He’s Everywhere
This week we will discover ways that we can spend time with God anywhere. We can be at church, home, school, or anywhere else and still spend time with God. He wants to spend time with you!
Print this activity page. Look at all the tools shown on this page. Circle or color in the tools people use to build things. The Israelites used tools to build the tabernacle God gave instructions to build. God used the tabernacle as His temporary dwelling place until the coming of Jesus Christ. God wants to dwell with us, He wants to spend time with us.
Materials: Printed Tools activity page
Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week Exodus 35:4-35
What things could the Israelites willingly give for the temple? (gold, silver, bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and leather; acacia wood; olive oil; spices, and onyx stones and other gems
What was to be on the tabernacle table? (bread of Presence)
Who was to wear the garments? (Aaron the priests and his sons when they served as priests)
Were the Israelites required to bring something to the Tabernacle? (Their hearts were moved as to what and how much they should give as a willing offering)
How were the skilled workers able to make artistic designs and teach others to do the same? (They were filled with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and knowledge and understanding.)
God is with us everywhere and we can spend time with him at any time. The Israelites had the tabernacle as a way to remind them that God was with them where they went. We have the Holy Spirit with us, speaking to us and guiding us all the time. God wants to spend time with us and be in relationship with us. We can talk to God any time, any where.
Create a Tabernacle scavenger hunt. Hide the following items around the room or area: spools of red and purple, piece of wooed, baggie of spices, colorful gems or stones (Plastic) toy necklace, play gold money or coins. Have your child walk around the room and find these items. Once they are found, discuss the significance of each item to the Tabernacle and what it was used for. Other items they may find hidden throughout the house: lamp stand (candle holder), piece of cloth/material, olive oil.
Materials: Scavenger hunt items: spools of red and purple, piece of wooed, baggie of spices, colorful gems or stones (Plastic) toy necklace, play gold money or coins (or as many items that are possible)
We can spend time with God at any time of every day. We don’t need to schedule a time to use a priest to speak with Him. Use this clock to write down ideas of things you can do to spend time with God throughout the day. Find a special place that you can spend with God, like a small tent in your room, a chair by your window, or sitting in your bed. Keep your clock near your special place to remember ways to spend time with God.
Materials: Printed clock
Use block or bricks to build your own tabernacle. Use items around your house to represent the items found inside the tabernacle such as the ark and candlesticks.
Materials: Bricks or blocks, items around you that represent items from the tabernacle
create an Ark using the following template. Color the template yellow. Put together the large box, fold along the black lines and then glue them. Then glue the long pieces onto the sides of the box. Next put together the lid and then glue to the large box..
Materials: Printed booklet, crayons, pencil
Coloring page
Materials: Printed coloring page, crayons
Play a game of hide and seek. Let your child hide as you find them. When you find them say, “You can spend time with God anywhere!”
Where is a place in your house where you spend time with God?
Where is a place in your house that you have not spent time with God?
Could You use this as a new place to spend time with him?
What are some ways you spend time with God?
Can you think of a new time to spend with God?
Practical Application at Home
Spending time with God does not mean we have to schedule a specific time each day and that’s the only time we can talk with Him. Think of the following scenarios and answer if the person was spending time with God, or too busy to be with God.
-Sally prays for her aunt who is very sick.
-Ned thanks God for the food he is about to eat.
-Erica rushes to grab the last basketball so she can play a game.
-Tony makes a goal at his soccer game and quietly thanks God for the ability to run.
-Tom daydreams about the gifts he will receive for his birthday.
-Sam thinks about her friend whose house burned down and asks God to show her how to help her friend.
-Ron reads his bible and prays for the Holy Spirit to show him what is true.
-Cathy can’t wait to show her friends her new gift her parents bought her.
There is no right or wrong time to spend with God. We can make God a part of our day and a part of big and small moments throughout our day.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.