I was MADE to do Great things
Would you ever bury your most treasured possession? That seems silly, but this week we will look at the treasures God has given us and how we can use them and not bury them. We will see how God can use us to do great things!
Wrap a few items with wrapping paper that can be used to serve others (plastic cup, individually wrapped snack, marker, baseball, etc.) After gift has been opened discuss how each item can be used to serve others. These items may not seem like treasures, but when used to serve others they are actually very special. We all have talents or special skills God has given us that may seem ordinary but when used for God they are treasures! The parable Jesus shared describes three workers who were given the same responsibility but let’s see if they all used their “talents” the same way.
Read or listen to the scripture Matthew 25:14-40
What did the first two workers do with the money from their master? (They invested the money and made twice as much money as what they were given)
What did the last worker do with the money? (He buried the money)
Why was burying the money wrong? (He didn’t work or do anything with the money)
How did the master feel about each of the workers? (He was happy with the first 2 workers but upset with the last worker)
What do you think you would have done with the money if you were the worker?
What words would you use to describe the third worker?
Materials: wrapping paper, several items to wrap (plastic cup, individually wrapped snack, marker, baseball, etc)
Make a side silhouette. Using a partner, shine a light on the side of your face to make a shadow appear on the nearby wall. Place a sheet of paper on the shadow and have your partner trace your silhouette onto the paper. Shade in your silhouette with dark crayon or color pencil. Help your partner do the same. The silhouettes are different just like your talents and personalities are different. On a separate sheet of paper write about the talents God has blessed you with, how you can use them, and in what ways will it bless other people.
Materials: paper, pencil, black crayon/colored pencil, flashlight or other source of light
Cut out the attached strips of paper that have possible talents written on each one, or come up with your own talents. Fold the strips of paper and put them all in the bowl. Each person takes a turn pulling a talent out of the bowl and reading them and doing the action that they read. They can determine if the item they choose is one of their talents after they try the activity.
Materials: Printed talent strips
Create a name silhouette. On a sheet of construction paper, fold it in half lengthwise and draw a light pencil line 1 inch above the fold. Write your name large on half with the pencil line. While keeping the paper folded half, cut around the outline of your name, do not cut on the fold. Open the name silhouette and on the blank side draw a picture of a unique way God is calling to serve others at home, your church or in your community.
Materials: construction paper, pencil, scissors, coloring pencils/crayons
Complete the attached Coin Pouch by cutting out the coins that describe your talents and glueing them onto the pouch. Use the blank coins to add talents that are not written on the coins. Color the pouch. Discuss how you could use those talents to help others.
Materials: printed coin pouch craft, pencil, scissors, glue
coloring page
Materials: Crayons or coloring utensil, Printer, Scissors, Glue a piece of paper
Using a large construction paper and magazines make a collage of the things you believe God has gifted you. Place pictures of things that represent your gifts on the large paper.
God has given each one of us gifts to be used for Him. He has created us to do great things. Read or listen to Ephesians 2:10. This verse says that we are God’s handiwork. Another word used in a different translation is Masterpiece. He did not make us by accident nor did he throw us together. He created us with a purpose, with precision, and with beauty. He created us to do good works. We each have a talent that we can use for him. Have you ever wondered if you were good at anything? Or ever not liked something about yourself? The good news is God made you exactly the way He wanted you to be. The talents He gave you are for you to use and share!
Materials: large construction paper, magazines for cutting, scissors
Practical Application at Home
Think about what you want to be when you grow up? Does that job include your talents from God? How can you use it to help others know God? We can share God’s love through big and small acts. If you have the talent of friendliness, you can greet people who are new to your class and make them feel welcome. That may seem like a small thing but to the person who is anxious about being new it can bring comfort and relief. If you have the talent of being a leader, you can help lead people to do the right thing when they may be tempted to do wrong. Having the talent of leadership is a big responsibility and can help guide others toward God. If you have the talent of cheerfulness, you have the ability to make someone feel better when they may be feeling down or discouraged.
Materials: printed talents chart
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Participation in a food pantry or serving food