Difference maker



John the Baptist knew there was a Messiah coming after him that would bring change to people’s hearts and to their lives. It can be difficult to wait for a change to come, but if we wait for the One who wants to save us, the wait will be worth it!

John 1:19-28 Psalm 126



Play a version or Red light Green Light. Have your child start at a starting point in an open area, when you call a color, they have to move a certain direction. For example Green=go forward, Red=move to the right, Blue= move backwards, yellow= move to the left. As you call out colors to change directions as frequently as you are able.

In this game, it was hard to know when the direction was going to change. You had to listen to the instructions and be prepared to change the direction you were going. Our story today is about how John the Baptist knew that the coming Savior, Jesus, would change everything. He would change how people were forgiven, how they would live their lives, and how they would be saved. 

Read or listen to John 1:19-28

Who did the Jewish leaders send to find out more about John the Baptist? (Priests and Levites)

Who did John confess to be? (Not the Messiah)

Who did John say he was according to Isiah? (The voice in the wilderness)
Who did the religious leaders believe should be baptizing people?
(The Messiah, Elijah or a prophet)

Did John the Baptist claim to be any of those people? (No)

How did John differ his baptism from the coming Messiah? (John baptized with water but the One coming would baptize with the Holy Spirit)



Maybe you have said something to a friend that you wish you hadn’t said, or treated someone unkind and you would like to take that moment back. We’ve all done things we wish we could go back and change or do over. Sometimes we stick our feet in our mouth and we wish we could take back those words or actions. Listen to these common sayings that are often said incorrectly and see if you can figure out the correct way it is supposed to be said. Read the first part and give your child a chance to figure out the correct saying before giving the correct answer. Use each phrase in a sentence to help give context, if desired.

Escape goat—scapegoat. 

Biting my time—Biding my time.   

By in large—-by and large.  

Doggy dog world—-Dog eat dog world     


Nip in the butt——nip in the bud.  

You’ve got another thing coming—-you’ve got another think coming.   

Do a 360—-do a 180.    

For all intensive purposes—-for all intents and purposes.   

Honing inn——homing in.   

Spitting image—-spit and image    

Deep seeded——deep seated


John the Baptist knew that he was not the Savior but Jesus was the Savior to come. He knew Jesus was the one that would change everything, the people just needed to wait for Him. Play this game ‘Who am I’? Listen to the following descriptions and decide if the person being described is Jesus or John the Baptist. .

-I ate locust

-I came out of the wilderness

-I baptized by water

- I wore camel skin

- I baptize with the Holy Spirit

- I I was born in a manger

-my parents were told about my birth by an angel


Independent activity:

Sometimes we have to wait for a little while in order to see any change happen. Find a bean, a wet paper towel and a clear ziplock bag. Place your bean inside the wet paper towel but keep the bean in the bag where you can still see it while the bag is closed. Keep your bag in a window seal or taped to a window. Observe your bean each day and see how long it takes for you to see a change in your bean. After the bean begins to sprout you can plant it in a small cup of dirt and place in the sun. Although you had to wait awhile to see any change, the bean eventually changed.

Materials: clear ziplock bag, dry bean, wet paper towel, Optional: tape,




Create a yarn star with craft sticks glued together. Then wrap the star in yarn and decorate with beans and sequence.

Materials: craft sticks, yellow yarn, optional: beans sequence


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to Psalm 126. In this Psalm, the psalmist is describing God’s faithfulness to restore to them things they may have lost. The poem also describes how they will trade songs of joy for their tears, they will be filled with laughter, and other nations will say :The Lord has done Great things for them”. This verse describes the replacement of sorry for the joy God will provide for them. It will be so bountiful that other nations will take notice and give God credit for their joy and rejoicing. 

Have you ever had sorrow that you weren’t sure you would find joy again?

Have you ever been sad over something that was lost?

Did you have to wait a long time before you could find joy again?

Have you ever been so blessed you felt like it was more than you could handle?

Have you ever had so much joy that others took notice of your changed demeanor?

Sometimes when we are sad or disappointed it can seem as though we will never find joy again. Some things are harder to get over than others. Jesus came to give us joy and to fill us with Himself. That doesn’t mean we won’t hurt or have sorrow, but it does mean that with Him our lives can change. We can trust that He will be faithful to restore the things that were lost by filling us with what we need the most, Him! 

Practical Application at Home

Only God can bring about change from the inside out, but He can use us to bring about good change for the people around us. How can we change the community around us? What can we do in little and big ways to change our community? We don’t have to be big to make a difference to people around us. This week look for ways to serve others in your community. 

-volunteer to serve food at a soup kitchen

-help box food to give to those in need

-Hand out blankets, coats and other cold weather clothing to those in need

-organize a coat drive for a local elementary school

-donate food to a local food bank

-offer to rake and do yard work for those who are elderly in your neighborhood

-make Christmas gifts for shut-ins or those living in assistant living facilities

Look for other ways to serve and bless those in your community. 

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Use this season of giving to give back to others in your community. Use one of the suggestions above to serve the people in your community in a big way. You can also serve the people in your neighborhood by giving words or cards of encouragement.