Peace and Joy
What makes you happy? What brings you Joy? The peace and Joy Jesus gives we can have all the time, even if everything around us is out of control. This week let’s look at what brings real peace and joy.
Blow up a balloon and draw a smiley face on the balloon. Let’s play a game! I have a balloon with a smiley face to show joy! Let’s try to keep the balloon in the air. Each time you hit the balloon back into the air, say something that brings you joy or makes you happy. Let's see how many things we can rejoice over!
Just as in this game we thought of things that make us happy, God wants us to keep a happy mind and heart. God wants us to have peace and bring our worries and concerns to him.
Materials: balloon, marker
Read or listen to the scripture Philippians 4:4-9,13
Instead of being anxious what should we do? (Bring our prayers and concerns to God)
When we bring our requests to God, what will be given to us? (The peace of God)
What will that peace do for us? (guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus)
What types of things should we think on? (things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy)
What should we do with the things we have learned from Jesus? (Put it into practice)
Paul was a man who helped God tell others about Jesus. When Paul was put into jail for preaching, it didn’t stop him from singing happy songs to Jesus. He shows us that we can have joy and peace even when things are going really bad. Paul trusted that God would take care of him so he remained happy.
Make a happiness chainlink using any color construction paper. On each strip write or draw a picture of things that make you happy. Staple the ends together wrapping it through each ring first to connect them.
Materials: Strips of construction paper, pencil/pen, stapler
Listen to the scenarios. Cut and glue the faces to popsicle sticks then use them to answer the scenarios of if they would be happy, sad or angry.
Materials: printed scenario cards, popsicle sticks, glue, scissors
Listen to the children’s book about Catching Joy
Materials: device to listen and watch the book “Catching Joy”
Coloring Page.
Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons
It’s easy to be happy when everything is going our way. When we are at a park or doing exactly what we want to do we have joy. Jesus wants to protect our hearts and take care of us all the time, even when life is hard.
When we are having a hard time how can we tell God? (praying to God and tell him)
How can we show God that we trust him? (by continuing to obey)
Tell about something you have worried about?
Let’s pray about that worry and give it to God.
Can you sing right now to show God that we trust He will protect our heart?
Practical Application at Home
This week let’s practice singing praises to God and praying even when things don’t go the way we think they should or we have a bad day. Try to do these things this week to show God that you trust him to protect you heart and mind from worry.
Sing your favorite praise or Sabbath school song
Say a prayer telling God you worry and asking Him to give you peace
Draw a picture of what you see and how you feel
Remember a time when you were sad before and how God was with you
Focus on someone else and do something kind for them
Help mom or dad around the house and be a blessing to them
Write down the changes you see in your family, the situation or the blessing you received from trusting God.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.