I AM Protected



When it is storming outside, where do you go for protection? When you ride your bike, what do you use for protection? When you ride in your car, what do you use to help keep you safe? We use lots of things for our protection and safety. This week we will see that God keeps us safe because He watches over us all the time

Psalm 23



We all follow directions every day. Sometimes it is easy to follow instructions and sometimes it's hard. Following directions helps to keep us know what to do and stay safe. Let’s play a game to practice following directions. Play one or both of the following videos and dance along, following the directions of the leader. 



Was it easy or hard to follow the directions of the leader. Today we are listening to a poem written by David about being a shepherd. David was a shepherd before becoming king of Israel. He gave the sheep instructions and the sheep obeyed him. David didn’t tell the sheep what to do because he just wanted to be bossy, he did it to keep the sheep safe. David knew the best place to go and find good grass to eat. David also knew the sheep needed to have a drink of water everyday so he would take them to a nice place of still water. He wanted to protect the sheep from wild animals so he would have to call the sheep to gather together in order to keep them safe from an attack. The sheep obeyed David and would stay safe. God is our Good shepherd. He wants to protect us and keep us safe too. Sometimes that means following directions even when we don’t understand, or when we don’t want to. God knows what is best and He wants to keep us safe. 

Read or listen to the scripture story in Psalm 23

Who wrote Psalm 23? (David)

What was the poem describing God to be? (A shepherd)

Who was David describing himself to be in the poem? (A sheep)

Name 3 things the Shepherd did for his sheep in this poem? (protected, fed, cared for, loved)

How does a rod and staff comfort a sheep? (It gives protection which makes the sheep safe)

How does God protect you?

What did David say would follow him all the days of his life? (Goodness and faithful love)

Where did David say he would dwell for the rest of his life? (In the house of the Lord)


God is our shepherd and He wants to lead us in our life. He has a plan for us because He created us. We can know that we are safe because God is leading us. He cares for you!


Let’s pretend we are shepherds who need to herd our sheep. Let’s act out Psalm 23 by leading our sheep to water, grass or giving them instructions to lay down. When we read a part in the Psalms, you will do the action with your ballon-sheep. Blow up several white balloons to be sheep. Help your child by giving them things to say when its time to call the sheep like “TaHoo” (come) “LaLa” (lay down) “ouww” (gather close) etc. Alternative: use crumpled white tissue paper or grocery bags filled with paper.

Materials: White balloons, small stick


Listen to this read aloud story The Lord is my Shepherd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzCrSuR7UUE

Materials: Device to watch video


Using the printed activity sheet, cut and color the sheep. Add small amounts of stretched out cotton balls to create wool to attach to each sheep. Glue the sheep to craft sticks to create puppets. Then color the background page. Using the puppets and the background page, retell Psalm 23, using the puppets as the story is retold.

Materials: Printed activity sheet, scissors, craft stick, crayons




Create this shepherds rod. Print the attached rod and the verses. Color each verse attachment and the shepherds rod. Cut out each piece and attach the scripture verses in order onto the rod. Reread the psalm together.

Materials: Printed shepherds rod and Psalm 23 verses, crayons or colored pencils, scissors, glue 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Craft 3

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons


Does God watch over you?

Do you think God ever takes a break or sleeps when you sleep?

What do you have that you need to protect?

What are some things that make you sing?

How can we praise God for His protection?

Have you ever seen God protect you or your family?

Practical Application at Home

We are safe because God watches over us. God is able to protect us from any situation because He is more powerful than anything. Sometimes God protects us by keeping us from getting hurt, and sometimes God protects us even though we get hurt. God is watching over us all the time, we can never go so far that He is not with us. God knows what is best and He has a plan for each of us. He wants us to be with him forever in heaven! God watches over you no matter what happens, He will always be there. 

Listen to these places and tell whether you think God can watch over you there.

-at your friends house

-on the playground at school

-at church

-in your classroom 

-when you are riding your bike

-while you hike in a park

-while watching a movie

-playing basketball with friends

-at your soccer game

-during a storm

-when you are sleeping in a new place

-on your walk to school

-driving in your car

God is with us everywhere we go! We are safe because God watches over us. God knows what is best for us.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.