Take a Chance



Are you a risk taker? Did you ever think you could be a risk taker for God? This week we will read a story about a woman who took a risk because she believed in God and wanted to follow him. Would you take a risk for God? This week, let’s find out what that means.

Joshua 2:1-15; Philippians 4:10-13



Print these scenario cards and signs. Designate 4 corners of the room for each sign. As I read each scenario decide which corner of the room best describes the amount of risk you would want to take for that scenario. 1. I am cautious, I would not take the risk. 2: I am calculated, I might take the risk after I think about it. 3. I am spontaneous, I would probably take the risks. 4: I am risky, I would love to take the risk.

Materials: printed scenario cards

In our story today a woman names Rahab does something very brave to help a few men of God. God gives her strength to do something risky for Him.

Let’s read or listen to our story in Joshua 2:1-15

Why did Joshua send out the 2 spies? (To survey the land especially Jericho) 

Whose home did the spies stay in? (Rahab)

Why did the king tell Rahab to bring out the spies (He heard they had come to spy on the land)

What did Rahab tell the king? (that the men had left and the soldiers should chase after them)

What did Rahab hear and believe about the Israelites? (That their God was powerful and they had come to take Jericho just as they had taken previous cities because their God was with them)

What did she ask of the spies? (For them to show her kindness and protect her and her family from death.)


What does it mean to take a risk? What makes a risk scary? The unknown of what will happen if you take the risk is often what makes taking a risk hard. Most risks are not worth taking and usually bring harm, but what about the risks we take for God? In our story Rahab took a risk of being killed by hiding the spies from the king, but she recognized that God was more powerful than the king. She knew her life was worth risking in order for it to be saved by the God of heaven. We’ve learned this month that we can trust God, so taking a risk for Him is worth it!


In the Bible there are many people who took risks for God even when they didn’t know what the outcome would be. Look at the list of stories, read their scripture verses to refresh your memory of the story, and then write down the risk the person took in the story. Did they take the risk for themselves or for God? On the last column put a check mark to determine if it was a risk they took for God, or an X to indicate the risk was for themselves.

Materials: Printed Biblical Risk Takers


Activity sheet

Materials: Scenario cards


Create an obstacle course that has different challenges and small risks. Blindfold your partner and guide them through the obstacle course by giving instructions as they go. Going through an obstacle course requires them to take a risk and trust you to guide them safely to the end. Switch places so that your partner creates an obstacle course while you are lead blindly through it to the end.

Materials: objects around your house to create an indoor or outdoor obstacle course




Create the scene of Jericho and Rahab’s house. Cut out different shapes from construction paper in various colors, sizes and shapes. Use the shapes to create a house and then decorate the rest of the picture. Add a red piece of yarn or string to show the rope Rahab left outside her window.

Materials: large sheet of paper, red string, or small rope, art supplies: glue, pencil, scissors



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Read Philippians 4:10-13

Paul was writing this letter to say that He knew how to be content with what he had but also that He received his strength from God. He trusted God to provide all that He needed and help him when he was going though hard times. 

What are some things you are facing that are hard?

What are some things other people are facing that is hard?

Can you trust God to be with you and help you?

Should we be content when we see someone treating someone else wrong?

How can we use God’s strength to help us stand up for what is right?

Why is it important for us to take risks for God?

Would God have us to ignore the problems around us or help others?

When do you think it is okay to take a risk for God?

What is one risk you can take for God?

Practical Application at Home

Being risk takers for God can mean that when we see people being mistreated or injustice around us, we stand up for what is right. We can take the risk of being different by standing up for what is right and doing what God has called us to do, Love one another. We don’t have to look far to find injustice. There are people, animals, or human rights being compromised or mistreated. With a parent, find an age appropriate news article about a social injustice that requires a plan of action from your community. Discuss ways your family can be involved and be a part of positive change in your community or in the lives of others. Alternatively, here is a list of social issues, think of ways you can help and be a part of positive change.

-school bullying

-cyber bullying

-local child hunger

-child abuse


-world hunger

-animal cruelty

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.