

Welcome to week 2! Jesus loves each one of us so much. He was willing to suffer and die so that He can spend eternity with each one of us. No one loves us more! This week let’s remember Jesus died for our sins.

Matthew 28:1-10; John 3:16-17



We are sometimes asked to make sacrifices for the good of our family or classmates. Play this quick “Would you rather” game of sacrifices.

Would you rather: give up watching your favorite TV show so grandma can watch her gameshow. OR Not play video games for a week while guests are in town?

Would you rather: Give your last favorite snack to your sibling OR sit in an old dirty dinning room chair?

Would you rather: Eat Peanut Butter sandwiches all week because your mom can’t get to the store OR Wear the same socks 3 days in a row because the washing machine is broken.

Would you rather: Skip a meal so you can share it with someone in need OR not get a new backpack this year so you can donate that money to someone in need?

Would you rather: Not get your favorite cereal at the store to save money OR Sleep in the same bed with your brother while visiting your cousins.

In John 1:29, John the Baptist saw Jesus walking towards him and said, “Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus was the sacrificial lamb for our sins. Before he died, God’s people had to make sacrificial offerings for the forgiveness of their sins. When Jesus died and was resurrected, He changed everything! Jesus was not only the sacrificial lamb but he also conquered death! 

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Matthew 28:1-10

What happened when there was an earthquake? (The angel of the Lord came down from heaven)

What did the angel say to the women at the tomb? (Do not be afraid, Jesus is not here, he has risen)

What did the women do? (They ran filled with joy to tell the disciples)

Who did they meet? (Jesus)

What did Jesus tell the women? (To tell his brothers to meet him in Galilee)


Jesus was sacrificed for our sins and then rose from the dead so that we can have eternal life with him. He beat death! That is good news! Great news! We don’t have to fear death or the future because Jesus is the ruler of heaven and earth.


Listen to this story The Berenstain Bears Easter.


Jesus conquered death! He died for our sins and then beat death. Winning is great, but Jesus won the most important battle of all. Play this game of memory and see if you can “win”. Match the correct verse with its corresponding scripture. You can use a bible if you need a reference.

Materials: printed memory game, bible


Create your own word search using resurrection words. Share the puzzle with a family member for them to solve.

Materials: printed word search template




 using play dough create the tomb and stone where Jesus was resurrected.

Materials: play dough



coloring sheet

Materials: printed coloring page


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: Coloring page


Read or listen to John 3:16-17. God loves us so much He sent Jesus to die in our place, so we can be saved. God wants to be in relationship with us! We have all made mistakes or sinned. 

On several small sheets of paper write down a few sins you’ve committed today, this week or this month. Think about the verse today. God did not send his son into the world to condemn it but to save it! God wants to save you from your sins. You are saved. God has delivered you! Now, tear those papers filled with your sins up and say “God has conquered death, I am delivered!”

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil, bible verse

Practical Application at Home

God wants to be in relationship with us. God sent Jesus to bridge the gap so that we can live in relationship with Him. What does that look like every day? What can we do to be in relationship with God. 

Think of 3 Characters in the Bible who walked with God. What Characteristics describe them or their walk with God? Use these verses as a little cheat-sheet if you get stuck.

Genesis 5:24

Genesis 6:9

Genesis 48:15

Name 3 people from the Bible that talked with God or had a close relationship with him. They didn’t have to be perfect. What characteristics would you use to describe their relationship with God?

People in the Bible who were in relationship with God or even walked with Him, have similar characteristics. They all —talked with God  —listened to God. —Heeded God’s words. —went where God sent them  -trusted God  -shared their faith with others and many more things. Trace your footprint on a sheet of paper and cut it out. On the footprint, write things you can do this week to “walk with God”. Place this list on the mirror in your room, bathroom or on your nightstand, to remember your plan for this week. 

We don’t have to search for God, He is right there, but we can call on Him and ask Him to draw near to us this week. God Loves us so much He sent His son to die for us, when we begin to understand how much God loves us, it makes us want to love Him more. “We Love because He first loved us” 1 John 4:19

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.