Welcome to week 2! Jesus loves each one of us so much. He was willing to suffer and die so that He can spend eternity with each one of us. No one loves us more! This week let’s remember Jesus died for our sins.
Show me what your face would look like if you were afraid? What would your face look like if you had peace (were not afraid)? I’m going to say a few things, you show me if you would be afraid or at peace by make a scared or peaceful face. Ready?
A thunderstorm. -a day at the beach -a puppy -a tiger. -the dark -a deep pool -a sleepover -Cliff diving -riding your bike -listening to mom tell a story -snakes -spider on your arm
In the Bible story today two women are afraid of what they see but they are told not to be afraid but should be filled with joy.
Materials: glass of water, food coloring
Read or listen to the Bible story for the week: Matthew 28:1-10
What happened when there was an earthquake? (The angel of the Lord came down from heaven)
What did the angel say to the women at the tomb? (Do not be afraid, Jesus is not here, he has risen)
What did the women do? (They ran filled with joy to tell the disciples)
Who did they meet? (Jesus)
What did Jesus tell the women? (To tell his brothers to meet him in Galilee)
Jesus had risen from the dead! That is Great news! The women did not need to be afraid but instead rejoiced over such great news. Jesus had won over death.
Jesus died and then rose from the dead. That is Great news! Jesus conquered death. Jesus won! This means that we can live in heaven with him when He returns to take us home. The angels told the women that they did not need to be afraid because Jesus was alive. We can also rejoice because Jesus is alive!
Jesus is alive! Play this game of ‘Resurrection’ memory. Think about the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and retell the story as you play.
Materials: printed Resurrected memory game
Learning about Jesus’ death and resurrection is something we do every year around this time, but we can learn and remember that Jesus died for us all year! This story shares the most important reason for this season, Jesus! Listen to this story “The Berenstain Bears Easter”.
Materials: Berenstain Bears video
Draw a picture of what you think Heaven will be like. What do you think your favorite thing to do there will be?
Materials: paper, crayons,
Using play dough, create the tomb and stone where Jesus was resurrected. Shape the play dough into a domed cave and place a circle stone in front of it.
Materials: play dough
Coloring Page
Materials: coloring page printout, crayons
CRaft 3
Coloring page.
Materials: Printed coloring page, Crayons
Jesus died for our sins so we can live again with Him in Heaven. Jesus wants to be with us. He is preparing a place for us in heaven to be with him. Read John 14:1-3
Where did Jesus go? (to heaven)
What is Jesus doing in Heaven? (preparing a place for us)
How will we get there? (He will come back and get us to take us there)
That is great news! Jesus died and rose again so we can one day live in heaven with Him. Jesus loves us so much and wants to be in relationship with him. He wants us to live with him forever.
Practical Application at Home
If we believe in Jesus and love Him he says we will live in heaven with him one day. Does that mean we don’t have to do anything here while we wait? Of course not! While we wait for Jesus to return we should be busy telling others how much Jesus loves them too, so they can be in heaven with Him as well. Here are some things you can do this week to share this Good news with others.
-Make a card that says “Jesus saves”. Send your card in the mail to someone you know that may need to hear those words.
-Make a bouquet of flowers and give to a neighbor or leave it on their front porch with a note that says “Jesus is preparing heaven for you!”
-Find medium sized rock/stones that you can paint and decorate. Write notes on each stone like “Jesus Loves you”, “you are not alone”, “God is in control”, etc.
-On your next family walk, place the stones along the path or sidewalk for others to read and be encouraged.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.