

Have you ever seen something unbelievable with your own eyes? Maybe you’ve seen a shooting star. Maybe you’ve seen a mama bear with her cubs. Maybe you have seen a double rainbow. God wants to show us amazing things. God did something amazing with Elijah that Elisha was able to witness. This week we will see how God can show us amazing things!

2 Kings 2. John 14:12



God did amazing things that we read about in the Bible and God is still doing amazing things today. We also get to witness amazing acts of God from miracles He preforms in our lives and in the lives of others. Think of a time you have seen God do something amazing in your life. Tell what God did and why it was amazing! Take time to share stories of what God has done for each of you that was amazing. 

It is important to hear each other’s stories. We are able to pass on God’s miracles which help others with their faith. There are many stories in the Bible that have been passed on such as Noah’s ark, Moses, the Israelites leaving Egypt and crossing the red sea, Jacob’s ladder dream, and Jonah in the belly of a whale. These stories are true and are shared to help us see that God is amazing and He can do amazing things. This week we are learning more about Elijah. He has been a faithful servant but now he is much older and tired. God has something special planned for him. Let’s read in our story to see what amazing thing God does with Elijah.

Read or listen to the scripture story in 2 Kings 2

Where did Elijah and Elisha travel to? (Bethel)

Why did Elisha want to stay with Elijah the entire trip? (He knew the Lord was about to take away his master)

What places did God send Elijah and Elisha followed him? (Bethel, Jericho, Jordan)

How did God take Elijah? (A chariot of fire, and horses of fire that took Elijah up by a whirlwind into heaven)

What did Elisha ask to have of Elijah’s? (A double portion of Elijah’s spirit upon him)

What came upon the 42 children that mocked Elisha? (2 she bears)


In our story for this week, Elijah has finished his work on earth and God has found the person who will continue on His work. God has given Elijah a man who will continue to tell the people God’s words. Elisha is willing to do this and has asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Elisha knows that God has been with Elijah and he wants God to be with him as well.


When someone continues the work you have started it can be hard to let go but it can also allow for more creativity. Just as God planned to have Elisha continue on after Elijah’s time on earth was finished, today we will continue each others work. Create a story together by starting a story and allowing the next person to continue telling the story. You can do this activity by writing down the story or just saying it aloud. Have multiple people participate or just 2 people. One person starts a story by saying the opening story sentence (or 2 depending on how many people participate), then the next person must continue on with the story by adding another sentence (or 2). Continue around the circle or between 2 people until the story is told and the final person says the end.

Materials: your imagination


Fill a very shallow glass bowl with water. Place a few M&M’s or Skittles into the bowl with the M or S facing up. Be sure the water is completely covering the candy. Watch the bowl for several minutes. What happens? Do you see the color bleed off the candy, but the letters float to the top! That’s pretty incredible! In the Bible God did amazing things that people were able to witness. Elisha witnessed Elijah being taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire! That would be incredible to watch!

Materials: M&M’s or Skittle candies, glass bowl, water

Independent activity:

Create a picture of what God did for Elijah and what God will do for us one day. Take a sheet of construction paper and fold it in half. On one half day Elijah being taken to heaven the the chariot of fire. Write at the top “Elijah taken to heaven”. On the other half of the sheet, draw a picture of what you think it will be like when Jesus comes back to take us to heaven. At the top of this picture draw “______(your name) taken to heaven”

Materials: Construction paper, crayons, pencil, markers




Complete the following Elijah and his chariot craft. Print the chariot and Elijah and follow the directions to color, cut, fold and glue the chariot together. 

Materials: White cardstock, Chariot Pattern, Paper Brads, Hole Punch, Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils, Glue, Cotton Balls 


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Elijah was God’s messenger. He delivered God’s word to His people. The people of Israel did not always listen and they did not always obey God, but Elijah was faithful to bring them God’s words. There were times when the people of Israel would then turn away from their idols and back toward God because of the message they had received. God calls us to be His messengers as well.

Have you ever had an opportunity to share God’s love with someone?

How can you share God when you are at school?

When we are following God, who should we focus on?

How does focusing on God and not the people around you, help you be faithful?

How can we be as faithful as Elijah?

Read John 14:12-14. Jesus told his disciples that they would do even greater things than he had done, if they asked in His name, He would do it. We can ask God for the strength we need to be His messengers and share His love with others. If we are asking in Jesus name, He will give us what we need. That is incredible! Just as Elisha continued on after Elijah, God wants us to continue on in His name.

Practical Application at Home

God took Elijah to heaven in a fiery chariot. When Elisha saw this he must have been amazed at such an incredible event! There is another incredible event coming that will involve us. Jesus said that he is coming again to take those who believe in Him to heaven! How incredible! Jesus said “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send out the angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky.” (Mark 13:26 &27). 1 Thessalonians 4:16 &17 says “16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the archangel’s voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord.” What an incredible event that will be! Jesus will return and take us to be where He is. That’s great news we should share with everyone! God did incredible things long ago, He still does incredible things today, and He will do incredible things in the future!

Draw a picture of what you think Jesus’ return will look like. The Bible says He will return in the clouds. Be sure to add clouds to your picture. In each of your clouds, write the incredible things that will be waiting for you in heaven.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.