Waiting is hard to do! How often do you have to wait in 1 day? We wait all the time, sometimes its for a short time and other times we have to wait a long time. This week we will see how God waits for us. He knows we need time to grow and change and He loves us enough to patiently wait.
Waiting can be difficult! We sometimes want the things we want, immediately! It is hard to be patient and wait for the things we want. Let’s play a waiting game. Follow the instructions I’m going to give, but when you hear me say “WAIT”, you must pause and freeze right where you are. Then listen for when you can continue the activity. Have the following items near you: candy, water, other various objects if desired. Call out a command and allow time for your child to start the activity, then call for them to wait. Let them wait for awhile before telling them they can continue. Each pause doesn’t need to be the same, some can be longer or shorter than others.
Come get a piece of candy…WAIT… OK now
Do the splits…WAIT…oh now
Run to the door…WAIT… ok now
Get a drink of water…WAIT… ok now
Give me a high five…WAIT… ok now
Continue with other commands if desired. Waiting in the middle of a task is hard! Sometimes the wait seemed to take forever and sometimes the wait may have been short. In our relationship with God, we still make mistakes and say the wrong things sometimes. God knows we are not perfect and that we will continue to grow and He will continue to change us, but it doesn’t happen over night. God loves us enough to be patient even when we make mistakes. Even when we make the same mistakes several times! Jesus told a parable about a fig tree that was not blooming. We know the purpose of a fig tree is to give figs. Even though the tree was not doing what it was created to do, the caregiver wanted to wait and work with the tree before cutting it down. God wants to work with us, He doesn’t want to give up. Let’s read our verse for today and see what the parable tells us about how much God loves us.
Read or listen to Luke 13:6-9
What type of tree did the man have in his vineyard? (Fig tree)
What did he find on the tree? (No fruit)
How long was the man waiting to see fruit? (3 years)
What did the man tell the vineyard care giver to do with the tree? (Cut it down)
What did the vineyard keeper ask to do? (Keep it and fertilize it for a year)
What would happen if the tree doesn’t fruit next year? (Cut it down)
There are many stories that we enjoy reading, but it takes time to build a story. Let’s build a story together. I am going to write the first sentence of our story and together we will make our story grow by adding a sentence to it one person at a time. Write a the first sentence of a story, then pass the paper to the next person and have them add the next sentence to the story, then pass it to the next person to add the next sentence. Continue passing and adding one sentence at a time until you have reached the end of the story. Then read the story aloud. This story grew one sentence at a time, we had to be patient as we waited for the story to be finished. God waits patiently on us too. As we continue to grow and learn to be Christians, God waits patiently because He knows we throughout our lifetime we will grow and change in Him.
Materials: paper, pencil
What are some things you may have to wait awhile to see happen? One thing that takes awhile to have happen is watching a chicken egg hatch. Although it may take awhile for the egg to hatch but watching is worth the wait. Watch this video on a chicken egg hatching. The time has been sped up so it doesn’t take as long, but it will show how you have to be patient to see the egg hatch.
Materials: attached video, device for viewing video
Independent activity:
God is patient with us as we grow and change, we have to be patient with ourselves as we grown and change. We will not always make the right decisions and say the right words, but we can continue to ask God to help us as He changes us from the inside. Complete the following activity sheet, describe how God can help us in each of these areas.
Materials: printed activity sheet, pencil
Complete the following craft for the barren fig tree. Follow the instructions on this webpage.
Materials: Cardstock, tree template printed, scissors, glue, green felt or construction paper
Craft 2
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
Read or listen to I Corinthians 10:12-13
Listening to this verse helps us see that we will all make mistakes, we will all fall, and we will all deal with hard things. No one gets through life without difficulty and without being tempted. The good news is, God will not leave us alone or allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. The verse says God will provide a way out so we can endure it. The bible also says we can do all things through Christ, so we can trust God to help us through whatever the situation. God is patient and will be there with us as we go through life’s journey, good and bad.
What are some difficulties we sometimes face?
Have you made any mistakes this week?
How does God show you He is patiently waiting even when you mess up?
How can we show God we want His help?
What does it mean to wait patiently?
Do you wait patiently for others?
Are you patient with the people in your family? At church? At school? On the playground?
What does it mean to grow in God?
Practical Application at Home
When we remember how patient God is with us, it can help us be patient with other people. We sometimes lose our patience with our friends, siblings, or classmates who are unkind to us. Listen to the following scenarios and tell how you could show patience in this situation.
Your sister jumps on your bed that you just made…
You brother breaks the Lego you just finished building…
Your classmate laughs at your drawing during class…
Your friend doesn’t want to share their favorite toy…
Your classmate teases you for bringing a strange lunch to school…
Your parents tell you about a trip that will happen in a few months…
Your upcoming party gets postponed…
Your sister is hogging all of the popcorn you are supposed to share…
The line for the roller coaster is really long…
You are driving across country and the trip will take over 10 hours…
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?