Peace and Joy



Have you ever lost something and been really sad about it? We all have lost something dear to us at some point. The disciples lost Jesus and they were sad, but they soon realized that Jesus was with them and would NEVER leave them. Jesus says the same thing to us to day. He is here, and will never leave us! 

Philippians 4:4-9; 11-13



If you were going on a trip, what would you take? Write down a list of things you think you would have to take with you. Let’s play this game “I’m going on a trip”. I’m going to tell you three things that I am taking and you tell me where I am going. 

— towel, sunscreen, umbrella (the beach)

—boots, scarf, mask (skiing)

—sleeping bag, marshmallows, tent (camping)

—shield, sword, belt (going to share the gospel)

—bible, joy, a friend (church)

This month we are learning to GO where God sends us, to live for Jesus and spread the good news of His love. God gives us His armor to provide for our needs and protect us. He also protects our hearts and our minds by giving us peace and joy. Today we will read about Paul and what he said during a very difficult time in his life.

Read or listen to the scripture  Philippians 4:4-9

Instead of being anxious what should we do? (Bring our prayers and concerns to God)

When we bring our requests to God, what will be given to us? (The peace of God)

What will that peace do for us? (guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus)

What types of things should we think on? (things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy)

What should we do with the things we have learned from Jesus? (Put it into practice)


Paul wrote about having the peace of God while in prison. He wrote about God’s peace and being content not while he was at home enjoying his family and friends, but while in prison for preaching the gospel of Jesus. In life there will be times of difficulty and times of ease, but we can have the peace of God, that transcends understanding, during those difficult times.


Our verse today says “Let your gentleness be evident to all”. Today make “Thinking of You” cards to mail to friends and family. People enjoy getting letters and cards in the mail just to say you are thinking of them. If you have extra pictures at home, add a picture of you or your family. Add a note telling them Jesus loves them, cares for them and wants them to have his peace. Or write out your scripture reading for today in the card them to read “Philippians 4:4-9” and add a drawn picture. 

Materials: Mateirals to make a greeting card: white yardstick (or other construction paper, white computer paper), crayons, markers, scissors, glue, family pictures (optional), mailing envelope, stamp, names and addresses of friends/family


Listen to the scenarios. Cut and glue the faces to popsicle sticks then use them to answer the scenarios of if they would be happy, sad or angry.

Materials: Printed scenario cards


Create a word search puzzle using the words from todays scripture Philippians 4:4-9

Materials: word search template




Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



Read the second part of today’s scripture, Philippians 4:11-13. Paul said he knew what it meant to have plenty and to have little. He knew what it felt like to have plenty of food and to be hungry but in all of it he learned to be content. Being content means to be satisfied with what we have whether it is a lot or a little. Paul said he learned the way to be content is to understand that he could do all things through Christ who gives him strength. 

What are some things you are content with?

Do you look to friends and wish you had something they have?

Have you ever had a friend say they wish they had something you have?

How can we learn to be content with the things we have?

What are some things you can do to show that you are content?

In what ways does Jesus give you strength?

Practical Application at Home

It is easy to be content when life is good and things are plentiful but what happens when times are difficult? Remembering the blessings we have been given and how God provides for our needs is an important way to be content. Watch this read-aloud story about the Berenstain Bears and how they learned to count their blessings and therefore be more content with what they had.

Berenstain bears Counting blessings:

Make a list of your blessings today. Think of all the things God has blessed you with big and small. Think about the things you have that may not cost any money at all. After you write your very long list, say a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Thank Him for providing the things you don’t have to think about and for the treasures He has given you. Keep your list as a reminder that God provides, remembers your needs, and wants to protect your heart and mind. Enjoy your week in God’s peace and joy, then share it with someone who needs it too!

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.