Are you listening? Have your parents or teachers ever asked you that question. Sometimes we hear what is going on around us but wee area not really listening. When we listen we first take in information, but following listening is usually another action of doing. This week we will see that God wants us to listen so we know what He has for us to do.
Play this listening game. Place several noise making objects in a bag. Children will guess what is being shaken in the bag.
Noisy neighbor. Sometimes our neighbors are noisy and we don't know what they are doing. Let’s play this noisy neighbor game.
Noisy neighbor
Noisy neighbor
Stop that noise!
Then shake one item inside the bag. See who can guess the item being shaken.
Listening is a very important skill we all need to have and even practice! We must know how to really hear what people are saying. We can also listen to God. Although we may not hear an audible voice from God, there are ways for us to hear what God has to say to us. This week we will read a story of Samuel and how he listened to God. He did hear God’s voice but did not realize it was God speaking. Once he did realize it was God speaking to him, he was ready to listen. We can hear someone speaking to us, but are we listening to what they are saying. Leet’s read or listen to the story to find out if Samuel simply heard God’s voice, or if he was ready to listen.
Read or listen to I Samuel 3:1-10; 19-21
Who did Samuel live with? (With the priest Eli)
What was uncommon during this time? (Messages from God and visions)
What was Samuel doing when he heard his name? (Sleeping in the Tabernacle near the Ark of God)
Who did Samuel think was calling him? (Eli)
How many times did Samuel go in to Eli thinking he was being called by him? (3 times)
What did Eli tell Samuel after the third time of hearing his name called (If your name is called again say “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”)
As Samuel grew older why did the people believe he was a prophet? (The Lord was with him and every thing he said proved to be reliable)
Often in a restaurant there are orders being given and you have to be able to listen to directions whether you are in the kitchen or waiting tables. Let’s see how good your listening skills are by filling these orders. Have several varieties of candy or snacks placed in bowls. Call out an order for your child to place eon the plate, such as “5 M&M’s, 3 goldfish, 10 crackers and 3 gummy bears”. See if they are able to fill your order and deliver it. Repeat as desired and even switch roles allowing them to give the order to you. God wants us to be ready to listen to Him. He has a plan for our lives that He wants to share with us in His timing.
Materials: varieties of candy or snacks placed in separate bowls, small plates or bowls
Go on a sound hunt. See if you can find the following sounds around your house or neighborhood. We can practice listening everywhere. We can listen for what God has for us.
Materials: printed sound hunt
Independent activity:
Create a picture by just listening to the directions. For example, have your child draw a picture of a house, scarecrow, or snowman. Give your child step by step instructions of how to draw the picture without telling them what they are drawing. See if their picture turns out to be what you were trying to get them to create. Was that easy or hard to follow instructions? There is a difference between hearing and listening. We can hear someone's voice but we have to listen to understand what they are saying. We can work on listening for God’s voice so when we hear His instructions we can obey Him.
Materials: sheet of drawing paper, drawing markers or crayons
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, scissors
Craft 2
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
Who was the boy in our story today?
Who was calling his name when he was trying to sleep?
What was Samuels final response?
Who do you listen to?
How can we listen to what God wants to tell us?
How did Samuel show that her wanted to listen to what God had to say?
Does God speak to us in an audible voice today?
What other ways does God speak to us?
Practical Application at Home
We can search for God’s wisdom and understanding in Bible. The Bible is our reliable source for God’s wisdom because it is God’s Words to us. It is His instruction manual for us to use and search for His truth.
Use your Bible to go on the following treasure hunt. Find a scripture that speaks to the following questions. Search the Bible to find what God has to say about the following topics.
-Who created the Earth?
-How much does God love us?
-What is Jesus preparing for us?
-How does God continue to dwell with us on Earth?
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
In this season of thankfulness, discuss ways your family is thankful during this season. Talk of the obvious blessings this year as well as how you see God’s hand in the difficulties of this year. Then find ways to be a blessing to others in your community by donating food, donating time at a shelter, or helping a widow or elderly shut-in from your neighborhood or church.