When it is dark outside, what do you do? Do you stand still unable to move or do anything or do you get a source of light to help you see and move? There is a light that helps us through the darkness. Jesus is our light and helps us see God more clearly.
Let’s use our sense of sight to determine what these objects all have in common.
Show the following objects and have your child guess what all of these objects have in common. Alternate option, show the following pictures for them to determine what they have in common.
-comb, brush, hair tie (hair grooming items)
-beach towel, beach ball, umbrella (things to use at the beach)
-poinsetta, evergreen tree, Holly bush (Christmas plants)
-fireplace, marshmallows, graham crackers (things for S’mores)
-popcorn, movie, blanket (items for movie night)
-dice, game pieces, scoreboard (things for a game)
We use our senses to observe and learn about the world around us. We can also learn lots of things from reading books, going to museums, watching informative videos, and talking with experts about a topic. We can use all of our senses to experience the world around us and to help us better understand God. We can see God through Jesus. Jesus gives us a clearer view of who God is and how much He loves us. John the Baptist helped those around him be prepared to meet Jesus. They first needed to be prepared to see their sins so that Jesus could save them from their sins. They first needed to see that they had a need for a Savior, and John the Baptist prepared their hearts for just that. Let’s read or listen to the Bible verse this week to see how John the Baptist helped others see Jesus was their way for salvation.
Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: John 1:1-18
Who was in the beginning? (The Word and God)
Who was the Word? (God)
What was done through Him? (All things were made, without him nothing was made that was made)
What was the life that was in Him? (The light of all mankind that shines in the darkness)
What has not overcome the Light? (Darkness)
What was John sent to do? (To testify concerning the Light, that through him all might believe)
Did the world the Light came to, know him? (No, although He made the world, it did not recognize him and his own did not receive Him)
Has anyone ever seen God? (Only the one and only Son who is himself God)
Who has made God known? (The One and only Son who is God and in the closest relationship with the Father)
What are some sins we need to have forgiven? It’s sometimes hard to admit when we are wrong and when we make mistakes. We don’t often like to admit that we need help and don’t always like to admit our mistakes. But when we recognize our failures and how we fall short of perfection, we can ask Jesus to be our Savior. He is full of truth and grace and can repair our mistakes and forgive our sins.
Create a simple obstacle course for your child to walk through. Create several pairs of glasses that have different ‘lenses’ taped to the glasses’ outline. On one pair of glasses create lenses out of wrapping paper, another pair with tissue paper lenses, another pair with clear Saran Wrap lenses. Have them complete the obstacle course wearing the glasses in the order listed above, starting with the least visible lenses to the most visible. Was it easy or hard to make it through the obstacle course. What made the course easier to navigate through? When our lenses were clear it was easier to get around the course because we could see exactly what was in front of us. John the Baptist made the way to Jesus and salvation clear. He helped others see the way to salvation was through accepting Jesus as the Messiah and believing in Him. We can accept Jesus as our Savior as well and then we get a clearer view of who God is.
Materials: printable glasses, Saran Wrap, tissue paper, wrapping paper, objects of obstacle course
John the Baptist didn’t live as an ordinary man but did things that seemed strange to others at the time. He lived in the desert, wore camels hair, a leather belt, ate honey, and locust. There were many odd things that John the Baptist did, but God had a special mission for John the Baptist and he accepted it. Think of other strange combinations and decide if you think they are add combinations or if they sound pretty normal.
-Peanut butter and Jelly
-Peanut butter and mustard
-shoes made of skunk hair
-a hairbrush made of porcupine needles
-a necklace of acorns
-mustard and cheese sandwiches
-popcorn with cinnamon
-a skirt made of seashells
-a plate made from tree bark
-cat teeth chewing gum
God can use anything for His purpose. Even things that may seem odd or strange to us is not impossible with God. Even if we have an odd way of doing things, God can use us to do mighty things for His kingdom. We just need to listen and be willing to see what God has in store for us.
Independent activity:
Think of ways Jesus helps us see the things we should do for others more clearly. Jesus can help us see how we are to treat others and show them love. When we want to see things more clearly, we use a magnifying glass to help make small things appear bigger. Use the magnifying glass outline to draw something in the center that shows how Jesus can help you show love to others.
Materials: printed activity sheet, crayons
Coloring page
Materials:printed coloring sheet, crayons or other coloring utensils
Craft 2
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
What did John the Baptist do?
Who is the Light of mankind?
What did John the Baptist help other see?
How can we help others see Jesus?
How can our actions show others Jesus?
Practical Application at Home
It’s hard to see when it is dark outside. When it is hard to see we often find a light source to help us clearly see what we are not able to see in the darkness. The light is what helps us see where we are going, where we have been and to walk in a clear path. Jesus is our Light. He helps us see where He has taken us in the past. He helps us see where He is leading us in the present. He is the Light that leads us in the right direction so we don’t stumble over the things that lead us away from Him. Jesus is the Light that leads to God and salvation.
Hide a toy or an item that they’ve seen before that they need to find. Don't show them the hiding place but be sure they have seen the item prior to hiding it. Jesus is our light that shows us our mistakes or sins, and then shows us where to go. Jesus wants to help lead us out of our mistakes and sins so that we follow the path He has already planned for us. Follow my light, and see if you can find the hidden object. Jesus wants us to follow Him and stay with Him even when it gets hard, we can continue to use His Light to help show us the way.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?