What gives you hope? A commercial for a new toy? The start of a new school year? We all hope for new beginnings, celebrations, and fresh starts. We can trust that God is our greatest hope. We can put our hope in lost of things, but they will each disappointment compared to the true hope we can receive only in God. This week we will see the hope Ruth and Naomi receive. .
Fill a bowl with fruit loops or cheerios or some other small cereal. Have your child put as many cereal pieces as they can in their hand. Then count the number they were able to grab. Be sure to have enough in the bowl for as many participants to grab enough cereal and have some left over in the bowl.
Okay, when I say go, I want you to see how many cereal pieces you can grab from the bowl and place in one hand without dropping them. Ready…go! Now, let’s count how Manny pieces you were able to grab. Look at how many pieces are left over. What could we do with these extras? Could we throw them away? Could we give them to someone else? Could we eat them for ourselves? This weeks story tells us more about Ruth and Naomi. They are now back in Bethlehem and they need to find ways to eat. While Ruth goes out to work in the field, she meets someone who is very generous to her. He sees her from a distance and notices how hard she is working and tells his workers to leave extra grain on the ground on purpose so Ruth will have more to pick up and take home. Let’s read the story to see how Ruth gets help and is able to take the leftovers that are left to help her and Naomi survive.
Let’s read the Bible story for the week Ruth 2
Who is Boaz? (A relative on Naomi’s husbands side)
What did Ruth decide to do in order to gather grain for her and Naomi to eat?( go to the fields and pick up grain left behind from anyone who she finds favor)
Whose field did she end up picking from? (Boaz’ field)
After Boaz heard from on of his workers who Ruth way, what did Boaz tell Ruth to do? (Not to glean in another field but work in his field behind thee women)
When Ruth asked Boaz why she had found such favor in her, what was his response? (He heard she left her family to come and work.
What blessing did he say regarding Ruth? (That the Lord may repay her, that she be richly blessed by the Lord God of Israel.
That evening who was saved? (The prison guard and all of his family)
What are some things you hope for? Listen to this list of scenarios and decide if you should use your smiley or frown face to show if it is something you gladly hope for or dread.
Materials: scenarios
Sharing our stories of hope with our children helps us pass down the blessing God has shared with us. Take time to go around the room and share times of hope
Independent activity:
Create a bookmark to use in your stories and to remind yourself of the hope God gives each one of us. Cut a contraction paper in a small strip, bookmark size. Hole punch the top to add a ribbon. On the construction paper write the following sentence, “ God give us hope”. Place your new bookmark in an unfinished book to remind yourself that God can bring hope to us in any situation.
Materials: Construction paper cut into strips, double sided tape or glue (optional), pencil or pen
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
Craft 2
Coloring page
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
How did Ruth show perseverance?
How did Naomi show perseverance?
What can we persevere each day?
What are some examples of suffering?
How did Ruth Suffer?
Explain how Ruth showed perseverance, character and hope?
Practical Application at Home
Complete this activity sheet. Write down a suffering you’ve had in the past or currently have. In each box write or draw a way you have shown or could show perseverance, character, and hope in that suffering.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Enjoy the cool weather and take a nature walk. Observe the things God created and how they work together in His plan. What part do each of us play in God’s plan for us?