Change Course



Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Even when everyone else is making a choice that you know is wrong, are you still able to make the right choice? God doesn’t want us to follow after others especially when they are going the wrong way. We can make the right choices with God’s help.

Micah 3:5-12. I Thessalonians 2:9-13



We hear news all around us. We may get news from a new station on TV, or from the radio. We can read about news from a friend. Some news we receive is good news and it makes us smile or happy to hear about it. Then there is news that might be shocking or sad. Sometimes we might even hear things that are wrong that we should not follow, but we can choose to do what is right. God wants us to choose the right things and not always believe or listen to the wrong things others may tell us. Listen to the news being shared. Use your emoji faces to decide if it is good news or bad news.

-Broccoli casserole is for dinner

-All children must eat ice cream for breakfast

-Dolphins are giving free rides

-School is closed for 2 weeks

-All of the roads are iced over

-All children must pay $20 a month for taxes

-Everyone has to pray to an idol

-Children do not need to obey their parents

-It’s give a gift day, bless one person with a gift today

-If you see something you like, you can take it

-Every time it rains, eat cinnamon rolls

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Micah 3:5-12

Who did Micah say he was filled with? (The power of the Holy Spirit)

What type of news did Micah sometimes deliver to Israel? (To tell them of their sin)

What were the leaders of Jacob doing? (Despising justice and building Zion and Jerusalem with wickedness)

Even though the leaders were not doing right, what did they want from the Lord? (For Him to be with them and protect them from disaster)

What was going to happen to Zion? (Be plowed like a field)

What was going to happen to Jerusalem? (Become a heap of rubble)



Play this game of Pictionary. Read the message on the card and get your audience to understand your message by drawing a picture. See if they can guess your message within the time limit (you see the time limit).

Materials: printed scenarios


Play this game of “What would you do?” Read the following scenario cards and decide what you would do in that particular situation if you witnessed it.

Materials: printed activity cards

Independent activity:

Read the following messages God gave to His prophets and decide which prophet is delivering the message. Draw a line to match the prophet with their message.

Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies




Coloring page

Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read or listen to I Thessalonians 2:9-13

In this verse it speaks of encouraging others to do what is right and living by an example. We too can encourage others to do what is right and live by example. We show others our faith when we choose to do the right things even when others may be doing the wrong thing. 

What are some things you do that others may be watching?

Who can you be a good witness to?

What are some things you’ve had to stand up for that you knew were right?

What can you do when you need to go against the crowd?

How can you find strength to do what is right in the face of others doing wrong.

Practical Application at Home

It is important to hear the stories of other people who have made tough choices for God. Be a news reporter and interview the members of your family. Have several questions prepared to find out more about their experience. Hear their stories of times they’ve had to stand up for what was right and choose to do the right thing even when it was hard or the opposite of what others were doing. Use these stories to strengthen your faith and know that God will be with you just as He was with them.

Example questions for your interview:

What is a time you had to make a hard choice or stand up for something you knew was right?

Were you the only one speaking up for the right thing?

After you stood up and made the right choice, did anyone else follow you in making the same decision?

What do you regret most about that situation?

What did God help you with the most in that situation?

Were you nervous when you realized you would have to go against what others were doing?

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?