Big God
Do you ever feel really small? What are some things that are bigger than you? Sunflowers? Trees? A basketball rim? God? Some of those things you will be taller than one day or you may fly in an airplane and look down on them, but we will never be bigger than God. We can be glad God is bigger than us but see each one of us. This month we will see that even though God is big, he had a plan for one small man, Job.
Have children go on a hunt to find something in comparison to what you call out. When they find an item they can bring it to show you or call out something they found.
What is smaller than…
A shoe
A tree
A chair
A bean
A toothpick
A phone
Things we may consider small may not be as small when compared to something even smaller. A bee is small to us but to an ant it’s not so small. We might think a giraffe is big but to people flying in an airplane, it is very small. Who is bigger than everything? God is bigger than anything we can think of and yet He sees each one of us. The things we see as big are not big in comparison to God. We can trust that He is in control because He is big enough to see it all. This week we will see a man who was blessed with land, money, and family but had it all taken away. Job was only one man on earth and yet God knew Him and knew His heart. God knew that Job loved him not because of all of His blessings but because He loved God. Even though we are small, God sees and knows us. Let’s read to see what God thought of Job.
Read or listen to the scripture I Kings 10:1-9
Where did Job live? (UZ)
How does the Bible describe him? (Blameless and upright)
How did Job rest evil? (He shunned evil)
Who came with the angels that presented themselves to God? (Satan)
Where had Satan come from? (From roaming the earth to and fro)
How did God describe Job? (A man who fears God and shuns evil)
What did Satan want to take from Job? (His life or flesh)
What did God tell Satan he must spare? (Job’s life)
What did Satan afflict Job with? ( painful sores all over his body)
What did Job’s wife suggest Job do? (Curse God and die)
What was Job’s response to his wife? (Shall we accept good from God and not trouble)Did Job sin in his suffering? (In all of this Job did not sin)
Play this game of Pictionary. Pull a card that describes a character with something that is either big or small and draw it on a large sheet of paper or whiteboard.. For example, if you pick a card for an ant on a log, draw the ant which is small and draw a big log. Have your team guess your card. The perspective each character had may not be the same perspective we see being the size we are, but God also has a different perception on our situations as well. God can see what we can not see and can handle problems that seem big to us. Wee can trust that there is nothing too big for God.
Materials: printed Pictionary cards, large drawing paper or white board, marker of drawing
Write a list together stating all the blessings and troubles your family has experienced this year or in recent years. Read your list aloud mixing the blessings and troubles together, after each statement, as a family say “God is with us” Even through all of Job’s trials, the one thing he was able to cling and hang on to was God. We can know that we can lose everything yet God will be there.
Materials: construction paper, pencil
Independent activity:
Complete the following activity sheet. Think about all of the small and big things you see on the paper. Even though we are small we serve a big God with a plan for our life. We may not know God’s plans but He knows the beginning from the end and He knows what’s best for us.
Materials: activity sheet, crayons
Complete the following Job puppet. Print the puppet page, color and cut out the printable. Then glue the picture of Job to the top of a small paper lunch sack.
Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors
Craft 2
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
What do you see that tell you God is big?
How has God demonstrated how big His love is for us?
What do you do that tells you we are small?
How did Job feel about all of the bad things that happened to him?
What was Job willing to take from God?
How can we take the good and bad from God?
How did Job show that He knew God was bigger than him?
What are some things you may think you know better than God?
Practical Application at Home
Think of some things that are big and some that are small. Create a collage of big a small things. Although they are opposites, big and small items sometimes belong together. God is big and we are small, and that helps us trust God is in control and knows the plans He has for us.
Use magazines to cut out pictures of things that are small and things that are big. Glue them on a sheet of construction paper. Title your page “I can be small because God is big!”
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?