Our worship is a way we express our inner most thoughts and adoration about God. Sometimes it can be hard to feel as though we have expressed all of the thoughts and feelings we have about God. The good news is, there is not just one way to worship. It looks different and can be expressed in many different ways. This week we will see how there is not just one way to worship.
What are some special things you do on road trips? Are there special places you go or eat? Do you stop every hour or do you try to see how far you can go without stopping. Do you pick up a souvenir at every gas station or state you visit? Do you have special games or songs you sing only when you are on a road trip? What are the special snacks you take on the road?
Different families have different things they like to do on road trips. They are the things that make road trips special and fun! Let’s see how well you know your family road trip traditions. Take out a sheet of paper and see if you can answer the following questions the same as another member in your family. Each player must answer the questions on their sheet of paper, and then reveal their answers only when the Reader tells them to hold it up or read it aloud. Readers read the following statements out loud.
Where do we eat for breakfast?
What time do we usually leave for a road trip?
What must we do at home before we can head out?
Who always suggests the family plays a game?
What's the number 1 song we sing in the car?
What is usually playing on the car stereo?
What does mom do on every road trip?
What does dad do on every road trip?
What is one thing dad says on every road trip?
What is a snack we always take on every road trip?
Road trips are fun and they are a special time that we spend with our families and loved ones. God has a special time he has set aside to be with us as well. When we worship God we can do it at any time and at any place, but God sets the Sabbath aside as something special. Our worship is a way we show our inward thoughts and feelings we have about God. Spending time inn worship on Sabbath helps us set aside time to dwell in God’s presence and be filled with his love. When we are filled by Him, we can then go through the rest of our week pouring out that love toward others. Our worship allows us to live in obedience to Him and be a blessing to others. Read or listen to the next commandments of love to see how we can worship God through our obedience to His word.
Read or listen to the storyExodus 20:7-11; 32:1-14
What should we not do to God’s name? (Misuse it)
What should remember to do on the Sabbath Day? (Keep it holy)
Who shouldn’t work on the Sabbath? (You, your son, daughter, slave, livestock or foreigner in your gates)
What did God do on the seventh day of creation? (God rested on the seventh day)
What did the Lord do on the Sabbath day? (He blessed and declared it holy)
Go on a family worship walk. Post the printed signs around the room and have your child/family visit each station. Complete the activity listed on each sign before moving on to the next sign. We can worship in a variety of ways. They all express the way we adore the one true God in Heaven. We can praise Him that He is our creator and ruler of the universe.
Materials: printed worship walk signs, tape, scissors
We can worship in lots of different ways. Some ways we worship is through song, or through reading God’s word, or hearing God’s word in a message. Think of one way you can worship today. Maybe you can play an instrument, write a poem, or call a friend to encourage them with a scripture or prayer. Decide what act of workshop you will do and then, begin worshipping through your chosen act.
Materials: possible instruments, paper, pencil, craft items
Independent activity:
On road trips we see lots of road signs that give us warning and information about what is up ahead. We want to remember the commandments we have learned today. Create 2 road signs that help you remember to respect and represent God’s name. Draw the other sign to remember to pause from our usual daily activities to set time aside on God’s Sabbath to worship Him.
Materials: construction paper, crayons, various art supplies, examples of road signs-optional
Using popsicle, or craft sticks, glue them on a sheet of construction paper to create a church. Make your church a 2-D by gluing them flat to the construction paper. Create a 3-D church by gluing your popsicle sticks vertically onto the paper.
Materials: Craft sticks, craft glue, construction paper
Craft 2
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
Read or listen to Philippians 4:8-9. What does this verse say that we should think or meditation on? Whatever is true, noble, honorable, right, pure, lovely or admirable is a list of honorable traits. We can think about the things we do or see every day and compare it to this list of attributes. Is there anyone or anything you do that really measures up to this list of attributes? God is all of these things. He is true, noble, honorable, right, and admirable and is worthy of our praise and worship.
How does the Sabbath help us worship?
What are some ways your family worships on Sabbath?
Why did God set aside a day to rest from all work?
How does not using God’s name vain a form of worship?
What would we be showing if we chose to disrespect God’s name purposefully?
How is claiming we are a Christian and then treating people poorly, using God’s name in vain?
What does it mean to represent the name of God?
Practical Application at Home
There is no one right way to worship God. When we worship we are displaying our inner most feelings and adoration towards God. Sometimes we praise God because of something wonderful He has done for us, and other times we praise God simply because God is sovereign. Our praise may look different depending on the reason for our praise. Listen the following scenarios and decide how you would choose to worship.
You just got an A on a hard test.
You heard good news from the doctor about your grandparent.
You were just in a car accident.
Your brother is feeling better after being sick for a week.
You just found out you are having a baby brother or sister.
Your parents just told you the family is going on vacation.
Your refrigerator is empty.
You just found your lost puppy.
You had to give away your favorite toy.
It is Sabbath afternoon.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.