Do you want to have power? Holy Power? God sent the Holy Spirit to be a helper for us. We can know that Jesus never left us to figure everything out for ourselves but sent us help. The Holy Spirit!
Today I have a few activities I want you to try and do.
-Hold 10 lime, lemons or oranges in your hands. -Jump rope for 3 minutes
-Hold 3 books on your head and take 5 steps -Do 20 jumping jacks
Did you do all those things easily? Did you need help doing any of them. Let’s try them again and this time I will be your helper. Do the activities again assisting them or having another child assist them. Was that easier? Did you need a helper. When these tasks were hard it was nice to have a helper. There are other things in our lives that are hard too. Telling our parents the truth when it seems easier to lie so we won’t get in trouble. Or, being kind to our siblings and friends even when they are not being kind to us. The good news is we also have a helper. Let’s read or listen to the story this week.
Let’s read the Bible story for the week Acts 2:1-12
What were the people gathered in the room celebrating (Pentecost)
What type of noise did they hear? (A strong wind blow through the room)
What did they see on top of each persons head (A fiery flame)
As they were filled with the Holy Spirit what were each of them able to do? (speak in other languages)
What language did the people hear the gospel in? (Each in their own language)
Jesus told the disciples when he left he would send them a helper in the place of himself. The Holy Spirit was that helper, to give them courage and the ability to continue to share the gospel with other people. We still have the Holy Spirit today as our helper as well.
Set a jar in the middle of a baking pan and pour 1 Tablespoon of baking soda into the jar. Measure 1 Cup of vinegar and add a few drops of food coloring to the cup. Now, pour the vinegar into the jar and watch what happens. When the vinegar and baking soda mixed, they form a gas of carbon dioxide. The gas caused the liquid to push up and over the top of the bottle so that it overflowed. The bible talks about how God’s love can overflow. God loves us and wants us to show His love to others. God sent the Holy Spirit to help us show love to others so they too can become a part of God’s family.
Materials: jar or medium cup, baking soda, 1 C vinegar, food coloring, baking sheet
The bible describes the holy spirit as a comforter, and intercessor and a helper. Play this game of memory that describes some of the other attributes of the Holy Spirit.
Materials: printed memory game,
After the disciples were given the Holy Spirit, the first church family grew bigger and bigger. The People of God’s church loved one another and continued to spread the message of God’s love. The early Christians and disciples used their hands to help others and show them love. You can create a hand garland to display God’s family. On a large sheet of construction paper trace your left and then right hand, overlapping the thumbs. Cut out the hands being sure to keep the thumbs connected, and write your name on one hand and someone else’s name that you know on the other. Write names of friends, family members, church members, missionaries etc. Continue to make more cut-out hands adding other names and then taping the hands together to make a hand garland you can hang in your room.
Materials: large construction paper, scissors, pencil/pen, string, yarn or ribbon
Ring of fire hat made from sentence strips.
Materials: sentence strip or strip of construction paper, red, black, orange and yellow construction paper
Make a windsock. Watch this video for how to make one.
Materials: printed coloring page
Craft 3
Coloring page
Materials: Coloring page
Read John 14:25-26
Jesus told the disciples that everything He had taught them, the Holy Spirit would be there to remind them and to also teach them all things. The Holy Spirit is given to us in the same way. The Holy Spirit will teach us all things and help remind us of things we have already learned. The holy Spirit is a powerful friend and helper. Before we become Christians we have to rely on our own strength and power. But when we become Christians God gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit and we have his power because it lives within us. We don’t have to be afraid!
What are some things you are afraid of?
How can knowing we have the Holy Spirit help calm our fears?
How can we use the power of the Holy Spirit to share God’s good news with others?
How can memorizing scripture help me during sad or lonely times? (The Holy Spirit can bring those scriptures back to our minds to comfort us)
Practical Application at Home
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us in lots of ways. Listen to these scenarios. Tell how you think the Holy Spirit can help us. (There is not just one right answer)
We are afraid to share Jesus with a new friend (The holy spirit gives us words to say, or the courage to say it)
We think about stealing or cheating in class. (The Holy Spirit reminds us of what is right and wrong)
We hear the Bible read to us but we don’t understand what it is saying (The Holy Spirit can reveal the bible’s truth to us)
We are sad or feeling lonely because we lost someone we love. (The Holy Spirit can be our comforter and give us peace)
We are feeling discouraged or forget who God says we are. (The Holy Spirit brings memory verses about God’s Love and promises back to our minds)
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.