Big Picture
You are about to lose a tooth and can’t eat an apple for lunch. This is a problem. You read about a village in Africa that has to walk 4 miles one way to get dirty water for the day. This is a problem. One problem is big and one is small, but which one does God care about. God cares about our small problems too and it is not too small for God.
What are some things you would like to receive twice as much of?
Twice as much…
Vegetables on your plate?
Nap time?
Play time?
Shoes in your closet?
Toys to play with?
Dishes to wash?
Read or listen to the scripture
What did Job reply to God about what he knows? (That GOd can do all things)
What did Job say he spoke of? (Things he did not understand that were too wonderful for him)
Job heard about God, but now what did Job experience? (Job saw God with his own eyes)
How did God restore Job? (His fortunes with twice as much as he had before)
Who came to see Job after his health was restored? (His brothers and sisters and all who knew him before)
What did each one of them give Job? (A piece of silver and a gold ring)
How many children did Job have? (7 sons and 3 daughters)
Who did Job give an inheritance to? (His sons and his daughters)
How long did Job live after this? (140 years)
Print the following activity sheet and cut them into strips. Place all the strips in a bowl. Pull out the strips one at a time and sort them into groups of big problems and small problems. In the bible we see lots of people with lots of problems! They didn’t always trust God to solve their problems, but God was always there to help them. Some of their problems were big and some seemed small, but God was there for all of them. There is no problem that we have that is too small for God.
Think of ways to solve these problems:
Your dog got out of the fence and is lost
You ate too much birthday cake
You can’t find your favorite toy
You hurt you finger playing basketball
You can’t find your other shoe
Your friend doesn’t want to play with you today
We face different problems everyday. Some of those problems are big and some of them are small. God gave us the ability to solve a lot of problems, but He wants to help us with our problems too. There is no problem too big or too small that God can not handle. Job’s problems were big, but God was bigger and blessed Job even more than he had before.
Independent activity:
I can know who God is by the Word of God. It describes who God is in the Bible. Complete this activity sheet, color in the words that you know describe who God is according to His Word.
Materials: activity sheet
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors
Craft 2
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
What problems of Jobs were small?
What were some of Job’s big problems?
How did Job realize that he was small but God was big?
What are some big problems God handled in the Bible?
How can God use us to be problem solvers in the lives of others?
How did God restore Job’s family, health and wealth?
How did God bless Job?
Practical Application at Home
Even though Job did not know the end of his story, he had faith to believe that God was good regardless of the blessings he received. He was willing to accept the good and bad life could bring but would not let go of his faith through it all. Faith is believing what we can not see. We need faith to believe that God is good even when we can’t see the blessings pouring in, Even during difficult times and the trials of life, we can have faith that God is still watching over us. We can have faith he is still in control.
God restored Job double what he lost. Job lived for another 140 years and saw 4 generations of his children. Although we may not always see such a dramatic end to a difficult time, we can look at difficult times and see how God has restored us or the situation. Think about a time when things were difficult and you did’t see a solution, big or small, and tell how God has restored or is currently restoring that situation.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. As your family hikes, count your blessings. Talk about the blessings God has given your family as well as the blessings God created in nature. How can You show gratitude for your blessings?