and orange tissue paper to the top to create a flame.

Materials: Printed lantern, red, yellow, and orange tissue paper

Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What do you worry about?

Have your parents every asked you to do something you didn’t think you were big or strong enough to do?

Has God ever asked you to do something you weren’t sure you were strong enough to do?

What are some ways you experience peace?

Practical Application at Home

God asked Gideon to do something really big and Gideon thought there were lots of other people bigger and stronger who were better for the job. Gideon thought he was the weakest of the weakest. Sometimes we feel like we are too little or small to do the job God has asked of us. But God doesn’t make a mistake when He chooses us for a big job. Even the small jobs that we do might be very meaningful to the people around us. There are examples of seemingly small people in the Bible that didn’t seem right for the job, but God knew their hearts. He also knew He would give them the strength to do the task. God chose David to fight Goliath even though David was just a young boy. God also chose David to be king, even though he was the smallest brother in his family. God chose Samuel to be priest and spoke to him from a very young age. God used Esther, who was an orphan, to save her people. God has chosen you too!

This week think of some ways you can allow God to use you. Here are a few examples:

-Stand up for someone who is being mistreated.

-Be kind to a neighbor

-Help keep your community or neighborhood clean

-Donate food to a local food pantry

-Leave a little gift and note on the front step of someone who is shut-in

-Send a thinking of you card to someone

-Be an example to the other kids around you by choosing to be obedient and kind.

-Draw a picture for someone who might be sick

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


The Gift of strength



God gives us strength to face the big things in life. Sometimes we may not always understand what God is asking of us or how it will all work out, but God will continue to provide. We just need to continue to trust and obey. This week we will see how the Israelites’ obedience allowed them to see a big victory in a strange way. 

Joshua 6



Let’s learn about a few animals that have significant strength. Follow this link to read about some amazingly strong animals. Which animal do you think is the strongest?

Each of those animals is strong and God gave them special abilities and strength to take care of themselves. God gives us special strength too! God can help us do things we are not able to do on our own. Can you think of some things you need help doing? Maybe you need help picking up a heavy box, or you need help with your homework. God give us the strength to do things He has asked us to do that we can’t do on our own. Our story this week is about Joshua and the strength God gave him through an unusual way. The tool God gave the Israelites to use was not what they were expecting but they obeyed and God delivered. 

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Joshua 6

Who was leading the Israelites into Jericho? (Joshua)

How was Jericho preparing for the Israelites? (locking down their city each night)

What did God tell Joshua he would do to overtake the city? (March around the city once a day for 6 days and on the 7th day march 7 times and the last time blow trumpets and shout.)

Who did they save from the city? (Only Rahab and her family, everyone else was to be destroyed)

Could they take some of the treasures of Jericho for themselves? (no, they couldn’t keep anything)

What did God say would happen if they took some of their cursed possessions? (They too will be cursed at the camp.)


The Israelites trusted that God was strong enough to win the battle at Jericho even if it wasn’t the way they thought it would happen. They did not know how walking around a wall would make it crumble to the ground, but they believed that since God said it, He would do it. We can trust God’s strength too.


Using large building blocks or empty cardboard boxes, build a wall and act out the story. Have your child march around the wall silently 6 times. Then on the 7th walk around the wall, have them shout and blow pretend horns, then knock down the wall. Remind them of how God won the battle for them because they had faith and believed God would give them strength.

Materials: Large building blocks or empty cardboard boxes


Review these previous bible stories by playing this game of charades. Print and cut out the cards. Take turns pulling a card and acting out what is on the card not using any sounds but using gestures. Play with teams by acting out the cards as a group, or play individually, using props around you. 

Materials: printed activity sheet matching scriptures

independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet.

Materials: printed perspective glasses, scissors, pencil, crayons




Using 2 large sheets of foam, cut out a horn shape. Attach a party blower between the two sheets of foam. Use a large piece of string to wrap around the horn to create a handle. Alternately you can use paper or cardstock, but it may get wet from the child blowing and then fall apart.

Materials: sentence strip or strip of construction paper, red, black, orange and yellow construction paper



Create a wall of Jericho

Using a small to medium cardboard box, cut off the top and bottom flaps. Then cut out rectangles from the top of the box to create a Wall of Jericho shape. Using brown or black paint, create a brick pattern on the sides of the box. Create a large door on the front of the box by cutting out a large rounded door and glueing it to one side.

Materials: printed coloring page


craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring page



In our story this week, Joshua and the Israelites are going to battle at Jericho. God gives them instructions on what to do to win the battle but the instructions seem too easy! All they have to do is walk around the wall and it will come down! The Israelites have to decide if they will trust God and obey Him, or fight their own way. The Israelites decide to trust God’s strength to win the battle, and He does! We can trust that God will give us strength during times that seem very difficult.

Have you ever tried to lift something that was too heavy for you?

Did you ask an adult for help?

Do you think God can help you with things that are too big for you?

Is it easy or hard to obey our parents?

Do you think it would be easy to obey God, even when the instructions seem too simple?

Practical Application at Home

Give your child a simple puzzle (but hard enough that they can’t complete it in under 1 minute). Give them the pieces for the puzzle without the picture. Okay, I want you to try and put this puzzle together in less than 2 minutes (or 1 minute if its too easy). Ready, go! Was that an easy puzzle to put together without the picture? Let’s try it again but this time let’s use the picture as our guide to how the pieces fit together. (you can help your child complete the puzzle and not use a timer if desired).

In our story, God gave Joshua instructions on how to defeat Jericho but it was not completely clear to Joshua how God would give them the victory. He did not know how it would all work out. Joshua listened and obeyed what God asked of him, even though it seemed crazy or impossible! God did exactly what He said He would do, and he knocked down the walls of Jericho. We can also obey God even when we don’t see how it will all work out. We can obey God by 

Obeying our parents

Listening to our teachers

Being kind to our enemies

Helping others in need

Telling others about Jesus even when we are uncomfortable

Sticking up for others who are being mistreated

Reaching out to another kid who might feel alone

God has called us, even though we are young, to follow Him even when it seems crazy! He will give us the strength, just as He did for Joshua, to complete the mission he has given us.

Materials: age appropriate puzzle that’s not too easy

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


The Gift of Bravery



Have you ever needed to be brave? Sometimes we need help being brave and having courage. It’s easier to be brave when we know that we have someone big on our side who can protect us. This week we will see 3 boys who are very brave and stand up for what is right, even in the face of great danger.

Daniel 3



Let’s watch this video of a story reading of the book “Hilda Hen’s Scary Night”

In this book Hilda Hen is afraid of many things. She is trying to get home and has to be brave to make it across the field to her henhouse. She thinks she sees lots of scary things, did you see what they were? Have you ever had to have courage and do something you thought would be very scary? Were you able to do it? Was it as scary as you thought it would be? Do you think God gives us courage when we need it? This week our story is about 3 Hebrew boys who needed courage to stand up for what was right.

Let’s read or listen to our story in  Daniel 3

What did King Nebuchadnezzar build? (An image made of gold)

What did the king every person should do when the music began to play? (Bow down and worship the golden image)

When the King gave Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego another chance to bow dow, what did they respond? (That their God was able to save them from the furnace but even if he didn’t, they would not serve any other God)

What happened after the boys were thrown into the furnace? (The soldiers died from the heat but the 3 boys walked around inside the furnace with a 4th person)

Who did King Nebuchadnezzar say the 4th person in the furnace looked like? (The son of gods)

After the King had the boys brought out of the furnace what did he decree? (That no one was to speak against the God of Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego or they would be cut into pieces.


In our story this week, the 3 Hebrew boys were willing to be thrown into the fire instead of bowing down to the idol. They knew that God was bigger and greater than any thing and they only wanted to serve him. They knew God was powerful enough to save them, but even if He didn’t, He was still worthy to be served.


Play this game of memory matching the cards that are related to this weeks story. As you turn over the cards, ask your child how the picture is related to the story or to retell parts of the story. 

Materials: Printed memory game


Retell the story of the 3 Hebrew boys while using play dough. With play dough make the 3 Hebrew boys, the king, the large statue, and the firepit. Demonstrate how to retell the story, as you retell the story change the statue into the number 7 to represent how much hotter the pit was made. Then change the seven (which represents perfection) into Jesus walking with them in the firepit. Allow your child time to then retell the story using the playdough figures.

Materials: play dough


Watch the following demonstration video of the 3 Hebrew boys. Complete the demonstration if desired but only with a parent.

Materials: Cardboard, Lighter, alcohol, person template traced on cardboard, shallow bowl




Print the coloring image, color the picture, and then cut out the picture. To make the fire pit, use a half sheet of black paper and color a brick wall using a white crayon or chalk. Then glue on the cut-out coloring page to the bottom center of the wall. Next, cut out strips of “fire” using red, orange and yellow construction paper or tissue paper. Then glue on the strips of fire to the bottom  of the page in front of Jesus and the three boys.

Materials: printed coloring image, red, orange and yellow construction paper or tissue paper, glue



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


In our story today we learned about 3 Hebrew boys who all chose to follow God. They had courage to stand up for what they knew was right. God gave them the courage to do the right thing and they were able to stand together. Let’s go on a hunt for things around our house that come in a set of 3. Walk around the house finding anything that is in a group of 3.

Have you ever been afraid of anything?

Have you ever done something that was scary?

Do you think God gave you the courage to do that scary thing?

What are some things God might ask you to have courage to do, for Him?

Practical Application at Home

God asks us to have courage to stand up for him, but He is the one that can give us that courage. Think of some ways you can have courage this week.

-Be kind to someone who has not been kind to you

-Make a friend with someone who doesn’t look like you

-Try your best at something new that might be hard

-Choose not to follow your friends who are not making good choices

-Stick up for someone who is being picked on

-Be friends with someone who no one else is becoming friends with

-Tell someone you forgive them for doing something wrong to you.

-Tell a friend who doesn’t go to your church, about your church and why you like it

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


The Gift of Help



Welcome to week 4! This month we’ve read stories of peace, courage, and strength. This week we will see how God can provide help. God wants to help us through the big things in life, but He also wants to help us through the little things as well.

Daniel 6



Have you ever been to the zoo and just listened to the animals make their animal sounds? It’s fun to hear all the sounds they make, and sometimes it’s a little scary! Let’s listen to these animal sounds and I want you to guess what animal is making the sound. Click on the following link and have your child listen to the sounds without looking at the video to see how many animal sounds they can guess right. 

This week we are learning about a man who was trapped in a small place with an animal that is very large and makes a very big sound. Can you guess what animal it was? Do you know who the man was? He was actually trapped with several of this kind of animal! Let’s listen to our story to see who was thrown in with this very large animal!

Read or listen to the scripture  Daniel 6 

Who was the king that Daniel worked for? (King Darius)

Why did the other governors and advisors to the king not like Daniel? (because the king liked Daniel and trusted him so he set Daniel over everyone else)

What did the other governors and advisors do to trap Daniel? (they told the king they wanted to honor him by saying no one could worship any God but only worship the king for 30 days)

What was the consequence for praying to any God? (They would be thrown into the lion’s den)

What did Daniel do that broke the new law? (He continued to pray to God in his open window 3 times a day)

How did the king feel when Daniel was thrown into the den? (He was very upset and didn’t eat, drink or even sleep that night)

When the king asked Daniel the next morning if his God has saved him, what did Daniel say? (The Lord sent an angel to shut the lion’s mouths)


In our story for this week, Daniel was sent to the Lion’s Den for doing what he had always done, pray to God. He followed God rather than follow man, even though he knew he would be in trouble. God helped him through by sending the angels. We also can trust God to help us, even if it’s not in the way we thought He would.


Play this game “Sleeping Lions”. Everyone, except the hunter, must lie on the floor still in a sleeping position. Once the game begins, the lions must lie in a still position without moving. The hunter goes on a walk around the room looking for a moving lion. The hunter can make a joke, funny noise, or action to try to make the lions move. Once they spot a moving lion they are “captured” and they too become a hunter. Repeat this game starting with different hunters.


Create a prayer bucket, jar, or bowl. Have your child label and decorate it. Then have your child write or draw prayer requests for themselves and other people they know on strips of paper. Once they have written or drawn several prayer requests, add them to your bucket or bowl labeled prayer request. Try to choose 3 times each day to have your child pull out a prayer request and then pray for them.

Materials: bowl, jar or bucket, art supplies, strips of paper

Independent activity:

Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet




Make a lion puppet. Use a paper lunch sack and decorate the top flap as the lion’s head. Use googly eyes, draw a triangle nose that connects with its mouth. Cut out strips of yellow and orange construction paper and wrap each strip tightly around a pencil to create a curl. Then glue the strips of paper around the top of the paper bag to create the mane. On the bottom of the bag write the scripture from Daniel 6:27

Materials: lunch sack, google eyes, yellow and orange construction paper, glue, crayons, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Do you think Daniel was afraid while he was in the lions den?

Have you ever been afraid?

What did you do the last time you were afraid?

Do you think God wants us to be fearful?

Can you think of a scripture that talks about fear and what we should do?

God gave Daniel help when he was in the lion’s den. God was there for Daniel to protect him just as He is still able to protect us today. 

Practical Application at Home

Daniel knew if he broke the law and prayed to God he would be thrown into the lions den. Daniel didn’t know if God would rescue him or not though. Daniel followed God even though he knew the consequences could be final. Daniel must have known that it was better to obey God than man, even if that meant facing Lions. There are times we have to choose to follow God even if that does not please the people around us. Think of some ways you can follow God this week.

Holding the door open for someone

Sharing your favorite toy with a sibling

Being friends with a classmate that looks lonely

Obeying your parents with a positive attitude

Not needing everything to go your way but being flexible

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





This month we are learning about what it means to have courage and trust God. God knows who you are and He has a special plan for your life. God can use the gifts and talents he has given you to serve others and guide you on the path he has planned for you. You can trust that He will show you the way.

1 Samuel 16 1 Corinthians 8:3



This month we are reading about people in the Bible who had courage and were brave even when they didn’t know what their future would be. God calls us to have courage as well. He has something special for each one of us to do and He promises to be with you throughout the good and bad times. 

Let’s play a game. Our goal is to move from one side of the room to the other. Easy, right? Except, you will be blindfolded. Blind fold the person who is “It”. Now, you will try to get across the room. If you have more than one person playing this game, the other players will be “obstacles” by sitting around the area the blindfolded person has to walk across. If there are not very many players, you can use stuffed animals or pillows as additional obstacles. Each time the blindfolded person bumps into an “obstacle” shout out, “Hey!”

When I say go, walk across the room and touch the opposite wall. Have kids take turns being blindfolded.

How did it feel being blindfolded and having to move through all the obstacles to get across the room?

How is this game similar to the challenges we face in life each day that make us fearful or unsure?

Being blindfolded kept you from knowing what was in your path and what problems were ahead of you. Did that make you fearful about what was ahead of you?

In our story for this week we read about David and a special job God calls him to. He does not know what or even when this will happen, but he has to trust God’s special plan for him.

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Samuel 16 

Where did God send Samuel to find the new king? (to the house of Jesse to choose one of his sons)

How would Samuel know who to anoint? (God would tell Samuel who to choose)

What did God say He looks at when choosing a man? (He doesn’t look at someones appearance but looks at their heart)

How many of Jesse’s sons passed in front of Samuel before he chose a son? (All 6 sons)

Who did Samuel anoint? (David)

What special thing did God plan for David to do? (Be the new king)


David was the last to be thought of in his family. When Samuel asked to see Jesse’s sons, they were all brought before him except David. They didn’t think David was the brother God was looking for. He was the little brother out in the field tending the sheep! Although no one saw him as being a special brother fit to be the next king, God saw more than just what he looked like outwardly. God saw David’s heart and that he was willing to be humble and follow God. God sees each one of us too. Regardless of what others say or think about us, God knows the truth about you. He knows you are His child and that you have something special to do for Him.


Play this game of Who am I? Using the large deck of cards, take turns reading questions to find out more about each other, or show how much you already know. Player A draws a card from the pile and reads it out loud. There will be 4 answer choices, A-D. The other players use their answer cards to guess what they think Player A’s answer will be. All players use their A-D cards to answer the question by turning their answer card over so no one can see. Once everyone has place their answer card facedown, Player A tells everyone to turn their cards over and then shares their answer. Each player takes a turn playing the same way.

Materials: printed game “Who do you think I am


Complete the following activity sheet. God knows each one of our names and has a special plan for each of us. Look at the names of the following people in the Bible and read their brief description. Then see if you are able to match the biblical name to its meaning.

Materials: printed activity sheet


Fingerprints are unique to each individual person and are not duplicated. There are 4 main types of fingerprint patterns: arcs, loops, whorls, and composites. Complete your own investigation with the people in your family. Use the following recording sheet to write your family members names, including your own. Then use an ink pad or erasable marker to darken their index finger and press their fingerprint on the box next to their name. Then using the print examples, identify which type of print you believe they have. 

Materials: Activity sheet, ink pad or reusable marker, pen/pencil




Make a crown for King David.  Print and cut out the crown page. Decorate the crown with crayons, markers, glitter or jewels. Add attributes of David’s character that God saw by writing them on the crown as well. 

Materials: Printed crown cut-out, scissors, crayons, glue, jewels


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


On a sheet of paper, draw a large circle in the middle. Then off of that large circle, draw 4 lines and a medium circle at the end of each line (large enough to write inside). In the large middle circle write your name. On the 4 smaller circles write a statement in each circle that describes you starting with the words “I am…” and then fill in something that describes you. For example, “I am creative”. You are uniquely made and God knows you. Or print the following bubble map.

In 1 Corinthians 8:3 it says that whoever loves God is known by God. 

What does it mean to be known by God?

Does that mean we can wear a mask and trick God?

Does this mean God knows the good and bad parts of me?

Does God know the things I like and dislike?

To be known by God is just that, He knows us. He knows the good, bad, and ugly! But the good news is, He loves all of you! We can sometimes pretend to be someone else to be accepted by our friends at school or on our sports team, but we don’t ever have to pretend to be someone else for God. He already knows us, better than we know ourselves because He is our creator. God knew David for who he really was, not for what he looked like on the outside. We can also be sure that since God knows us, He knows when we are weak and need His help.

Practical Application at Home

God knew that David had a willing heart that would listen and obey Him. David was willing to be used by God in whatever way God saw fit. The bible says from the day David was anointed the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. The things David did, the strength, and faith he had was from God! God gave David what he needed for the days that followed. Even though David didn’t know what the future would be, God knew and He provided courage and strength to David. Think of all the things you could do if you knew you had the Spirit of the Lord on you.

If you knew God’s Spirit was on you how would you act in these situations:

Asked to share your last bit of food

Stand up to a bully picking on a little kid

Someone telling lies about you or someone you loved

Opening your pantry and not seeing any food

Noticing someone who needs a hand carrying a heavy box

Seeing 2 classmates argue and want to fight

Watching someone keep a classmate from being part of your group

God has given us His Spirit and we can pray for Him to give us strength and courage to do what He wants us to do. God has a plan for us, not because we are perfect, but because He knows our hearts.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.





Welcome to week 2! What special gifts or talents do you have? Are you good at music or make friends easily? Do you enjoy connecting with people or find it easy to keep things organized? We all have different talents and God has a plan to use those talents to serve others. This week let’s think of the ways God has made you special!

1 Samuel 17; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7



David learned to use a sling while he was a shepherd. Using a sling might sound like an easy tool, but it could be a little difficult to aim at a target. Let’s play a game by practicing using slings. Take a sock and place a small ball (like a tennis ball) inside the bottom of the sock. Your goal is to swing your sock-sling and see if you can get it into the bucket on the other side of the room. (Place a bucket on the other side of the room and give them several feet of distance to stand and swing. BE SURE YOU ARE IN AN OPEN SPACE NOT TO BREAK ANYTHING)

Did you find it was difficult to be accurate with your sling? Slinging a ball at a large bucket may be fun, but trying to hit a nine foot giant would be scarier. God was with David and gave David the strength he needed to face the giant. 

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Samuel 17 

What champion did the Philistines have on their side? (Goliath)

How many days did the Philistine Goliath confront the Israelites? (40 days)

What did the Israelites do when they heard Goliath? (They went running in fear)

Who decided to go fight Goliath? (David)

What had David killed while tending his father’s sheep? (A lion and bear with his own hands)

How did David defeat Goliath? (He put a rock in his sling and killed Goliath with one swing of his sling. The rock hit him in the head and he fell dead.)

Materials: Open space as to not break anything, sock, small ball like a tennis ball, several small bowls, buckets, or hula hoop rings


We each have different talents or skills God has given us. Some of our skills are natural talents that we easily learn and enjoy doing. Other skills we can learn and develop through teachers and lots of practice. God wants to use all of the talents and skills he has given us for His glory. David used a sling as a shepherd and practiced while protecting the sheep. God used the skill David already possessed to defeat Goliath. Even though David was good at using the sling, he knew God had given him the ability, courage, and strength to defeat Goliath. God can use whatever gifts and talents he has given you to overcome your obstacles or giants.


Gifts Bingo. Print the following bingo cards. With your family, go around the room and see how many of the spaces you can get signed by your family members. They must tell you they can do the talents listed in the box.

Materials: Printed Gifts bingo cards, pencil


We all have obstacles we face whether they are big or small. Some obstacles may be a difficult test or class, a bully at school, saying no to peer pressure, or fear of sharing your faith in God. On a large sheet of poster paper or butcher paper, write obstacles you need courage to face. Post the paper on a wall or in a place that won’t damage anything. Then use a rubber band and bean to make a simple sling shot. Then aim and shoot the small bean into the paper to hit each written obstacle. (to use a rubber band as a sling, place your thumb and middle finger in the middle of the rubber band, then with your other hand place a small object on the front of the band and pull only the front band back towards you to create tension, then release the band and object together as you aim to a target)

Materials: Rubber band, beans, large sheet of poster paper or butcher paper, pens/pencils

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Match people in the Bible who faced adversity with their statement of faith about God’s protection.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Davids sling. Using 2 popsicle sticks to create davids sling. Add 5 pom pom balls as stones. Add a pipe cleaner to finish the sling.

Materials: popsicle sticks, pom poms, pipe cleaner, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



We have all been blessed with talents that God has given us to use to bless others around us. We may not have the same talents as the people around us, but God has given you special gifts to use that are specific for you. Read 1 Peter 4:10 it says that we are to use whatever gifts we’ve received to serve others. Being a steward of God’s grace means we….

What would happen if we didn’t use our gifts?

Could we switch gifts with someone else if we like their gift better?

Why is it important for people to have different gifts from each other?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what gifts we’ve been blessed with so we can use them to serve others. We may not see some of our gifts as important but even the simplest gifts when used to serve others, can be a huge blessing for those receiving it. Look at the examples below and decide if you think its something you are gifted with. Have a parent or family member help you determine your gifts if you are not sure.

—If you saw an elderly woman trying to get her groceries in the car would you….try to help or keep doing your own thing (helping others)

—if someone new came to your classroom, would you…be sure to introduce yourself and get to know them, or not want to walk up to a stranger (welcoming)

—If you saw a young mom who needed help with her young child at church, would you…offer to go play and entertain the child, or go back to being with your friends your age. (Childcare)

—If you heard the mission story and was moved in your heart to help somehow, would you…ask your teacher or parents for ways to help and then follow through or forget the story by lunchtime. (service)

—If you witnessed someone trip and fall and possibly injure themselves, would you…go to them and see if they need any help or look from a distance. (compassion)

—If you read an interesting scripture during your devotion that really touched you, would you…share it with your friends or keep it to yourself (Preaching)

—If you saw a friend in class struggling to understand the week's lesson, would you...Offer to help them after school with their homework or hope they are able to understand on their own. (teaching)    

--If you had an idea for a project would you…gather your friends and have them work with you to get the project finished or assume no one will want to help you. (leadership)

—If your church needs someone to be a part of their music service each week, would you… gladly offer to participate using your musical ability or hope they don’t ask you (Music) 

Practical Application at Home

When you have determined the gifts you have been blessed with, think of how you can use them to serve others. Make a list of your gifts and then write how you can use them this week. To help you get ideas, look at the scenarios below and determine what gift can be used to serve in the scenario.

-A Sabbath school class is short a helper and they need a volunteer to help the teacher pass out supplies and work with the little kids. (gift of service, child care)

-Praise team needs extra help with worship services and has asked for new volunteers. (music)

-Your school has a new club idea and needs someone to lead and organize the group after school. (leadership, organization)

-The youth pastor suggested a few young people could start a small bible study at their homes. (welcoming, preaching)

-Your mom is running late coming home from work and its dinner time. You decide to start dinner for her. (compassion, helping others)

-Your new neighbors are outside and you go over to their house to introduce yourself. (welcoming, friendly)

-An elderly woman is trying to lift her heavy things from her grocery cart to the trunk of her car. You ask her if she would like any help. (compassion, helpful)

Using a sheet of paper, make a list of your talents and gifts. Then below it, list all of the ways you can use those gifts to serve others in your home, neighborhood, and community.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.





Welcome to week 3! This week we continue a part of David’s story. David had courage to fight Goliath, now he has to have courage to show mercy to someone who wants to harm him. David’s courage comes from trusting and obeying God.

1 Samuel 24:1-18; Luke 6:32-36



Print and cut out the following cards on different color paper or be sure to separate the cards into piles according to their label.

Today we are going to look at the difference between justice and mercy. Print and cut out the attached cards. Place the problem cards (the scenarios) in one pile facedown. Place the mercy/grace cards facedown in another pile. Choose a card from the problem pile, read the problem on the card. Then choose a card from the justice and mercy pile. Read the solution given on the card of how the problem would be handled. Discuss if you think this is an appropriate response to the problem given. Let’s continue reading through the cards in the same way and decide if you think the card accurately deals with the problem.

There is a balance in how our parents and God handle justice and mercy. We of course really prefer we are shown justice when we are the one with the problem, but is it easy to show mercy to someone else who has wronged us? This week we are continuing the story of David and Saul. After David killed Goliath, the people of Israel loved him and praised him. Saul began to be jealous of the attention David was receiving and searched for David to kill him. David had to run into the caves to escaped being found by Saul. Let’s continue reading in the story of David to see what happens next. 

Materials: printed Mercy and Grace game

Read or listen to the scripture 1 Samuel 24:1-18 

What did Saul go into he cave to do? (Relieve himself)

Who was in the cave already? (David and his men)

What did David’s men tell him to do to Saul? (That the lord had delivered Saul into David’s hands to do with him whatever he wanted)

What did David do to Saul without him noticing? (He cut off a corner of Saul’s robe)

What did David say was the reason he wouldn’t hurt Saul? (He would not hurt an anointed man of God)

When David told Saul what happened, what did Saul say? (David was a more righteous man than himself. Saul treated David badly but David treated Saul well)



David and Saul were very different and did not treat others the same. Compare David and Saul’s behavior and how they were the same and different. Then decide if you are more like David or more like Saul. Cut and paste the facts under who it describes: David or Saul.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, scissors


Read the following scenario cards and pretend you are the judge. How would you show mercy to the person or what punishment would you make them endure? 

Materials: printed scenario cards


Psalm 57 is a song written by David during a time when he was hiding from Saul. David speaks of the hardship he is going through but then at the end of the song David says he will make sing and make music for God. Make a musical instrument using materials you have at home. Look at the following websites to see how to make these homemade instruments. Guitar, maracas, drum, harp, flute

Materials: See Websites for homemade musical instruments and the materials needed.




David’s sword. Using a pasteboard or a large sheet of paper, cut out an outline of a sword. Wrap the point of the sword with aluminum foil. Decorate the handle with jewels, stickers or color with crayons. 

Materials: poster board or large sheet of paper, pencil, aluminum foil, art supplies: jewels, stickers, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Read Luke 6:32-36. It’s easy to be good to those who are good to you or give to those you know will return it. But what about being good to those who are not good to you, or lend even if they can’t repay it back? We are to be merciful just as the Father is merciful. 

Is it easy to love people you don’t get along with? 

How should we respond if someone does something wrong to us?

Why is being merciful to our enemy different than what sinners do?

Has God been merciful to us?

Do we deserve God’s mercy?

Showing Mercy to others is more than being kind to the people we love, but even to people who mean to do us harm. Saul meant to harm David and was looking for a way to kill him, and yet when David had the opportunity to hurt Saul first, he instead chose to show him mercy. Both David and Saul benefited from the mercy that was shown that day. David received peace in that he was doing God’s will and Saul felt gratitude because he received mercy when he could have received death. God shows us mercy that we do not deserve. The bible says the wages of sin is death and that we have all sinned. Jesus died on the cross so that could receive eternal life instead of what we really deserve for our sins, death. That is the ultimate example of mercy.

Practical Application at Home

Showing compassion for someone when they really deserve to be punished is hard! When your sister breaks your toy, we want her to be punished, or buy us a new one. If your friend cheats on their test when we studied really hard, we want them to receive a bad grade. If a kid pushes us down at the playground, we want to get up and push them back so they know how it feels. Although most of those punishments seem reasonable, God wants us to show mercy to others. David was running for his life, and yet God wanted him to show mercy towards Saul. David had an opportunity to get give Saul the punishment he deserved, but instead decided to humbly show Saul he meant him no harm. Listen to the following scenarios. Can you think of ways you could show mercy instead of giving them the punishment they deserve?

-A boy pushes you out of the way so they can get on the swings first.

-As you get ready to eat lunch, the kid next to you pushes your food on the floor.

-A new kid in your neighborhood calls you names.

-One of the kids in your class brings a treat to share with all your friends but doesn’t bring one for you.

-A friend won’t let you give ideas of what you should play together

-Your brother tells your mom you are the one who ate all the candy out of the candy dish

-Your sister gets mad at you and breaks all of your art pencils

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.


Facing new things



Welcome to week 4! We all face difficult situations at some point in time, but even during the bad times God promises to be there with us. God can help us get through our difficulty. This week we will read about Esther and the difficulty she faced and how her courage saved her people.

Esther 2,4; Philippians 4:13



We are going to test your courage today. We are going to set up an obstacle course that you must walk across blindfolded. Determine the start position and the walkway they must walk down and the end point. Lay out a large tarp, plastic covering or newspaper to cover the ground. You will need to walk down this aisle but not step on these eggs that are placed throughout the path. (place several eggs on the ground while they are watching). Now while I finish the obstacle course, you can wait in the other room and put on your blindfold. While they are in another room, gather up all the eggs and replace them with small piles of saltine crackers. When they walk the obstacle course and step on the crackers they will think they are stepping on an egg from the crunching sound of the crackers. Be sure they are blindfolded before you call them back to the obstacle course. Allow your child or children to walk the course and get to the end.

What did it feel like as you prepared to walk the obstacle course? Were you afraid you would step on the eggs? Did you have to get courage to walk the aisle? What’s something brave and bold you’ve done that didn’t involve eggs and crackers?

This week we are learning about Queen Esther and how she didn’t know if her boldness would give her the results she was looking for. God was faithful and rewarded her boldness even though she was probably feeling scared.  

Materials: eggs, saltine crackers, newspaper or some other tarp (or complete activity outside), blindfold

Read or listen to the scripture  Esther 2,4

Who helped raise Esther after her parents died? (Mordecai, her cousin)

When Esther went to the palace how did everyone feel about her? (She won the favor of everyone who saw her)

Who did the King Xerxes choose to be his next queen? (Esther)

What secret did Mordecai tell Esther to keep? (That she is Jewish)

Who wanted the Jews killed? (Haman)

What did Esther say is the problem with going to see the king without being summoned? (If the king does not summon her she could be put to death unless he extends his golden scepter)

What did Esther decide to do? (She asked for Mordecai and all the other Jews to fast along with her and her attendants, then after 3 days she would go before the king.)


God has promised to help us overcome difficulty in our life. He did not promise we would never face anything hard, but He did say He would never leave us nor forsake us. We can trust that even when we face new things that are hard, God will be there with us just like He was with Esther.


Think of some ways God has provided for you during difficult times. Perhaps He provided food during a time when you didn’t have any, or your family avoided a car accident. As a family, take time to recall and each share a memory of how God has delivered. When we think about what God has done in the past it helps build our faith to know He will continue to deliver us now and in the future.


Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet


Purim is a Jewish celebration to remember what Esther did to save her people from Haman. One of the traditions of this holiday is to make hamantaschen cookies. They are supposed to look like the hat Haman wore. Make hamantaschen cookies. Use this recipe or use sugar cookie dough and shape into triangles, add jelly to the middle and pinch sides to make a hat like cookie

Materials: Printed recipe of Hamantaschen cookies, cookie ingredients (butter, sugar, flour (white/wheat), eggs, vanilla, baking powder




Esthers crown. Go to following link, click on one of the crown templates, and print. Have your child color and decorate the crown. Then cut out the crown and glue the tabs together to make a crown.

Materials: printed crown, crayons, scissors, glue, plastic gems

Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Read Philippians 4:13. John is speaking here and he knew a lot about hardships. In 2 Corinthians 11:23-33 he speaks of all the difficulty he’s had.

After reading his difficulties in 2 Conrinthians, use a sheet of paper divided in half. On one side label it “John’s difficulties” and on the other half of the paper label it “My difficulties” See how many of John’s difficulties you can remember and then write them down. Then write down what your difficulties are.

Reread Philippians 4:13. It says that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. All of the things John listed, he was able to endure because of the strength of God. God gives us the same strength to endure the difficulties we face in life. Some days are easier than others, but days that are hard God can help us overcome. God placed Esther in the palace at the exact time He wanted her to be there. God has placed you exactly where He wants you to be so that He can use you in a mighty way for an exact purpose. At first Esther did not want to go before the king for fear she would die, but she soon realized that even if the worse happened, it would be in God’s hands and she would be doing God’s will. We too must be brave to trust that even if our worst fear happens, God will still be there and He has already delivered us.

Practical Application at Home

Esther was a shinning star, she saved her people from Haman. When she was in the court preparing to meet the king, the Bible said she was liked by everyone that met her. God has called us to be shinning stars to the people around us. We can be a blessing to those we come into contact with. When we look for ways to be a blessing to others we worry less about what we can get from other people and more about how we can give to others. Listen to the following scenarios, how could you be a blessing in that situation?

-A kid drops his lunch in the lunch line spilling his entire lunch on the floor.

-The person in front of you in the store line is short a few dollars for their purchase.

-A friend is having a hard time with the math lesson at school.

-Your mom is tired from working all day and is trying to figure out what is for dinner.

-Your dad is working outside in the yard by himself trying to quickly finish before sundown

-Your neighbor’s mail came to your house by accident.

-Your little sister needs help putting her helmet on so she can ride her bike with you.

-Your brother asks you if he can share your new toy.

-You want to bring cupcakes to class for your birthday but one of your classmates is allergic to gluten.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.





Welcome to week 5! This month we’ve learned about what it means to be brave. It doesn’t mean we have no fear, but we can trust God to lead us and be with us. God created each one of us and has a plan for each of our lives. We can trust God’s plans.

Esther 8:5-17; Ephesians 2:10



I need your help. I have a small problem. I want to make a bird feeder for our backyard so we can watching the birds. I would like you to solve this problem for us. Think of what your plan could be to create a bird feeder for our backyard. (Give your child time to think of a plan of action. There are a variety of ways to make a bird feeder and even options for food. The lesson is for them to come up with a plan and then move forward with it. Here are a few bird feeder options.  You did a great job coming up with a plan and then doing it! Did you enjoy thinking of your plan, or did you enjoy doing your plan? This week we are learning about the plans that God has for us. God is good at creating a plan and also seeing that it gets done! God’s plans are perfect and never fail. 

Materials: Possible options for bird feeders, materials around your house to create a bird feeder

Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week about the plan God had for Esther.  Esther 8:5-17

What did Esther ask the king to do in order to help the Jews against Haman? (for the king to write and order to overrule Haman’s plan to destroy the Jews)

What did the new edict declare? (that the Jews in every city had the right to defend themselves)

How did the get the word out to everyone? (The couriers riding the royal horses went out and the edict was issued in Susa) 

What did the city of Susa do afterwards? (They held a joyous celebration)


God has a plan for each one of us. He wants to use our talents and skills to complete the plan he has for us. Queen Esther saved her people because she followed the plan God had already set aside for her to do. We may not ever save our nation, but sometimes the things we do that we think are little or insignificant, mean a lot to the people we do it for. We can trust God and trust that His plan for us is better than the one we have for ourselves.


It can be hard to have a plan in the moment when you need to solve a problem. We should have a plan thought out in advance for some things, like what to do in a fire or if you got lost. But we also should have a plan for regular situations that we need to take action on. As a family complete these scenario cards and decide what you would do in these situations. Discuss if that was the best plan or if there was something else that could have been done. 

Materials: printed scenario cards


Complete this activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet


Create your own masterpiece art by following along during this video. Watch this video and pause it when necessary to follow along with his steps. Use the paper and whatever paint supplies you already have at home. Watch and see what a masterpiece you are able to create!

Materials: paper, art supplies, watercolor paint, device to watch video




Create a new law and design a scroll. Using a sheet of paper, write the new law you would like to see at your home or school. Design your new law and place your emblem/signature at the end. Roll the scroll and place ribbons on the ends to keep it closed.

Materials: piece of paper, pencil/pen, ribbon, stickers


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Using building bricks, Legos, or any building materials and build a tower, robot, or car. How do you like what you are building so far? Is there anything we can add to make this look even better?  You should be proud of your creation, you had a plan and then you created something great!

Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

What does it mean to be God’s workmanship? Think about creating a painting or building the best tower you’ve ever made. You’d probably feel like that was your masterpiece, the best thing you’ve ever created. God feels that way about you. You are His creation and He thinks you are a masterpiece. He also created us with the ability to do good works, works He already has laid out for us to do. We just need to walk in those plans, or follow the steps God leads us on. Since God is our creator He has a plan for us and knows exactly what we need.

Practical Application at Home

It’s easy to make our own plans without ever asking God if this is his plan for us. We may not see what God’s plan are while bad things are happening all around us, but we can see His plan after it is finished. Esther didn’t know how God’s people were going to be saved, or why she was made to be queen out of all the girls in the kingdom, but God knew what would happen from beginning to end. We can’t see the future but we can look at the past to see how God had a plan all along.

Listen to these clues about people in the bible who faced difficult times and guess who is being described. Then read how God had a plan for them.

-Taken into captivity to Babylon

-did not bow down to an idol…

- tested for 10 days for not eating the kings food.

-thrown into fiery furnace

(3 Hebrew Boys)The 3 Hebrew boys may not have understood God’s plan when they were taken into captivity and had to leave their home and family, but through them others were shown God’s power, strength, and provision.

-Taken into captivity to Babylon

-became an advisor to the king

-thrown into lions den for praying

(Daniel) Daniel may not have seen God’s plan while he was living in a foreign land working for a pagan nation, but through him Babylonian kings learned that the God of Heaven was the true God.

-Lived among a wicked people.

-preached to those who would not listen

-built an ark to save his family from a flood

(Noah) Although Noah may not understood God’s plan while he was preaching to a wicked nation who did not want to follow God, he obeyed God and built an ark even though he had never seen rain. God was able to cleanse the earth and preserve a group of people. 

-Given dreams at a young age

-thrown into a pit and sold into slavery.

-thrown in prison.

-placed in charge under Pharoah

(Joseph) Joseph may not have understood God’s plan for his life as he sat in a pit and then later in prison, but Joseph was faithful to God and worked hard. God used Joseph to save his family, God’s people. 

-Left in the river as a bab.

-raised by Pharaohs daughter

-exiled to the wilderness

-freed the Israelites from slavery

(Moses) Moses may not have understood God’s plan when he had to flee Egypt or while he tended sheep for 40 years, but God used Moses’ palace education and shepherd humbleness to free the Israelites from slavery.

-her husband died

-stayed with her mother in law to take care of her

-left her homeland to go to Bethlehem.

-married Boaz

(Ruth) Ruth may not have understood God’s plan when her husband died and she left her home to follow Naomi, but she had faith and God blessed her with a guardian redeemer and she became part of the lineage of Jesus.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





This month we are learning about what it means to have courage and trust God. God knows who you are and He has a special plan for your life. God will use the talents and gifts He has given you to serve others and guide you on the path that is right for you. You can trust that He will show you the way to go.

1 Samuel 16



We all show lots of emotions and feelings just from the looks on our faces! We can tell a lot about how someone feels or what they are thinking just by looking at their face. 

Can you show me your angry face?

Can you show me your happy face?

Can you show me your sad face?

Can you show me a scared face?

Good job! Now I’m going to say a few statements and I want you to show me the face you would make to tell how you are feeling.

You drop your ice cream cone

You get picked last to play soccer with your friends

It’s Christmas morning and time to open presents

You get invited to a friends birthday party

You forget to bring your show and tell item to school

You fall off your bike and scrape your knee

You hear a thunderstorm while you are laying in bed.

Now, I’m going to say these same statements and this time show me the opposite face of how you would feel. (Explain opposite if necessary)

People often think they know who we are based on what they can see about us from the outside. But just like you made the opposite faces, sometimes what we look like on the outside is not actually on the inside. In our story this week God chooses a young boy, not because of what he looks like outwardly, but for what God can see in his heart. 

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Samuel 16

Where did God send Samuel to find the new king? (to the house of Jesse to choose one of his sons)

How would Samuel know who to anoint? (God would tell Samuel who to choose)

What did God say He looks at when choosing a man? (He doesn’t look at someones appearance but looks at their heart)

How many of Jesse’s sons passed in front of Samuel before before he chose a son? (All 6 sons)

Who did Samuel anoint? (David)

What special thing did God plan for David to do? (Be the new king)


Samuel was led by God to go anoint the next king of Israel. No one else knew God’s plan but God knew He wanted David, not because he looked like a king but God knew He would be faithful. God knows us too and wants to use us for something special.


Using white paper, cut out enough squares for each person participating to receive one. Each of us have been given unique fingerprints on our hands. Look at the lines on your fingers, no one else has the exact same fingerprints as you! Today we will each stamp our fingerprints on a sheet of paper and then mix them all up and see if we can tell which fingerprint belongs to who. Help younger children stamp their index finger into an ink pad, or color fingertip with erasable marker, then stamp finger onto paper square. Mix all the papers together after everyone has finished and the ink has dried some. Try to see if you can figure out what prints belong to who. Even though we may not have been able to finger out whose prints these are, God says that He knows each one of us and can even identify us by our fingerprints. He knows our unique fingerprint and He even knows how many hairs we have on our head! That is amazing! God really knows each one of us!

Materials: White paper, ink pad or erasable marker, baby wipes or nearby sink


God has a special plan for our lives. Do you know what you want to do when you grow up? Even if we do not know yet, God knows what He has planned for you. Let’s play this game of Career Charades. Pick a card and act out the picture for everyone else to guess. Take turns acting and guessing.

Materials: Printed Career charades

Independent activity:

God knows our names and He knows the plans he has for us. Our names are special and were given to us by our parents because it means something to them. Create a name door hanger using a card stock paper or piece of construction paper cut into a large rectangle. Cut out a slit and circle to hang around the door handle. Using makers and art supplies, you or your child write their name in large print across the paper. Then use art supplies to color and decorate the hanger. Hang on door handle outside their room.

Materials: construction paper, craft items (stickers, gems, glitter etc), crayons, scissors




Make a crown for King David.  Print and cut out the crown page. Decorate the crown with crayons, markers, glitter or jewels. Add attributes of David’s character that God saw by writing them on the crown as well. 

Materials: Printed crown cut-out, scissors, crayons, glue, jewels


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


What name did your parents give you?

Do you know what your name means?

What words would you use to describe yourself?

How do you think God describes you?

God made you exactly the way you are. He knows everything about you because He is your creator. 

Practical Application at Home

God is our creator and He knows every part of us. He knows the good parts about us like when we are kind to our siblings or when we share with a friend. He also knows the bad parts of us like when we take a cookie without asking or disobey our mom and dad. Even though God sees the things we might not want him to see, He loves us! He loves us, not because of the things we can do, but just because we belong to him! That’s great news! Let’s create a pet or robot right now. You can either use the materials around you or draw a picture. Give your pet/robot a name. If I turned your paper upside down or hide your creation, would you still be able to describe it to me? Ask the following questions or questions that pertain to your child’s creation.

How many eyes did you give it?

What did you name it?

What color did you make it?

Can you share a special feature you put on your pet/robot?

You could answer all of those questions, couldn’t you? You know why? Because you were its’ creator! You made it, so you know it very well. This week, think about how God is your creator and how much He knows you! He knows you very well and loves you just the way you are because He made you. We don’t have to be perfect, we just need to remember that we belong to Him.

Materials: White sheet of paper, writing utensil, crayons, building materials

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.





Welcome to week 2! What special gifts or talents do you have? Are you good at music or make friends easily? Do you enjoy connecting with people or find it easy to keep things organized? We all have different talents and God has a plan to use those talents to serve others. This week let’s think of the ways God has made you special!

1 Samuel 17



God has a special plan for each one of us. This week we are reading about a young boy that God had special plans for. Although he was young, God knew his heart and that He could be trusted. Let’s play a little game first. Play ring around the roses, with the following rhyme. Stand in a circle holding hands, sing the rhyme as you walk around your circle together. At the end of the rhyme fall down together.

Ring around young David

The giant came to scare him

David prayed, threw his stone,

And then the giant fell down.

Let’s read or listen to the scripture story for this week 1 Samuel 17 

What champion did the Philistines have on their side? (Goliath)

How many days did the Philistine Goliath come to confront the Israelites? (40 days)

What did the Israelites do when they heard Goliath? (They went running in fear)

Who decided to go fight Goliath? (David)

What had David killed while tending his father’s sheep? (A lion and bear with his own hands)

How did David defeat Goliath? (He put a rock in his sling and killed Goliath with one swing of his sling. The rock hit him in the head and he fell dead.)


David had faith and courage that God would protect him as he faced Goliath the giant. David went in front of Goliath without any armor to protect himself. David wanted everyone to know he  would not win the battle by accident or luck, but only by God’s power. When we know that God is on our side we can have courage that God will help us.


We all have obstacles we face whether they are big or small. Some obstacles may be obeying our parents, cleaning a dirty room, or sharing our toys with a friend. On a large sheet of poster paper or butcher paper, write obstacles you need courage to face. Post the paper on a wall or in a place that won’t damage anything. Then use rubber band sling shots with a small bean to shoot at the paper to hit each obstacle. The goal is to put a hole through the obstacles written on the poster paper.

Materials: Rubber band, beans, large sheet of poster paper or butcher paper, pens/pencils


Listen to these read-aloud stories about courage “Berenstain Bears and the gift of courage”Have Courage

        Materials: device to watch video of book reading

Independent activity:

Complete this activity sheet comparing things that are big and small.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil




Davids sling. Using 2 popsicles to create davids sling. Add 5 pom pom balls as stones. Add a pipe cleaner to finish the sling.

Materials: popsicle sticks, pom poms, pipe cleaner, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


God used David’s gift and ability with a sling to defeat Goliath and give him the victory. God can use your gifts to serve others. Sometimes we think the talents and gifts we have are small but God can use small things in very big ways.

What gifts do you think God has given you?

How can you use your gifts to serve others 

How can a smile be a blessing to someone else?

Who are the people you can serve today?

Practical Application at Home

David wasn’t fighting Goliath for his own reasons like getting famous, becoming the next king, or to be liked by everyone. He was fighting because Goliath was trying to defame God. David was fighting for God’s name, to show everyone that there was a God in Israel. He wanted the Philistines to know that his God was more powerful than a sword and shield and God would deliver.

When we know that we have the God of heaven on our side we can trust that God will deliver us. Sometimes we choose to fight battles that are for our own glory and not for God’s. Look at the list of scenarios below and determine if the fight is for God’s name sake or for a selfish reason.

-Standing up for a kid who is being picked on by other classmates

-Fighting for the last cookie in the cookie jar

-Arguing with a friend over who the pen belongs to

-Keeping a secret from your parents about a friend who is doing something wrong

-Bringing an extra lunch from home for a friend who doesn’t have lunch at school

-Keeping a secret stash of money to give at chapel for people in need

-Giving up your seat at Sabbath School so that the visitor can have a place to sit

-Not hitting a kid who is picking on you but instead walking away

-Praying for your enemies

-Being mean to a girl at school because she has been mean to you

-Saying no to a group of friends who want to laugh and tease an elderly lady at church

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Facing new things



Welcome to week 3! This week we continue a part of David’s story. David had courage to fight Goliath, now he has to have courage to show mercy to someone who wants to harm him. David’s courage comes from trusting and obeying God.

1 Samuel 24:1-18



Let’s use these building blocks to build anything you want to make. Think about what you would like to build (give some suggestions if they are having a hard time) and then I will come back in a few minutes to look at what you came up with. Give them a few minutes to build something. Let’s see what you made. Can you describe to me what this is? This is very nice, but what if I came over here and knocked down your tower. Would you like that very much? Sometimes people can be mean to us and make us want to be mean in return, but the Bible says we are not to treat each other this way. When someone does something hurtful to us, we are not to return it for more hurtful behavior. This month we’ve been reading about the story of David. After he defeated Goliath the Israelites loved him, even more than Saul. This began to make Saul jealous and he began to look for ways to hurt David. So much, that David had to hide in caves to stay safe from Saul. Let’s continue to read our story in the Bible to see what happens with Saul and David.

Read or listen to the scripture 1 Samuel 24:1-18 

What did Saul go into the cave to do? (Relieve himself)

Who was in the cave already? (David and his men)

What did David’s men tell him to do to Saul? (That the Lord had delivered Saul into David’s hands to do with him whatever he wanted)

What did David do to Saul without him noticing? (He cut off a corner of Saul’s robe)

What did David say was the reason he wouldn’t hurt Saul? (He would not hurt an anointed man of God)

When David told Saul what happened, what did Saul say? (David was a more righteous man than himself. Saul treated David badly but David treated Saul well)


David was on the run from Saul, who wanted to hurt him because of how much everyone loved David after he killed Goliath. Saul wanted David gone, so David was hiding. God gave David courage to be patient and have mercy on Saul, even though Saul was not showing kindness. God gives us the strength to show mercy to those around us, even when we don’t think they have earned it. 


David found Saul in the cave and could have harmed him but chose to have mercy on Saul. David did cut a piece of Saul’s garment without Saul even noticing. Hide pieces of fabric or scarves around the room. Let’s go on a hunt for pieces of cloth. See how many you can find hidden around the room. 

Materials: pieces of fabric


Act out the story of David having mercy on Saul. Build a cave out of blankets and pillows or use a small tent. Retell the story and how David showed mercy to Saul and in return Saul realizing his own sin and guilt.

Materials: homemade cave of blankets and pillows

Independent activity:

David showed kindness and compassion towards Saul, but Saul showed the opposite towards David. Saul was unkind and merciless towards David. Complete these puzzle pieces matching their opposites together.

Materials: Activity sheet- puzzle




Make David’s sword. Using a pasteboard or a large sheet of paper, cut out an outline of a sword. Wrap the point of the sword with aluminum foil. Decorate the handle with jewels, stickers or color with crayons. 

Materials: poster board or large sheet of paper, scissors, aluminum foil, art supplies-stickers, jewels, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Let’s think about what it means to have mercy on someone. Watch this video about what mercy means. Showing mercy means you show forgiveness to someone even when you don’t think they deserve or have earned it. It means not giving someone the punishment they deserve but showing them kindness instead.

What does it mean to have compassion or mercy on someone?

Have you ever shown mercy to someone?

Is it easy or hard to have compassion?

Is it easy to show someone compassion when they have been mean to you?

What gives us the strength to show someone compassion?

Has God ever had compassion on you?

Practical Application at Home

Showing compassion for someone when they really deserve to be punished is hard! When your sister breaks your toy, we want her to be punished, or buy us a new one. If a classmate cheats on their test when we studied really hard, we want them to receive a bad grade. If a kid pushes us down at the playground, we want to get up and push them back so they know how it feels. Although most of those punishments seem reasonable, God wants us to show mercy to others. David was running for his life, and yet God wanted him to show mercy towards Saul. David had an opportunity to give Saul the punishment he deserved, but instead decided to humbly show Saul he meant him no harm. Listen to the following scenarios. Can you think of ways you could show mercy instead of giving them the punishment they deserve?

-A boy pushes you out of the way so they can get on the swings first.

-As you get ready to eat lunch, the kid next to you pushes your food on the floor.

-A new kid in your neighborhood calls you names.

-One of the kids in your class brings a treat to share with all your friends but doesn’t bring one for you.

-A friend won’t let you give ideas of what you should play together

-Your brother tells your mom you are the one who ate all the candy out of the candy dish

-Your sister gets mad at you and breaks all of your art pencils

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.


Facing new things



Welcome to week 4! We all face difficult situations at some point in time, but even during the bad times God promises to be there with us. God can help us get through our difficulty. This week we will read about Esther and the difficulty she faced and how her courage saved her people.

Esther 2,4



This week we are learning about Esther. What are some things you already know about Esther? Did you know Esther’s name means star? Stars shine in the night star and help light the dark sky at night. Let’s do this finger play about Esther.

Like a star that shines at night (open and close fingers to make blinking stars)

Esthers beauty was so bright. (place hands around face and smile)

The king chose Esther as his queen (point across the room)

Because she was the prettiest he’d ever seen (place hands around face and smile)

Like a star that shines at night (open and close fingers to make blinking stars)

Esther’s bravery was so bright (place hands around face and smile)

She saved her people from Haman’s plan (flex biceps)

They rejoiced with her throughout the land (wave hands in the air while turning around)

Read or listen to the scripture  Esther 2,4 

Who helped raise Esther after her parents died? (Mordecai, her cousin)

When Esther went to the palace how did everyone feel about her? (She won the favor of everyone who saw her)

Who did the King Xerxes choose to be his next queen? (Esther)

What secret did Mordecai tell Esther to keep? (That she is Jewish)

Who wanted the Jews killed? (Haman)

What did Esther say is the problem with going to see the king without being summoned? (If the king does not summon her she could be put to death unless he extends his golden scepter)

What did Esther decide to do? (She asked for Mordecai and all the other Jews to fast along with her and her attendants, then after 3 days she would go before the king.)


Esther’s bravery to go before the king saved her people from being killed. They prayed and fasted for wisdom and God’s protection which God provided. Esther and her people rejoiced from God’s deliverance and it became a celebrated holiday.


Purim is a Jewish celebration to remember what Esther did to save her people from Haman. One of the traditions of this holiday is to make hamantaschen cookies. They are supposed to look like the hat Haman wore. Make hamantaschen cookies. Use this recipe or use sugar cookie dough and shape into triangles, add jelly to the middle and pinch sides to make a hat like cookie.

Materials: Printed recipe of Hamantaschen cookies, cookie ingredients (butter, sugar, flour (white/wheat), eggs, vanilla, baking powder


Purim is a Jewish celebration to remember what Esther did to save her people from Haman. One of the traditions of this holiday is to retell the story of Esther. As the story is being told the audience is actively involved. Retell the story of Esther and involve the audience by acting out the story or participating with paper dolls and noise makers.  Print the following paper dolls and noise makers  to use during the reading.

Materials: printed story to be read, printed paper dolls, noise makers

Independent activity:

Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet




Esthers crown. Go to following link, click on one of the crown templates, and print. Have your child color and decorate the crown. Then cut out the crown and glue the tabs together to make a crown.

Materials: printed crown, crayons, plastic gems

Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


How was Esther brave?

Did she always have the courage to go before the king?

Why do you think she changed her mind?

What did she do before she went before the king? 

How can we have more courage?

What are some difficult things you face today?

Esther did not immediately decide to go before the king to plead for him to spare her people. Mordecai had to remind her that she would not be spared simply because she was in the palace. Her response then was that it was too important not to risk her life. God gave her strength to overcome her fears and the difficult situation. God can help us overcome as well.

Practical Application at Home

We all face difficult times in our lives but God can help us overcome them. It doesn’t mean bad things will never happen to us, but God will be there with us and give us strength and courage to face them. Esther fasted and prayed and she asked everyone else to do the same before she went to see the king. We too need to pray and ask God for wisdom before we act. 
Here are a list of Jewish customs celebrated during Purim holiday. Look at the list below and choose one or several to try this week.

Fasting: During Purim there is fasting and prayer, just as Esther and her people did. Try to fast one day for a few hours. Or choose something to fast from other than food, for a day, such as TV, electronic devices, video games, or desserts (sugar). During the time of fasting when your mind begins to focus on the thing you can not do, use it as a reminder to pray. Then pray for something difficult going on in your life or the life of someone you know.

Charity: It is tradition to give charity that represents the half shekel given by each Jew in the time of the holy temple. You can make a basket or some sort of gift to share with a neighbor or friend. You could give the gift of food or clothing to someone in need. You can make as many gifts as you are able, then pass them around to the people you want to bless.

Play: Children may dress up in costumes, wearing a mask and clothes and retell the story of Esther. Have one person read the story aloud as the others act out the play.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.


A Plan to Bless



Welcome to week 5! This month we’ve learned about what it means to be brave. It doesn’t mean we have no fear, but we can trust God to lead us and be with us. God created each one of us and has a plan for each of our lives. We can trust God’s plans.

Esther 8:5-17



Our parents give us rules to obey in order to keep us safe. We may not always like the rules they give us, but they are for our good. Listen to these rules and tell me what good can come from the rule. Why is it a good rule to follow?

-No dessert before dinner (To not spoil your appetite for good food that helps your body)

-Brush your teeth twice a day (So you do not get cavities or end up losing your teeth)

-Tie your shoes before you play (So you don’t trip and fall and hurt yourself)

-Wear shoes when riding a bike (so your foot doesn’t get caught on the wheels and get hurt)

-Only eat food in the kitchen (So you don’t get crumbs in your room and then have rodents living in your bedroom!)

-Watch a limited amount of TV or screen time (To give your brain stimulated activities to think and grow, instead of zoning out in front of a screen)

-Go to bed at a decent time (to get rest so your body will grow and your mind can work well the next day)

Can you think of some other rules at your house and why your parents want you to follow them?

In our story of Esther we saw last week that there was a new law in the kingdom that would destroy all of the Jews. Esther had to be brave and go before the king to request his help. 

Read or listen to the scripture  Esther 8:5-17 

What did Esther ask the king to do in order to help the Jews against Haman? (for the king to write and order to overrule Haman’s plan to destroy the Jews)

What did the new edict declare? (that the Jews in every city had the right to defend themselves)

How did the get the word out to everyone? (The couriers riding the royal horses went out and the edict was issued in Susa)

What did the city of Susa do afterwards? (They held a joyous celebration)


God has a plan for each one of us. He wants to use our talents and skills to complete the plan he has for us. Queen Esther saved her people because she followed the plan God had already set aside for her to do. We can trust God and trust that His plan for us is better than the one we have for ourselves.


Create your own masterpiece art by following along during this video. Watch this video and pause it when necessary to follow along with his steps. Use the paper and whatever paint supplies you already have at home. Watch and see what a masterpiece you are able to create!

Materials: paper, art supplies, paint, device to watch video


Complete this activity sheet.

Materials: printed activity sheet

Independent activity:

Listen and watch this read aloud story of Queen Esther.

Materials: device to watch story read aloud




Create a new law and design a scroll. Using a sheet of paper, write the new law you would like to see at your home or school. Design your new law and place your emblem/signature at the end. Roll the scroll and place ribbons on the ends to keep it closed.

Materials: piece of paper, pencil/pen, ribbon, stickers


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


God had a special plan for Esther’s life and he has a special plan for ours too! He wants us to use the special skills and talents he has given us for a special purpose. Esther was beautiful and kind and she allowed God to use those things to save her people. 

What special skills or talents has God blessed you with?

How can you use those talents for God?

Does being brave mean you are never afraid?

What did Esther do before she went to see the king?

What should we do before we make our own plans? 

Practical Application at Home

It’s easy to make our own plans without ever asking God if this is his plan for us. We may not see what God’s plans are while bad things are happening all around us, but we can see His plan after it is finished. Esther didn’t know how God’s people were going to be saved, or why she was made to be queen out of all the girls in the kingdom, but God knew what would happen from beginning to end. We can’t see the future but we can look at the past to see how God had a plan all along.

Listen to these clues about people in the bible who faced difficult times and guess who is being described. Then read how God had a plan for them.

-Taken into captivity to Babylon

-did not bow down to an idol…

- tested for 10 days for not eating the kings food.

-thrown into fiery furnace

(3 Hebrew Boys)The 3 Hebrew boys may not have understood God’s plan when they were taken into captivity and had to leave their home and family, but through them others were shown God’s power, strength, and provision.

-Taken into captivity to Babylon

-became an advisor to the king…

-thrown into lions den for praying

(Daniel) Daniel may not have seen God’s plan while he was living in a foreign land working for a pagan nation, but through him Babylonian kings learned that the God of Heaven was the true God.

-Lived among a wicked people.

-preached to those who would not listen

-built an ark to save his family from a flood

(Noah) Although Noah may not understood God’s plan while he was preaching to a wicked nation who did not want to follow God, he obeyed God and built an ark even though he had never seen rain. God was able to cleanse the earth and preserve a group of people. 

-Given dreams at a young age

-thrown into a pit and sold into slavery.

-thrown in prison.

-placed in charge under Pharoah

(Joseph) Joseph may not have understood God’s plan for his life as he sat in a pit and then later in prison, but Joseph was faithful to God and worked hard. God used Joseph to save his family, God’s people. 

-Left in the river as a bab.

-raised by Pharaohs daughter

-exiled to the wilderness

-freed the Israelites from slavery

(Moses) Moses may not have understood God’s plan when he had to flee Egypt or while he tended sheep for 40 years, but God used Moses’ palace education and shepherd humbleness to free the Israelites from slavery.

-her husband died

-stayed with her mother in law to take care of her…

-left her homeland to go to Bethlehem.

-married Boaz

(Ruth) Ruth may not have understood God’s plan when her husband died and she left her home to follow Naomi, but she had faith and God blessed her with a guardian redeemer and she became part of the lineage of Jesus.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Spend time in nature watching how both living and non-living things have their own cycle and jobs to do. Watch how their job fits with the ecosystem and creates balance in nature. God had a plan for all of creation.


GOD’S Wisdom



Have you ever faced a difficult problem that you didn’t have an answer to? We may learn a lot of knowledge in school but how we use that knowledge is called wisdom. Where can we get wisdom? This week we will see where the wisest man found his wisdom

1 Kings 3:1-13



This week we are learning about wisdom. In English we sometimes describe wisdom as having pearls of wisdom. I have these pearls hidden around the room. I want you to see how many pearls you can find. Good job! Being wise means making good and smart decisions. Listen to this Aesop fable of the The Grasshopper and the Ants. Who was wise in this story?

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Kings 3:1-13 

Who is Solomon’s dad? (King David)

Solomon was king over what nation? (Israel)

How did Solomon show his love for God? (by walking in the instructions his father David gave him)

What did God tell Solomon in a dream? (he could ask for whatever he wanted and God would give it to him)

What did Solomon ask for? (Wisdom to rule over God’s great people)

Why was God pleased with Solomon’s request? (Solomon could have asked for money, long life or death for his enemies but instead asked for wisdom in how to rule out justice)


God gave Solomon wisdom because he asked for it. God was so pleased with Solomon’s request that he also blessed him with the things he did not ask for. God gives us wisdom too, we can ask for wisdom just like Solomon.


We can make smart decisions every day. Sometimes we need to listen and follow the things other people tell us, like our parents and teachers. We need to use wisdom when listening and following what others tell us to do. Let’s play a game of “Simon Says” but this version is called Solomon Says. If I say “Solomon Says” before my action, I want you to do the action. If I don’t say Solomon’s name before an action, don’t do the action. For the non Solomon actions, give actions that would not be wise to do, like jump off the table, or break a glass. Make them very obvious bad choices so they resist making an unwise choice)


Read the story “Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom” to your child. God gives us wisdom to solve problems and create solutions. Today, let’s complete a challenge together. Let’s create a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom alphabet tree just like what we saw in the story. Create the tree using wooden blocks, craft sticks and cut out alphabet letters (such as plastic or foam). Allow your child to problem solve but help them as needed by letting them hear your inner dialogue on how to problem solve and come up with solutions

Materials: Chicka chicka boom boom story, wooden blocks/cubes, craft sticks, foam/wooden alphabet letters

Independent activity:

Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet




Color the container of gold coins. Cut out circles using gold wrapping paper, tissue paper or by coloring in white paper.

Materials: cut out sheet, gold paper or wrapping paper cut in circles


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


What are some things you need wisdom for?

How can we ask God for wisdom?

What are some ways we can know we’ve been given wisdom?

Who are some people you know that have wisdom?

Do you ask them for help sometimes?

Practical Application at Home

We need wisdom to handle the hard situations we face. Some decisions we make seem small and we may not think we need to ask God for wisdom. Then there are times when a situation is really difficult and we want to ask God to give us His wisdom. God wants us to ask him about the big and small things. God cares about everything! Look at the following scenarios. Determine which choice is the wise decision.

- share with a friend or keep my favorite toy for myself

- make my bed in the morning or not worry about cleaning my room

- Brush my teeth or skip just this one time

- Take a walk or watch TV

- Eat candy or eat some fruit

- Be kind to the new kid in class or pretend like they are not there

- Listen and obey your teacher or do whatever you want to do in class

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 2! This week we are learning that God can be trusted. God told King David that his son Solomon would build a temple of worship, and although it seemed to take a long time, God kept his word. We can trust that God will do what He says He will do!

1 Kings 8:1-21



This week we are learning how Solomon built a temple of worship for God. God promised David that his son, Solomon, would be able to build a temple of worship. Although years went by, God kept his promise.

One of the things they had to carry to the temple was the ark of the Covenant. They could not touch the ark but use the poles it was carried on. Let’s see if you can carry something without touch it, or using your hands. Take a small stack of books. Determine a starting and ending point, then place the books on your head and try to carry them across the room with out using your hands and without touching them. Try this several times and change the amount of books being carried. Solomon trusted God and God kept His promise to build a temple with Solomon. We can trust God too. Even when we have to wait, we can trust that God has not forgotten what He said.

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Kings 8:1-21

Who wanted to build a temple for God? (David)

Who did God say would build the temple? (Solomon, David’s son)

Where did they place the Ark of the Covenant? (In the inner sanctuary, the most holy place)

What was kept in the Ark of the Covenant? (The 2 stone tablets given to Moses from God)

What was the cloud that filled the Holy Place? (the glory of the Lord)



The Israelites placed the stone tablets that God gave them in the ark of the covenant because those items were important to them. The commandments God gave them was a promise of love between God and his people. Where do you place things that are important to you? How do you treat the things you consider treasures? In a box or small crate place several items that are important to you and your family. With your child, discuss the things you placed in the box and say why they are important to you or your family. Give your child time to search for a few things to place into the box and describe why it is important to them.

Materials: small box or crate, items of importance


Solomon was able to build a temple for God. He used the best building materials and created a beautiful place to worship God. Using Legos, magnetic blocks or any other building bricks, build a temple.

Materials: Legos or other building materials

Independent activity:

Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet




Using craft sticks or craft sticks, create a temple replica. Include the different parts of the temple.

Materials: craft sticks, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Where do you go to worship?

Do you think God’s presence can fill your place of worship?

What are some things we dedicate to God, the way Solomon dedicated the temple?

What are some things you treasure and keep in a special place?

Does God want us to think the Ten Commandments are important?

Practical Application at Home

David and Solomon trusted God to lead them as they led the people of Israel. Solomon asked for wisdom and God gave it to him. David asked to build the temple and God allowed Solomon, his son, to build it. God can be trusted, sometimes we have to be patient. Think about these scenarios and how you may need to be patient. Decide which you would rather have.

Would you rather…

-Have an old donut OR wait and hour for mom to buy fresh ones

-Eat cereal for breakfast OR wait for dad to make pancakes

-Wear a sneaker with holes in them OR Wait 5 minutes so you can find the newer pair

-Not wash dishes tonight after dinner but have to do them for the next 3 nights OR wash dishes tonight but then not have to wash them the following 3 nights

-Eat 2 scoops of ice cream now OR wait an hour so grandma can make pie to go with your ice cream

-play in the sprinklers or wait until mom and dad are finished working to go to

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Confidence from God



welcome to week 3! Sometimes we don’t have the right things to say to help someone feel better, or give the right answer to the teacher, but God can give us the right words to say in all situations. This week we will see how God can help us use the wisdom he’s given us to say the right things.

1 Kings 3:16-28



I’m going to say several things right now. I want you to listen to my words and show how they would make you feel by showing me your smiley face, frown face or surprised face.

I love you

You are the best

I have a surprise for you!

Your hair is on fire!

Those shoes are not nice

You are a wonderful artist

You are a good friend

You did a bad thing

I will not share with you

Come join me

Watch out for the snake!

You may not play with us

Words that people say affect us, don’t they? When people say kind words to us, it makes us feel good. When people say unkind words we can be left feeling sad. Our words can hurt others or they can make others feel good. God can give us the words we need to say to help others feel loved. The story this week is about Solomon’s wise words.

Read or listen to the scripture 1 Kings 3:16-28

Who came to see King Solomon? (2 Mothers of 2 small babies)

What did the first mother say happened? (The other woman had a baby a few days after her and after she laid with her baby she crushed it, and then switched the dead baby for the living baby)

What did both mothers claim? (That the living baby was hers)

What did Solomon decide to do? (Cut the baby in half so that they could share it)

What did the first mother tell King Solomon? (Do not kill the living baby but give it to the other woman)

What did the second mother tell King Solomon? (Cut the baby in half so no one would have him)

What did Solomon decide? (Not to cut the baby but to give the baby to the first mother because that is his really mother)

How did King Solomon know who was the mother? (A mother would not want to see her own child killed)

What did Israel think of King Solomon’s ruling? (they thought highly of him and thought he had God’s wisdom to give justice


God gives each of us the wisdom to know the right words to say. We speak to our friends and family in ways that can either bring them joy or hurt them. Our tone can also change the way those words feel. We can ask God to help us have the right words to say and also the right tone in how we say them to others.


Post these smiley and frown faces all around the room. Walk around the room with your child and have them find an emoji face and say a sentence that would make someone else feel that emotion. For example, if they find a smiley face they may say “Jesus loves you” or “I want to share my toys with you". If they find a frown face, have them say something they’ve been told that hurt their feelings and then you tell them a statement of truth that is positive (a way to turn the frown to a smile). For example they may say “You can’t play with me” A truth statement would be “Jesus says he accepts us just as we are.”

Materials: printed and cut smile and frown faces, tape


Make a card to share with a friend or shut-in that has words of kindness. Help your child write a few words that may encourage someone who is down, lonely or would enjoy a kind word. Make a card from construction paper and other craft materials. Show your child how to address the envelope, place a stamp on it and mail it from the mailbox. See these examples of DIY preschool made cards.

Materials: crayons, pencil, markers, glue, other craft supplies

Independent activity:

Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet




Fold a piece of construction paper in half and trace child’s hand being sure one side is along the fold of the paper. Cut out the hands without cutting agains the fold of the paper to ensure the pages stay together. On the outside write “Solomon asks for Wisdom” 1 Kings 3:5-10. On the inside of the praying hands write your child’s prayer request.

Materials: lunch sack, google eyes, yellow and orange construction paper, glue, crayons, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


In proverbs 16:24 it says gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healthful to the bones.

How would you describe honey?

Is honey healthy and beneficial to our bodies?

What are some words you can think of that are sweet like honey?

How can our words be healthy to our souls and bones?

If gracious words are sweet like a honeycomb, what would ungracious words be compared to?

How can unkind words be unhealthy for our soul?

What kind of words will you choose to use?

Do you want your words to make others feel healthy and good or do you want your words to make others feel sick and bitter?

Practical Application at Home

Our words can be powerful and we want God to give us the wisdom to have the right words to say to others. It’s important to be careful with our words because they can be hurtful and once we say the words we can’t take it back! Even when we say we are sorry, it can be hard for the other person to forget what they heard and we can’t take the words back and put them back into our mouths! Let’s demonstrate what that is like. I have some bubbles here. I’m going to blow a bunch of bubble, and then I want you to help me catch them and put them back into the container. Blow a large amount of bubbles so they fill the space, say Oh no! I changed my mind! I don’t want all these bubbles out the container, help me put them back! With your child, attempt to put them back into the container. Redirect them from simply popping the bubbles to attempting to put them back. Did it work? Were we able to put the bubbles away? We were not! It was almost impossible! What happened to the bubbles once I blew them? They were out and then popped. Right, we could not catch them and return them to the bottle. Let’s remember our words are like these bubbles. Once we say them we can not get them back so we have to be careful that we say the right words the first time. Just as God gave Solomon the right words to say God can give us the right words to say too!

Materials: bubbles

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Asking God



What time is it? What day of the week is it? Are we there yet? Have you ever asked those questions? God wants us to ask him questions so he can help us understand.

Nehemiah 2:1-20



We all have questions that we need answers to. I am going to ask several questions and I want you to give me the answers. Tell me what shapes I’m asking about.

-What shape has 3 sides, 3 corners and looks like a slice of pizza? (Triangle)

-What shape has 4 sides, all equal sides and looks like a slice of bread. (Square)

-What shape twinkles at night, has 5 points (star)

-What shape has no sides, can roll, and looks like a ball?(circle)

-What shape has 4 sides, two long and 2 short sides? (Rectangle)

Did you know all the answers to the questions? Maybe those questions were easy but sometimes we have hard questions too. We may not know all of the answers, but aGod wants us to ask him questions. In our story this week Nehemiah has questions that he needs to get answers for. Listen to the story and see who answers Nehemiah’s questions.

Read or listen to the scripture  Nehemiah 2:1-20 

Who did Nehemiah work for? (King Artaxerxes)

What did the king notice about Nehemiah? ( that he was sad)

What did Nehemiah ask the king? ( to return to his home to rebuild it.)

What was wrong with The wall of Jerusalem? (They were broken down and it’s gates were burned with fire)

When Nehemiah was laughed at, how did he respond? (God would prosper them and they would arise and build)


God gave Nehemiah the wisdom to ask the king the right questions to help him solve his problem. Nehemiah wanted to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem but he needed help. God gives us wisdom to know how to ask question and seek help.


We ask questions so that we can get answers or so we can find something. Go on this scavenger hunt. Read the questions in each box and then go on a hunt to find the answer. Once you have found the object, write the answer or draw a picture on the line.

Materials: printed scavenger hunt, outdoor area for hunt, pencil, clipboard (optional)


Sometimes we are puzzled and confused, but God can answer those questions. Find a puzzle at your house and complete it independently or with a family member.

Materials: puzzle

Independent activity:

Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet




Use large popsicle sticks to create a wall. Line up 6 popsicle sticks side by side vertically and then a popsicle  stick horizontally at the top and one on the bottom. Collect small stones and hot glue them to the popsicle wall.

Materials: large craft sticks, glue or hot glue, small pebbles


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



There are times we may not understand what we see or the difficulties we are going through. Sometimes we have questions for God because we don’t understand. God wants us to ask him questions. Think about the following questions. 

Is there a question that is too hard for God to answer?

How can we ask God about the questions we have?

Should we only ask questions that we think are good enough for God to answer?

Will God get tired of answering our questions?

If we ask questions and show we have doubts, will God be upset?

What are some questions you are afraid to ask?

Have you ever been too afraid to ask your teacher a question?

Practical Application at Home

Matthew 7:7 says, ask and it will be given to you, see and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. When we seek and search for answers God will answer them for us. He wants to help us understand things that may be confusing or things we have doubts about. We can ask any questions whether we think they are big or small, or if we are too afraid to ask them. 

Think of some questions you may have. With your family, have each family member ask a question and try to answer them together. Use the Bible to seek for your answers.

Alternate activity- try to answer the following questions using your bible to find the answers.

What day did God create the sun and moon?

Where did God send Abram?

How old was Noah when he died?

Where did Jesus feed the 5,000?

How tall was Goliath?

What are 3 ‘I am’ statements Jesus made (I am the bread of life, etc)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


GOD’S Wisdom



Have you ever faced a difficult problem that you didn’t have an answer to? We may learn a lot of knowledge in school but how we use that knowledge is called wisdom. Where can we get wisdom? This week we will see where the wisest man found his wisdom

1 Kings 3:1-13; Proverbs 1:7



This week we are learning about wisdom. When we learn something new we say we have gained knowledge, but wisdom is how we use that information. Let’s practice showing wisdom. (Using 5 bags, fill 1 bag with a special treat. Then place tissue paper, tissue, or rice into each of the bags, disguising the hidden treat) I have 5 bags here, and 1 of them has a special treat in it. I want you to try to figure out which bag has the treat. Allow time for your child to dig through each bag. Say, You know, if you had asked me, I would have told you which bag had the treat. Today we are learning about Solomon and how he asked God for something and God gave it to him. Let’s find out what Solomon asked for.

Materials: 5 bags, a special treat, tissue paper, tissue, or rice

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Kings 3:1-13 

Who is Solomon’s dad? (King David)

Solomon was king over what nation? (Israel)

How did Solomon show his love for God? (by walking in the instructions his father David gave him)

What did God tell Solomon in a dream? (he could ask for whatever he wanted and God would give it to him)

What did Solomon ask for? (Wisdom to rule over God’s great people)

Why was God pleased with Solomon’s request? (Solomon could have asked for money, long life or death for his enemies but instead asked for wisdom in how to rule out justice)


We often describe wisdom as having pearls of wisdom. Wisdom is like a small treasure of good advice. We can receive advice from lots of people but the true wisdom is from God. We have to be careful that we take advice from a trusted source. We can trust God wants what is good for us, so His advice will always be true and for our good.


Listen to these pearls of wisdom. Read the wisdom written on each pearl, and determine if you think these are words of wisdom, or not. Sort the pearls into 2 piles.

Materials: Pearls of wisdom sorting


Complete this treasure hunt to find the Pearl of Wisdom. Print and place each object in the correct hidden spot according to the clue. Then give the first clue to your child and have them hunt for the additional clues until they end finding the Pearl of Wisdom.

Materials: scavenger hunt clues

Independent activity:

God gives us wisdom to make good choices in difficult situations. Use God’s wisdom to solve this challenge activity. Build a structure you can balance on 1 finger or on your nose. Use materials you have at home such as small and skinny craft sticks, mini marshmallows, plastic Connecting cubes and spheres. Create a small balancing point and then build your structure to extend from that point. Keep experimenting with different designs until you are successful! God gives us wisdom to solve problems!

Materials: Materials to explore: (may vary) craft sticks, mini marshmallows, connecting rods, cubes and spheres




Color the container of gold coins. Cut out circles using gold wrapping paper, tissue paper or by coloring in white paper.

Materials: print out, gold paper or gold wrapping paper, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Read Proverbs 1:7 It says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and knowledge.

What does it mean to fear the Lord?

Why would anyone despise wisdom and knowledge?

In what ways do you fear or love the Lord?

Do you think God uses our parents to help us gain wisdom and knowledge?

Do you accept discipline from your parents and recognize your errors?

How can we learn to choose wisdom?

Practical Application at Home

God gives us wisdom to handle daily situations. We can pray and ask God for wisdom as we make decisions about school, friends and obeying Him. It is foolish to not learn and then ask God to help us use that information to make wise decision. Think about the wise decision you would make if the following situations happened to you. Read the following choices and then decide which one you think is the wiser choice and then say why you made that choice.

- take a harder math course or take a class you know will give you an A

- get a ride from a stranger or walk home even though it’s far

- tell the truth about a bad thing you did or tell a good lie about the bad thing you did so you don’t get in trouble

- Skip family movie night to study for your test tomorrow or watch the family movie first then try to study quickly before bed

- Befriend the new kid at school or wait until other kids talk to the new kid before you try

- Play video games in your room all day by yourself or make time to spend with your family

- Spend all your savings to buy the latest electronic gadget like your friends or save your money for a future purchase you might need.

- Decide to drink more water each day than soda or drink however much soda you want because it taste good.

Making little choices each day can sometimes have lasting effects in the future. Drinking too much soda when you are young can cause many health issues when you are older including diabetes. Getting bad grades in school now or not taking challenging classes in school can keep you from getting good grades in high school or college. Telling the truth even when it’s hard can create good habits for becoming an honest adult. God can help us make good choices now that we can continue to make into adulthood. Solomon simply asked for wisdom and God blessed him, we can ask too!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


believing IN GOD



Welcome to week 2! This week we are learning that God can be trusted. God told King David that his son Solomon would build a temple of worship, and although it seemed to take a long time, God kept his word. We can trust that God will do what He says He will do!

1 Kings 8:1-2



Trusting others can be difficult. Trusting God can be hard too, especially when it seems like it is taking forever to happen. We can trust that God has not forgotten and will keep His promises. Listen to these scenarios and determine why it was hard to trust the parent, teacher, or God in each situation.

—Your mom tells you not to go home with any friends after school but to come straight home. You disobey and go with your friend Jody instead. Turns out, your mom planned a special surprise for you after school that you missed. Why was it hard to trust and obey your mom?

—Your teacher says to be sure and read this weeks chapter at home to review. You decide to watch a movie instead because you think you already know the material. The next day the teacher gives a pop-test and you fail! Why was it hard to trust and obey your teacher?

—God asks you to have no other God’s before Him. You chose to follow some friends that were making bad choices but looked like they were always having fun. You had a good time with your friends but after it was over you felt really lonely, sad, and guilty. Why was it hard to trust and follow God?

Why was it hard to trust and follow God’s plan? God asks us to trust Him. We may not always know his plan, we may not be able to predict the future, but we can trust that God’s plans are good. He will keep His promises because He is trustworthy. This week we are learning about Solomon and how he trusted God to keep the covenant He made with his father, David.

Read or listen to the scripture  1 Kings 8:1-2 

Who wanted to build a temple for God? (David)

Who did God say would build the temple? (Solomon, David’s son)

Where did they place the Ark of the Covenant? (In the inner sanctuary, the most holy place)

What was kept in the Ark of the Covenant? (The 2 stone tablets given to Moses from God)

What was the cloud that filled the Holy Place? (the glory of the Lord)



Solomon’s temple was said to be magnificent. He used the very best materials to build the temple and he made sure it was done well. Solomon wanted the temple to be beautiful and honor God. The 7 Wonders of the World describes 7 magnificent structures that amaze people. Look at this website of the 7 Wonders of the World, and see if you can guess what they are.

Materials: 7 Wonders of the world attachment


Solomon was able to build a temple for God. He used the best building materials and created a beautiful place to worship God. Using graph paper, create a temple drawing. Include the layout of the temple inside and out. Use colored pencils to color in the background and other items like gold candlesticks.

Materials: Graph paper, colored pencils, pencil

Independent activity:

When we have a teacher or a coach, we listen to what they tell us to do because we trust them and believe they can make us better at whatever we are trying to learn. Can you imagine telling your basketball coach you are not going to follow their instructions on how to shoot a basket? Can you imagine telling God you don’t need his help because you can figure it out on your own? Think about something you are good at and can teach someone else. It can be anything including how to tie your shoe. Create a how-to video or write out the how-to instructions you would give someone to advise them on how to do your special skill or activity. Share your video or instructions with your family. Think about how you can trust God to instruct you in His ways so you can live your life the best way possible

Materials: Video camera/device, or paper, a special skill




Using popsicle sticks or craft sticks, create a temple replica. Include the different parts of the temple

Materials: craft sticks, art supplies such as: glue, crayons, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


In Proverbs 3:1-7 it says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Create a simple obstacle course for a small ball or marble. Use small building blocks or bricks to create the path. Have a starting point and an ending point. Create lots of directions for your ball to go before it can make it to the end. Now, starting at the start point, give your ball one big push and see if it can make it to the end of the course. Did it make it? Of course not! There are too many turns and curves. Now try again, but this time make an alley way of one straight path. Give your ball one big push and see if it can make it to the end. When we lean on our own knowledge and intelligence, we may think we are moving ahead, but we hit lots of walls. God knows the beginning from the end and He knows exactly what path we need to take. So even though the road may twist and turn, God will move us forward as if we are going in a straight line, heading straight to the finish line. God will direct us and tell us exactly where to go.

How can we lean on God’s wisdom?

What do we need to use to help us know what direction we should go?

Do we only lean on God when things are hard?

Who do you know who leans on God’s wisdom?

What does that person say or do?

What should your life look like if you are leaning on God’s wisdom?

If you lean on God’s wisdom, does that mean no bad things will ever happen to you?

Practical Application at Home

Solomon was a successful king because he asked for God’s wisdom and God gave it to him. There are successful people in our world today and some lean on God’s wisdom and some do not. Leaning on God’s wisdom is the true measure of success regardless to what the world thinks.

Look at newspaper or magazine articles highlighting successful people. While you read the articles, determine if you think this person uses God’s wisdom as they make decisions. We should not look at people around us to determine the measure of success we should have. God gives wisdom and we can trust that He will direct our paths and show us the right things to do. Keep trusting and following Jesus!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 3! This week we will see how Solomon was able to use the wisdom God gave him to administer justice. When we have God’s wisdom we will have the right words to say.

1 Kings 3:16-28; Proverbs 18:4-8, 21; Proverbs 21:23



Have you ever had a loss of _____(give kids a chance to fill in the blank), ya, words! I’m going to say some popular American idioms (sayings) and I want to see if you can finish them.

Get your ducks in a _____ (row)

It cost an _____(arm) and a leg.

You hit the ____ (nail) on the head.

We have a test, better hit the ___ (books)

Putting the cart before the ____(horse)

I don’t feel well today. I’m feeling under the _____(weather)

We need a great idea, think outside the ___(box)

Sometimes we don’t have the right words to say. This week we are learning that it is important to use our words wisely. We can trust God to give us the right words in all situations. We may not always know exactly what to say when someone is sick, when our friend is lonely, a friend has lost a loved one, or when we want to be happy for a friend. But we ask God for the right words. Solomon asked God for wisdom and God gave him wisdom to know how to judge and administer justice.

Read or listen to the story this week in 1 Kings 3:16-28

Who came to see King Solomon? (2 Mothers of 2 small babies)

What did the first mother say happened? (The other woman had a baby a few days after her and after she laid with her baby she crushed it, and then switched the dead baby for the living baby)

What did both mothers claim? (That the living baby was hers)

What did Solomon decide to do? (Cut the baby in half so that they could share it) What did the first mother tell King Solomon? (Do not kill the living baby but give it to the other woman)

What did the second mother tell King Solomon? (Cut the baby in half so no one would have him)

What did Solomon decide? (Not to cut the baby but to give the baby to the first mother because that is his really mother)

How did King Solomon know who was the mother? (A mother would not want to see her own child killed)

What did Israel think of King Solomon’s ruling? (they thought highly of him and thought he had God’s wisdom to give justice.


Solomon gave a wise ruling for the two mothers because God gave him wisdom to know what to do with his knowledge. God gives us the right words to say in different situations.


Solomon was given wisdom that he used to rule with justice. Having knowledge means you know information but having wisdom means you know how to use that knowledge. Look at the following scenarios and sort them to decide if the person is showing wisdom or knowledge.


How we say things to others can affect how they feel. We can say words 2 different ways that can either make someone else feel loved or disrespected. For example, if you said I’m sorry but didn’t really mean it or said it with a sarcastic tone. Or if you said “that looks wonderful” but didn’t really mean it, it would sound hurtful and unkind. We need to be careful about the words we use and also the way we say them. Use the following activity sheet to sort these word phrases into categories of kind and unkind words. Circle a few kind phrases that could also be hurtful if we didn’t mean what we said.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue

Independent activity:

Create a word collage for the word “Words”. Look up the following scriptures that describes what our words are like. In the middle of a sheet of paper, write in large bold letters “Words”. Look up the attached verses and all around the paper write the descriptive words the Bible uses to describe our words. Use different colored markers and creative fonts. The more times the same word appears in the scriptures the bigger you can write that word on your page.

Materials: scriptures, crayons, colored pencils, or markers




Fold a piece of construction paper in half and trace child’s hand being sure one side is along the fold of the paper. Cut out the hands without cutting against the fold of the paper to ensure the pages stay together. On the outside write “Solomon asks for Wisdom” 1 Kings 3:5-10. On the inside of the praying hands write your child’s prayer request.

Materials: construction paper, scissors, pencil, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring sheet, crayons


Read the following verses,Proverbs 18:4-8, 21; Proverbs 21:23. It first describes our words as deep waters and then describes the fountain of wisdom as a rushing stream. Let’s think about what those verses are describing. What are some words you would use to describe deep waters.

What are some positive and negative things that can happen with deep water?

What are some positive and negative effects of a rushing stream.

In verse 21 it says the tongue has the power of life and death. How can the tongue bring life?

How can a tongue bring death?

We all have tongue’s, how do we bring life to others with our tongue?

Do we bring death to someone through our tongues?

Practical Application at Home

The bible gives many examples of how the tongue or our words can do good or do harm to others. God must think it is important to use wisdom when we speak. It can be hard to say the right words when someone is mistreating us, we had a bad day, or when we are asked a tough question. God can give us the right words to say, just as He gave Solomon the wisdom to know the right things to say to administer justice. Read the following quotes below that someone might say. Decide which of the following scriptures is being shown by the words spoken in quotations.

Proverbs 16:24

Proverbs 10:11

Proverbs 12:18

Romans 10:9

Proverbs 15:1a

“Thank you brother for helping me clean my room! That was so kind of you.”

“I’m sorry mom for breaking your favorite bowl. I was being careless and accidentally knocked it over.”

“Be sure to get plenty of rest for our big day tomorrow!”

“I love you Lord and I want to serve you in all that I do. Please help me to listen to your voice today.”

“Yes mom, I will wash the dishes for you.”

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


Asking God



We all have lots of questions everyday that we sometimes don’t know who we should ask. God wants us to ask him! We can bring our questions to God no matter how big or how small we think they are. 

Nehemiah 2:1-20; Matthew 14:22-32



When we have a question we want someone to give us the answer or we want to be able to find the answer. Usually children ask adults the questions but today I have a few questions I want you to answer. Listen to the questions about the following animals and see if you can give me the animal I’m asking for.

-What animal lives in the ocean, has no teeth or stomach, and likes to swim in pairs with their tails linked together. (Seahorse)

-what animal can sleep both lying down and standing up, can live around 25 years, and can gallop around 27 mph (horse)

-what animal lives mostly on the Plains of North America, has a large hump on their back, and their thick brown cut keeps them warm. (Buffalo)

-what animal has black spots that can’t be seen, is actually a Jaguar, and is a great swimmer. (Black panther)

-what is the only cat that lives in groups, their females are the hunters, and they do not live in the jungle. (Lion)

-what animal has excellent eyesight, is a bird of prey, and can fly really fast. (Falcon)

Read or listen to the scripture  Nehemiah 2:1-20 

Who did Nehemiah work for? (King Artaxerxes)

What did the king notice about Nehemiah? ( that he was sad)

What did Nehemiah want to do? (Go back to Judah to rebuild it)

What was wrong with The wall of Jerusalem? (They were broken down and it’s gates were burned with fire)

When Nehemiah was laughed at, how did he respond? (God would prosper them and they would arise and build)


In our story for this week, Daniel was sent to the Lion’s Den for doing what he had always done, pray to God. He followed God rather than follow man, even though he knew he would be in trouble. God helped him through by sending the angels. We also can trust God to help us, even if it’s not in the way we thought He would.


Sometimes we need to ask questions to clarify the way we see things. Getting answers from God can clarify our perspective, the way we see things. Sometimes one picture can be seen two different ways. Look at these pictures and see if you can find more than one way to see it.

Materials: perspective pictures


We all have questions that we need answers to. Some questions are easy and some are hard. Print the following cards of questions and take turns answering the questions. See how many questions you can answer! 

Materials: printed questions cut into strips

Materials: bowl, jar or bucket, art supplies, strips of paper

Independent activity:

Create your own wall to sequence the events in the story of Nehemiah. Then write the questions you may have for God on the bricks at the top of the wall. Cut and paste the bricks on the wall that describe events that happened with Nehemiah building the wall.

Materials: printed wall of sequence, glue, scissors,




Use large popsicle sticks to create a wall. Line up 6 popsicle sticks side by side vertically and then a popsicle  stick horizontally at the top and one on the bottom. Collect small stones and hot glue them to the popsicle wall.

Materials: large craft sticks, glue or hot glue, small pebbles


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever been in the middle of something scary or new and had lots of questions for God? Read the story of Peter walking on water in Matthew 14:23-32. While Peter was walking on the water he was probably thinking many things. He was surely excited while he was walking on the water and then maybe started having doubts in his mind. we often have doubts about the things God has asked us to do or doubts about the things we see happening all around us. God wants us bring our questions to Him so he can give us his answers. God is the source for all our questions, He always has the best answer. Jesus was right there for Peter when he started to doubt and Jesus will be there for us too.

When is a time you have had doubts?

Did you ask your questions to God?

Who do you usually seek answers from?

How can God help change your perspective in the difficult things you face?

Why is it important to get a new perspective when we don’t understand something we are seeing.

Practical Application at Home

Peter started to have questions while walking on the water which made him have doubts. We don’t know for sure what questions Peter had in his mind but we can probably guess what he was thinking. Jesus knew that Peter had questions and doubts while walking on water but Jesus did not get upset at Peters questioning but instead came to rescue home and oull him out of the water. Jesus doesn’t get upset that we have questions or even doubts, he wants us seek him for our answers. There are a lot of places people can go to get answers and even get the answers they want their, but God is the source of knowledge and wisdom. He can help us see and understand our difficult situations in a new way.

Think about what Peter must have thought and felt while walking on the water. Draw a picture of Peter walking on the water with Jesus. Add your own caption or thinking bubble about peter’s head and add a question or two of what you think Peter may have been asking while he was walking on water or beginning to sink. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Who takes care of you? Do you have a mom or dad, aunt or uncle or maybe a grandma or grandpa who cares for you? God takes care of you too! He wants to care for us and provide for our needs. That is amazing! This week we will read a bible story about several people God took care of in a special way.

1 Kings 17



Have you ever seen a mother hen with its baby chicks? What does the mother hen do for her babies? She protects them. She wants them to be safe, so she provides food and safety. Jesus says he wants to love and protect us the way a mother hen protects its chicks. The mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings to give them protection and keep them safe. Let’s pretend you are baby chicks and I am the mother hen. The adult should wrap a large blanket around their shoulders to use as their protective wings. Okay little chicks, go walk around the room pretending to eat and when I call you, coming running back to me. When you call the children by name, as they come to you bring them close and cover them with your ‘wings’. Repeat the activity several times sending them out to walk, run, hop, or jump around. After a few moments of the activity call them back to safety under your wings. Embrace them and help them feel safe and loved as you smile and speak words of assurance. Just like these large wings made you feel protected and loved, God wants to keep us under his wings as well. He loves us and wants to protect us. Can you imagine how wonderful and amazing are God’s wings of protection? Let’s listen to a story about Elijah and how he really needed to be protected and God provide food and shelter in a very big way.

Read or listen to the story in 1 Kings 17 

What did Elijah tell King Ahab? (There would be neither rain or dew for the next few years)

Where did Elijah hide from King Ahab? (near the brook east of Jordan)

Who brought Elijah food? (ravens brought him bread and meat)

Where did Elijah go after the brook dried up? (God told him to see a widow in Zarephath)

What did Elijah ask of her? (To make him something to eat first, then make something for herself and her son)
Did the woman have plenty of food to share with Elijah? (She only had a handful of flour and a little oil left for one more meal)

What did Elijah say the Lord would do? (the flour and oil would not run dry until the Lord sends rain on the land)

What happened to the widows son? (He grew ill and finally stopped breathing)

What did Elijah do for the boy? (He stretched himself out on the boy 3 times and asked the Lord to return his life)


In our story for this week, Elijah is hiding by the brook during the time of no rain. God protected him from King Ahab who was looking for him. God provided protection and he also provided food and water for Elijah. Just as God provided for Elijah, God provides for us as well.


God takes care of us in many different ways. He gives us food, shelter and family. God provided Elijah with food from the ravens, shelter by the stream and friendship of the widow and her son. On a sheet of construction paper, cut and paste pictures of things God provides such as food, shelter and people. On the top of the sheet of paper write “God provides all my needs”.

Materials: Magazine pictures or other pictures to cut out, construction paper, scissors, glue


God sent oil and flour in the jar every day so the widow, her son, and Elijah could eat every day. Let’s practice counting as far as we can. Use some type of counters or beans as your child counts.

Materials: Counters or beans

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons




Print out the following jar picture. Trace the black outline of the jar with Elmers glue and let it dry completely. Then have your child color the pack of the paper with markers and gems. Then turn the paper over to see the amazing part of this craft. Using baby oil or another light oil and a sponge paintbrush, paint the front of the paper lightly with the oil and watch the colors from the back of the page come through to the front.

Materials:Elmers glue, markers, baby oil or other oil, sponge paintbrush, printed page


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page. Use yellow glitter to finish coloring the oil in the oil jug.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons, yellow or gold glitter


Who are the people who take care of you?

How does God use your parents or other adults to care for you?

Do you have anyone or anything you take care of?

If you were the widow would you have given Elijah your last meal?

What animal did God send to feed Elijah?

How does God provide food for you?

Practical Application at Home

God can provide for us by giving us other people who take care of us. Elijah had the raven who brought him food, and then the widow who provided meals for him through God’s provisions. Think of the people who help provide and care for you. Maybe it is a parent, grandparent, teacher, or a family from church who helps provide food, love or support. Write them a letter or make them a card thanking them for what they have given you. Let them know that you are grateful for the provisions they have given you through God. God is using them to care for you, it is a blessing to be able to give them thanks.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Sometimes we do what we see others around us doing. Sometimes we follow after the things we see on TV or the friends at school. God wants us to follow Him because He knows what is best for each of us. This week we will see how the Israelites began following the wrong way and had to learn that God =’s way was best. It’s amazing how God knows us so well!

1 Kings 18



Let’s play a game called “I’m going on a trip”. I am going to tell you a few items I am going to take on a trip. Listen to what I will bring and then tell me what else I need to take with me that I might be missing. Ready? 

-I am going on a trip, I will need a swimsuit, a beach towel and sunscreen. What else will I need? (Anything you take to the beach) 

-I am going on a trip. I will need hiking boots, a walking stick, and drinking water. What else will I need? (Going on a hike)

-I am going on a trip. I will need a suitcase, a neck pillow and a boarding pass. What else will I need? (Going on an airplane)

-I am going on a trip. I will need a canoe, a lifejacket, and an oar. What else will I need? (Canoeing trip)

Now you tell me a trip or 3 things that you need that go together and I will guess one more thing that belongs with the group.

God made us and he knows exactly what we need. He knows what is best for us and for our own good. God never forgets anything or forgets to give us what we need. This week we are learning the next part of our story. We will see how God knew exactly what the people of Israel needed to remember that He is God and He had a better plan for them.

Let’s read or listen to the story in
1 Kings 18

How many years passed before the Lord told Elijah to go to King Ahab? (3 years)

What was Obediah afraid to tell the king? (that he found Elijah, because if Elijah disappeared again, King Ahab would have killed him)

What did Elijah say was the reason for the trouble in Israel? (Ahab’s disobedience and following Baals)

What did Elijah say they needed to do?(Decide who is God and then follow him, but not go between the two.)

What did the prophets of Baal do to call get their god to answer? (danced around the altar, shout, cut themselves)

What did Elijah do to call upon God? (set up the altar and prayed for God to answer so they would know who was the true God)

Why did Elijah use 12 stones? (They represented the twelve tribes of Israels)

 How did God answer Elijah? (He sent fire from heaven that consumed the altar, water, wood, and stones)

What did God send, after the prophets of Baal were gone? (Rain)


In our story for this week we see that God answered Elijah’s prayer to send fire down to consume the altar and all the water surrounding it. God answered Elijah’s prayer because He knew what the people of Israel needed. They needed rain, but they also need to be reminded that He was the one true God. He was the only God worthy of their worship and praise.


Elijah loved God very much and wanted to obey him, but there were people in the Bible that did not love God. Print the 2 emoji faces and use them to decide if the people I mention loved God or did not love God.

Materials: printed emoji face, list of bible characters


After the people of Israel witnessed God consume the altar with the water they turned back toward God. Complete the following science experiment and see how you can turn the hardened shell of an egg into a soft shell. Just as the shell of the egg was turned from hard to soft, God can changed the hearts of the Israelites from hard to soft too. 

Materials: egg, small bowl, vinegar

Independent activity:

Sometimes its hard to know the difference between a need and a want. God knows what we need and what is best for us. God helped the people of Israel see that He was better for them than the stone idols they were worshipping. Complete the following activity sheet and sort needs and wants.

Materials: printed activity sheet, scissors, glue




Create an altar by cutting out 12 rocks, craft sticks, blue, red and orange tissue paper. Place pieces of blue tissue paper on the bottom, place the 12 rocks stacked on top of each other. Then place the craft sticks on top of the rocks and then the red and orange tissue paper on the top to show fire coming down from heaven. On the top of the page write “Lord God of Israel, let it be known this day that you are God”

Materials: paper, craft sticks, tissue paper (blue, red and orange), glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Did Elijah love and follow God?

Did king Ahab and the people of Israel follow God?

When Elijah prayed, did God answer him?

How was Elijah bold in following God?

Why do you think Elijah was able to be bold?

What verses do you know that help you remember God is always with you.

Elijah was able to be bold because He knew that God was going to be with him. God knew what was going to happen and He had a plan for Elijah and the people of Israel. Elijah trusted that God knew best even if he didn’t know how it would all work out. 

Practical Application at Home

God knew what the People of Israel needed. God knew what Elijah needed. And God knows what each of us needs as well. The people of Israel needed God most of all. God knew He needed to remind them that He was the only true God that they should serve. God showed them in a powerful way that He was the only God. God shows us that He is God in many different ways. Maybe you’ve seen him do a miracle for you or your family. Maybe you see God’s great hand in all the creation around us. Maybe you see God in the love that people show to one another. 

Complete the following calendar by filling in a way you see God each day. It can be a miracle you have witnessed, nature, God providing for you, or any other way God shows himself to you this week. Draw a picture in the box or write what you saw. Do this calendar entry for 2 weeks. At the end of the 2 weeks, go back and remember what God has shown you and how He is the one and only God. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 3! We’ve seen Elijah tell King Ahab about the drought, be fed by ravens and a widow with no food, and build an altar God answered with fire! Elijah saw amazing things happen. Even though he saw all those things with his own eyes, he still became discouraged. This week we will see how God spoke to Elijah to encourage him!

1 kings 19



There are sounds all around us! We hear them when we are at home, at the store or even in our backyard. We may hear lots of sounds everywhere but are we listening? Let’s practice listening. We will practice deciding what we are hearing and what is causing the sound. Listen to the following sounds and see if you can guess what is making the sound. Click on this link. You were able to guess almost all of the sounds! 

This week we are continuing in our story of Elijah. Elijah was feeling down because Queen Jezebel wanted him gone! So Elijah had to flee from her. Elijah was feeling down and needed to be encouraged. God spoke to him! Has God ever spoken to you? Can you think of someone else in the Bible that God has spoken to? Elijah listened to God’s voice. What do you think God’s voice would sound like? Let’s listen to this weeks story. While you listen, try to find out how God spoke to Elijah.

Read or listen to 1 kings 19

What did Jezebel want to do after she heard about the prophets of Baal’s death? (she told Elijah she would do the same to him before the next day.)

What did Elijah do in response to Jezebel’s threat? (He ran for his life into the wilderness)

What did the angel give Elijah? (food and water)

When Elijah got to mount Horeb, what did God ask Elijah? (What doest though here?)

How did the Lord pass by Elijah on the mount? (in a quiet voice)

What did God tell Elijah? (that he has 7,000 faithful followers in Israel, to anoint kings over Syria and Israel, and to anoint Elisha to be prophet)


Elijah heard from God not in the strong wind, the earthquake, or in the fire, but in a gentle breeze. We know that God is big and mighty and can speak to us in lots of different ways. God speaks to us through His creation, through our parents, through our teachers and pastors and through His word the Bible. We can use our good listening ears to hear what God wants to say to us.


Elijah saw the Fire God sent, he heard the strong wind, he felt the earthquake, and he listened to God’s still small voice. Use your senses to observe nature around you. Go outside on a walk or just sit in your backyard. Use your eyes to see God’s nature. Then close your eyes and use your ears to hear something God has created and feel what’s around you as well. Complete the following chart recording the things you observed. God made the world around us and He speaks to us through His creation. At the end of this activity, while you are still in God’s nature, say a prayer thanking God for speaking to you and helping us see Him through His creation. 

Materials: perspective pictures


Create a flip flap book. Fold a piece of construction paper in half longways. Fold the paper in half short ways, and then fold in half again the same direction. On the top half of the paper, cut slits on the 4 lines making four boxes that fold up. On the top of each flap write strong wind, earthquake, fire and small whisper. Under each event, write yes or no if God spoke to Elijah in that way. Draw a picture on the bottom of each flap showing each event.

Materials: construction paper, pencil, markers or crayons, scissors

Independent activity:

Listen to this story about hearing sounds “Sounds all around” by Wendy Pfeffer. After listening to the story, think about different sounds you hear in different places. Complete the following activity sheet sorting the sounds that you hear in your house, outside and at church.

Materials: printed activity sheets, glue, scissors,




Create a spin wheel to show the different ways God showed his power. Using 2 paper plates, cut 1/4 triangular piece out of one paper plate. On the uncut paper plate divide the plate in 1/4 sections. In each section write the power god showed and write yes or no if God was in that power. Put both plates together using a metal brad in the middle of each paper plate. Decorate the top plate and write: “God in a still small voice”

Materials: large craft sticks, glue or hot glue, small pebbles


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why was Elijah so scared that he had to run away?

Where did Elijah tell him to go?

Was God’s voice really loud or soft?

Do you think God still speaks to us today?

How do you think you would know if you heard God speaking to you?

How is what God says to us, different from what others might say to us?

Practical Application at Home

Jesus said He is the good shepherd. He says that His sheep know his voice and follow him. Do you know God’s voice? Watch this video of a stranger calling the sheep and then what happens when the real shepherd calls his sheep.

We can hear God’s voice through his Word, the Bible. God speaks to us through the things he has told us in the Bible. We can know God’s voice and obey him, just as the sheep obey the shepherd. The more we listen to God’s Word, the more we will hear him whisper to us. 

Listen to the following statements and decide who you think is speaking.

Clean your room. (mother)

Please write your name on your paper. (Teacher)

Will you share some of your candy with me. (Sibling)

I have loved you with an everlasting love. (God)

Eat all your veggies. (Mom or dad)

Stop. Drop. And Roll (firefighters)

Look both ways before crossing the street. (Crossing guard/mom and dad)

I will come again, so where I am, there you will be also (Jesus)

Brush your teeth. (Dentist)

If you are sick, get lots of rest and drink lots of water (Doctor)

Great job on your homework! (Teacher)

For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you (God)

This week, continue to hear God speaking to you and listen to what he wants you to do. The sheep not only hear God’s voice but they also follow him! Let’s follow Jesus too!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Have you ever seen something unbelievable with your own eyes? Maybe you’ve seen a shooting star. Maybe you’ve seen a mama bear with her cubs. Maybe you have seen a double rainbow. God wants to show us amazing things. God did something amazing with Elijah that Elisha was able to witness. This week we will see how God can show us amazing things!

2 Kings 2



Have you ever been shocked by something before? I am going to say a few statements, and if you think that is amazing or shocking, I want you to make a shocked face. If you don’t think it is amazing, I want you to keep a straight face and shake your head. Are you ready?

—Elephants can’t jump

—The heart of a shrimp is in it’s head

—slugs have four noses

—It takes a sloth 2 weeks to digest its food

—an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its’ brain.

—a grizzly bears bite could crush a bowling ball

—some worms can jump

—tigers have striped skin, not fur, and the pattern is unique to them

—butterflies taste with their feet

Did any of those animal facts amaze you? God made all of these creatures and He made them to be amazing animals. God can do amazing things! This week we are continuing in our story of Elijah. Elijah has been a faithful servant and has obeyed God. Now his time on earth is coming to an end. God has found someone to continue in Elijah’s place. Let’s listen to our story and see what amazing thing God did for Elijah.

Read or listen to the scripture  2 Kings 2

Where did Elijah and Elisha travel to? (Bethel)

Why did Elisha want to stay with Elijah the entire trip? (He knew the Lord was about to take away his master)

What places did God send Elijah and Elisha followed him? (Bethel, Jericho, Jordan)

How did God take Elijah? (A chariot of fire, and horses of fire that took Elijah up by a whirlwind into heaven)

What did Elisha ask to have of Elijah’s? (A double portion of Elijah’s spirit upon him)

What came upon the 42 children that mocked Elisha? (2 she bears)


In our story for this week, Elijah has finished his work on earth and God has found the person who will continue on His work. God has given Elijah a man who will continue to tell the people God’s words. Elisha is willing to do this and has asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Elisha knows that God has been with Elijah and he wants God to be with him as well.


Elijah had become old and he was tired. He knew his time on earth was coming to an end. God had a special plan for Elijah, and he also had someone to continue on in Elijah’s place. Let’s play a form of pictionary. I am going to start drawing a picture, but then I want you to finish the drawing it. You have to guess what I am drawing and then finish what you think it is supposed to be. When you are finished we will both guess what the picture is. Let’s see how many pictures we both guess to be the same.

Materials: pictionary cards, markers, white board or paper and pencil


Create a whirlwind/tornado in a bottle. Use a bottle, water, glitter and funnel (optional). Place a good amount of glitter into the bottle, then fill the bottle 3/4 of the way full with water. Secure the lid on tightly. Then spin the bottle in a circular motion. Once the bottle stops spinning, watch the glitter continue to spin the bottle and form a funnel in the center of the bottle. Watch this demonstration of the experiment.

Materials: bottle, water, glitter (or sand), funnel (optional)

Independent activity:

Create a picture of what God did for Elijah and what God will do for us one day. Take a sheet of construction paper and fold it in half. On one half day Elijah being taken to heaven the the chariot of fire. Write at the top “Elijah taken to heaven”. On the other half of the sheet, draw a picture of what you think it will be like when Jesus comes back to take us to heaven. At the top of this picture draw “______(your name) taken to heaven”

Materials: construction or drawing paper, crayons, pencil, markers




Complete the following Elijah and his chariot craft. Print the chariot and Elijah, then follow the directions to color, cut, fold and glue the chariot together. 

Materials: White cardstock, Chariot Pattern ,Paper Brads, Hole Punch, Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils, Glue, Cotton Balls 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



How did Elijah get to heaven?

What did Elisha do after Elijah was taken to heaven?

What part of today’s story did you think was amazing?

How do you think Elijah felt while he was riding in a chariot of fire?

Although we haven’t seen anyone whisked away in a fiery chariot, when Jesus returns, the Bible says we will meet him in the air.

What are some amazing things the Bible says will happen when Jesus returns? (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

Practical Application at Home

God has done amazing things in the past and he continues to do amazing things now. God wants to take us to heaven to dwell with him and it is amazing there. The bible describes what heaven will be like and what it will look like. God wants it to be amazing for us! What things are you looking forward to? Read Revelation 21 and then discuss some of the amazing things you will see in heaven. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Who takes care of you? Do you have a mom or dad, aunt or uncle or maybe a grandma or grandpa who cares for you? God takes care of you too! H wants to care for us and provide for our needs. That is amazing! This week we will read a bible story about several people God took care of in a special way.

1 Kings 17 , 1 Peter 5:7



This month we will see some amazing things God did for Elijah. God has made amazing things all-around us, including amazing science. Watch this science video on how to make water turn to instant ice. Try a few of the experiments from the video at home as well. All you need is a bottle of water, a few cubes of ice and a freezer. Watch how amazing these experiments are with ice! Watch this video!

God wants to do amazing things in our lives as well. God is in control of everything we see around us. He wants to show us amazing things. Let’s read our bible story thing week and see what amazing things God did for Elijah.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: 1 Kings 17

What did Elijah tell King Ahab? (There would be neither rain or dew for the next few years)

Where did Elijah hide from King Ahab? (near the brook east of Jordan)

Who brought Elijah food? (ravens brought him bread and meat)

Where did Elijah go after the brook dried up? (God told him to see a widow in Zarephath)

What did Elijah ask of her? (To make him something to eat first, then make something for herself and her son)
Did the woman have plenty of food to share with Elijah? (She only had a handful of flour and a little oil left for one more meal)

What did Elijah say the Lord would do? (the flour and oil would not run dry until the Lord sends rain on the land)

What happened to the widows son? (He grew ill and finally stopped breathing)

What did Elijah do for the boy? (He stretched himself out on the boy 3 times and asked the Lord to return his life)


In our story for this week, Elijah is hiding by the brook during the time of no rain. God protected him from King Ahab who was looking for him. God not only provided protection, he also provided food and water for Elijah. Just as God provided for Elijah, God provides for us as well.


Print and cut out the following scriptures into strips. Read the scriptures written on each strip of paper and then categorize them into groups of how God says He will protect us. There is no one right answer, divide the scriptures in as many or few groups as you decide. You may use the following groups provided if you would like, then create your own groups by finding other ways to group the scriptures together. Groups: food, shelter, protection, needs

Materials: Printed Scriptures about God’s providing, scissors,


God has given animals a way of protecting themselves. Look at the following animals and determine what ways God has provided protection for them. God wants to provide for us too. Just as He provided for Elijah during a drought, God will provide for you as well. 

Materials: printed questions cut into strips

Materials: Device to view animal pictures

Independent activity:

Condensation happens when water vapor gets colder and begins to form water droplets. When this happens in a cloud we get rain. Complete this challenge activity  to see if you can create condensation using the materials listed. Click on the Condensation link to find the directions of how to complete the activity. Were you able to create condensation? 

Materials: 2 aluminum cans, crushed ice, salt, tray or small cookie sheet




Print out the following jar picture. Trace the black outline of the jar with Elmers glue and let it dry completely. Then have your child color the pack of the paper with markers and gems. Then turn the paper over to see the amazing part of this craft. Using baby oil or another light oil and a sponge paintbrush, paint the front of the paper lightly with the oil and watch the colors from the back of the page come through to the front.

Materials: Elmers glue, markers, baby oil or other oil, sponge paintbrush, printed page


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page. Use yellow glitter to finish coloring the oil in the oil jug.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons, gold or yellow glitter


We all have lots of things we are concerned about. They are burdens we bear. Our worries or concerns can make us sad, anxious, and timid. 

Read 1 Peter 5:7. It says we are to cast all of our cares upon God because He cares for us. 

What are some things you are concerned about?

Who are some of the people you care for?

Who are the people who care for you?

How do they provide and take care of you?

Make a list of the cares or burdens you have. You may be concerned about an upcoming test, the sickness of a loved one, or the possible loss of a job of your parents. Write down all the things that you are worried about, no matter how much they hurt, or how big or small you think they seem. Then make a list of the blessings God has provided for you. Think of the things you may have, the shelter and food you’ve been given. You can list as many things as you want of the goodness of God towards you.

On the list that has your burdens, with a marker in large print, write the previous verse over top of the entire list to show that you are giving your burdens over to God. Write “I cast these burdens on Jesus”. Then you can let those burdens go by throwing them into the depths of the trash can! Keep the list of blessings on your nightstand or desk to remember them each day. Add to the list as you realize more blessings and more provisions from God. 

Materials: writing paper, pencil or pen, large tip marker

Practical Application at Home

God can provide for us by giving us other people who take care of us. Elijah had the raven who brought him food, and then the widow who provided meals for him through God’s provisions. Think of the people who help provide and care for you. Maybe it is a parent, grandparent, teacher, or a family from church who helps provide food, love or support. Write them a letter or make them a card thanking them for what they have given you. Let them know that you are grateful for the provisions they have given you through God. God is using them to care for you, it is a blessing to be able to give them thanks.

Materials: Various Arts and craft supplies, construction or cardstick paper, crayons, glue

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Sometimes we do what we see others around us doing. Sometimes we follow after the things we see on TV or the friends at school. God wants us to follow Him because He knows what is best for each of us. This week we will see how the Israelites began following the wrong way and had to learn that God =’s way was best. It’s amazing how God knows us so well!

1 Kings 18 Philippians 4:19



God knows what we need and he knows what is best for us. When we use something other than God as a way to make us feel better or loved, we are replacing God with an idol. Idols can be made of stone but they can also be other objects, people, or places. An idol is anything we use to replace God. Listen to the following scenarios and determine if God is being worshiped or an idol.

-You are feeling down so you open your bible to hear an uplifting scripture.

-You are feeling lonely so you call as many friends as you can until someone answers.

-You are not really hungry but you are bored so you get an unhealthy snack from the fridge.

-You want to play video games but you choose to help a neighbor who is asking for help.

-Your friend is feeling down so you tell them of a great new show they should watch.

-Your friend is feeling down so you go visit them to talk and listen to them.

-Your friend is going on a really cool trip, so you begin looking for great places you can visit.

-You had a really hard week at school so you decide to spend Friday night in worship with God.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week 1 Kings 18 

How many years passed before the Lord told Elijah to go to King Ahab? (3 years)

What was Obediah afraid to tell the king? (that he found Elijah, because if Elijah disappeared again, King Ahab would have killed him)

What did Elijah say was the reason for the trouble in Israel? (Ahab’s disobedience and following Baals)

What did Elijah say they needed to do?(Decide who is God and then follow him, but not go between the two.)

What did the prophets of Baal do to call get their god to answer? (danced around the altar, shout, cut themselves)

What did Elijah do to call upon God? (set up the altar and prayed for God to answer so they would know who was the true God)

Why did Elijah use 12 stones? (They represented the twelve tribes of Israels)

 How did God answer Elijah? (He sent fire from heaven that consumed the altar, water, wood, and stones)

What did God send, after the prophets of Baal were gone? (Rain)


In our story for this week we see that God answered Elijah’s prayer to send fire down to consume the altar and all the water surrounding it. God answered Elijah’s prayer because He knew what the people of Israel needed. They needed rain, but they also need to be reminded that He was the one true God. He was the only God worthy of their worship and praise.


Create 2 areas making a circle from string or use 2 medium size bowls, these will represent the 2 altars that were built, and make a Start line (a few feet back). Think about the activities you engage in every day or on some days. Some of the things we do glorify God and show that He is sovereign in our lives. Then there are other activities that may be against what God wants for us, or take our attention away from His voice. Read the daily activity on the attached cards, if the activity glorifies God, then throw a bean on the altar of God. If the activity belongs to a false god, then toss a bean on the altar of the false god. When you have completed all the cards, read back over the cards for worshiping the God of Heaven and add additional activities you do each day to glorify Him.

Materials: 2 medium bowls or string, beans, printed cards


God knows what is best for our lives. He is our creator and He knows what we need now and in the future. He wants us to realize that He is all we need. He has a perfect plan for us and He is able to give us everything we need. The people of Israel needed rain, but they first needed to realize they needed the Provider of the rain above everything else. Listen to the list of items and decide what the best use is for each item. 

Materials: printed list of items and uses

Independent activity:

watch this video about No God but God.

Create a picture of 2 altars, one to the God of heaven and one to a false god. Think of something you use or have that takes up a lot of your time and energy. On the top of your false god altar write words that describe what you give to that idol and what you think you get from it. For example if you named your false god altar “cell phone” you might write the following words on top of the idol: time, attention, money, security, acceptance, protection, safety. Continue with your altar to God. You might write the following words on your altar to God: time, money, love, etc. Write as much or as little as you would like. Look at your completed activity and decide if your false god is being used to replace the One true Godin your life.

Materials: device to watch video, sheet of construction paper, pencil, markers or crayons




Create an altar by cutting out 12 rocks, craft sticks, blue, red and orange tissue paper. Place pieces of blue tissue paper on the bottom, place the 12 rocks stacked on top of each other. Then place the craft sticks on top of the rocks and then the red and orange tissue paper on the top to show fire coming down from heaven. On the top of the page write “Lord God of Israel, let it be known this day that you are God”

Materials: construction paper, craft sticks, tissue paper (blue, red and orange), writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Have you ever heard someone say when something worked out in their favor that it was a ‘good coincidence’? As Christians we believe that things do not happen in our favor just by coincidence but by God’s plan. God knows what is best for us, even when it seems like everything is going wrong, God is still in control. He knows exactly what we need and he provides for all our needs.

Read Philippians 4:19. It says that our God is able to supply all our needs according to the riches of his glory in Jesus Christ.

How much of our needs does God say He will provide?

In what manner does he supply our needs?

How does knowing God will take care of our needs help us be bold and trust Him?

What is a need you think is most important?

Have you ever seen God provide for that need?

God knows what is best for each one of us. He knows each one of us by name and He can supply all of your needs. God provided for all of Elijah’s needs. God provided a shelter and protection from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel; He provided food from the ravens and water from the brook; God provided fellowship with the widow and her son; and God provided an answer to Elijahs prayer to show the people of Israel who was God. 

Practical Application at Home

We can remember to be filled with God’s goodness each day in the activities that we do. When we are filled with the thoughts and actions of God, we have allowed ourselves to be filled with his goodness. Think about some of the things you think about or do every day that take up most of your time. Write several things on each rock. Now, we will fill this pitcher of water using the small cup filled with water. For each cup you pour into the large pitcher, name something about God’s character. For example: “God deserves priority in my life because he is…” Now that we have filled the pitcher to the rim with the goodness of God, let’s put your rock in the pitcher. What happened? The water overflowed out of the pitcher. When we filled our lives with other things we lost some of the goodness that filled us. We should be careful about the things we allow to take priority in our lives so we have not filled ourselves with more of the time consuming things, rather than with God’s goodness.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Welcome to week 3! We’ve seen Elijah tell King Ahab about the drought, be fed by ravens and a widow with no food, and build an altar God answered with fire! Elijah saw amazing things happen. Even though he saw all those things with his own eyes, he still became discouraged. This week we will see how God spoke to Elijah to encourage him!

1 kings 19, John 10:27



Listening is a skill that we develop and use everyday. Sometimes we listen well and sometimes we do not. We are going to see how well you are able to use your listening skills. We both have the same cut-out shapes that we will use to arrange in different ways. Sit back to back and have one person describe where to arrange the shapes to make a picture or arrangement. Both the speaker and the listener should arrange their shapes at the same time in order to compare later. Once the speaker is finished giving directions, have the listener look at the speakers arrangement to see if it matches with their own. Switch places and have the listener become the speaker.

How well did you do? Were you able to get your pictures to look the same. Being a good listener takes skill but your partner also has to be a good communicator. Today we are reading further into the story of Elijah. God has shown Elijah that He will provide and give the right words to say. Yet after a great victory, Elijah becomes afraid. God speaks to Elijah and Elijah has to listen. Let’s read our story to see what happens with Elijah next.

Read or listen to 1 kings 19

What did Jezebel want to do after she heard about the prophets of Baal’s death? (she told Elijah she would do the same to him before the next day.)

What did Elijah do in response to Jezebel’s threat? (He ran for his life into the wilderness)

What did the angel give Elijah? (food and water)

When Elijah got to mount Horeb, what did God ask Elijah? (What doest though here?)

How did the Lord pass by Elijah on the mount? (in a quiet voice)

What did God tell Elijah?(that he has 7,000 faithful followers in Israel, to anoint kings over Syria and Israel, and to anoint Elisha to be prophet)


God is compassionate on Elijah and speaks to him in a way that calms and reassures Elijah that God is still with him. God is patient with us as well. He wants us to be assured that He is still there and wants to comfort us when we are afraid or unsure. God did not get upset with Elijah for his weakness but instead comforted him with what he needed most.


Do the following science activity to show sound. Use a bowl, wrapped tightly in saran wrap, uncooked rice, and a metal pan with a metal spoon. After you wrap the top of the bowl with Saran Wrap, place a handful of grains of rice onto the tight Saran Wrap. Then bang the spoon against the metal pan. Experiment moving the clanging pan near and far from the bowl of rice. What do you observe? The rice moves as you bang the pan closer to is and the rice doesn’t move as much the farther away you go. This is due to sound waves. The amount of banging hasn’t changed but the how far the sound is able to travel determines how well it is heard. Isn’t it that way with God sometimes? The closer we are to God, the easier it seems to hear him. If you are unable to complete the experiment you can watch the demonstration here.

Materials: metal bowl, Saran Wrap, bowl, rice, metal spoon


Read the following scriptures. The bible talks about wind, fire, and earthquakes in other times. Sort the following scriptures into groups according to the weather it describes.

Materials: printed scriptures cut into strips, scissors

Independent activity:

Elijah needed encouragement. Even though Elijah had just experienced victory with God at the altar, He became discouraged. He felt as if he was the only believer left! God wants us to be encouraged and to continue to walk in faith. God helped Elijah in his time of need, just as He wants to help us when we feel discouraged. Using index cards, create a set of scripture encouragement cards. Write each of the following scriptures on an index card. Hole punch the corners of the index cards and place a loose binder ring to keep them all together. Use these scripture reminder cards when you are feeling discouraged to remember that God can encourage you. Add more scriptures to the pack as you continue to read and learn your bible.

Materials: index cards, binder ring, pen or pencil.




Create a spin wheel to show the different ways God showed his power. Using 2 paper plates, cut 1/4 triangular piece out of one paper plate. On the uncut paper plate divide the plate in 1/4 sections. In each section write the power God showed and write yes or no if God was in that power. Put both plates together using a metal brad in the middle of each paper plate. Decorate the top plate and write: “God in a still small voice”

Materials: large craft sticks, glue or hot glue, small pebbles


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



When Elijah was on the mountain, God sent the strong wind, the earthquake, fire and then a whisper. Elijah saw all these things happen in front of him and saw the power of the wind, the strength of the earthquake and fire, yet He knew that God was not in those things. Then when Elijah heard the still small voice, he knew that was God speaking to him. 

Read John 10:27. It says “My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me”.

How did Elijah know God’s voice was in the still small whisper?

How can we know God’s voice?

How can we be sure we are hearing from God and not from the enemy?

Share a time you felt God speak to you.

If you hear God’s voice, will you follow him?

What does the verse mean when it says “and I know them”?

In what ways does the Bible say God knows you?

Practical Application at Home

Think about what it means to have a shepherd. Shepherds are there to protect and care for the sheep. The sheep know exactly who their shepherd is, and follow after him. The shepherd will call to the sheep, and the sheep will come running to the shepherds voice. Watch this video of a pastor trying to call this young boys sheep, and see what happens.

Jesus says He is our good shepherd. He says his sheep know his voice and they follow him. We can be sheep that follow after Jesus, He to wants to love, care, and protect us. We can know God’s voice by reading and listening to his Word, the Bible. The bible is God speaking to us, giving us His words! When we know the Bible we can hear what God speaking to us. Sometimes we listen to so many other voices from the TV or people around us, that we have a hard time knowing what is from God. Read the following statements below and determine if it is the truth God is speaking to you or if it is a false statement that is not from God.  

-Call to me and I will answer you (Jeremiah 33:3)

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you (Jeremiah 29:11)

That was a terrible mistake, I can’t forget it.

Abide in me and I in you (15:

Whoever comes to me, I will never drive them away (John6:37)

You are not good enough

We are his workmanship, created to do good works (Ephesians 2:10)

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (Joshua 1:9

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28

I forgive you this time, but I won’t forgive you next time.

Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life. (John 8:12)

There is a limit to my love

I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)

I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die (John 11:25)

I love you when you obey

I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20)

Notice all the statements without scripture are not God’s word speaking to you. Those are false statements used to deceive us. Cross out those statements and replace them with the following.

I have loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3

You will again have compassion on us, You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all of our iniquities into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19)

As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:12)

While we were still sinners, Christ died. (Romans 5:8)

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10

Elijah heard God’s voice and followed him. We can hear Gods voice and follow him as well. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Have you ever seen something unbelievable with your own eyes? Maybe you’ve seen a shooting star. Maybe you’ve seen a mama bear with her cubs. Maybe you have seen a double rainbow. God wants to show us amazing things. God did something amazing with Elijah that Elisha was able to witness. This week we will see how God can show us amazing things!

2 Kings 2. John 14:12



God did amazing things that we read about in the Bible and God is still doing amazing things today. We also get to witness amazing acts of God from miracles He preforms in our lives and in the lives of others. Think of a time you have seen God do something amazing in your life. Tell what God did and why it was amazing! Take time to share stories of what God has done for each of you that was amazing. 

It is important to hear each other’s stories. We are able to pass on God’s miracles which help others with their faith. There are many stories in the Bible that have been passed on such as Noah’s ark, Moses, the Israelites leaving Egypt and crossing the red sea, Jacob’s ladder dream, and Jonah in the belly of a whale. These stories are true and are shared to help us see that God is amazing and He can do amazing things. This week we are learning more about Elijah. He has been a faithful servant but now he is much older and tired. God has something special planned for him. Let’s read in our story to see what amazing thing God does with Elijah.

Read or listen to the scripture story in 2 Kings 2

Where did Elijah and Elisha travel to? (Bethel)

Why did Elisha want to stay with Elijah the entire trip? (He knew the Lord was about to take away his master)

What places did God send Elijah and Elisha followed him? (Bethel, Jericho, Jordan)

How did God take Elijah? (A chariot of fire, and horses of fire that took Elijah up by a whirlwind into heaven)

What did Elisha ask to have of Elijah’s? (A double portion of Elijah’s spirit upon him)

What came upon the 42 children that mocked Elisha? (2 she bears)


In our story for this week, Elijah has finished his work on earth and God has found the person who will continue on His work. God has given Elijah a man who will continue to tell the people God’s words. Elisha is willing to do this and has asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Elisha knows that God has been with Elijah and he wants God to be with him as well.


When someone continues the work you have started it can be hard to let go but it can also allow for more creativity. Just as God planned to have Elisha continue on after Elijah’s time on earth was finished, today we will continue each others work. Create a story together by starting a story and allowing the next person to continue telling the story. You can do this activity by writing down the story or just saying it aloud. Have multiple people participate or just 2 people. One person starts a story by saying the opening story sentence (or 2 depending on how many people participate), then the next person must continue on with the story by adding another sentence (or 2). Continue around the circle or between 2 people until the story is told and the final person says the end.

Materials: your imagination


Fill a very shallow glass bowl with water. Place a few M&M’s or Skittles into the bowl with the M or S facing up. Be sure the water is completely covering the candy. Watch the bowl for several minutes. What happens? Do you see the color bleed off the candy, but the letters float to the top! That’s pretty incredible! In the Bible God did amazing things that people were able to witness. Elisha witnessed Elijah being taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire! That would be incredible to watch!

Materials: M&M’s or Skittle candies, glass bowl, water

Independent activity:

Create a picture of what God did for Elijah and what God will do for us one day. Take a sheet of construction paper and fold it in half. On one half day Elijah being taken to heaven the the chariot of fire. Write at the top “Elijah taken to heaven”. On the other half of the sheet, draw a picture of what you think it will be like when Jesus comes back to take us to heaven. At the top of this picture draw “______(your name) taken to heaven”

Materials: Construction paper, crayons, pencil, markers




Complete the following Elijah and his chariot craft. Print the chariot and Elijah and follow the directions to color, cut, fold and glue the chariot together. 

Materials: White cardstock, Chariot Pattern, Paper Brads, Hole Punch, Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils, Glue, Cotton Balls 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Elijah was God’s messenger. He delivered God’s word to His people. The people of Israel did not always listen and they did not always obey God, but Elijah was faithful to bring them God’s words. There were times when the people of Israel would then turn away from their idols and back toward God because of the message they had received. God calls us to be His messengers as well.

Have you ever had an opportunity to share God’s love with someone?

How can you share God when you are at school?

When we are following God, who should we focus on?

How does focusing on God and not the people around you, help you be faithful?

How can we be as faithful as Elijah?

Read John 14:12-14. Jesus told his disciples that they would do even greater things than he had done, if they asked in His name, He would do it. We can ask God for the strength we need to be His messengers and share His love with others. If we are asking in Jesus name, He will give us what we need. That is incredible! Just as Elisha continued on after Elijah, God wants us to continue on in His name.

Practical Application at Home

God took Elijah to heaven in a fiery chariot. When Elisha saw this he must have been amazed at such an incredible event! There is another incredible event coming that will involve us. Jesus said that he is coming again to take those who believe in Him to heaven! How incredible! Jesus said “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send out the angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky.” (Mark 13:26 &27). 1 Thessalonians 4:16 &17 says “16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the archangel’s voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord.” What an incredible event that will be! Jesus will return and take us to be where He is. That’s great news we should share with everyone! God did incredible things long ago, He still does incredible things today, and He will do incredible things in the future!

Draw a picture of what you think Jesus’ return will look like. The Bible says He will return in the clouds. Be sure to add clouds to your picture. In each of your clouds, write the incredible things that will be waiting for you in heaven.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





We are each made unique with our own special skills and talents God has given us. What are some things you enjoy doing and do very well? God designed you that way! We can know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Psalm 139



What are some things that are special to you? What makes them special? God designed each of us special. Let’s look at how God made each of us. As a family, look at the different features you each have. Compare your eyes, hair color, skin color, height, talents and interests. Are all of us exactly the same? No we are not, and yet we are all in the same family. We may have things that are similar like the same eye color or hair color, but there are things that are different as well. We may also have different interest and skills. The skills or talents that you have are not by accident but by God’s design. He made you for a purpose and knows exactly how you can use those talents. 

God is proud of His creation of you! Have you ever created something you were really proud of? Some people might call their creation a masterpiece. Let’s look at some pictures of things people have considered a masterpiece.

God considers you His masterpiece, and that means you are wonderfully made.

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 139

Who wrote Psalm 139? (David)

Name a place where David said that God is present? (Heaven, Sheol, eastern horizon, western limits, darkness, light.

When did God know you? (Before we formed)

Tell one of the ways the Psalms describes how God created us. (In our mothers womb, wonderfully, in the depths of the earth)

Does God know what our future will be? (“All my days were written in your book before one of them began”)

What did the psalmist compare God’s thoughts to? (The number of grains of sands)

What did the psalmist want God to search? (His heart to see if there was anything offensive in him)


It is wonderful to know that God knows exactly who I am. It is also wonderful to know that no matter where we are, God is there. We can not find a place where God is not present there. He even knew us before we were born! God saw us before we were made and knew all of our days to come. We are not here by accident, we were a part of God’s plan. That makes you a wonderful creation! 


God knew exactly what you would like and the talents you would have from before you were born. Use this attached person outline to decorate it to look like you. Then complete the “I am” and “I can” statements about yourself. Who has God designed you to be and what are some things He has designed you to do.

Materials: printed “I am and I can self picture”, pencil, crayons or colored pencils


God is a master creator. He did not create anything by accident but it is all a part of His plan. God created humans to design as well. We have the ability to design and create things that we often call a masterpiece. God can create anything from nothing, just by speaking. We create new things from existing things. Look at the following pictures and decide which masterpiece was created by humans and which were created by God. The things God has created, man can not duplicate.

Materials: pictures of God or Man creations

Independent activity:

God created each of us with a purpose. Complete the following activity sheet. God put us together, you can put together the bone skeleton. Write the ways God has made your hair, skin, and eyes unique and special.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayon, scissors, glue, construction paper




Use a piece of construction paper to cut out at large heart. On a black sheet of paper, glue small pieces of colorful construction paper in various places on the paper to make it look like patchwork. Using the person cutout, trace the outline onto the patched black construction paper and then cut it out. Glue the patchwork person to the center of the cutout heart. Along the top of the heart write “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139:14.

Materials: •Blank person cutout, construction paper in various colors including black, glue, scissors, markers 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What makes you wonderful?

Does God know if you are sitting or standing right now?

How does it make you feel to know that wherever you go, God is there?

Have you ever been lost?

Did you want your mom, dad or someone you knew to know where to find you?

Did it take them a long time to find you?

Did God know where you were the entire time?

We were wonderfully made by God, He has not forgotten us. He knows us better than anyone. He knows the things we like and what we are good at. You can trust that God has a plan for you because He knew you before you were born and he knew all your days before 1 came to be. That makes you wonderful. 

Practical Application at Home

God made us as His masterpiece and he gave us the ability to create things as well. A masterpiece is something incredible that someone creates, which could be anything. You could create a masterpiece of food, music, art, or writing. Look at the following examples and try to create your own masterpiece or recreate their masterpiece. As a family, try to create something together that you all can call your masterpiece.

Poem: Write your own cinquain poem. (See an example here)

1st line: one word (a noun or subject of the poem)

2nd line: two words (adjectives to describe noun or subject in line 1)

3rd line: three words (-ing action verbs related to subject in line 1)

4th line: four words (phrase or sentence to show feelings about subject in line 1)

5th line: one word ( a synonym about subject in line 1, sums up it all up)

Music: Create a new song using an instrument you can play or are learning to play. Give your new song a title, praising God for the gift He’s given you of music.

Art: See the following how to videos that give step by step instructions on how to create the picture.

pig drawing- (preschool):

bubble gum drawing- (elementary):

Food: Try this recipe at home with your family: (7 layer bars) (mini fruit pizzas)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


I AM Protected



When it is storming outside, where do you go for protection? When you ride your bike, what do you use for protection? When you ride in your car, what do you use to help keep you safe? We use lots of things for our protection and safety. This week we will see that God keeps us safe because He watches over us all the time

Psalm 23



We all follow directions every day. Sometimes it is easy to follow instructions and sometimes it's hard. Following directions helps to keep us know what to do and stay safe. Let’s play a game to practice following directions. Play one or both of the following videos and dance along, following the directions of the leader.

Was it easy or hard to follow the directions of the leader. Today we are listening to a poem written by David about being a shepherd. David was a shepherd before becoming king of Israel. He gave the sheep instructions and the sheep obeyed him. David didn’t tell the sheep what to do because he just wanted to be bossy, he did it to keep the sheep safe. David knew the best place to go and find good grass to eat. David also knew the sheep needed to have a drink of water everyday so he would take them to a nice place of still water. He wanted to protect the sheep from wild animals so he would have to call the sheep to gather together in order to keep them safe from an attack. The sheep obeyed David and would stay safe. God is our Good shepherd. He wants to protect us and keep us safe too. Sometimes that means following directions even when we don’t understand, or when we don’t want to. God knows what is best and He wants to keep us safe. 

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 23

Who wrote Psalm 23? (David)

What was the poem describing God to be? (A shepherd)

Who was David describing himself to be in the poem? (A sheep)

Name 3 things the Shepherd did for his sheep in this poem? (protected, fed, cared for, loved)

How does a rod and staff comfort a sheep? (It gives protection which makes the sheep safe)

How does God protect you?

What did David say would follow him all the days of his life? (Goodness and faithful love)

Where did David say he would dwell for the rest of his life? (In the house of the Lord)


God is our shepherd and He wants to lead us in our life. He has a plan for us because He created us. We can know that we are safe because God is leading us. He cares for you!


Let’s pretend we are shepherds who need to herd our sheep. Let’s act out Psalm 23 by leading our sheep to water, grass or giving them instructions to lay down. When we read a part in the Psalms, you will do the action with your ballon-sheep. Blow up several white balloons to be sheep. Help your child by giving them things to say when its time to call the sheep like “TaHoo” (come) “LaLa” (lay down) “ouww” (gather close) etc. Alternative: use crumpled white tissue paper or grocery bags filled with paper.

Materials: White balloons, small stick


Listen to this read aloud story The Lord is my Shepherd

Materials: Device to watch video


Using the printed activity sheet, cut and color the sheep. Add small amounts of stretched out cotton balls to create wool to attach to each sheep. Glue the sheep to craft sticks to create puppets. Then color the background page. Using the puppets and the background page, retell Psalm 23, using the puppets as the story is retold.

Materials: Printed activity sheet, scissors, craft stick, crayons




Create this shepherds rod. Print the attached rod and the verses. Color each verse attachment and the shepherds rod. Cut out each piece and attach the scripture verses in order onto the rod. Reread the psalm together.

Materials: Printed shepherds rod and Psalm 23 verses, crayons or colored pencils, scissors, glue 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Does God watch over you?

Do you think God ever takes a break or sleeps when you sleep?

What do you have that you need to protect?

What are some things that make you sing?

How can we praise God for His protection?

Have you ever seen God protect you or your family?

Practical Application at Home

We are safe because God watches over us. God is able to protect us from any situation because He is more powerful than anything. Sometimes God protects us by keeping us from getting hurt, and sometimes God protects us even though we get hurt. God is watching over us all the time, we can never go so far that He is not with us. God knows what is best and He has a plan for each of us. He wants us to be with him forever in heaven! God watches over you no matter what happens, He will always be there. 

Listen to these places and tell whether you think God can watch over you there.

-at your friends house

-on the playground at school

-at church

-in your classroom 

-when you are riding your bike

-while you hike in a park

-while watching a movie

-playing basketball with friends

-at your soccer game

-during a storm

-when you are sleeping in a new place

-on your walk to school

-driving in your car

God is with us everywhere we go! We are safe because God watches over us. God knows what is best for us.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Have you ever played a game of tag, at night? What do you need in order to find everyone? A light! A source of light will help you see where you are running and it also helps you find the other players. This week we will see how God’s light can help guide us through life and keep us on the right path.

Psalm 119:101-105



I have an object behind my back. I am going to describe it, and I want to see if you can guess what it is. (Give several clues, but make it hard for them to guess) Now I want you to close your eyes and feel the object. Tell me what you think the object is. Now open your eyes. Did you guess the object correctly? It was hard to guess correctly when your eyes were closed and when it was hidden from you, right? If there was light on the object and your eyes were opened, it would have been easier to guess correctly. We can be sure of what is right and wrong when we allow God to lead us. He will light the way so we can see the right choices we should make. This week we will learn how God can lead us. Let’s continue reading in Psalms, our book of praise!

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 119:101-105

Where did the Psalmist keep his feet? (From every evil path)

Who did the Psalmist want to follow? (God’s word)

Who gives us instruction? (God)

The Psalmist compares God’s word to the sweetness of honey. What would you compare God’s sweet words to?

What did the Psalmist hate? (Every false way)

Complete the rest of verse 105: Your word is a ______ to my ______ and a _______ on my _____.


The Psalmist described God’s word as a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. God’s word is the Bible. There, God gives instructions on how to live, how to treat others, and it tells of God’s love for us. We can read God’s words and apply them to our lives by practicing doing what it says. In that way, we are allowing God’s words to light our path and we are walking in the light. 


God’s light can guide us in the right direction, we just need to follow it. I am going to hide an object somewhere in this room. I want you to find it by following my guiding light. Stand in the beam of light from the flashlight and each time the light moves, move back into the circle of light as well. (Have child stay within the beam of light. Move the light a few feet, then stop and wait for them to stand back into the light. Continue to move the light a few feet at a time until you reach the hidden object for them to find.)

Materials: Flashlight, object to hide


Go on an evening walk or early morning walk. Take a flashlight. Talk about how Jesus is our source of light. When it is dark and we don’t know which way to go, God will always light our path and be our source of light. Turn on your flashlight during your walk to show how the light helps you see where you are going.

Materials: Flashlight

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Look at pictures, some give off light and some do not. Color the objects that give off light.

Materials: Printed pictures, flashlight




Create a small lantern. Using a small clear plastic container (or a small mason jar) and a small tea light. Decorate the outside of the lantern with stickers and markers. Then add the small tea light to the center. Close the container with the lid if desired.

Materials: Small clear plastic container or mason jar, battery operated tea light, stickers, markers 


Craft 2

Make a paper lantern. Follow the instruction on this website to create your own paper lantern. 

Materials: a clear plastic cup, a battery operated tealight, colored paper, 2 small strips of the same color paper, a pipe cleaner, Stickers or other decorations, a stapler and some scissors. 


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring page, crayons, coloring pencils


What are other things that give light?

Does the Bible give light?

How can the words from the Bible act as a light for you each day?

If light makes a walking path easier to see, what does darkness do?

What are some things that happen when you try to walk in darkness?

How can God lead you?

What are some ways you can follow God this week?

To keep from stumbling in the darkness we can read God’s bible to see His directions for us. God does not want us to stumble around in the darkness but follow Him. We can find his instructions on how to live in His word, the Bible. 

Practical Application at Home

God can lead us in many different situations and no matter where we are. God has a path for us that we can be sure is right because we are following God.

Create a pathway for toy cars to drive along. Using Lego bricks, building blocks, or any other material to create a pathway for the cars to follow. What is it like to follow a path? We must stay on the path and not veer off because we might crash our car or get hurt. Would it be harder to keep our car on the path if it were dark? Continue to play with the cars and path, discussing how God wants to lead us on the path He knows is best for us. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


I AM Forgiven



Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever done something wrong on purpose? We have all done things we should not have done whether on purpose or on accident. Sometimes we want to keep it a secret so no one else will know. God wants to know even the bad things that we do because He loves us! This week we will see what God does with our mistakes.

Psalm 32



Have you ever made a mistake? We all make mistakes even when we try really hard not to. Today, I am going to make some mistakes and I want to see if you can figure out what my mistakes are.

-Write their name misspelled (or call them by the wrong name)

-sing the ABC’s, skip a few letters

-Tell them the days of the week in the wrong order

-Sing Jesus Loves me to a different tune

-count to 10 in the wrong order

-Miscount the number of pillows (or another object) in the room

-Tell every family member’s birthday, say their birthday wrong

Did I make any mistakes? Yes I did! Those were small little mistakes that I made on accident, but we all make mistakes. Some of our mistakes are big, some are small, some are on accident and some are really bad choices we do on purpose. Those mistakes are called sins. We all sin so we don’t have to hide our sins or keep them a secret. The bible tells us about how God feels about our sins and what He does with them. Let’s read in Psalms to see what the Psalmist said about sins. 

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 32

Who write Psalm 32? (David)

What is this Psalm about? (Forgiveness)

How does the Psalmist describe how someone feels when they’ve been forgiven? (Joyful)

How does the Psalmist describe the feeling of when he kept silent? (His bones were brittle, God’s hand was heavy)

What do you think he means when he says his bones were brittle?

When does the Psalmist say we should pray to God? (Any time)

Why does David describe God as his hiding place? (Because God is his protection and his Deliverer)


This week we learned that we all mistakes and sometimes we do wrong things on purpose. Even though we are not perfect, God loves us just the way we are. We can be sure that we are forgiven when we confess our sins, or wrongdoings. When God forgives us he does not remind us of our sins later on, nor does he keep track of how many times we make the same mistakes. God loves you!


Using a piece of foam, cut out a heart. Have the child draw on the foam heart with washable markers. After the child is finished coloring the heart, give them a wet washcloth to then clean the foam heart. God forgives our sins. He wants to forgive the wrong things we have done. Just like you washed away your drawing, God washes away your sins. Optional Alternative: cut a heart from construction paper and place inside a plastic ziplock bag. Cut the bag along the outline of the heart and tape the outline of the plastic with duck tape or masking tape to keep plastic securely around heart. Similar to a laminated heart

Materials: sheet of foam, washable markers, cleaning cloth Optional: construction paper, ziplock bag or laminate paper, duck tape


Play dough confessions. Using a ball of play-dough, shape the dough into a picture form of a sin they’ve committed this week. Demonstrate that after we pray for forgiveness, our sins are no longer remembered by God. Flatten the play dough and then reform it into the shape of a heart or the cross. God wants to forgive our sins when we tell him about our them. He forgives us and then forgets them.

Materials: Play-dough

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create a forgiving tree. Trace your chid’s handprint and a part of their arm using brown construction paper, to create a tree trunk and branches. Cut out the tree and glue it to a piece of construction paper. Then cut out leaves using different colored construction paper. Glue some of the leaves on the trees and some of the leaves on the ground. Have your child write, or tell you, how they feel when they are forgive (joyful, clean, peaceful, etc.). Write their sins that have been forgiven on the leaves at the bottom of the tree. When God forgives our sins He does not hold on to them and remind us of them later on. They are gone, just like leaves that fall from a tree that blow away. 

Materials: Construction paper in various colors including brown, scissors, glue, pencil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Have you ever not obeyed your parents?

Have you ever treated your brother or sister badly?

Have you ever said anything that was not true?

Have you ever done anything that you have needed to be forgiven?

How many times will God forgive us of our sins?

How do you know God has forgiven your sins?

Practical Application at Home

Read 1John 1:9. It says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. 

The scripture didn’t say He would forgive us of our small sins, or the ones that don’t hurt others. It says that He will forgive us of all our sins and cleanse us of our unrighteousness. We can trust that God forgives us when we confess to Him. God already knows our sins, but when we acknowledge or confess that sin to Him, we are admitting our wrong and desire to change. Let’s do the following activity to show how God forgives us of our sin and also cleans us so that it is forgotten.

NOTE: ADULT NEEDED for this demonstration. This demonstration uses bleach that should be handled by an adult. Use safety measures including gloves, mask and goggles to ensure safety.

Fill a small glass container with water and several drops of food coloring. This coloring represents our sins. When we ask to be forgiven, God will forgive and cleanse us. Using a dropper filled with bleach, squeeze several drops of bleach into the water. Notice the water has changed from a color to being clear! God can wash away our sins and restore us to His righteousness. If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us and purify us. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


I AM Bold



What’s that noise? Did you see that? Wait, did something just move? Wether you are afraid of the bug at your feet, the snake hiding in the grass or the shadows outside, we have nothing to fear. Our God is bigger than our fears and we can trust that He is with us. We don’t need to be afraid, the God of the Universe is on our side. This week let’s see what the Bible says about our fears.

Psalm 56



Can you make a sound that you think might be scary? Can you make a face that you think is a scary face? Can you make a sound that you think sounds pleasant or nice? Can you make a face that looks pleasant? What about a dance that seems scary? Can you make a face that looks sad? Can you sing a song that sounds angry? There are things around us that give us many emotions. We might see a kitten that makes us feel happy or a picture that makes us feel frightened. We might hear a song that makes us feel sad or see parents fighting that makes us feel nervous. Being scared is a feeling we have sometimes when we are unsure of what is going to happen next, or if we think we are in danger. We are all scared sometimes of different things.

Listen to the scenarios I give and hold up your smiley face if its something that makes you feel happy. Hold up the scared face if it is something that would make you feel afraid.

-sleeping in my bed at night

-listening to the rain fall on the roof 

-seeing a puppy dog

-spending the night away from home

-eating something new

-speaking in front of a large crowd

-singing up front at church

-eating a bowl of ice cream

-going for a swim in the pool

-roasting marshmallows in a fire pit

-camping outside under the stars

Materials: printed smiley and scared emoji faces

This week we are learning that God can be trusted so we do not need to be afraid. Let’s read our Psalms for this week and see what David says when he is afraid.

Let’s first read Samuel 21:10-22:10, then read Psalm 56 to see how David overcame his fear.

Where did David go to flee? (To the king of Gath)

The king of Gath’s servants recognized David so what did David do? (Changed his behavior and acted mad)

Where did David escape to? (The cave of Adullam)

During this time David wrote the psalm expressing how powerful God is and that he would no longer be afraid.

David said “When I am afraid I will….” (Trust in you, God)

David trusted that since God was with him, his enemies would do what? (Turn back)

In verse 11 David says “In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can ____ do to me? (Man)

Who did David believe was stronger than His enemies?


David was afraid of the King of Gath and hid in a cave. Then he remembered that God was more powerful than any earthly king so he did not have any reason to fear. Our lives are in God’s hands. We don’t need to fear anything around us, or even an person because is more powerful than any of those things. God is sovereign over everything, that means there is nothing that happens that is out of His power. We can trust God is in control.


Play a game of darts. Print the target paper or make one and color it in. Then take feathers or rolled pieces of paper, and place tape on the end of the feather or paper to create a narrow point. Have the child throw the dart at the target paper and see if they can get any to stick. Our bible verse said that when we trust God we don’t need to be afraid. What can man do to us when God is on our side? We threw all of these darts toward the target, but did any of them stick? We don’t need to be afraid of the darts hitting us! We can trust God to be with us!

Materials: Printed target or handmade one, homemade darts from feathers or rolled paper, tape


God can protect us from danger or harm. We can trust that He is with us, so we don’t need to be afraid. Let’s practice giving protection by creating a protective case for an egg. Get a cup, an egg, newspaper, and tape. Using those items create a protective covering for your egg. Once your egg is secure, do the following activities while holding your egg to ensure your protective covering works. 1. Hop on 1 foot 2. Run to the front door 3. Skip around in a circle 4.

Materials: An egg, a plastic cup, newspaper, tape

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create an “I am not afraid” creature. Using a white sheet of paper, draw different types of vertical lines from one end of the paper to the next (about 10-15 lines). Use a black crayon or pastel chalk paints to make the lines squiggly, some zigzag, some swirls, etc. Color each section between the lines with different colors of watercolor paint. Once the paint has dried, cut the paper into a dome shape by round out the 2 top edges of the paper. Add 2 googly eyes or use black and white construction paper. On a black sheet of construction paper, write with a white crayon “I am not afraid because God is with me” and attach it to the front of the creature.

Materials: White cardstock, Chariot Pattern, Paper Brads, Hole Punch, Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils, Glue, Cotton Balls 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some things you are afraid of?

When you are afraid, is God near?

What can you do to ask God for help when you are afraid?

Can you trust God?

Who else has God given you that you can trust?

Practical Application at Home

We all get afraid of things sometimes. When we are afraid we don’t have to stay scared but we can continue on by trusting God. He wants to care for us and He doesn’t want us to be afraid. What usually drives our fear is thinking it will cause us great harm or even death. But we do not need to be afraid because Jesus has already conquered death. When God is on our side we don’t have anything to fear. We can trust that God will take care of us in the way He knows is best.

Listen to these statements of affirmation. When I say the statement, you finish it by saying “God can be trusted”.  

-When it is dark at night, I am not afraid because… “God can be trusted”

-When I am at school, I am not afraid because…“God can be trusted”

-When a bully picks on me at school, I am not afraid because…“God can be trusted”

-when there is a storm, I am not afraid because…“God can be trusted”

-When my mom is late to pick me up, I am not afraid because…“God can be trusted”

-when my dad drives me to school, I am not afraid because…“God can be trusted”

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





We are each made unique with our own special skills and talents God has given us. What are some things you enjoy doing and do very well? God designed you that way! We can know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Psalm 139



Let’s play a game of name that tune! Take turns humming songs about God’s goodness, without singing the words. Everyone tries to guess the tune being hummed. After the song is guessed, share why you picked that song and what it means to you. Was it hard or easy to hear the correct tune. Did you hear the reasons everyone gave for why they liked the song they hummed? When we sing songs about God’s goodness we are really singing songs of praise. They are songs that express gratitude and show we are thankful for who God is. This month we are learning about different Psalms which are considered poems or songs of praise. They are songs that speak of who God is and also, what He has done for us. Whether you are a poet or songwriter or not, we can use the Psalms as our own song to God. 

We each have a special skill or talent that God has given us. Perhaps you are a poet and can write your own Psalms. Maybe, you are a musician and you could create a melody for the poetry to create a new song. You might be a singer who can make the song come to life through your voice. Maybe you are good at speaking or being friendly and you can boldly share the psalms with others who need to hear of God’s goodness. We have all been created in a wonderful way to share God’s love. This week we will look at a Psalms that describes how well God knows your talents because He made you wonderfully. 

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 139

Who wrote Psalm 139? (David)

Name a place where David said that God is present? (Heaven, Sheol, eastern horizon, western limits, darkness, light.

When did God know you? (Before we formed)

Tell one of the ways the Psalms describes how God created us. (In our mothers womb, wonderfully, in the depths of the earth)

Does God know what our future will be? (“All my days were written in your book before one of them began”)

What did the psalmist compare God’s thoughts to? (The number of grains of sands)

What did the psalmist want God to search? (His heart to see if there was anything offensive in him)


It is wonderful to know that God knows exactly who I am. It is also wonderful to know that no matter where we are, God is there. We can not find a place where God is not present there. He even knew us before we were born! God saw us before we were made and knew all of our days to come. We are not here by accident, we were a part of God’s plan. That makes you a wonderful creation! 


God has made each one of us unique and one way to show that is through a family talent show. Think of a talent you can share with your family such as singing or playing praise songs, or sharing a poem, or doing a special reading of your favorite scripture. You can even make up your own songs or words of praise. Be creative! God enjoys all forms of worship that are from the heart.

Materials: your talent


God knows everything about you because He created you and saw each one of your days before 1 came to be. But how well does your family know you? Each participant completes an activity sheet answering questions about one person in your family. Then share your answers and see how many are correct. Complete the survey several times changing the person your are answering the questions about.

Materials: printed “do you know me” questionnaires


Creative artwork is often considered a masterpiece. Today you can create an art masterpiece by making unique and creative art. Add food coloring to either homemade or store bought bubbles. Then blow bubbles on a white sheet of paper to create a unique masterpiece. Use various colors and do this activity OUTSIDE!

Materials: Bubbles, food coloring, white paper




Use a piece of construction paper to cut out at large heart. On a black sheet of paper , glue small pieces of colorful construction paper in various places on the paper to make it look like patchwork. Using the person cutout, trace the outline from the patched black construction paper and cut it out. Glue the patchwork person to the center of the cutout heart. Along the top of the heart write “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139:14.

Materials: Blank person cutout, construction paper in various colors including black, glue, scissors, markers


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are Psalms?

What are some of the things Psalm 139 says God know about us?

How does this Psalms describe how we are made?

What are some other things God said are wonderfully made as well?

How does knowing you are wonderfully made help you feel less insecure?

There are some people who constantly want to drastically change the way they look, how does know Psalm 139 help you appreciate the way you were made?

How can you share this good news with someone you know?

God can use your experiences, your mistakes, and your talents to show others His love and peace. We can be satisfied in how we look and the talents we have because we know they were given to us by God. The King of the Universe knows you and designed you with a purpose. You are not here by accident, God knew you before you were formed and knew your days before they even happened. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made.

Practical Application at Home

God made us as His masterpiece and he gave us the ability to create things as well. A masterpiece is something incredible that someone creates, which could be anything. You could create a masterpiece of food, music, art, or writing. Look at the following examples and try to create your own masterpiece or recreate their masterpiece. As a family, try to create something together that you all can call your masterpiece.

Poem: Write your own cinquain poem. (See an example here)

1st line: one word (a noun or subject of the poem)

2nd line: two words (adjectives to describe noun or subject in line 1)

3rd line: three words (-ing action verbs related to subject in line 1)

4th line: four words (phrase or sentence to show feelings about subject in line 1)

5th line: one word ( a synonym about subject in line 1, sums up it all up)

Music: Create a new song using an instrument you can play or are learning to play. Give your new song a title, praising God for the gift He’s given you of music.

Art: See the following how to videos that give step by step instructions on how to create the picture.

pig drawing- (preschool):

bubble gum drawing- (elementary):

Food: Try this recipe at home with your family: (7 layer bars) (mini fruit pizzas)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


I AM Protected



When it is storming outside, where do you go for protection? When you ride your bike, what do you use for protection? When you ride in your car, what do you use to help keep you safe? We use lots of things for our protection and safety. This week we will see that God keeps us safe because He watches over us all the time

Psalm 23; Philippians 4:6-7; 19



David was a shepherd before he became king of Israel. He worked with the sheep caring for them and protecting them. He knew the importance of guarding the sheep because they were unable to defend themselves against predators. If he didn’t pay attention they could be eaten by a wolf or jackal, or they could be bitten by a snake. David’s job as a shepherd was to be sure they ate, they drank water, he healed their wounds and he protect them from predators. God is our Good shepherd. He protects and provides for us. Read the following cards and divide them into groups to determine if the shepherd is protecting his sheep or providing care for them. 

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 23

Who wrote Psalm 23? (David)

What was the poem describing God to be? (A shepherd)

Who was David describing himself to be in the poem? (A sheep)

Name 3 things the Shepherd did for his sheep in this poem? (protected, fed, cared for, loved)

How does a rod and staff comfort a sheep? (It gives protection which makes the sheep safe)

How does God protect you?

What did David say would follow him all the days of his life? (Goodness and faithful love)

Where did David say he would dwell for the rest of his life? (In the house of the Lord)


God is our shepherd and He wants to lead us in our life. He has a plan for us because He created us. We can know that we are safe because God is leading us. He cares for you! That is something worth singing praises about.


There are verses in the Bible that describe the way God protects us. He loves us and wants to keep us safe. That doesn’t mean we will never get hurt, but that God is with us and he knows what is best for us. Look at the following activity sheet that have verses that describe God’s protection. Put the sheep together by matching each passage with the correct scripture and glueing the sheep onto a piece of construction paper.

Materials: Printed activity sheet, scissors, glue, construction paper


God has protected each one of us in big and in small ways. Sometimes we get to see his hand of protections and other times we may be protected without even knowing. Create a timeline of your life, starting with the day you were born. Then add times throughout your life when you know God’s protection was over you or your family. Discuss this with a family member and ask them to share a time when God protected them as well.

Materials: personal stories

Independent activity:

God created animals with a way to protect themselves from predators. A porcupine has needles it can shoot at a predator. A skunk uses a foul odor to chase off its’ predators. An opossum can play dead to trick its predator from harming it. A turtle has a hard shell it can hide inside to keep most predators away. Create a protective shelter for an animal or person. Use popsicle sticks to create the turtle’s octagonal shaped shell. Or design your own protective covering for an animal using materials you have at home such as craft sticks, cardboard, or toothpicks.

Materials: Craft sticks, glue, paper, optional: cardboard, toothpicks, and other art supplies




Create this shepherds rod. Print the attached rod and the verses. Color each verse attachment the color listed and the shepherds rod. Then cut out each piece and attach the scripture verses in order onto the rod. Reread the psalm together.

Materials: Printed shepherds rod and Psalm 23 verses, crayons or colored pencils, scissors, glue


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheets, crayons


Read Philippians 4:6-7; 19

What does this passage say we should worry about?

What things do you worry about?

What should you do with your worries?

When you give your request, or worries to God, what will you have in return?

Who can supply all your needs?

Sometimes we confuse our needs with our wants. We think we need a lot of things and when we don’t get them we worry. Sometimes we worry about how we will get the things that we need or how everything will work out. We don’t always see how everything will work out and we worry about it. Everyone has concerns about the future or even about today, but the Bible says that we should give our worries to him.We can trust that God is watching over us and he will take care of us. 

Practical Application at Home

When we give our worries and concerns to God, the Bible says that we will have peace that passes all understanding. That means that we receive our peace from God so we can trust that God is in control and will always be with us. People who do not have God’s peace will not have the peace of a Mighty God on their side. Listen to the following scenarios and determine if the person has God’s peace or No peace!

-The storm is wild and rages on strong. Sam thanks God for the rain and prays for the protection of his family. He knows that even if he loses his things, God will still be there.

-The storm is wild and rages on strong. Scott is afraid he will lose everything in this storm. He paces back and forth through his house frantically searching for things he can save. He almost forgets to find shelter because he is working so hard to save his stuff. If he were to lose everything he would be so ashamed.

-Phil has a big test at school. He has studied as best he could. He trusts that God will help him recall his answers. Even if he is not successful at his test, He knows God loves him just the way he is, not for the good grades he receives.  He will try his best on his test today.

-Frank has a big test at school. He has studied as best he could. He is counting on this test to help him keep up his good grades. If he is not successful at his test he will have a horrible weekend and be in a bad mood. Keeping good grades is what makes him the most happy.

-Stan is waiting in line at the store when another customer pushes ahead and cuts the line. Stan decides not to get upset but offer a few kind words instead. He remembers the verse he read that morning about loving your enemies and that God loves both of them. 

-Kate has a classmate who has been saying mean things about her to other kids in class as well as to her. The other kids tell Kate to say something mean in return. Although the words have been hurtful, Kate remembers who God says she is and chooses not to believe the lies the girl is telling. She also remembers that a gentle answer turns away anger, so she begins to return the mean words with words of truth and kindness.

-Callie has a classmate who has been saying mean things about her to the other kids in class as well as to her. The other kids tell Callie she should say something mean in return. Callie has an even better idea. She will follow her home after school one day and really show her who is boss. She must put an end to this or else others may begin believing these lies and not want to be her friend. Callie believes she must fight meanness by becoming even more mean in order to win. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Have you ever played a game of tag, at night? What do you need in order to find everyone? A light! A source of light will help you see where you are running and it also helps you find the other players. This week we will see how God’s light can help guide us through life and keep us on the right path.

Psalm 119:101-105 John 8:12



We have different leaders for all types of situations. Leaders guide us to make in our communities and they help make decisions. Listen to the following clues and tell who is the leader.

-This person carries out laws, talks with other nations, and leader of a nation (President)

-Gives instructions to students, helps students learn new information, leader of a classroom (teacher)

-This person makes decisions for a school, instructs teachers, leader of a school (principal)

-This person is in charge of city departments, they help make local laws, leader of a city (mayor)

-This person helps train a team, they decide strategies for winning, leader of a team. (Coach)

-This person directs musicians how to play a song, they set the tempo of a song, leader of an orchestra. (Conductor) 

A leader guides its followers to go in the same direction. We have different leaders in our lives, but our main leader should be God. God wants to lead us and show us the best path for our lives. This week we will read a passage in Psalms and learn how God can lead us.

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 119:101-105

Where did the Psalmist keep his feet? (From every evil path)

Who did the Psalmist want to follow? (God’s word)

Who gives us instruction? (God)

The Psalmist compares God’s word to the sweetness of honey. What would you compare God’s sweet words to?

What did the Psalmist hate? (Every false way)

Complete the rest of verse 105: Your word is a ______ to my ______ and a _______ on my _____.


The Psalmist described God’s word as a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. God’s word is the Bible. There, God gives instructions on how to live, how to treat others, and it tells of God’s love for us. We can read God’s words and apply them to our lives by practicing doing what it says. In that way, we are allowing God’s words to light our path and we are walking in the light. 


God’s light can guide us in the right direction, we just need to follow it. I am going to hide an object somewhere in this room. I want you to find it by following my guiding light. Stand in the beam of light from the flashlight and each time the light moves, move back into the circle of light as well. (Have child stay within the beam of light. Move the light a few feet, then stop and wait for them to stand back into the light. Continue to move the light a few feet at a time until you reach the hidden object for them to find.)

Materials: Flashlight, object to hide


Following God’s direction can lead us toward a direction God has planned for our lives. When we do not follow his directions it can lead us down a destructive path, further from His plans. Place the printed footprints on the ground. Read the situations on each footprint. Choose to step in the direction you think God is leading you. Try not to get off of His path!

Materials: printed footprints

Independent activity:

Create a light refraction experiment. Make simple drawing of an arrow and prop it up, then place a glass filled with water in front of the picture. Look at your picture through the glass and see if your picture has changed. Move the glass closer than farther away. How has the picture changed? Draw other pictures like a face with eyes facing one direction, or a thumbs up. This is called refraction, or bending light. When light passes through clear objects, it refracts or bends. The glass of water acts as a cylindrical convex lens, and produces an inverted image. The picture may also appear smaller, larger depending on the position of the paper or glass

Materials: Glass of water, pen, paper




Create a small lantern. Using a small clear plastic container ( or a small mason jar) and a small tea light. Decorate the outside of the lantern with stickers and markers. The add the small tea light to the center. Close the container with t the lid if desired.

Materials: Small clear plastic container or mason jar, battery operated tea light, stickers, markers 


Craft 2

Paper lantern. Follow the instruction on this website to create your own paper lantern. 

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Printed coloring page, crayons, markers or coloring pencils


Read John 8:12 

According to John 8:12, who is the light of the world? (Jesus)

If we follow Jesus what will happen? (We will never walk in darkness and have the light of life)

Why is it difficult to walk in darkness?

Have you ever had to walk a far distance in darkness?

What are some obstacles you face in darkness that you don’t have in the light?

What do you think it means to have the light of life?

Practical Application at Home

We can be confident that when we have the word of God, He will lead us in the path He has for us. We can choose not to follow God, but we will be like a person who stumbles around in the darkness with no light. We could bump into things and get hurt, or hurt other people! 

This week think of some ways you can walk in God’s light. Read each of the following scriptures and determine what God is leading you to do. Think about how these scriptures can be applied to your life and then live them out this week. Give an example of something you can do that applies to each scripture. It can be as simple as sharing with your siblings, or as thoughtful as using your money to buy food for the food bank. Let God speak to you this week and reveal the path He would have you take. Then do it confidently because God is leading you!

-Matthew 25:35-40 “When I was hungry you gave me something to eat; when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…”

-Luke 12:32-34 “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not run out, treasure in heaven that will not fail, where no thief comes in and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

-1John 2:15-17 “Do not love the world or anything in world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him…”

John 15:12-13  "My command is this, love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.”

_Philippians 4:11-13 “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances…”

Jeremiah 9:23-24 “…but let the one who boasts boast about this; that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,: declares the Lord”

1 Timothy 6:18-19 “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share…”

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


I AM Forgiven



Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever done something wrong on purpose? We have all done things we should not have done whether on purpose or on accident. Sometimes we want to keep it a secret so no one else will know. God wants to know even the bad things that we do because He loves us! This week we will see what God does with our mistakes.

Psalm 32 1 John 1:9



Have you ever made a mistake? We all make mistakes even when we try really hard not to. Today, I am going to make some mistakes and I want to see if you can figure out what my mistakes are. Listen to these statements and tell me if it is true or false. If it is false, I have made a mistake and you have to correct my mistake.

-Mississippi is spelled M-I-S-S-I-S-I-P-P-I

-Buenas Dias in Spanish means Good night (Good morning)

-There is a real bridge in London called the London Bridge

-There are 55 stars on the USA Flag (50 Stars)

-The Rocky Mountains are in Colorado

-In USA currency there is a $2, $3, $5, $20, $50 & $100 bill (no $3 bill)

-Veterans Day is always the 2 Monday in November (Always November 11)

-Panama is located in Central America

Were you able to catch all of the mistake statements? Were you able to correct them all? We all make mistakes. Sometimes our mistakes are little, sometimes they are big mistakes, sometimes we make bad choices on purpose. Our mistakes are called sins, and everyone sins. This week we are learning about confession and forgiveness. It is important for us to acknowledge our sins, our mistakes, and ask God to forgive them, and he will!

Let’s read Psalm 32 and see what the Psalmist says about what God wants to do with our sins.

Read or listen to the scripture Psalm 32

Who write Psalm 32? (David)

What is this Psalm about? (Forgiveness)

How does the Psalmist describe how someone feels when they’ve been forgiven? (Joyful)

How does the Psalmist describe the feeling of when he kept silent? (His bones were brittle, God’s hand was heavy)

What do you think he means when he says his bones were brittle?

When does the Psalmist say we should pray to God? (Any time)

Why does David describe God as his hiding place? (Because God is his protection and his Deliverer)


This week we learned that we all mistakes and sometimes we do wrong things on purpose. Even though we are not perfect, God loves us just the way we are. We can be sure that we are forgiven when we confess our sins, or wrongdoings. When God forgives us he does not remind us of our sins later on, nor does he keep track of how many times we make the same mistakes. God loves you!


Let’s play a game. I have some candy here that I‘m going to throw to you, and as much candy as you catch, you can keep. But first, I have this luggage that you need to hold first. (Fill their hands and arms with as much luggage as they can carry. Be sure their arms, hands and shoulders have luggage.) Okay, now catch what you can! How much candy did you catch? Not much right? Your hands were full and you were weighed down by all the bags. Our sins can do that to us. We carry around the things we’ve done wrong, our sins, and they weigh us down. God wants us to get rid of that weight and be forgiven. We do that by confessing our sins and allowing God to forgive us. Let’s try the game again. This time without the luggage and you can keep the candy you catch!

Materials: Several luggage bags, candy


Think about some of your sins and mistakes that you have made. Write each sin on a different colored square paper. Glue your sins to the cut-out cross, placing the glue on the written side (sins will not show). Place each square paper on the cross until the cross is covered in patchwork of colored paper. When we sin and confess our sins, God forgives us. Our sins are covered by Jesus death on the cross. He died so that we might be forgiven.

Materials: Printed cross, small squares of colored construction paper, glue, scissors

Independent activity:

Disappearing sins. Create a list of your sins and write them on a coffee filter using washable markers. Then use a dropper to add drops of water slowly. Watch how the words begin to disappear and blend to make a beautiful array of colors.

Materials: Paper coffee filter, washable markers, water dropper or spray bottle




Create a forgiving tree. Trace your chid’s handprint and a part of their arm using brown construction paper, to create a tree trunk and branches. Cut out the tree and glue it to a piece of construction paper. Then cut out leaves using different colored construction paper. Glue some of the leaves on the trees and some of the leaves on the ground. Have your child write, or tell you, how they feel when they are forgiven (joyful, clean, peaceful, etc.). Write their sins that have been forgiven on the leaves at the bottom of the tree. When God forgives our sins He does not hold on to them and remind us of them later on. They are gone, just like leaves that fall from a tree that blow away. 

Materials: Construction paper in various colors including brown, scissors, glue, pencil 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What is sin?

Why is it important to confess our sins?

Have you ever confessed your sins?

How did you feel after your confession?

How do you know God has forgiven your sin?

Do you think there is a sin you can do that will be too great for God to forgive?

Have you ever had to offer forgiveness to someone who wronged you?

Is it easy or hard to forgive others?

How is knowing that you are forgiven for your sins by God, help you to forgive others who wrong you?

Practical Application at Home

Read 1John 1:9. It says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. 

The scripture didn’t say He would forgive us of our small sins, or the ones that don’t hurt others. It says that He will forgive us of all our sins and cleanse us of our unrighteousness. We can trust that God forgives us when we confess to Him. God already knows our sins, but when we acknowledge or confess that sin to Him, we are admitting our wrong and desire to change. Let’s do the following activity to show how God forgives us of our sin and also cleans us so that it is forgotten.

NOTE: ADULT NEEDED for this demonstration. This demonstration uses bleach that should be handled by an adult. Use safety measures including gloves, mask and goggles to ensure safety.

Fill a small glass container with water and several drops of food coloring. This coloring represents our sins. When we ask to be forgiven, God will forgive and cleanse us. Using a dropper filled with bleach, squeeze several drops of bleach into the water. Notice the water has changed from a color to being clear! God can wash away our sins and restore us to His righteousness. If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us and purify us. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.


I AM Bold



What’s that noise? Did you see that? Wait, did something just move? Wether you are afraid of the bug at your feet, the snake hiding in the grass or the shadows outside, we have nothing to fear. Our God is bigger than our fears and we can trust that He is with us. We don’t need to be afraid, the God of the Universe is on our side. This week let’s see what the Bible says about our fears.

Psalm 56  Isaiah 41:10. Proverbs 3:5-6



What fears do you have? Everyone is afraid of something. Here are a few examples of the most common fears some people have. If you are afraid of spiders you have arachnophobia. If you are afraid of snakes you have ophidiophobia. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. If you are afraid of being in tight closed spaces you may have claustrophobia. Someone who is afraid of dogs has cynophobia. The fear of lightning and thunder is called astraphobia. If you have a fear of clowns it is called coulrophobia. There are apparently a lot of things people can be afraid of but there are also situations that can bring us fear. Listen to the following scenarios and decide if you would be afraid.

-Stuck in a cave with lions

-thrown into a pit you couldn’t get out of

-taken far from your home and family

-surrounded by an enemy army

-being thrown into a pit of fire

-fighting a bear without a weapon

-being thrown into a prison

-going before a king without permission

All of those situations happened to people in the Bible. Maybe at the beginning they were afraid of what the outcome might be, but they still faced these difficult situations without giving in. They were not able to conquer their fears because they were strong and mighty, but because they trusted God. They knew they were doing what God wanted them to do and they could trust that He would take care of them as He knew was best. 

In our Psalms today, David faced a difficult situation. He started out afraid, but He soon trusted God. Let’s first read Samuel 21:10-22:10 then read Psalm 56 to see how David overcame his fear.

Where did David go to flee? (To the king of Gath)

The king of Gath’s servants recognized David so what did David do? (Changed his behavior and acted mad)

Where did David escape to? (The cave of Adullam)

During this time David wrote the psalm expressing how powerful God is and that he would no longer be afraid.

David said “When I am afraid I will….” (Trust in you, God)

David trusted that since God was with him, his enemies would do what? (Turn back)

In verse 11 David says “In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can ____ do to me? (Man)

Who did David believe was stronger than His enemies?


David was afraid of the King of Gath and hid in a cave. Then he remembered that God was more powerful than any earthly king so he did not have any reason to fear. Our lives are in God’s hands. We don’t need to fear anything around us, or even an person because is more powerful than any of those things. God is sovereign over everything, that means there is nothing that happens that is out of His power. We can trust God is in control.


There are times when we feel afraid or have fear. The bible speaks to us about fear. Sometimes we need a reminder to help us know that God is with us and has not forgotten us. Us the following sheet to keep close when you may begin to have fear. Read these verses to remind you of the promises God gives in the Bible to bring you peace. Print the following activity sheet. Use your bible to read the verses listed. Write the verse in the space below.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, bible


Match the scary event with the person or people who trusted God.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil

Independent activity:

Create an Egg protection. Discuss how we use different safety measure to secure things: seatbelts, ropes, etc. Test out your design on a real egg if desired or use a plastic egg.

Example Link:

Materials: egg or plastic egg, craft sticks, glue, string or yarn, other craft materials




Create an “I am not afraid” creature. Using a white sheet of paper, draw different types of vertical lines from one end of the paper to the next (about 10-15 lines). Use a black crayon or pastel chalk paints to make the lines squiggly, some zigzag, some swirls, etc. Color each section between the lines with different colors of watercolor paint. Once the paint has dried, cut the paper into a dome shape by round out the 2 top edges of the paper. Add 2 googly eyes or use black and white construction paper. On a black sheet of construction paper, write with a white crayon “I am not afraid because God is with me”.

Materials: White & black Construction paper, black crayon or chalk paints, water color, googly eyes scissors, 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read the following scriptures

Isaiah 41:10: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.

How do those scriptures give you encouragement?

Does knowing that God says He is your God make you feel more secure?

Do your fears seem bigger or smaller than God?

God says He will not only help you but what will he also give you?

Will God leave you when you are in trouble or in need?

How much does this verse say we should trust the Lord?

What is wrong with leaning on your own understanding?

Have you ever trusted your ‘instincts’ instead of praying to God for wisdom?

Have you ever quickly said a nasty thing in return of someone else’s nasty comment without thinking?

God wants us to lean on Him and trust that He will guide us through our challenges and fears. He has a solution, and we can seek Him for the answers.

Practical Application at Home

Create an obstacle course around an open area. Give several challenges where the blindfolded person has to crawl under something or step over a small item. Set up the quick obstacle course while the participant is waiting in the next room so they can not see the layout. Bring them back into the room once they have already been blindfolded. Guide them through the obstacle course with your voice and your arm as their guide. Ask them before you start or before a challenge if they trust you. Once they affirm they trust you, continue on with their instructions and guidance.

Was that easy or hard to get through the obstacle course blindfolded? What did you have to trust me for? I had to be your guide and you had to trust I would lead you the right way without you getting hurt. God wants to lead us to. He wants us to trust that He will lead us the right way that will ultimately lead us to heaven with Him for eternity! We don’t have to be afraid of future things we can not see, we just need to trust God will take care of us. That doesn’t mean everything will always turn out perfect, but it will be a part of God’s plan fo you. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





God has a plan for each one of us. He sees each one of us and has something special for each of us to do. It may seem like a really big job, or it may seem as if it is not an important job at all. When God calls you to action, what will your response be? Will you be afraid or will you say “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be as you have said”.

Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-24



Create an obstacle course through your living room or open space.  Use the following template to create several candy kisses and landmines using green and red construction paper, respectively. Create a start and ending point then place cut out kisses and landmines throughout the obstacle course. Have one person blindfold while the other person leads them through the obstacle course. The leader will need to give verbal directions about where to go throughout the obstacle course. If they step on a landmine, the leader will need to take them back to the start of the obstacle course. If they step on a Kiss, they may collect the kisses to turn in at the end of the course. They may exchange each Kiss cut-out for a candy kiss or other treat.

That was fun! You had to put your trust in someone else to help you make it to the end of the course. Sometimes they led you the right way and sometimes they failed. It’s good to know that God will never fail and He knows exactly where to lead us. God has a plan and we can trust that He will lead us in the right directions. This week we will look at Mary and Joseph. They were living normal, typical lives when the angel appeared to each of them. God had a plan for all of humanity that would be fulfilled through Mary and Joseph. Let’s see how they trusted God’s plan.

Materials: Printed Kiss and landmine template, construction paper, scissors, candy kisses or other small treat.

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 139

Who did the angel Gabriel go to see in Nazareth? (Mary)

Who was Mary pledged to be married to? (Joseph)

How did the angel describe Mary? (You who are highly favored)

What was the good news he told Mary? (She would conceive and give birth to a son and name him Jesus)

What will the Lord God give him? (He will reign over the Jacob’s descendants forever)

How did the angel say it would happen? (The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Holy High will overshadow you)

What was Mary’s response? (I am the Lord’s servant, May your word to me be fulfilled) 


God had a plan for Mary and Joseph’s life, and God has a plan for your life too. We may not always see how everything will work together, but God can see everything. When we choose to follow the little steps and directions God gives us, we will later see how those little things fit together in God’s big plan.  


Put a puzzle together without using the box. Give the students a few pieces at a time or one at a time if using a small puzzle. We don’t always know the future or what is ahead, but God can see it all. He knows what is next and what we need. God has a plan, we can be glad that God is in control.

Materials: Simple puzzle


Using bricks or large blocks, build a tower or structure. Begin by making a plan of what you want to construct with your bricks. Allow your child to create the structure as they want, not giving much guidance. If their structure falls over, discuss what changes they need to make; such as a wider base. Many people’s lives are a lot like this structure. It falls over because it doesn’t have a strong foundation. Although the plans that we make may sometimes fail, God’s plans never fail. He knows exactly what He has created you for and has a plan for your life. We can allow God to be our foundation and follow His plan.

Materials: building blocks

Independent activity:

God has a plan for each of our lives. He knows the beginning and the end. We are a part of God’s plan for spreading the gospel of God’s love for us. We may not know the beginning from the end but we can trust God is in control. Complete this activity sheet. Place the story pictures of Humpty Dumpty in order from what happens at the beginning to the end.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayon, scissors, glue, construction paper




Handprint Angel. Trace handprints on a white sheet of paper then cut them out, leaving the fingers together. Cut out the angel’s body using yellow paper, making a rounded triangular shape. Cut out a round face and hair. Glue all the pieces together and decorate with crayons or with glitter. See the following example.

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What was the angels name in the story?

How did Mary react to the news the angel gave her?

How did Mary show that she had faith in God’s plan?

How does God speak to us today?

How can we show that we have faith in God’s plans for us?

In what ways do you obey God?

We can follow God’s plan for us in the simple ways we live each day. The kindness we show to our friends and family, obeying our parents and thinking of others are all ways we can follow God’s plans for us.  

Practical Application at Home

We plan for things in our lives so that we are prepared in different situations. We make a plan before we go on a trip by determining what type of clothes to take or any extra things we might need while we are there. We make a plan to have a birthday party by thinking of who we will invite and what activities we will have. Listen to the list of plans I will make and then tell me what I am planning to do.

-a change of clothes, swim shoes, a beach towel, a swim cap (go swimming)

-measuring cups, flour, sugar, eggs, a mixing bowl, a recipe (bake)

-pop popcorn, blanket, movie, a snack (watch a movie)

-hiking shoes, bottle of water, a map, comfortable clothes (go hiking)

-buy food, decorate, get a cake, send out invitations (Have a party)

-get coloring pencils, a paper, a pencil (draw a picture)

-small bag, get a pillow, pack pj’s, pack a blanket (have a sleepover)

-warm milk, cocoa powder, a mug, get marshmallows (make hot chocolate)

God has a plan for us. He knows what the future will be and what is in store for each of us. He wants to lead us in the right direction. We just need to listen and obey what He asks of us. We can celebrate that God has a plan because His plan is far better than any plan we could even imagine!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





Have you ever seen a newborn baby? It’s a very exciting time. Everyone is anxious to meet and hold a new baby. When Jesus was born, his parents were even more excited because they knew He would be the long awaited Messiah. We can also celebrate Jesus’ birth, his life, his death and his resurrection. We can live with him forever because He came as the lamb who was slain for our sins.

Luke 2:1-7



What is your favorite gift you’ve ever received? What did you like about it? Was it a surprise? Think about what kind of gift you would like to give Jesus. Draw a picture of the gift you would like to give him. 

God gave us a gift as well, and it was the gift of Jesus sent to earth as a baby. Last week we read about Mary and Joseph being chosen as the parents of baby Jesus. God told them Jesus would be the savior of the world. They may not have known exactly what God had planned, but they trusted that Jesus would save them from their sins. What a gift to receive! God gave Jesus as a gift to us! When we receive a gift, it is free! We don’t owe anything for the gift and it doesn’t cost us anything. We can celebrate Jesus’ birth because it was a gift from God to show us how much he loves us and wants to be in relationship with us.

Read or listen to the scripture story in Luke 2:1-7

What did Ceasar Augustus want to be taken? (A census)

What is a census? (A count of all the people)

Where did every person have to go? (To their own town to register)

Why did Joseph need to go to Bethlehem? (He went to Bethlehem the town of David because He was of the house of David)

When was the baby born? (The baby was born while they were in Bethlehem.)

What was the problem they faced while in Bethlehem? (Every guest room was full and they had not place to stay)

Where did they place the baby? (In a manger)


Jesus is our gift of salvation. We can not earn it by doing good works or earning enough points. God has given us this gift for free, we just need to accept it! Jesus came as a baby to dwell among men. We can celebrate Jesus birth because it means more than just an ordinary birthday, but a part of the fulfillment of God’s plan for our salvation.


Jesus was a gift God gave us for our salvation. We can give gifts as well. Make a gift or purchase a small gift to give to a friend, neighbor or stranger. Wrap the gift nicely and write a simple note, “Jesus gave the gift of salvation”.

Materials: homemade or store bought gift, wrapping paper or gift bag, notecard or gift tag


Retell the story of Jesus birth, as your child acts out the story. Use props you can find around your house like a baby doll and blanket. Create a small stable using chairs and blankets, then add stuffed animals.

Materials: dress-up props such as: doll, blankets, chair, sheets, towels

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Color the pictures and decide which animals belong in the manger with baby Jesus.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayon




Jesus was born in a stable and placed in a manger. Create a popsicle stick stable scene.

Materials: popsicle/craft sticks, glue, construction paper, 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem?

Why was Jesus placed in a manger?

What about Jesus’ birth should we celebrate?

Why do you think Jesus came as a baby?

How does knowing the story of Jesus’ birth help us to trust God?

Have you held a baby?

Do you think it was hard for some people to believe that a baby would save them?

Mary and Joseph knew that Jesus was the messiah because the angels told them what was to happen. God made a promise to save his people from their sins and this was a step towards that fulfillment. God’s people waited for this moment and were excited to celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes, time feels like it is moving really slow and other times it seems as though time is moving very quickly. Do the following activities and record the amount of time it takes to do each one.

-Pouring ketchup from a glass bottle 

-Run around the outside of your house

-Watch the second hand of a clock go around once

-Sing one verse of your favorite song

-Bring a kettle of water to a boil

-Count 100 grains of sugar

Some things actually take a long time to do and some things simply feel like they take a long time to happen. Waiting to pour a tablespoon of ketchup from a bottle or counting 100 grains of sugar can feel like it takes forever. Singing a verse of your favorite song may not seem to take as long. Read Isaiah 9:6-7. Isaiah is speaking to a people who were waiting for a savior to come because God promised it. They had waited for generations in expectation that He would rule over everything and establish a kingdom on earth, right then. Jesus came as a baby to one day die on the cross for humanity so that all who believe can live with him for eternity. He started from humble beginnings of being born in a manger, to dying and being resurrected, and then taken to heaven. No ordinary person could do such a thing. Isaiah describes Jesus as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Jesus’ birth was no ordinary birth because He was the long awaited Savior of the world. We can celebrate Jesus birth, because His birth was part of God’s plan for our salvation.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





What is your favorite way to worship? We can worship in many different ways. Worship is giving honor to God. We can worship Jesus because He is our Savior and worthy of our praise. This week we will see how we can worship Jesus.

Luke 2:8-20; Mathew 2:1-12



Cut the following sentences into strips and place them in a wrapped box like a gift, or in a gift bag. Take out a sentence strip one at a time, and do the activity listed.

All of those activities were acts of worship. We can worship God through lots of ways including singing, praying, dancing, or speaking words of praise to God. We can worship God in how we choose to live each day. This week we will continue reading the story of Jesus birth. The shepherds were told of the birth of Jesus and were so excited to meet the Savior. The angels were so happy about the news they began to speak words of praise. The Wise men traveled from far to meet and worship the King of the Jews. They all worshiped Jesus and we can worship Jesus as well!

Read or listen to the scripture story in Luke 2:8-20; Mathew 2:1-12

Who did the angel appear to in the field? (The shepherds watching their flock)

How did the shepherds feel when they saw the angels? (They were terrified)

What was the announcement the angels gave? (Do not be afraid, I have good news, the savior was born in Bethlehem)

What did the angels who suddenly appeared begin to say? (Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests)

What did the Shepherds decide to do after the angels left? (Go to Bethlehem and see what the Lord had told them)

After seeing the baby, what did the shepherds do? (Spread the news to others about all that had happened and all they had seen)


The angels were praising God for Jesus being born in Bethlehem. They were excited about what the birth of Jesus meant! The Messiah was here and He would save His people from their sins. The shepherds heard the good news and wanted to share it with others as well. When we hear exciting news it is hard to keep it to ourselves! We want to spread the news to others and share what we have learned. The Wise men were also excited about Jesus’ birth and traveled far to come worship him. We can worship as well because the same good news is true for us, Jesus is coming again! 


Follow the star treasure hunt. Here is a fun treasure hunt game to play inside or outside. The idea is similar to that of a paper trail except that we will follow the stars. Print or cut out star shapes and hide them in different places. For younger children you can simply have them follow the trail. For old kids, you can hide one star in each location with clues to where to find the next star. (You can use the attached clues and stars or create your own)

Materials: printed treasure hunt


The gift of Magi play dough. Use the following recipe to make gold and frankincense play dough. Use the play dough to create gifts for Jesus. Use any extra play dough to create the manger scene.

Materials: Play dough recipe, or remade play dough, gold glitter, frankincense essential oil

Independent activity:

The Shepherds were excited to hear the news of Jesus’ birth and couldn’t wait to tell others. Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayons




Create a yarn star with craft sticks glued together. Glue the craft sticks together to create a star. Then wrap the star in yarn or decorate with beans and sequence.

Materials: craft sticks, glue, yarn, beads or sequence


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What are some ways you worship God?

Do you have an instrument you play during worship?

How could you use your voice for worship?

How can you use written words to worship God?

How did the Shepherds show Jesus they believed He was the savior?

How did the Wise men know that Jesus had been born?

How can we know that Jesus is coming again?

What ways can we show God we worship him before He returns again?

Practical Application at Home

We can worship in many different ways. We can worship through prayer, song or music, we worship by telling others how good God is to us, and we can show other people God’s love through our actions towards them. There is not just one way to worship God and show Him how much we love him. Listen to the following scenarios. Decide if the person is worshipping God.

-Mother asks Sam to pick up her toys and put them away, Sam obeys right away.

-Carl brings his teacher a thank you note for teaching him so much about music.

-Ruby is glad it is her birthday so she can be first in line for everything today.

-During Sabbath school class, Arthur sings several songs with his classmates.

-On the playground a classmate gets hurt, Tami is too busy playing to stop and help.

-Riley decides to memorize her favorite scripture.

-Amy’s friend asks her why she loves God, and she describes how wonderful God is.

-Harry’s teacher passes out a treat to the class, he gladly takes it knowing he deserves the treat.

The shepherds worshiped God for the gift of Jesus as their long awaited savior. The Wise men saw the long awaited star in the sky that told them the king of the Jews had been born. They shared this exciting news with the other people. We can share the good news that Jesus is coming again.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





What are some things you celebrate? Perhaps you celebrate birthdays, holidays or winning a game. We can celebrate lots of things throughout our year. We can also celebrate that God keeps his promises. We can trust the promises God has made in the Bible, He will keep them! This week we will look at some promises God has made and celebrate His faithfulness.

Luke 2:25-38



Print the following activity sheet and cut into strips. Place the strips of paper into a bowl and pull them out one at a time and read each one aloud. Ask your child to decide if the promise that was read, is something that they could keep or if they think they would break the promise at some point. Then reread a few strips and say If these promises were from God, would he be able to keep the promises?

We all make promises sometimes and we intend to keep our promises but sometimes we aren’t able. When people make promises to us, we hope they will keep their promises but sometimes people break their promise to us. But do you know who always keeps their promises? You are right! God always keeps his promise! This week we will see how God fulfilled a promise he made to someone even though he had to wait a very long time.

Read or listen to the scripture story in Luke 2:25-38

What had the Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon? (That he would not die until he saw the Messiah)

What made Simeon go to the temple? (The holy spirit moved him to go)

What were Mary and Joseph doing in the temple at that same time? (To do for Jesus what the custom required)

When Simeon saw the child what did he say? (Now you can dismiss your servant, I have seen your salvation you’ve prepared before all nations)

Why were Mary and Joseph surpised by the things Simeon said? (They were surprise he knew Jesus was the messiah)

What did the prophet Anna  at the temple? (She never left the temple but prayed day and night)

What did Anna say about Jesus? (She gave thanks for him and spoke about the child to anyone  who was looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem)

Materials: Printed paper, scissors, a bowl or container


Sometimes it can be hard to wait for something you have been excited to see or have. Simeon and Anna waited to see baby Jesus because God had promised they would see him. They were excited and celebrated when it happened. We can celebrate that God always fulfills his promises. 


Complete this Celebration scavenger hunt. The items on this scavenger hunt are things you might use to celebrate something special. Simeon and Anna celebrated seeing the long awaited Savior. Look around your house and see if you can find any of the items on the board. If you are able to find a row or column of items, you win!

Materials: printed scavenger hunt, pencil, items around your house


Listen to the following stories about the birth of Jesus. As you listen to the story of Simeon and Anna, follow along while she is reading the story and try to read it with her!

Materials: device to watch the story

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, crayon, scissors, glue, construction paper




Coloring sheet

Materials: coloring sheet, crayons 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What did Simeon pray would happen before he died?

Where were Simeon and Anna when they met Jesus?

How did they know Jesus was the promised Savior?

How long did God’s people wait for the promised Savior?

Can we trust that God will keep His promises?

Can you think of one promise that God has given in the Bible?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes it is hard to wait for the things we are excited to receive. The promises God has made to us are exciting and may seem like they are taking a long time to come true, but God has perfect timing. Think about the following promises that are made to us sometimes, and determine if you think it is a promise that can be answered right away, or if we might have to wait awhile for it to be answered.

-A promise to go to the park

-a promise that Jesus will return and take us to heaven

-a promise to learn a new instrument

-a promise to become best friends

-a promise to have a cookie for dessert

-the promise to take a trip

-a promise to read a bedtime story.

Some of the promises could be answered right away and some might take a little time to have answered. Sometimes we have to wait to get an answer to a promise, but when we wait for God to answer our prayers, we will not be disappointed. We can be sure that God will always answer his promises and that’s something to celebrate!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





God has a plan for each one of us. He sees each one of us and has something special for each of us to do. It may seem like a really big job, or it may seem as if it is not an important job at all. When God calls you to action, what will your response be? Will you be afraid or will you say “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be as you have said”.

Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-24; Colossians 1:15-20



We make lots of plans in our lifetime from planning a birthday party to planning a trip. We know we need to be prepared for different situations that may happen. Let’s make a plan today to start your own business. Think about what type of business you would like to create. It can be something you can realistically do today such as a lemonade stand or a lawn care service or something you hope to do in the future. Think of all the things you would need to be prepared for this new business. Write down your plans and the actions you will need to take.

A lot of thought goes into planning a business. You would not be successful at your business if you didn’t think ahead and prepare for all of your business’ needs, supplies, and budget. Being prepared helps you be more successful because you can be ready to solve any problems that may occur. If you were unprepared, your business would probably fail because you would spend your money the wrong way, or not have the needed supplies to carry out your service.

God has a plan for our lives. He does not ask us to do things by accident or coincidence, but through His infinite wisdom. We may not always see how the little things God asks us to do will benefit anyone, but He knows how those little things fit into the bigger picture. This week we are reading about Mary and Joseph. They were living a normal life and making plans to get married when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. Mary could have rejected God’s plan, deciding it would be too hard, but instead she decided to follow the plan God laid out for her. In so doing, the world was blessed by her obedience. 

Materials: paper and pencil

Read or listen to the scripture story in Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-24

Who did the angel Gabriel go to see in Nazareth? (Mary)

Who was Mary pledged to be married to? (Joseph)

How did the angel describe Mary? (You who are highly favored)

What was the good news he told Mary? (She would conceive and give birth to a son and name him Jesus)

What will the Lord God give him? (He will reign over the Jacob’s descendants forever)

How did the angel say it would happen? (The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Holy High will overshadow you)

What was Mary’s response? (I am the Lord’s servant, May your word to me be fulfilled) 


Mary and Joseph were living normal lives. They were getting ready to be married when the angel Gabriel appeared to them. Mary and Joseph both chose to listen to God’s plan and follow it. We often have our own plans of what we would like to see happen in our lives, but it is important to seek God’s plans first. 


Activity sheet- God has a plan for our lives and for our future. We can also make plans on how to complete a task. We make plans on what we need to pack for a trip or how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Use the following activity sheet to help you make a plan to make a root beer float. Use the picture cues and complete the direction, then use the plan to make your own Root Beer float!

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil optional: ingredients to make a root beer float


Make a map of your school or your neighborhood. A map guides us in the direction we need to go in order to get to our destination. It helps us not get lost on our way. God is our roadmap. He guides us throughout our lives so that we don’t get lost!

Materials: graph paper or plain paper, pencil, ruler

Create activity:

Create a Mary and Joseph cardboard tube. With a pencil, outline a top portion of the tube to be the face. Paint each cardboard tube (tissue roll) a color of choice (Ex: Mary blue and Joseph dark brown). Mix brown and white paint to create their skin color and then paint the face area. Once the tube has dried, using various pieces of cloth or burlap scraps, attach a headdress and clothing if desired. Use a black permanent marker to draw their face (eyes, nose and mouth). Note: be prepared for messy painting. Use a pallet (or paper plate) to distribute small amounts of paint. This makes it easier for kids to use the paint as well as mix colors.

Materials: cardboard tube (tissue roll), paint, paintbrushes, felt or pieces of material




Handprint Angel. Trace handprints on a white sheet of paper then cut them out, leaving the fingers together. Cut out the angel’s body using yellow paper, making a rounded triangular shape. Cut out a round face and hair. Glue all the pieces together and decorate with crayons or with glitter. See the following example.

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Colossians 1:15-20

This verse describes Jesus as…

-The creator of the world

-the first born of creation

-the image of the invisible God

-the head of the church

-He reconciled all things to himself

-he is before all things and all things hold together through Him.

This verse is describing Jesus as God, the creator of all things that you can see and the things that you can not see. It not only describes Him as God but it also describes Jesus as the first born of creation. If He is the firstborn of creation, what does that make you and me? We are a part of God’s family. That is something to celebrate! God had a plan when He created the world, and that includes us, His creation. We are not here by accident but through God’s infinite wisdom. 

How did God speak to Mary?

How did God speak to Joseph?

Have you ever heard God’s voice speaking to you?

How do you know when you are following God’s voice and not your own?

Practical Application at Home

It’s easy to look at the stories in the Bible and wonder how anyone could have disobeyed God. It’s easy for us because we know the end of their stories. We have seen past that moment and how God worked it out, but if we put ourselves in their shoes it might not be as easy. As we live our daily lives, we often have a hard time trusting God’s plan. Think about the following situations and determine what you think God would want you to do and if it is an easy choice.

-Helping a new kid at school feel welcome

-Sharing your last of something

-Being kind to an opponent who beat you at a game

-helping pass out food at a homeless shelter

-asking someone if they need help

-Obeying a rule from your parents that you do not like

-Saying hello to someone you pass along the street

-Saying thank you to the lunch servers in the cafeteria

Sometimes these seem like little things that do not matter, but God sees them as a way to show His love to the people around you. God can use a simple gesture of kindness and turn it into a big gesture for the person receiving that kindness. Our kind acts can soften someones heart and help them receive God’s love. We don’t have to worry about how God will use our actions, we just need to obey and trust God will use it in the way He knows is best. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.





Have you ever seen a newborn baby? It’s a very exciting time. Everyone is anxious to meet and hold a new baby. When Jesus was born, his parents were even more excited because they knew He would be the long awaited Messiah. We can also celebrate Jesus’ birth, his life, his death and his resurrection. We can live with him forever because He came as the lamb who was slain for our sins.

Luke 2:1-7; Isaiah 9:6-7



When parents are having a new baby, they often think for a long time about the name they will give the baby. Baby names often have a significance and mean something special to the parents. Listen to the following names and pick what you think the baby name means. 

Hannah….. grace of God, fruit (grace of God)

Michael… Who is like God, like man (who is like God)

Aaron… enlightened, dreamer (enlightened)

Lydia… scared, beauty (beauty)

Samson… like the sun, small (like the sun)

Levi… harmony, discord (harmony)

Esther… lonely, star (star)

Mary and Joseph were told their baby would be named Jesus, because He would save his people from their sins. When baby Jesus arrived Mary and Joseph were excited. Jesus was not born in a palace or to parents who had great authority in their community, but He was born in a lowly stable with animals. This week we will see that we can celebrate Jesus’ birth because God sent him as our Savior. The king of the Universe came to live among men.

Read or listen to the scripture story in Luke 2:1-7

What did Ceasar Augustus want to be taken? (A census)

What is a census? (A count of all the people)

Where did every person have to go? (To their own town to register)

Why did Joseph need to go to Bethlehem? (He went to Bethlehem the town of David because He was of the house of David)

When was the baby born? (The baby was born while they were in Bethlehem.)

What was the problem they faced while in Bethlehem? (Every guest room was full and they had not place to stay)

Where did they place the baby? (In a manger)


Jesus is our gift of salvation. We can not earn it by doing good works or earning enough points. God has given us this gift for free, we just need to accept it! Jesus came as a baby to dwell among men. We can celebrate Jesus birth because it means more than just an ordinary birthday, but a part of the fulfillment of God’s plan for our salvation.


We can celebrate Jesus’ birth by serving others. A fun family activity your family can participate in throughout the Christmas is by making a kindness link chain. Cut out strips of green and red paper and create a link chain from the completed service activities. There are two ways to complete the service chain. One way is to write the suggested service activities on the strips and then create the linked chain. Each time your family or family member completes a service activity, take off a chain link. The second way to complete this activity is to write each of the suggested service activities on the strips and keep them in a container. As the family or family member completes the activity, add it to the link chain. At the end of the Christmas season you will have a long Christmas chain link that you can hang and remember the acts of service your family did together. Example: Christmas Kindness Countdown Chain

Materials: Suggested service activities, red and green construction paper cut into strips, glue or decorative tape


Angels delivered special messages to God’s people, telling them what God planned for them. Some people responded in faith, some asked questions and some doubted. Complete the following activity sheet by reading what the angel messenger said and draw a line to who the angel was talking to and their response. If you get stuck, use the verses listed.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil, bible

create activity:

Angels were messengers of God, sending His words to His people. We can send special messages about God’s love to those around us. Make Christmas cards that have messages from God. Some examples may be: “The Lord is with you!” “Hope in God’s promises” “Jesus came to earth because he loves us” “Jesus brings hope to those who are sad”.

Materials: Construction paper, pencil and pens, craft supplies such as glue, crayons, markers, decorative tape, yarn, stickers




Jesus was born in a stable and placed in a manger. Create a popsicle stick stable scene.

Materials: popsicle/craft sticks, glue, construction paper, 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Sometimes time feels like it is moving really slow and other times it seems as though time is moving very quickly. Do the following activities and record the amount of time it takes to do each one.

-Pouring ketchup from a glass bottle 

-Run around the outside of your house

-Watch the second hand of a clock go around once

-Sing one verse of your favorite song

-Bring a kettle of water to a boil

-Count 100 grains of sugar

Some things actually take a long time to do and some things simply feel like they take a long time to happen. Waiting to pour a tablespoon of ketchup from a bottle or counting 100 grains of sugar can feel like it takes forever. Singing a verse of your favorite song may not seem to take as long.

Read Isaiah 9:6-7. Isaiah is speaking to a people who were waiting for a savior to come because God promised it. They had waited for generations in expectation that He would rule over everything and establish a kingdom on earth, right then. Jesus came as a baby to one day die on the cross for humanity so that all who believed can live with him for eternity. He started from humble beginnings of being born in a manger, to dying and being resurrected, and then taken to heaven. No ordinary person could do such a thing. Isaiah describes Jesus as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Jesus’ birth was no ordinary birth because He was the long awaited Savior of the world. We can celebrate Jesus birth, because His birth was the part of God’s plan for our salvation.

Practical Application at Home

Remembering Jesus’ birth means that we remember he grew up, preached the gospel, died for our sins, and then conquered death by rising from the dead. Jesus birth means God fulfilled His promise of making a way for salvation from our sins. 

Jesus’ birth helps us remember the real reason for celebrating, God gave His son to die for our sins. Jesus is our means for salvation. Complete the following activity sheet or complete the following statements with your thoughts.

Jesus' birth helps me…


      Think of…



Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





What is your favorite way to worship? We can worship in many different ways. Worship is giving honor to God. We can worship Jesus because He is our Savior and worthy of our praise. This week we will see how we can worship Jesus.

Luke 2:8-20Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 4:5-8



Cut the following sentences into strips and place them in a wrapped box like a gift, or in a gift bag. Take out a sentence strip one at a time, and do the activity listed. 

All of those activities were acts of worship. We can worship God through lots of ways including singing, praying, dancing, or speaking words of praise to God. We can worship God in how we choose to live each day. This week we will continue reading the story of Jesus birth. The shepherds are told of the birth of Jesus and are so excited to meet the savior. The angels are so happy about the news they speak words of praise. The Wise men travel from far to meet and worship the King of the Jews. They all worship Jesus and we can worship Jesus as well!

Read or listen to the scripture story in Luke 2:8-20Matthew 2:1-12;

Who did the angel appear to in the field? (The shepherds watching their flock)

How did the shepherds feel when they saw the angels? (They were terrified)

What was the announcement the angels gave? (Do not be afraid, I have good news, the savior was born in Bethlehem)

What did the angels who suddenly appeared begin to say? (Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests)

What did the Shepherds decide to do after the angels left? (Go to Bethlehem and see what the Lord had told them)

After seeing the baby, what did the shepherds do? (Spread the news to others about all that had happened and all they had seen)


The angels were praising God for Jesus being born in Bethlehem. They were excited about what the birth of Jesus meant! The Messiah was here and He would save His people from their sins. The shepherds heard the good news and wanted to share it with others as well. When we hear exciting news it is hard to keep it to ourselves! We want to spread the news to others and share what we have learned. The Wise men were also excited about Jesus’ birth and traveled far to come worship him. We can worship as well because the same good news is true for us, Jesus is coming again!


Create this manger animal handprint poem. Paint your hand with the color indicated for each animal and then imprint your hand in the box indicated for that animal. Add on the features of the animal by using a black sharpie marker. Alternative: trace the outline of your handprint and then color in the handprint using crayons or markers. Then add on additional features of each animal. See this webpage for the example animal handprint and other ideas.

Materials: paint, construction paper, sharpie marker


Watch these step by step videos on how to draw shepherds and how to draw Mary and Joseph.

Materials: white drawing paper, pencil, markers, crayons, device to watch video

create activity:

Create a graham cracker nativity scene. Create the nativity scene using graham crackers to create the stable. Decorate the manger by using candy just as when creating a gingerbread house. Use animal crackers to add animals, and gumdrops to create people and crushed pretzels for hay or straw. Be creative in making your nativity scene. You icing to hold the pieces together if you want it to be edible, if not, you may use glue. Use this website as a guide and example:

Materials: Graham crackers, icing, other candy or food to use in the scenery




yarn star with craft sticks glued together. Then wrap the star in yarn or decorate with beads and sequence.

Materials: yarn, craft sticks, glue, beads or sequence


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Luke 4:5-8

When Satan was trying to tempt Jesus in the wilderness to worship him, Jesus responded with scripture. Jesus responded, “It is written, Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” We are all tempted to lose focus and begin worshiping something or someone other than God. We are called to only worship God, our creator. 

What are some ways you have worshiped something else?

What does it mean to worship?

Is it easy to put something else we can see, feel, and enjoy above God?

How does the way we spend our time indicate what we believe is most important?

How do you worship God?

Is there only one or two ways to worship God?

Practical Application at Home

We can worship in many different ways. We can worship through prayer, song or music, we worship by telling others how good God is to us, and we can show other people God’s love through our actions towards them. There is not just one way to worship God and show Him how much we love him. Listen to the following scenarios. Decide if the person is worshiping God.

-Mother asks Sam to pick up her toys and put them away, Sam obeys right away.

-Carl brings his teacher a thank you note for teaching him so much about music.

-Ruby is glad it is her birthday so she can be first in line for everything today.

-During Sabbath school class, Arthur sings several songs with his classmates.

-On the playground a classmate gets hurt, Tami is too busy playing to stop and help.

-Riley decides to memorize her favorite scripture.

-Amy’s friend asks her why she loves God, and she describes how wonderful God is.

-Harry’s teacher passes out a treat to the class, he gladly takes it knowing he deserves the treat.

The shepherds worshiped God for the gift of Jesus as their long awaited savior. The Wise men saw the long awaited star in the sky that told them the king of the Jews had been born. They shared this exciting news with the other people. We can share the good news that Jesus is coming again. This time Jesus will take us to be where he is.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.





What are some things you celebrate? Perhaps you celebrate birthdays, holidays or winning a game. We can celebrate lots of things throughout our year. We can also celebrate that God keeps his promises. We can trust the promises God has made in the Bible, He will keep them! This week we will look at some promises God has made and celebrate His faithfulness.

Luke 2:25-38



Listen to the following promises I will say. You need to decide if this promise is from God, or if its a promise a person would make. Designate 2 areas for the child to stand, one area to represent God’s promises and the other area represents man’s promise.

—I will never leave nor forsake you

—I will always wash the dishes

—I will never destroy the earth with a flood again

—I will never lie to my parents again

—I will bless you to a thousand generations

—In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world

—I will always love you if you are kind to me

—I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be also

Some of these promises are from God and some sound like the promises we make to other people. How could you tell the difference between the promises? Sometimes we make promises that we intend to keep but we fail, and sometimes we make promises that are really too hard for us to keep. We want others to keep their promises with us as well, and sometimes they fail too. God is the only one who is able to keep all of His promises, regardless if they are big or small. God knows the beginning to the end, and He can deliver His promises right on time! This week we will see how God fulfilled a promise he made to someone even though he had to wait a very long time. 

Read or listen to the scripture story in Luke 2:25-38

What had the Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon? (That he would not die until he saw the Messiah)

What made Simeon go to the temple? (The holy spirit moved him to go)

What were Mary and Joseph doing in the temple at that same time? (To do for Jesus what the custom required)

When Simeon saw the child what did he say? (Now you can dismiss your servant, I have seen your salvation you’ve prepared before all nations)

Why were Mary and Joseph surpised by the things Simeon said? (They were surprise he knew Jesus was the messiah)

What did the prophet Anna  at the temple? (She never left the temple but prayed day and night)

What did Anna say about Jesus? (She gave thanks for him and spoke about the child to anyone  who was looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem)


It is wonderful to know that God knows exactly who I am. It is also wonderful to know that no matter where we are, God is there. We can not find a place where God is not present there. He even knew us before we were born! God saw us before we were made and knew all of our days to come. We are not here by accident, we were a part of God’s plan. That makes you a wonderful creation! 


It is hard to wait sometimes, just as Simeon and Anna waited for God’s promise to be fulfilled. Let’s play a game that involves waiting. This game requires at least 2 people to play. Print and cut the following activity page into strips and place them in a bowl. Print and cut the Wait cards and place them in a bowl or pile. Take a strip of paper from the bowl this is the challenge both players will race to complete. Then each player pulls one card from the Wait pile to determine how long they will have to wait before beginning the challenge. Take time to gather any materials you might need for the challenge before determining a start time. Once all players are ready, then say Start, and players who pulled a start card can begin and others use a timer to wait the time indicated on their card. Whoever completes the challenge first, wins! Continue playing additional rounds using one challenge while each player takes a wait card, until all the challenges are complete.

Materials: printed “I am and I can self picture”, pencil, crayons or colored pencils


God promised blessings to people in the bible, but the promise was not always fulfilled right away. They had to wait for the promise to happen. Look at the promises listed on the following activity sheet, then match the promise they were given with the person it was promised to.

Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil

Independent activity:

Complete the following challenges. Create different structures or paths using household materials. Gather some or all the following materials you have at home: q-tip swabs, tissue tubes, cotton balls, mini-marshmallows, toothpicks, pretzel sticks, craft sticks, index cards, small toy animals. Use the materials to build the challenges given on each card. Use toy animals and people to use in your structures to test your structures.

Materials: printed challenge cards, optional household materials: q-tips, tissue tubes, cotton balls, mini marshmallows, toothpicks, pretzel sticks, craft sticks, index cards, small toy animals




Coloring page.

Materials: printed coloring page, glue, scissors, markers 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read Joshua 21:45 Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.

Have you ever made a promise to someone that failed? 

Has anyone ever promised something to you and they failed to fulfill it? 

The bible says that God does not fail on his promises. Every promise He made He fulfilled. Israel may have questioned if God forgot about the promise He made to send them a Messiah, someone to save them. They waited a very long time to see God’s promised fulfilled, but God did not forget His promise. Simeon and Anna both saw baby Jesus and knew God had answered their prayer. Just as the people before them who waited on God to fulfill His promises, they were not disappointed. It is hard to wait for things. Sometimes we get impatient and do things our own way instead of waiting on God, but this just makes things harder. We can wait on God and trust He will keep His promises. 

Practical Application at Home

God makes promises for us today. We can trust God will fulfill the promises he has made to us. Even if it feels like it is taking a long time to come true, God will always keep his promises. We can be patient and wait on God, because we will not be disappointed by God’s amazing plan for us. Look up the following scriptures and tell the promise that God is making.

Isaiah 9:6-7

Romans 10:9

Philippians 4:19

Romans 8:28

John 1:12

2 Corinthians 1:20

Philippians 4:13

Hebrews 4:16

We can trust God’s promises for us now and what will come in His timing. We will need to be patient and trust He has not forgotten us but loves us. God sent His son to earth to live, die, and be resurrected. He lived a sinless life, but died for our sins. The wages of our sins was taken on by His death so that we can live forever with God. God wants to be in relationship with us because He loves us. He loves us so much that He gave His son to die in our place. That is Great news that we can celebrate not just once a year, but every single day. “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved”(Acts 16:31). What a wonderful promise we can trust God to fulfill.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.