


Moses ask Pharoah many times to free the Israelites but he would not let them go. God helped Moses by sending plagues to change Pharaohs mind. Read this weeks story to see what changed Pharoah’s mind and how God helped Moses free the Israelites. 

Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:21-30



Take turns hiding an object and then calling for help. Pick one person to hide an object while everyone else closes their eyes. Say, “Oh no! I’m in trouble! I lost my ______, can you hep me? Pick one person to find your object by playing a game of hot/cold as they get closer or farther away from the hidden object. 

We all need help sometimes when we are in trouble or can’t solve a problem. God helps us when we are in trouble just as he helped Moses and the Israelites. When Moses went to Pharoah to ask him to set God’s people free, Pharaoh refused. Moses needed God to help  in order for Pharaoh to release God’s people. Let’s continue reading the story of Moses to see how God helped the Israelite people.

Read or listen to the Bible story Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:21-30

What did God say about Pharaohs heart? (Pharaohs heart is unyielding and refuses to let my people go)

What did God send as the first plague? (Turning he Nile to blood)

When God sent the frogs, where did they come from? (From the Nile and they covered the land)

What turned into gnats when Aaron struck the ground? (Aaron struck the dust and it turned in gnats)

Where did God not send the flies? (Where God’s people lived in Goshen, he would not send the flies to distinguish his people from Pharaoh’s people)

What happened when God sent a plague on the livestock? (All the livestock of the Egyptians died but not one of the livestock of Israel died.)

What are the next 4 plagues that God sent to the Egyptians? (The plague of boils, hail, locust, and darkness)

What was the last plague sent to Egypt? (The firstborn in every house would die)

How could the Israelites keep the destroyer from killing their firstborn children? (Dip a bunch of hyssop into the blood of the passover lamb and then put some of the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe)


God spared the Israelites from the last plague if they painted their doorframe with blood from their sacrificed lamb. God provided a way for the Israelites to escape and for the death to pass over them. This celebration of Passover is still celebrated today.


Retell the story of the 10 plagues using the following items as prompts as you retell the plagues. Demonstrate or have your child participate in the activity. Here are a few ideas of what you can use to represent each plague. Substitute as desired.

Water to blood= fill a cup with water and add red food coloring. frogs=hop around the room like a frog. gnats=place as many dots on their paper using a pencil, as they can. Flies: place two black circle on their eyes and fly around. Livestock die= walk around on all fours and then call out “Plague” and everyone keels over on their side. Boils= white stickers or dots (paint) on arm. Hail=throw mini marshmallows in the air. Locust= pick up as many small pieces of green papers as you can. Dark= turn off all the lights. First born death= use a dry paintbrush to paint the top of a doorpost of side wall or sheet of paper

Materials: various items around your house including red food coloring, paper, pencil, white stickers, mini marshmallows, green paper, dry paint brush


Create a maze or obstacle course fo your child to walk through. As they go through the maze send obstacles to stand in their way such as hail, flying plastic bugs, rain from a spray bottle, etc. When they are hit with an obstacle they can cry out for help “I need the Lord’s help”. When they cry out, stop the obstacle and let them continue through the course. The Israelites faced many obstacles as they tried to get out of Egypt. Pharaoh did not want them to go, but God sent help when they were in trouble. God sends help to us too!

Materials: objects to create a maze, items to represent some plagues such as plastic bugs, spray bottle with water, mini marshmallows

Independent activity:

Complete the following activity sheet. Draw the ten plagues in each of the ten circles. Think about how you would represent each plague in the circle. If desired, make your plagues 3-D by using craft items such as cotton balls, sand, red wrapping paper, etc.

Materials: printed activity sheet




Create plague puppets on craft sticks. After puppets are created use them to retell the story of Moses and the 10 plagues.

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What was Moses afraid of?

What are some things you are afraid of?

What helps you remember God is with you?

How did Moses help the Israelite people?

How many plagues can you remember that God sent to Egypt?

Practical Application at Home

God helped the Israelites when they needed to be freed from slavery. God helps us today as well. Think of bible verses that help you remember God helps us in many ways. God speaks in his word of how He loves us and wants to care for us. When we read in the Bible of God’s love it helps us remember that God is with us when we need help.

God comforts us when we are sad

God provides for our needs

God will guide us in the right direction

God provides the earth for us to dwell on.

God sends rain to water the earth

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.