A True Hero



Waiting can be difficult to do patiently. We often get anxious for what is to come. Israel had waited for their Savior, but they were not exactly ready. Their hearts still needed to be prepared for what Jesus was coming to do. This week we will see who made straight the path for Jesus to come.

Mark 1:1-8



Have you ever waited for something before? Sometimes it can be hard to sit and wait, it feels like it is taking forever. Let’s play a little game. I’m going to call out an action and I want to see who can do the action quickly. Listen carefully to know what your action will be. Call out the following actions, have your child complete the activity in 1 action, return to their spot and then wait for the next action to be given. Give some actions close together so it is fast and then give wait time between some to build anticipation for the next action. This will give them a sense of waiting. Extra fun, use a timer to see how fast they can go.

Do a jumping jack

Do a cartwheel

Close a door

Run around the couch

Do a donkey kick

Roll from the living room to the kitchen and back

Froggy jump around ME!

Do a pretend jump rope

Give a pillow a squeeze

It was fun to try to do all of those actions quickly, but then there were times we had to wait for our next actions to be given. Sometimes waiting can be hard, especially when it is somethings we really want or need. God’s people were waiting for a Savior. They knew God had promised a Savior but they had to wait for it. They needed help and they needed to be rescued from their sins. Before God could send a Saviour, He sent someone else to prepare them for the Savior that was to come. Find out who God sent ahead of their Savior to help prepare the way.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 1:1-8

What was the messenger supposed to do? (Prepare the way for Jesus the Messiah)

Where did John the Baptist appear? (In the wilderness)

What was his message? (A baptism of Repentance for the forgiveness of sins)

Where did the people of Jerusalem go to hear this message? (The Judean countryside)

Where did John baptize them? (In the Jordan River)

What was John’s appearance like? (wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.

What did John say to the people about who was coming next? (After him comes one more powerful than he of whom he is not worthy to untie his sandals)
What did John say Jesus would baptize with unlike him? (He baptizes with water but Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit)



John the Baptist prepared the people of Israel for Jesus’ coming so they would be prepared for Him. John’s path led people to Jesus, the Savior they needed. Prepare a path for your child to follow. Using small plastic insect toys or another small object, place them in a path for your child to find that will lead them to a picture or book of Jesus. Spread out the objects enough that your child will need to look for the next one. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and created a path so that others could find Jesus easily. Jesus is everyone’s Savior. He did not just come for a select few, but He came to save everyone!

Materials: small plastic insects or other small objects, picture or book of Jesus


Listen to the following scenarios and decide how you would prepare for these activities. Tell how you would prepare or get ready for each event.

         Grandma comes for a visit; throwing a surprise party for your dad; A sleepover with your best buddies; reciting a poem in front of school; an upcoming spelling Bee; playing at the Christmas program; bringing home a new baby brother or sister; Eating a really big ice cream sundae.

When we are preparing for a special visitor or a special performance, we make sure we are ready in advance. When we prepare for Jesus, we do not need to have all the answers or get everything right before we come to Him, we just need to recognize we need Him. John the Baptist message was that they were sinful in need of a Savior.


Independent activity:

There are community helpers who rescue people and save lives. They help people who may be in trouble, or need medical help. Jesus is our Savior, He has rescued us from all of our mistakes. Complete the following activity sheet and match the community helpers to the people they save.

Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons




Make a large announcement, preparing the way for Jesus. Create an announcement much like a birth or wedding announcement, drawing a picture of Jesus, and describing when he is coming and why. You can make several to pass out to your friends as a reminder of why we celebrate Jesus’ birth; to make way in our hearts for our Savior.

Materials: sheet of construction or cardstock paper, crafting items such as: crayons, glue, stickers, glitter, markers, scissors


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Who is someone you can talk to this week about Jesus?

What can you tell them about Jesus?

What are some ways you can show others Jesus with your actions?

What are some things you prepare for?

How can you prepare for Jesus?

When you make mistakes, who can you call on to help you not make those same mistakes?

Who do you know that does not need a Saviour?

Practical Application at Home

Preparing for Jesus is more than just cleaning our room or getting rid of some old boxes. When we prepare our hearts, we admit that we have made mistakes and Jesus is the one who can help me make better choices. We all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness. We are all in need of a Savior. 

We can make room in our hearts for Jesus by looking at what we spend our time doing. On a sheet of paper, make a list of 4 things that are important to you that you do every week. Over top of your list, draw or write the name Jesus. This is to remind us that the most important thing we can do is to put Jesus first and then everything else can follow. This week, make time to spend with Jesus. Prepare a pathway for time with Jesus this week.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?