


Welcome to week 3! We all want protection. We all need protection! God gives us a special way to protect ourselves, not of our own power, but God’s! Who can stand against that!

Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Corinthians 10:3-4



Let’s play a game of speed! I’m going to say the name of an animal, you see how fast you can tell me the covering they use to protect themselves. Ready, go! 

Dolphin (blubber)

Penguin (Waterfproof feathers)

Polar bear (Thick white fur)

Turtle (hard shell)

Porcupine (quills)

Snails (shell)

Fish (scales)

God gave all of these animals the ability to protect themselves against predators and also from their environment. God has given us a means of protection as well. Sometimes there are things in life that are scary or uncertain and they can make us afraid. God has given us a way to have peace, protection, and faith! 

Read or listen to Ephesians 6:10-18

Why do we need the armor of God? (To withstand the devils schemes)

What are the 5 pieces of armor? (Breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit)

When should we pray? (in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request)

Who is our fight against? (Not flesh and blood but powers of the dark world and evil forces)

How can we be strong? (In the Lord and his mighty power)


God gave us his armor that provides a way of protection, provides strength when we are weak, provides security of salvation, and provides His word as a guide of how to live our life. We can use it each day and watch God provide for all our needs.


Put two oranges in a large bowl submersed in water. (or large lemon or limes). These oranges are covered in an armor to protect them. Look, they are floating or standing firm in the water! Peel off a small piece of “armor” (skin) of one orange. Oh no, this orange forgot to put on his belt of truth. Now when someone says something ugly about him that is untrue, he might believe it is true! If he believes this lie he might not be able to stand firm in this water. Place the orange back into the water and see that it sinks a little. Continue on this way, tearing off a piece at a time and giving instances of how the armor of God is taken away and not providing protection. Shield of faith: When doubts about if Jesus loves him come up He may question if he is worthy of Jesus love. Shoes of peace: When uncertain times come he may become anxious about the future and what will happen to him. Sword of the spirit: When he needs to share his faith to a friend he may not know he has the power through the spirit to share the good news.

Materials: 2 oranges (or lemons), large container to submerse oranges in, water


Read these scenario cards and decide what armor of God is needed in each situation.

Materials: Scenario cards


Having the belt of truth means we are girded (ready or geared up) in God’s word, the source of what is right and wrong. We can live our lives based on what we know to be true about who God says He is and who He says we are. Complete this chart to determine what the Bible (the sword) says is true about God and what He says is true about you.

Materials: printed activity sheet, bible, pencil




Make an armor of God replica using cardboard box. Attach strings so that your child can wear it if desired.

Materials: cardboard, string, or small rope, art supplies: glue, pencil, scissors



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


1 Corinthians 10:3-4 says that we do not battle with weapons the world uses but that we have divine power. We are not to wage war as the world does, but our weapons are God’s divine power. 

Read Isaiah 59:17, it describes God pouring out his wrath on his enemies. He put on Righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head. The same armor God used in the Old testament is described in the new testament in Ephesians as armor we can use as well. God’s armor has been given to us to help us be brave, stand up for what is right, and for our protection against the unseen enemy. 

Practical Application at Home

The world we live in can sometimes be a scary place. We don’t always know what the future holds. The armor of God helps us know that God has provided everything we need to stand firm and continue to believe and trust in Jesus. 

Think about each piece of the armor of God. First, read both statements for each piece of armor. Next, decide which statement is true. Then, tell an example of how you can use that armor this week and wear it every day.

The Shield of Faith:

Living out God’s truth and applying what we believe into our lives even when we can’t see how it will all work. OR Deciding what to do based on how you feel and what you can see is best for your life.

(This week I can trust God is in control by listening to his voice and following what He asks me to do this week even if I don’t understand why, like helping a neighbor or friend in need)

The Breastplate of Righteousness:

Doing what everyone else is doing because it is easier and it makes you happy. OR Right living and conducting ourselves in a way that is pleasing to God.

(This week I will try to live right by being kind to my family, thinking of others, and being truthful)

The Belt of Truth:

Beliefs that match what we feel is right or what people around us say is right and wrong. OR God’s standard of what is right, His character, and how we are to live our lives.

(This week I will make decisions based on God’s truth by seeking answers in the Bible and deciding if what I hear or see is aligned with God’s character; )

Shoes of Peace:

Inner stability (security) from our relationship with Jesus that doesn’t change based on our changing situations. OR A feeling that comes and goes based on how good or bad life is in that moment or day, feeling unsure.

(This week I will remember I can not always change my situations but I can know God is in control by praying and telling him my fears and asking for comfort)

Helmet of Salvation:

Eternal security in Christ and the gift God gives us, our eternal blessing. OR not knowing what your future holds and what God plans for you

(This week I will remember I am saved by Jesus blood and I have nothing to fear so I will share this good news with others)

Sword of the Spirit:

Reading God’s words, enjoying what is read but not using them once we are finished reading. OR Using God’s words as a guide for living, it is alive and active in our lives.

(This week I will read God’s word, ask God to show me how to use it, and then repeat it to myself throughout my day)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.