He’s Everywhere



This week we are looking at how we can spend our time. We don’t have to only spend time with God once a week when we go to church — we can spend time with God everywhere!

Exodus 35:4-35; James 4:8a 



Designate 2 corners of the room as a complain corner and a non-complaining corner. I’m going to read some scenarios to you. If you think you would complain move to the complain corner. If you don’t think you would complain, move to the non-complain corner. Read scenarios to see if they would complain.

Read or listen to the Bible verse for this week: Exodus 35:4-35

What things could the Israelites willingly give for the temple? (gold, silver, bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and leather; acacia wood; olive oil; spices, and onyx stones and other gems 

What was to be on the tabernacle table? (bread of Presence)

Who was to wear the garments? (Aaron the priests and his sons when they served as priests)

Were the Israelites required to bring something to the Tabernacle? (Their hearts were moved as to what and how much they should give as a willing offering)

How were the skilled workers able to make artistic designs and teach others to do the same? (They were filled with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and knowledge and understanding.)


God wants to spend time with us. He used the tabernacle as a temporary dwelling place so He could commune with His people. When Jesus came, He dwelt among us and then sent the Holy Spirit to remain with us after He returned to heaven. God is with us now and He does not need to have one particular place to meet with us. We can spend time with Him at any time and any place.


God gave specific directions on how to build the Tabernacle. Use a partner to practice following directions. Use the Shapes printout, or cut out various shapes on construction paper, including a large circle to be a face. Partners sit back to back. One person gives the instructions while building the face or scene at the same time. At the end of instructions, compare pictures and see if they both match. Were you able to follow the instructions? Were you able to give good instructions? Swap places giving or following instructions.

Materials: printed shapes page or shapes cut-out from construction paper


We can spend time with God at any time of any day. Use this clock to write down ideas of things you can do to spend time with God throughout the day. Find a special place that you can spend with God, like a small tent in your room, a chair by your window, or sitting in your bed. Keep this clock near your special place to remember ways to spend time with God.

Materials: printed clock with schedule


Draw a tabernacle replica. On graph paper or plain white sheet of paper, draw the outline of the tabernacle, draw the parts of the tabernacle and pieces that were inside such as the ark and candlesticks. 

Materials: plain white sheet of paper or graph paper, pencil




Create an Ark using the following template. Color the template yellow. Put together the large box, fold along the black lines and then glue them. Then glue the long pieces onto the sides of the box. Next put together the lid and then glue to the large box.

Materials: printed template of Ark



Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page



Read or listen to James 4:8a 

How did the Israelites get close to God? (Built the tabernacle)

Do we need to do the same things today to get close to God?

What are some things you do to become closer to God?

Where do you go to spend time with God?

In what ways does God come close to you?

Practical Application at Home

The Israelites gave an offering to God to fill the Tabernacle. It was a willing offering, no one was required to give anything. Each person gave according to how they were impressed to give. No matter our age, we all have something to give to God as well. We all have an offering we can bring, not only our money but our talents and time. In giving of ourselves we can grow closer to God. When we give the little that we have God can bless our offering and multiply it.

-This week think of some ways you can bring an offering to God using your talents or time. Here are a few examples:

-Record a video worshiping God by singing or playing an instrument, then send the video to someone who may be shut-in or sick.

-Send a note or card to a friend or church member to say hello or you are thinking of them.

-Give an extra offering to church

-Give money to a relief or missionary project you’ve read about.

-Make something to send to a nursing home or someone you know, such as a blanket, a pillow, or a picture.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.