

This week we will learn that Jesus is God. Jesus is not like you and me because He is God! God had a special plan for Jesus just like he has a special plan for each one of our lives as well. Let’s see how God showed that Jesus was unusual and set apart for something special



Take a fingerprint of each of your fingers and compare them to each other as well as to a family members. Notice each one is unique and different, just like Jesus is different. (You can take a fingerprint by using an ink pad or shading your fingertip with erasable markers and then stamping it on a piece of paper.)

Materials: Ink pad (or washable markers), White sheet of paper, Bible

Jesus was different from the other children his age because God set him apart for something special. When Jesus was baptized there was something very special that happened. It was not like other baptisms but God did something special to show that Jesus was set apart from everyone else.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Matthew 3:11-17. 

Who did Jesus ask to baptize him? (John the Baptist)

Why didn’t John want to baptize Jesus? (He said Jesus was greater than he, and that Jesus should be baptizing)

What happened after Jesus was baptized? ( The heavens opened and The Spirit of God came like a dove and a voice from heaven spoke)

What did the voice of heaven say?( “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”)

How do you think the people standing by felt when they saw this happen?

If you were standing in this crowd and witnessed this happening, would you have believed Jesus was God?

Even today we still get to witness miracles happening around us and sometimes to us. If you saw a miracle happen in front of you, would you believe?

How can we make sure we recognize God’s miracles instead of thinking it was luck?


Jesus was unusual but he is God. When he was baptized God opened heaven and sent his spirit in the form of a dove and spoke saying Jesus was his son.


  1. Activity: If you have been baptized, write about the event. Tell who baptized you, and the reasons why you wanted to be baptized. Tell how you felt leading up to your baptism, and how you felt during and after the baptism. Tell of the special people in your life who came to witness the baptism and if you did anything afterwards. Share how God has changed your life since being baptized. (If you haven’t been baptized, ask a parent or someone you know who has been baptized and record their story for them.)

Materials: Paper, Pen/Pencil


Complete this word search

Materials: “Word Search” link


Create a diorama of the scene of Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist. Using a shoe box color the background scenery of the shoebox (like the sky, grass around the river). Use construction paper to create the water at the bottom or trees along the sides. Create cut-out people such as Jesus, John the Baptist and the crowd and place them in the box. You can make the people stand by glueing them to an L shaped piece of construction paper or cardboard, gluing the bottom side to the box and one side to the person figure.

Materials: Shoebox, construction paper, scissors, glue

Downloadable Sheet:



Jesus is baptized spinner.

Materials: Craft spinner printed worksheet, Crayons, Large straw, Scissors, Tape, Glue



Color each part of the picture: clouds, Jesus and John the Baptist, and the water. Cut out the water and Jesus with John. Using a metal brad, attach Jesus with John to the cloud paper. Cut slits along both lines at the bottom of the cloud page and place the ends of the water through each slit. Fold back the pieces from the water and tape to the back of the paper. 

Materials: Picture printout, Scissors, Metal brads, Tape


CRaft 3

Coloring page. One way to print this page is to download and then print. (The small circle with 3 small dots allows you to download the copy.)

Materials: Coloring page printout, Crayons


In Acts 2, Peter is preaching to a crowd of people. Peter tells the crowd  that Jesus had risen from the dead and was the Messiah that they had crucified. His words cut to their hearts and they asked Peter what they should do. 

Read or listen to Acts 2:38-41

What did Peter tell them they should do? (to repent and be baptized.)

What does the word repent mean?

Watch this video about repentance.

Repenting means you realize you have done something wrong, a sin, and you want to turn away from that sin. When we repent we are not only saying we are sorry, but also turning in a new direction away from our sin. To go a different way. Repenting means choosing to turn away from sin and turn toward God. 

Let's play a game where we do something backwards and turn the other way.

Place a small basketball goal or use a plastic bowl against a wall and then take about 8 steps back. Using a small bouncy ball or regular ball, turn around and dribble the ball backwards 3 times. Then turn and shoot the ball into a plastic bowl or basketball hoop. An alternative is to use a bean bag and plastic bowl.

Read Romans 6:4 

Using a mirror or plastic plate, draw a heart or write the word LIFE with a new or well inked dry erase marker. Draw lightly as if you were painting. On the edge of the plate or mirror, add some water and roll it over the words or drawing. As it goes over the drawing you will see your picture rise up from the surface. Just as these words lifted from the page, when we are baptized in Jesus we are raised to a new life in Jesus. We can repent and live a new life following God’s direction. 


Small basketball goal (or plastic bowl)

Small basketball or bouncy ball (or small bean bag)

Mirror or plastic plate

New Dry erase marker (or well inked)


Practical Application at Home

Jesus’ baptism showed us He was unusual because He is God. God has also set us apart for something special. He calls each of us to live a not normal life through Jesus our Savior. When we are baptized we are saying we want a new life in Jesus. We understand that we can not change our sins on our own but we want to go a new direction with Jesus. This week look for ways to live a new life in Jesus.

1. Remember that God loves you and thinks you are special. Write down the gifts He has blessed you with. What special skills or talents has God given you and how can you use them to bless the people around you?

2. Look for ways to make others around you see that they are special to God as well. Be a blessing to the people in your life. Try a few of these:

- Write an encouraging note to someone who may be feeling down.

- Help your mom or dad clean the house, before they ask.

- Take time to play a game or do something your brother or sister likes to do, even if you don’t like it.

- Write a thank-you note to someone in your life who means a lot to you.

- Someone who has shown you that you are special to them, and just tell them thank you.

- Smile at a teacher or classmates as you walk through the halls in school. You might be surprised at how far a simple smile can go to cheer up the people around you.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food