

Sometimes we have problems and we don’t see how we will ever find the solution. Maybe our grades are low and we can’t seem to improve them. Or maybe a friendship has gone bad and you don’t know how to move forward. This week we will see that we can trust God, even when we don’t see a solution. 

Numbers 13:2-14:9; Matthew 6:25-34 



Let’s do the following trust activity. You or your partner will draw a picture on a sheet of paper, it can be a simple picture to start with. Once one person has drawn their picture, you will have your partner create a twin picture by giving them directions on how to draw your picture without showing it to them. For example, if you drew a smiley face tell your partner to draw a large circle, then draw 2 smaller circles inside the large circles toward the top of the circle. Continue describing how to make your picture and then compare your pictures. How did the picture turn out. Were your pictures exactly the same? 

This week we are learning about how some of the Israelites saw the promised land but didn’t see how God was going to give it to them. They focused on all the problems and forgot to trust God.

Let’s read the Bible story for the week Numbers 13:2-14:9

Who did Moses send to explore the land of Canaan? (12 men including Caleb and Joshua)

What was their report when they came back? (The land was filled with milk and honey, and the people were large in size)

What did the 12 men bring back from exploring the land? (First harvest of grapes, pomegranates and figs)

Who thought they should still go into the land and take what God had promised them? (Joshua and Caleb)

What did the Israelites think they should do? (Find a new leader and return to Egypt)

What did Joshua tell the Israelites? (that if the lord was pleased with them, he would lead them into the land… do not rebel against the lord and do not be afraid of the people there)


The 12 men that were sent in to spy on the Promised land came back with different perspectives. All the men returned saying the land was good and had great produce. 10 of the men said that the people were too big to conquer and that they should not try or they would be defeated. Caleb and Joshua saw the same things but from their faith perspective God was on their side, He would deliver them, and give them the Promised land.


Listen to this story, “The True story of the 3 Little Pigs” that gives a new perspective on a familiar story of the 3 Little Pigs. Think about how the original story is told. Seeing a story from another perspective can change the entire story and how we look at the same events.

Materials: Story The true story of the 3 little Pigs


Look up the following scriptures that speak of trusting God and match them to their verse.

Materials: printed activity sheet matching scriptures


We all have times when we worry and times when we trust. We often base if we can trust God on if He has delivered us from a similar situation in the past. Complete the following activity sheet creating different perspective glasses. On the pair of glasses labeled worry, write a list of things you tend to worry about. On the other pair of glasses labeled Trust, list the things you trust God for. Color and decorate your glasses.

Materials: printed perspective glasses, scissors, pencil, crayons




Create a cluster of grapes. Use purple paper and cut out circles. Use green paper to cut out green leaves. Attach the  cluster of grapes to the leaves. Alternate option: use white sheet of paper and color the grapes and leaves.

Materials: sentence strip or strip of construction paper, red, black, orange and yellow construction paper



Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring page



The Israelites were focused on what they could not do and how much smaller they were from the Caananites. Their perspective was one of worry but Caleb and Joshua saw the same situation and saw it through the perspective of trust. What does the Bible say about worry? 

Read Matthew 6:25-34

Should we worry about our life?

What does God provide for us? 

How can we know that God will provide for our food and clothing?

Does worrying add anything to our life?

Instead of worrying, what should we seek?

What should we do when other around us worry?

How can you handle worry when it seems like the world around you is in chaos?

Practical Application at Home

Sometimes, just like the Israelites, we focus on the things that are going wrong or that we can not control, when we need to remember that we can always trust God. Even when we don’t see a way to solve our problem we can trust that God is in control, we can trust Him! Think about the following scenarios and how you can trust God in that situation.

-Your family doesn’t have a lot of food left or money to buy more. You can trust God to…

-You lied to your parents but want to confess your wrong. You can trust God to…

-Your school tuition is due but money is tight. You can trust God to…

-Your moms car just broke down and you are stranded. You can trust God to…

-Your friend at school is having a hard time and needs a word of encouragement. You can trust God to…

-You are not doing well in school but have decided to do your best each day. You can trust God to…

-You have a family member who is sick and you are praying for them. You can trust God to…

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.