Asking God



What time is it? What day of the week is it? Are we there yet? Have you ever asked those questions? God wants us to ask him questions so he can help us understand.

Nehemiah 2:1-20



We all have questions that we need answers to. I am going to ask several questions and I want you to give me the answers. Tell me what shapes I’m asking about.

-What shape has 3 sides, 3 corners and looks like a slice of pizza? (Triangle)

-What shape has 4 sides, all equal sides and looks like a slice of bread. (Square)

-What shape twinkles at night, has 5 points (star)

-What shape has no sides, can roll, and looks like a ball?(circle)

-What shape has 4 sides, two long and 2 short sides? (Rectangle)

Did you know all the answers to the questions? Maybe those questions were easy but sometimes we have hard questions too. We may not know all of the answers, but aGod wants us to ask him questions. In our story this week Nehemiah has questions that he needs to get answers for. Listen to the story and see who answers Nehemiah’s questions.

Read or listen to the scripture  Nehemiah 2:1-20 

Who did Nehemiah work for? (King Artaxerxes)

What did the king notice about Nehemiah? ( that he was sad)

What did Nehemiah ask the king? ( to return to his home to rebuild it.)

What was wrong with The wall of Jerusalem? (They were broken down and it’s gates were burned with fire)

When Nehemiah was laughed at, how did he respond? (God would prosper them and they would arise and build)


God gave Nehemiah the wisdom to ask the king the right questions to help him solve his problem. Nehemiah wanted to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem but he needed help. God gives us wisdom to know how to ask question and seek help.


We ask questions so that we can get answers or so we can find something. Go on this scavenger hunt. Read the questions in each box and then go on a hunt to find the answer. Once you have found the object, write the answer or draw a picture on the line.

Materials: printed scavenger hunt, outdoor area for hunt, pencil, clipboard (optional)


Sometimes we are puzzled and confused, but God can answer those questions. Find a puzzle at your house and complete it independently or with a family member.

Materials: puzzle

Independent activity:

Complete this activity page

Materials: printed activity sheet




Use large popsicle sticks to create a wall. Line up 6 popsicle sticks side by side vertically and then a popsicle  stick horizontally at the top and one on the bottom. Collect small stones and hot glue them to the popsicle wall.

Materials: large craft sticks, glue or hot glue, small pebbles


Craft 2

Coloring page

Materials: printed coloring sheet, crayons



There are times we may not understand what we see or the difficulties we are going through. Sometimes we have questions for God because we don’t understand. God wants us to ask him questions. Think about the following questions. 

Is there a question that is too hard for God to answer?

How can we ask God about the questions we have?

Should we only ask questions that we think are good enough for God to answer?

Will God get tired of answering our questions?

If we ask questions and show we have doubts, will God be upset?

What are some questions you are afraid to ask?

Have you ever been too afraid to ask your teacher a question?

Practical Application at Home

Matthew 7:7 says, ask and it will be given to you, see and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. When we seek and search for answers God will answer them for us. He wants to help us understand things that may be confusing or things we have doubts about. We can ask any questions whether we think they are big or small, or if we are too afraid to ask them. 

Think of some questions you may have. With your family, have each family member ask a question and try to answer them together. Use the Bible to seek for your answers.

Alternate activity- try to answer the following questions using your bible to find the answers.

What day did God create the sun and moon?

Where did God send Abram?

How old was Noah when he died?

Where did Jesus feed the 5,000?

How tall was Goliath?

What are 3 ‘I am’ statements Jesus made (I am the bread of life, etc)

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Go to a park and spend time in worship and prayer. Ask God to show you ways to trust him and listen to his voice.