


It’s not always easy to do the right thing. Choosing to obey or doing what we want. Taking care of our health or ignoring what’s good for our bodies. We are tempted by lots of things. Telling the truth or telling the lie to keep out of trouble. Some temptations are not hard to overcome while others are really hard for us. Each of us have different temptations, but the good news is, Jesus has overcome temptations so He can help us overcome too!

Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-11



Play a game of “Don’t make me laugh”. One person has to keep a straight face while one or more people do funny things to make them laugh. They can make silly faces, noises, tell jokes or anything else that will make them crack a smile or laugh. The person who has to keep a straight face has to keep their eyes open and look at the other players. If they laugh, switch roles.

Was it easy or hard to keep a straight face? Sometimes it may have felt like you could not control yourself to keep from laughing. We are all tempted to do things we do not want to do or know that we should not do. This week we will see how Jesus was tempted and learn that he will help us when we are tempted too.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Mark 1:12-13; and Matthew 4:1-11

How long was Jesus in the wilderness? (40 days)

What was Jesus doing in the wilderness during the 40 days? (Fasting and praying)

Who was he there with? (Wild animals and the angels and Satan)

What was the first temptation Satan gave Jesus? (To turn stones into bread)

How did Jesus respond? (Men does not eat on bread along but on the word of God)

What was Satan’s second temptation? (For Jesus to demonstrate he was the Song of God by throwing himself down for the angels to save him)

How did Jesus respond? (Do not test the Lord your God)

What was Satan’s third temptation? (Offering to give Jesus the world if he bowed down and worshiped him)

How did Jesus respond? (Go away Satan, worship the Lord your God and serve only Him)

After the third temptation what did Satan do? (He left and the angels attended Jesus)


Jesus was tested in the wilderness by Satan 3 times and used the Bible to answer Satan. Jesus was able to defeat the temptations Satan gave because He knew the word of God better than Satan. Because Jesus was able to defeat Satan, we can trust that Jesus will help us when we are tempted as well.


Use a sandbox, planter filled with soil or a large container filled with sand or soil, and bury 3 stones in the sand/soil. Have your child dig through the sand and find the 3 stones. After the stones are found, wipe them clean and then write or draw the 3 responses Jesus gave Satan when he was tempted. 1:live by God’s words 2:Do not test God 3:Worship and serve God only. Then decorate the stones with markers. We can use these stones as a reminder of how we should live and serve God. We can resist Satan’s temptations by using God’s word, the Bible, and calling on Jesus to help. Place these stones in a place where you can see them as a reminder.

Materials: Sandbox filled with sand, alternative: planter or large container filled with soil or sand, 3 stones, permanent markers in various colors


Get two bowls and two small index cards (or paper of similar size). Place a label in front of each bowl, one labeled GO and one STOP. We are all tempted to do things we should not do, but being tempted does not mean we do the wrong thing. We can be tempted to do something but we can choose to stop and make a better choice. Listen to the following scenarios and then throw your bean into the bowl labeled STOP or the bowl labeled GO. If you think you should stop doing the activity you hear, then throw your bean into the STOP bowl. If you think the activity you hear is ok to do, then throw your bean into the GO bowl.

Materials: Temptation scenario cards, 2 bowls, 2 index cards or similar sized paper

independent activity:

Use old magazines to cut out pictures and glue them to a sheet of construction paper titled with one of the following statements. “Man does not live on bread alone”; cut out pictures that show different foods you might like to eat. “Do not test God”; cut out pictures of things you might test such as test driving a car or testing how soft a couch is. “Worship and serve only God”; cut out pictures of things you might be tempted to serve other than God and then draw an X on each picture.

Materials: Old magazines, sheet of construction paper, scissors, glue, marker or pencil




Create a bible poster art. Use the attached images to color and cut, then glue them onto a large sheet of construction paper. Draw additional images and use stickers to add to your bible poster. 

Materials: white, yellow and other optional colors construction paper, gold glitter, glue, writing utensil


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



What have you been tempted to do?

Have you ever resisted a temptation?

Can friends tempt you to do the wrong thing?

Is it easy or hard to resist temptations?

What are some things you can remember to do when you are in the middle of a temptation?

Can you resist Satan’s temptations on your own?

Who can you call on for help when you feel tempted to do the wrong thing?

Why is it important to only worship and serve God?

How can we be like Jesus when we are resisting temptation?

Practical Application at Home

Jesus used God’s word, the holy bible to resist Satan’s temptations. Jesus knew what the word of God says and He was not tricked or deceived by Satan’s words. Satan also used the scriptures as a way to deceive Jesus, which means he also knows what the Bible says. But Satan does not understand God’s words the way Jesus does. Satan tries to deceive people by changing God’s words a little so that we will be confused. We should not rely on our own strength and knowledge to defeat Satan’s temptations, but we should rely on Jesus and God’s holy Word. Ask Jesus to help you when you are feeling tempted and trust that He can help you because He has already defeated Satan. We have already been delivered by Jesus.

Think about the following temptations you may face and then think of a scripture you could use to help you make the right choice.

- It’s okay to take a dollar from mom’s purse for lunch without asking. (Thou shalt not steal Exodus 20:   )

- It’s okay to go into your friends house for just a few minutes even though your parents tell you not to go into neighbors’ homes without their permission. You can go really quick. (Obey your mother and father that your days may be long upon the land you live Exodus 20:   )

- It’s okay to leave your trash in your neighbors yard, they can pick it up. You don’t need to keep their yard clean and then you don’t have to go back home to throw your trash away. (Love your neighbor as yourself)

- It’s okay not to pray regularly. Surely God knows what you are thinking so you don’t need to tell him about it. (Pray without ceasing      )

- Completing this homework assignment neatly doesn’t even matter. It is not an important subject and no one really cares. It’s okay to turn in this work sloppily. (Every work your hand finds to do, do it to the glory of God)

-It’s okay to tell this lie to your parents because it will keep you out of trouble. They will never find out what really happened. It is more important for them to think you did the right thing. (Lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Donate to a local food shelter or toy drive this Christmas season. As a family, volunteer together or pick out toys you think another child your age might enjoy.