Welome to week 3! God gave us parents to help protect us and keep us safe. God also gave us His armor to protect us as well. We can’t buy this armor at the store but God provides it even though we can’t see it. Let’s find out how to use God’s power.
Using these picture cards, have your child sort the pictures into different groups. Provide help as needed but there is not just one correct answer. Possible groups include: food, shelter, clothes, friends, family. Look at the different groups we were able to sort our picture cards into. What do all of these things have in common? God provides all of these things for us. He provides us with food to eat, and a place to live and clothes to protect ourselves. He even provides us with family and friends to have relationships with. God provides for all of our needs. Today we will read about how God wants to provide armor for us so we are strong and can face challenges that will come.
Materials: printed picture cards
Read or listen to the scripture Ephesians 6:10-18
Why do we need the armor of God? (To withstand the devils schemes)
What are the 5 pieces of armor? (Breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit)
When should we pray? (in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request)
How can we be strong? (In the Lord and his mighty power)
Do one or more of the following activities.
Put two oranges in a large bowl submersed in water. (or large lemon or limes). These oranges are covered in an armor to protect them. Look, they are floating or standing firm in the water! Peel off a small piece of “armor” (skin) of one orange. Oh no, this orange forgot to put on his belt of truth. Now when someone says something ugly about him that is untrue, he might believe it is true! If he believes this lie he might not be able to stand firm in this water.Place the orange back into the water and see that it sinks a little. Continue on this way, tearing off a piece at a time and giving instances of how the armor of God is taken away and not providing protection. Shield of faith: When doubts about if Jesus loves him come up He may question if he is worthy of Jesus love. Shoes of peace: When uncertain times come he may become anxious about the future and what will happen to him. Sword of the spirit: When he needs to share his faith to a friend he may not know he has the power through the spirit to share the good news. Look at what happened to the orange when he did not have on his armor to protect him! He could not stand firm and instead sunk to in the bowl of water. We should wear our full armor of God every day so that we can stand firm in his word.
Materials: 2 oranges (or lemons), large container to submerse oranges in, water
Activity sheet- match the armor with its attributes
Materials: things in your environment
Decorate the cut-out person with the armor of God. Add all the parts of the armor of God including shield, breastplate, helmet, sword, shoes, and belt.
Materials: printed cut-out person, crayons, pencils
Make an armor of God replica using cardboard box. Attach strings so that your child can wear it if desired.
Materials: cardboard, art, string or yarn, supplies: crayons, glue, scissor, markers,
Coloring Page
Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers
Why do we need the armor of God?
Can we use one part of our armor without the others?
How does God protect us with this armor?
How do I know who will win If I can’t see who I am battling?
God wants to provide for all our needs even our protection. He wants to equip us with everything we need to share his good news with others and not be afraid. How can you use your armor of God today?
Practical Application at Home
We must put on the full armor of God every day. It should be how we choose to live life for God. This week practice doing each one of these activities as a way to suit up each morning. If you have a different activity for each piece of armor you can do your idea instead. Print the picture of the armor of God and post it in your room or beside your bed as a reminder to put on each piece. Remember, God does not require us to be perfect but to accept Jesus’ gift in place of perfection, because only He is perfect. But we can show God we love Him by living a life that is pleasing to Him. Give it a try this week!
The Shield of Faith: Trust God’s plan for your life this week by obeying what your parents ask you to do whether big or small. God has given them the job of guiding you to make good choices.
The Breastplate of righteousness: Do the right things this week like doing your chores on time, showing kindness to your brother or sister, and obeying your parents.
The belt of truth: Say this statement of truth “I am God’s handiwork (best creation). He created me to do good works. He has prepared a plan for me”
Shoes of Peace: when you are feeling unsure about what is going on or things are not going the way you want, pray and ask for God to give you peace. Then list 5 things you are thankful God has given to you.
Helmet of Salvation: When the future seems scary, thank God for the salvation He has already given you. Remember, you have already been delivered!
Sword of the Spirit: Read a verse for today or your memory verse for the week, say it several times throughout the day. Don’t stop there, see how you can use it throughout the day. If your memory verse is “Be kind one to another” look for 5 ways you can be intentionally kind to the people you know.
Additional Resources
Outings to Reinforce Lesson
Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.